#dentist near expressway
climbinfra · 9 days
MRG Bazaar 93 Gurgaon, Mrg world bazaar Affordable shops Call Now 84481 75001
Are you seeking for best space to establish a shop? If yes then here one of the trusted developers presenting a new residential project along with a commercial project. The developer’s name is MRG World limited and the project is commonly known as MRG bazaar 93. The project is spread over 6.5 acres of land. 
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Additionally, MRG world bazaar 93 offers HUDA proven commercial retail shops on 75-Meter-wide Road near Dwarka Expressway. And, the shops are designed with modern technology. As we know Gurgaon is one of the most premium city of India  to live in where peoples come from across the globe. Besides, shops in Gurgaon means a good opportunity to invest of money in few months. In addition, MRG Bazaar 93 located in one of the busiest location in Gurgaon. So, it is a good business opportunity to establish a shop under the HUDA scheme. Furthermore, near sector 93 Gurgaon more than 20,000 families are in close proximity.MRG Bazaar sector 93 Gurgaon Affordable shops offers you a chain of Affordable shops which will enable you to earn a lot of money at a small investment. shops like Clinics, Dentist, Pathology, Optical shop, Vegetable shop, Dry cleaner, Banks, Sweet shop and many other shops. Likewise, if you want to big dream to achieve a big name in the business industry so investment in the gym, Bakery shop, Hardware shop, Tailor, Boutique, Pure stationery Garment Shop, Footwear Shop and Gift Shop. Indeed, MRG Bazaar is located near the Dwarka Expressway from where an individual can reach the major populated areas of Gurgaon. Areas like Gurgaon railway station, Indra Gandhi International Airport, Subhash Chowk, Rajeev Chowk, Iffco Chowk, and Golf Extension Road.
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sonal382me-blog · 5 years
Dental Implant in Noida – Smile Dental Avenue
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Are you living with severely damaged or missing teeth? If yes, then don’t worry. We, at Smile Avenue Dental Centre in Noida, can help you get rid of severely damaged or missing teeth through our highly revolutionary and effective Dental Implant Treatment. Give your smile and confidence a quick boost through Smile Avenue’s remarkable Dental implant Treatment in Noida at an affordable cost.
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wyueprouqi · 7 years
Chapter 10
                Lee found herself in a comfortable dizziness after the first few drinks. Ben eventually convinced her into taking some shots with him, though up until now, the waitress had put her foot down and made sure that it was just flavored vodka or Irish cream. From the way it looked, even Rose was having a good time. Ezra kept pouring the drinks quietly, only throwing in a word or two every once in a while.
           “Just one shot of Jäger! She turned 21 for chrissakes! How can you turn 21 and not have a shot of Jäger?” Ben was yelling now.
           “Alright! Only if she wants to.” At this point, Rose was drunk and allowing a few other things to slide. Lee was grateful that she was keeping Ben from ordering her too much.
           Ezra poured two shots. Lee took the glass and watched as Ben drank it without hesitation. She followed, and tasted something similar to licorice and whiskey. She coughed after swallowing it and immediately felt it going to her head.
           “I think that’s enough for one night,” said the waitress.
           “No, boo!” said Ben. “Well, we’ll just hit an after-hours club then! Right Lee? Strippers!” Lee smiled in response. She felt strange, as though she was having an out of body experience.
           “You will not,” said Rose, “If you had it your way, she’d be trying crack too.”
           “Not a bad idea,” said Ben, shrugging.
           “I think I’m good,” said Lee. Even her voice felt out of place and echoed in her brain.
           Ezra had been watching them for some time. He had taken a shot with them on the first round and poured himself some whiskey earlier, but Lee knew that he was looking out for them. Over the course of their celebration, she had come to the conclusion that she could trust him, but only because he saw Lee as an investment. As time went on, she’d figure it out the rest.
           She felt like she was at the dentist’s. Lee had always thought that being drunk meant losing the ability to think rationally, but she was thinking more now. She acknowledged that some of her movements and reactions were slowed, and certainly knew that Ben was far too drunk to get home on his own. He could barely stand.
           “–The poor girl doesn’t even look drunk enough! I tell you, she’s lying! She’s had practice!” He was ranting and yelling.
           “Ben, shut up,” said the waitress. Even she was laughing at him now. Ben swept in close to Rose wrapping his arms around her waist and leaning in close to her.
           “Or what, darling?”
           “Or I’ll make sure that you never have kids,” said Rose, pushing him away.
           “You have such a way with words, my dear,” said Ben, “But one day! One day you will no longer deny our love.”
           “As if,” said the waitress, “What time is it?” Lee looked down at her watch, but couldn’t calculate it. She felt like telling time involved complex math.
           “4:40 am,” said Ezra, “It may be time to call it a night.” If Lee didn’t feel like she was swimming in her mind, she would have agreed.
           “Alright, thanks for the fun, I’m going home then,” said Ben, spinning around and standing up.
           “Sit down,” said Ezra, who was clearing the bar.
           “I’m fine,” insisted Ben, who staggered a few feet before sitting back down, “Alright, never mind.”
           “Don’t mess up my car,” said Ezra to Ben, whose face broke out into a wide grin.
           “You know, you’re a good man. A very good man,” Ben said, beaming, “Absolutely wonderful. Charitable and kind. The best.”
           Rose had her head down on the bar.
           “Every time, I swear. Every time the hangover starts right after my last drink,” she said.
           “That’s what’s happens when’s you’s gets old,” said Ben, grinning. Rose ignored him.
           “How’re you holding up Lee?” she asked.
           Lee nodded quietly. She felt strange sitting here next to them. She wondered if they felt the same way when they were drunk. To her, it was a feeling she would rather not experience often. Lee felt as though she was living in the purest form of existence – neutrality to everything. She no longer worried about the things that Sam had told her earlier. At the moment, she only wanted to remain still and watch the world around her.
