#dendro archon questline
Truly three types of people
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meguminne · 9 months
Love, Lost and Wandered࿐ ࿔*:・゚
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dainleif is scared of forgetting you, he would traverse the cursed plains of the irminsul to remember you. — cursed grounds that belonged to one of those damned archons just to remember you. his curse now includes you as well. im gonna be honest and tell you straight up idk how the irminsul or dainsleif work and whether or not this is accurate to their lore, i just want to write a devoted lover dain who’s willing to beg to the archons for reader like that one questline. also!! reblogs and follows are very appreciated as it lets me know you guys enjoy my writing!! . (reader x dainsleif) oct. 15 2023 part one (?)
dainsleif is too ashamed to admit this aloud but he finds himself forgetting you. who once was his most precious, his beloved; your voice, your laugh, even your smile. — the gods are merciless but were ‘kind’ enough to spare you from turning you into the hilichurls doomed to wander the earth, loyal only to their most primal instincts. they were ‘kind’ enough to spare you from the curse of immortality, the pain of living and unable to die. he wonders which fate would have been better for the both of you, but he does believe death has been the most merciful outcome.
the only thing he has of you is the memory of your name, the love he can’t forget, and the dreams you’ve left with him. — but they’re not immune to the weathering of time. he finds himself slipping, forgetting the little things that complete your image, the treasures he salvaged from the remnants of his home broken down with the centuries that came with immortality and the dreams you held with him now seem blurry as though he couldn’t fathom to sleep and dream without you. it’s been eons and yet he still hasn’t gotten used to your absence beside him.
when fate is kind enough to grant him the time to paint, his mind goes over to the idea of you and he seems to get the gist of your frame, your figure but your face only seems to be drawn as a mixture of swirls, indescribable and indistinguishable from the fog that surrounds the memory of you.
as much as he hated to admit it, he was slowly forgetting you.
but he’s not ready yet, to forget you is to let you die once and for all. he’s the only one who holds the memory of you and if he forgets, you’re gone forever. — amidst the false gods, their endless pride and the heavens; you were the angel that almost made dainsleif believe in divinity.
he’s desperate to maintain that memory of you, to keep you alive and beside him to the best of his ability for forgetting you might doom to an eternity of restless living cursed only for vengeance.
dainsleif was desperate enough to keep that memory of you that he was willing to trek onto the irminsul, the ‘sacred’ grounds of the dendro archon that records say remembers everything. the memories stored within the ley lines that have touched all of teyvat, the ley lines that rooted itself deep beneath the grounds; roots that listened to every drop of rain, whisper and wind. — he was willing to traverse and resort to the divinities he loathed just to remember you. whether it’s be by force, or if he had to kneel, beg and grovel at the archon’s feet just to be welcomed into the dreamlike plains; he would do it for his pride was nothing next to his devotion for you.
the only obstacle now was whether or not the archon, buer was willing to let a khaenri'ahn survivor step foot into the holy grounds. — or if he could even ask for help from the traveler..
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scaredpigeons · 1 year
Reincarnation Theory; an attempted breakdown on Alhaitham and Kavehs relationship that will never come to fruition because Hoyoverse are cowards— by Pidge.
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When I finally got my hands on Alhaitham, I was ecstatic. Not only because damn, I finally get to play as this hunky, genius know-it-all pretty boy who would surely never give me the time of day if we were in the same room, but because attaining his character in game gave me first class tickets to learning more about him.
Up until his release as a playable character, we didn’t really know much about Alhaitham. He seemed cocky and aloof, sure of himself and had the knowledge to back up those attributes. It was honestly a little frustrating to see a character who acted so much like one you’d want to hate, but you simply just…. Couldn’t. Because seriously…? He’s not wrong. Dig a little deeper, and a lot of players found his actions and personality type to be extremely autism coded, and honestly refreshing for a lot of neurodivergent players like myself, so used to never seeing “undesirable” personality traits in characters who are designed with the intention for you to love them.
Working on building up Alhaitham to be my main Dps was entertaining, and in doing so I ventured more into the desert, learning more and more about the mysterious King Deshret and his seemingly abandoned society.
The symbolism found within ruins and relics had me jumping to conclusions so quickly. Rushing to message my best friend and fellow genshin impact enthusiast, Kier, to tell them of my theory.
Alhaitham has to be a reincarnation of king deshret! There’s so much symbolic mirroring in his design, his constellation, everything! Even if he isn’t, he has to have something to do with this ancient society, I mean c’mon, look at him.
And Kier, ever the seemingly nihilistic critical thinker brushed me off.
