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ask-the-temple-fox · 5 months ago
Dee, was it? I’m aware that you’re a temple member. Do you have any information pertaining to the mission Aubrey was sent on?
- Rey
Desiare, yes. And that stupid little-
No. I don't! She just left a note and the phone telling me she is heading for this mission! I tried asking Jordan, and guess what!?!?!?
I... I swear. I'm going to fucking lose it.
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lavidaquequiero · 6 months ago
Bueno llego nomas el 02
Hoy tenia que rendir neuro
Pero bueno tengo que subir el animo
No odiar a nadie
Desiar bendiciones para todos
Y vivir mi vida
No culpar a nadie ni menos a mi
Hago lo mejor que puedo en cada situación
Asi que a volverme a parar
Tengo iluciones por vivir
Siento como cualquier persona
Me gusta que me den cumplidos
Me digan hermosa y que soy valiosa
Que me digan que me quieren
Nunca en mi vida lo escuche
Asi que necesito eso todos los dias
No es pedir demasiado
Lo mereco
Ahora me doi cuenta que el alcohol
Ya no es para los buenos ni los malos momentos
Siempre estara en mi mente
Haga lo que haga
Nose si algun dia se vaya de ella
Pero bueno eso nunca lo sabre si no lo dejo
Asi que bueno
Volver el contador a 0
Y si lo intente todo
Pues lo vuelvo a intentar
Las cosas todo se renueva
Lo que no funciono antes puede funcionar ahora
O quizas diga lo intente todo y me falten cosas
En fin sigo queriendo una vida plena
Y en ella hay dificultades tambien
Y los problemas nos hacen despertar
Y creo que nos hacen crecer y ser mejor personas
Asi que nada
A seguir la vida
Estube todos estos dias mal en cama
Mirando series
Antes con la abstinencia y después con la resaca
Es un punto infernal
Que solo el que lo sufre sabe lo que es
Y aun asi me sigo aferrando a la vida
Luchando con la muerte en mi pensamiento
Me enfoco en mis objetivos
La gente que me ama y amo (tamb animales y plantas y objetos porque no)
Y por ellos y por mi misma seguiré
Nadie me quitara la vida y la esperanza
Solo en el momento que sea mi hora me ire feliz porque nunca me rendi siempre me aferre a la vida y a la felicidad
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ekat-fandom-blog · 2 years ago
I really enjoyed this prompt so I wrote something for it. It isn't exactly what op was asking for, but I hope everyone likes it.
".noitaitogen eht htiw no teg s'teL" .deliared neeb dah gniteem eht gnol woh revo pu def gnitteg ,detats s'aR ",enif eb ylbaborp lliw noiralK"
".mih yvne t'nod I ,noiralK ot neppah ot gniog si revetahW .yaw fo tros 'uoy gniredrum no lluf fo daetsni uoy tih lliw' a ni yldneirf er'yeht taht ecnahc 05/05 a s'ti dna lufrewop repus era stnuah rieht evael ylgnilliw taht stnatibahnI smlaeR ylno eht taht noitnem ot ton s'tahT" ,htiw pu kcab depip paC
".gnicudni ehcadaeh si meht ebircsed ot yaw tseisae ehT .yldneirf deredisnoc ton si dna si tahw fo saedi tnereffid yltsav evah stnatibahnI smlaeR ehT" ,htiw niaga pu dekcip etaF rD
".derit daed erew yeht elihW .gnilatrop dna thgilf naht rehto noiralK erutpac ot srewop rieht fo yna esu neve t'ndid owt esoht dnA" .dias paC ",tnatibahni smlaeR etinifnI na teg uoy rewop modnar eno tsael ta dedda neht dna sessenkaew sih yawa koot dna s'retnuhnaM naitraM koot uoy fI"