                Ezra helped support Ben during the walk to the car. Lee watched as he tipped from one side to the other, yelling obscenities and laughing as they echoed back to him. The puffs of steam that rose from his mouth told Lee that it was cold, but she had a strange warmth in her veins.
Lee sat in the front this time, while the waitress took the seat in the back. Ben jumped in beside her eagerly.
           “I think we ought to spend the night together, Rosie. See where it goes. You’re into younger men anyway, right? So what’dya say, sweetheart? Your place?” asked Ben.
           “Sure,” she said, head leaning back with her eyes closed.
           “Fuck no,” the waitress said, “Not in a million years, you fucking dipshit.”
           “You loooove me,” he said, egging her on to admit it.
           Lee stared directly ahead as the car moved forward. She felt herself falling into a trance as the light passed through the windshield and over the car. She drifted off into a light sleep. When she woke up, the waitress and Ben were gone. She didn’t know where they were. Her stomach turned in that instant.
           “Stop the car,” she said suddenly. Ezra didn’t bother to pull over, and the streets were deserted anyway. Lee opened the door, and immediately threw up. She sat still for a few moments, gagging and wondering if there would be more. A second round hit the ground. She leaned back in her seat and closed the door when she was sure that it was over.
           “That was horrible,” she said, drowsily.
           “You had too much,” he said. Lee shrugged, suddenly feeling very cold.
           “Hey, can we turn on the heat?” she asked. Ezra nodded. He’d gone back to being quiet and distant in the time that she had been asleep. Lee closed her eyes again. She still felt drunk, though not as much as she had been.
           “When was the last time you ate?” she heard him ask.
           “Sometime yesterday,” she said, almost automatically, “Why?” Lee opened her eyes. They were heavy and ached a bit, but she realized that they definitely were not headed to the dorm, but were on the expressway. She had a strange suspicion that she was being kidnapped.
           “You need to get something to eat,” he said, “You’ll feel better.”
           “Are we stopping somewhere?”
           “Soon,” he said.
                 He pulled into a parking lot of a diner. As Lee stepped outside, the bitter air hit her, making her shiver. It was colder than she had thought it would be on a November morning. She could see frost on the other cars that were parked.
           As soon as they were inside, her shivers subsided. She asked a waitress where the bathroom was and went to go get cleaned up. When she got back to the booth, Ezra was sitting there, reading a newspaper. Lee sat down and picked up the menu.
           “Drink some water,” he said without looking up. She did as she was told and finished the glass off. She hadn’t realized how thirsty she has been. Instantly, she felt a tiny bit better.
           “Ezra?” she asked quietly. He didn’t answer, but Lee continued anyway, “About my choice.” She paused to see his reaction. He continued to focus on the local news. Lee considered how to continue the conversation.
           “You were doing it again,” he said suddenly.
           “What?” she asked. She couldn’t remember slowing down the timeline any time recently.
           “Earlier tonight,” he said, “From the third or fourth drink onward, and when you started drinking.” The waitress returned.
           “More water?” she asked.
           “Yes, thank you,” said Ezra for her, looking up for the first time since Lee got to the booth. Lee stared directly at him. It dawned on her that he had been getting her drunk on purpose. How far ahead had he planned this night?
           “Do you need more time?” This time he didn’t answer.
           “Uh, yeah. Yes, please,” said Lee hurriedly. The waitress smiled and walked away. Lee put both her hands on the table and leaned forward.
           “Did you set me up?” she asked quietly, “Were you trying to get me drunk?”
           “No,” he said.
           “‘No’ or ‘Not at first’?” she asked. He folded the paper and set it down.
           “Lee, you were the one who asked to drink,” he said, “And the same thing has been happening for at least a week. The only difference is that tonight, you slowed it down a little more.”
           “You could have told me!”
           “What difference would it have made? You did it regardless.”
           “You still could have told me!”
           “You weren’t in any danger,” he said quietly, “If anything, you are safer drunk and with me than anytime you’re sober on the street.”
           “So it’s true then,” said Lee, “This is something that puts me in danger.”
           “It’s not all about you, Lee.” She blushed angrily.
           “What is your deal? Seriously, you claim I made an agreement with you, then you won’t tell me about it, and suddenly I’ve got magic powers. How do I know that it wasn’t you who caused this with your stupid watch?”
           “The only reason that I was on the corner that night is because I was looking for something that happened to occur near you. And I noticed you because you had come into contact with it. I wouldn’t go out of my way to make an agreement with you, whether it meant your life or not. You’re not as important as you think you are.” Lee hadn’t heard him being so callous since the day she’d come in to return the watch. He picked up the paper again, and went back to reading.
           “Why keep me around then?” she asked, “If I’m so unimportant, then how come you want my help?”
           “If I knew that, I wouldn’t have to bother with keeping you safe.”
           “So, what, I’m like a science experiment to you?” she asked angrily.
           “We’ll talk about it later. You’re not sober.”
           “Tell me,” she said, “Do you really plan on just keeping me around so that you can figure out what’s wrong with me?”
           “No, I plan on keeping you around so that I can stop people from dying. So that I can protect you, and the others, and myself. You are going to make it easier for me so that I can focus on doing that. Do you understand?” he said. His voice didn’t betray it, but by his choice of words, Lee was sure that he was pissed off by now.
           “What you’re doing is wrong,” she said, recalling what Sam said, “Why aren’t you telling me about the real risks?”
           “Stop worrying about the risks and let me handle them. I won’t let you get hurt. You need to trust me.” Lee gulped, her throat burning. She wasn’t sure if it was from what was going on, or that the alcohol had left her parched.
           “This conversation is over,” he said, “Order your food. You’re still drunk.” She would’ve gotten up to hit him. She would’ve yelled and cursed and screamed at him. But right now, she didn’t even know where she was. Instead, she contained her anger.
