#des moines steel fence
bellevuefencing · 2 years
Top 5 Tips To Get The Best Fence Contractor
For all your fence-related needs, you might want to consider getting a contractor. A lot of people think that hiring contractors is an expensive option, but there are more and more companies who offer do-it-yourself projects like installing fences. That being said, these five tips can help you find the best fence contractor for you!
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exitrealtycentral · 3 years
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Property Details For 2305 Des Moines Avenue, Portsmouth, VA 23704 Beautiful totally renovated 3 bedroom home! New upgraded Electrical, New HVAC, New luxury Vinyl flooring. New Kitchen cabinets with beautiful backsplash, New Stainless Steel appliances, freshly painted throughout, Elegant Crown Molding Trim and New Doors add such a great touch. Spacious fenced front and Large […]
See More Information at https://is.gd/lf5PTP
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igotablankpage · 5 years
Mimi's Guide to Definitely Not Being Kidnapped by Faeries - Part One
Go away, go away, go away.
That’s what I keep silently praying as I squeeze behind the trash cans lined up along our garden fence.  If it weren’t there, I wouldn’t have to take the pungent, much less scenic route to the back of the garden.  
If I just ignore it, make sure not to step in it, they’ll have to get bored with me eventually.  Hopefully move it somewhere not in my backyard?  Yeah, that would be ideal.
It wasn’t there yesterday morning.  I clearly remember walking through the very middle of the yard to go water my newly-planted carnations.  And I know it wasn’t there early last night, when I walked through the yard yet again to check on the tulips.
So you see, I had no reason to believe anything out of the ordinary would happen this morning.  I woke up at the crack of dawn (ugh, med school), stumbled downstairs, and practically sleepwalked into the kitchen.  After quickly making a cup of black coffee, I mumbled a “hello” in response to my atrociously cheery mother.  She was always more of a morning bird than my father (guess whose genes I got in that regard).
After the coffee restored me to partial functionality, I stepped outside into the warm morning mist to greet my plants (yes, I am a plant nerd. Make fun of me all you want).
And that was when I froze in my tracks - one footstep away from trampling through it.  
A faerie ring.
And I don’t mean a couple of cute mushrooms.  I mean a six-foot diameter, freakishly symmetrical ring of small mushroom, so small most people probably wouldn’t notice one if it were alone (I say most people - remember, I’m a plant nerd); all together, however, they were a sight to behold.
It was at that moment that Grandma Lucy’s voice echoed in my mind:
“Stay away from those ancient faerie circles.  One step inside, and you’ll be enthralled, never to see your home again.  Or at least, not for several hundred years.”
Yeah.  I think you can forgive me for being a bit wary.
Lucy isn’t my real grandmother, of course.  My biological grandmother passed away when I was eleven, and is still missing from the recesses of my memory.  I had only met her twice before my parents and I left South Sudan, and I had been far too young to remember anything.  She never failed to write me a birthday letter though, and sometimes I feel the pull of a life, of a family, that I’ve never known.  What would my life be like if we had never left South Sudan?  If we hadn’t moved to the monotonous suburbs of Des Moines, Iowa?  Sometimes I find it difficult to reconcile these two pieces of my life, the past and the present clumsily intertwining like clasped hands that don’t quite fit each other.
I do know that I wouldn’t trade Lucy for any other life.  She’s a sweet older lady who works at the local library that I occasionally visit.  I was never much of a reader, but I do enjoy checking out new cookbooks or gardening tips once in a while.  I think Lucy recognized a bit of a lost soul in me, because, from the first time I set foot in the library at age ten, she was there to help.  She talked to me about my passions and my dreams, those far-off ambitions that only little kids dare to express.  She helped me with schoolwork, talked me through my problems, and helped me realize when I had made mistakes (something I do quite often, but acknowledge far less).  It was her support that pushed me to reach for my goals, and culminated in my scholarship to medical school.  If I hadn’t had her for the past 16 years, who knows where I’d be.
And, incidentally, she’s where I get my basic knowledge of faerie tales from.  
So when I walk into the yard and discover a full-blown faerie ring, I do what any rational adult would do: I go out of my way to step carefully around it.  Which involves nearly falling into the garbage.  
