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#Jl. Teuku Cik Ditiro#Menteng#Jakarta#Indonesia#Menteng Dental Clinic#Dental Clinic#Clinic#Dentist#Tooth Sign#Street Photography#New Topographics#Urban Landscape#Happy Tooth#16 October 2017#Christophe Brumby#Photographers on Tumblr#Point and Shoot#Analog#Snapshot#Film Photography#35mm Photography#35mm
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Dokter Anggi Dental Clinic lagi membuka lowongan kerja nih untuk Cabang Tebet dan Menteng, ada beberapa posisi buat kamu, yuk yang pengen jadi bagian dari Dokter Anggi Dental Clinic dan Sosialite’s langsung aja kirim CV kamu ya! . Jika kamu tertarik dan memenuhi persyaratan perusahaan, silakan segera melakukan pendaftaran dengan mengirimkan persyaratan dan CV ke Email : [email protected] . . . INFO LOKER JABODETABEK TERBARU @infolokerjakartacom Silahkan dicoba apply jika berminat dan sesuai kualifikasi diposter . Tag dan mention kawan kalian untuk berbagi informasi lowongan ini ⠀ ➖➖➖➖➖⠀ Cek Loker yg Lain👇🏻 @infolokerbandung @infolokerbandung ➖➖➖➖➖⠀ #ILJ . . #jakarta #bogor #depok #tanggerang #bekasi #infojkt #infojakarta #lowongankerja #carikerjabandung #infolokerbandung #lokerindonesia #lokerbumn #lokerjkt #lokerjakarta #infolokerjakarta #lowongankerjajakarta #lokernasional #infolokerjakartacom #infolokerbogor #lokerbogor #infolokerdepok #lokerdepok #infolokertanggerang #lokertanggerang #infolokerbekasi #lokerbekasi #infolokerjabodetabek #lokerjabodetabek #lokerindonesia #infolokerjabodetabek2022 (di Jakarta, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZf3PULJDqS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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13 Orang Dokter di Jepara Terpapar Covid-19 Pasca Lebaran

Dokter Umum Jepara Mencari pemberhentian atau stasiun terdekat untuk ke Praktek Dokter Yossi Sulistia Y? Moovit helps you membantumu menemukan cara teerbaik untuk sampai ke Praktek Dokter Yossi Sulistia Y dengan petunjuk langkah demi langkah dari stasiun transportasi umum terdekat. Kami membuat perjalanan ke Praktek Dokter Yossi Sulistia Y mudah, alasan itu lah yang membuat jutaan 930 pengguna, termasuk pengguna di Anduring, percaya kepada Moovit sebagai app Transportasi Umum terbaik. Melihat jadwal, rute, jadwal waktu dan mencari tahu berapa lama untuk sampai ke Praktek Dokter Yossi Sulistia Y secara langsung. Dapatkan arah dari dan arah ke Praktek Dokter Yossi Sulistia Y dengan mudah melalui Moovit app atau Situs Web. Tidak hanya di Pagotan, daerah Kanigoro juga punya dokter gigi handal yang siap memberikan perawatan terbaik buat kamu, salah satu contohnya adalah praktek drg. Micro Curret & Biopsi - - Ginekologi (secara harfiah berarti “ilmu mengenai wanita”) adalah cabang ilmu kedokteran yang khusus mempelajari penyakit-penyakit sistem reproduksi wanita (rahim, vagina dan ovarium). Kamu dapat langsung mempraktikkan ilmu dan skill yang kamu miliki dengan cara mengobati pasien.
Saat ini Rumah sakit yang berada di dalam lahan seluas 11.329 m² dengan bangunannya yang sudah mencapai hingga 32.022,55 m² telah menjadi sebuah Rumah Sakit yang memiliki layanan dan fasilitas sebagai Rumah Sakit Umum (RSU) Tipe B, yang didalamya juga dilengkapi dengan berbagai klinik khusus untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasien yang sangat spesifik, seperti Aesthetic Clinic & Breast Center (ABC), Dental Specialist Clinic, Jakarta Knee & Shoulder Orthopedic Sports Center (JKOSC), Jakarta Spine Center (JSC), dan Women & Fetal Diagnostic Center. Informasi Jadwal Praktek Dokter Spesialis Gigi, Spesialis Kandungan & Kebidanan, Spesialis THT, spesialis Penyakit Dalam, Dokter Spesialis Kecantikan Kulit, Dan Dokter Umum Klinik CITRA SEHAT Jakarta & Tangerang - Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat akan adanya klinik dengan pelayanan kesehatan, Klinik CITRA SEHAT yang tersebar di Tangerang & Jakarta hadir memberikan pelayanan kesehatan untuk masyarakat luas yang ingin berobat di klinik CITRA SEHAT baik untuk konsultasi kesehatan, pemeriksaan rutin, medical check up, dll. Tak hanya gangguan pencernaan, sakit gigi juga menjadi salah satu penyakit yang kerap mengganggu saat liburan. Masyarakat sumedang dan sekitarnya yang mempunyai anak sakit bisa memeriksakan di dokter Sonny S. Wangsadisastra Sp.A., yang mana beliau hanya praktek di Apotek Sindang Raja Farma. Untuk penyempurnaan, praktek pribadi dr. Soeroso untuk pemeriksaan. Untuk jadwal praktek dan alamatnya ada di bawah berikut: Jadwal…
