#derry is a little sweetie and they always have overalls on
buttercupart · 1 year
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the Holidreemurr twins [wip]
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You can’t wake up this is not a dream
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Summary: The Winchester siblings have always relied on each others for years. But has the years passed they made a small family. Years and years of fighting monster have brought them to the town of Derry. With fight a creature that is not of this world have to the Winchester finally met their match?
I made my way back to where Eddie said that he saw the clown. I was met with a rundown house. With my rock salt gun at the ready I made my way inside of the house. I with through all of the rooms that were on the first floor but I didn’t find anything. Then I made my way up the stairs. “Is anyone here.” I called out as I made my way through the rooms. I started to hear the slightest sounds of bells. “Hello.” I said. I walked into a room that had a mattress on the ground. I could hear footsteps that were getting closer to me. I stood in front of the mattress that was also in front of the door with my gun pointed at the door. “Show yourself!” I yelled as I put my finger on the trigger ready to shot what or whoever was about to burst through the door. All of a sudden the door what burst opened and I saw a flash of grey as I was knocked onto the mattress and I felt someone on top of me.. My gun was knocked out my reach. I heard a laugh. “So they send the tiniest hunter to fight ol pennywise.” A voice said. I looked to see a clown that I’ve been seeing on top of me. “It’s you.” I said. “Oh yes it’s me ol pennywise. You and those other hunters have been a throne in ol pennywise’s side.” Pennywise said as he put his nose against my cheek and started to smell me. “So it’s you that I’ve been seeing. You the reason all these kids have been missing.” I said. Then pennywise grabbed my throat. “Pennywise has to eat. But pennywise has never tasted a hunter before.” Pennywise said as he licked from my collarbone and stopped at my lips. Pennywise kept his eyes on me the whole time probably waiting to get a reaction out of me. But when I didn’t even reaction this seemed to anger him. “Oh you think I would have been afraid of you didn’t you. Like you said I’m a hunter. I’ve been doing this for my whole life so I don’t scare easily anymore.” I said. Pennywise looked angrily down at me as he again grabbed my throat as he got off of me standing up taking me with him. I tried to get his hand off of me. It wasn’t until I kicked him in the chest that he dropped me. When I hit the ground I quickly grabbed my gun and pointed at him but when I did he was gone. I quickly got to my feet and got out of the house and back to the truck. 
When I got back in my truck Eddie wanted to know what happened. But since he seem to be upset about what had happened to him I told him that I would tell him later as I drove him home. When I pulled into Eddie’s driveway his mother was waiting at the door for him. “Bye y/n.” Eddie said. “See ya Eddie.” I said as Eddie got out and made his way over to his mother. His mother just looked at me and gave me a nod before she ushered Eddie inside. I backed out of Eddie’s driveway and made my way back home. Once I pulled into the driveway and I turn off the truck I pulled down one of the overhead mirrors to make sure I didn’t have a bruise on my neck. My neck had a bright red hand mark on it. It looked like it might bruise. I grabbed my bag and got out of the truck and made my way in the house. As I walked up the stairs of the porch I could hear faint crying. If I had to guess Gage had probably woke up and the boys were trying and failing to get him to calm down. 
I opened the door and walked in. “I’m back.” I said. “Where have you been kiddo?” Dean asked hold Gage bouncing him up and down trying to get him to stop crying. “I was driving back and I almost ran over Eddie. He saw the clown and I had to check it out.” I said. “Is the kid okay?” Dean asked. “Eddie fine he seemed shaken up though. Did you get ahold of the family yet?” I asked. Gage finally noticed that I was back and he reached out for me. I sat my bag down and went to take him away from Dean which made Gage calm down immediately. “Oh there you go.” I said as I kissed the side of Gage’s head. “Sammy is getting in contract with the family. You’re really good with him you know.” Dean said smiling as he watched Gage and I. “Well you weren’t having any luck calming him down.” I said smirking at him. “Oh very funny.” Dean said. “Ok we’ll see in a few hours.” Sam said as he walked into the room still on the phone then hung up. “Well?” Dean asked. “That was Mrs. Creed folks. Obviously their upset about what happened. Their on the way to get Gage.” Sam said. “Well I think while we wait we get some food in this little guy. What do you think about that little man you hungry?” I asked as I looked down at Gage. Gage with his arms around my neck looked at me and nodded. “You heard the little man boys he’s hungry.” I said. 
Since Mrs. Creed parents were coming from Boston we had enough time to go in to town so we could get gage feed and hopefully back to sleep by the time that they got into Derry. We ate dinner than once we were finished we went back to the house. Gage really hasn’t wanted to leave my sight since we rescue him. I couldn’t blame the little man and what he went through. Once we walked back in the house Gage was still in my arms and I walked over to the couch and sat down and turned on the TV. Gage and I watched TV until he fell asleep on my chest. After he falls asleep I didn’t want to wake him so I just stayed where I was and just let him sleep. I eventually fell asleep. 
I was woken up by someone taking Gage out of my arms. I immediately woke up and grabbing Gage back from whoever was taking him away. “Hey kiddo it’s okay. The folks are here.” Dean said. I nodded and looked down to check if Gage was still asleep and he still was. I carefully got up and made my way to where Mrs. Creed parents were. They were in the kitchen talking to Sam. Both of them looked like they were crying. I made my way over Mrs. Creed’s mother and carefully handed Gage over to her. “Thank you dear.” Mrs. Creed mother said as she took Gage from me. “It wasn’t a problem he was a complete sweetheart to me but he seemed to be a handful to my brother though.” I said as I ran a hand over his hair. “Well it seems like you have a mother touch.” Mrs. Creed mother said. “Come on dear we should get going back home. I thank you again.” Mrs. Creed father said as he shook both Sam and Dean’s hand then gave me a kiss on the cheek. “You guys have a safe drive home.” I said. I watched as the two of them left. Dean let out a yawn. “Well I don’t know about you two but I’m going to go to bed.” Dean said. “Night Dean.” I said as he kissed my head. “Night kiddo I’m proud of you today.” Dean said then walked to his room. “I think that I’m going to go to sleep too.” Sam said as kissed my head also. “Night Sammy.” I said as he walked to his room.
