#dentalimplants teethimplants allon4dentalimplants costofdentalimplants
nuviadentalimplants · 3 years
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Forty million. One hundred million. One hundred seventy-eight million. Three and a
half BILLION. I wish these numbers were referring to the amount of money in my
bank accounts, but sadly, all these number are referring to a much more serious
issue - ORAL HEALTH!
Over 40 million American’s are missing ALL their teeth
Over 100 million American’s lack dental insurance
Over 178 million American’s are missing at least one tooth
Over 3.5 billion people worldwide are dealing with the effects of oral disease
You may find yourself in one, or more, of these groups. Clearly, you are not alone. In
the past, insurance companies have not seen oral health as something tied to
overall health, which meant they did not offer dental coverage. This is part of the
reason so many people are facing the hardships that come with poor oral health.
The other reason for poor oral health usually comes from our own laziness. In this
four-part series, we will discuss what BASIC steps we can take to improve our own
oral health.
You may be thinking, “DUH. I know that is important!” But let’s dive into what
“brushing your teeth” really means.  
According to the Mayo Clinic, a proper brushing session
should take TWO minutes. That is FOUR minutes each day. How long do you usually
brush? Now think, how long do you spend on social media? Could you maybe spend
four less minutes on social media and use that time to brush your teeth more
Bacteria live on your tongue as well as on and in-between
your teeth. Do not neglect your tongue. Include it each time you brush your teeth.
According to the ADA your toothbrush should be at a 45-degree
angle. GENTLY move the brush in strokes the width of your teeth. Brush gently but
thoroughly. Brush the inside surfaces, outside surfaces, and the chewing surfaces.
You can tilt the toothbrush vertical to reach specific teeth with more of an up-and-down stroke. 
Do not brush your teeth like you would scrub a greasy pan. Brushing hard causes damage to your teeth and gums.
Find a brush that fits your mouth and tooth size. Make sure the bristles are not too tough for your teeth and gums. 
If brushing correctly with a regular toothbrush is hard for you because of physical limits or bad habits, consider an electric toothbrush.
Rinse the brush thoroughly with water after each
brushing session. Let your toothbrush air-dry between cleanings. If you can, store your toothbrush upright, and in its own container. This will prevent cross-contamination between bacteria on other toothbrushes. Get a new toothbrush every three months.
‍My guess is, there is something we can all learn about brushing our teeth correctly and thoroughly. I challenge you to find one way to improve your brushing technique from this list. Your oral health and overall health can benefit by getting back to the
basics of how to correctly brush your teeth. Your teeth, gums, and body will thank you! Nuvia Dental Implants Center - Salt Lake City, Utah has all services like Teeth implants , full mouth dental implants, teeth whitening, and more.
Source Link: https://www.nuviasmiles.com/blog/brushing-basics-healthy-teeth-healthy-you
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smilecreator-blog2 · 3 years
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  Throughout the course of this COVID-19 pandemic, with mandated shelter-in-place orders during which my dental practice was shut down, I’ve been thinking about the effect isolation has on us humans. I see the effects of self-isolation in my practice all too frequently. It made me think about how isolation is often used as a form of torture. In war and in prison, inmates are put into isolation in order to make them comply, behave or give up some bit of information.
After so many months of social distancing and staying away from groups of people, I too have begun to feel the unpleasant effects. Many people I know are feeling lethargic and depressed. We humans need interaction. We need hugs and handshakes. We need to move around and express ourselves joyfully and freely.
Crooked Teeth, Broken Teeth, Missing Teeth Cause People To Self-Isolate
In my practice I have come to recognize the effects of isolation on patients who have self-isolated, sometimes for years, due to the condition of their teeth. For anyone with good teeth, this may be difficult to comprehend. However, there are many people who suffer as a result of having teeth that for whatever reason are not simply less than ideal but may have been the source of teasing or bullying, lost as a result of illness or accidents. There are many reasons. How one got the teeth in the condition that would cause them to self-isolate is not the issue. Returning them to a state of joyful living and self-confidence is my focus.
Here’s To A Healthy Mouth That Will Keep You Smiling And  Engaged In Life
Helping my patients achieve and maintain the greatest degree of oral health possible is my passion. Giving my patients a beautiful smile along with something to smile about due to the exceptional patient care I provide is my mission. Our mouths are the entryway to every organ in our bodies. Having a healthy oral cavity and having teeth that function to chew food thoroughly and enjoyably is something every person deserves. Cutting oneself off from a healthy social life due to unattractive teeth is a form of torture that I would like to help bring to an end for those who are suffering.
Crowns, Bridges, Dental Implants, And Biological Services
People from all walks of life and for many hundreds of years have always found ways to fix broken teeth. And, of course over the centuries the techniques have improved. The variety of contemporary dental techniques and procedures can only be described as miraculous when you see the end results.