           Lee slumped back in her seat, realizing just how sadistic Ezra really was. He was only half right. While Lee had to rely on him at the moment to get home, she definitely didn’t have to trust him. He’d purposely tried to stress her out, got her drunk, and now – he’d driven her to some out of the way diner where she couldn’t leave on her own. She revised her thinking from earlier; there was no way she could trust him.
           “I never agreed to this,” said Lee resentfully, eyes staring into the back of the newspaper. He said nothing to her.
                The waitress came back and Lee placed an order. She ate in silence while Ezra continued to read. Finally, he set the paper down. Lee glanced up at him, but immediately went back to concentrating on her food. He had frozen in place, staring out the window with concern. Lee chose to ignore it, but she also could feel that something wasn’t right. He suddenly stood and took her by the arm, pulling her out of the booth and away from the window. Lee didn’t have time to react.
           “What the hell?” she growled. He didn’t answer, but instead pushed her down. Lee noticed that his breathing had intensified, and he still hadn’t broken his concentration. Now he was shaking.
           “Stay down,” he said. His movements were tense.
           Lee heard the door open. She peaked over the divider to see what was going on. A man had stumbled into the diner. He walked with a limp, dragging one leg. He gazed around the room, searching for something, but seemed too disoriented to know what he was looking for.
           “Can I help you?” asked the waitress. The man looked down at her. His eyes were unfocused, as if he were unable to figure out how to use them. He swayed from side to side, and Lee could see that the waitress realized that he was not right of mind. Ezra pressed her back down, this time pulling her against his own body, as if shielding her. Lee could feel his heart pounding.
           “Sir?” the waitress asked hesitantly.
           The man brought his arm up and the waitress screamed, and Lee heard a loud crack and thud that followed. Silverware clattered to the floor and chairs fell to the floor as people cried out. Something let out a rattling shriek, and the lights went out.
           Ezra wrapped his arms around Lee and pushed her toward the exit, keeping her low. They were close to the door now. Lee peeked over the edge of the divider. The man had hit the waitress hard across the jaw; hard enough to break her neck from the impact and send her flying across the room. Lee could see the shattered glass in the window where her body had hit. Her body lay motionless on the table below it.
           The man stood in the aisle, facing the opposite direction. His body had contorted and twisted into something no longer human. It stood on all fours, hunched over, arms and legs elongated. It was sniffing at the air, its every movement jerking. No longer was it unfocused; it now was searching much more effectively, overturning anything that blocked its way.
           Ezra grabbed Lee’s hand and dragged her toward the door as it continued its rampage. She was unable to break her gaze from it, and tripped. Ezra pulled her upright before she hit the ground. Lee looked back to see what she had fallen over. It was a severed arm.
           She had no time to react. Ezra tugged her, this time much more urgently. It had heard her. It reared up on its back legs, climbing onto the table and let out another cry as it charged. Ezra threw Lee behind him and reached down to his side. He drew a pistol from his side and swiftly fired at it three times. It recoiled in pain, screaming and falling back as it clawed at the air. Ezra took this opportunity to make their escape.
           “Get in,” he demanded, unlocking the car. Lee didn’t need to be told twice. She wanted to get as far away from this place as possible. But Ezra didn’t start up the car. Instead, he reached under his seat and pulled out two long blades.
           “Stay here,” he said, “And be quiet.” Then he shut the door.
           Lee turned in her seat, looking out the rear window. She could see Ezra standing in the parking lot behind the car. He was facing the diner, waiting silently, a blade in each hand. Lee looked over at the building. The lights were still out, but she could make out the monster moving inside. It was ramming itself against the windows, trying to escape. Lee watched as it finally broke through, pulling itself from the frame. It shook its head, trying to push away its disorientation from the impact of the glass.
           A low rumbling shook the ground under the car. Lee gripped at the chair she sat in. The monster was rising into the night, a mind-numbing roar filling the air. It walked now on six legs, the remains of the man’s torso perched above, blood oozing from its wounds as stumbled walked forward. It was large and clumsy, the way that the man had been. Ezra began to move forward, his steps confident and quick. Suddenly, its front leg shot forward, trying to throw him back.
           He blocked it successfully and swung his other blade upward. It sliced through its limb with ease. Ezra seemed calm, in his element. The monster let out a cry and flinched, stumbling to the other side of the lot, and collapsing in a heap on the ground. Lee turned her head, watching from the passenger side window now. She tried to concentrate on it, but watching it for too long hurt her eyes. Still, she didn’t want to look away.
           Ezra came back into her line of vision. He was approaching it silently, as if waiting for another attack. It rose its head and cried out at him, another piercing scream. This one was different from its previous calls; this one was a cry of pain. Ezra was nearly ten feet from it now. His hands were tightening around the blades. Lee knew he was going in for the kill.
           Another two limbs shot out, these landing their marks. Ezra’s shoulders were impaled. Lee heard his skin rip open as it was torn through. The monster lifted him into the air, shaking him a few times before it tossed him backwards like a rag doll. He landed close to the car, hitting the ground hard and rolling over a few times. Before Lee could think, she had opened the door and was by his side. He was face down, and Lee couldn’t tell if he had passed out from the impact. She put a hand on his shoulder, and he instantly opened his eyes, pushing her away.
           “Are you okay?” she asked, startled and unsure of what to do. Blood pooled on his shirt where he’d been stabbed. She could feel it on the palm of her hand.
           “What are you doing?” he said roughly, “I told you to stay in the car.” Lee turned her head. It had risen again, and was looking directly at them. Ezra stood and staggered forward, nearly losing his balance.
          “Stay back,” he called to her. It was on its feet now, pacing quietly around the lot, as if waiting for the right moment. It snarled as it did this, and charged.
           Ezra lifted his blades, and stared the thing down. As it attempted to bring its front legs down on him, he tumbled out of the way and went for its head. In one swift motion, he decapitated it. Dark liquid oozed from the body as its head fell to the ground, the face contorted in anger. Lee stared as the monster began to melt before her, leaving only the twisted and torn human remains in its place. Ezra stood above her, and offered his hand.
