#deputy lacy morrison
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deputylacy · 5 years ago
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❄A winter moodboard for Lacy❄
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firstaidspray · 5 years ago
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Ok so I saw @fkingpeggies make Dahlia with this picrew so I made my girls with it!!
In order:
Honey Monaghan (Death Stranding)
Jordanna Lewis (Uncharted)
Valerie Bright (Resident Evil)
Avril Deschanel (Call of Duty)
Pudding Navarro (GTAV)
Sadie Sanders (Far Cry 5)
Chanel Payne (Far Cry 5)
Deputy Lacy Morrison (Far Cry 5)
So I think I will start a tag thing if anyone wants to make their ocs in this picrew! Tag anyone you want to do it and do it yourself if you want!!
@pabstbeerpussy @troyebakers @scarlettkat86 @honesthearts @firstofficeruna @higgs-delivery-service
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deputylacy · 5 years ago
Lacy: As Lacy grew up in the city, she was definitely not used to the rural life when she was transferred to Hope County. But after spending so much time there, moving in with Sharky and adopting Boomer and going on adventures, she can only consider it home now. She has a new love for nature and loves to go on walks with Sharky and Boomer. Her favorite place is anywhere on the water.
Chanel: Chanel was born there and lived there when she was a child, then moved to Seattle when she was older, but moved back as an adult. Chanel will always love Hope County, especially being with Staci and having her own, comfortable home with him there. However, she still feels love and longing for Seattle deep down. Her favorite place is the Whitetails in the winter.
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QUESTION OF THE DAY #1: How does your character feel about Hope County? Any favorite places?
edit: Answer in your reblog, in the tags or as a reply, whatever way you wish!
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deputylacy · 5 years ago
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@deputylacy here it is!!!
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deputylacy · 6 years ago
As I caught this fish, Sharky said "catch of the day!" And Lacy giggled. I thought it was cute.
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deputylacy · 5 years ago
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(For Far Cry 5 Week Day 4: Hope County Sheriff's Department)
All I can say about this is that it's a parody of this image
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deputylacy · 6 years ago
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It's Hurk's Gate, baby!
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deputylacy · 5 years ago
I had this weird last of us far cry 5 crossover dream?? Like Lacy (my deputy) was the playable character and she snuck into this so-called "abandoned" lab but it wasnt really abandoned and she found Sharky (her bf) there and was confused, then found a vial of his blood and it tested positive for the infection but he was immune like Ellie?? The blood sample looked so gross too and Lacy and Sharky knew what would happen if you got used to make a "cure" so they had to escape the lab and avoid the ones who wanted to operate on his brain. It was crazy
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deputylacy · 5 years ago
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(For Far Cry 5 Week Day 1: Hope County)
Okay so the prompt here said I can do regions and missions, so here's Lacy and Sharky lost in the Whitetail Mountains, doing the mission. Well, attempting it.
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deputylacy · 5 years ago
I keep thinking about Hurk knowing that Lacy and Sharky are super close, but he doesnt know they are actually together, and he really wants them to date so he's constantly trying to set them up on dumb dates trying to get them to kiss or admit feelings. Lacy and Sharky KNOW that Hurk is clueless so they play along with it and intentionally avoid satisfying him with the response he wants. But the thing is he is literally CLUELESS, like they could be sleeping together in bed, cuddling and maybe even kiss, and he would be like "oh they're such good friends I wish they would be more than friends." Eventually he finds out that they were together before Lacy even ever met Hurk, and his mind is literally blown by the news.
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deputylacy · 5 years ago
Go to this website. Choose an OC and take the test for them and post their stats here.
Tagged by @scarlettkat86 thank you!!!
I only did Lacy bc I have a headache and not feeling like doing all my far cry girls, sorry.
Deputy Lacy Morrison
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93% Extroverted / 7% Introverted
45% Intuitive / 55% Observant
25% Thinking / 75% Feeling
24% Judging / 76% Prospecting
35% Assertive / 65% Turbulent
I think everyone has done this so far but if you havent then go ahead!!