I’ve not payed much attention to the desert lore so far, they’d said. It’s sort of boring and white washed, and I’m focusing on the archon quest line right now. But whatever you say, kiddo.
Of course being in the throes of a questline involving the dendro archon herself, and the questionable nature of the beloved scaramouche becoming a playable character, (I could write a whole essay on the problems of that story’s narrative alone, but I shall save that for another day) was enough to distract me from this thought process, but then he arrived.
Alhaitham’s story quest caused every cyno x haitham shipper to do a collective and dramatic record scratch, because who was this stunning blond bombshell and why is he so hot despite nagging at our boy?
Kaveh stole my heart immediately. One look at that little open back panel on his shirt and I was done for. And as the drip marketing started, and the leaks were sucked up the fans straws like a sugary drink on a hot summers day, I went digging.
Alhaitham has multiple voice lines dedicated to his flamboyant roommate, and several that mention him in passing. They have matching animations for when they are standing idle in game. Their signature dishes mimic foods from each others referenced cultures, even items within their Teapot gift sets are representative of each other in some way. For a game that so seemingly discourages relationships between adult playable characters (in favour of keeping an open ended relationship with the beloved traveller of course,) these two are seemingly more connected to each other than any two characters we’ve seen before.
So with my theory that Alhaitham is a reincarnation of King Deshret, that would make Kaveh the goddess of flowers, yeah?
That was my initial thought too, until I looked deeper and found the mirrors.
Mirror symbolism is extremely important to Alhaithams character. He is literally named after a prolific contributor to our understanding of vision, optics and light— Al-Hasan Ibn al-Haytham, born around a thousand years ago in present day Iraq. Alhaithams elemental skill and burst involve mirrors of dendro energy, which fly off and bounce off of each other when his burst is activated, much alike to how light bounces off a mirror.
Alhaithams character story lines mention that despite their seemingly tedious relationship, he really respects Kaveh and his intellect. Kaveh helps Alhaitham to look outside of his comfort zone, and Alhaitham helps keep Kaveh’s feet on the ground. He says they are excellent mirrors of one another, and takes their relationship as an opportunity to observe and learn things that he never might have without him.
Here’s where my blatant romanticism comes out to play. What if Kaveh is not the goddess of flowers, but the reincarnation of King Deshret himself? What if the two deities wanted to be reincarnated as perfect mirrors of one another, while still retaining qualities the other loved so dearly?
KD was very clearly an architect himself, the ruins and buildings of the desert are no small feat, which is what drew me to the idea that perhaps Kaveh is the king. Kaveh is an extremely skilled architect, literally known as the ‘light’ of his darshan. KD naturally would retain that love and devotion for aesthetics in design. But he loved the goddess of flowers, so why not reincarnate as someone she might love? Someone thoughtful and emotional, someone who cares, someone beautiful and full of life.
The goddess of flowers loved KD as well, for his undying will in his search for truth, for his strength, intelligence and ability to lead. Hell, she sacrificed herself just so he could get closer to his goal. But of course, she’d not be able to be rid of some of that care-free nature, that free will that lead her followers to love her so, hence her reincarnation into someone that Deshret would have loved, a person who dedicates their entire being to the truth, to the pursuit of knowledge, even if that means seeming self absorbed in the eyes of others (when in reality he’s only going to put effort into what is interesting to him, such is his own use of that free will.)
The GoF still roams the sands for her love, even though she’s not a fan of the sands that destroyed her in the first place, (Alhaithams ascension materials are found deep within desert caverns, “*tsk* there’s sand in my shoes”
And the mourning king still searches for his flowers that represent the love he lost so long ago. (KAVEHS ASCENSION MATS ARE MOURNING FLOWERS????)
Of course, this theory may change and grow as we learn more about Kaveh, as at the time i am writing this, he is still locked away in Hoyo’s basement. But rest assured, as soon as i get my hands on him i will take another deep dive into the lore behind these two morons, and we can further discover how connected they really are.
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mondaymelon · 1 year
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a day with the archons. pt 2 (honkai impact x genshin impact)
warnings/notes! part 1 can be found here! reader wakes up as elysia from honkai and is in teyvat, somehow - female reader, mentions of alcohol, written headcanon style, NAHIDAS PART IS SO WHOLESOME CRYING RN
(a/n) requested by 🪷 anon! my brain juice needs some refilling hjskskskskskskks - also u have ur own tag now hehe ill tag everything with you included with #🪷 anon so you can read them easier ^^
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She insisted on having tea with you, quite interested with the fact that you were an outlander not of this world or even of this universe.
