#deptford x
thesinglesjukebox · 14 days
And single of ours...
Julian Axelrod: You never know when you'll hear the song that changes your life. It could come from a DJ, or an algorithm, or a girl group lifer who you could have sworn was the third most famous member of Fifth Harmony but was actually the first or second most notable member of Little Mix, depending on who you ask. I had no idea what Jade Thirlwall's debut single would sound like before I first pressed play, but even if you gave me 1000 guesses, I never would have landed on "Rina Sawayama doing Uffie over a Eurovision sample that curdles into the nastiest dubstep drop since the Obama administration." This isn't the first time an X Factor alum has stuffed a solo single with a million disparate elements to keep things interesting; it's not even the first time it's happened this year. But the magic of "Angel of My Dreams" is the way it extends that first-listen feeling to listens 2-500. Even though I know the song by heart, each individual section is so strong that I never expect the drop, or the rap verse, or the intro melody reprise at the end. (I didn't even notice the camera flash sound effects at the 2:07 mark until my third listen!) This could be the start of an all-time pop run, or it could be a fleeting moment of glory. I couldn't care less: When I'm listening to "Angel of My Dreams," I just want to live in each moment until it ends, then immediately live them all again. [10]
Harlan Talib Ockey: Girls Aloud doing nightcore “Bohemian Rhapsody”, except also emotionally brutal. We will watch your solo career with great interest. [7]
Dave Moore: How do you even write a pop melody like this these days? Nothing borrowed yet nothing new -- dozens of refreshes of WhoSampled yields nothing to alleviate my nagging sense that surely I've heard it before; my brain refuses to play a rousing game of earworm hunt like with Chappell Roan. It's a bit of a shame that the whole thing devolves into a K-pop-ish party-by-numbers muddle, but in the end she wins, is not in the bin, etc. [8]
Kat Stevens: If I don't win, I'm in the bin. Specifically, the bin on Deptford High Street opposite Perfect Fried Chicken. [8]
Iain Mew: Some of the joy "Angel of My Dreams" has brought is that it's 80% of the way to being a maximalist Rina Sawayama song, and yet is also a persistent enough UK hit to have re-entered the top ten in its fourth week. The range of possibilities looks newly widened. Jade brings some specific things to make it her own triumph too. It's not just leading off with something so ambitious and inventive, but that she is able to wear it so lightly and naturally, Harry Styles-style. It's even more impressive to do so with a song that appears to dig into bitter personal experience, centred around repetitions of IT'S NOT FAIR so resonant as to move from sulk to deep truth.  [9]
Nortey Dowuona: Jade Thirlwall apparently sees the chance to etch her name into stone, rather than make a safe, easy pitch that might simply be forgotten or regarded as nice. But there are many songs about the cruel and unusual punishment of daring to use one's talent and love to make random weirdos who wear unflattering V-necks a lot of money. Thus Mike Sabath, creator of the world-conquering "Escapism" (and, in a fun little twist, another Jade and Mike Joint as well as the second best Liam Payne song) starts us off with a wilting cry of desperation that has to be walloped by the heavy swing of the chorus, glittery synths sitting atop. The song zips into raspy bass and flimsy and flimsier kick/snare patterns from then on, slowly flattening you until you are nearly crushed. The heavy-handed swing of the first chorus sweeps back in to save you and bind you to it as it disappears, Jade's firm, fluttery soprano left hanging out on the ledge. It's almost as if JADE, unlike RAYE, is not begging to be set free -- she's begging to be let in. [6]
Jonathan Bradley: Cycling through three different song concepts in the first 35 seconds suggests not so much a desire to "do something crazy" as a struggle to hit on anything melodically memorable. It turns out that the slowed-down bass-heavy breakdown works, as does the twinkling fairy dance augmenting the chorus, but a lot of this mistakes attitude for tune -- the sort of B-grade effort that made Little Mix only intermittently worthwhile. See, for instance, Jade stretching out  "feels li-yi-yi-yi-yi-ke" and "spoli-yi-yi-yi-yi-ight" for no real purpose beyond filling time before the next switch up. [4]
Taylor Alatorre: The lack of concern for the cleanliness of the transitions make this feel like a promising storyboard in search of a director, or least someone to step in and say that a desire to be seen as daring and boundary-pushing does not equate to such, and can in fact expose the whole gambit. Most listeners should walk away with a favored segment to return to -- mine is the chrome-polished, push-to-start recitation of the title phrase -- but a quarterlife retrospective like this should feel more internally cohesive than a sitcom clip show. [5]
Ian Mathers: The classic "pick your battles. pick… pick fewer battles than that. put some battles back. that’s too many" tumblr post, now in song form! [7]