Di praktek dokter gigi satu ini, kamu bisa melakukan scaling, implant, bleaching, veener ataupun pasang behel dengan harga sangat terjangkau dan ditangani langsung oleh spesialisnya. Entah itu pasang behel (orthodontist) atau lainnya. Mariani siap membantu untuk kamu yang ingin tambal gigi, cabut atau pasang behel (ortodonti). Untuk jenis layanan yang ditawarkan yakni ortodonti (pasang behel), konservasi gigi, bedah mulut, dll. Dokter ahli Asam Lambung ialah dokter yang mempunyai ketrampilan khusus dalam menyembuhkan beragam jenis masalah pada saluran pencernaan, mencakup masalah pada lambung, usus, hati, pankreas, empedu, sampai rektum. Mempunyai gangguan pada kulit atau kelamin memang sangat mengganggu, apalagi jika terjadi pada perempuan. Bagi kalian yang mempunyai gangguan kesehatan di kulit atau kelamin bisa menghubungi Dr. Sebagai dokter umum dan juga kulit serta kelamin. Walaupun gratis tapi para konsultan online tersebut juga membagikan info-info seputar kesehatan dengan penuh konsistensi. Hal tersebut disebabkan karena pengobatan gigi pada si kecil akan berbeda dari pengobatan gigi orang dewasa. Misalnya muncul alat medis yang sudah berkembang karena adanya teknologi, yang mana sangat membantu terapi pengobatan penyakit. Menjadi dokter specialist gastroenterologi, seorang dokter umum harus jalani pengajaran dokter specialist pengetahuan penyakit dalam dan mempelajari sektor kesehatan pencernaan di subspesialis gastroenterohepatologi (KGEH). Melainkan dokter kandungan juga mempelajari dan memahami betul seputar metode reproduksi wanita.
Adakah dokter kandungan di Bekasi yang menerima bpjs ? Pilihlah produk asuransi yang manfaat dan nilai pertanggungannya sesuai dengan kebutuhanmu dan/atau barang-barang berharga yang mau dilindungi. Untuk harga yang ditawarkan sesuai dengan kualitas pelayanannya. Kenyataannya, sebagian besar dokter di Indonesia lebih sebagai pekerja ketimbang sebagai profesional yang berwirausaha sendiri sesuai kompetensi yang dimilikinya. Klinik mata profesional biasanya juga sudah mengangkat dokter spesialis mata untuk layanan konsultasi. Ya, anda bisa berkonsultasi dengan dokter Yulia Farida Yahya,SP.KK, beliau adalah dokter spesialis kulit yang profesional dan berpengalaman di bidangnya. Berikut adalah jadwal praktek dokter H. Susanto Sutjipto,SH.Sp.A,Mkes di Rumah Sakit Pakuwon : Alamat RS Pakuwon : Jalan Rd Dewi Sartika Nomor 17 Sumedang, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Kehamilan Anda dapat saja berisiko tinggi jikalau tidak memilih praktek dari dokter yang ideal. Namun, hal itu bukan berarti anda mengabaikan asupan makanan yang masuk dalam tubuh. Misalnya saja kita sakit telinga, telinga berdengung, sakit telinga, itu benar-benar sungguh menyakitkan… THT adalah singkatan dari telinga, hidung, dan tenggorokan.
Dan dibawah adalah 10 daftar dokter gigi terbaik diantaranya. Anda sedang mencari dokter kandungan terbaik di Jepara Jawa tengah? Bagi anda yang tinggal di sukabumi dan sekitarnya, yang sedang mencari dokter THT. Tim ApaSakitKu (ASK) melalui aplikasi ini akan membantu Anda dalam membuat keputusan tentang kesehatan Anda dan keluarga. Padahal hewan peliharaan juga bisa sakit dan juga memerlukan pemeriksaan rutin yang penting. Hendra Christian spesialis Konservasi Gigi ini juga menawarkan pelayanan yang tak kalah bagus dari praktek drg. Meski namanya tidak begitu populer, namun bukan berarti pelayanan dari drg. Kondisi pasien berbeda-beda. Misal kita lakukan dengan obat-obatan atau fisioterapi, ada yang bisa jalan lagi walau tidak sebagus sebelumnya, atau tetap seperti itu,” kata dia dalam Health Talk di Youtube RS JIH Solo belum lama ini. Gaji dokter spesialis di Indonesia masih belum ada standar, terlebih bila membandingkan antara yang bekerja di rumah sakit pemerintah dengan di rumah sakit swasta. Jadi jika ditotal-total maka gaji dokter spesialis pada Tahun 2022 saat ini bisa mencapai Rp.80 juta perbulan. Rumah Sakit yang merupakan tempat Pendidikan Utama Tipe A milik Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur ini terakreditasi SNARS Edisi I Internasional pada tahun 2018 sampai dengan sekarang. Dikutip Gridhot dari Warta Kota, seorang dokter umum di Batam meninggal dunia di Rumah Sakit (RS) Awal Bros Batam, Selasa (13/7/2021) sore.