I went to go grab my bag of weapon so I could take it back to my room and then went to take a bath. I grabbed a change of clothes and made my way to my bathroom. While I had the water running I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that the red  hand mark on my neck was now gone and thankfully it didn’t bruise as I let out a sigh of relief. I took off my clothes and got into the warm water letting the water relax my muscles. I stayed in the water for about thirty minutes before I got out getting dried off and putting on my change of clothes. I grabbed my dirty clothes and made my way back to my room. When I walked in my room I could hear my phone going off. I sat my dirty clothes on my bed and went through my weapons bag digging for my phone. I finally pulled it out to see that Bev was calling me. “Hello.” I said as I answered her call. “Y/n.” Bev said sounding like she was crying. “Bev what’s wrong” I asked. “There’s blood. There’s blood everywhere.” Bev said. “What do you mean by that sweetie?” I asked. “My bathroom there’s blood everywhere. My dad he didn’t see the blood.” Bev said. “Do you want me to come over tomorrow to see if I can see the blood too?” I asked. “Can you?” Bev asked. “Of course I can.” I said. “Thank you y/n.” Bev said. “It’s not a problem now just try to get some rest okay.” I said. “I will.” Bev said then hung up.    
Supernatural Taglist: @darkqueennox​
Overall Taglist: @the-broken-halo-writer
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metalchickaf19 · 5 years
The Bowers Gang: Ship #13 - Belch Huggins
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Request: Hi, how are you? I'd requested a ship before but it probably got lost so I'll re-send it 😊 I'm a 5'6 very skinny girl with hair half black half green. I never leave my house without eyeliner on and my headphones. I make mistakes speaking english cause my og language is spanish so I'm a bit shy when I first meet people but once you get to know me I'm really outgoing and I joke a lot. I'm kinda dirty minded but I tend to get embarrassed when they joke about it and my face goes all red +  like painting on my clothes, mostly on my jeans. I love music as well, can't spend a day without listening to anything at all. I enjoy eating and I do so perhaps more often than necessary, my favorite foods are hamburgers and whatever my mom makes. I like to sing and dance tho I'm not very good at that last one. I also can't be mean to people even tho they've told me I look intimidating (but I don't think so haha) but I don't take any bullshit from anyone. Thank you so much in advance💜
Okay, one thing needs to be said right off the bat: 
You choosing to hook up with Belch was an unprecedented win for him, and it’s kind of the greatest thing ever
Belch, Victor, and Patrick had a legit dog-fight when it came to who would get with you first, and do you know what Belch thought his odds were of winning that dog-fight?
- 5. He thought he had - 5 chances of winning you.
But, by some miracle, you ended up selecting our lovable teddy bear in the end, and now get to thrive off of his goofish ways 
* Good choice, just so you know - Belch is largely underappreciated by the women-folk, and they have no idea what they’re missing *
Hockstetter still tries to get in your pants on a regular basis, of course (dog-fights never end for literal dogs), but hey, it’s a fairly grope-free life for the most part
*Annoying, fairly immediate side-note*
Henry originally rejected you on the basis of your race (so many ignorant comments hurled from across the halls), but was basically forced to “accept” you into the group when all the rest of the guys developed an interest in you apart from him
... Seriously, it was kind of hilarious - Bowers was left to stand alone on his little island of hate for once, and none of the other guys would give him the time of day about it  
Got used to you being around the gang pretty quickly in the end though, because Henry’s level of racism (at least, where girls are concerned) is completely dependent upon whether or not he finds a person hot
And he knows damn well he thinks you’re easy on the eyes 
We’ll keep that little tidbit on the DL for now, though - wouldn’t want the citizens of Derry to know that Henry Bowers isn’t too skilled at genuine intolerance, now would we?
*Annoying, fairly immediate side-note over*
All the guys have a running joke that you’re a witch, because hair color choices 
Yes, Patrick was the first one to bring it up, and then it spread to the rest of the group - if you want to massacre someone over it, massacre him (please do it, I beg you)
Belch sometimes asks you to paint band logos on his T-shirts (mostly Slayer and Black Sabbath)
In return, has taken a pair of your jeans on two separate occasions to try and paint something special on them for you
... It did not turn out well in either case 
One pair got ruined when he spilled his dirty paintbrush water all over the backside (tried to give them back to you saying they were “tie-dyed”)...
