#desert yellow fleabane
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Meet Erigeron linearis
Erigeron is a genus of herbaceous, flowering plants consisting of between 390 and 460 species and is a member of the aster/sunflower family (Asteraceae). Plants in this genus are annuals, biennials, or perennials and are mainly found in temperate regions around the world. At least 163 species occur in the contiguous United States. Erigeron diversity is particularly high in western states;…
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#Asteraceae#Botany#cypsela#desert yellow fleabane#Erigeron#Erigeron linearis#flowering plants#flowers#Intermountain West#lithosols#native plants#plant ecology#plants#sagebrush checkerspots#sagebrush steppe#seedlings#seeds
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[Image: Two photos of large terra cotta pots on a concrete porch, taken about 7 months apart.
In the first image, the pots are mostly bare, with a few tomatillo sprouts and some twiggy rush milkweed (Asclepias subulata) plants.
In the second, they’ve become a little wild; Scrappy-looking tomatoes spill out over the edge of one pot beneath the canopy of a large, desiccated tomatillo plant, a basil plant is looking quite happy with its bushy leaves and delicate white flowers, and spindly rush milkweeds reach for the sky with woolly plantain (Plantago insularis) and bladderpods at their feet.]
In June of 2020, I decided to get back into gardening.
I’ve long wanted to grow native plants and arid-adapted food crops, by way of Native Seeds SEARCH’s incredible seedbank of Southwestern heritage crops. I was meaning to journal about it, but I blinked, and suddenly it was 2021. So I will reflect! With lots of pictures hahahaha!!
I’ve been going through it this year! That’s not really a secret. But I thought it would be good to have an obligation to go outside each day, if only for a little while. So my birthday present in 2020 was two enormous terra cotta pots, some dirt, and a whole lotta seeds.
[Image: Mayo / yoeme basil blooms. They’re delicate, white, and clustered tightly together, looking a bit like strange orchids.]
I was only interested in growing wildflowers and native plants at the time. The crop plants were a compromise with my family, to get them to help me with the garden now and again. It didn’t work! But my mom loves to go out there and look at them, so it was worth it : -)
To this point I had mostly gardened indoors, raising nonnative succulents under extremely controlled conditions. Most of my attempts to move an indoor plant outdoors were met with disaster. I thought I’d have a hard time jumping straight into the Sonoran desert summer, but...
[Image: A few toa ke tsi tokia tomatillo sprouts surrounded by little punta banda tomato plants.]
... Plants that have lived here since time beyond time (and/or have been selectively bred by people who have lived here since time beyond time) know a whole lot more than you do, huh.
My food plants have been going off the shitts this past summer and fall. You can only see the shriveled remains of the tomatillo plant in the photo at the top of this post, but it grew into a monster.
[Image: The same tomatillo sprout, now quite big. At its largest it was almost as tall as I am, give or take the huge pot underneath it.]
[Image: Tomatillos! As in, the fruits! They are tiny, and encapsuled in a papery covering.]
I ultimately planted too late, though, and the tomatillos never grew large enough to be safe to eat. (they are poisonous when they’re small.)
[Image: One of the tiny, undeveloped tomatillo fruits peeking out of its papery capsule.]
Some even split open before they could properly ripen... It just got too cold too fast.
Eventually the tomatillo plant gave up the ghost. I intend to turn it into mulch at some point. The tomatoes, though...
[Image: Underripe tomatoes growing slowly on the stem.]
I took this picture today. For those reading from the future: It’s the middle of January.
Anyway. I’m writing all this now, because the native milkweed pot (my passion project!) has been unremarkable for most of 2020.
Now, I am not the rugged outdoorswoman I want to be, but I like to think I have a better handle on identifying mature plants out in the field than I do immature ones grown under ~ideal conditions. So, imagine my excitement when I see what looks like some kind of caltrop growing underneath my milkweeds in the middle of summer. California caltrop? Arizona poppy??
[Image: Puncturevine, with a single, tiny yellow flower on one stem and leaflets over all the rest.]
Uh Oh!
My naivete was rewarded with puncturevine (Tribulus terrestris). Puncturevine is an introduced noxious weed here in the Americas. She has super sharp burs for seeds that can embed themselves in the toughest of materials-- shoe soles and bike wheels and certainly human feet (ouch.)