Mark Sinker: The idea was like a will o’the wisp or Capt.Fawcett’s Lost City of Z, a gleam, a flicker, a dangerous promise glimpsed across a clearing and through the trees -- and it was something like this (it was always hard to explain clearly). A manufactured alt-pop girlie gang, perfectly designed to win reality TV competitions because also able to fashion the drama of their rise -- and their internal ebbs and flows -- into quilted chart-prog rap-adjacent concept EPs and singles-length mini-musicals, like the Hamilton of the Sugababes. It’s there, always beckoning, just out of reach -- and the acts that pass through the glamour of it are always great, of course, very great, but they also always dissipate too fast, before they really land on the absolute thing itself. Perhaps that's the point; perhaps that's my doom.  [9]
Katherine St. Asaph: I am banned from time machines now because I abused my time-travel privileges to do frivolous shit, like posting this song to the Popjustice forums in 2007 and measuring the blast radius of Xenomaniac rapture. [9]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
First Rater
The English first rate ship of the line of the 1750s onwards was probably the finest warship of the age of sail. Because of the sheer size of the 100-gun ship, 800-850 men where needed to work the guns and man her. They were around 64m in length, displacing 2000 tons. A first rate was also the flagship of any squadron that she sailed in, so had to carry the Admiral and his staff. She cost about £67,000 to build in 1760 (over £95 million now), and because of the difficulty of getting sufficent quantities of wood, rope and guns (as well as the cost), they were a rarity among the world's fleets.
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The "Royal George", 100- guns, first rate at Deptford showing the launch of "The Cambridge", 80- guns, second rate, by John Cleveley, 1757 (x)
During the 18th century, the British fleet had only around 5 or 6 first rates in service, a number which sometimes rose to 11. They might last 50-70 years or even more, undergoing many redesigns and re-riggings.
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reviewsbyliam · 10 months
Headline Show Review - 09/12/2023
[Pictured below; Osé and band]
[Photographer: @bygideooon_ on Instagram]
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*DISCLAIMER* All photos and videos from this event are over on @reviewsbyliam on Instagram. Please head there after reading this article to witness the greatness that we did. Thank you and enjoy reading!
I arrived in London on the 29th of November, suitcase in hand, 5 hour coach journey behind me and a now 45 minute Uber journey to Deptford. My boyfriend met me at the coach station, we spent the first evening just settling into the area, getting some food and having a few beverages (as you do), and then some well earned sleep after both travelling from separate parts of the UK.
Experiencing a day of being a tourist in London the next day was bewildering - I wanna live there now.. I'm definitely made for the big busy city life. We headed back to the hotel, and got ready to make our travels towards one of my long time internet friends first ever SOLD OUT DEBUT HEADLINE SHOW!!
The emotions were at an all time high, before we get into it though..
Here's a little backstory..
I've known Osé for 3/4 years now, first meeting on Twitter (now X) and forming a mutual connection through Ariana Grande and our overall love for music. I always knew that Osé loved to sing, I also knew that one day, he'd be on a stage somewhere giving it his all performing his music and not looking back - little did I know how real that thought would actually become.
Shortly after debuting this blog, Osé called me and told me the tear flowing news that was him booking his first ever headline show to debut his first new project. We screamed, laughed, I cried for him because I was so elated with pride, and then he asked me if I would join him in London, interview him as well as review his show, and help write the description for his event. I must've asked him several times if he was joking, following up with a loud !!YES!! and getting to planning..
Fast forward to the night of the show..
Entering the venue and the thought of not knowing what I was about to hear from Osé was anxiety inducing but extremely exciting nonetheless. I'd heard the music from his project prior to the show as he wanted me to be able to catch a feel of what was to come to help my own personal work, which was such a beautiful gesture. So I kind of knew the sounds of the night, but chose to not listen to them like they were the last songs on Earth so I could re-experience my first listen.
On stage before Osé was another uprising artist called Josh Pace, who was a very good musician to have before the main act as he drew the crowd in and the vocals were so raw. His bass tones were unreal.
After listening to Josh melt our ears, we mingled for a little while, grabbed a couple of drinks to calm the nerves, and then realised it was time..
I knew that when Osé took to the stage, it was going to become HIS world. We weren't here for us, we were here to witness a spectacle that can only be described as out of this universe.
Opening the show with an interlude describing who Osé is, some words being uplifting, some words describing Osé in a more vulnerable, judgmental light.. it was very honest and intriguing. The interlude interpreted that many people have things to say about Osé and his character, including himself, but nobody really knows the true him - hence the reclamation of his story.
