handfulsofhistory · 2 years
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Large bore but short barreled, this pistol was made by Henry Deringer of Philadelphia and sold in San Francisco about 1864.
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ungoliantschilde · 9 months
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“Miss Deringer”, by Frank Frazetta. 1976
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Season 2 of TriStamp Meryl's gonna be appointed the polycule spokesperson bc she's the only one who can yell at people who are being dicks without shooting them if they don't deserve it
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miss-morgans-lover · 6 months
A Get Even Edit:
It's posted on tiktok, but I wanna post it on here because more people should talk about this show and watch it too.
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introvert-insiders · 1 year
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Kitty Wei + Margot Rivers + Bree Deringer + Olivia Hayes - Friendship Together - DGM ♾
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steponremix91 · 2 years
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asterisque-arch · 2 years
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Sneaky sneaky-
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handfulsofhistory · 1 year
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45 caliber Deringer
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sylwritesstuff · 1 year
Aziraphale and Crowley don't communicate and it stems from their first meeting.
Let me explain.
Before the Beginning, Crowley is at his most honest and his most vulnerable. He tells Aziraphale so excitedly all about stars and how long it's hoping to take for them to form.
Aziraphale is also bluntly honest (a trait he never really loses but does learn to temper) in telling him about the 6K year timeframe.
Crowley then mentions creating a suggestion box and Aziraphale frets over him, concerned already, and we all know how much trouble Crowley got in for asking a few questions.
This sets the tone for everything after.
Crowley stops being honest - "I'm a demon. I lied." - which also means Crowley has been disparaging his own demonhood at least since Aziraphale looked at him askance on a wall and said, "You're a demon. That's what you do."
Aziraphale stops trusting him, but he never stops being polite. Crowley doesn't attack him, so he doesn't attack either. Not at the Ark, and not with Job's goats. Aziraphale is still vaguely seeing the angel he saw in the stars.
Crowley even gives him the permit so he can doublecheck that everything's above board, so to speak. Then we've got Crowley lying straight to Aziraphale's face about killing Job's children because Crowley still sees the angel in the stars who told him the world and his nebulae were going to prematurely end.
The angel who let kids die in the Flood.
Yes, the angel who shielded him on the wall and gave away a flaming sword, so there's some comfort that he won't instantly get smote - "smitten" 😇 - but still the angel who staunchly toes the party line.
After all's said and done and Aziraphale cries about being fallen - cries over being just what Crowley is, even after seeing Crowley circumvent Hell's rules - Crowley tells him he won't tell anyone.
Crowley is good at not telling anyone things, but so is Aziraphale.
Season 1, we get this. Crowley doesn't tell Aziraphale about the hellhound until the last minute. Aziraphale doesn't tell Crowley about finding Agnes's book. Aziraphale doesn't tell Crowley he's meeting with Nazis, and Crowley certainly never tells Aziraphale how he knows them. 
Season 2, we get more. 
Things Aziraphale doesn't tell Crowley:
• Deringer in a carved out book and gun license
• Drivers license he's had for 90 years - as long as Crowley's had the Bentley
• Why his French is so bad (not until he's asked a direct question)
• He knows Crowley likes to rescue him
Things Crowley doesn't tell Aziraphale:
• Beelzebub dragged him to Hell and made him an offer
• He'd never shot a gun before
I'm sure there are more things I'm forgetting, but those are some of the big ones.
More evidence of their continued lack of communication after the Apocanot is the apology dance. (Although I love it and do need to see Aziraphale do it too.)
Crowley is not wrong, and Aziraphale is not right. They are both both. But that never gets discussed, which is why Crowley never has to talk about being brought to Hell. He never talks about Aziraphale being threatened by Extreme Sanctions.
Aziraphale doesn't know why Crowley comes back, but he very likely assumes it's because Crowley wants to do the right thing after all. Aziraphale is still thinking about the angel Crowley was (season 1, "You were an angel once") and sees every single instance of good as PROOF that Crowley could/should/wants to be an angel again.
Additionally, some of the things they do say don't get heard. Aziraphale likes to tell someone he's doing good now that he's no longer reporting to Heaven. Crowley teases him for it twice, back to back. Tone of voice and "doing good again, angel?" after Maggie says something about the rent.
Aziraphale craves being told he's doing the right thing. Aziraphale has been pushed into a place where he won't get that from the place he always has because Heaven is out of reach. If he'd communicated this to Crowley, who is doing everything he can as always to keep him safe, that Crowley would keep teasing him? That Crowley wouldn't gesture to someone in need and say, "Right. Have fun, angel." Anthony J'acts-of-service Crowley would absolutely let Aziraphale have all the bouncy fun miracles in the world without shame. 
Also, when they discuss how to make Nina and Maggie fall in love. Crowley's idea - canopy, rainstorm, vavoom - is absolutely informed by his own experiences, but he doesn't leave it at that. He says he "saw in a Richard Curtis film." He won't let that uncomfortable truth live in reality, pushing it off to humans and film. The realm of fiction, as Aziraphale immediately latches onto.
They don't talk about themselves. They don't talk about being an US. They said their side without getting into the nitty gritty of what that means to the point where neither knows where the line is.
Aziraphale says our car and when Crowley refuses because my car, Aziraphale also says they both get use out of the bookshop. Our car, our bookshop. It's a melding that Aziraphale assumes is perfectly natural, but Crowley hasn't seen it that way. They haven't talked about it.
And when they finally do, Aziraphale is running on the assumption that because Crowley does good and was happiest as an angel, looking over a colourful nebulae - so happy with it, he didn't want to lose it and ended up Falling for it - of course Crowley would want to go back. Of course Crowley would want to be in charge (second in command) since it means doing what they do on a larger scale.
