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missedmilemarkers · 7 months ago
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kurimuri100 · 2 years ago
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Base Game Oasis Park
Gallery ID: Kurimuri100
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blossom-and-bramble · 22 hours ago
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"Bloom boldly, even in the driest seasons."
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mozaicstudio · 1 year ago
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Sneak peek at springtime in Death Valley! ✨
We turned a our photograph of the crazy wildflower bloom in Death Valley in our Ashford Mill note card.
Use it for a handwritten note, or add it to your stationery collection! We sell a set of 8 on our website and in our Etsy shop.
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birdsy-purplefishes · 2 years ago
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A #naturalbouquet with a lovely color combo: #SphaeralceaAmbigua (#desertmallow / #apricotmallow) + #PhaceliaDistans (#distantphacelia / #commonphacelia). This was last week & things have heated up since then but I’m sure it’s not completely over yet. #californianativeplants #borregosprings #borregopalmcanyon #desertbloom #californiawildflowers #colorcombo #anzaborregodesertstatepark #sonorandesert #coloradodesert (at Borrego Palm Canyon Trail) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq8pnRHuAsr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 1 year ago
Summary: Dirk Strider wakes up back in post-diluvian Houston and immediately splinters himself. Or not. No one is happy about this.
Author: @geometricity
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devxoid · 1 year ago
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@corvidcriminal SO glad you mentioned this actually. rng was how i got a!dave-pilled in the first place.. before i read that fic i was like "umm yeah he exists i guess" but their characterisation was so compelling i became irrevocably obsessed w him. i refer to that fic as the striderbros bible in my head. rng and dualshock desertbloom are the absolute biggest influences in how i interpret the striders so it's really cool that someone recognised it.. :-) thank you
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back on my bullshit (drawing the strider bros)
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ohitslen · 2 years ago
🌸Trigun fics recommendations🌸
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Links are attached!🌈✨
Dropping the fics I’ve read so far in my free time with summary and all that :) [in no specific order] oh and these are almost all Vashwood so brace yourself for that. I did put a warning in my description
‼️Be aware that most of these take place in Trimax so spoilers are a given‼️ it’s up to you to read the tags to have a better idea of its contents im just here to provide the list 🫡
1. “Falling stars” by Dozycerberus
“When a set of twins are found wandering the desert without any family in sight, Hopeland Orphanage is the only logical place they would end up.”
One of my personal favorites! If not my favorite. All I have for this one is praises.
2. “Love and it’s decisive pain (sunlight)” by FlowerCitti
“He hears a rumbling laugh, like the wisps of cigarette smoke and the crack of the first shot in a gunfight, like the pleasant sting of whiskey in his throat— “I take it that he was looking for you, huh?” A voice rasps from behind him, and everything in Vash feels like it comes to a halt. He knows that voice.”
Reincarnation fic (you will see a lot of these) that I willingly let destroy me. You will also see lots of Flower’s works here, they are great at hurt/comfort trust me.
3. “Donuts are one way to the heart, the other one is with a knife” by Dezace
Another favorite author of mine that you will see more works of on this list.
Vashwood antics, them being sweet and a angst sprinkled here and there.
This is actually a collection of works that I definitely could list individually but this list is way too long for that— so, feel free to check it out! How vague I know OAJSKW
4. “Tell me why your hands are cold (show me how)” by desertblooms
“Wolfwood eases him back down into the bed. Runs a hand through his own hair, digging his nails in just to feel the burn because he’s seriously starting to think he’s bitten off more than he can chew. “You idiot,” he breathes into the open air, “I’m goin’ to kill you when you wake up.” If the sickness doesn’t get to him first. But that thought goes unspoken.”
Sick fic you know how it is. “I need you” absolutely life changing.
5. “Forgive me father for I have sinned-Wolfwood (P.S. He isn’t sorry at all)” by Dezace
““I want to fuck a priest.”
“A good one?”
“I understand.”
“Good, good.” (Or: Vash and Wolfwood are fucking thirsty for each other and everyone suffers(Except Meryl, she has popcorn ready))”
Crack fic! Because it’s needed after you’re drenched in angst. I know what you read. You’ll appreciate a cackle or two.
6. “Bendición ” by varilien
“Having been dating for as long as they have, Wolfwood's known that it was only a matter of time before Vash popped the "do you want to meet my mom?" question, although admittedly he was hoping he could put it off a little longer.”
Modern setting in where Wolfwood meets Rem (she’s alive so that’s always a plus), and it’s so sweet and it’s pure fluff. That’s all.
7. “Bag of bones” by chaiku
“Not only was he fucked up physically, but he fucked up in front of Vash of all people. He was the last person in the world that Wolfwood wanted to see him like that: broken and helpless. And now he would also need to explain it all…His head hurt just from thinking about it.”
Wolfwood being vulnerable. That’s all I’m gonna say to hook you in.
8. “Who’s to say I don’t hold everything in my hands?” by Dezace
“Wolfwood likes to try and figure out Vash the Stampede whenever he had the chance. Traveling with him gives some insight into the man behind the bounty. He doesn't mind what he finds.”
Vash being the smarty pants he is! I love to see it. It’s so lovely I adore it.
9. “To the white of your eye” by Dezace
“Vash doesn't only have scars across his body. Wolfwood finds out and nothing changes.”
Face scar Vash is on.the.table. You’ll notice a trend in Dezace’s work of how WW is down bad for Vash no matter what and honestly I can relate to that heavily, we all love Vash.
10. “Hold my body down” by The_IPRE
“You're dead.” Vash's eyes are shiny behind the glasses, unshed tears barely held back. “We waited! We tried to bring you back! I kept them from burying you for as long as I could but you were dead!” Wolfwood lets himself follow the pull on his shirt, leans into Vash’s space to rest their foreheads together. “Guess I’m pretty hard to get rid of, huh?”