           “Come on,” he said, “I have work to do.” Ezra pulled her to her feet. Lee could see the exhaustion on his face. They went back to the car and he cleaned the blades slowly. When he finished, he placed them back under the seat. He went into the trunk of his car and cleaned himself up as best he could. Lee lingered by his side as he did this, watching him. He lost his balance once, but quickly regained it.
           “Can I do anything?” she asked awkwardly. He ignored her, and instead slammed the trunk.
           “Pull the pin from your watch,” he said. Lee did as she was told, not sure what he was planning. He leaned against the car, looking out over at the diner. Lee noticed the body on the ground began to twitch. She stepped closer to Ezra, and it lifted into the air. As if controlled by puppet strings, it floated backwards manically, only coming to rest in a corner of the lot for a few minutes before it moved again, this time toward the diner. The body was becoming more formed as it moved, less torn apart. It went back through the frame of the window, and the glass collected itself, reforming into a solid sheet. Lee watched as the other windows went from cracked to completely repaired. She could see the movements in the building, the lights went back on, and the moment that the waitress’s body hit the window, bouncing off in reverse. The door opened, and the man walked backwards, into the lot and down the street.
           Ezra went into his wallet and took out a twenty. He handed it to Lee.
           “No change,” he said, “I’ll wait for you out here.” It took a few seconds for Lee to realize what he was asking her to do. She really didn’t want to go back into the diner, not after all of the damage and carnage she had seen in there. But she took the twenty and went anyway. Quietly, she sat down at her booth and flagged down the waitress. She remembered the sound that her body made when it hit the window as she paid the check.
           “What about your friend, where did he go?” she asked.
           “He’s not feeling well,” Lee said.
           “You don’t look all that well either,” she said, “Are you okay?”
           “Yeah, just a little tired,” Lee lied. The waitress picked up the plates and went to the back. Lee didn’t waste any more time there. She left.
           The car was already warm when she got back. She handed Ezra the remainder of the change as she got in. She sat quietly, staring out of the windshield as he took the back roads back to the expressway.
           “That was a djinn?” she asked after a while.
           “Yes,” Ezra replied, not taking his eyes off the road. Since the fight, he had returned to being moody again.
           “It had a human body,” she said.
           “It possessed it,” he replied, “It was using it for cover. That djinn had the chance to grow stronger. It had been here a while.” He stared forward, then added, “It was able to escape the previous times I had encountered it.”
           “Was that the one that followed me?” asked Lee.
           “Yes,” said Ezra. He didn’t seem to want to answer the question, “You should rest.”
           “Is it always like that?”
           “No,” he said. There was silence between them again.
           “Are you sure you’re alright?” she asked.
           “Yes, Lee,” he said, “Try and get some rest.”
           Lee watched him suspiciously for a few moments, but he was right. Their conversation was strained, and he didn’t seem to want to talk anyway. She closed her eyes, and began to drift off.
                 It wasn’t long until they were back in the city. Ezra leaned over to wake her, but it was then that he saw it. Lee shivered and turned, her eyes darting back and forth; she was having a nightmare. With what had just happened, he was certain that she would either way, but something was causing this. The curse that he had tried to remove the night they’d met was still there, most likely only enough to be able to affect her unconscious mind. He hadn’t even suspected it. It was no matter; he would just get rid of it now.
           He reached over, running his fingers across her forehead, the infection lighting up under her skin once again. He began to pull it apart gently. Within a minute, he had almost erased it completely. That’s when he felt it. It was like a needle stabbing into his finger and running a wire through his arm. His body tensed up as he tried to fight it, but his injuries from earlier had already tired him out. The pain subsided, and he grabbed his chest as it worked its way through the rest of his body. It was then he was certain: Lee was being followed, but she wasn’t the target.
                That curse was meant for him.
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acdbengal · 6 years
Central Florida 100: Legislature, Lions and Lynx
Orlando City defender Kamal Miller (27) tries to block a kick from New York City FC forward Jonathan Lewis (17) during the first half of a soccer match at Orlando City Stadium. (Reinhold Matay)
Chris Carmody, shareholder, GrayRobinson
Last week: While the House and Senate gaveled into the 2019 legislative session, legislation that would curb street racing quietly moved forward in Tallahassee. The legislation, sponsored by Linda Stewart in the Senate and Amy Mercado and Scott Plakon in the House, would allow law enforcement to conduct investigations and thus, lead to more arrests. Presently, as the crime is a misdemeanor, law enforcement must witness the offense. Well, it’s hard to witness a crime that speeds away, and thus getting arrests are proving difficult. Meanwhile, Orange County has become the hotbed for street racing in Florida.
Looking ahead: On Saturday, the Orlando Apollos return home to Spectrum Stadium at UCF. When it was announced last year that Orlando would have a team in the Alliance of American Football and that team would be coached by Steve Spurrier, there was excitement and intrigue. The Apollos’ aim has been true as their arrows have hit the mark with the best record in the AAF. On Saturday, they will host the Arizona Hotshots for their third of five home games. It would be a Greek tragedy for them not to finish the season as champs, so check them out while you can.
Lee Constantine, commissioner, Seminole County
Looking ahead: Many have read the recent upheaval surrounding Lynx, our regional transit system. As chairman, the board and I have taken steps to ensure stability in the short term. However, a first-class community must have a first-class transportation system. International investment and corporate headquarters desire it, millennials demand it and our low-wage workforce requires it. If we are to achieve our aspirations, Central Florida must make the decision to build a world-class transportation system. We must establish transit as a priority like the expressway authority or airport, establish a citizen-approved funding source and integrate all transportation systems (rail, bus, expressway) together. Anything less will be shortchanging our future.