Once I check on my plants, I take the same route back inside, a little more confidently this time.
It’s not that I believe I’ll take one step into the circle of whimsical mushrooms and get whisked away to a land of nightmares.  But you can only listen to Lucy’s stories so many times before they begin to make you a little paranoid.
Upon returning to the kitchen, I take a few deep breaths, resting against the door.
“Are you alright?” my father asks, one eyebrow raised from where he sits at the kitchen table.
I nod in assent so as not to give away my nerves through a shaking voice.  
Maybe I’m just imagining it.  Yeah.  That makes sense.  I’ll come back from class this afternoon and it’ll be gone.  Slightly reassured (but who am I kidding), I push myself off the wall and hike back upstairs to get dressed.
* * * * *
The glass door of the library swings closed behind me as I head straight for the desk.  Long gone are the days where I pretended to be remotely interested in browsing.  I pass a few other librarians who nod or wave when they recognize me before I reach Lucy.
“Lucy, you’ll never believe what I saw this morning.”
Lucy peers at me over her glasses while simultaneously scanning in a book.  “And good afternoon to you too, missy.  Cutting class, are we?”
I roll my eyes.  “You know I don’t have an afternoon class on Tuesdays, Lucy, you don’t have to make that joke every time.”
“Ah, but what else are forgetful old ladies for?”
I snort. “Anyway, I woke up this morning, half-dead as usual, and went out to the garden, again as usual.  But today, in my garden, I found…” I trail off in anticipation.  Lucy raises her brow, waiting.  “A faerie ring,” I finish.
I had some time to mull it over, and I decided the best way to deal with it is to act like it’s not a big deal.  I had probably imagined it, so why not play it off as a joke just to make sure?
Lucy’s eyes widen.  “A faerie ring? Are you sure, Mimi?”
I lift my hands palms-up in self-defense.  “Honest to God truth.  A perfectly symmetrical mushroom circle with at least a two-yard diameter.”  
“Hmm,” Lucy grunted.
“So?” I prompted, waiting for a fuller reaction.
“I say go for it,” she said matter-of-factly as she returned to scanning the books.
“Wait, what?”  I feel my face scrunch up in confusion.
“Honey, it’s a faerie ring.  That alone spells ‘adventure’.  And if there’s anything you need, it’s an adventure.”
I squint at her.  “Is that an insult?”
“It’s a fact,” she says as she continues with her work.  “All you ever think about are your studies.  And maybe your garden.  It’s a 95/5 percent split.  All I know is that you need a break.”
I sigh.  Maybe she’s right.  How is it that she can read me like a book?  
Maybe it has something to do with her being a librarian.  
Suppressing a groan at my horrible and utterly useless joke, I suddenly notice the look in her eye.  Doubt.  Indulgence.  Of course.  All of a sudden, I realize: she doesn’t believe me.  No, that’s not quite right - she doesn’t believe herself.  Those faerie tales she told me, back when I was just a child, were only fiction to her.  I can’t decide whether the fact relieves me or disappoints me.
I can’t help but think, however, that there’s a hint of sincerity among the mischievous twinkle in her eye when she looks up, leans towards me, and says, “So what are you waiting for?”
* * * * *
I arrive home completely out of sorts.  Sliding off my bike, I note the empty driveway; my parents must be working.  They own a small bakery right off the main road, not hugely successful but popular enough among locals to make a living.  I have fond memories of my adolescent years, helping them to bake muffins or to perfect (more often catastrophically fail at) a new recipe.  School takes up too much time to bake as a family these days.
After unlocking the door, I step inside, quickly shutting the door behind me.  It makes me scoff at myself, but there’s a pulsing sense of urgency in my bones to check the backyard.  I close my eyes and breathe before forcing myself to first deposit my bags upstairs.  I then slowly make my way back down the staircase, a stone forming in the pit of my stomach with each step I take.
Just one look, I tell myself, to prove it’s not there.  I approach the back door.  Steeling myself, I yank the door open.
And promptly slam it shut.
It’s. Still. There.
I want to scream.  I’m not quite sure what to do.  