... and the other pair got stolen by Patrick, who wrote “Property of The Bowers Gang” on the waistband in bright red sharpie 
That pair (the pair that was desecrated by Hockstetter) just so happened to be your favorite pair of jeans
... Meaning Belch didn’t want to tell you what Patrick had done to them for a long time
... Meaning, whenever you wore them, you walked around with “Property of the Bowers Gang” on your butt without knowing it until Patrick saw you wear that pair to school one day and d i e d
D i e d in the middle of the Derry high school upper-floor hallway
Remains one of Hockstetter’s favorite moments to this day, and we all hate him for it
Please don’t blame Belch, though; he just wanted to show his love through artistry 
Finds it friggin’ adorable whenever you mess up your English, to the point of having to verbalize his feelings in some way every time it happens (You: “*Flubs a word in the middle of your sentence*” Belch: *Trying to hold in his love for you, and ultimately failing* “... Awwww, baaabe.” *Gargantuan head-kiss followed by delighted Huggins chuckle*)  
... Patrick and Henry make fun of you about it like nobody’s business though
You knew this was coming - please don’t come for me
Every time you mess up your English in front of them, you hear a new illegal immigration joke (”You sure you’re where you belong, sweetie? ‘Cause I think I’m hearin’ more taco than bald eagle right about now.” *Ultra-annoying Hockstetter cackle followed by ultra-obnoxious Bowers chuckle*)
Yeah...have fun with that wear on your psyche
Alright, now gurl - you know you’re in the right place if eating is an activity you enjoy 
Welcome to a relationship with Belch Huggins, where food is the only thing you love as much as you love each other, if not more 
Belch has been over to your house many times for dinner, because he straight-up loves your Mom’s cooking 
Always shows up early to help in the kitchen, and always stays late to help clear the dishes afterwards (aka: your Mom loves him)
Pretty much down for anything (you’ve seen him slurp oysters like an all-out beast), but fishes for an invitation hardcore when he knows your Mom will be making traditional spanish cuisine for that night’s meal
Huggins loves that mess
... To the point where he once got caught spooning fried rice into a little tupperware container he snuck in with him, but please don’t hold it against him 
Belch just saw a lot of good food, and had no concept of the “to go” plate 
Once a week, you guys go on a date to a restaurant you haven’t been to before - your goal is to try every restaurant in town 
You both basically order the same things everywhere you go (some variation of burgers and/or chicken tenders), but it’s given you reason to explore new parts of Derry, so yay 
*Nice, emotionally poignant side-note*
Victor harbors a huge crush on you from the very beginning of your relationship (i.e. le dog-fight)
Would never act on it (because he truly loves Belch), but tends to make it obvious by accident with his soft boi eyes
Often steals glances at you within the group
Like Belch, thinks it’s sooo cute whenever you mess up your English, and sometimes tries to make it happen in the classes you share together (asks you to read him the questions off of worksheets, asks you to read him certain passages from your book that he knows have difficult words, etc.)
But again - purely in the interest of satisfying his craving from afar
Criss will look at you with googly eyes forever, but he shall never touch you because gentleman 
*Nice, emotionally poignant side-note over*
All the guys love it whenever you get angry at someone, because you sometimes start yelling at them in “spanglish”
Patrick always makes a crack about it (he’s the one you’re yelling at most of the time, and we’re not at all surprised), but it literally turns all of them on faster than a special-edition Playboy 
Have fun knowing you hold that much power over them through your choice of words alone 
Also Belch asks you to sing for him sometimes when you’re alone together 
Primarily when he’s had a rough day, and just wants to drift off to sleep - he loves it even more when it’s a song in your original language 
Rub his back while you do it, and you’ll be repaid ten-fold in Huggins’ sweetness the next day, I promise you 
Overall, a very cute relationship that works well with the rest of the group
Kind of intimidating that 3 out of the 4 guys high-key want to fuck you, but hey, some people would consider you lucky 
It’s me. I consider you lucky.
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katecarteir · 6 years
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summary: “You guys have kept in contact this whole time?” Bill asked, brow disappearing underneath hair line as he looked like his old friends in amazement. “And you guys are.. what? Room mates?”
Eddie avoided looking at Richie as he answered. “Yeah, uh… room mates. Something like that.”
[or: the adult!losers reunion, done 2000s sit-com style, just like we all deserve.]
chapter count: 1/?
Ben Hanscom kicked at the dirt path alongside the Barrens. It was as just as obviously a foot-made path as it had been twelve years earlier, the last time Ben had walked down here. Back then, he had never been walking alone- always flanked with two or more of his friends from youth.
For safety, Ben remembered bitterly. It had been little Eddie Kaspbrak who had made the first statement, that nobody should go into the Barrens alone, after Ben had been attacked that day. They hadn’t even been my friends, Ben thought to himself. He picked at long, overgrown yellowing grass alongside the path. I’d only known Beverly then, but they’d stood by me. Stole supplies for me. Even though it put them higher on Henry Bowers’ shit list.
Henry Bowers… Ben let out a shaky laugh, pressing his hand against the long faded scar on his stomach. It was barely visible now days, over a decade faded in age and dimmed with the loss of his childhood weight. That day, though undoubtably terrible, had been the last day for many years that Ben Hanscom had been able to say he didn’t have any friends.
Those same friends that Ben hadn’t been spoken to near on a decade, people he’d considered to be his soul mates and thought he’d never separate from. They’d graduated high school, moved across the country, and by the time the summer of 1996 rolled around- they didn’t even speak at all.
Until Derry High School had sent out the e-mails, announcing that in the May of 2005 that they would be holding a 10 year reunion for the graduates of 1995. Mike Hanlon had reached out not long after that. Ben had a Facebook, used it for his work, and had looked up his former friends after hearing from Mike. Most of them had not taken the leap to website, but two had.
Richie Tozier, who seemed to embraced his given name of Richard, seemed to only have work friends on his Facebook as well. He’d gone into work with radio, such a Richie job Ben had thought fondly when he’d realized. There was a slight illusion of some sort of serious relationship on Richie’s Facebook, if just from small comments of his own and that of his friends. He didn’t list a relationship status, nor any name of the radio station he worked for. Ben had scrolled through Richie’s page for his entire lunch break and still hadn’t reached the end.