Osé walks on stage, the room is flooded with screams, claps, hoots and hollers, he smiles and tries to take in the reception he has just received (which was extremely deserving) and starts to sing one of the most ICONIC songs of all time; Creep by Radiohead.
The raw power that exonerated from Osé’s vocal box was like watching a superhero find their power for the first time. The moment he opened his mouth, he was unstoppable, it was Osé’s time.
I just knew he was about to SMACK us in the jaw with this show after blowing us away with his rendition of Creep and my heart was racing, my knees were weak and I had a dry mouth. I was SO nervous for Osé, but one thing I noticed, Osé wasn’t nervous, because he was home.
Osé started singing his songs from his project, including one song that had a very personal meaning which Osé spoke to us about before he performed, allowing us to see that artists we listen to, admire and idolize are struggling with personal battles just like us. I wont be revealing the track names, because the project is still under review by Osé himself and this night was just about getting a feel for whats to come. But when the project is birthed, you'll see. The night was all about the people closest to Osé finding out why this project is in the works and how he is choosing to utilize it to expand his character and knowledge of the world, which in my eyes is a very safe choice to make as an upcoming artist because for you to do well, you have to make sure your work is cohesive and relatable, and that is what Osé's project embodies, truly.
The raw talent that exudes from Osé, whether its through speaking, writing, singing, anything - it is a talent to be acknowledged and afraid of. Osé's vocals were so strong, and the evidence of his ability to explore across genres is even stronger. We went from sad, to funk, to healing, to rocking out. Not to forget that the band which accompanied him on stage were well into their element also. The guy on the drums? I could've watched him go crazy for hours. And don't even get me started on the saxophone, we will be here for eternity.
Stage presence is a HUGE factor into an artists success, because nobody wants to see an artist just stand there on stage like a bowling pin and sing into a mic and then wave and walk off. Thank the Lord that wasn't the case for Osé. He walked onto that stage, announced himself, and just let his inhibitions go. When the crowd hyped him, it was like the funk spirit had taken over his soul and he just threw his hips like there was no tomorrow. He laughed, he jumped, he clapped, he cried but he also joked with the crowd and made it the most safest space I've ever had the pleasure of being in.
At the end of the night, Osé thanked everyone for attending his first sold out headline show, and had to halt a few tears (so did I, many times). I have never heard a room erupt into screams, whistles, chants, you name it, so loudly before. I was watching Osé on stage just taking in the love that he so righteously deserved, which made it a full circle moment for everyone involved. The gratitude displayed was immense and he truly and authentically cracked the egg of success and stepped into the rest of his life as a vocal powerhouse that night.
Raw vocals, warming stage presence, immaculate band and organisation. Venue was cozy and made the vibe so much more intimate than it already was. Location was easy to find.
If you're wondering whether to give Osé a chance when he next does a show, wonder no more because I'm here to tell you that it would be one of the biggest regrets of your life if you didn't attend a show of his or at least take a dive into his socials and hear the heaven that leaves his mouth when he sings. I have an upcoming interview to be released with Osé, and we discuss his early life, career, fears, and so SO much more. We dive into topics about the night too, and just have a good old catch up about how much Osé's life has changed since his sold out headline show. Keep an eye on my Instagram page for more details surrounding the release of that!
A message to Osé: Thank you for coming into my life and showing me that being creative is okay, it's okay to be vulnerable and show it in your work, it's okay to struggle and share that with people because we are all human and deserve peace. I will be forever thankful for the opportunities you graced upon me surrounding this event and I will forever be in debt to you. You are one of the most intelligent humans I've come across, and watching you blossom as an artist and a friend is a blessing that I will never let go. Never give up on who you dream to be, because the ability that you hold within yourself to make that happen is a lot more stronger than you'll ever know. I love you and I'm forever proud of you! L x
Thanks for reading! Photos and Videos from
will be posted to my Instagram @reviewsbyliam !
Head over there and check them out!
Written by Liam Wibberley
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a---z · 11 months
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Thursday 9th Nov. 
8 - 10.30pm
A---Z at Iklectik
Tickets: https://link.dice.fm/o0856a0ca324
A—Z comes back to Iklectik to present Quasar – Expect a night of live sets including immersive ambient sounds, from mystic, dark noise to electronic pulsar chaos. The event presents three acts that explore sensory/textural sounds, syncretism, displacement, cathartic tremors.