I think about Lucy’s obvious disbelief.  What can a couple of mushrooms do anyway?  But then I think about what she said about me.  I never realized before how right she was.  Sometimes I’m so trapped in the same routine that I can’t breathe.  There has to be more to life than useless, unfulfilling ambitions.  Don’t get me wrong; I enjoy med school.  It’s what I want to do with my life.  I love the rush I get when I know I’m doing my best work, when I’m using my brain to the fullest of its abilities and helping people at the same time.  But sometimes it gets so…predictable.  
I think about the faerie ring again.  But, regardless of Lucy’s beliefs, I’m not sure if I’m confident enough in it harmlessness to walk into it quite yet.  
I look down and realize I’m pacing.  Stressing this much about such an inconsequential event can’t be healthy.  
I walk to the kitchen sink.  Washing dishes is how I destress.  It helps me take my mind off of what’s happening around me, and that can be just what I need to find a solution.  
I’ve only just picked up a dish and a sponge when I hear voices.  Angry ones.  And they’re coming from the kitchen window, which I realize now is open.
“It’s not my fault that the human won’t step in it!”
I stare at what appears to be thin air, looking for the person who spoke.  Suddenly a sharp movement catches my eye, and I look down.  I barely make out what appears to be two small humanesque figures in the grass.
“Well, it’s not mine either!  You were the one who said to put it here!”
I should be panicking right now.  Why am I not panicking?
Lucy said I should go for it.  My impulses take over.  I walk calmly towards the door.  Before my brain catches up with what my body is doing, I’ve already opened the door and stepped into the yard, still taking care to avoid the ring.  
What are you doing? my brain screams.
“What exactly is the problem?” My mouth forms the words without my brain’s approval.  
Both figures, standing in the middle of the ring, pivot sharply to face me.  Almost instantly, plumes of purple and gray smoke appear out of thin air, enveloping the creatures in its clutches.  Before my own eyes, the smoke swirls and expands, until it fades away to reveal two very human-sized figures - faeries? - in its wake.
My first thought is that they’re not what I imagined faeries would be.  They’re both extremely beautiful; that part at least is accurate to the legends.  The male’s beauty is classic fae, with sharp angles, glowing pale skin, and piercing blue eyes.  Are those horns that peek through his messy red hair?  It’s difficult to tell.  The female, however, contrasts sharply to him.  She stands several inches shorter than me, with a warm brown skin tone only marginally lighter than my own.  While he is all lines and angles, she is all curves.  From her body, to her flowy bohemian dress, to the purple hair cascading down her shoulder in natural curls, everything about her is swirling; and while her appearance differs drastically from written descriptions of the fae’s beauty, it doesn’t make her any less stunning.  In fact, she’s even more beautiful than the faeries I’ve read about.  
And that is the moment it hits me: either I’ve gone stark raving mad, or there are two faeries in my backyard.
With their predatory gazes fully focused on me.
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adriannanderson · 6 years
Hey Fish
Today begins my 38th year.  My plans for today were to spend the day in Des Moines getting my oil changed, getting a pedicure, seeing my counselor, doing a little shopping, listening to the radio as loud as I wanted with no one else’s agenda but my own.  When your a mom, these kinds of days are rare, and my birthday is one day that I can have to take my time, do what I please, and not feel guilty.
But plans get changed, and instead I spent the better part of the day at a celebration of life for the husband and brother in law of some sweet friends of mine.  His name is Brad.  If you get the opportunity to meet new people in Heaven, he’ll be the tall one with the great smile.  Most likely wearing a cowboy hat.  
Our connection to Brad’s family dates back to as long as I have memories.  His sister in law Katie and I were classmates from the time we were 4 until we graduated high school.  We lost touch as she traveled across the country with her nursing job, but Facebook, and you, reconnected us.  And then her daughter Brielle was born and our connection grew.  Almost 2 years ago, Katie and her family moved back to Iowa and I am now Brielle’s teacher, Katie is one of my dearest friends, and her boys Nic and Luke brighten my day every time I see them.
Brad’s daughter Morgan and your brother Coop were the best of friends when they were tiny.  They celebrated birthdays together, had a tea party at Morgan’s house, and your dad even came across a t-ball picture of them together.  Holly says they insisted they had to have their picture taken together!
Brad’s wife Holly used to babysit Casey and I when we were little. I remember her attempting to make homeade biscuits with us one day and there being flour EVERYWHERE!!! More recently she has been my yoga instructor and helped facilitate a girls group with Carsyn and some classmates.  
