pokechars · 6 years
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For Mewtwo’s birthday (which also happens to be my birthday!), here’s Mewtwo’s creator, Dr. Fuji, as shown in the “Mewtwo Strikes Back” movie manga adaptation, drawn by Toshihiro Ono (the manga-ka of “Eletric Tale of Pikachu”). Some people question whether game Fuji and anime Fuji are the same person (as game Fuji supposedly worked before Team Rocket was founded) but their backstories are similar enough to be more than a mere coincidence. Also, I think they even look very similar, minus anime Fuji’s hair but maybe that’s just me.
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nintendovaahkiin · 6 years
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As if we didn’t need anymore proof but here ya go; Brock’s eyes are officially ALWAYS closed 😌 what’s the point of having eyes then????? 🤷🏼‍♀️ #Pokemon #brock #manga #nintendo #comic #electrictaleofpikachu #dengekipikachu #anime #pikachu #gymleader #pokemongym #pokemongymleader #brockpokemon
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pokechars · 6 years
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Of all Misties found in different Pokemon media, this one is definitely the most... unique.
A well-remembered classic from good ol’ times - Misty from “Electric Tale of Pikachu” (originally “Dengeki Pikachu”) manga by Toshiro Ono. The scan comes from the original Japanese version of the manga, the English one was... a bit different.
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pokechars · 6 years
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Sabrina from “Electric Tale of Pikachu” manga.
A very sympathetic representation of her, a total opposite of the Sabrina that we see in the anime (which the manga is based on). Her story is completely different too.
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