Pasalnya, nama dentist satu ini juga cukup terkenal di dunia pergigian di daerah Madiun. Dokter satu ini juga cukup terkenal, karena selain professional, beliau juga ramah dan teliti dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaannya. Menurut review pelanggan, selain cantik, dokter Kartika Rahmawati juga memiliki jiwa sosial yang tinggi dan sangat sabar dalam pekerjaannya. Bagi anda yang berada di daerah palembang, tidak ada salahnya untuk berkonsultasi dengan Dr M. Athuf Thaha, beliau adalah dokter spesialis kulit dan kelamin yang sangat berpengalaman. Salah sata mengantisipasi anak sakit adalah menyediakan obat-obatan di rumah, yang… Setidaknya ada puluhan spesialis yang bisa kamu jumpai di kota Madiun. Berlokasi di jalan Salak, ini juga merupakan salah satu dokter gigi yang cukup terkenal karena menawarkan pelayanan bagus dan tarif relatif murah di Madiun. Dengan di dukung fasilitas laboratorium dan radiologi yang cukup lengkap serta tenaga kesehatan yang kompeten di bidangnya, RSUD Saiful Anwar siap melayani anda dari pukul 07.00 - 13.30. Dan berikut ini kami cantumkan daftar nama dan jadwal praktek dokter spesialis Kulit dan Kelamin RSUD Saiful Anwar malang. Jaksa Agung Suprapto No.2, Klojen, Kota Malang.
RSUD Saiful Anwar Malang ini menjadi tempat rujukan pasien klinik dan Rumah Sakit di Malang dan sekitarnya. 5 Rekomendasi Dokter Penyakit Dalam di Hulu Sungai Selatan - Dokter penyakit dalam biasanya khusus menangani penyakit internis atau penyakit yang ada pada organ bagian dalam, dimana pasien penyakit dalam lazimnya orang dewasa dan juga lansia. Dasuki ini cukup mumpuni, dimana telah dilengkapi peralatan kedokteran canggih dan terkini. Dental care ini bahkan telah dibekali peralatan kedokteran yang canggih dan siap melayani pasien dewasa maupun anak-anak. Dasuki bahkan telah dibekali ruang tunggu, mushola, tea corner dan televisi agar pasien tidak merasa bosan saat menunggu. Ketika pasien akan melakukan operasi atau prosedur medis lainnya yang memerlukan anestesi, dokter spesialis anestesi ini lah bertanggung jawab untuk memberikannya kepada pasien. Dengan besarnya tanggung jawab dan risiko yang dihadapi, apakah benar gaji dokter juga pasti besar? Contohnya gaji dokter umum yang bisa bervariasi tergantung jabatan dan masa kerja.
Perawatan kulit sejak usia remaja bertujuan untuk menghindari berbagai permasalah kulit di masa mendatang, termasuk mencegah tanda-tanda penuaan dini. Keadaan ini meliputi masalah di tulang tengkorak, rongga mulut, kelenjar ludah, kelenjar tiroid dan paratiroid, juga beberapa gangguan di kulit wajah. Meskipun masih dalam usia remaja, kita tetap harus menjaga kesehatan kulit wajah kita, Girls. Hal yang harus dilakukan adalah dengan berkonsultasi dengan dokter spesialis kulit dan kelamin. Kesehatan adalah hal terpenting bagi manusia, terutama bagi yang sudah memiliki anak. Acuan tersebut merupakan dasar perhitungan dalam mencapai kesepakatan besaran jasa medis yang akan diterima dan atau diberikan antara para dokter dengan direksi rumah sakit di masing-masing rumah sakit (hal. Basic skincare adalah tahapan atau urutan memakai skincare yang paling dasar. Dalam sambutannya Sekda Jepara Edy Sujatmiko mengatakan, ”Pada bulan ini merupakan bulan istimewa bagi RS PKU Aisyiyah Jepara, karena di bulan April adalah hari lahir kartini juga tepat tanggal 10 peresmian hari ini adalah hari jadi jepara ke 472, semoga membajwa keberkahan dan sukses selalu bagi RS PKU Aisyiyah”. RSU RA Kartini Jepara JL. Alamat: RSU Bunda Jakarta, Jln. Praktek dr. Akhmadi Arief, SpOG merupakan salah satu tempat dokter spesialis Kebidanan dan Kandunga di Kabupaten Jepara yang bisa selalu Bunda andalkan.
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Indonesia Dental Services Market Share, Revenue, Growth Prospects, Trends Under COVID-19, Top Key Players, Future Strategies, Competitive Analysis and Forecast till 2026: Ken Research
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High prevalence of dental disorders, increasing use of tele-dentistry, and national health insurance program JKN is driving Dental Services Market in Indonesia: Ken Research
Quality Assurance in Dental Education: In Indonesia, education institutions and stakeholders are taking part together in quality assurance for dental education. In general, the activities are establishing the competence and education standards by the Indonesia Medical Council (KKI) together with Indonesian Association of Dental Faculties (AFDOKGI), Collegium, Indonesian Dental Association (PDGI), Indonesian Association of Dental Teaching Hospital (ARSGMPI), and the representatives of the Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education and Culture (establishing the competence and education standards).
Growing Dental Tourism: Due to low-cost treatments available in Indonesia, it enables to save 60%-70% cost as compared to US and Australia. Indonesia offers a proper infrastructure for healthcare; dental clinics have experienced staff and work with the latest equipment and technology. Popular dental procedures are root canal treatment, teeth whitening, dentures, dental veneers, crowns and implants, Invisalign and braces, and extractions. Places with high number of dental tourists are Jakarta, Bali and Surabaya
Promising Government Initiatives: The national health insurance system (JKN) was officially implemented in Indonesia in 2014, this system obliged all citizens of Indonesia to be insured by the JKN gradually until the year 2019 (universal coverage) consisting of promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services. Including dental care at the primary level of services leads the dentists to become a primary care provider. With a membership comprising ~83.0% population, the program is one of the biggest of its kind in the world. Furthermore, there is the Indonesian Health Card (KIS), an additional program that provides wider coverage and has been distributed to 92.4 million JKN holders.