This past June, when Brad was sick, my phone rang and Holly’s number popped up.  I was at your brother’s ball tournament and we were between games.  I knew immediately that I needed to step away to take her call.  My heart knew that she needed to speak honestly and that required privacy.  
You see, after losing you, I’d say 2 years in, when I began to see in color again, I came across this quote  - “I love when people who have been through hell walk out of the flames carrying buckets of water for those still consumed by the fire.”.  When I read those words, I knew that I wanted, that God wanted, to take my pain, my grief, my knowledge about how to ride these waves of heartache, and use them in a way that would benefit other people who were still consumed by the fire.
In my 37th year, I’ve begun to feel strong enough to be able to do that.  And when Holly called that day, my heart knew I was to carry buckets to her.....that day, today, and any day from here forward that she needs them.
And not just Holly.  Whoever God brings into my life.
So today I spent my birthday learning about Brad.  As much as I knew members of his family, my knowledge of him was limited to being his waitress at Ludlows.  I most recall his unique voice and his million dollar smile.  When I became most familiar with him was when he was undergoing some knee repairs and his leg was in a brace that had to stay straight at all times.  It was always in the aisle, or on a chair, and he was constantly moving it out of our way and we were forever telling him it was fine!  We would get around it!
Today I had the chance to hear about his choice to be a dad to Beau, a friend to all, a rodeo stock contractor, a teacher in so many areas of life, a lover of Jesus, and the land.  I watched videos of him raise his kiddos up to put the star on the top of their Christmas tree.  Saw pictures of him water skiing and celebrating his birthdays. Heard how he met Holly.  Saw the immense grief on the faces of the many family members and friends who have to live without his presence.  And I knew him that much better when I walked away today.  And that knowledge will allow me to love his family better.  
It was a day well spent.  A hard day, but a day well spent.
When I talked to Holly that day in June, I promised her that no matter what happened, if Brad got well, or he didn’t, people would get in the ditch with her.  They would.  They would get in and sit with her and stay there until she was ready to peek her head out and think about trying to live again.
I’ll get in the ditch with her, because I know what the ditch feels like.  Others will get in there too, simply because they love her.
And it all brings me back to you, Fish. And how God changed me, through your life.
Your Papa called me as I was leaving today to wish me a happy birthday.  We visited for a bit and as we were hanging up, my emotions came to the surface, and he could hear them in my voice.  I was appreciating that birthday call from my dad a little extra for those who would not be receiving anymore calls like that.
Before you, before God opened my eyes to the value of heart connections through your life,  I would not have appreciated that call from my dad near as much. 
I would not have spent my birthday at Brad’s celebration.  I would have gone to his visitation last night and said that was good enough. 
I would not have riden that horse drawn wagon with steel wheels down the dusty rock road in the blazing hot sun on a 90 degree August day to get to Brad’s requested corner of the pasture with beads of sweat rolling down the back of my neck. 
I would not have left my phone in the car and focused on the sounds of the nature that surrounded me, took in the sights of the wooden fence posts with barbed wire pulled taut and evenly spaced so succinctly around each pasture, and enjoyed the contrast between the colors of the ground, the sky, and the clouds. 
I would not have allowed myself to get uncomfortable for other people on a day that was supposed to be mine.  It’s hard to type those words, because it sounds so very selfish, but its the truth.
I am so grateful for the change that having you has brought to my life.
I am grateful for the opportunities that God has given me to love people right where they are.
I am grateful that most days I am no longer “consumed by the fire”.
I am grateful to be your mom.
I love you Fish
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gsgaragedoors · 5 years
The Good Points of Sliding Gates on Fences
There are several good points to installing sliding gates on the perimeter fencing around your property versus installing the traditional ones that swung to and fro on hinges. Most of the times when you are talking about fences you need to consider the purpose of the fence in order to determine the style you should install and the materials you should use to do this. The sliding gates on these items are more useful for the people with certain types of fences than they are for other people.
Sliding gates on simple yard fences that are no higher than four feet are unnecessary and they would look very strange. These type of enclosures are designed more to establish the perimeters of a piece of property than they are to keep anything from getting onto the property. They do deter children and the neighborhood dogs from running on your grass and through your flowers beds, and they keep your children and pet in your yard, but they are basically there for the looks.