Now, unlike the food plant pots, which use a typical potting mix, I used a mixture of cactus mix and local dirt for the native milkweed pot. So, I inherited not only the clay-rich, water-retentive soil of an urban irrigation ditch, but also the local seedbank, containing every native seed and noxious weed that’s ever passed through. Oops?
This pattern would repeat for most of 2020. I had broadcasted seeds for all seasons in the milkweed pot, but for a long time it was only popular with nonnative weeds and palm saplings (which are lovely, but I absolutely do not have the room for a palm tree on my deck.)
Suddenly I wake up, and it’s 2021. I go outside, and I realize I haven’t tried to identify the plants in my milkweed pot in quite a while.
[Image: The milkweed pot, brimming with life.]
[Image: Likely a bladderpod, Lesquerella gordonii. It has a tiny clover-like yellow flower atop woolly, spear-shaped leaves.]
[Image: The deeply dissected leaves of a Mexican gold poppy (Eschscholtzia mexicana)?]
[Image: The fuzzy, grass-like leaves of woolly plantain (Plantago insularis)?]
[Image: Some kind of Bowlesia, with maple leaf-lookin leaves?]
[Image: A leafy rosette of i-don’t-even-know-what! iNaturalist suggested some kind of horseweed or fleabane! I Don’t Know!!]
:’ -)
#probably i have made mistakes with my IDs! Please correct me if they are wrong!#long post#cannot stress how long this post is!#mea culpa tag#sonoran desert#southwest united states
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方舟子 @fangshimin 方舟子,本名方是民,科普作家,新语丝网站。YouTube频道:https://youtube.com/channel/UCgTxdmY7L0I5MKWrrf0Ejtg Translate bio California, USAxys.orgJoined December 2010 46 Following 288.8K Followers 31.5K Tweets
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 21 “封城”和病毒一样有传染性。如果新冠病毒疫情是首先在瑞典爆发的,没有那个哪个国家会想到要“封城”。因为是在一个特别厉害的国家爆发的,其他国家就跟着学“封城”了。戴口罩也有传染性。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYhezCIUcAUyyL3?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYhezCFU8AAjL6g?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYhezCGU0AEPWK8?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 21 从2月到4月,美国零售店业务下降23%,其中服装店最惨,下降89%。只有食品店和非商店零售的销售增加了。这种情况应该还会持续很长时间。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYhm1fFUwAAjRe8?format=jpg&name=medium
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 21 冠状病毒是如何在现实世界中传播的https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/hjmFm5bCTJpJlxF38uRnfQ
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 21 百变神医钟南山 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYh_zr3VAAA1EAr?format=jpg&name=large
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 21 中国文化输出 https://twitter.com/i/status/1263567373472198656
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 21 什么原因突然转变立场?受中医的害了? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYkt7PgU8AkSXOO?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 21 后院又飞来一只黄缘蛱蝶(mourning cloak),这回停在椅子上。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYk0R9jU8AMuHk3?format=jpg
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 21 川普说他要对付佛吉尼亚,以为那里的“疯狂州长”想把大家的枪收走,“你将没有人来保护你的土豆。”我不知道土豆对佛吉尼亚那么重要。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYl43VrUMAE8vyM?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYl43VvVAAEjIeF?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 21 加州“封城”第63天。附近星巴克贴着“恢复营业”的大幅标语。高速旁6辆警车围住1辆车,罪犯也复工了。再去薯片岩,因查到那里有猩红翠雀花,南加州特有的一种亮丽野花。只见两米高的花枝在风中摇曳,含苞未放。意外发现另一种翠雀花正盛��。寻寻觅觅到了半山腰,天色已晚,只能等猩红翠雀花开时三上薯片岩 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYmH8WPUMAETSJH?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYmH8WwU0AAeN55?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYmH8eQUYAM-k7O?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYmH8nMUcAE142y?format=jpg
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 21 今日所见野花:沙漠翠雀花(desert larkspur)、宽喉黄色猴花(wide-throated yellow monkey flower)、白毛叶加州丁香(hoaryleaf ceanothus)、赫尔曼鸟足车轴草(Heermann's bird's-foot trefoil)。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYmRi3-VcAAAO4s?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYmRi4AU4AAT0VZ?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYmRjFRUYAA2Ea5?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYmRjLuVcAAnDyx?format=jpg
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 21 不管是萨斯还是新冠疫情,我都没戴过口罩,现在进店要求自己遮脸,也是用围脖对付,原来享受着党和国家领导人的待遇。川普已经没这个待遇了,终于被拍摄到戴口罩。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYmboR4U8AMz4Km?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYmboR6U4AMqUu1?format=jpg&name=360x360 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYmboSZUMAAJDHm?format=jpg&name=360x360
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 22 口罩这个定价真是意味深长。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYm0qiSUwAA-ogb?format=jpg&name=medium
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 21 内外有别钟南山:钟南山接受央视采访,说中国不会出现第二波疫情;接受CNN采访,说中国很可能出现第二波疫情。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYlI52PUYAA0GRb?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYlI54qUYAE8USH?format=jpg&name=small
JayJay @jaywangcn · May 22 不会出现高峰,但是会有第二波疫情,不矛盾
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 22 没有高峰的也叫“波”?这些洗地机是不是没见过波浪?