Beverly Marsh had also gone online with Facebook, but had taken a longer time for Ben to find. At some point in the last ten years, Beverly had gone and tied the knot. Her Facebook name now fell under Bev Rogan and was listed as Married to Thomas Rogan. Her privacy settings were much higher than Richie’s- which had easily been non-existent, so Ben hadn’t been able to see any of her personal posts. He supposed that was for the best, if the uncomfortable feeling in his gut at just the thought of Beverly being married had anything to say about it- he wouldn’t have been able to look at Beverly’s happy life.
Ben moved himself up the steep hill, and walked back to his patiently waiting cab. His overly friendly driver grinned up at in the rearview mirror. “Anything interesting down there?” He asked him happily.
“Yeah, yes,” Ben said, voice croaking. “I was just…” An image of bulky thick rimmed glasses, and burning red hair flashed in Ben’s mind. “Just visiting some old ghosts.”  
→  →  →
“Just not too hot!” Eddie Kaspbrak was calling over his shoulder as his husband was attempting to assure him out the front door. “You know not to make it too hot, it’s really important. If it’s too hot, it’ll-“
“Eddie, sweetheart,” Maggie Tozier laughed happily, patting her starting to winkle hand against Eddie’s soft cheek. “I’ve done this once or twice. You don’t have anything to worry about, sweetie. Go see your friends, have good time.”
“Yes, I-” Eddie nodded, feeling Richie’s arm coming to rest around his waist. “I know, I know. But we have a very particular schedule we’ve been working with and if it’s-“
“Okay,” Richie pressed a quick kiss to Eddie’s cheek then grinned at his mother. “We’re going to get going, before we’re late and Eddie says something rude that he doesn’t mean.” Eddie grumbled, but flushed and leaned into his husband’s gentle touch. “Love you, Ma. Thanks so much for doing this. Tell Dad we’ll go out for a drink before we head home.”
Maggie rolled her eyes. “He’s your father. Tell him yourself.” Richie gave a matching eye roll, ushering Eddie out of the door and shutting it behind them.
→  →  →
“Who’s a good boy?” Mike Hanlon cooed as his six month old golden retriever, Henry, jumped up on him with his paws landing in Mike’s awaiting hands. “You are! You’re the goodest boy!”
Mike’s boyfriend, Alexander, padded into the farm house’s kitchen in his flannel house coat with a steaming cup of what could only be coffee in his hand. He grinned at Mike and shook his head. “Don’t say things like that. You’re going to give the other animals a complex.”
Mike beamed. “They can’t hear me from in here.”
“You don’t know that.”
Mike and Alexander had been together going on two years now. Six months earlier, Mike’s father had been diagnosed with Alzheimer Disease, and when Mike had expected to loose out on the best relationship of his life because of the time he’d be (willingly) giving up to care for his father, Alexander had surprised him for the millionth time since Mike had met him. He’d jumped right into the situation, moving his things into the Hanlon’s farmhouse and taking up what Mike felt might be a little more than his shared of responsibilities.
“When are you meeting your friends?” Alexander asked, jumping to sit up on the countertop with his legs dangling.
Mike sighed, scooping his pup into his arms and pressing his face into his fur. “Soon. Really soon. I should get going if I’m going to make into town in time.”
Alexander raised his eyebrows. “Wasn’t this whole get up your idea? Why do you seem so reluctant to actually go?”
Mike walked forward and dropped Henry into his boyfriend’s ready open arms. “I’m not reluctant… I’m definitely excited to see them. It’s just… it’s been a long time, you know? I guess I’m nervous.”
Alexander nodded, scratching behind Henry’s floppy ear. “I don’t think you need to be worried. If even half the things you told me about your old friends are true, you’re going to click back to who you were immediately.”
→  →  →
Beverly Rogan had stepped off the train in Derry and had absolutely no idea what the hell she was doing. The town of Derry hadn’t changed in the decade since she’d turned her away from it and never looked back. Same stores that looked like they hadn’t been renovated since the 1960s, same people on the streets giving her dirty looks- just a little bit older. She hadn’t even come back to this place when her father had died six years earlier, and could barely explain to herself why she was coming back now. It certainly wasn’t to celebrate her days at Derry High School.
She hadn’t been able to explain it to her husband, either. Tom didn’t like surprises, and he very much did not like surprises that including his wife packing up half her belongings and getting on a train. Belongings she was still carrying on with her, which was only drawing more eyes to her. Tom Rogan was a good guy, but as Beverly had learned slowly- not the best husband. He was neglectful and didn’t’ seem to have any idea of how to make a person truly happy. She’d walked out to return to her high school reunion, and didn’t know she if she’d been walking out on her marriage overall.
Beverly stood outside the old Dancing Clown diner, knowing that she was early, knowing that she’d never given Mike a straight answer on whether or not she was coming. Inhaling deeply, she started up to the building and went inside.
→  →  →
Bill Denbrough tripped and nearly fell down the flight of stairs at parents house. He bounced into the living room, trying to stuff his foot into a sock. His twenty-one year old brother barely even looked up from video game and let out a laugh. “Ha. Fucking loser.”
“You’re one to talk,” Bill shot back, licking his lips and frowning to try to keep himself from stuttering. It was never as bad as when he was back in Derry, there were times when he could years without stuttering if he didn’t make a home visit. “When’s the last time you got off that cuh-couch?”