I employ the latest, most advanced techniques and procedures in my dental practice, including biological services that identify tendencies toward other life-threatening conditions such as stroke, heart disease and diabetes. In this way, I help my patients be able to smile with confidence once again and get out and enjoy their lives to the fullest.
From Isolation To Exhilaration
Most people do not have “perfect teeth.” Whether you sucked your thumb as child or had sports injuries or are prone to periodontal diseases, the condition of your teeth and mouth may be preventing you from enjoying life as fully as you would like. You teeth can be restored, saved, re-aligned and your oral health can be improved.
Do not isolate yourself unnecessarily. We’ve all learned through this pandemic the importance of human interaction. We practice all of the new safety protocols mandated for dental professionals and have always been meticulous in our safety procedures.  Call Smilereator of Naples and let us help get you engaged in life again.
Source Link :- https://smilecreatorofnaples.com/general-dentistry/isolation-is-torturous-and-nothing-to-smile-about/
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nuviadentalimplants · 3 years
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Diet Myths 
Have you ever been told that in order to lose weight, you should cut out all carbohydrates? Did you know fruit has carbohydrates? 
While fruit is low in carbohydrates, if you were truly to cut out all carbs, you wouldn’t have much to choose from to eat.  
Seems like if someone tells us their neighbor's aunt heard about this diet, or if we read it on the internet, we believe it. 
So, let’s bust some other diet related myths you might have heard and believe. You might not think these myths have anything to do with oral health, but they do! 
Myth: The lower the calories, the better the choice.
Example: Jolly Ranchers
At 70 calories for THREE Jolly Ranchers, you may be thinking these are a good idea to curb your sweet craving and save your caloric budget. Yes, it may save your caloric budget, but in the process, you can ruin your teeth. 
Three Jolly Ranchers have 11 grams of sugar. You suck on this candy until it dissolves, especially because you are told that biting it is bad for your teeth. Well, the sugar essentially swims around in your mouth. The continually sucking and dissolving of the Jolly Rancher makes it hard for your saliva to wash away all the sugar from your teeth. 
Jolly Ranchers may seem small and insignificant, but they can cause tooth decay. Same goes for any type of candy you suck on including suckers, caramels, and any other types of hard candy. 
Myth: The worst thing about soda is the sugar.
Example: Soda and Pickles 
What is the connection between soda and pickles and your teeth? Not the sugar; it’s the acid! The high amount of acid causes cavities and erosion of your teeth enamel. One thing to remember, if you eat something high in acid, like pickles or soda, don’t brush your teeth right away. The acid weakens your 
teeth and brushing right after can cause abrasion on your teeth's surface. 
Myth: Smaller amounts of sugar throughout the day is better than one large portion sized treat.
Example: Small sugar snacks
One of the biggest diet fads is to “cut out sugar!” When it comes to your oral health, yes, you should be cautious of how much sugar you eat, but also be aware of when you are eating. You may think just having a little sugary treat every couple of hours is better than one big treat all at once, but again, it is the opposite that is true for your oral health. 
If you are eating or drinking sugary substances all throughout the day, your teeth are essentially swimming in sugar ALL DAY LONG! Once your mouth gets the sugar cleaned off from the first treat, you eat another one and coat your teeth in sugar yet again. Notice what your sugar intake is throughout the day and try to keep the sugar filled foods with your meals instead of as your snacks throughout the day. 
These are three simple examples of how what we eat does affect our oral health. Be aware of what you eat throughout the day and what those foods are doing to your teeth in the process. many More services teeth implants,  etc.  
To know more call Nuvia Dental Implants Center - Salt Lake City, Utah at 385-217-4807
Source Link :- https://www.nuviasmiles.com/blog/diet-myths-and-your-health
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nuviadentalimplants · 3 years
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Over the last 18 months, we have all become well aware of the effects of COVID. We have learned how the virus affects adults and children. We have learned how it transmits between individuals. We have learned how hard it can be to quarantine.
This new disease came about and we all worked so hard to try and stop the spread. We wanted to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the effects of this virus. But, are you aware of another prevalent chronic disease that affects our children?
You might be thinking obesity, diabetes, whooping cough, or even asthma. But, according to the dental implants salt lake city Dental Association, the most prevalent disease affecting our children are CAVITIES!
Children’s teeth are covered in more sugar today than they have ever been. So much of the food we eat each day contains sugars and starches. Some of those foods might surprise you, including:
Fruit snacks
According to John Hopkins Medicine, the normal bacteria that lives in everyone's mouth combines with the ingredients in these foods forming an acid. That, along with the saliva in your mouth, cause plaque to form. The acid and bacteria work together to break down your tooth's natural enamel, which eventually leads to cavities.
Now think about the last time your child brushed their teeth. (Hopefully it was sometime today!) Did they brush well? Did they brush for two minutes? Did they get all their teeth? Did they remember their tongue?
If your child’s habits are poor, they could be increasing their risk for cavities and overall tooth decay. The CDC says dental implant decay in children from 2 to 5 years old in the United States has increased 15.2 percent. Those statistics are staggering. To help lessen the chance of your child having tooth decay, consider these simple changes:
Make sure they brush their teeth well, twice a day, for two minutes.