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 21 瑞典新冠病毒抗体检测结果,只有7.3%的斯德哥尔摩人有抗体。媒体说这表明离群体免疫远着呢。这个说法不确。这是四月下旬测的,反映的是四月初的感染情况。一个半月过去了,斯德哥尔摩人被感染的比例应该上升到20%了。如果不上升,岂不意味着封不封城都一样?和纽约的结果比,倒是真的封不封城都一样。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYmle7yUEAENvOW?format=jpg&name=medium
windflower @windflower111 · May 22 纽约和斯德哥尔摩没什么可比性吧。纽约的人口密度是斯德哥尔摩的两倍还多,居民多数依赖公共交通,贫困人口比例高,居住条件差。 纽约如果不封城,感染人数的比例会更高,没准真的能实现群体免疫。不过在那之前估计医疗系统早就瘫痪了。 https://t.co/IiztKNHW4h?amp=1
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 22 你是不是连纽约市和纽约州都分不清?同期纽约市的感染比例是21%,纽约州的感染比例是14%,长岛的感染比例是17%。你想说纽约州、长岛的人口密度比斯德哥尔摩还高?
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 22 川普即使戴口罩也要戴出特权,口罩上有总统徽章。当然,最大的特权是要求别人戴口罩,自己却不戴,像某些特别厉害的国家。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYm__uFU0AIrUdG?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYm__uIUEAAlf2V?format=jpg&name=small
Miao Zhengzhi @Miao_Zhengzhi · May 22 不戴口罩也是一种大无畏精神,在病毒目前的不惧怕,有口罩的人能选择不戴,这样做不容易
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 22 美国提倡戴口罩是为了防止传播病毒,而不是为了避免被病毒传染,这种布口罩也不可能防止病毒传染。你这“大无畏精神”难道是传播病毒的大无畏?
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 22 各地新冠病毒抗体抽查的结果。斯德哥尔摩排在中间,比纽约、马德里、武汉、巴黎、日内瓦都低,和米兰、巴塞罗那、迈阿密差不多。英美媒体嘲笑斯德哥尔摩离群体免疫还远着,但反过来也说明瑞典不封城、不停业、不戴口罩同样也减缓了病毒传播。所以封不封城、戴不戴口罩有啥区别? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYqW6AOUEAEuOCb?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYqW6ATUMAEFlv_?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 22 火焰蜻蜓(flame skimmer)。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYmtZpFU0AIbVwN?format=jpg&name=900x900
ESSENCE @ESSENCE52319798 · May 22 这种跟方老师故乡的大水蜻蜓红阿姨有什么区别?
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 22 这个是美国西部特有的蜻蜓,和中国的红蜻蜓不是一个种,也不是一个属。它连翅膀也是红色的,飞起来像一团火焰。
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 22 今天的微课,我继续讲讲上次因时间关系没讲完的留学故事。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYqmihNVcAAM2Q_?format=jpg&name=medium
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 22 川普不知道“人均”是什么意思。因为英语的“人均”是一个拉丁语,他就搞不明白了。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYqut0uUwAIz76O?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYqut0wUwAE-VY-?format=jpg&name=small
Show more replies 都市猎人 @HunterBruceKang · May 22 Replying to @godsme2 and @fangshimin 没人在“强行黑”他,只有你在强行洗地。官员已经告诉他“美国测试人均死亡率高于其它工业国”。他还在问“关于哪方面的人均值?”然后莫名其妙跟一句结论“美国在任何方面的人均值都是最好的”。他傻你也傻?