Tom Dyer, attorney, founder of Watermark
Last week: Downtown Orlando came alive March 2 as a sea of purple descended on Orlando City Stadium for the Lions’ season opener. The capacity crowd of 25,500 came ready to forgive last season’s 22 losses. Orlando City delivered, battling back with two second-half goals to secure a draw against New York City FC. Team play was tighter, and marquee players Dom Dwyer and Nani provided a glimpse of the excitement they bring to the pitch. The Magic are NBA playoff contenders, and Steve Spurrier’s Apollos are unbeaten. But nothing energizes the city like our MLS franchise. Vamos Orlando!
Glenton Gilzean Jr., president/CEO, Central Florida Urban League
Last week: Residents of Orlando have an opportunity meet the new Chief of Police: Orlando Rolón. He has begun a series of “Meet Your Chief” events around the city, which I encourage all residents to attend. I am incredibly pleased by this outreach effort at the beginning of his mandate. It is critical for both the community and the Chief to get to know one another and understand each other’s unique priorities. I look forward to the continued strengthening of the vital community and law enforcement partnership.
Francisco Gonzalez, philanthropy director, National Review Institute
Last week: This past week, Lent started on Ash Wednesday. Kudos to the Catholic Diocese of Orlando for inspiring parishioners with their 2019 Lenten Challenge. They gave us all a little box which we are to fill with 40 pre-written challenges, one for each day. These challenges include doing things like donating clothes from your closet, removing a negative word from your vocabulary, or handing a book of faith to a friend. Most Catholics and other Christians are used to giving up something for Lent, but adding something positive to our daily habits is also a great way to cultivate the soul.
Looking ahead: The people of Venezuela are in a battle for the future of their country and for their lives. The United States and our allies need to keep exerting pressure on the Maduro regime to step down. There are over 3,000 military generals in Venezuela with privileged status. Until most of them are able to speak and act freely and transfer their support to the newly elected President, Juan Guaido, there is no telling how much longer the Venezuelan people will suffer under Maduro. Millions have already fled their county, tens of thousands now make their home in Central Florida.
Jeff Hayward, president and CEO, Heart of Florida United Way
Last week: Students who live in areas of concentrated poverty are twice as likely to face experiences that interfere with their ability to arrive at school every day ready to learn. City Year Orlando partners with Orange County Public Schools to provide support for students at risk. Heart of Florida United Way is a Team Sponsor of City Year Orlando AmeriCorps members serving at Oak Ridge High School. This program is also sponsored in part by the School Board of Orange County, and the state of Florida. With a graduation rate of over 90%, this partnership is a great example of how the community can come together to achieve one common goal.
Jane Healy, former editorial page editor and managing editor, Orlando Sentinel
Last week: Now that Orlando is booming again, it’s encouraging to see local residents taking matters into their own hands when it comes to managing growth. In east Orange County, residents are so afraid of growth ruining the Econlockhatchee River, they are moving toward creating their own city. Nearby, the Winter Park Land Trust is gearing up to turn 55 acres near Howell Creek into trails and boardwalks. Meanwhile, a landowner along the Little Econ has asked Orange County to buy and preserve his pristine 30 acres. Let’s hope this is all just a start.
Eric Jackson, president/CEO, Total Roof Services Corp.
Last week: Great metroplexes either have a successful multimodal transportation system or a plan to reach their multimodal goals. It seems like Central Florida has neither as evidence by the continued and systemic underfunding at Lynx which has driven another CEO to leave the organization. Mayor Demings and Mayor Dyer are working to address the lack of dedicated funds, but buses and cars alone will never solve what ails us. Too many workers aren’t paid well enough to own vehicles and the buses can’t carry the load. We have got to put an all hands-on deck effort behind a solution that includes a rail system that can move us all.
Last week: Education in Florida has gone critical. The Florida Department of Education confirms there’s a "critical teacher shortage" in fundamental areas like science, English, and math. And it will only get worse. Not only are veteran educators leaving the field, fewer college students are going into it. Why? Teachers demonstrating locally and in Tallahassee can tell you: erosion of pay and benefits, well-intentioned but often counterproductive policies from law-makers, and a continuing lack of respect for the profession. If we’re serious about transforming education in our state, let’s start by listening to the people who do the actual teaching.
Looking ahead: March Madness is back! No, I don’t mean the NCAA basketball tournament. I mean the flood of tourists coming to Florida for spring break. Driving in Central Florida can be harrowing under the best of conditions. Impaired driving and crashes spike during spring break, with out-of-state drivers involved more often than in-state drivers. And drivers under 25 are the most likely to become a statistic. We locals can help: drive defensively, be especially patient and alert behind the wheel, and let law enforcement know if you see someone driving dangerously.
Ric Keller, lawyer, former member of Congress
Last week: “Four out of five dentists who chew gum recommend Trident”, the commercial said. I always wondered, “Who is that one nutty dentist who won’t go along?” I think I found him. Rep. Paul Gosar, a former dentist, taunted Michael Cohen with the schoolyard phrase “liar, liar, pants on fire”. He had a poster, too. Gosar said during another congressional hearing that his dental training made him an expert on body language. "By the way, I’m a dentist, OK? So I read body language very, very well.” Nuts! Why give the “anti-dentites” ammunition?
Last week: I’m usually one of our region’s greatest cheerleaders, but this? I’m so disappointed in the Lynx Transit Board for dismissing its CEO, Edward Johnson, for failings beyond his control. In fact, the last two CEOs of this transit agency left for the reason that Edward was fired — no dedicated funding source. We’re the busiest tourist community in the country yet we won’t fund a transit system for our residents and guests? Over 65 million visitors choose Orlando, and we can’t get the workers who support these tourists out to their jobs. Shame on us. Shame on the leaders of Lynx for not leading our community to a regional solution.