.deksa xeL "?'taht htiw ssem' ,ti tup uoy sa ,ot tnaw ew t'nod yhW"
.detats paC ",taht htiw ssem ot tnaw t'nod eW .smlaeR etinifnI eht morf er'yehT"
.desufnoc deksa hsalF "?noiralK deppandik tsuj yehT ?oN"
".oN" .derewsna etaF rD
.enoyreve ta dnuora gnikool deksa hsalF "?…ro ,taht tuoba gnihtemos od ew oD"
.meht retfa desolc latrop ehT .seiknils namuh )etiuq ton( 2 ekil ti otni lrig eht dna flesmih gniggard dna dnuorg eht ni eloh a gniraet ,dias eh ",og s'teL .inaD ,no emoC"
.kcab reh otno revo gnippolf ,detats inaD ",ytilaer fo tsom dna smlaeR eht denetaerht taht toidi eht tsuj ,noiralK a wonk 'noD"
.ni dehctip eciov reipmurg rehtonA "?noiralK ot od uoy did tahw dnA"
.deksa eciov wen A "?smlaeR etinifnI eht era tahW .enif s'tahT .evael ot deen uoY .looc kO"
.ereht gniyal deyats ehS ".bmud s'tahT"
".attoG" .pu teg ot detpmetta dna denaorg ynnaD
".derit ooT .annaw 'noD" .denaorg inaD
".ythgirF ot ffo dnah dna latrop ekam ot deeN .smlaeR etinifnI" .denway osla ynnaD
".'i' na htiw-" .denway dna ylthgils ria eht ni dnah reh dehsiws inaD "-motnahP inaD"
.ti gnippord erofeb dnah sih desiar ynnaD ".motnahP ynnaD"
"?morf emac uoy erehw dna era uoy ohw ksa ew naC"
.deppans inaD ",stsohg devirped peels eht regna ton dna pu tuhs ot desoppus er'uoY"
.deksa esle enoemoS "?gnihtemos ro ,meht erutpac ot desoppus ew erA"
.dias eciov ,suoires erom tub ,suoixonbo dna duol rehtonA ",nretnaL neerG"
.detrats eciov suoixonbo duol A "-uf eht ohW"
.pu teg ot gniyrt neve ton ,delbmum eh ",mud mud ,ylf tsuJ"
".won thgir sgel evah t'nod I .ti gnaD" .llaf osla ot rehto eht desuac hcihw revo deppolf tub ,pu teg ot yrt ot detrats ehS "…os melborp a s'ti dna daed er'ew tub ,taht tseggus d'I ,seno wen gnitaerc fo daetsni smelborp dexif redrum fI"
".meht etah I dna rail a si daed saw I nehw peels dluoc I taht em dlot reveohW .deb ym ssim yllaer I" .pu raet ot detrats eH
".derit os m'I .enim ton ,gniht s'krowkcolC s'emiT" .mra reh htiw noitom detroba na edam ehS "?htnom A ?skeew 2 ?wonk t'nod I"
.sisahpme rof tib a somreht eht koohs eH "?pooltiurf siht gnisahc neeb ew evah gnol woH"
.detsuahxe yllauqe ,deilper inaD "?ynnaD ,haeY"
.detsuahxe ,deksa ynnaD "?inaD"
.rehto hcae no gninael roolf eht otno pmuls tsuj ot hguone derit erew yeht ,hguoht revo saw thgif eht taht woN
.ylbaborP .mih eldnah nac reklaW dna thginK thgirF ,seod eh fI .peels emos teg yeht erofeb tuo gnitteg s'eh yaw on si erehT .peels emos tog yeht retfA …retal mih etagorretni dluoc yeht os somreht notneF eht otni dekcus saw eH .epacse rehtona ekam t'ndluoc eh os ecnetnes sih hsinif neve dluoc edud eht erofeb dekcatta yehT ".-ihs hO"
.elpoep romra/tius eht fo trap si yug rieht taht esnes sekaM .edis rehto eht no elpoep detius dna elpoep deromra fo xim driew yllaer a dna edis eno no edagirb xednaps a htiw moor egral rehtar a ot pu denepo dah latrop ehT
.edis thgirb ;oS .tcafitra gnippoh noisnemid taht nelots ylbaborp dah taht yug eht htiw pu thguac yllanif dah yeht tuB .tespu yrev osla erew yehT .derit yrev erew inaD dna ynnaD
April Fools :) I'll post the fic not backwards tomorrow. (also should I have tagged this? should I tag the actual fic tomorrow?)