George held up a half eaten Pizza Pocket and shook it in display. Bill made a disgusted noise and looked over at his father, who’d yet to glance up from his book since breakfast that morning. Turning away, Bill grabbed a jacket from rack by the front door and shrugged it on. The air was still crisp in Maine this early in May, he was lucky Audra had thought to bring them. Despite being the native Maine-r, Bill often forgot what life was like living in Maine. It sometimes felt almost like a repression, and everything was burning into his mind that second he crossed into the state like. Never mind once they’d ridden into Derry.
Bill and Audra had spent the better part of the last year in England, sending their belongings to their unlived in New York apartment while themselves and enough things for the weekend made their way to Derry.
“You’re leaving now?” Audra asked, appearing by Bill’s side as he started putting his boots on. He looked up at his girlfriend of three years and smiled at her. “Have fun, I hope your friends are as awesome as you remember them being. When you get back, there’s something I’ve got to talk to you about.”
“No, no no, hey no,” Bill stood up straight and took Audra’s hands into his own. “You can’t pull that on me, baby. You know I’ll be able to do is worry about what you’re going to tell me the whole time. Just tell me now.”
Audra smiled. “You don’t need to worry about it right now.”
“But I will, if you don’t tell me what it is?” Bill said, rubbing his thumbs against the backs of Audra’s hands. “Please just tell me.”
“I’m pregnant.”
→  →  →
“Are you going to go inside?” Patty Blum asked, taping the steering wheel and making her engagement ring flash in the sunlight that cast through the car window.
“Maybe.” Stanley Uris replied, picking at his peeling bottom and staring out at the Dancing Clown diner. “Definitely maybe.”
Patty sighed, part annoyed, part fond and turned off the car. She twisted in her seat and gave her fiancée the stare down. ‘If you didn’t want to come here, why didn’t you say so?”
Stan made a loud and offended noise. “I did say so! I said so very many times actually! You just ignored me, packs our backs for us and told me to stop being dramatic.” Stan crossed his arms and goodness nearly pouted.
Patty rolled her eyes. “You were being dramatic. I’m still not sure what your issue is… why are you so afraid of seeing your old friends?”
Stan pressed his head against the head rest of the seat. “I did some shit that I’m not proud of. My best friend… I… I was so desperate to get away from this place, and I kind of betrayed him.”
“So, you’re not going to go in there because you’re afraid of your high school best friend that you stabbed in the back ten years ago?” Patty chuckled. “If it’s eating you up this badly, I can promise he’s moved on. You’re going to go in there, and you’re talk to him, and you’re going find out all the amazing things he’s done since this stupid betrayal that probably means nothing now. And you’ll tell him yours, and he’ll be happy for you and if he’s not- then fuck him.”
Stan cupped Patty’s cheek and kissed her lightly. “Have I told you yet today that I love you?”
“Mmm once or twice,” Patty said lightly. “But it’s always nice to hear it. Now go get em, baby. Call me if you need somebody to pick you up.”
Stan nodded, slipped out of the car and walked into the old diner. His eyes moved through until it fell onto what had once been the Losers Table and saw an all too familiar looking red head seated. Grinning to himself, he tucked his hands into the back pockets of his jeans and stepped up beside the table. Beverly looked like she walked straight to the diner from however she’d gotten into town, her bags all jammed underneath the table.
“Well, would you look what the cat dragged in?” Stan said in a happy voice that he hoped didn’t sound too forced. Forced or not, Beverly beamed at his greeting and quickly jumped to her feet. Even in high school, Bev had been shorter than Stan and that had been before Stan had hit that oh so rare growth spurt in his freshman year of college.  
“Stanley!” Beverly said cheerfully, squeezing his hips. “Stan the MAN! Look at you! You’ve got to be as tall as Richie now!”
Stan smiled bashfully- his perfect dimple smile, as Patty always called it- and slid into the booth beside her. They both kicked at the luggage under the table, giggling to each other like children. The diner seemed oddly deserted, a place that had been so important to them growing up, now seemed ready to close with a single moment’s notice. The door jingle open and Mike Hanlon, the man breaking into a deep grin the second he caught sight of his friends.
“Stanley Uris and Beverly Marsh,” Mike said in a laugh as Beverly leapt right back up to her feet and rushed at him. Mike patted at the top of her head, smiling softly at Stan from across the diner. “Why am I not surprised that you two beat me to my own event?”
“Why am I not surprised that you’re the only person who lives in Derry and you couldn’t even be the first person here?” Stan shot back dryly, standing as well and clasping Mike on the shoulder. The words seemed to hang in the air for moment, heavy and tense, before Mike simply smiled and they took their seats back around the diner table.
“You stayed in Derry?” Beverly asked, eyes widening as she slipped in to sit beside Mike. There was the distinct sound of three pairs of feet kicking at Beverly’s aggressive amount of luggage while Mike avoided making eye contact with Stan. “I thought you went to NYU with Eddie?”
“I was going to,” Mike said in light voice. “That was the plan but you know how life can be. Things get a little mixed up and then..”  The bell to the door rang out again, stealing the attention from all three former Losers. Bill Denbrough nearly stumbled into the diner, pale and looked dazed, seeming almost as though they’d came in by accident. He dropped into the booth without so much of a greeting, and dropped his hand onto Stanley’s shoulder. Stan crinkled his nose up in repulsion and forced himself to allow that distantly familiar touch.
“How you doin’ honey?” Beverly asked gently, looking between Mike and Stan’s worried gazes.
Bill groaned deeply, pressing his face harder into the crock of Stanley’s neck. “Life is terrible, nothing good happens to anybody and then we all die.”
Stanley coughed awkwardly. “Listen, Bill… I appreciate your struggle, but if you could please…”
“Sit up, man,” Mike said a little sharply and Bill startled upwards. “Oh, shit, Stan, I’m so sorry, I tuh-tuh-totally forgot!”