8.30 - 9pm Gisou Golshani (live)
9.15 - 9.45pm GAKKO (live)
10 - 10.30pm Manuka Honey (live)
Manuka Honey
Marissa Malik, best known by her stage name Manuka Honey, is a multi-disciplinary artist, DJ and producer at the forefront of Latinx-infused club music coming out of the UK. US-born and London-based, Manuka’s adoration of the Latinx diaspora’s sounds is exuded by her beautifully chaotic DJ sets that have pummeled the sound systems of clubs and festivals internationally.
Carolin Schnurrer is a London and Berlin-based artist, DJ (alias GAKKO), designer, and instrument builder, producing sensory experiences with a variety of media, from sound performance and installation art to moving images. In her artistic research, she creates electronic instruments that incorporate human skin into her music-making process: Providing a platform for the audience to actively shape and manipulate the sounds she produces in real time by engaging in tactile interactions with one another on a transformative odyssey through synthetic, sensual, and otherworldly sonic landscapes.
Delving into the depths of profound vulnerability and resilience, this approach allows her not only to investigate the potential of healing through the powers of human touch and sound, but also challenge traditional notions of music creation and club experiences – inviting listeners to embrace the symbiotic fusions between the organic and the synthetic, to forge a path towards a speculative and fictional future where these connections transcend the confines of borders, culture, language, and other categories of exclusion that we construct.
Operating under the name GAKKO, she has cultivated an unwavering passion for seamlessly blending genres spanning from 130 to 160 BPM, weaving together sets that pulsate with the raw energy of bass-heavy music, unexpected club edits, and thunderous drum breaks. Through radio shows on Foundation FM, Refuge Worldwide, and [sic]nal, she aims to showcase forward-thinking and marginalized electronic producers within the experimental and DIY realm. Carolin Schnurrer’s artistic journey is characterized by collaborative ventures with musicians, artists, writers, and dancers like KLEIN, AUDINT (Kode9, Eleni Ikon, Toby Heyes), Julie Cunningham, and Haroon Mirza; she has performed at events such as Tate Lates, Oram Awards at Kings Place, Hyperdub’s Night Ø at Corsica Studios, intonal in Malmö, the YARD theater, 925 in Colombo and the MIRA Festival in Barcelona.
Gisou Golshani
Gisou Golshani is a London-based Iranian artist. Their work depicts abstract narratives from seemingly disparate elements. Through multilayered editing and playful uses of sampling, they investigate the intimacy of the voice, the effects of sound on the body and their mother tongue Farsi’s complexities in translation. Looking into archival found material, Gisou creates multi-sensory, immersive installations and performances. Previous work has been shown at Disturbance (Ugly Duck), London, Studio/Chapple for Deptford X, London, Nottingham’s New Art Exchange, Mimosa House, London and internationally including their home country. 
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shelleytheodore · 1 year
SHELLEY THEODORE Born in Brisbane, Australia Lives and works in London, Barcelona and France https://shelleytheodore.tumblr.com/ https://www.axisweb.org/p/shelleytheodore/ EDUCATION 2012 MA Visual Art (Fine Art), Camberwell College of Art, University of the Arts, London 1995 Bachelor of Fine Art (Hons), Goldsmiths College, University of London 1992 Dept of Continuing Education, Goldsmiths College, University of London, Certificate in Art 1980 Bachelor of Social Work, University of Queensland, Australia SELECTED EXHIBITIONS AND PUBLICATIONS 2022 Artist Feature Special Issue: Best Artists of 2022 Magazine 43, Hong Kong 2022 Magazine 43 Film Friday featured artist April 2022 https://magazine43.substack.com 2021 Deptford X Festival, Art in the open Supported Application Guide shapeslewisham introducing@shelley_theodore 23 March 2021 Deptford London 2021 Post Analogue Labyrinth IV, virtual exhibition, https://www.artsteps.com/view/ 6092eeaca33cc06fe89a823f 2019 Post Analogue Labyrinth Ill, as part of DEPTFORD X FRINGE, AAJA Deptford 2018 Post Analogue Labyrinth 11, Sister Midnight Records 4 Tanners Hill London Gaze, Axisweb: Contemporary Art UK Network, online exhibition Aesthetica Issue 81, p157, Artists' Directory, Published on Jan 24,2018 2017 Drawing Open, 26 -28 May, No Format Gallery, Arch 29, Rolt Street, Deptford 2016 Prison Drawing Project, Dean Road Prison, Scarborough, UK Artrooms Fair 2016, Melia Whitehouse Hotel, London 2015 Uncertain States Annual, Mile End Art Pavilion, Mile End 2014 Pala, an online digital program of artist's film and video works curated by Laura Mansfield 2013 Bloomberg New Contemporaries 2013, Spike Island, Bristol, and ICA, London 8 STUDIOS FROM HERE, Faircharm