Sleep deprived danny and dani
So dani was coming to visit danny, and it was going good
Until a new threat interrupted them
Danny wanted to deal with it on his own but dani after traveling for so long had developed some new powers and skills she wanted to show off so she pestered danny until he agreed
Now the threat wasn't strong, either of them could have taken him out, buuuuuut he had a artefact that could travel the infinite realms
Now even if the threat is outside of amity park they cant just let an artefact like that still be in his possession
And because of the time difference between the infinite realms while there only gone an hour in amity park, for danny and dani they've been chasing this fucker for a week straight
So after a week the asshole finally stops in this 1 universe and has been there for a while (they've given up on time awareness) (the guys been there for a month)
So they open a portal, beat she shit out of the guy for making them chase him like scooby doo and take back the artefact
However it was after that they saw where they were, it was a weird room with the "we love spandex club" in it and on the other side there were fruitloops who called themselves "the light"
Danny and dani look at eachother, dani makes sure they have the artefact and danny puts the guy they were chasing in soup time to interrogate later
They open a portal and leave for the sweet release of sleep
The light and the Justiase league are confused
They were trying to come to an agreement on something when a Lazarus pit opened and 2 white haired children came out
Klarion only got out the words "oh shit" before the twins proceded to beat the living shit out of him
They took an artefact that klarion had recently got, and they locked him in a ...thermos?
Before leaving
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mar-2427 · 2 years ago
Solo ámame
¿Porque? ... Aún que quiera negar esto es muy difícil.
¿Que siento por ti realmente? ....
Me confunde estar contigo y ya no soy la misma de antes.
Dónde está la chica que odiaba el amor y todo que venía con este.
Por favor hazme sentir bien y mal, recuperada y rota , que estoy en peligro y a salvo, hazme sentir completa y después destrozame, no me dejes, llega a mí y hazme desiar más de ti.
Te odio por todo esto que me haces sentir... Pensé que de alguna forma ya había quitado este sentimiento, pero tenías que llegar tu y darme un puñetazo en el puto ego.
Esta algo mal en mi.. ya me cansé de esto, me jode sentir esto.
Estás en mis sueños, en mis fantasías y mis pesadillas es no poder contigo siempre.
Quiero que me toques, que hagas que me entregué totalmente a ti, tanto alma y cuerpo, quiero que descubras mi cuerpo con tus manos, cada lugar, cada espacio, quiero que mi cuerpo este bajo tu control.
Quiero una vida contigo, pero se que nada es perfecto así que ese día que todo acabe me sentiré la más afortunada por darme la oportunidad de estar contigo pero rota por ya no poder estar más contigo.
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sisrobhim · 8 years ago
Blog rate?? Xx
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rxbxlcaptain · 8 years ago
Congratulations on 1.9k!!!!! I literally love all the weeknd songs, but the hills will forever be my favourite. Xx
Ahh my freshman roommate in college was obsessed with the weekend so I’ve heard them a lot! Love it. Thanks for following!
url: I Don’t Get It? | Like It | Love It | Gotta have It | icon: Like It | Love It | Gotta have It | theme: Like It | Love It | Gotta have It | overall: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | following: No, But I Love You | I Am Now | Um, Why Was I Not Following You Before Now? | Already Was (AKA Can We Be Friends??)
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clairenatural · 4 years ago
