tjerra14 · 4 months
Newest banger argument as to why a client thinks their cat's poor dental health isn't that much of an issue: "Well, I mean--in nature, no one's pulling their teeth either." Sir. There are no British Shorthair 'in nature'.
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dealsxciting · 7 months
Pet Care: Protect your beloved pet from ticks and fleas
Ticks and fleas pose health risks to pets and humans, including skin irritation, diseases, anaemia, and tick paralysis.
Tick and flea infestations are not just a nuisance for pets; they pose a challenge to humans as well. The diseases caused by these pathogens are easily transmissible from animals to humans, leading to a larger health concern. The warm, silky fur of cats and dogs is the ideal home for fleas and ticks. These insects feed on the blood of your pet and can lead to a variety of health issues, including allergic reactions and deadly diseases spread by ticks.
Prevention tips and tricks:
Skin Irritation and Allergies: Ticks and fleas can lead to rashes and allergic reactions in pets.
Transmission of Diseases: Ticks and fleas are vectors for various diseases.
Anaemia: Fleas feed on blood, and a severe infestation can cause heavy blood loss leading to anaemia, especially in young or small pets.
Tick Paralysis: The Dermacentor tick is one particular species of tick that produces paralysis-causing toxins in animals.
Managing Tick and Flea Infestations: Regular Grooming Use Preventive Products-consult your veterinarian Perform Tick Checks Flea Control in the Environment
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#PetCare #PetHealth #PetTicks #PetFleas #PetSkin
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entomoblog · 7 months
Tableau d’identification des tiques et vecteurs de maladies 
See on Scoop.it - Insect Archive
Tick Identification Chart & Disease Vectors Understanding the species of ticks and the diseases they transmit is crucial for effective prevention and…
  Muhammad Waqas on LinkedIn, 19.02.2024
  #ticks #vectorbornediseases #prevention #healthcare #linkedinpost
Traduction via LinkedIn
    Comprendre les espèces de tiques et les maladies qu’elles transmettent est crucial pour une prévention et un traitement efficaces. Voici un tableau de référence rapide : 🚨Ixodes scapularis (tique à pattes noires ou tique du chevreuil) : Vecteur de la maladie de Lyme, de l’anaplasmose, de la babésiose, du virus de Powassan. 🚨Amblyomma americanum (Lone Star Tick) : Vecteur de l’ehrlichiose, de l’éruption cutanée associée aux tiques du Sud (STARI), de la tularémie. 🚨Rhipicephalus sanguineus (tique brune du chien) : Vecteur de l’ehrlichiose canine, fièvre pourprée des montagnes Rocheuses. 🚨Dixodes pacificus (tique à pattes noires de l’Ouest) : Vecteur de la maladie de Lyme, de l’anaplasmose, de la babésiose. 🚨Dermacentor variabilis (tique américaine du chien) : Vecteur de la fièvre pourprée des montagnes Rocheuses, de la tularémie. 🚨Haemaphysalis longicornis (tique asiatique à longues cornes) : Vecteur du virus de la fièvre sévère avec syndrome de thrombocytopénie (SFTS). 🚨Ixodes ricinus (tique européenne du ricin) : Vecteur de la maladie de Lyme, virus de l’encéphalite à tiques. 🚨Ixodes holocyclus (tique paralysante) : Peut provoquer une paralysie des tiques due à des neurotoxines. 🚨Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (tique du bétail) : Vecteur de la babésiose, de l’anaplasmose. 🚨Argas persicus (Tique aviaire) : Vecteur de divers agents pathogènes affectant la volaille.
Restez informé et protégez-vous, votre famille et vos animaux de compagnie contre les maladies transmises par les tiques !