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 22 川粉洗地基本这几招:“断章取义”“搞笑的”“民主党造谣”。川普为什么能当总统?因为有���他更愚蠢的人。
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 22 加州“封城”第64天。超市卫生纸满架,有十来种牌子,看来供货跟上了,但仍然限购。我就顺手拿了一件。给我装货的年轻人显然是新手,我已走到门口,他拿着卫生纸追上来:“对不起,忘了放最重要的东西。”店里几个中学生没有遮脸。排我后面的男子手拿鲜花、酒,看样子要去约会,也没有遮脸,幸好没人管。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYrHp0TUYAA7kA2?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYrHqEwUEAAZ7Gy?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYrHqQJU4AIQaWz?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYrHqQrU0AALzdE?format=jpg
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 22 今日所见野花:今年第一批韦德蝴蝶百合(Weed’s mariposa lily)。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYrPSoJU8AE3G_z?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYrPSoKUwAEy-LU?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYrPSrbU0AEAL8A?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYrPSwLVAAEHpv3?format=jpg
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 22 有人统计了,自4月份以来,推特上200个中国外交官和官媒账号共发了9万条推特,要把新冠病毒赖给美国。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYraR_nU4AIudSy?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 22 也是因为没法从中国进口竹子吗? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYrfWUfUEAISQmC?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 22 最新的民意调查结果:谁是美国最坏的敌人?36%的美国人选中国,18%选俄国,16%选朝鲜,7%选伊朗。这是战狼的战绩吗? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYrjgm_U0AEmbpW?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 23 张文宏这次说得很清楚,开空调戴口罩是为了阻挡可能通过空调传播的病毒。此前洗地机还狡辩他的意思是开空调是为了戴口罩不热。他还说通风降低病毒感染风险。这都是认定新冠病毒能通过气溶胶传播了,那就得戴N95、护目镜才阻挡得住。而且过一两个小时才通风一次,这一两个小时内就不传染? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYsZK7JVcAADsMO?format=jpg&name=small
deminlake @deminlake Replying to @fangshimin 推手算是拆招吗?感觉用来练习反应和柔韧性不错,对战的话推手加入一些跤术似乎比较好
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 20 推手不是传统武术的拆招对练,也不是摔跤、擒拿,是太极拳特有的一种竞技方式,通过感觉来力的大小,不多不少地将其化解,最终找到对方死点借力将其击倒或推出去。没有体验过的很难想象。一个人会不会太极拳、太极功夫怎样,一推手就知道。
blockinchina @blockinchina · May 23 Replying to @fangshimin 摔跤柔道拳击跆拳道都有冠军,请问推手这么牛逼为啥没有实战比赛?大家规则公布,��场比一比,看看太极推手到底怎么厉害法。
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 23 中国大陆、香港、台湾都有太极推手比赛,都有冠军。连搜索都不会,就会瞎叫唤。
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 23 2005年以来加拿大人对中国持正面看法的比例变化,从58%跌到14%。再抓几个加拿大间谍,再派几个战狼外交官,让他们见识一下厉害。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYuiw0UUcAE5VV5?format=jpg&name=medium
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 23 结完即刻离,少给组织添麻烦。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYuzL8DUMAEh5to?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 23 洗脑从娃娃抓起。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYvFMUNUMAAhITs?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 23 摄影是一种危险的爱好。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYvmUb7UMAM0jI0?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 23 方舟子揭假:太极拳能不能实战? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMSqwsuqD3w
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 23 由于“封城”“锁国”,导致全世界8千万婴儿没法及时接种各种疫苗,由此导致的本可避免的死亡远远超过了新冠病毒导致的死亡。消灭脊髓灰质炎的计划也功亏一篑。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYwFwZLUwAEMakY?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYwFwZLUcAAbOhO?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 23 加州“封城”第65天。女儿的好朋友说想一起去爬山,定在我家附近保护区。她妈妈带着她过来了。这是我们两家两个多月来首次见面。她妈妈下车后就用头巾遮脸。我说爬山用不着遮脸,山上基本上也没人遮脸。她说已习惯了出门就遮脸。真成了服饰了。于是我们去了一条开满金星花和蝴蝶百合的小径,试图远离尘世 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYwTnDjUcAEClwr?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYwTnE2UcAA3eID?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYwTnKOU8AAsY6c?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYwTnKPVcAAAH5U?format=jpg