.uoy evol I .naeD ,em degnahc uoY .uoy fo esuaceb dlrow elohw eht tuoba derac I .kcaJ tuoba derac I .maS tuoba derac I .uoy tuoba derac I .derac I ,derac uoy esuaceB .em degnahc sah uoy gniwonk ,lleH fo tuo uoy dellup I ecnis reve ,tem ew ecnis reve ,wonk uoY .wonk reve lliw I gnieb namuh gnivol ,sselfles tsom eht era uoY .htraE no nam gnirac tsom eht er'uoY .era uoy ohw si tahT .evol rof dlrow elohw siht rof thguof uoY .evol rof rehtorb elttil ruoy desiar uoY .evol rof enod evah uoy dab eht dna doog eht ,enod reve evah uoy gnihtyrevE .ti sees uoy swonk ohw enoyreve dnA .ton s'tI .era uoy ohw s'tahT .uoy sevird tahw s'taht -- s'taht regna dna etah taht kniht uoy dnA ".tnemurtsnI tnulB s'yddaD" er'uoY -- er'uoY .nekorb er'uoy dna yrgna er'uoy dna evitcurtsed er'uoY .uoy ees seimene ruo yaw emas eht flesruoy ees uoY .naeD ,flesruoy ees uoy woh wonk I .wonk I .ti gniyas tsuj ni s'tI...gnieb tsuj ni s'tI .gnivah eht ni t'nsi ssenippaH .won wonk I kniht I...wonk I kniht I tuB .evah t'nac I wonk I gnihtemos s'ti...tnaw I gniht eno eht esuaceB .rewsna na dnuof reven I .ekil kool neve dluoc ssenippah eurt ym tahW .eb dluoc ti tahw ,esruc taht ,nedrub taht koot I ecnis derednow syawla I
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vodkadeframbuesapuro · 3 years ago
Que buen culo 🛐
No es mucho pero se hacen desiar🍑 ajjajajajaja
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black-quasar · 4 years ago
neaD, eybdooG
saC, siht od t’noD
uoy evol I .si ti esuaceB
?eybdoog a ekil dnuos siht seod yhW
neaD ,em degnahc uoY .uoy fo esuaceb dlrow elohw eht tuoba derac I .kcaJ tuoba derac I .maS tuoba derac I .ouy tuoba derac I . derac I ,derac uoy esuacaB .em degnahc sah uoy gniwonk ,lleh fo tuo uoy dellup I ecnis reve dna tem ew ecnis reve ,wonk uoY. wnok reve lliw I gnieb namuh gnivol ,sselfles tsom eht era uoY .htreE no nam gnirac tsom eht er’uoY. era uoy ohw si tahT . evol rof dlrow elohw siht rof thguof uoY .evol rof rehtorb elttil ruoy desiar uoY .evol rof enod evah uoy ,dab eht dna doog eht ,enod reve evah uoy gnihtyrevE .ti sees uoy swonk ohw eneoyreve dnA .ton s’tI .era uoy ohw s’tahT .uoy sevird tahw s’taht ,regan dna etah kniht uoy dnA “.tnemurtsni tnulb s’yddad” er’uoY ...er’uoY .nekorb er’uoy dna yrgna er’uoy dna evitcurtsed er’uoy .uoy ees seimene ruo yaw emas eht flesruoy ees uoY .neaD ,flesruoy ees uoy woh wonk I .wonk I
?nam, tauoba gniklat uoy era tahW
ti gniyas tsuj ni s’tI .gnieb tsuj ni s’tI .gnivah eht ni t’nsi ssenippah .won wonk I kniht I …wonk I kniht I tuB .evah t’nac I wonk I gnihtemos s’tI …tnaw I gniht eno eht esuaceB .rewsna na dnuof reven I .ekil kool neve dluoc ssenippah eurt ym tahw …tahw ,eb dluoc ti tahw derednow I ,esruc taht ,nedrub taht koot I ecnis reve ,derednow syawla I
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trail-of-harts · 5 years ago
I mean...we’re all dipshits but we did somehow manage to become immortal and I think that really speaks volumes
fuck you guys with your cool embraces i just got tricked and dragged into an alley like i was gonna get mugged
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not-a-dryl · 4 years ago
all top 5 areMOM songs but which MOM songs were they????
1. Desiare
2. Party on the Weekend
3. Don't Fall Asleep
4. Paper Houses
5. Hopeless Romantics
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iwhumpyou · 5 years ago
“I am going to thoroughly impress upon you that no one messes with my territory,” Thalia said, her fingers sliding across the knife.  The man in the chair was shuddering, eyes darting all over the room, looking for an escape.  “And I’ll make sure the impression sticks in the heads of anyone who thinks of repeating your mistake.”
“I didn’t - it wasn’t really your territory - I’m sorry, I didn’t meant to-” the man tripped over his words as Thalia stood there, smiling.
“I don’t care,” she said, her voice cold, “I don’t care what you meant to do.  I’m only concerned with what you did.”
The man looked at Nyla, and then at Tyr, like either of them would help.
“I’m toying with the idea of letting you dig your own grave,” Thalia mused, “Before I bury you in it.”
“No!”  That got a sharp reaction from the man.  Nyla - who still remembered the feeling of oxygen dying from the air, of darkness, of screaming and screaming with no one to hear - was entirely unsympathetic.
“No, you can’t!” he looked at them again, eyes flitting past her to Tyr, “No, you’re the good guys!  You can’t let her do this.  She’s a monster!  You have to stop her, you’re the good guys!”
