grandboute · 2 years
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Hi Squirrel!
I got an entertaining wacky crossover question if you're willing to hear me out.
if Jason Todd/Red Hood fell into a portal and got Isakaied into a Transformers world who would he accidentally try to hotwire? I'm thinking Jazz would be funny just based on personality but I'm not sure whether Jason'd try to jack an official vehicle because of the added hassel.
I like this idea.
Definitely not Jazz or Prowl, but I would find it funny if Jason tried to hotwire Bumblebee (as a nod to Batman the animated series, and Bruce's undercover car being a yellow bug) and Jazz had to intervene before Jaskn could actually harm Bumblebee, or get energon on himself.
Of course, Jazz would try his sirens first, but after Bumblebee let's our a panicked squeak after Jason puncture a minor energon line and runs the rusk at getting the skin irritant all over his face and hands, Jazz blows his cover, gently pulling Jason out of Bumblebee and setting him inside the nearby hidden Batmobile. Jason, of course, tries to steal the tires, and that gets the ball rolling with Canon.
Maybe Bumblebee ends up crashing a car auction so Bruce buys him for the batcave.
Maybe Jason just buys him as his first independently bought car, but Bumblebee finds his way back to him eventually, glad that Bruce had at least taken good care of him physically, though he could use some Optimus Prime wisdom and some Arcee mother henning, but Alfred seems to be trying his best.
I am thinking plenty of fluff, little in the way of Decepticons or anything like that. Just a rarely used stakeout car that sometimes has a few new dentd and the occasional blue leak that sometimes disappears randomly.
In terms of iskai,
G1: Red Hood would end up making deals with the decepticons, while Jason would and, at least off screen, does kill for any autobot in peril. This might be a bit of a problem.
Prime: he's Miko with a gun. The series is much, much shorter once he realizes that the eyes are a weak point.
TFA: becomes a villain of the week. Mostly, he cleans up the worst parts of Detroit and stays out of the bots' way.
Rescue Bots: sees the giant cop bot and books it. He ain't touching that with a ten foot pole.
Earthspark: massacres GHOST. There's blood on the ceiling of several warehouses. Mandroid is dead before he even meets the director. Jason doesn't even know the terrans exist, just stumbles across an obvious meta-alien-robot-something trafficking ring and lets loose.
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drop-your-meme420 · 2 years
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Wickr & Telegram ID: DentD
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bisexualcrises · 6 years
Idk if you care but dentde/eon is a she**h shipper
Fucks sake. I’ll delete that post, thanks for telling me!
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saltflat · 6 years
ggGgOing to th DENtist DEntidstits dentd
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dent-de-leon · 7 years
Sometimes I see your url and in my head I say 'dente' (like 'dante' but with an ehh)!
ha i like dente it sounds cute, thank u! i name my pcs in a few video games dentde actually 
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