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 23 今日所见野花:银星花(sea muilla)、金星花(goldenstar)、华丽蝴蝶百合(splendid mariposa lily)、多叶飞蓬(leafy fleabane)。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYwbCdjUcAEj3IU?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYwbDANUcAAw2NM?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYwbDAOVcAEQSx_?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYwbDANU0AI2WgL?format=jpg
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 23 去公园晒太阳要待在圆圈里,去餐馆吃饭要戴口罩,等到吃的时候再摘下来,这意思是吃的时候就不怕传播病毒了? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYwhlJKUwAAiZNF?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYwhlJLU0AASNg3?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 23 微课实录:批判性思维看时事——以新冠疫情为例 https://t.co/PFsTSOsJNe?amp=1
老老夏 @xiajian47 · May 22 图一是一个天天听《方舟子讲科学》、看方舟子各种书的小学生的作业,图二是家长说不能这么做之后重做的。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYrOIa-UwAA46_x?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYrOIa9U0AEFXB-?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 23 反洗脑也要从小学生抓起。
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 23 注意了,在推特上��表反动言论犯了寻衅滋事罪。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYw5QUpVcAAPKvE?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 24 给肺炎患者换肺,不仅不计医疗成本,也不计患者身体成本,这是中国医院创造的奇迹。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYxG8BSUEAAIdOU?format=jpg&name=medium
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 24 新时代的“清除精神污染”运动。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EYxR4g9U4AIfQuf?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 24 神功也抗不了物理定律 https://twitter.com/i/status/1264629484071706625
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 24 真正的民主选举不能和选民交流,只能和领导交流。 https://twitter.com/i/status/1264641260146417664
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 24 纽约花了2100万美元,雇得州一家公司把布鲁克林的邮船码头改造成战地医院,一个病人没收,现在关了。美国建的几个战地医院都没用上。两艘海军医院船,一艘去纽约接收了100多名病人,完成了任务,一艘去洛杉矶,也没用上。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY1iJMeUEAAyxkj?format=jpg&name=medium
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 24 这意思是每过几年就要出一部《新百家姓》? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY1s781UcAAcJrq?format=jpg&name=medium
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 24 加州“封城”第66天。古雅玛卡州立公园上周重开。那里美洲狮常见,现在更不怕人了吧。选了周末去,想多点人气。一进了山仍基本没人影。走过开满鲁冰花的高山草甸,穿过散发稠李浓香的树林,遇到一只野火鸡和一对长耳鹿。回程经过开满加州丁香的山道时,收音机开始播放贝九。没等到唱起欢乐颂,已经到家。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY12-PNU8AE3sew?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY12-PNUMAAE6o8?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY12-PMU4AAtwqF?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY12-PPUEAA7ewH?format=jpg
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 24 今日所见野花:钻石克拉克花(diamond clarkia)、帕尔默加州丁香(Palmer ceanothus)、北美稠李(chokecherry)、夏日鲁冰花(summer lupine)。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY1_klBVcAYaXQ3?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY1_klEUwAEtAH7?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY1_klDVAAMP9Tf?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY1_klDU0AAxPuu?format=jpg
Anna Zhang @fZ2NH7KfKceTaBg · May 25 Replying to @fangshimin 搞的好像这些花只有美国特有一样
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 Replying to @fZ2NH7KfKceTaBg 这些花就是美国特有,有的还是加州特有。玻璃心碎一地了吧?