Nyla’s fingers clenched on her crutches as she stared at the audacity of this man, at the sheer daring of burying her alive and then asking for her help when he was faced with the consequences of messing around in the Desiar family graveyard.
Tyr actually stepped forward, as if to help, but Thalia’s men materialized out of the shadows, blocking them.  Thalia looked at them, raising a single eyebrow.
“Oh dear,” Tyr said, his voice flat, “It appears we’re outnumbered.  How awful.”
Thalia smiled, slow and cruel.
“No!” the man shouted, straining at his bonds, “No!  You can’t do this!  You can’t!”
“And poor Nyla’s injured,” Tyr said, expressionless, and Nyla hobbled a step towards him, wincing as she was forced to put weight on the burns.  “What tragic timing.  Unfortunately, it appears we can do nothing to help.”
Thalia turned back to the man in the chair.  “Maybe I’ll start with a blowtorch,” she said, stalking forward with purpose.
“No!” the man screamed as Tyr helped Nyla limp-hobble-drag herself to the door.  “You can’t do this!”
“Don’t worry,” Tyr called back to the man, “I’ll call the police once we get home.”  He paused, and a darker expression stole over his face.  “If I remember.”
They left the warehouse to the sound of sizzling flesh and screams.
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leviohhsa · 8 years ago
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is soososos good!!! Blog rate ?? Xxx
I wasn’t a huge fan of the Cursed Child. There were bits and pieces that I liked but overall, it felt like just another fan fiction that I happened to read. :c Thank you! xx
URL: /10
Comment: I don’t really know/get what your URL means. It’s probably a reference that’s just going straight over my head because I’m not very involved, hahaha. It’s kind of hard for me to rate for that reason.
Icon: 8/10
Comment: I like the colors and the aesthetic, I just wish I it was a bit clearer.
Theme: 6/10
Comment: I’m not a huge fan of multi column themes, but that’s just because I’m partial to one column! I do think that with your aesthetic posts that it tends to work a bit better than if you were a fandom blog!
Posts: 8/10
Comment: I think your posts go really well with each other and are all quality!
Overall: 8/10
Comment: You have a really great lifestyle/luxury blog! I don’t think your theme matches your content though! I think it would look better with a plain white background. :*
Am I Following?: No, sorry, not my content!
Blacklist “Michaela rates” if you don’t want to see this on your dashboard.
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operasrsly · 6 years ago
Stormy winds my ship had shaken (“Da tempeste il legno infranto")  Georg Friedrich Händel, Julius Caesar (Giulio Cesare) Libretto by Nicola Haym English translation by Brian Trowell Valerie Masterson
Stormy winds my ship had shaken: Safe to harbour now I’m sailing, To the crown of all desire. So my heart by grief o’ertaken, Safe enfolded now in love
Da tempeste il legno infranto, se poi salvo giunge in porto, non sa più che desiar. Così il cor tra pene e pianto, or che trova il suo conforto, torna l'anima a bear.
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enixamyram · 7 years ago
Desiare had a nightmare and snoop into their mothers bed for comfort. The nightmare is about how she is not their biological kid and she was having hard time of it. Alice tells her her biological mother and how being family doesn’t always require blood.(can you go on with that, I really want an emotional family time, the last family pic is made my heart swell 😍)
   Rae had discovered the truth about her adoption just a few days earlier, and it had plagued on her mind ever since. She’d been playing hide and seek with Blessing and the Mills twins at the time. It was her turn to hide while Blessing counted and she had rushed into the kitchen, ducking into the cupboard under the sink - her mums needed to go shopping for supplies soon so there was a lot of empty space for her small body to squeeze into. She sat waiting in the dark, listening to the mumble of her mums friends and family members next door and the pattering of clumsy feet upstairs.
   That was where Rae had been hiding when uncle Henry and aunt Ella came back into the kitchen to get some more drinks for everyone. At first she’d been focused on listening out for the inevitable squeals of the twins once they were caught, so much so, that she didn’t notice what they were talking about her until they said her name.
   They were discussing adoption. Apparently they were considering it, since it had worked out so well for Alice and Robin before they had Blessing. At first Rae was confused, trying to remember what adoption was… And then she remembered. Mum had explained it to her once that aunt Emma was Henry’s bio mother while aunt ‘Gina was Henry’s adopted mother.
   Henry was adopted. And so was she.