Covid-19 led Technological Advancements: Nationwide lockdown prompted Tele-dentistry or telecommunication consultation with dentists become one of the solutions to overcome problems related to access to dentists. Therefore, the PDGI, in collaboration with Unilever Indonesia (Pepsodent) and the FDI World Dental Federation, will provide free tele-dentistry services for the community.
Analysts at Ken Research in their latest publication “Indonesia Dental Services Market Outlook to 2026F–Driven by Rising Dental Awareness, Lower Dental Services Cost and Government’s Strong Initiatives in Healthcare System by Ken Research observed that Dental Services market is an emergent healthcare market in Indonesia at a rebounding stage from the economic crisis after pandemic. The rising Dental consciousness among the Indonesian population, along with the growing purchasing power, is expected to contribute to the market growth over the forecast period. The Indonesia Dental Services Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.9% over the forecasted period 2021-2026F.
Key Segments Covered
Indonesia Dental Services Market:
By Types of Services:
Cosmetic Dentistry
Others (wisdom teeth removal, facial trauma, corrective jaw surgery and other minor surgeries)
By End Users:
Dental Clinics (Organized + Unorganized)
By Dental Clinics:
Unorganized Dental Clinics
Organized Dental Clinics
By Revenue Division:
International Tourist
By Cities:
Others (other Indonesian cities)
Request for Sample report @ https://www.kenresearch.com/sample-report.php?Frmdetails=NTg4ODYz
Key Target Audience
Dental Service Providers
Dental Equipment Distributors
Dental Equipment Manufacturers
Dental Clinics
Healthcare Companies
Pharmaceutical Companies
Tourism Agencies
Government Bodies & Regulating Authorities
Time Period Captured in the Report:
Base Year: 2021
Forecast Period: 2021– 2026F
Companies Covered:
Dental Services Providers
Kimia Farma
Indo Dental Care
Dent Smile
Tooth Kingdom Dental Care
Audy Dental
Medikids (MHDC Group)
FDC Denatl Klinik
Smiling Dental
Rejuvie Dental Clinic
OMDC (Oktri Manessa Dental Center)
Royal Smile Dental
Axel Dental
GiO Dental Care
Dental Universe Dental Clinics
Key Topics Covered in the Report
Indonesia Dental Services Market Overview
Indonesia Healthcare Overview
Ecosystem of Indonesia Dental Services Market
Business Cycle and Genesis of Indonesia Dental Services Market
End User Analysis of Indonesia Dental Services Market
Consumer Journey in Indonesia Dental Services Market
Consumer Pain Points in Indonesia Dental Services Market
Industry Analysis of Indonesia Dental Services Market
SWOT Analysis of Indonesia Dental Services Market
Key Growth Drivers in Dental Service Market in Indonesia
Major Challenges and Bottlenecks in Indonesia Dental Services Market
Regulatory Framework in Indonesia Dental Services Market
Competitive Landscape in in Indonesia Dental Services Market
Market Share of Major Dental Services Providers in Indonesia Dental Services Market
Detailed Analysis on Indonesia Dental Services Market (Market Size and Segmentation, 2016-2021; Future Market Size and Segmentation, 2021-2026F)
Market Opportunity and Analyst Recommendations
For more information, click on the link –
Indonesia Dental Services Market 2026F: Ken Research
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Rawat Gigi Anak Secara Rutin di Klinik Dokter gigi Anak Terdekat

Tidak hanya orang tua, tapi gigi anak juga perlu dirawat sejak kecil. Selain merawat sendiri di rumah, perawatannya juga perlu dilakukan ke klinik dokter gigi anak dalam periode waktu tertentu.
Jangan sampai menunggu gigi anak jadi rusak terlebih dahulu baru dirawat. Apalagi biasanya anak-anak sangat rentan mengalami kerusakan gigi. Mereka juga belum bisa merawat kesehatan gigi dan mulut dengan baik.
Berbagai Perawatan Gigi Anak yang Perlu Diketahui Orang Tua
Ada beberapa hal yang perlu dilakukan untuk merawat gigi anak.
Menyikat gigi teratur
Perawatan gigi yang paling dasar bagi anak adalah melatihnya menyikat gigi secara teratur. Setidaknya 2 kali sehari di pagi dan malam hari sebelum tidur.
Saat menyikat gigi, anak bisa gunakan sedikit saja pasta gigi, seukuran kacang polong. Anak yang belum berusia 2 tahun, sebaiknya tidak menggunakan pasta gigi yang mengandung fluoride karena dikhawatirkan bisa tertelan.
Oleh sebab itu, gunakan pasta gigi yang memang diformulasikan khusus untuk anak-anak agar lebih aman.
Hindari adanya penumpukan gula
Penumpukan gula pada gigi biasanya bisa menyebabkan kerusakan gigi berupa karies. Kondisi ini nantinya akan membentuk asam yang dapat menjadi merusak enamel gigi.
Oleh sebab itu, hindarilah agar tidak terjadi penumpukan gula di gigi anak. Mulai dari susu yang mengandung gula, permen, atau makanan dan minuman manis lainnya.
Jika anak masih harus mengulum botol susu sebelum tidur, maka bisa diganti dengan air putih. Atau hindari mencelupkan empeng ke dalam air gula atau madu yang nantinya akan dihisap oleh anak saat akan tidur. Ini akan menyebabkan terjadinya penumpukan gula.