Looking ahead: Kudos to the Longwood City Commission who unanimously approved an innovative community of trendy “tiny homes.” Less than 400 square feet, and costing around $100,000, the average rent would be around $475 a month — far less than the average cost of $1,500 a month to rent an apartment. Can’t imagine living in such a small space? Well, this option isn’t for you — but for a growing number of people, it could be a game changer in affordability. Will Longwood become the next cool city like Austin and Seattle who’ve led the way on tiny home villages? We can only hope!
Last week: Libertarians warned us long ago that the Patriot Act, actually an unpatriotic guise of protectionism against terrorists, would filter into the general law enforcement arena against everyday citizens – and it has in many ways. Patriot Act tactics have recently morphed into disgusting law enforcement voyeurism under the disguise of fighting "human trafficking" at Florida massage parlors. Cops often play the public, the media, and a few judges with the term "human trafficking" when what they want to do is revel in the sensationalism of catching someone paying for a "massage" at the expense of recording countless innocent people.
Looking ahead: Socialism is on the agenda for many Democrats. Socialism is also many Republicans’ dirty little secret. As we watch the rise of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the heels of socialist Bernie Sanders, many Republicans gasp at the idea of socialism – yet they are too timid to do anything about our current state of socialism. Once a government starts down a socialist path, a wanting population makes it almost impossible to turn back. If we want to turn the tide against socialism in this country then perhaps, instead of worrying about those who want to further the cause, we should concentrate on eliminating the socialist programs already in place.
Last week: Interviewed by the Orlando Sentinel about his retirement, UCF President Dr. John Hitt was asked whether the university should consider politicians like Buddy Dyer to succeed him. Hit said then, “If we decide that this is the time for a politically experienced candidate, I can think of nobody I can recommend ahead of Mayor Dyer. I don’t happen to believe this is the time for a political candidate.” Its past time now! UCF Trustees should take Dr. Hitt’s recommendation. Buddy Dyer should be named interim president. It’s going to take a politician to fix this political mess. Go Knights.
Looking ahead: I am looking forward to seeing more bipartisan cooperation and collaboration in our state politics. As the legislative session is now off and running and in the aftermath of Gov. DeSantis’ first state of the state address, there is so much opportunity for meaningful work in the middle. How do we know? Both the far left and the far right were miffed and snubbed and surprised and pleased according to feedback from our elected officials. Seems like we are primed for big and great things to happen in our state this year. I remain optimistic.
Anna McPherson, past president, Junior League of Greater Orlando
Looking ahead: The 24 Hours of Daytona, 12 Hours of Sebring and the 24 Hours of Le Mans make up the “Triple Crown of Sports Car Racing." Luckily for sports car fans, Central Florida is host to two of the three legs. Auto manufacturers pour millions of dollars into drivers and racing technology to win these endurance races. Next weekend, Sebring International Raceway puts on the the traditional 12-hour endurance race featuring cars and drivers from the premier sports car championship in North America (IMSA). The race at Sebring features a dedicated fan base and unique viewing points around the track.
Last week: One of the good things about having different months designated for attention to specific issues is that it brings debate and discussions to the forefront. February was National Cancer Prevention Month and one week into March Jeopardy! host Alex Trebek, announced he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. An estimated 56,770 people will also be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2019, according to the American Cancer Society. The ACS also reports that pancreatic cancer accounts for about 3 percent of all cancer in this country and about 7 percent of all cancer deaths.
Looking ahead: As the Florida Legislature session is focused on some important bills, it will be interesting to see how the Sadowski fund issue is handled as it is taking the center stage in view of the current affordable housing crisis.
Muhammad Musri, president, Islamic Society of Central Florida
Last week: Daylight Saving Time starts on Sunday across the U.S. and Sens. Marco Rubio and Rick Scott, along with Rep. Vern Buchanan from the Sarasota area, introduced the Sunshine Protection Act that would make it permanent. Last year Florida’s legislature voted to make it permanent and Scott signed it, but Congress has to approve it. Studies have shown DST has many benefits like more tourism in Florida, kids playing more outside and less obesity, reduced car crashes involving pedestrians, and many other economic benefits. The biggest benefit is for us not to have to adjust our internal clocks twice every year.
Looking ahead: On Tuesday the nonprofit All Voters Vote submitted petition forms to the Florida Secretary of State for review, to bring “jungle primaries” to Florida and open the August elections to all of the state’s 13 million voters. 766,000 signed petitions must be collected to get two constitutional amendments onto the 2020 ballot. The goal is to prevent a small percentage of voters from choosing the politicians who dictate public policy. As expected the political parties don’t support the idea. What is needed and is easier to do is to allow independent voters to participate in the existing party primaries.
Pamela Nabors, president/CEO, CareerSource Central Florida
Last week: That loud cheering heard in the Dr. Phillips area this week undoubtedly came from the crowds at the Bay Hill Invitational. Play wraps up today, and I imagine this tournament will come down to the wire, given the incredible talent on the greens. The world’s best golfers descend on Orlando every year, partly out of respect for Arnold Palmer, partly for the great weather, but mostly to play in a world-class tournament. Arnie may no longer be walking the fairways, but his grace and spirit are felt during this annual event, which greatly impacts the economy and image of Central Florida.
Looking ahead: March might be my favorite month – why? Well, it’s that 20% of my heritage that claims Irish ancestry, and March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day — a celebration of Irish culture, music, food and drink, and green! St. Patrick — the patron saint of Ireland who lived in the fifth century — is famous for linking the Holy Trinity to the shamrock (hence the green everything!). New York, Chicago and Boston might have infamous celebrations, but Orlando does a fine job of wearing (and drinking) the green, sure to bring out a wee Leprechaun in all. On this day, we’re all Irish. Slainte!
Cole NeSmith, executive director, Creative City Project
Last week: Harry P. Leu Gardens is doing their part to make Central Florida a more beautiful place to live this weekend. Today is the last day of their annual plant sale. Dozens of vendors from across the state are set up and selling herbs, vegetables, ornamentals, shrubs, flowers, trees, and more throughout the gardens. The event is free and a great day out for the entire family. And come hungry. I recommend getting some fresh food and lemonade from “Wild Rabbit Bistro” near the butterfly garden. The sale goes until 5 p.m. today.