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deputylacy · 5 years ago
Thinkin about...what if Boomer got really dirty n gross one day so Sharky and Lacy have to give him a bath and as they're doing it Sharky just keeps spraying Lacy with the hose and they end up having a playful water fight instead of bathing their dog
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deputylacy · 5 years ago
Character Interview
tagged by: not tagged by anyone but I want to do it sooo...
tagging: @pabstbeerpussy @scarlettkat86 @starsandskies @fkingpeggies and idk who else so do it if you want! Or dont do it, its okay!!
(Top answer is Lacy, bottom is Chanel)
name ➔ "Lacy Marie Morrison, later Morrison-Boshaw! Because I got married! That's why!! What do you mean you get it?"
"Chanel Sera Payne. Yes my middle name means serum and I am a nurse. Funny, isn't it? No? Yeah, it's not."
are you single ➔ "Hell no! I've got Sharky and we're in it together FOREVER!"
"No, I am not. Staci and I are in love and committed."
are you happy ➔ “Of course I am! Sharky, Boomer, and the freedom to do what I please? How can I Not Be?!"
"I definitely am. With Staci, with my job, my friends, my free time...I certainly am happy."
are you angry ➔ "John gave me that dumbass Wrath tattoo because he thinks I'm wrathful. But I'm pretty chill unless you give me a reason to be mad. Then I'm not so chill."
"No, it takes a lot to get me mad. Really the only thing that has made me incredibly angry is what Jacob did to Staci."
are your parents still married ➔  "They were when they passed. My dad died in a car wreck, mom died of pneumonia."
"Yes, they are."
birth place ➔ “Missoula!"
"Hope County, but I moved to Seattle for most of my adolescence and young adulthood."
hair colour ➔  "Black! Sharky says he loves dark haired girls. He got lucky with me!"
"Light blonde. And yes, it is natural."
eye colour ➔ “Dark brown. Sharky says they look like cool demon eyes. Maybe that's why the Seeds think I'm from Hell or whatever."
"Golden brown. I could've had blue from my dad's side, but you know how genes work. Mom won."
birthday ➔ “July 6, we use the leftover fireworks from the 4th to celebrate."
"September 13."
mood ➔ "Content. Could be having more fun if I was causing chaos with Sharky."
"I'm fine, I suppose. I miss Staci, he's at work."
gender ➔ “We're both girls."
summer or winter ➔ "Winter! You ever melt a snow drift with a flamethrower? It's fun as hell."
"Winter. It's just so beautiful! And relaxing indoors with hot cocoa and warm blankets and Staci by my side...its lovely."
morning or afternoon ➔ “I'd say afternoons considering I'm usually not awake until noon."
"Mornings. I get to have coffee and take a warm shower with Staci before work and it's pleasant."
are you in love ➔ “Hell yeah! Sharky and I, we're in it forever."
"I certainly am. I couldn't love and care for anyone more than I can with Staci."
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ "The first second I met Sharky, my heart nearly exploded. I was like, this guy is 100% my type. We're getting together. So yeah."
"In a way, yeah. I felt something when I met Staci like, no we aren't in love at the moment, but I feel like we could be eventually."
who ended your last relationship ➔ "Never had a relationship outside of Sharky. So nobody."
"Him. He told me I was pathetic, but it was his fault for doing...things to me. Of course he saw me that way."
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “No, but I've cracked plenty of ribs doing CPR."
"I think I broke my parents' hearts when I decided to go back to Hope County. They thought our life was so perfect in Seattle...but I wanted to go home."
are you afraid of commitments ➔ "Nah. I commit myself to something, I'm sticking with it."
"Kind of. Other than Staci, my other relationships were abusive and I did not want to stay with them. So it made me fear the thought of sticking with someone forever."
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Sharky, of course! And Boomer. And Peaches (not Staci), and Cheeseburger. I love my boyfriend and my animals."
"Staci. He's really the only person I feel comfortable hugging."
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ "Before Hurk saw how Sharky and I felt things for each other, he had a crush on me. He once told Sharky I had a nice ass, not knowing we were together, and Sharky pushed him down a hill."
"I'm not sure. I hope not."
have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ "Eh, not really."
"When I left Seattle, I broke my own heart along with my parents'."
love or lust ➔ "I can't feel lust without love. So both."
"Love. Love is an amazing, perfect feeling."
lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Lemonade! Pink is better, though. Ever tried hard lemonade? It's the shit!"