Studios, Deptford Postcard From My Studio, Acme Project Space 44 Bonner Road, Bethnal Green, London 2012 Crash OPEN, Charlie Dutton Gallery, 1a Princeton Street, London The Salon Art Prize Exhibition 2012, Matt Roberts Art, 25b Vyner Street, London Jerwood Drawing Prize Exhibition 2012, Jerwood Space, London No Now, Space Station Sixty Five, Kennington Bend over Shirley, Beaconsfield Contemporary Art 2011 CCW Artist Moving Image, HMV Curzon, Wimbledon 'Chain letter' worldwide exhibition 2011, GIBSMIR family, Zurich, Switzerland. Flash in the Pan, curated by Naomi Sidefin and David Crawford, Beaconsfield Contemporary Art The Unsung Heroes of the studio, ASYLUM, The Chapel, Caroline Gardens, Peckham 2010 Peckham Space Open, Peckham Space, Peckham Deptford X Fringe Award, Deptford X Fringe Nunhead Open Art Exhibition, The Surgery, Nunhead 2009 Creekside Open, selected by Mark Wallinger, APT Gallery, Deptford Creekside Open, selected by Jenni Lomax, APT Gallery, Deptford 2008 London Art Fair, Islington, Beverley Knowles Fine Art 2007 London Art Fair, Islington, Beverley Knowles Fine Art RESIDENCIES 2022 Studio Residency, San Quirze Safaja, Barcelona 2021 Photography Workshop with Architect Lisa Harmey and architecture students University of Cardiff, UK 2015 'Backs to the Future' Residency, FIVE YEARS 66 Richmond Studios, 8 Andrews Road, E84QN 2014 2014 LUX Critical forum, London 2012 Gasworks Curatorial Workshop, Gasworks 2011 Urban fabric 2 (UF2) Paradox Conference, Crawford College of Art and Design, Cork, Ireland 'Sculptural Drawing Collaboration', The Woodmill Project Space, Bermondsey
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Love stories, 2023 Digital print poster installation for Deptford X 119 cm x 7700 cm (approx)
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whatsonmedia · 2 months
Top 5 London Dining Deals: Fusion Cuisine, Opera, and more!
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Explore London's best dining deals, featuring fusion cuisine at KiliG in Deptford, a unique operatic experience at Signature Brew in Walthamstow, and a gourmet tasting menu at The Light Bar in Shoreditch. Enjoy these limited-time offers and elevate your culinary adventures in the city. Get a two-course fusion meal at KiliG for £15 that comes with a side and a beverage. Inspired by the Philippines and Colombia, the roots of KiliG founders Anjelica and Ivan, this Deptford-based restaurant brings the food and drinks of their home countries to southeast London, along with a family-style culture. Indulge in three authentic courses, starting with cassava and mozzarella croquettes and chargrilled chicken inasal skewers with a spicy mango purée. Follow with chargrilled sweetcorn fritters or Tortang Talong (a Filipino smoked aubergine fritter) paired with a refreshing Guava daiquiri. Highlights - Enjoy handpicked house favorite dishes from South America and Southeast Asia. - Savor a Guava daiquiri on arrival. - Was £35, now just £20. Need to know - This voucher is valid for three courses and a drink at KiliG. - Availability: Wednesday and Thursday, 6 pm - 10 pm (last orders at 9.45 pm). Friday and Saturday Lunch, 12 pm - 3.30 pm (last orders 3.15 pm). Dinner 7 pm - 10 pm (last orders 9.45 pm). - To redeem, please book via the link in your booking confirmation, choose your preferred date and time, and quote TIMEOUT24. - Please present your voucher upon arrival. - Voucher valid until November 30, 2024. - Menu subject to change. - Maximum 4 diners per booking. - Bookings of two or less may be seated at the concrete bar due to limited table seating. - Terrace tables are available on a first-come, first-served basis. - Children younger than 10 years old are welcome during lunch service and before 6 pm during dinner. - Dogs are welcome for indoor dining during lunch service and on the terrace for dinner. Indoor dining is available for dinner at KiliG's discretion during quieter service times. - The restaurant must be informed of any changes/cancellations within 24 hours of your booking. If the booking is canceled after this time, the voucher will be deemed to have been redeemed for the current booking and cannot be used towards a new booking. - Time Out is not responsible for ensuring any dietary requirements are catered for. Please contact KiliG to ensure your dietary requirements can be accommodated before purchasing a voucher. - Location: KiliG, 2 Resolution Way, Deptford, London, SE8 4NT. Save Big on Flights and Hotels with Lastminute.com - Save up to £300: Take advantage of Lastminute.com’s January sale and enjoy incredible savings on flights and hotel bookings. - Wide Range of Destinations: Whether you’re dreaming of a beach escape or a city adventure, Lastminute.com offers a variety of destinations to choose from. - Flight and Hotel Bundles: Bundle your flight and hotel together to unlock even bigger discounts and get the best value