Sliding gates on fences that are enclosing commercial properties like auto repair shops make better sense than the old swinging style do. You can secure the sliding gates better than the ones that were mounted on hinges and therefore you can make the property more difficult for thieves to get onto.
When you have sliding gates you do not lose a large portion of your property to the area where the gate swings. The panels on hinges swing open and closed like the doors on your house do and you have to keep the area in front of them free of obstacles that might hinder them. In commercial areas where space is often limited this amount of space can cause difficulties.
These types of closures are less likely to have problems and need repairs. The old versions that swung on hinges can become warped and then they do not close well. The holes where the hinges are attached to the post can become enlarged and then they do not close well because the gate begins to sag. The sliding gates do not have these sagging problems. The biggest problem with them is that the ground beneath them needs to be relatively level for them to operate correctly.
You will be able to install automatic closures if you have the type of panel that slides from side to side. You can also install these panels on steel fencing that is part of an electric fence, or a high security fence. The panels are sturdy in design and it generally takes a power tool to cut through them, where the old style gate can be easily taken down from its hinges and then put back when the criminal is through.
You can easily install these pieces yourself or if you prefer you can have them professionally installed. Maintenance is very easy on them but you will want to oil the wheels on occasion and check them for debris.
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joesbrownusa · 8 years
Houses For Sale in State Center, IA
501 6th St SE
Price: $18000
Building lot in Figgins Addition, State Center
404 6th St SE
Price: $18000
Building lot in Figgins Addition, State Center
406 3rd Ave SE
Price: $18000
Building lot in Figgins Addition, State Center
305 5th St SE
Price: $18000
Building lot in Figgins Addition, State Center
301 5th St SE
Price: $18000
Building lot in Figgins Addition, State Center
402 3rd Ave SE
Price: $18000
Building lot in Figgins Addition, State Center
2428 Evergreen Ave
Price: $14000
Build your dream home at the Pines!! Secluded building lot perfect for your new home. The seller has already cleared many trees. It is ready to build on.rural water, electric, and fiber optic internet on site. Stop by and take a look.
408 3rd St SW
Price: $19900
Take a look at this beautiful line of trees, just perfect to build your Dream home in this growing town with so much to offer. Businesses, Great schools, Gulf course, and much more.Take a Drive by.
407 1st Ave
Price: $85000
Ranch in State Center on ¾ Acre! Not only a great lot with attached double garage, there is a 45×30 steel building! Walk into this gem over the front deck and you will find hardwood floors and a spacious layout. Bathroom has been updated and newer breakers. HURRY! This is a hard to find home with a big yard and extra garage space! Appliances included plus a Home Warranty!
407 1st Ave S
Price: $85000
Ranch in State Center on ¾ Acre! Not only a great lot with attached double garage, there is a 45×30 steel building! Walk into this gem over the front deck and you will find hardwood floors and a spacious layout. Bathroom has been updated and newer breakers. HURRY! This is a hard to find home with a big yard and extra garage space! Appliances included plus a Home Warranty!
507 6th St SE
Price: $253800
Total sq. ft. 2709. New, New, New! Brand new construction by Orton Homes, Cooper floor plan. Very open concept, 4 bedroom, 2-story home. Beautiful finish work and trim package. Great working kitchen includes abundant cabinetry & granite countertop. Private master suite with walk-in closet. 3 car attached garage. Be the first! Call today! Pictures are of model home in the Des Moines market, not actual for this listing.
2425 Fairman Ave
Price: $198900
Looking for privacy & shade? Wonderful 1 acre acreage surrounded by trees for shade and privacy. Home features 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, spacious living room opening into dining area PLUS a sun room opening from the master bedroom then onto the deck overlooking the private shaded back yard. Perfect for morning coffee or an evening retreat. The kitchen offers plenty of work space for those who love cooking family meals or those that love to entertain. The walk out lower level is ready for your finishing touch with the possibility of a 4th bedroom with full window. What ever your needs this is a wonderful acreage ready and waiting for a loving new owner.