So basically, WW is all casual about coming back from being “dead” and Vash isn’t. Hurt/comfort mhm.
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beesinspades · 2 years ago
For years I haven’t been able to participate much because I barely read any fics anymore, but Trigun has definitely changed that, so here it is! A rec list of every fic I’ve enjoyed so far! I have terrible memory and not enough brain power to leave a note about each one, but I put a ♡ next to every fic I particularly loved! They're all rated G or T, but five of them are rated M (mainly for violence and canon-typical heavy topics). A lot (I mean. a lot.) of them have a Hurt/Comfort tag. Most are Vashwood BUT there are 10+ Gen fics and a couple of Mashwood ones as well :3 Please note some of the fics in this list are not spoiler-free!
♡ tell me why your hands are cold (show me how) by desertblooms
Beelio’s comment: the first Trigun fic I ever read, so of course it’s a lil’ bit special to me!
♡ terrors don't prey on innocent victims by procrastinatingbookworm
♡ Heavy Weight by eshtaresht
Beelio’s comment: I only read the Wolfwood POV chapter. As the first ace Vash(wood) I read besides mine, it made me really happy!
The Problem with Making Friends by sad_ghost_kid
half your life you've been hooked on death by procrastinatingbookworm
♡ stars by the pocketful by the_13th_battalion
Beelio’s comment: gave me cavities and i said thank you
♡ a phantom's reverence by bricus27
Beelio’s comment: another one of my favorites!
♡ heaven's grief brings hell's rain by JazzRaft
say it's such a fault by procrastinatingbookworm
A Ship and his Anchor by DerringerMeryl
lazarus wept by Bioluminescent
shepherd my flock by Bioluminescent
Beelio's comment: a really cool concept with Wolfwood as a church grim!
♡ a spark of hope is what i'm after by IceEckos12 
work song by AllegedlyAnnie
♡ Breezeblocks by caffeinefire
two eggs, over easy by AllegedlyAnnie
Beelio’s comment: this one is just so funny. trust me. 
dear star and spring bud, my preachers by elemmacil
"Love nourishes, like the rain. We turn the hills green and fill the creeks so they will sing in their creekbeds." by selcouth_raw 
♡♡♡ water bucket blues by fathomfive
Beelio’s comment: literally begging you to read this. good god. I never read first person pov fics AND YET. probably my favorite Trigun fic!
safeguard by the_13th_battalion
in a phrase to cut these lips by gorgongorgeous
Of Nick and Nicholas Names by theMusicmaniac
♡ under the bloody moonlight by spinoffprotagonist
Even Angels Deserve Guardians by glaivenoct
♡ scattered feathers, shattered glass by SpiritusRex
and i'll love the littler things by procrastinatingbookworm
To Touch You by hypermoyashi
The Sobs of a Bear and the Tears of an Angel by loveandpeanus
♡ How Judas Earned His Name by BrownieFox
♡ nobody said it was easy by procrastinatingbookworm
Beelio’s comment: this gorgeous post-trimax fic made me cry which is a feat in itself
♡ if only there was some way to ease the pain by SpiritusRex
the river brings you home by tissuebocks
♡ For the world that we leave, not the world that we found by RedWritingHood
I wanna feel like the work had some meaning by RedWritingHood
Season of the Witch by tragic_unpaired_electron
What Was Taken, What Was Restored (series) by Anxiety_Elemental
♡ If You Had Not Have Fallen by aboxthecolourofheartache
♡ YOU ARE HERE; or, How to Get Lost in the Desert Without Really Dying by fathomfive
Start here by AsterAspera
Now everyone knows about my tastes in fanfiction. If you read any of them, please leave a nice comment for the author if you can, I'm sure you'll make their day! 💜 Happy Fanfic Writers Appreciation Day to my fellow fic writers! Thank you for feeding me (us) so well.
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lycansprites · 11 months ago
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RAGHHH commissioned Desertbloom on TH to draw werewolf Jason :]
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thisisrealy2kok · 2 years ago
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Fly: The Art of the Club Flyer by Nathan Brett, Nicola Ackland-Snow, and Steven Williams (1996) - pictures from DesertBlooms on Reddit
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missedmilemarkers · 7 months ago
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vashwoodficrecs · 26 days ago
tell me why your hands are cold (show me how)
by: desertblooms
T, Vashwood, 4k, complete
Wolfwood eases him back down into the bed. Runs a hand through his own hair, digging his nails in just to feel the burn because he’s seriously starting to think he’s bitten off more than he can chew. “You idiot,” he breathes into the open air, “I’m goin’ to kill you when you wake up.” If the sickness doesn’t get to him first. But that thought goes unspoken. (Or, Vash gives too much of himself away, and Wolfwood is left to pick up the pieces.)
This hurts, the way that Wolfwood needs Vash is so obvious in every one of his actions. And god, his fear that he isn't good enough, that he isn't made for healing, only destruction... it drives me insane, unhinges a part of my brain that I will poke at over and over again with this man. He cares for Vash so much.
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blossom-and-bramble · 22 hours ago
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"Even the toughest souls bloom in their own way."
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kaijuscientists · 10 months ago
Fic rec: tell me why your hands are cold (show me how) by desertblooms
Wolfwood eases him back down into the bed. Runs a hand through his own hair, digging his nails in just to feel the burn because he’s seriously starting to think he’s bitten off more than he can chew. “You idiot,” he breathes into the open air, “I’m goin’ to kill you when you wake up.” If the sickness doesn’t get to him first. But that thought goes unspoken.
i love a fic where Vash has give to much of himself away and has to pay the price, and this one is fantastic
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punk-parade · 2 years ago
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ArtFight Attack for @/desertbloom
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