Crowley, however, is still keen to keep going as they have been. Alcoholic breakfast at the Ritz, fixing up the bookshop like nothing happened, getting Muriel away so it can just be the two of them. Crowley is ready for the status quo. Although he does have new knowledge that the car and the bookshop are theirs, he and Aziraphale still carried the plants back to the Bentley.
They are still not talking.
And when they do, it's too little and it's too late. And they never ask each other why.
Next season, they need to learn how to ask why. And I have faith they will.
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fefairys · 11 months
"The session always "knows" things about players. It knows Karkat has blood issues, so it gave him a planet full of bright red blood. It knows Dave has a thing about broken swords, which is tied up with his personal mythology related to the intersection between intense combat training for his destined role as a warrior, and deeply traumatizing abuse which causes him to resist the call to such heroism. He cites said abuse in the text above, in case there's any doubt this issue has been inseparably woven into the lore of his arc at an early stage. There's a lot to say about the broken sword as a symbol... First, there are two symbolic modes, an "Unbroken Sword" and a "Broken Sword," which have meaning in relation to each other. The simplest translation is that the unbroken sword is "The fully manifest, wholly embraced heroic arc. Suppressing reservations, answering the call, putting the tough training to use, despite the cost to oneself." Versus the broken sword, which is "The fractured heroic arc. An incomplete, broken self stemming from past trauma. A conflicted semi-refusal of the call, resulting in pursuit of combat and quest-fulfillment navigated through half-measure, wavering resolve, and compromised investment." Only one of these symbols can be fully embraced, and it means something to embrace one over the other. It becomes a statement Dave is making about himself, and the type of person he wants to be. But the statement has to be understood by him to be meaningful, and this understanding comes through his long-term inner reflections over his arc. The game also seems to provide frequent clues to help him understand these symbols and choices. It keeps offering up broken swords, or more specifically, a whole sword that can only be obtained by figuring out how to break it."
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"So here's a spin on the Arthurian legend (Caledfwlch is another name for Arthur's Excalibur) where the sword, instead of being removed through strength or the divine touch of a chosen one, must be broken to be freed. There's no other way, since this is how this game challenge was designed to be solved. It says, "This is a symbol for your heroic journey, and to some extent, who you are as a person. Now, what will you do with it?" In the long run, this sword-based Sburb quest does appear to have a formal endpoint, which is Dave using this sword to have his denizen forge the Royal Deringer, a much fancier mythical sword. And in forging that sword, he "heals" it, converting it to an unbroken sword symbol. Heroic arc, back on track, right? Except to wield that sword, Dave has to break it too, simply by touching it, as if his identity being linked to a broken sword is inescapable."
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"There are ways of reading into what this means. Maybe it's that making yourself whole as a person isn't so simple? Maybe it's that Dave embracing the broken sword as his heroic talisman corresponds with his embracing who he is as person, flaws and all? Those things aren't going away, and they contribute to making him who he is. Similar to Rose's arc, which is more about embracing her imperfect sense of humanity rather than satisfying an external sense of obligation that includes the false promise of repairing the flaws of a damaged person through a path of shallow narrative regimentation. There are echoes of "two people who can't be fixed, and that's okay" in each other's arcs, but a lot of differences in the way their respective roads are paved to reach the destination." -Andrew Hussie
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beaulesbian · 2 years
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thinking about meryl’s camera, and how the picture in ep 12 was most likely taken by wolfwood, and how she keeps the camera close by in the car, just beside the radio, the cigarettes and the deringer
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miss-morgans-lover · 8 months
On a rewatch of Get Even (Netflix) and just realising how shit some of their mental health is.
Like, Bree has family issues, she has some kind of mental health problem, she's emotionally shut off a lot of the time, scared to get close to people and too scared to admit her feelings.
Logan, as much as I hate him, I think he has something with his mental health too. He says: "I didn't mean it but I just..... I couldn't..... I couldn't stop it" in episode 10, which says a lot about him.
Olivia, she lost her dad, and was made to be someone she wasn't. She struggles with her own Identity. She says in episode 9: "I don't know what I'm like". She spent too long as someone else, that she has now lost herself.
Kitty puts too much pressure on herself, trying to hold onto her scholarship and trying to impress her parents on top of everything else. She gets overwhelmed by all the pressures multiple times. One that stands out to me is her ripping her schedule from her wall after she lies to her parents about becoming football captain.
Amber, she's popular, rich, seems happy, but cares too much about what everyone thinks. She wants everyone to view her as strong, but she knows she isn't, and seems to hate it.
Christopher, poor guy, he fell for Ronny online without knowing it was him. He was deeply affected by everything that happened, he was friends with a murderer and was framed for murder. We saw him breakdown, in like episode 3 or 4 (I think), due to Ronny.
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Imagine me being in the theater watching Cars 2 when it came out and seeing this super hot Deringer 🤤
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honeysparklesmash · 2 years
I'll add more sketches a little later...
The engineer named his daughter (concept here) Deringer (in honor of one of the iconic pistols of Texas) and drew her frowning eyebrows so that she looked at least a little threatening 🥺🤲
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justfangirlstuffs · 1 year
Question! Have either of the mob boss brothers ever taken things too far? If so or if they did how would tinkerer handle it?
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The image popped into my head and I absolutely had to draw it. So, Sun and Moon are usually good about respecting any hard lines their tinkerer draws. However, if either one ever DID cross a line or disrespected their boundaries, Tinkerer keeps a Deringer nearby for just such occasions. Tinkerer: I believe I said 'ENOUGH'. Or should we check your audio processors? Sun: ...I won't do it again. -is secretly flustered- Meanwhile, Moon is just in the background guffawing.
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