Anna Zhang @fZ2NH7KfKceTaBg · May 25 Replying to @fangshimin 来来来,邀请你来杭州的植物园和西溪湿地看看,别的地方我不知道,我常去的是这两个地方
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @fZ2NH7KfKceTaBg 原来杭州植物园和西溪湿地这么牛,囊括了全世界几十万种植物,应有尽有,是世界第一牛的植物园?而且,说某地特有,指的是野生的,此人却要人去看栽培、移植的,大概就没怎么见过野生的东西。
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 要重新定义外交和外交官,外交就是战场,外交官就是���遣部队,不打尽豺狼决不下战场。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY2Gbg1UwAAAkDw?format=jpg&name=medium
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 建议《新华字典》删除所有“负能量”的字、词,并把语文课文里的“负能量”词汇全改成反义词,从此天下和谐。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY2TBTyUwAE3ASX?format=jpg&name=medium
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 朝鲜还没有发声明支持? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY4wIzsU8AErA79?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 “唯一资深荣誉大律师”是什么意思?邓小平说“一国两制50年不变”,是因为他们那一代领导人也承认西方制度的优越性,只不过认为还不适合中国落后的国情,中国再发展50年,也就和香港一样了,无所谓两制了。他没想到的是后来会有人认为中国制度才是世界第一。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY42h8CUMAIWFG-?format=jpg&name=medium
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 说明上海教委认为留学生水平还不如国内高职高专,以后就这么认证留学学历吧。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY5AHnAUMAEGKPc?format=jpg&name=medium
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 一国一制,从娃娃抓起。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY5LUM3UMAA6Zrn?format=jpg&name=900x900 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY5LUIpUMAAJnzX?format=jpg&name=large
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 此人说,在公共场合任何时候都戴口罩,是每个美国人的爱国职责。看来遮脸在美国也要成为文化习俗,不遮不爱国。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY5WjxoU4AA8J76?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 有一张支票不知为何就是没法用手机扫存。难道我要遮脸去一趟银行?可别引起误会。
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 翻墙在推特发布120条损害国家形象的信息,构成寻衅滋事罪,因认罪态度好,从轻判刑一年。推特是对墙内来说不存在的网站,在推特发文构成寻衅滋事,看来破坏的是国外社会治安。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY5kryZUMAEk8rB?format=jpg&name=medium
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 以前我老讽刺那些要求全民戴口罩的人还应该要求全民戴面罩才能起到防护作用,没想到还真有一些美国医生提倡出门就戴面罩。啥时候白宫一声令下,美国疾控中心也这么建议? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY5q9GzU8AA1X9y?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY5q9ZsUMAE9T0E?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY5q9ZtVcAECuvV?format=jpg&name=small
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 川普忍不住又去打高尔夫球了。他就职以来共在他的会所打了249天高尔夫球,为此花了纳税人1.37亿美元。甚至在他打高尔夫球时特勤人员坐高尔夫球车跟着保护他也要向川普会所付费租车。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY57CvjU0AAjONZ?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY57C-8VAAEb3H5?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY57DDeU4AQzH7k?format=jpg&name=small https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY57DEQU0AA_7CT?format=jpg&name=360x360
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 武汉全民核酸检测只查出218例无症状感染者,这证明新冠病毒在武汉发生重大变异,不会再出现症状了,否则按国外的研究,无症状占感染者的一半���应该还有200多名有症状感染者。还有一种可能,这些人都是感染痊愈后死病毒还没清除掉。韩国的研究,有一部分痊愈者会如此,但不会传染。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY6K0DyUMAE0gGN?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 胡总编假装天真吧?1984以后哪来的个人隐私? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY6SeNUUYAAlrsW?format=jpg&name=medium
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 遮国未来总统,差点没认出来。周围没有别人,遮脸是怕两人互相传? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY6YGOFVcAEFpaJ?format=jpg&name=900x900
方舟子 @fangshimin Replying to @syneyubo 戴这种布口罩防不了被传染。你到现在还没搞明白美国官方提倡遮脸的目的是为了防止无症状感染者传播病毒而不是为了预防被传染。就是说,拜登夫妇戴口罩是因为认为自己有可能已被新冠病毒感染,怕传给别人。
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 加州“封城”第67天。走在路上,有异样的感觉,因为人来人往没人遮脸,就像走进公共澡堂。四个手持滑板车的中学生经过时,把脸藏进T恤里,如同遮羞。黄色针垫花开到了尾声,取而代之的是加州百金花和毛边刺花,就像大地换了地毯,由金色换成红色。聚花沥青草已经零星开了,再过一段时间又要换回金色。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY6jQAhVcAENNkt?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY6jQAiUwAAiyvz?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY6jQGnVAAIsba8?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY6jQRPU0AAa-uM?format=jpg