   The shock had left Rae hidden under the cupboard for hours, long after Blessing had given up searching and had instead began calling for her. She’d heard clearly when her mums began to grow worried and they sent out a search party around the house for her but had ignored it. They were just about to go out and search the streets when mama used a spell on Rae’s favourite blanket in order to find her. That just confirmed it. Otherwise they would have used themselves for the spell. But there was no relation between them to use…
   Now she was lying awake, staring at Blessing sleeping soundly across the room. She hadn’t told them she knew. She’d pretended to have fallen asleep before Henry and Ella came in and they all believed her. The rest of the day, and the days that followed, Rae had been too busy trying to get Blessing to leave her alone to think about it properly. The only time she had any peace was at night, but now a nightmare had woken her up, taking even that from her.
   In the nightmare, she and Blessing had been chased by dark shadows. Mum and mama showed up to save them, only to pick up Blessing and turn away. She’d call for them but mama had tearfully told her that they loved her, but these shadows were her real parents. Her mums had cried while the shadows loomed over her, they wanted to help but couldn’t because she wasn’t really theirs.
   Rae had woken just as the shadow had grabbed her hair, pulling like the mean boys in school. Now she lay awake, staring at the girl she thought was her sister. Everyone always said Blessing looked like their mums. And not just because of the blonde hair and the bright smile. She even had each of their eyes. One blue and one green - everyone always complimented them. Rae didn’t look like either of them, with dark brown hair and matching brown eyes. She’d never thought much of it before but now it all made so much sense…
   The worst part was not knowing how to feel. Part of her wanted to cry and part of her wanted to scream. And part of her felt dumb. Uncle Henry was adopted but he was happy. Rae knew her mums loved her but… What if those people (it didn’t feel right thinking of them as her mum or dad) showed up like Emma did? Rae didn’t want them. She didn’t want extra parents. She just wanted her mums.
   Knowing she wouldn’t be getting back to sleep that night, Rae climbed from the sheets and edged out of the room. Blessing was a deep sleeper, but she still tiptoed like she had a private secret to keep. Once in the hallway, she hurried into the next room where her mums were both sleeping. Except, unlike Blessing, mama was a light sleeper.
   “Rae?” Alice mumbled as soon as she heard the squeaking of the door being pushed open, squinting at the sudden light from the hallway that hit her hard in the face. She sat up, pushing the hair from her eyes. “What’s wrong, Sea-Turtle?” She said, using the affectionate nickname she sometimes had for her eldest daughter.
   “Mama,” Rae said, crossing the room and standing beside the bed at her side. “I know I’m adopted.”
   Alice paused, looking more thoughtful than shocked. “I thought you might.” She said finally, reaching down and lifting her up onto her lap. “Henry was worried you’d overheard him.” She wrapped her arms around her tightly. “You know it doesn’t mean anything, right? We love you just as much as your sister.”
   “I know.” Rae mumbled.
   “But it still bothers you? You know DNA doesn’t mean anything. You are always our daughter.” Alice insisted.
   “What’s DNA?” Rae frowned.
   “It’s like… Well it’s what makes two people biologically related.” Alice explained. “Remember, Emma is Henry’s bio mum? Well bio is short for biological and that’s what DNA is.”
   “Oh.” Rae mumbled, frowning down at her lap. “What is someone with my DNA comes for me? Like Emma did for uncle Henry?”
   “Well Henry went to get Emma. Otherwise she wouldn’t have found him.” Alice assured her. “So you don’t need to worry about that. And anyway, the United Realms have a protection spell over it, remember? So no one is going to get in unless we want them to.” She hesitated. “Unless you want them to…”
   “I don’t.” Rae said, shaking her head, tears filling her eyes. “I don’t want any other parents. I just want you and mum… But… If they’re my bio parents then I have to.”
   “Why do you think that?” Alice stressed.
   “Cause Henry… His bio parents found him…” Rae mumbled. “Even his dad… We read it in Lucy’s storybook.”
   “That was a special case,” Alice stressed.
   “But they found him. Cause DNA means you got to find your family. Even if you don’t want to.” Rae whimpered.
   Alice hesitated. “Rae… Did I ever tell you about my biological mother?”
   Rae lifted her head suddenly, blinking back tears. “I thought you didn’t have a mummy.”