Looking ahead: Three interesting classical music experiences are happening this week. The Orlando Philharmonic will be playing a free concert this Saturday at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church as part of the church’s ongoing community music series. The concert features the music of Mozart at 7 p.m. In Winter Park, the Bach Festival Society presents an ensemble from the Berlin Philharmonic at the Tiedtke Concert Hall. And finish the week with the Florida Symphony Youth Orchestra. On March 17, they will be playing their “Spring Pops Concert” at Mead Gardens.
Kathleen Oropeza, co-founder, FundEducationNow.org
Last week: On day two of the 2019 Florida Legislative Session, the Senate Education Committee passed SB 7070, a massive “train bill.” It’s stuffed with weighty items like a radical shift toward using property tax dollars to fund private religious voucher schools — money that’s constitutionally mandated to fund public schools. It grants bonuses, instead of raises to teachers when we’re suffering the worst teacher shortage in the state’s history. A bonus is not a raise. Ever buy a house based on a bonus? There’s more in SB 7070 than I can write about here. Remember, train bills are used when the contents cannot withstand public scrutiny.
Looking ahead: Florida funds a large portion of its roughly $22 million public education budget with our property taxes. Surprisingly, Sen. Manny Diaz is pushing a bill to allow senior citizens sixty-five years or older who have owned their home for 25 years to opt out of being taxed for their portion of public-school funding. SB 562 passed its first committee stop with few details. For example, Sen. Diaz has no idea how much this will cost in lost revenue to schools or whether there would be an eligibility cap on home values. Is funding public education a shared community value or not?
Joseph F. Pennisi, founding executive director, Florida Policy Institute
Last week: After six years in Central Florida, I still consider myself to be new here and some things still baffle me. Up north where I come from, spring and fall are two very different seasons. Here they seem to happen simultaneously. The azaleas are in bloom, but the oak trees are still losing their leaves. In fact, many oaks are losing the last of their old leaves while starting new growth. How does that happen? Of course, the good thing about fall and spring happening together is that it leaves little time for winter and the weather now is sublime. Works for me.
Last week: Kudos to Orlando attorney Charles M. Greene for setting out clearly and transparently the factual record which had been missing from the public narrative as UCF clumsily bobbed and weaved in defensive attempts to limit reputational damage. UCF has grown to become the largest university in the state and the second largest in the nation through vision, commitment and determination. Its decision to use carry-forward funds to rebuild Trevor Colbourn Hall, informed by sober reflection over six years, at best amounted to a potential misunderstanding of a state statute, but hardly financial impropriety of any nature. It is time UCF changes the conversation and gets back to work.
Stephanie Porta, executive director, Organize Florida
Looking ahead: The Criminal justice system is built on the backs of poor people. Florida’s prisons are overcrowded, over budget and unjust — ripping communities apart by enforcing laws rooted in the Jim Crow era. Next week, Criminal Justice reform will take center stage when we participate in Criminal Justice Week in our state Capital. We will speaking to our elected officials about important issues that directly impact our members. Not everyone is treated equally in the criminal justice system. Racial bias keeps more poor people and people of color in prisons and on probation. This rich and poor system of justice must be addressed, and we’re heading to Tallahassee to make sure it is.
Last week: Visitors to the Charles Hosmer Morse Museum of American Art enjoy free admission on select days in March and April. I just took an out of town friend to see, and he was awed at the Tiffany glass display. This treat is due to the generosity of Charles Morse’s granddaughter Jeannette and her husband Hugh McKean who built the collections and provided an endowment that lasts forever. A great city deserves great art, and its accessibility to the public completes the picture. Imagine with public support if a private/public endowment fund could be accumulated, allowing our most significant museums to be free to all that wanted to enjoy their splendor.
Looking ahead: If we look ahead, we can see a world free of polystyrene foam which is not biodegradable and currently fills our local landfills, ocean, and other animal habitats. In a move to show once again they are stewards of our oceans, Sea World Parks & Entertainment, this week said no to this foam. Last year, they removed single-use plastic straws and coffee stirrers and previously plastic shopping bags from their theme parks. Its past time for all other parks, grocery stores chains, restaurants, hotels and more to set this example for our planet.
Ed Schons, president, Florida High Tech Corridor Council
Looking ahead: With March Madness upon us, CFE Arena crowds cheered on the UCF’s men’s basketball team on their way to The Dance, and that same arena will be filled this week with cheering crowds just as excited by teams looking to punch their ticket for a different bracket-style competition that also requires an impressive set of skills. Teams of high school students must raise funds, design a team "brand," hone teamwork skills, and design and build industrial-size robots to play difficult field games open to the public. These kids are trying to make their way to the FIRST Robotics World Championship in Detroit … The ultimate STEM competition.
Rick Singh, property appraiser, Orange County
Last week: SeaWorld seems to be on the rebound, reporting another quarter of increased attendance and revenue. With the opening of Sesame Street Land and enhancements to Aquatica water park this spring, there are now more reasons to visit. This is good news for summer visitors who can look forward to many new offerings in Central Florida’s theme parks. That’s the best way to keep them coming back … year after year … and supporting the tourism industry which is critical to our economy.
Looking ahead: Floridians have much to watch this spring in Tallahassee as a new legislature, a new cabinet, and a new governor embark on their first legislative session. Gov. DeSantis has already made several key moves that indicate an interest in bringing disparate groups together. Both his 30-day report to the state and his inaugural “State of the State” address listed bold actions and ideas to address long-standing challenges to the state – like education and the environment. Cautiously optimistic, we now wait to see which plans come to fruition.