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 今日野花:刘易斯亚麻(Lewis flax)、加州毛茛(California buttercup)、道格拉斯金堇(Douglas violet)、猩红喇叭手(scarlet bugler)。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY60wMOUwAIJxqm?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY60wdFVAAAXo9y?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY60wdFUcAURbtt?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY60wr_UwAU0weI?format=jpg
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 【微课预告】方舟子:批判性思维看时事——以太极拳为例https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Z6rQfHDPEFJtkwIVZxi3iA
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 这个人是不是也梦游了一次美国?不说别的,共和党人口比民主党人口还多?他在梦里统计的? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY2M3atU4AEuDwN?format=jpg&name=medium
都市猎人 @HunterBruceKang · May 25 看政党人口比例最直观的就看众议院席位,如果民主党多于共和党则基本上就是民主党人口多,反之则不一定。
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 即使共和党在众议院占多数的时候,民主党人口也比共和党多得多,因为存在不公正划区和打压投票。这就是为什么共和党要维护不公正划区和竭力打压投票。
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 25 今日见到的韦德蝴蝶百合(Weed’s mariposa lily)。 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY6qTtuU0AEOny8?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY6qTttU4AEbrLa?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY6qTxyUMAAAvZ2?format=jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EY6qT3ZU8AEjEJx?format=jpg
KTRainbow flag @kelvin_tan · May 25 这花真漂亮!我感觉从来没有遇到过。
方舟子 @fangshimin · May 26 这花只有南加州有,基本都在圣地亚哥,橙郡和Riverside靠近圣地亚哥的地方也有。其他地方就没有了。
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Erigeron linearis, desert yellow fleabane by Lomatium Via Flickr: Shrub steppe. Badger Mountain looking towards the Cascades and Burch Mountain, Douglas Co. WA Please see www.gongadeets.com for fine art prints of wildflowers like this and more.
#asteraceae#erigeron linearis#desert yellow fleabane#erigeron#fleabane#PhotoContest-TNC11#native plant#washington#wildflower#shrubsteppe#desert#desert wildflowers#wenatchee
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Blossoms transform the New Mexico desert
Just one surge of late spring rain over the New Mexico desert is all it takes to replace the drab shades of winter with the vibrancy of flower blooms. New Mexico ranks number four in plant diversity in the nation- and the spring and summer seasons exhibit the most dramatic transformation in full color.
The unique adaptations of high-elevation desert plants such as cacti, require rain to ‘wake up’ and burst into life. Prickly pear, tree cholla, devil’s cholla and claretcup brighten the landscape with their red, violet, yellow and orange hues. These flowers provide an oasis for pollinators and other insects. Later in the season, the fruits of these plants serve as food for rabbits, squirrels, birds, beetles and deer.
Other plants bloom at a slower pace. In a ponderosa pine forest, penstemon and three-nerved daisies flower from early spring to late summer. In piñon-juniper woodlands and desert sites, milkvetch, Indian paintbrush, fleabane, primrose and gilia ornament the landscape. Many of these blooms provide food for certain pollinators. Evening primrose is almost exclusively pollinated by moths, particularly the hummingbird moth.
Historically, New Mexican plants have been used for medicine, spiritual practices and for sustenance. The Pueblo of Jemez used Indian Paintbrush to prevent spoilage of chili seeds because the plant’s chemical properties act as a natural pest repellent. To this day, prickly pear pads, or “nopales”, are commonly eaten while their fruits can be made into tasty jam or lemonade. This versatile plant was also used a precursor to modern-day first aid medicine. The gel within the cactus pads soothe burns and open wounds, while the spines can serve as suture needles to close a wound. The Navajo considered globemallow the “Life Medicine” as it was used for colds, headaches and for stimulating appetite.
Spring and summer open up many opportunities to truly enjoy nature and its history. Visiting public lands allows people to connect with their environment, so ignite your inner botanist and get outside!
Story and photos by Annie Montes, Associate Ecologist, and Alec Bryan, Rangeland Management Specialist.