   “I don’t.” Alice said firmly. Then hesitated and gathered her thoughts. “But there was a woman who said she was. Because we shared DNA. She tried to hurt my actual family and she thought I would be okay with that because she was my biological mother. But I wasn’t. Because DNA doesn’t mean anything. Family isn’t about blood, it’s about who loves you and who wants the best for you. Emma loves Henry and wants the best for him, and that’s why she’s in his life as well as his other mum. Gothel didn’t love me, and she didn’t want the best for me, so she isn’t in my life. Do you understand?”
   “I think so…” Rae mumbled.
   “No matter what DNA or blood or biology says, family is only ever the people that love you. And your mum and I love you with all our hearts. So we’re your family and we won’t let anyone else take you away from us.” Alice insisted.
   “That’s right.” Robin said suddenly, sitting up and leaning over to put her arms around Alice and their daughter.
   Rae’s throat tightened and she sniffled, wiping a few escaping tears on the back of her hand. “I love you too.” Rae said, turning and wrapping her arms around them as best as she could at the awkward position she was sat with her legs still hanging over the side.
   “Come on, then, let’s get you back to bed.” Alice said, lifting and setting her back on her feet.
   “Or you can sleep in our bed tonight.” Robin offered.
   “That’s okay. I wanna sleep in my own room.” Rae said proudly.
   “Come on.”
   After Alice had led Rae back into her room and tucked her back into her soft sheets, she gave her an equally soft kiss on the forehead and eased silently out of the room, leaving the door open so a small amount of light squeezed through the gap. She was only gone for a few second after Rae had shut her eyes when she heard a shuffling and felt the bed dipping. Opening her eyes she found Blessing squeezing into the space on the bed beside her.
   “You okay?” Blessing said in a loud whisper.
   “Mmm-hmm.” Rae nodded. Then paused. “Hey, Blessing. You know I’m not related to you, right? Cause I’m adopted.”
   “Like Henry?” Blessing quizzed.
   “Yeah,” Rae nodded.
   Blessing paused, then shrugged her shoulders. “But you’re still my sister, right?”
   Rae grinned. “Yeah.”
   “Good.” Blessing nodded, curling up beside her. “Night.”
   “Goodnight little sis.” Rae whispered, placing her hand softly over Blessing’s and smiling as she shut her eyes.
   Outside in the hallway, Alice watched the girls through the gap with a grin on her face, waiting until their breathing had evened out and they had officially gone back to sleep before she slipped away. She eased back into her own room quietly so as not to disturb them further. Robin was laying awake, waiting for her return and watched silently as Alice crawl back in beside her.
   “They okay?” Robin asked, pulling Alice into her arms and kissing her shoulder softly.
   “Perfect.” Alice replied, turning to return the kiss. “How did we get so lucky with them?”
   “No idea. But I’m glad.” Robin smiled, then it spread into a wide grin. “You know we’ve got the best, cutest family in all the realms right?”
   Alice snorted. “Duh!”
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younger-writer · 4 years ago
“Antes solía alucinar que por ahí había una chica la cual no conocía o talves si, que loco desde aquí déjame te explico, tal ves era la niña que fue tu compañera desde el kinder, o la vecina de frente tu casa como tu el Archie y ella la Betty Cooper de tu historia, o la chica mala bonita que se te queda viendo y por eso momento solo están los dos ahí, o la chica con un par de años mas que tu, pero tiene ese don para irisarte la piel, las manos te suden, querer esconderte y desiar ese día llevar puesta la camisa o el peinado que más te luce, quizá sea esa chica de la que te enamoraste por primera ves pero eso fue un lio que hasta el momento es la experiencia más bella y la más dolorosa; hasta aquí te diré que por muy loco esto es más realidad que ficción.
Ahorita me pondré un poco loco, soñador, romántico, ridiculo y si has llegado hasta aquí te diré espero llegues hasta el final pues abro paso a la ficción de esta historia ya que me gusta la ficción pues creo que todas las historia tiene un poco de esto pues tu ficción es lo que en el fondo de tu corazón deseas que fuera real. Recuerde la Chica que hay si aún no conoces esa chica, talves solo la has visto un par de veces o muchas veces, pero no han pasado de ahí, que todo lo de ella te inspira, cada ves que le miras solo piensas cómo llegar a ella, como te enganchas para conocerle; que tal si nunca le has visto,
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