for your money. - Flexible Payment Options: Book now and pay later with Lastminute.com’s flexible payment plans, making it easier to plan and budget for your trip. - Limited Time Offer: Hurry, this sale won’t last forever! Don’t miss out on the chance to save big on your next vacation. Visit Lastminute.com today and start planning your perfect getaway at unbeatable prices! Unlimited Function x Signature Brew present: Besse; admission is £10. Besse is an operatic triptych that explores the history of women and beer during the Black Death. Created by Birmingham-based Infinite Opera, this performance features a cast and ensemble mostly from the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. The characters personify beer ingredients, mirroring the brewing process. Highlights - Special Offer: Two tickets and two pints for £25. - Fresh Beer: Enjoy Signature Brew beers brewed on-site. - Unique Entertainment: Experience music, black comedy, and rhyming couplets. Need to know - This voucher is valid for a ticket to Infinite Opera x Signature Brew present: Besse. - This booking is only valid for your selected date/time option. - This event is restricted to those aged 18 and over. - Doors: 7 pm. Showtime: 7.30 pm. Finish: 10.00 pm. - Please present your booking confirmation upon arrival at the box office. - Location: Signature Brew, Unit 15, Uplands Business Park, Blackhorse Lane, London, E17 5QJ. - Tickets cannot be canceled, amended, exchanged, refunded, or used in conjunction with any other offer. For full terms and conditions, please see here. This event offers a great opportunity to enjoy craft beer, live music, and an operatic performance in a unique and vibrant setting. Linux Hosting: Your Website’s Powerful Engine Imagine your website as a car. The operating system (OS) is like the engine – it controls everything that makes the car run. When it comes to web hosting, Linux is the most popular engine choice, and for good reason! Benefits of Linux Hosting: - Cost-effective: Since Linux is free, web hosting providers can offer competitive pricing. - Flexibility: Linux is compatible with a wide range of popular website building tools and programming languages like WordPress, PHP, MySQL, Ruby, Python, and SSH. This gives you more freedom to create your website exactly how you want it. - Security: Linux is generally considered a secure operating system, making it a good choice for protecting your website. - Reliability: Linux servers are known for their stability and uptime, which means your website is less likely to experience downtime. cPanel with Linux Hosting: cPanel is a popular control panel that simplifies website management on a Linux server. It provides a graphical interface for tasks like: - Uploading files - Managing databases - Creating email accounts - Setting up security features Five-course tasting meal and prosecco at The Light Bar were £71, but are now only £30. Experience dining in a historic Victorian power station, The Light Bar, established in 1893. Enjoy a five-course tasting menu featuring fresh burrata, Korean hanger steak, and House flatbread with various butters. Complement your meal with a glass of prosecco for a cozy and indulgent culinary experience. Highlights - Prime Location: Situated in the heart of Shoreditch. - Seasonal Menu: Focus on fresh, seasonal produce. - Great Deal: Over 50% off a five-course tasting menu. Need to Know - Voucher Validity: For a five-course tasting menu at The Light Bar. - Availability: Tuesday to Saturday, 12 pm – 9 pm. - Booking: Email [email protected]  with your preferred date and time. Voucher, security code, and QR code must be clear. - Service Charge: A 12.5% service charge applies to the bill (card payments only). - Cancellation Policy: 24-hour cancellation period. - Voucher Expiry: September 7, 2024. - Location: The Light Bar, 233 Shoreditch High Street, London, E1 6PJ. For more exclusive offers on lifestyle visit WhatsOn Get a two-course fusion meal at KiliG for £15 that comes with a side and a beverage. Save Big on Flights and Hotels with Lastminute.com Unlimited Function x Signature Brew present: Besse; admission is £10.Need to know Linux Hosting: Your Website’s Powerful EngineBenefits of Linux Hosting: cPanel with Linux Hosting: Five-course tasting meal and prosecco at The Light Bar were £71, but are now only £30. Read the full article
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alinemadebywalking · 9 months
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10 Favourite Art Shows I Saw in 2022 (all of them in London):
1 Body Politic, Antony Gormley, White Cube Bermondsey 2 AYE!, Lutz Bacher, Raven Row 3 Doors, Christian Marclay, White Cube Mason's Yard 4 Grenfell, Steve McQueen, Serpentine Galleries 5 Eyes of the Storm: Photographs 1963-1964, Paul McCartney, National Portrait Gallery 6 Allegorhythms, Bill Daggs, Metroland (photo 1) 7 Andy Warhol: the Textiles, Fashion and Textile Museum 8 A Whistling Woman, a Crowing Hen, Carl Gent, Deptford X (ph2) 9 The Visible Turn, Arnaud Adami, Carl Kostyál (photo 3) 10 Architects' Houses, Sir John Soane's Museum