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rnomics · 11 months
Pathogens, Vol. 12, Pages 1365: Efficacy of the Vaccine Candidate Based on the P0 Peptide against Dermacentor nitens and Ixodes ricinus Ticks
The control of ticks through vaccination offers a sustainable alternative to the use of chemicals that cause contamination and the selection of resistant tick strains. However, only a limited number of anti-tick vaccines have reached commercial realization. In this sense, an antigen effective against different tick species is a desirable target for developing such vaccines. A peptide derived from the tick P0 protein (pP0) conjugated to a carrier protein has been demonstrated to be effective against the Rhipicephalus microplus, Rhipicephalus sanguineus, and Amblyomma mixtum tick species. The aim of this work was to assess the efficacy of this peptide when conjugated to the Bm86 protein against Dermacentor nitens and Ixodes ricinus ticks. An #RNAi experiment using P0 ds#RNA from I. ricinus showed a dramatic reduction in the feeding of injected female ticks on guinea pigs. In the follow-up vaccination experiments, rabbits were immunized with the pP0-Bm86 conjugate and challenged simultaneously with larvae, nymphs, and the adults of I. ricinus ticks. In the same way, horses were immunized with the pP0-Bm86 conjugate and challenged with D. nitens larva. The pP0-Bm86 conjugate showed efficacies of 63% and 55% against I. ricinus and D. nitens ticks, respectively. These results, combined with previous reports of efficacy for this conjugate, show the promising potential for its development as a broad-spectrum anti-tick vaccine. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-0817/12/11/1365?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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sciencespies · 2 years
Bears May Rub Against Trees for Protection From Parasites
Bears May Rub Against Trees for Protection From Parasites
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In experiments, scientists found that ticks avoid the tar of beech trees, which bears seem to have an affinity toward.
There are many reasons bears shimmy and scratch against trees. Sometimes they communicate by scent-marking trees, other times they’re removing hair and scratching that hard-to-reach itch. A new study posits an additional perk: slathering on nature-made tick repellent.
When bears wriggle against bark, the tree scratching posts leak out tars, resins and saps. The thick tar of beech trees sticks to fur and skin the longest, and it is water-resistant, making it a strong contender for an effective tick repellent.
Agnieszka Sergiel, a bear biologist at the Polish Academy of Sciences and an author of the study published last month in the Journal of Zoology, said animals seldom engage in complex behaviors such as rubbing against trees for a single reason.
“We see plenty of examples among mammals using self-medication,” she said. So, she and her colleagues decided to study whether rubbing against trees could protect bears against parasites.
For years, biologists have observed that brown and black bears have an affinity for certain types of trees — especially beech trees. The trees’ appeal is so strong that scientists use the sticky, strong scents of beech tar to attract bears for studies or to call them inside in zoos.
To test the hypothesis that beech tar is a tick repellent, Dr. Sergiel found herself staring at tube after tube of tar and trapped Dermacentor reticulatus, a widespread hard tick known to feast on bears. She watched to see if the ticks would run away from beech tar on one side and toward safe, plain water at the other end of the tube.
And run they did!
“It was really obvious they hated the beech tar,” said Agnes Blaise, a biologist at the University of Strasbourg in France and an author of the study. “Some were really speedy, running around and hiding under the water.”
The researchers also tested turpentine, a bear attractor, and the ticks despised it as well.
A tick attached to a bear.Taylor Miller
The only ticks that didn’t count, Dr. Sergiel added, were the ones that managed to escape the tube entirely.
“There were some Houdinis,” she said, “but they were good lab animals.”
The researchers focused on ticks for their study because they are geographically widespread and environmentally flexible — and because of climate change, spreading farther and remaining active longer. Ticks are also disease vectors, although scientists are still learning about what pathogens they spread to bears.
The simple result of beech tar not being popular with ticks provides the first experimental evidence supporting the longstanding idea that tree resins could act as a bug repellent.
The researchers “had a nice, tidy experiment that provided some pretty clear evidence” that ticks were avoiding beech tar, said Andrea Morehouse, an independent wildlife biologist in Alberta whose work focuses on bear-human interactions and was not involved in the study. “Repelling parasites is probably not the primary function of tree rubbing, but it certainly could be an additional benefit.”
Hannah Tiffin, an entomologist whose graduate research at Penn State University focused on ticks and bears, hadn’t heard of the idea of tree tar as insect repellent.
“I think it’s a really interesting route to go and could make sense,” she said.