“It’s fine,” Stan said mildly, waving Bill’s apology off. “Is it really that bad being back in Derry? I know it’s no back packing trip through Europe but…”
Bill barked out a laugh while Beverly shook her head. “What, Stan? Did you keep tabs on us for the last ten years? Should we be worried?”
Stan shook his head. “Not all of you.”
The ringing silence danced over the table before Mike cleared his throat awkwardly. “You mean Richie, right? Stan, I really don’t think that Richie-“
“Don’t think I what?” Richie’s voice called over from where he was ducking into the entrance with an arm tossed around one Eddie Kaspbrak. The entire group of former Losers jumped, Stan feeling his heart leapt into his throat. “You guys all already talking shit about mem before I’m even here to defend myself?”
“Yup,” Beverly agreed, tears starting to well up into her eyes. “You have to know that somethings never change, don’t ya?”
Richie hummed, dropping his arm from Eddie’s shoulder to catch Beverly as she came running for him. Eddie laughed lightly, as Richie spun Bev around and narrowly avoided knocking over several chairs. He slid into Beverly’s seat, greeting Mike with a tight hug and smiling towards Bill and Stan across the table. As Beverly attempted to sit back beside Eddie, Richie slipped in before in and took the spot. Beverly raised her brow as she moved in beside Bill, muttering something under her breath about somethings really don’t change.
Richie gave a over joyous greeting to Mike, his voice sobering up as he glanced across the table towards Bill and Stan. He gave one simple nod, forced a small smile and pushed out one simple: “Lads.”
“Richard.” Stan said back through a dry throat. Eddie reached out and began fiddling with the sugar dispenser, Mike noting the discolour of paler skin on his ring finger and frowning.
“What are we all talking about?” Eddie asked, speaking fast and voice high. Stan almost smiled at the memories of Eddie’s nervous voice, the kind he only used when desperate to talk about anything else.
“Billy here was about to tell us about his backpacking trip in Europe with his movie star girlfriend,” Beverly jumped in, pinching at Bill’s cheeks.
“No fucking shit, Denbrough?” Richie laughed, fingers twitching as though desperate to return to a muscle memory habit but being unable to. “I always knew you were going to do some high living, but fuck, dude.”
“She’s not really a movie star,” Bill said, swaying slightly like he may be sick. “She’s a had a few roles in some B Lists and guest star roles on main broadcast television. She’s no Winona Ryder or anything.”
“Obviously,” Stan and Richie spoke up in unison, voices dancing in harmony. “Nobody could be Winona Ryder except Winona Ryder.”
Another awkward silence settled over the table, Stan biting his lip and looking down at the diner table while Richie looked up at the ceiling as though pissed with himself. Beverly thought she noticed Eddie’s hand slipping underneath the table, but was quickly pulled away from the moment by the diner’s door opening once more.
Ben Hanscom stumbled into the diner, out of breath and with mud stains on his jeans. He ran his fingers through his curlier-than-she-remembered hair as his danced through the diner until they landed on her. She watched the way the muscles in his neck hitched, as though he’d momentarily forgotten how to breathe, and she felt her lungs follow his inabilities for just a moment.
“Here we go,” Richie leaned over and whispered to Eddie, who pursed his lips in an attempt not to laugh. “Haystack! My main man! The biggest dick I’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing! Pull up at a chair!”
Ben’s cheeks turned a deep red, and the rest of the table all burst out laughing as Ben followed through with Richie’s request. “Come on, Rich, we all know you haven’t even seen Ben’s dick.” Bill said with the first genuine smile he’d cracked since he’d gotten there.
Richie gave Bill a dark, deadpan expression. “You don’t know what I’m into.”
“Oh… Kay..” Bill said slowly, frowning to himself while Eddie nudged Richie’s shoulder gently.. “Suh-suh-sorry, I guess?”
Richie shook his head, and forced a quick smile. “It tis no problem, misuser! But as we have all arrived now, why don’t we give a quick run down of a decade! Eds and I here are still out in the big apple-“
“You and Eddie live together?” Beverly cut across him, frowning in confusion. Richie opened his mouth, then snapped it shut before looking towards Eddie. Eddie cleared his throat and smiled.
“After what happened with UCLA, Richie came with me to NYU instead of staying in Derry,” Eddie said with a shrug. “Since Mike wasn’t going to go anymore, we moved into the apartment together and I just we just never… stopped living together.”
“So, You guys have kept in contact this whole time?” Bill asked, brow disappearing underneath hair line as he looked like his old friends in amazement. “And you guys are.. what? Room mates?”
Eddie avoided looking at Richie as he answered. “Yeah, uh… room mates. Something like that.”
Richie slammed his hands down onto the table. “Somebody else talk now!!!”
Ben startled, then cleared his throat. “I uh… I actually live in New York, too.” He said slowly. “I work for the Pennywise Architecture firm. I’m just an intern still, might as well be unpaid but it’s a first step to my dream job so I deal with it.”
“Okay, not to make things kind of weird…” Beverly scratched at the side of her face. “But I actually live in New York, too. My husband got a transfer last spring, better pay and all that fun stuff. I don’t work, but I sell commissions on my art and a little bit clothing design. I might do something with that, I haven’t decided just yet. I think Tom wants to start a family so I’m not really sure just now.”
Richie narrowed his eyes, but Eddie quickly caught across him. “A family is so worth it, Beverly. Trust me, you won’t regret it.”