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artistopencalls · 2 years
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🖤 @deptfordx Come and work with us at Deptford X! 🖤 https://linktr.ee/deptfordx ⬅️ We are looking for a new team member to take up the post of Deputy Director of the organisation. The Deputy Director is integral to the management of Deptford X and the delivery and development of its ambitious programmes. We’re looking for someone with experience of managing organisational operations, preferably with an integrated approach to access and diversity, and an understanding and knowledge of financial development strategies. We would like to appoint someone with shared values: someone who understands the importance of difference, creativity, experimentation and learning within art; who has a commitment to local artistic ambition and making a positive contribution to local communities in the area; and who is committed to equity, accessibility and care. For more information and for how to apply, download the job pack from our website using the link in our bio where you can find out more about the organisation and see the full job description. We are holding an online open day for this post on Monday 23 January 2023 where you can sign up for a 20 minute slot to talk to our director, Nathalie Boobis, about the role and the organisation. Please book a slot via the link above. The deadline for applications is 9am, Monday 6th February 2023. We look forward to hearing from you. #jobopportunity #deptfordx #deptfordjobs #artjobs #artopps #job #deptford #deptfordjobs #se8 #hiringnow #communityjobs #londonjobs #hiring #artjobslondon #creativefacilitator #creativefacilitation (at Deptford , London , Great Britain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoFVI1UIfpC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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donalddahmer · 4 years
I tried to bury myself today. I pulled myself out of the damned spot and instantly recoiled at the sight. Not quite damp not quite dense. Unheld. Barely covered. Cold, you could say. But ultimately, in the brown I felt at one.
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lamski · 4 years
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BAD Yr 2 - Retrospective #1.
Volunteered as a Guide at Deptford X festival programme. (Deptford X's Parade of Friendly Monsters).
RA Visit - Win >.< Win by Rimini Protokoll. An interactive work focus on human evolution through the jellyfish.
The Migration Museum in Lewisham - showcasing the stories of people who have moved to and from Britain.
The Berlin Wall stood for 28 years, a physical and metaphorical barrier between Eastern and Western Europe, a division between cultures and political systems, the embodiment of the enforced separation of a people.
Picasso and Paper: A genius who loved a scrap. An accumulation of relics from his childhood to old age.
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masonskaya · 6 years
Now you've got to breathe It's only where your feet fell People so cool Somebody wants you A lover come back I want to dance like her Like nobody's watching But nobody's watching
Forever meant nothing when we had nothing Feel real Now Forever meant nothing when we had nothing
Even when you know Hits you hard Leaves slow, comes back fast When you can't take it Don't swallow your pain Been around once It'll be around again
Forever meant nothing when we had nothing Feel real Now Forever meant nothing when we had nothing
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alexturne · 2 years
Miles Kane Shares His Little Black Book Of London
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Interview from Forbes 12.04.22
Musician Miles Kane is the dapper chappy known for his solo music (F.Y.I he has a new album out and a European tour starting this week), being part of The Last Shadow Puppets, and, last but not least, his modish mode.
Miles shares his guide to London, from his favorite watering holes to vintage clothing stores.
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Shop: Mr. Start and Nordic Poetry
"For classic menswear, one of my favorites is Mr. Start in Shoreditch, it’s got a John Smedley vibe but with an edge. The fits are fantastic. On a vintage tip I like Nordic Poetry, it has great bits for men and even better stuff for women. I’d say some real gems there."
Bar: Satan’s Whiskers
"Best cocktails bar in London in my opinion. It’s small, sexy and dark with the best drinks. It feels private as everyone has to sit to drink so no one will be banging into you. Sip a killer Martini while it plays old-school hip-hop, it’s just cool basically! Book in advance I’d say."