You were only able to meet Ei, as the Shogun was out issuing a few decrees and speeches when you had arrived - mainly the ones to abolish the Sakoku Decree that remained since the Traveler had arrived.
You had brought some gifts, as you felt it was polite, and had heard word that Ei liked sweets. She especially enjoyed the dango that you had brought, and you silently promised to yourself to bring more if you ever had a chance.
Ei was incredibly polite and soft-spoken, at least when being compared the Shogun. You remembered the Inazuman questline, and it made you shudder to think actually having to live through that.
"Elysia... or... Elie. Can I call you that?"
Of course you agree, since how could you refuse her?
"It's strange. You're a being like the Traveler, yet you do not carry the essence of the stars, but the very universe itself. You are quite the interesting thing, and I'd like to get to know you more."
Needless to say, the two of you stayed up far into the night discussing hundreds of various topics. At first, Ei had some shogunate stand on guard at the doors and other entrances, but after a while she let them only guard the outside.
I guess you could say she had grown to trust you.
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She almost acts like a kid around you, and you would've believed the farce if not for the extensive Sumeru storyline.
Nahida seems extra bubbly around you, occasionally holding your hand as she leads you through crowded places, like the Sumeru Marketplace or even at times, the Academia.
Through her, you've come to met quite a few of the key figures in Sumeru. Al Haitham, Tighnari, Cyno, Nilou, Dehya, Candace... even Collei, Dori, Faruzan, and Layla! While you are more acquainted with some more than few, you're glad to at least have been able to leave the impression on them.
The two of you decided to have a picnic after the drama in Sumeru died down a bit more, on the outskirts of Sumeru City. For someone so relatively young compared the the rest of the archons, she knows her fair share of stories, and she'll go on and on excitedly as she recites them to you.
Turns out she's actually a skilled arts and crafts maker! It makes you happy to see that she's embracing more of her... creative self after being stuck in the same place for so long.
Nahida teaches you how to make flower crowns out of various Sumeru specialties, like Sumeru roses or Kalapata lotuses! Her knowledge on Sumeru wildlife is an endless stream, which you figure makes sense, considering she is the archon of Dendro.
''Ellie! I have a gift for you." The small girl giggles, holding something behind her back. "But you have to close your eyes, okay?"
As you do so, you can hear her stand on her tippie-toes to reach and place something on your head.
"You can open your eyes now!" As you do, you spot that Nahida's now donning a crown made of delicately thread kalapata-lotuses, and as you glance up, you see that you're wearing one yourself, one made of Sumeru's violet roses.
"Hehe! Now we're matching!"
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The first time you see him, it's at Angel Share. Surprisingly, he's not drinking, at least not yet, but instead playing away at his lyre with an otherworldly melody.
His fingerwork is perfectly precise, and you can't help but be entranced by his preformance.
You order a drink and take a seat at the nearest open table, watching and listening until Venti plays the last note on his lyre, which reverberates about the tavern like a reminiscent memory.
No one else in the bar seems to be sober enough to cheer, and it doesn't seem like the bartender cares, so you go up to him and personally give him a compliment, along with a fine bottle of dandelion wine you had bought just for the occasion.
He doesn't seem to be surprised when you tell him you know who he actually is, just grins and says, "Ehe, was it really that obvious?"
It doesn't take long for him to get absolutely wasted, but not before he's told you great deal about the history of Mondstadt and its people. He goes on and on when he gets to Vanessa, Mondstadt's hero like a proud parent before probably noticing your distant expression and changing the topic.
Turns out Venti knows more than he lets on. After a while into your conversation, his eyes light up as he questions, "You were looking for me, weren't you?"
Under his watchful gaze, you can't lie, nor were you planning to. As you tell him as much of your story in hushed undertones, at least as much as you'd like to share, Venti only nods understandingly and occasionally takes a sip or two of the wine you brought.
"I see... a person not of this..." He gestures a wobbly hand around the room. "Reality." You can tell he's going to black out sooner or later, but you try to keep him awake for as long as possible. Staring down at his flushed face and woozy expression, you have to hold back a good-natured giggle.
"Then let me ask you one question. Do you wish to go back?"
"Good." And with that, he's out for the count, snoring on his tavern stool peacefully.
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Zhongli was a busy man, you had concluded after trying to contact him several various times but only to be met by the a negative response each time.
One from Hu Tao - "Zhongli's currently down at the wharf, talking to some clients."
One from a fisherman on the dock - "That man? He's busy doing business in Northland Bank."
One from the kids on the street - "Mr. Zhongli is helping granny pick flowers!"
So when you finally get the chance to invite the distinguished man to Xinyue Kiosk, you do so with reckless abandon.