Beverly smiled blandly, and the conversation slowed until the Bill cleared his throat. “Audra and I actually just bought an apartment in New York. She wuh-wants to do some wuh-work on Broadway and I can wruh-write anywhere, so. We haven’t moved in yet, because we were in Euh-Europe but we’re going straight there after the ruh-reuinon.”
“I…” Stan cleared his throat, a look of concern and discomfort on his face. “I’m actually engaged, Patty she’s… the most amazing person I’ve ever met. She’s still in school, trying to be a high school teacher. She’s… finishing her degree at NYU once the new semester starts. We’re moving out there in like a month from Atlanta.”
Every face turned to look at Mike, who sighed and rubbed at his face. “I applied to some museum job in New York on a whim earlier this year, but I actually got it. I’m not going to go, my dad needs me here and my job is fine but… I told my partner that I’ve turned it down but I actually haven’t yet. I don’t know why I didn’t, I guess part of it just felt wrong.”
“What was it we all used to say back then?” Beverly asked, shaking her head slightly. “When all those weird things happened that we couldn’t explain?”
Ben looked at her and smiled. “Soulmates for the centuries.”  
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rosie-reads-a-lot · 7 years
Don’t Float Away (Pennywise x Reader)
Whew, I wrote this in a post-drunken stupor so I will definitely be going back to edit here and there. The story is progressing pretty slowly but I’m kinda just letting the chips fall where they may. Writing this helps me cope with City Hall being over *internally cries*
Your quality of sleep didn’t improve after meeting Pennywise the Dancing Clown, rather it regressed even further. You couldn’t get that voice out of your head. Those eyes. Those teeth. All of those teeth. It wasn’t fear that consumed you, but…purpose. For the first time in a very long time, you didn’t have all the answers. You couldn’t see what was coming. You were excited to wake up in the morning because you weren’t sure what the day would bring. It was like you had reverted back to being a child and honestly, it was refreshing. The only fact you were sure of was that this thing was not human. Human monsters were so predictable.
Your days were consumed with sifting through all the information on the history of Derry and the surrounding area that you could find online. You cross-referenced that with any mention of the dancing clown and found nothing. You spent most nights staring out of your bedroom window at the road. Naturally, your room sat directly in front of a storm drain. You swore every now and then you’d hear the faintest carnival music playing or a distant giggle. The bags you held under your eyes turned blue. Your foster mother, Diane, quickly noticed. You observed one morning that she passed by your door three times with an empty laundry basket trying to work up the courage to come in and say something. She finally did. Two quick knocks at your door forced you to put your book down and look up in mock surprise. “Yes?” She shuffled unsure of herself and tucked her messy brown hair behind her ear anxiously. “Hey (Y/N), sweetie, can we talk?” You slid over and patted the spot on the bed you had just occupied. “Of course. What’s up?” She set her basket down and sat- very stiffly- next to you. “I’ve just noticed that you’ve had a hard last couple of weeks. Is there anything I can do to make it easier on you?” She asked hopefully. Great, now your weird sewer clown obsession was affecting those around you. “No, you’ve been great. I’m so, so grateful for everything you’ve done for me. It’s just…been a hell of a year honestly. Plus…everyone here looks at me like I have a third eye in the middle of my forehead.” She nodded her head knowingly, chuckling. “Yeah, people around here are kind of set in their ways. I remember how I felt when I first moved here. It was like at any time I’d step out my front door to see an angry mob with pitchforks.”
You shifted your weight awkwardly. “Angry villagers I can deal with. Just as long as nothing is living in the sewers.” The change on Diane’s face was instantaneous. Her sweet face was suddenly contorted in an emotion that you couldn’t place. “Why would you say that, have the kids in the neighborhood been telling you stories?” She asked, almost frantically. You shook your head and attempted a carefree smile. “N-no, I was just joking. Little towns like this have a certain reputation I guess. There’s always something in the water.” “Well, there’s nothing in these waters but hazardous waste. Playing in the sewers can get you very, very sick. When I was a little younger than you some smaller kids used to go and play around in the wetlands where the sewers deposit out. Their immune systems didn’t stand a chance against the gray water. They must of went into shock so fast. By the time they found their bodies the animals had already gotten to them.” Blood had flooded directly to her head during her rant making her face beet red. Like Pennywise’s balloons. You click your tongue in a faux-sad manner. “I guess I can’t go dance naked in the pale moonlight up and down the sewers like I used to.” “No, better not. You’re a good girl, (Y/N). Stay away from the sewers. And give Derry a chance. It may grow on you.” She rubbed your shoulder maternally before standing up and moving towards the door. 
“Yeah, like mold.” You mumbled.
“What was that?” She half-turned in the doorway with a smirk. “So I’m told.” You corrected, a little louder. “Uh-huh. I have some muffins downstairs if you want.” “Thanks. I’ll be down in a sec.” You stood up and walked over to your desk that was littered with college pamphlets and Derry High registration papers. Next month you would be 20 years old. Last year had been by far the worst year of your life and school had been the last thing on your mind. Sure, you probably could’ve been tested out of the 12th grade and applied for your GED, but Diane had agreed with your choice to enroll at Derry High. She thought that you ‘deserved to be a kid for one more year’.
  If you were being honest, you were just so damned tired. You didn’t even want to think about college yet. You would start high school 2.0 in exactly three days. You resolved that in those three days you would learn as much about Derry’s past, about him, as you could. To do that you needed to gain the locals’ trust. They needed to see a friendly face. You bounced down the stairs and grabbed a blueberry muffin from the counter before calling out your departure for the library to Diane. It wasn’t a lie…you would eventually visit the library. But your first destination was the pharmacy. 