Form a habit of flossing each day.
Limit sugary drinks and other foods high in sugar.
Get a professional cleaning twice a year, if possible.
Teach them correct habits through your good example.
These simple habits will help your child with their overall oral health. The younger we can start teaching them how important it is to take care of their teeth, the better chance that they won’t be dealing with the effects of poor oral health in their adult life. Call Nuvia Dental Implants Center - Salt Lake City, Utah to schedule an appointment.
Source Link :- https://www.nuviasmiles.com/blog/cavities-and-kids
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smilecreator-blog2 · 3 years
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Clearly, you would not go to a cardiologist to find out what’s wrong if you have a toothache. But, if your dentist is a biological dentist practicing the BaleDoneen method, you definitely would and should go to your dentist to find out if you have or are at high risk of having cardiovascular disease. This dentist could also tell you if you are at risk for a stroke, dementia or diabetes.
The mouth is the gateway to the entire body. And more and more it is becoming understood that high risk periodontal pathogens cause heart disease. Your dentist is the only medical professional that can tell you if you have the high-risk pathogens responsible for the number one cause of death and disability.
In fact, periodontal disease may be an underlying and potentially treatable cause of about 50% of all heart attacks.
A Simple DNA Test Could Save Your Life
As a biological dental practice, we employ and follow the BaleDoneen Method to incorporate the study and prevention of the link between heart disease, strokes and gum disease.  Many silent, underlying diseases of the mouth, like old failing root canals, have been proven to contribute to elevated chances of having a severe stroke or heart disease.
Cardiovascular incidents are preventable with proper care and attention to the underlying causes such as diet and other forms that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. We use DNA testing to discover if you have the high-risk periodontal pathogens that indicate a risk for the diseases that are at the top of the list for causing death.
60,000 Miles Of Arterial Pipe In The Human Body
What most people do not know is that there are roughly 60,000 miles of arteries through which blood flows throughout the entire human body. The heart is the muscle that pumps the blood, but the arteries are the delivery system. So, having a heart attack or a stroke is not just about blockage in the main arteries leading to the heart or the brain. There could be blockage anywhere in those 60,000 miles.
The point of all of this is that arterial wellness is the objective in preventing heart disease and strokes. Blockages indicate that there is inflammation that must be reduced and eliminated. Periodontal disease is also inflammation which indicates that there is likely inflammation somewhere else in those 60,000 miles of arteries coursing throughout the body.
COVID-19 And Underlying Health Issues
With COVID-19 being especially deadly to people with underlying health conditions, it’s never been more important to know if you are at risk for heart disease, dementia, stroke or diabetes. These are the major illnesses that so many have had who met death due to COVID-19. Many younger victims of the virus did not appear to have underlying illnesses. But, therein lies the problem. Most people don’t know they have arterial blockages until they have a heart attack or stroke. The value of being able to find out if you have periodontal pathogens that indicate you are at risk for those diseases could be a real life saver because you are never too old to reverse the health conditions of your arteries.
If you would like to improve your health and find out if you have high risk periodontal pathogens that could lead to heart attacks, strokes, dementia and/or diabetes, call Smilecreator of Naples to schedule an appointment.  In the meantime, please follow all the safety protocols such as wearing a mask when out in public and washing your hands frequently and thoroughly.
Source Link :- https://smilecreatorofnaples.com/general-dentistry/its-time-to-entrust-your-heart-health-to-your-dentist/
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smilecreator-blog2 · 3 years
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In my work as a dentist, with a specialty in implantology, I have experienced more fulfillment in my chosen profession than I could have ever imagined. Much of that fulfillment comes when I help restore a patient’s smile through the use of implants. What I have learned over the years, is that, yes, their smile is restored. But more importantly, their confidence and joy in living is restored.
I have patients who, when they find me, have not been out of their homes in years because they have lost many or most of their teeth. They cannot chew real food and they are often in pain due to infections. Some people end up this way due to fear of dentists. I consider these patients some of the most courageous people I’ve ever met. It takes courage, after hiding and being in pain for a long time to muster the energy and wherewithal to take action to change such depressing circumstances. And to overcome their fear of dentists.
Dental Implants are the next best thing to real teeth. They look, feel and function like your natural teeth, so you can chew all foods and you can be confident in your smile. Of course, there are other things that can damage a smile. Accidents can leave teeth broken. Sports are notorious for knocking teeth out or breaking them.
Restoring my patients love of life by giving them the ability to express their joy with a big bright smile, is one of the greatest joys of my chosen profession. If you’ve been looking for a way to break out of the isolation that may have been going on for far too long, To know more call Smilecreator of Naples and let’s restore your smile and your confidence and your joy in living.
Source Link :- https://smilecreatorofnaples.com/general-dentistry/more-than-smiles-implants-also-restore-confidence/
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