"Iced tea, preferably with some kind of fruit additive."
cats or dogs ➔ "I love all animals! Why do you think I take so many nature walks?"
"Dogs and cats are both great, but I feel like a dog's protective and unconditional loving nature shows more. So dogs, I'd say."
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ "My guns for hire, that's all I need! So, I guess a few best friends."
"A few. I don't really like socializing so I'll keep the few I have."
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ "If by 'wild night out' you mean setting shit on fire, blasting music, and getting drunk with Sharky, then that's my choice!"
"Romantic night in. Sometimes Staci will do cute things like leave rose petals on the path to the bath or bed, prepare some rose wine, candles...it's very nice."
day or night ➔ “Night! Fire shows brighter at night, and cooler animals come out at night."
"Day. I like the sunshine."
been caught sneaking out ➔ “Yeah, in high school I had some delinquent friends and we'd sneak out to go set fires, vandalize, that kinda thing. My parents would sometimes catch me but they wouldn't really punish me."
"No. I've never snuck out."
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ "Both! Mostly because I was drunk."
"I think up the stairs, if I was in a hurry. Down, I haven't."
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ "Even though I knew Sharky and I were gonna end up together, when we were just friends I wanted nothing more than to be more than that."
"I wanted Staci to be safe and escape from Jacob so much that I'd have panic attacks."
wanted to disappear ➔ "Nah. I'm here to stay."
"As a teenager, being a doormat and abused...well...I tried. Now I don't, though."
smile or eyes ➔ “Sharky's got gorgeous eyes, don't get me wrong, but that smile gives me butterflies every time."
"I can't choose between the two on Staci. His eyes are so intense, his smile so sweet...they're both too beautiful."
shorter or taller ➔ “Taller! I'm small, I like guys that tower over me. Lucky that Sharky's a foot taller than me."
"I'd say taller, considering I'm 5'2 and a guy being shorter than me is rare."
intelligence or attraction ➔ “Both are good, but if you haven't noticed, Sharky's kinda lacking on the intelligence thing..."
"Both are necessary for me. It's good Staci has both."
hook-up or relationship ➔ "Relationships. I can't do short term shit. I'm committed to Sharky, anyways."
"Considering I'm with Staci, I would never hook up with someone. Relationship."
do you and your family get along ➔  "When they were alive, we got along for the most part. They were annoyed at my deviant friend circle, but proud of my academic shit."
"Yeah, I'd say so. They got upset when I left Seattle because they'd miss me, and I was upset to leave, but that's really our only disagreement."
would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ "Yeah, and I love it!"
"Now that Staci's back and my job is stable, I don't think I can say yes to this."
have you ever ran away from home ➔ “I'd sneak out and go on drives to other towns with my friends in high school, but that's about it."
"No, I haven't."
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “Nah, my parents threatened it a couple times in high school but never delivered."
"No. My parents are super attached to me."
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “Hell no! Why would I have a friend I hate?"
"No, of course not!"
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “Yep! We're all the best of friends!"
"Of course. I don't like the thought of a casual friend."
who is your best friend ➔ "Sharky, of course! And Chanel, my first Hope County friend!"
"Staci. But also, Lacy."
who knows everything about you ➔ "Sharky does! We share everything!"
"Staci, he's really the only person I trust to know things about me."
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deputylacy · 5 years ago
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(For Far Cry 5 Week Day 5: OC Day)
Deputy Lacy Morrison aesthetic
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firstaidspray · 5 years ago
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Well I was not directly tagged for this but Macy @troyebakers said to "consider yourself tagged" so I did it!! Made in this picrew
I actually did my far cry girls and Honey a while ago but I added them anyways.
In order:
Jordanna Lewis (Uncharted)
Honey Monaghan (Death Stranding)
Valerie Bright (Resident Evil)
Avril Deschanel (Call of Duty)
Pudding Navarro (GTAV)
Deputy Lacy Morrison (Far Cry 5)
Sadie Sanders (Far Cry 5)
Chanel Payne (Far Cry 5)
And I assumed mostly everyone has done this already so if you havent, say I tagged you :)
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deputylacy · 5 years ago
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(Far Cry 5 Week Day 7: Free Day/Positivity)
Deputy Lacy Morrison + Favorite Weapons/Skins
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