Anda juga perlu menghentikan kebiasaan tidur dengan botol susu. Selain untuk kesehatan giginya, ini juga membantu anak agar bisa tidur tanpa bantuan seperti itu.
Rajinlah melakukan pemeriksaan gigi secara teratur
Selain merawat gigi dengan baik sehari-hari, perawatan gigi juga perlu dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan gigi ke klinik dokter gigi anak yang ada di kota Anda.
Pemeriksaan gigi anak ke dokter gigi ini perlu dilakukan secara teratur. Apalagi jika di gigi anak sudah ada noda kecoklatan atau berwarna hitam.
Namun, jika gigi anak tidak terlihat adanya masalah, maka bisa dibawa ke klinik dokter gigi anak minimal 1 tahun sekali agar dicek secara rutin.
Hindari penularan bakteri dari orang tua
Tak sedikit kasus di mana adanya transfer bakteri dari orang tua ke anak. Apalagi gigi orang tua mengalami karies.
Penularan bakteri ini bisa dihentikan dengan tidak berbagi peralatan makan dan minum dengan anak saat sedang makan. Jangan pula menjilat dot atau empeng anak saat membersihkannya.
Tidak hanya anak, tapi orang tua juga perlu merawat gigi dengan baik agar bisa dicontoh dan tidak mentransfer bakteri ke si Kecil.
Atur jadwal makan
Anda juga perlu mengatur jadwal makan anak yaitu 3 kali sehari makan utama, dan 2 kali cemilan. Mengatur jadwal makan ini berguna sehingga nanti anak tidak akan lagi makan setelah menyikat gigi malam.
Periksakan Gigi Anak di Klinik Friendly Dental Care
Salah satu klinik dokter gigi anak yang ada di Jakarta Utara adalah Friendly Dental Clinic. Klinik dokter gigi anak dan orang dewasa ini memang punya berbagai prosedur unggulan yang bisa jadi pilihan dalam merawat pasien.
Adapun prosedur perawatan unggulan yang ada di klinik ini adalah:
Pasang gigi palsu
Tambal gigi
Cabut gigi
Pasang crown gigi
Bleaching gigi
Pemasangan behel
Dental veneer
Scalling gigi
Perawatan gigi anak
Perawatan saluran akar gigi
Selain prosedur unggulan, di sini juga ada dokter gigi yang berkompeten dalam merawat gigi pasien. Sehingga Anda perlu mempertimbangkan untuk membawa anak melakukan pemeriksaan gigi di klinik dokter gigi anak yang satu ini.
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Old Song
Today is Thursday, November 4th, 2021.
I feel ashamed coming back to this blog to post again yet another stupid silly diary about some boy has broken my heart. I seem to never learn from my mistakes despite me knowing this most likely will never progress anywhere. This time however the problem is exacerbated by the fact that I’m moving away.
Okay let’s rewind. I matched with this guy, Elle, on October 12th, 2021. We immediately had a connection and proceeded to video call. Apparently everything went very well I even bought a train ticket to meet him at Cirebon a day later for next week. It’s so crazy how fast I am committed to go to meet someone I barely know in such a short time. I was thinking that this could be my last fling before I go away. Apparently I played with fire and got burned.
Elle is a 28-year old man, who is tall and handsome, with an extroverted personality. His laugh, his smile, his positivity are all very endearing to me. He really is my type both physically and personality-wise. We would call each other on video every night for hours on end, we’d sleep at 2 AM just so we could get to know each other.
The day came for me to go to Cirebon, his hometown where he has just launched his business, a dental clinic with his partner. The first time I laid my eyes on him were just incredible. This guy looked as handsome and as cute as he was in the video and in the photos. His hands are big and his grip are loving and strong, he jokes a lot and we spent a lot of time, five days, together. We had sex, we cuddled, we shared a lot of our own personal vision, mission, and stories across those five days. I was beyond happy.
But I know it had to end. I was already accepted to embark on my next journey of life to Thailand, and Elle didn’t know that. I only told him after I came back to Jakarta that I got accepted. He didn’t really have a reaction, I think. In fact he seemed distant and avoidant to any further discussion regarding our future. I don’t know whether we could have a future, but he just sort of unreachable at this point.
No topics I presented were answered with attention. Everything just got a few words’ worth of answers. He’s always busy and I no longer am a priority. No more “sbb”, he just stopped replying. No more connection.
Of course I got too carried away, of course a part of me wanted to make it through. But apparently he hasn’t moved on from his ex, and that he was actually still tethered to his ex after he met me. He did mention he got a closure from his ex a few days after my visit, but I was never able to get anything out of him.
I’m still struggling whether I want to confront him over this but I started to think that maybe it’s not for the best. I don’t know.
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RAW Architecture uses bamboo to build Guha studio extension in Jakarta
Indonesian studio RAW Architecture used local materials and traditional building techniques including bamboo construction to create a new studio adjoining a multipurpose building designed by its founder in Jakarta.
The Guha project, which is shortlisted in the business building category of the Dezeen Awards 2021, involved the renovation of a building completed by RAW Architecture in 2016, as well as the addition of a larger office studio space for the practice.
The Guha Bambu building has a bamboo framework
The existing building known as The Guild contains the residence RAW Architecture founder Realrich Sjarief shares with his family, along with his wife's dental clinic and a library that helps the local community engage with architecture.
