#derek is upsessed with stiles
stereksimp · 3 months
Derek hated the mouthy, sarcastic, asshole that stuck his nose in business that had nothing to do with him. Like when he was looking for Scott because he got shot but couldn't find him, and Stiles found him first.
He did convince Scott to actually help him, which kinda kept him alive. He was still an asshole the whole time.
Stiles also stuck his nose in the Kanima business. So when he got in the way when the Kanima was attacking them, protecting the kid got him paralyzed in 8 ft of water.
He did hold him up for over 2 hours, and even when they were going under the last time, he didn't let him go. The kid would have drowned right along with him, but Stiles would have died without him, so it had to be self-preservation.
After when they were all talking the in parking lot and he said that the Kanima was a werewolf that went wrong and Stiles called that an abomination over a werewolf, he started seeing the loyalty in him.
Then Scott betrayed him. He worked with Gerard, and that kid is not smart enough to come up with that plan himself. Stiles had to have been in on it. He betrayed him as well.
He was still paralyzed, grapling with what just happened when that damned jeep crashed through the wall and smashed into the Kamina. Stiles figured out how to save Jackson, and when everything was settled, Derek started to leave but overheard Stiles talking to Chris about Erica and Boyd. He left before the conversation finished.
When he got back to the train station, Boyd and Erica were there curled up together. When they saw him, they whimpered, and Erica rushed him.
Erica: Where's Stiles? What happened to him? *tears running down her face*
Derek: *a low growl in his voice* he's fine. What happened to you guys.
Erica tries to speak, but she's crying too hard to get words out, so he looks over to Boyd for answers.
Boyd: Gerard and Allison took 5 when we were in the basement, Stiles was thrown down the stairs. They tortured him, but he didn't say anything.
Derek: *stunned* What.
Derek: Boyd, take her and stay here. I'll be back.
Derek peals out of the lot and makes his way to Stiles' house in record time. The Sheriff is gone, so he slips into Stiles' room to find him wrapping his ribs. A growl rips its way out of him as he crowds Stiles.
Derek: *running his hands all over Stiles* You... didn't know. Scott. Gerard. You. Safe.
Stiles: woah woah woah slow down, big guy. What is going on? I need you to use full sentences here.
Derek's growl tappers off into a whine.
Derek: You protected Erica and Boyd. You got hurt protecting us. You didn't know what Scott planned. You...
Stiles: *Anger laces his voice* I would never do that to you. We may not always get along but to take away your choice like it is unacceptable. Are Erica and Boyd all right. Chris said that he released them when he found out.
Derek just silently grabs the first aid kit and goes about patching Stiles up .
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