Other animals in the wild use nature-provided bug repellents; for example, Capuchin monkeys studiously rub their fur with citrus and dolphins may treat their skin with coral. Your cat may even use catnip as a mosquito repellent. So it’s perfectly plausible that bears could do so, too, said Dr. Tiffin, who was not involved in the study and is now a postdoctoral researcher at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
There’s still a lot to be learned about tar as a tick repellent, Dr. Sergiel noted. Building out the scarce data of parasites found on bears in the wild (including ticks) will be one of the most important steps to furthering this work, the researchers said. Collecting fur and resin samples from bears and testing parasites’ responses to those materials could also be useful, Dr. Tiffin added.
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arthistoryeveryday · 2 years
Elanco Animal Health
Il nuovo trattamento orale mensile contro zecche e pulci offre un dosaggio facile, efficacia in sole quattro ore, per tutto il mese Elanco Animal Health, una divisione di Eli Lilly and Company (NYSE: LLY), ha annunciato l'approvazione di Credelio® (lotilaner). Credelio è un nuovo trattamento orale mensile contro zecche e pulci che è facile per i cani, ma duro per zecche e pulci. Questa nuova opzione per zecche e pulci per cani contiene il principio attivo brevettato lotilaner, che prende di mira i recettori del sistema nervoso di zecche e pulci, non i cani.1
Credelio è una compressa masticabile piccola e gustosa2 approvata per cuccioli e cani di età pari o superiore a 8 settimane e di 4,4 libbre e oltre. Credelio protegge dalle zecche di interesse comune negli Stati Uniti: zecca solitaria (Amblyomma americanum), zecca del cane americano (Dermacentor variabilis), zecca dalle zampe nere (Ixodes scapularis) e zecca del cane marrone (Rhipicephalus sanguineus), nonché pulci (Ctenocephalides) felis).
“Quando si scelgono i farmaci per animali domestici, i veterinari e i proprietari di animali sono più preoccupati della sicurezza per l'animale e dell'efficacia del prodotto. Lotilaner, l'ingrediente attivo di Credelio, è stato selezionato tra centinaia di molecole candidate con questo in mente ", ha affermato Tony Rumschlag, DVM, Direttore, Regional Consulting, Elanco Animal Health. “Questo nuovo gustoso masticabile è ad azione rapida ed efficace contro zecche e pulci, pur essendo facile su cani e cuccioli. Credelio completa il portafoglio Elanco di parassiticidi per animali da compagnia per consentire una serie molto ampia di opzioni per soddisfare al meglio le esigenze dei proprietari di animali domestici e dei loro animali domestici ".
Facile con i cani In uno studio sul campo, il 100% delle compresse di Credelio è stato somministrato con successo e i cani ne hanno accettato il 94% se offerto a mano, in una ciotola vuota o con il cibo.2 Credelio è anche ben accettato da un'ampia gamma di razze canine , compresi i cani giocattolo come Chihuahua e Yorkshire terrier.2-5 Inoltre, Credelio offre la rassicurazione di un prodotto adatto a cuccioli di appena otto settimane di età.
Duro contro zecche e pulci Il principio attivo di Credelio, il lotilaner, circola nel flusso sanguigno del cane, prendendo di mira i recettori di zecche e pulci quando mordono il cane. Negli studi clinici, Credelio ha ucciso il 100% delle pulci entro 12 ore per l'intero mese.6Credelio inizia a uccidere zecche e pulci in sole 4 ore6,7. Questo rapido inizio di azione fornisce un rapido sollievo dalle zecche esistenti. La velocità di uccisione sostenuta di Credelio durante tutto il periodo di dosaggio fornisce protezione dalle zecche di nuova acquisizione. Credelio funziona velocemente perché viene assorbito rapidamente e raggiunge rapidamente i livelli plasmatici di picco. Quando somministrato con il cibo, Credelio raggiunge i massimi livelli ematici entro 2 ore dalla somministrazione
In qualità di leader globale nel settore della salute degli animali, Elanco supporta i veterinari con un'ampia gamma di soluzioni antiparassitarie. "L'introduzione di Credelio espande ulteriormente il nostro portafoglio con un prodotto orale per zecche e pulci una volta al mese che supporta l'impegno di Elanco nell'aiutare gli animali a vivere una vita più lunga, più sana e di qualità superiore", ha affermato Cathy Martin, Direttore di US Companion Animal Marketing. Credelio sarà disponibile in quattro compresse per cani ed è approvato per cuccioli e cani a partire dalle otto settimane di età e oltre e da 4,4 libbre e oltre.