RAW Architecture's design addresses specific economic, social and environmental issues relating to sustainability, placing emphasis on the use of local building methods such as bamboo construction.
It is an extension to an existing building in Jakarta
"Economically, it refers to the use of local craftsmen and the potential of the local manufacturing industry," the architects explained, "as well as socially forming an ecosystem between architects, architecture, local craftsmen and the manufacturing industry."
"From an environmental perspective, it seeks to reduce emissions and the carbon footprint generated by construction activities through the implementation of local materials."
Daylight enters through openings in the concrete facade
The architecture of both the new and old parts of the building responds to Indonesia's tropical climate by orienting spaces to prevent overheating from direct exposure to the sun, while allowing breezes to naturally ventilate the interiors.
Openings in the concrete facades are carefully positioned to allow daylight to enter, and the building's western elevation is covered with plants that provide shade. The landscaping includes trees and water that help to create a comfortable microclimate.
Plants cover the building's western elevation
RAW Architecture’s studio is now housed in a three-storey structure with two basement levels that adjoins the eastern side of the existing building.
The new structure, called Guha Bambu, features a bamboo framework that supports the floor plates as well as a roof constructed with steel trusses.
The interior is intended to evoke a bamboo forest
Externally, the bamboo is painted to improve its resistance to sunlight and rain.
The curved forms and woven elements are influenced by the design of traditional Barong masks, which the architect encountered as a child in Bali.
Zigzag thatched bamboo roofs shade classrooms of school in Indonesia
Some of the spaces employ a traditional Javanese construction method known as Tumpang Sari, which involves creating a stack effect to help remove hot air through openings near the top of a chimney-like volume.
The building's interior showcases the bamboo construction in its raw form and is intended to evoke a bamboo forest. Splayed pillars support the floors and screens made from split bamboo pieces are used to separate the spaces.
Raw bamboo was used inside the building
The use of bamboo construction was based on RAW Architecture's experience working with the material to construct parts of a school in the city of Tangerang.
The Alfa Omega school building is raised above a swamp on stilts and features a zigzag roof made from thatched bamboo.
The existing building contains the architect's residence
Architect Realrich Sjarief established his studio in 2011 and focuses on combining locality and craftsmanship to create projects that are simple, humble and unique.
RAW Architecture, which stands for Realrich Architecture Workshop, was longlisted in the emerging architect of the year category of the Dezeen Awards 2020.
The post RAW Architecture uses bamboo to build Guha studio extension in Jakarta appeared first on Dezeen.
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Mengulik Layanan Penting Yang Bisa Anda Nikmati Di Klinik Gigi Jakarta
Setiap orang pasti menginginkan dokter gigi yang profesional bukan? Untuk itu, alangkah baiknya jika anda mengunjungi salah satu klinik gigi Jakarta. Misalnya saja OM Dental Clinic. Selain fasilitas yang lengkap, klinik ini juga menyediakan layanan penting untuk anda. Apa saja jenis layanan tersebut? Berikut selengkapnya.
info : https://commonroombar.com/mengulik-layanan-penting-yang-bisa-anda-nikmati-di-klinik-gigi-jakarta/
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Hallo, kami Dokter Anggi Dental Clinic sedang membuka peluang karir nih, untuk kamu. . jika kamu tertarik bergabung dengan kami. silahkan kirimkan CV kamu ke alamat email dibawah ini ya 😊. . . . INFO LOKER JABODETABEK TERBARU @infolokerjakartacom Silahkan dicoba apply jika berminat dan sesuai kualifikasi diposter . Tag dan mention kawan kalian untuk berbagi informasi lowongan ini ⠀ ➖➖➖➖➖⠀ Cek Loker yg Lain👇🏻 @infolokerbandung @infolokerbandung ➖➖➖➖➖⠀ #ILJ . . #jakarta #bogor #depok #tanggerang #bekasi #infojkt #infojakarta #lowongankerja #carikerjabandung #infolokerbandung #lokerindonesia #lokerbumn #lokerjkt #lokerjakarta #infolokerjakarta #lowongankerjajakarta #lokernasional #infolokerjakartacom #infolokerbogor #lokerbogor #infolokerdepok #lokerdepok #infolokertanggerang #lokertanggerang #infolokerbekasi #lokerbekasi #infolokerjabodetabek #lokerjabodetabek #lokerindonesia #infolokerjabodetabek2023 (di Jakarta, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cotv_R1Bm1F/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Manager GA di OMDC Dental Clinic Jakarta
Manager GA di OMDC Dental Clinic Jakarta
Hallo saat ini OMDC Dental Clinic sedang membutuhkan : MANAGER GA Kualifikasi: – Laki – Laki – Lulusan S1 Teknik Sipil / Arsitek /Elektrikal – Menguasai Microsoft Word, Microsoft – Excel dan Power Point – Rajin, jujur, supel, ramah, bertanggung jawab, teliti dan pekerja keras – Dapat bekerja secara tim dan mandiri – Memiliki pengalaman kerja dibagian yang sama minimal 4 tahun -Paham mengenai…
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Pasang Behel Murah Promo Tahun Baru Di Jakarta Selatan has been published on Web Iklan Online
New Post has been published on http://webiklan.online/kesehatan-2/pasang-behel-murah-promo-tahun-baru-di-jakarta-selatan.html
Pasang Behel Murah Promo Tahun Baru Di Jakarta Selatan
Kabar gembira untuk calon pasien ortho yang berniat melakukan pemasangan behel, jangan lewatkan penawaran promo akhir tahun dan tahun baru pasang behel murah dari PGH Dental Clinic. jgn sampai terlewat, pasang kawat gigi hanya 3 juta saja, Ayo persiapkan diri anda untuk memulai perawatan...