#botany#flowers#plants#new mexico#BLMnew mexico#desert#desert flowers#blossoms#succulents#cacti#cactus#summer#spring#pollinatorweek#National Pollinator Week#special status species#flower#science
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Small Wild Daisies..Norfolk by Adam Swaine Via Flickr: Erigeron linearis..Erigeron linearis is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family known by the common name desert yellow fleabane or narrow leaved fleabane.
#flora#Flowers#Daisies#nature lovers#nature#natures finest#Adam Swaine#canon#england#english#summer#english villages#uk#uk counties#britain#british#counties#countryside#beautiful#petals#flower#wild flowers#norfolk#norfolk villages#west norfolk
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Looking north from the south avenue
What a difference
A long time ago, thirty years actually I walked down the south avenue and it was bare. Small lime trees struggling for life, hedges succumbing to glyphosphate well the hawthorn was and a grassland of creeping bent and thistle. A terrible walk, one that disappointed, a barren desert for biodiversity. Ten years later I tried to spray out the thistle with MCPA what a waste of money and time, an absolutely useless agrochemical, it merely burnt off the green but left the roots to spring back to life whilst eliminating any wild flowers that had tried to venture forth into the wasteland they called a grassland. We mucked the limes, laid the hedges and sowed as much wild flower seed as I could afford from Emorsgate seeds . Since then Richard Brown who manages the business has become a very good friend and advisor and we have many trips away to far-flung lands to look at their pristine and biodiversity rich meadows. To supplement the merger amount of seed I could purchase, myself and countryside team have collected a vast array of wild flower seeds from the roadsides in SW Cambridgeshire.
How to change a landscape
Not only that we have moved tons and tons of green hay from one flower rich meadow to another in dire need of it. Time and patience reward those who wait
Now the grassland is coming to life, by no means complete but getting there. This year the butterflies and bees adorned the grassland in their thousands, a sight I have never seen in England and normally only one I see in Eastern Europe. Its been a grand year for butterflies.
An arable weed
Common poppy
Even the farmland is blossoming since it went organic, only many years ago did I see common poppies in abundance and even now there are few to be seen however the fields do occasionally turn yellow with flowering charlock. These poppies were to be found on the Burwash manor farm in Barton which is also organic just couldn’t resist taking photos of this fabulous display of red. That said I have also spread wildflower seed on the margins to good effect especially the chalk slopes where you can now find species that were once a common sight, rock rose, dropwort, clustered bellflower, small teasel and the like. With care these chalk land species and others will proliferate and one will start to see even more species of butterfly at Wimpole like the chalk blue, small blue and maybe one or two other real rarities. One little butterfly I would like to encourage is the small copper, a very rare sight at present at Wimpole so we need more sleeps sorrel.
Other plants we have nurtured are the wetland species, some have always been here in low numbers but have now increased, others we have added like purple loosestrife and rather oddly hemp agrimony has turned up out of the blue and this year we have recorded corn parsley and blue fleabane which have appeared in numbers, these have not been introduced and tend to be plants more at home on the coastline, wonder if they know something!!!!!!!! Wimpole-by-sea? Arable weeds seem also to be springing up to, weasel snout, venus-in-the-lookingglass, night-flowering catchfly amongst others.
Crested cow-wheat
Pyramid orchid
Pyramid orchid
One real bonus that has appeared are the orchids, these have increased exponentially but we only have pyramid, bee, common spotted, twyblade and broad-leaved hellobrine (woodland one) at present, one can only hope others will flower like the green winged or the lesser butterfly we will see.
Crested cow-wheat
Finally I collected some crested cow-wheat from Barkway many years ago and many thanks must go to Sarah Dawson who had spotted the clump. A few seeds were collected and duly put in a pot to grow, of course nothing happened as I didn’t realise they were semi parasitic, very disappointed I threw the soil into a hedge at Wimpole and forgot all about the whole episode until a few years later my father enquired as to the plant he had photographed, it was crested cow wheat, “where did you find that” I asked? turns out the soil I threw away still had viable seeds! how lucky, now this rather rare plant can be found in many small corners on the estate. Meanwhile the little clump in Barkway still exists but has never spread.
You sow the seeds and wait and see what turns up in June A long time ago, thirty years actually I walked down the south avenue and it was bare.
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