Indicazioni Credelio uccide le pulci adulte ed è indicato per il trattamento delle infestazioni da pulci (Ctenocephalides felis) e per il trattamento e il controllo delle infestazioni da zecche [Amblyomma americanum (zecca solitaria), Dermacentor variabilis (zecca del cane americano), Ixodes scapularis (zecca zampa nera ) e Rhipicephalus sanguineus (zecca marrone del cane)] per un mese in cani e cuccioli di 8 settimane di età e più e di peso pari o superiore a 4,4 libbre.
Informazioni importanti sulla sicurezza Non è stato valutato l'uso sicuro di Credelio in cani da riproduzione, in gravidanza o in allattamento. Usare con cautela nei cani con una storia di convulsioni. Le reazioni avverse riportate più frequentemente sono perdita di peso, aumento dell'azoto ureico nel sangue, minzione eccessiva e diarrea. Vedere il foglietto illustrativo per informazioni complete sulla sicurezza.
Riferimenti 1 Rufener, L. et al. 2017. "Il nuovo isoxazolina ectoparassiticida lotilaner (Credelio®): un antagonista non competitivo specifico per i canali del cloruro dipendenti dall'acido γ-amminobutirrico degli invertebrati (GABACls)." Parassiti e amp; Vettori. 10: 530. 2 Karadzovska, D. et al. 2017. "Uno studio sul campo randomizzato e controllato per valutare l'efficacia e la sicurezza delle compresse masticabili aromatizzate al lotilaner (Credelio®) nell'eliminazione delle pulci nei cani di proprietà dei clienti negli Stati Uniti." Parassiti e amp; Vettori. 10: 528. 3Cavalleri, D. et al. 2017. "Uno studio sul campo randomizzato, in cieco e controllato per valutare l'efficacia e la sicurezza delle compresse di lotilaner (Credelio®) nel controllo delle pulci nei cani di proprietà dei clienti nei paesi europei". Parassiti e amp; Vettori. 10: 526. 4Cavalleri, D. et al. 2017. "Uno studio randomizzato e controllato per valutare l'efficacia e la sicurezza di lotilaner (Credelio®) nel controllo delle zecche nei cani di proprietà dei clienti in Europa". Parassiti e amp; Vettori. 10: 531. 5Elanco Animal Health. Dati su file. 6Cavalleri, D. et al. 2017. "Valutazione della velocità di uccisione delle pulci di lotilaner (Credelio®) durante il mese successivo alla somministrazione orale ai cani." Parassiti e amp; Vettori. 10: 529. 7 Murphy, M. et al. 2017. "Valutazione di laboratorio della velocità di uccisione di lotilaner (Credelio®) contro le zecche Ixodes ricinus sui cani." Parassiti e vettori. 10: 541. 8Toutain C. et al. 2017. "La farmacocinetica endovenosa e orale di lotilaner nei cani." Parassiti e amp; Vettori. 10: 522.
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onenicebugperday · 3 years
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@gallifreyanconsultingphilosopher submitted: Found a tick in the yard! Looks like he was scratched off a deer. I submit it to eTick, a Canadian site for the identification and monitoring of ticks, and they told me it's most likely Dermacentor Andersoni but could also be Dermacentor Variabilis or Dermacentor Albipictus.
Their email gave me info on all 3 species, how you can be exposed and what they can transmit to humans and/or animals which I thought was cool and very helpful!
That is a cool resource! This is a pretty little friend, too bad they lost their delicious blood meal. Although better for the animal they came off of :)
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animalids · 2 years
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Wood tick (Dermacentor variabilis) female laying eggs.
