Hello! Your bibliomancy readings sound interesting, I would love one please! H: 57, 380, 418. Thank you 💐
Hello to you! I hope you are well! You are most welcome c:
You have a bouquet from my Language of Herbs book! As yours are all in different letter sections (A, P, and R), I will create your bouquet for you!
In your bouquet, you have: Aquilaria Malaccensis (Agar-Agar), Piper Betle (Betel Leaf), and Rosa Gallica (Gallic Rose).
Together their meanings comprise of life, loyalty, and variety.
For you when I look at your bouquet, I see how the elements blend together to create a distinct smell and visual presentation. With the presence of Aquilaria Malaccensis, most often used for incense and perfumes, it acts as a binding power between Piper Betle and Rosa Gallica. There is a distinctness to the Piper Betle in your bouquet as it presents itself as a strong, protective force. The leaves of that plant are most often used as a flavor for Betle nut chewing (which can be a spicy and sweet flavor). Combined with Rosa Gallica, this adds a certain element of softness and affirmation to you. I will make a small note that there does feel like this comes from an outside presence and this is a reminder to you. The smell of the two together is spicy, sweet, and floral.
Overall, when I look at it all. It is a reminder to you about a bond you have with someone else. With the binding force of the Aquilaria Malaccensis between Piper Betle and Rosa Gallica, it is a message to you that you are protected, and a reminder you can be strong and gentle simultaneously. There does not appear to be any other message other than this affirmation to you.
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headlessmage · 1 year
Hello! Your Pokemon deck sounds fun 😄 If it's okay, I'd love a reading with it on how to boost my career, or simply a general reading please!
Hello there! As I'm still getting used to reading with this deck, I've opted to do the general reading!
I had Starmie come forward, in a recumbent position. His gem is pointed straight towards the stars twinkling high above, and I get a sense of longing and nostalgia. The background of this card is unique, and is an abandoned sign near the petrified forest in Arizona. It has been graffitied to say "don't let nostalgia win again".
There is something from the past that is holding you back, a yearning and longing that taints your vision. What is it that draws you back to that time, however? What about it is stopping you from moving forward? Take off the rose colored glasses and allow yourself to immerse fully in the present and future.
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waves Hello!
Thaw your hands now (I have been numb) Put color in your cheeks (where I belong) I missed you back then So be here with me
Unfold - Porter Robinson and Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs
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