Selengkapnya Pasang Behel Murah Promo Tahun Baru Di Jakarta Selatan
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nature retreats: 4 public architecture that provides health and wellness therapy
providing practical and emotional support for every architect or designer is essential when about to create a health and wellness center. these include designing a space for people with cancer, to meditate, and a wide range of public space for the generosity of fun, which extensively aim to help them achieve a better mind and therapy, health, and wellness.of course, under supportive treatment by the atmosphere of the building and its surrounding too! from the beautiful mushroom-shaped interior alike maggie's leeds to the very sustainable bamboo-designed dental clinic in jakarta' residential neighborhood, read on the design story's best pickups for health and wellness of the year! maggie's leeds cancer center for maggie's healthcare centre, which is situated in harehills, within the campus of st. james's university hospital in leeds, the 462 sq meter center is the charity's 26th center in the uk the first completed healthcare project designed by heatherwick studio. maggie's leeds center building's exterior. credits by hufton+crowinspired by the philosophy of maggie's, and the belief that great design can help people feel better, the design of maggie's centre added several materials in supporting the essence of wellness and energy-saving techniques. the mushroom-shaped interior, which looked like enota architect's banja vrućica spa in bosnia and herzegovina, has a group of large-scale planters built on a sloped site presented as a counseling room. on the other corner is where people can find the "heart" of the centre, the kitchen, and additional space to socialize, including a library and exercising room. maggie's leeds center interior. credits by hufton+crowhere, at the center of maggie's leeds, explores what is often missed when designing a healing environment: the natural and tactile materials, soft lighting, and variant public space that encourage interactions and other social opportunities - as well as a room to contemplate for quiet meditation. there are window sills and shelves, where visitors can place their objects and belongings upon them as if they were at home. the studio has two main tables: which were inspired by the building's timber fins and built from cork and engineered beech timber makes reside the heart of the center. maggie's leeds center interior. credits by hufton+crowthere is also a garden nestled secretly on the top of the building. designed by balston agius, an award-winning landscape designer, agius earned his inspiration from yorkshire woodlands when he was about to design the stunning rooftop. to boost more sense of wellness, he featured native english species of plants throughout the area to provide extra warmth when winter comes. the whole attempt was also inspired by maggie keswick jencks' love of gardening, where visitors are encouraged to participate in the care of the 23,000 bulbs and 17,000 plants on site. maggie's leeds center building's exterior. credits by hufton+crowas for the overall structure, the architect clearly exposed a prefabricated and sustainably-sourced spruce timber system. along with several porous materials such as lime plaster to maintain internal humidity of the naturally ventilated building, considering the space should reflect a fresh and refreshing outdoorsy vibes in accordance to the center's orientation. maggie's cancer centre manchestermeanwhile in maggie's cancer center manchester, a welcoming "home away from home" has been set to make a place of refuge where people with cancer can find their tranquility for wellbeing. designed by the famous world-renowned architect, foster + partners, maggie's manchester centre was inspired by the blueprint for a new type of care set out by maggie keswick jencks. similar to maggie's leeds, maggie's manchester places a great value through the power of architecture to lift the spirits and increase a sense of healing therapy. maggie's cancer center in manchester building's exterior. credits by nigel young / foster + partnerssurrounded by a lush garden, greener than the one in leeds, the design of maggie's manchester has been brushed in a domestic atmosphere - a garden setting that would the first glimpse the inside of the building. the building occupies a sunny site and is arranged over a single storey, keeping its profile low and reflecting the residential scale of the surrounding streets. similar to maggie's leeds, the roof rises in the centre to create a mezzanine level, naturally illuminated by triangular roof lights and lightweight timber lattice beams support it. the beams came as natural partitions between many internal areas that visually dissolve the architecture to surrounding gardens. maggie's cancer center in manchester. credits by nigel young / foster + partnersa similar approach to provide intimate private niches to a library, exercise room, space to gather around and share a cup of tea, the kitchen is the heart of the building. set on center with a large communal table, one can always join in for waves of laughter or two, sharing what they have for lunchtime. reflecting a homey home ambiance, selection of material palette such as warm tone, natural wood, and tactile surface has been applied. natural light, greenery, and garden views are the focus of the centre. here, where the patients can enjoy the entire western elevation, the landscaped courtyard, under the deep overhang of the roof, extends into a beautiful veranda. maggie's cancer center in manchester. credits by nigel young / foster + partnersfor maggie's manchester garden, the architect collaborated with dan pearson studio who to beautifies the garden setting and make it more vibing and refreshing at all season of time. through the sliding glass door, each treatment and counseling room on the eastern façade faces its own private garden. embrace a greenhouse – a celebration of light and nature – which provides a garden retreat, space for people to gather, work with their hands, and enjoy the therapeutic qualities of nature and the outdoors. maggie's cancer center in manchester building's exterior. credits by nigel young / foster + partnersin maggie's manchester, the patient can take some time to grow flowers with a sense of growing hope for them when they feel at their most vulnerable stage. norwegian outdoor care retreat in ris, norway, snøhetta has also provided a beautiful outdoor care retreat nestled in the middle of lush green forest in only a 35-meter area, only a hundred meters from the entrance of oslo university hospital. set among the oak trees, birch, and overlook a beautiful pond, outdoor care was developed in collaboration with the