406 2nd St SE
Price: $110000
Beautifully kept 3 bedroom, 1 ½ bath craftsman bungalow on one of the prettiest streets in town. This home has gas fireplace & oak built-ins. Schedule now to see this charmer in historic State Center.
607 4th St SW
Price: $64900
This cute 2-3 bedroom home in State Center would be a great starter home or rental. It has 1 full bathroom. Main floor laundry. It has been well maintained, newer vinyl siding, 1 stall garage. Call for a showing.
308 3rd Ave SW
Price: $124900
Old World Charm. CHARMING 2 story with 4 bedrooms – 1 ½ baths and TONS OF IMPROVEMENTS. Sweeping open staircase, 3 Seasons Porch & fenced yard. NEW kitchen flooring, freshly painted, updated shingles & GORGEOUS decorative fireplace. MUST SEE! Stop & take a look.
1357 230th St
Price: $89900
This is one of a kind find!! Located just on the edge of State Center in West Marshall School District. 4-5 bedroom home. Large living room with great lava rock fireplace. Sliders to deck. Built in bar. The garage was made into 2-3 bedrooms but can easily be converted back to the garage if wanted to. Sunken soaking bathtub with ceramic tile walk in shower. Sliders off dining kitchen area to another patio. The master bedroom could be a 2nd family room with sliders to another patio. Lots of choices depending on your needs. Unique one of a kind home. Must see!
306 6th St SE
Price: $256300
Total sq. ft. 3074. New, New, New! Brand new construction by Orton Homes, Baldwin floor plan. Very open concept, 3 bedroom, ranch home. Beautiful finish work and trim package. Great working kitchen includes abundant cabinetry & granite countertop. Private master suite with walk-in closet. 3 car attached garage. Be the first! Call today! Pictures are of model home in the Des Moines market, not actual for this listing.
206 1st Ave N
Price: $30750
Large affordable 5 bedroom home located in State Center. Main floor laundry. Formal dining with sliders to deck.
505 4th St SW
Price: $44900
GREAT investment opportunity, starter home, or retirement home! Located on a LARGE LOT this quaint home has a NEWER ROOF, and UPDATED central air. There are some newer laminate floors throughout along with hardwood floors found in the large living room. CALL TODAY!
208 3rd Ave SW
Price: $59900
Diamond in the Rough! Great Location – directly across from West Marshall School! Spacious & room for many! Oversized garage. All situated on a large corner lot!
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-state-center-ia/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/157955148945
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bellevuefencing · 2 years
The Best Fence Contractor In Seattle For Your Backyard
If you're looking for a contractor to install a fence in your backyard, you've come to the right place. We've partnered with some of Seattle's leading fence contractors, who will work with you to find the perfect material and design for your home or business. Check out all of our partners below, then contact them directly from their listing page.
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bellevuefencing · 2 years
Affordable fence contractor in Seattle.
It's time to upgrade the fence around your property or backyard. When looking for a fence contractor, it's easy to get carried away by the long list of promises and guarantees many contractors offer to entice customers. However, is this really what you want when all your hard-earned money has been spent? Instead, take a step back and look for a company that does not need to give you unrealistic promises in order for you to sign on the dotted line.
Types Of Fences
Wood fences. Wood fences are the most common type of fence today. These have been in use for hundreds of years and are still just as relevant today as before. The only difference is that wood has evolved tremendously over the years, giving us better options than ever before. It has also become more cost-effective and versatile, allowing you to install a fence that will suit your style as well as your budget. The amount of choices you have when considering wood fences is astounding today.
Chain Link Fences. On the flip side, chain link fences are also very popular today. Chain links can be configured in many different ways, and as technology has progressed, so has the fence industry. The first chain link fence was invented more than 80 years ago, but now they're also available in a variety of colors and styles that make them unique from one another. As before, the main draws to chain link fencing are its affordability and versatility.
Metal Fences. If you're looking for something more modern and out of the ordinary, metal fences are also a great option for you. There are many different types of metal available to choose from, and each one offers its own advantages. The UK company Mesh Fencing has developed a mesh fencing system that is completely reusable. It is made of aluminum mesh and can be installed in under 15 minutes. The end result: a pretty neat-looking fence that provides privacy while keeping your yard nice and tidy at the same time.