   You knew your hairstylist from back home would kill you if she could see you right now. You stood in front of a very limited row of boxed hair dye. Your natural color was fairly common so there wasn’t much deliberation to be had on that front. You grabbed two boxes and paid for your basket before stuffing them in your backpack. You stopped at the library, first barricading yourself in the ancient bathroom to dye your hair back to its natural color and then to pick up a few books to help start your research before making a beeline for your neighborhood.
 You had an old baseball hat on to hide all of your newly dyed hair from Diane. You didn’t need the thousands of questions from her that you would inevitably receive anyway. Not right now. Your backpack was full of the other supplies you had picked up from the pharmacy, so your arms were wrapped tightly around the old texts. Before you had even made it to Neibolt Street you felt them on you. Glowing blue eyes.
Those blue eyes.
 You looked up over your armload and scanned from side to side to try to locate them. He was standing on the sidewalk across the street holding up a red balloon, it suddenly occurred to you that maybe you were going crazy and he was actually a hallucination as you had first suspected. Surely someone would notice a giant ginger clown around town. He was staring at you from under his brows and smiling sinisterly. You stopped your shuffle, smiled politely in recognition, nodded your head towards your house and kept walking hoping he would understand your gesture. You swore you heard him audibly gasp. You wished you could have seen his reaction, but you continued trotting along…albeit a little more cautiously now. You looked back and noticed he was no longer behind you, so you hurried home and vaulted passed Diane who was asking you if you wanted to go school supply shopping.
“No ma'am, I was so excited that I picked up a few things from town after I left the library. Thank you though!” Was your breathless reply. Satisfied with your answer she left you alone. You stopped at your bedroom door and took a deep breath. Stepping inside delicately, you set your books and bag on the bed before surveying the room as nonchalantly as you possibly could. “You can come out now.” You called out bravely. You sounded a lot braver than you felt.
No sooner than the words left your mouth did you become aware of a rather large presence standing behind you. You turned on your heel and sat stiffly on your comforter drinking in the sight of him. He was big. Very, very big. His giant mouth that was pulled into a toothy grin was basically spewing drool. His limbs were long and wrapped in cream colored satin which was kind of a weird paradox. He was this big, ‘scary’ thing wrapped in delicate satin. His hair, you noticed, was much wilder than at first glance. His overall appearance was…unsettling, but not frightening.  “Hiya.” You said, mirroring your first meeting. Pennywise frowned, obviously disappointed. He shook his head frantically and suddenly lunged at you grabbing your neck, easily wrapping one massive hand around your throat with a snarl. You sat as still as a statue with both eyes trained on him. You two remained there for a while with eyes locked, the only sounds filling the room being your ragged breathing and his growls. You broke the silence. “Are you real?” Your voice feeble. His attitude changed almost immediately, blue eyes flashing yellow. “Am I real? Hmmmm…..I don’t know, (Y/N). Do I feeeeeeel real?” He spat. His hand on your neck tightened abruptly cutting off your air supply. He used his free hand to pinch your cheek harshly and in the process accidentally knocked off your baseball hat. Your new hair color spilled out of the cap and onto your shoulders. His hand fell from around your throat forcing you to fall back onto your headboard. He stared at you in amazement and began to stroke your hair. “Your hair….it’s not cotton candy anymore….” His face was full of wonder and his eyes thankfully shifted to blue once again. “I changed it back to the color I was born with. The reason I did it is silly.” You smiled sheepishly. When you heard no reply you looked up and found his dark gaze. You were seduced by the implausibility of the situation and suddenly felt word vomit coming on. "I wanted to learn more about you and what you are. That’s why I have all of these old books on Derry. I was going to go and interview some locals, but the people around here didn’t really like my pink hair. It’s a lot easier to just conform.“ You laughed breathlessly even though nothing funny had been said. If having a 6’ 4” demon clown in your bedroom was strange, his reply was fucking unusual. “You could have just asked me.” ‘You could have just asked me’ like it was the most obvious fucking thing you should have done.
You snorted, he growled. You put your hands up in apology before speaking. “This…is….an odd situation. I wasn’t sure if I was going crazy. Now I can’t tell if you are friend or foe.” You said warily. 
He crouched down alongside your bed so that your face and his face were inches away. The scent of deep-fried foods and sweet summer air washed over you. “You’re close, but not quite.” A deep rumble passed through his chest, you weren’t sure if it was a growl or a purr.
“What?” You asked, eyes focused on the way he curled his lower lip out further than the top one.
His lips were so close to your ear that you shivered involuntarily. “Friend or food is the question.” He flashed his teeth.
You gasped. The room fell dangerously silent until you heard Diane’s approaching footsteps and panic set in. You turned to Pennywise to ask him to hide, but he was already gone. 
Your bedroom door swung open and Diane popped her head in. “Hey, sorry - but are you okay? I thought I heard arguing. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
You nod your head trying to clear your senses. “Yeah, I was just going through some dialogue in this play I just read. I want to start a drama club this year. I guess I got too into it. Sorry.” You apologized sheepishly.
She looked relieved. “No, don’t worry about it. That sounds awesome! By the way, I love the hair.” Sensing you wanted privacy she bid you goodnight and shut the door. 
You hopped up immediately and began searching the room for Pennywise. There weren’t very many places someone over 6’ could hide in the room so you checked the bathroom and under your bed before sighing disappointedly. Then you remembered you hadn’t unpacked the boxes in your closet yet so there was standing space. You opened the door to reveal not Pennywise, but another red balloon. You pulled it out of the dark closet into your room allowing daylight to wash over it. You would be lying if you said you weren’t kind of excited after reading the message hastily written on it. 
Next time: my place
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