department of psychosomatics and cl-child psychiatry at oslo university hospital. to host a peaceful space where visitors can benefit from the therapeutic qualities of nature. outdoor care retreat building's exterior in oslo. credits by ivar kvaalby design, snøhetta made its commitment to socially sustainable public space design, resulting in a very accessible cabin for a wheelchair, and the angled entrance of black zinc is large enough to make the room even for hospital beds. outdoor care retreat interior in oslo. credits by ivar kvaalthe space is private and can be used as private treatment and contemplation - just a moment away from the outside crowds and the hospital ambiance. the cabin designed building performed a very generous design, as it took a reference to a playful construction of wooden tree cabins usually made for children, the blocks of wood were extended into the landscape through the asymmetrical branches. here, the massive wood of the cabin's main structure will turn gray over time, blending naturally into the surroundings. outdoor care retreat building's exterior in oslo. credits by ivar kvaal"nature provides spontaneous joy and helps patients relax. being in natural surroundings brings them a renewed calm that they can bring back with them into the hospital. in this sense, the outdoor care retreat helps motivate patients to get through treatment and contribute to better disease management", states children's psychologist maren østvold lindheim at the oslo university hospital, one of the initiators of the project. the guild + guha bamboo public spacefrom northern europe to tropical island of indonesia, guha has made a combination of a dental clinic, library, bookstore, residence, and the workshop for local-based raw architecture contemplative public space nestled in a residential neighborhood, taman villa meruya, jakarta. the project was a renovation program to the previously known "the guild", which currently has blended into the additional facilities added throughout the building. the guild + guha bamboo public space in jakarta. credits by eric dinardi, ernst theofilusbamboo structures, green lush, east-asian inspired window style can be open during a sunny day to allow natural light to incorporate with the natural interior. people who wish to come can either visit the library and bookstore, pay a visit for dental care, or solely only for a short escape to blend in the beautiful, sustainable, and natural design scheme. the guild + guha bamboo public space in jakarta. credits by eric dinardi, ernst theofilusaccording to the architect, the new project, named guha bambu, is on the east side and consisted of a new 3 storey bamboo structure and 2 storeys of the basement. by design, the technique is to build and elaborated structure based on the school experiment at the alfa omega project. hence the architect separates the steel plane structure as a roof and bamboo structure to hold the three-floor plate under the steel roof. the guild + guha bamboo public space in jakarta. credits by eric dinardi, ernst theofilusconstruction of guha is elaborated into nine materials, to sum up, craftsmanship experimentation in realrich architecture workshop, such as steel, wood, glass, metal, gypsum, bamboo, plastic, stone, and stone concrete. the layout is flexible and open, while some of the rooms are opened by a minimum of two doors, allowing further scenarios while the program can be changed. the idea is addressing the tropical climate to open north-south and close the facade on the west side. the guild + guha bamboo public space in jakarta. credits by eric dinardi, ernst theofilusall images were taken from archdaily https://bit.ly/2BCIwX9
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#DentalCoassSeries 2: Jambaksos FKG UI 2017
August 4th – August 6th, 2017
Sirap, Subang, West Java, Indonesia.
I felt honored for get a chance to join this event. Jambaksos is one of the biggest event held annually by the pre-clinical students. This event is such a really good momentum for us (civitas academia FKG UI) together. Having such a good time of sharing and helping others. This year, the committee hold the event at Sirap village, Subang, west Java. The place that really new and different from my environment before. Especially about the language, Sundanese language is really hard for me to understand, really, haha. But, something that I really grateful for is the people. I always believe that good people will meet good people too, and alhamdulillah, they welcome us with a really nice hospitality.
In a day one, we’re arrived at Sirap around 11pm, August 4th. The committee lead us to the home stay and we can be acquainted with the host and put all of the luggage we have. Our host’s name is Bu Nita. She is totally, literally totally, kind. She is humble and nice. I have 8 more friends who live together at her house. They are Faizah, Lutfi, Ade, Windy, Tata, Adew, Risa and Nadira. We have really good services.
In a day two, it’s a big day for us, because this day is the main day for education and dental examination to all Sirap societies. We start the event at around 7am. I have great experiences, I was doing dental screening and pit fissure sealant treatment for any deep fissure in the children teeth. I feel so happy because I can socialize with them, educate them the importance of saving their teeth and visit dentist regularly. They make me realize that Indonesia is still far away from dental self-awareness. All of us know that, Indonesian will only go to the dentist if they have a serious problems, they never go to the dentist only for regular check-up, and besides that, they are still not really care with their own dental conditions, their brush habit still bad and there are so many dental cavities in their teeth. Alhamdulillah, we’re successfully held this dental examination and help them to fix their tooth problem. In the night, we have a night show to entertain the people there.
In a day three, we’ve just packing and ready to go back to Jakarta. Actually, the committee have an outbound schedule but I pass it, too tired and I prefer to sleep. We’re back to Jakarta at 1.30pm. I really thankful for all of the good experiences I have and everything. Throw away all the bad experiences and only take lessons from it. I always feel grateful, especially for the host of our home stay, Bu Nita, She serves us so many delicious snacks, surabi (Subang traditional food), Subang noodle, and many kind of foods, all of that are delicious!
I just wanna say thank you for everyone who make this event meaningful to me. Also thank you for the committee to make this event went well. One thing I always remember from the lessons I’ve get, serves our society with sincerity.

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