Photo by Bernard Lynch
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aardwolfpack · 6 years
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I found this dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis) crawling on me, so I put it in the freezer to kill it.  I took it out later that day to look at it with a magnifier, but it started moving again, so I put it back in for a few more days.  For some reason, both times it froze, it put its foremost limbs in this strange symmetrical position (fullview if you can’t see what I’m talking about).
This tick seemingly disappeared when I tried to flip it over to scan the other side.  It could still be alive, for all I know.
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humanbyweight · 5 years
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American Dog Tick (Dermacentor variabilis), “questing”
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unseelie · 5 years
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Met a couple of girlfriends on my hike (:
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melioraz · 2 years
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hello! I have a phobia of both ticks and leeches, and I've been trying to work through it--do you have any fun facts about them you could share?
I love ticks in the same way I love lionfish, tigers, and cassowaries. They're incredible animals, as long as they stay far away from me!! Leeches are more trustworthy, and I've honestly considered getting them as pets someday...
Fun facts about ticks:
There are a lot of tick species in the world, and a lot of them are incredibly beautiful. My personal favorites include Amblyomma variegatum and Dermacentor rhinocerinus, but honestly, once you've recognized the beauty of one tick, you'll be able to find it in them all.
Ticks aren't really their own order of arachnids - they're just extremely specialized mites. Some ticks are in fact so specialized that they can only survive on a single host species. One of these is Ixodes heathi, which is now critically endangered because its host (Burramys parvus) is critically endangered.
Ticks can get ticks! It's not unheard of for males to find females who are engorged and ready to mate, and instead just start feeding off all the blood she's worked so hard to collect. This is called hyperparasitism - parasites parasitizing parasites.
When a female tick is ready to lay eggs, she'll usually search for a secure and comfortable microhabitat - typically under leaf litter - and lay them all there. However, Argasid ticks go the extra mile to secure the health of their babies - females of this family will lay smaller clutches, each in a different spot, over the course of several years!
The american dog tick, Dermacentor variabilis, has an alarm pheromone that it secretes when it's in danger. The pheromone attracts other ticks, making them cluster around it and protect it - you could almost call it a form of altruism :)
I usually only write 5 facts, but here's a bonus: A lyme disease vaccine based on mRNA is currently in development and it has shown a lot of promise so far!
Fun facts about leeches:
Parents often carry their eggs around until they hatch, and a lot will keep carrying their babies long after hatching to ensure they survive. Some species, like the kangaroo leech (Marsupiobdella africana) even have a dedicated pouch for their babies :)
Leeches have eyes and they are tiny and adorable.
Leeches are an important part of modern medicine! Though we have figured out many other ways to improve circulation and prevent blood clots, nothing is more effective than leech therapy. They're especially helpful in preventing amputations in diabetic people, but any place on the body with poor circulation or in need of draining (such as hematomas and places that have just been operated on) will benefit from leech therapy.
Leech bites are completely painless and they don't carry any diseases that are dangerous to humans. On top of that, leeches are often quite specialized and only a handful will actually feed on humans.
Not all leeches look like greenish worms. Some, like Croatobranchus mestrovi, look downright angelic.
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celestialmacros · 7 years
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Waiting to hitch a ride
Male American Dog Tick (Dermacentor variabilis) 
May 19, 2017
Southeastern Pennsylvania
This guy was right on the edge of the trail.  I was trying to track down a butterfly when I saw him. I read that they can possibly smell scent clues left by passing mammals to be able to find the edge of a path, increasing their chance of a blood meal. I was itchy for the rest of the day just thinking about it.  It is supposed to be a bad tick season this year because we had a mild winter. Not good for someone who wanders around outside looking for bugs on the fringes.
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nimbus-tatze · 3 years
@ all german dog owners, pls check your dogs for ticks more frequently
Auwaldzecken (Dermacentor reticulatus) are spreading in Germany. The tick spreads babesiosis/piroplasmosis, similar to malaria.
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animalids · 4 years
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Elephant tick (Dermacentor circumguttatus)
Photo by togbui
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