Michael Slaymaker, professional fundraising executive
Last week: Easterseals Florida’s A Pair to Remember luncheon was held on March 8 at The Mall at Millenia. Over 350 fashionable ladies attended the ladies shoe auction. Male models and Easterseals’ clients walked the runway showing the latest shoes and some extraordinary live auction items. The event generated $200,000 for Easterseals Day Break at the Miller Center, an adult day healthcare center, and Easterseals Camp Challenge. The generosity of these ladies will help send children with disabilities to camp and help caregivers care for their loved ones with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Kannan Srinivasan, president, Asian American Chamber of Commerce
Last week: A new bill proposes a study that could help make Orlando the state capital and political center of the Sunshine State. The proposed legislation (SB 492), filled this week by Sen. Kevin Rader (D-Boca Raton), includes a request for the state’s Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability to do a study related to the relocation of the capital from Tallahassee, in Florida’s panhandle, to Orlando, which is in the middle of the state.
Looking ahead: Amazon will start experimenting with robots to deliver packages, its latest experiment to automate the last mile of delivery that’s a labor-intensive and costly component of buying products online. Amazon Scout is an autonomous delivery device the size of a cooler that rolls along sidewalks at a walking pace. The robots are designed to navigate around obstacles such as people and pets, to deliver packages. The robots will be used to make deliveries in daylight on weekdays.
John Thedford, entrepreneur, founder of SMART Financial
Last week: I used to watch the morning news to hear about Orlando’s latest business venture or local stock reports, but lately the top stories deal with shootings and murders. Is this a sign of a more violent society overall? Are these targeted events due to increasing drug and other activities? In 2018, Florida ranked No. 3 in the U.S. for the number of mass shootings and with daily shootings becoming the new norm, we are sure to move up the ranks into the No. 2 or No. 1 spot. Can we really afford to sacrifice our theme park paradise and become another Chicago?
Craig Ustler, owner/president, Ustler Development Inc.
Last week: The Allen Morris Company and Ustler Development recently celebrated the construction of the Creative Village Parcel M Apartments by making a significant contribution to the OCPS Academic Center for Excellence in Parramore. This new public school opened in 2017 and is adjacent to Creative Village. It serves 1,000 pre-kindergarten through eighth grade students. ACE is a "community school" and its integrated approach is vital to the neighborhood’s redevelopment and improvement. We were particularly impressed by the leadership and commitment of the school’s Principal, Wendy Ivory. Our donation specifically supports the Second Harvest Food Bank’s partnership with ACE school.
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Dental Depot
In May of 2011, Dental Depot looked northward to the city of Tulsa as an opportunity to continue its expansion in bringing quality dentistry to the citizens of the State of Oklahoma and opened its 11th office there. Centrally located in Tulsa’s inner-city, the office can be found just minutes away from Broken Arrow Expressway, I-44, and I-244, near the corner of 21st and Sheridan Road. Patients can find the University of Tulsa and Tulsa State Fairgrounds within 2 miles of the Tulsa office. Expanding to Tulsa has brought nothing but joy to Dental Depot and employees of the Tulsa office have been seen spreading that joy by marching in the annual “BooHaHa Parade”, handing out toothbrushes at the “Rockets Over RHEMA” fireworks display and festival, and the Williams Route 66 Marathon and Health Expo. The central Tulsa office currently features 7 private operatories to comfortably accommodate patients for general dentistry and hygiene. dentist in tulsa ok
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Pivtol Sector 99 Marina Bay Gurgaon
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Pivotal 99 Marina Bay is a project spreading Over 6 Acres, Mainly Located Near Dwarka Expressway In Sector 99, Gurgaon. Pivtol sector 99 Marina Bay is a commercial complex of daily needs retail shop in Gurgaon at Dwarka Expressway sector 99 Gurgaon. These retail shops will cost you around 19 Lakh onwards.
 You won't have to only for retail shops on the ground floor, there are many options to have an owner of own happy shop. The project is conceptualized on a Hi-Street retail format with low-maintenance shops.
 The project is conceptualized on a Hi-Street retail format with low-maintenance shops. All Ground Floor Shop. These reasonably priced Commercials offer panoramic views of the NH 8.
 Key Highlights Of The Pivtol 99 Marina Bay
• Limited 56 Retail Units
• Retail Shops Are A Part Of 1000 plus Apartment Building
• Easy Access To 4000+ Neighbouring Homes From 75m Sector Road
• Ideal Mix Of All Shopping Needs
• Ample Free Parking Available
• Footfall-Driven Artful Architecture
• Direct Access From 75m Sector Road
• Low Maintenance After Possession
Pivotal sector 99 Marina Bay Gurgaon is a Commercial affordable retail shop project where you will find the best shops in the best location in your budget. Nearby the all development of this nearly projects township is spread over 7.6 acres of land.
• On State & Six-Lane highway
• Well and smooth connectivity from IGI Airport, Dwarka Expressway, Pataudi Road, NH8, & KMP Expressway
• Adjacent to New Gurugram
• 9 km from Sultanpur National Park
• Colonel’s Public School and Kamla Hospital.
• A paradise away from city noises, yet nearby of the commercial sector
• Interesting & peaceful areas like Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary within the proximity.
• Surrounded by multiple residential housing Complex & Business Hubs.
 So, Due to his iconic features of the Pivtol sector 99 Commercial project in Gurgaon widely accepted. It is the only retail hub for thousands of Residential families at Surrounded this project and many more retail Shops at Sector 99. It is a Good & affordable shopping destination for thousands of customers residing in Sector 99 societies in the proximity.
 Daily Need Shops (DNS) 
• Photo studio
• Mobile Recharge/ Accessories
• Pets shop
• General Store
• Saloon
• Dry cleaner
• Banks
• Beauty parlor
• Restaurants
• Chemist
• Optical shop
• Vegetable shop
• Gym
• Bakery shop
• Hardware shop
• Dentist
• Pathology
• Pure stationery
• Garment Shop
• Footwear Shop
• Gift Shop
• Clinics
• Tailor
• Boutique
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