Boozer: The Sun Tavern
"For me, it’s the best bar in London. lighting is key in my eyes in bars and restaurants, nobody wants to be sat in a dentist when having a bevy or eating! The tav has a rock n roll, New York feel and energy to it in the heart of Bethnal Green! Great friendly staff great tunes, it’s family x"
Stay: Town Hall Hotel
"Great hotel in the heart of Bethnal Green, it’s surrounded by all the cool spots to eat and drink. The apartment-style rooms go down a treat with the warehouse-style interiors. Great restaurant and amazing pool in the gym as well."
Eat: Brutto
"My new favorite Italian in London. It has it all for me, incredible martini, best steaks around and pasta to die for! The pepper steak stew is also incredible it has the vibe of my dream restaurant, it has a mix of Frank Sinatra and The Sopranos vibes, what more could you want!"
Chill out: Paragon Gym
"It may not sound chilling out but to de-stress, paragon gym has been my home for about 7/8 years. It’s a kickboxing gym where I train with Stuart Lawson, a Jedi master and an incredible trainer. He has kept me in shape! Great for one on one sessions or group classes. I love boxing or kickboxing, it has a real family-friendly vibe and has been my second family at times! Good people, give it a shot!"
Music venue: The Moth Club
"For the Northern Soul nights and the Cave Club, it’s hard to find anywhere that plays great music with a dance floor, maybe there is but I don’t know about it? The Moth Club caters to me as once a month they have a Deptford Soul Northern Soul night and Rhys Webb's Cave Club. If you're looking for soul, Motown, rock ‘n’ roll and to cut some shapes, look no further!"
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Barbers: Jimmy Slick’s Barbers
"My favorite barbers around is where I go to get my hair done. The best skin head in London, it’s that simple folks! Incredible painted walls floor to ceiling like a psychedelic jungle too. Check it out."
Your favorite place...Victoria Park!
"I’m showing my age now but I love a park. Vicky Park has been good to me, it’s where I go every day pretty much to either run, walk or get a coffee. It’s sorted my head out many times, good energies in there I promise you. There’s a cute little village in the middle of you want to treat yourself."
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
Dear Lieutenant, may I ask what exactly the difference between a boat and a ship is? And would sailors and officers have been offended to have their ships be called boats? Thank you and I hope you are having a good day!
Hi, Well, that depends on how you define it exactly. In the Age of sail, a boat was anything that fitted on a ship and ships were anything that had three or more square rigged masts. Anything below that was a vessel. According to the U.S. Naval Institute, a boat, generally speaking, is small enough to be carried aboard a larger vessel, and a vessel large enough to carry a smaller one is a ship.
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Jolly boat for oars or sail. Handsome launch; Tunny; River Thames fishing or Peter Boat; Ships Boat; Patent Boats; A ship's Long Boat, by Robert Pollard, 1808 (x)
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The Royal George at Deptford Showing the Launch of the Cambridge, by John I Cleveley, 1757. Here we have boats, a yacht and three warships (x)
Today, you can say that anything smaller than 10m is a boat, anything larger but not ocean going is more like a yacht and anything above and ocean going is a ship. Whether it offends a sailor I can't really say, but most people don't like it when you call their ship a boat because it's a bit degrading.
Well, I hope I could help you a bit and have a nice day.
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bookloversofbath · 4 years
Unpathed Waters: Account of the Life and Times of Joseph Huddart, FRS at One Time a Captain in the Service of the Honourable East India Company and Later an Elder Brother of the Corporation of Trinity House :: William Huddart
Unpathed Waters: Account of the Life and Times of Joseph Huddart, FRS at One Time a Captain in the Service of the Honourable East India Company and Later an Elder Brother of the Corporation of Trinity House :: William Huddart
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Unpathed Waters: Account of the Life and Times of Joseph Huddart, FRS at One Time a Captain in the Service of the Honourable East India Company and Later an Elder Brother of the Corporation of Trinity House :: William Huddart soon to be presented for sale on the outstanding BookLovers of Bath web site!
London: Quiller Press, 1989, Hardback in dust wrapper.
Contains: Black & white plates;…
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roan + loving someone so much their chest hurts
sasha + partying away the pain 👀
Lykke Li - Sleeping Alone
Deptford Goth - Feel Real
LIE NING - wandering romance
RY X - Howling
Lydia - All I See
Mitski - I Will
Mattis - Fade Into Myself
Pastelle, XENEN - Numb
Cyn - Drinks
Chase Atlantic - OUT THE ROOF
BANKS - Gimme
AK - Life Like This
The contrast between the two <3
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