Security Fences. If your desire to have a fence is based on your desire to protect your property, look no further than the security fence. The best thing about these is that they can be used for both residential and commercial properties, for different purposes and purposes. Security fences are also popular because they can be installed in as little as an hour or two depending on the type of fence you select. They are also extremely durable, so your wood or metal fence will not last forever if you chose to install a security fence instead.
Like a good contractor, Security Fences Seattle provides the best alternatives for its customers. They can help you choose the best materials for your security fence, as well as install them. You will not be disappointed with the final product.
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bellevuefencing · 2 years
Why Fencing near me Is Right for You
There are many reasons why fencing is a fantastic sport for young people. In this blog, we've discussed how fencing near me can boost self-esteem, help kids fight their insatiable desire for electronics, and even help kids behave and perform better academically at school.
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bellevuefencing · 2 years
Professional Fence Contractor Near Me
If you're looking for a professional fence contractor to help you bar your yard, or to make your backyard safer and more secure, then a professional fencing company would be the best option. Whether it's chain link fence or wood gate installation, chain link posts in metal channels, or weathered wood posts installed in concrete bases on residential properties, Fence Contractor can handle any type of fencing project for the area near you.
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bellevuefencing · 2 years
Tumblr media
Why Fencing near me Is Right for You
There are many reasons why fencing is a fantastic sport for young people. In this blog, we've discussed how fencing near me can boost self-esteem, help kids fight their insatiable desire for electronics, and even help kids behave and perform better academically at school.
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bellevuefencing · 2 years
Affordable Fence Repair in Des Moines, WA
Do you need a dependable fencing firm in Des Moines, WA, or the surrounding areas? We at Bellevue Fencing are experts in all facets of construction, including fence repair, construction, and renovation. We will work together to improve the property value of your home or property, as well as its curb appeal and protection, with our services!
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bellevuefencing · 2 years
Reasons to Buy High-Security Fences in Des Moines
If you live in the greater Des Moines area, it’s important that you have the best fence possible. High-security fences are necessary, and they come in handy when you need security from other people or animals. Keep yourself and your family safe by buying high-security fencing from a reputable Des Moines Fence Company like Fence Connections Inc.
Fence Connections offers high-security fencing for sale combined with an expert installation made possible by our professionals at no extra charge.
1. A high-security fence from Fence Connections is cheaper than a standard fence.
There are two reasons for this. First, the manufacturers charge those who sell their high-security fences less in order to make up for their lower profit margins when the fences are made to lower standards that don’t give you the security you need for your home or business.
2. High-Security fences are safer than other types of fencing.
High-security fencing protects you and your family from intruders. Other types of fencing may be easier to break or climb. Though this is fine for most homes, you shouldn’t leave yourself open to danger.
3. High-security fences are more potent than other types of fencing.
Most types of fencing are relatively easy to break or climb. Your high-security fence will contain intruders, and it requires tools that most thieves do not carry on.
4. High-security fences keep more people out than other types of fencing.
Because high-security fences are designed to be stronger and harder to break, they are effective at keeping unwanted people out of your property, such as would-be home invaders. 
5. High-security fences have a longer lifespan than other types of fencing.
High-security fencing is built to be stronger, and it’s made to withstand the test of time. Most other types of fencing are not quite as durable, which makes high-security fencing a better choice for most people who want to protect their belongings and their families from intruders.
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bellevuefencing · 2 years
The Best Des Moines Fence Company
Des Moines Fence Company is a company that provides fencing to its customers in the Des Moines area. Our main goal is to provide you with affordable fences, so you can feel free to call us with any questions or concerns.
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bellevuefencing · 2 years
The Best Fence Company in Des Moines
Choosing the right fence company in Des Moines is key to getting the best quality materials. There are a lot of companies out there and it can be overwhelming to figure out which one is the best for you. This blog post will help you make an informed decision and find the top fence company in Des Moines.
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bellevuefencing · 2 years
Quick and Easy Fix For Your FENCING DES MOINES
FENCING DES MOINES, you will find out how to properly install a fence gate using the right materials. This is a detailed guide on what you need to know in order to make sure that your fencing project goes smoothly and looks nice. You will learn about the different types of fencing including cost, installation, and design. The article also includes tips on buying quality fencing materials that will last.
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