And, not surprisingly, he shows up. Zhongli is a man of his word, after all, considering he is, or used to be, the god of contracts.
After talking with him yourself, you could confirm just about every compliment you heard about him. He was level-headed, patient, understanding, and was shockingly wise.
Upon seeing you, he had given you a light bow, out of all things, before taking your hand and helping you to your chair. "Now then, the one from another universe, what do you inquire of me?
It had been a shock to see him treat you politely, considering you should've been the one to cater to him. "How could you tell?"
"It's... something in your eyes. People say eyes are the windows into the soul. Mine are filled with deep ombre colors, medals of my legacy and judgement. Yours..." The man paused, glancing up at you before continuing. "They are filled with a kaleidoscope of colorful hues, shades of sapphire, cerulean, ocean, amethyst, violet, lavender... it doesn't stop there, but I shan't bore you."
"Point being, your soul is untainted and brilliant, not one of this world." He gazed at you and smiled, his eyes twinkling. "Now then, shall I pour you some tea?"
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banjomelodies · 8 months
This might sound ridiculously stupid, but.
Why does nobody in Liyue acknowledge how a replacement archon never showed up after theirs supposedly died. The original Hydro Archon was replaced, same with Electro, and if you haven't done the Sumeru questline, the same goes for Dendro. So why are none of them wondering why a new geo archon has yet to surface?? The Archons, seem to always be present, whether if they're an original Archon, or one just created to replace one who fell (excluding Ei), so you'd, assume the people of Liyue would be expecting one, and then go, "Huh.. Why haven't we.. found one yet?"
I don't know if I missed lore somewhere or if the people of Liyue just kinda accepted that they're a godless nation now, but??
Are they not expecting it because new Archons take a while to pop up?? Or??
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 2 years
i will literally never shut up about venti and nahida they are besties they are siblings sumerus exploration mechanics rely heavily on music that you play on a lyre from mondstadt songs are so integral to aranara culture because each one has their own and aranara spend their entire existences learning others songs in an attempt to find the source song that venti probably has connections to because he knows every song past present and future venti says the dendro archons power of dreams is akin to his ballads so of course they'd get along (what does that mean what can your ballads do?) nahida is trapped by her own people and it is the power of anemo that frees her the aranara call the thousand winds Ad Oblivione "the wind that flows forever, the thousand winds that return to one" (in how time branches out? or how they return to a god?) nahida tells you stories in exchange for a mondstadt drink she specifically has a line about the mare jivari both her and venti have teapot chat voicelines about comforting the traveler through their troubles (ventis ending in him lending his shoulder and nahidas ending in a headpat which i find fucking adorable they care about the traveler so much but that's besides the point) both have connections to istaroth and both were said to be born from branches (ventis of time, which also could very well be irminsul depending on the rukkhadevata memory/time possibly stuff worked, nahida of irminsul) both are the only archons (so far? i doubt the rest will however) to help their nations throughout the entirety of their questlines both give you the most important lore drops of the story so far in their ending quests venti would totally play hopscotch with nahida and he'd 100% be the one to fully accept and understand her dookie analogies
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ac-liveblogs · 2 years
Golden Slumber further evidences my joke theory that there is (1) competent writer on genshin's writing team who understands subtlety, nuance and discrimination, but that they are locked in the basement for most of the year and only see the sun for one day every 6 months.
(Said writer is responsible for Cyno's characterisation and Itto's quest, obviously.)
It also staggers me that golden slumber -a questline which intentionally or unintentionally discusses and references Edward Said's Orientalism -exists in game where every time the followers of the scarlet king start talking about their god, the dendro archon/a follower of the dendro archon comes in to archonsplain the true history to these ignorant barbarians. The whiplash is unreal.
This quest is also making me realise how much I wish the scarlet king were actually revived (maybe as a playable character).
Like can you imagine the emotional conflict and drive it would create for Nahida and Deshret for Deshret to come back and realise that, though they weren't betrayed in the moment of their death, in the centuries after, Nahida's people endlessly exploited theirs. That the sages threw away their 'human trash' to Aaru village without compensation. That they systematically painted over the desert's true history to demonise the scarlet king. That Nahida did nothing throughout all this. (Because she couldn't do anything. It absolves her, but is she frustrated about it? Guilty? There's material here!)
It'd give the Desert side of the equation a codified and important leader (unlike the big eremite who got jobbed by Dehya) and also have the advantage of grounding the conflict in the present and not 500 yrs ago.
Then again, this is the game where Nahida says "the sages have never done anything wrong until they started harvesting dreams" despite witnessing hundreds of years of discrimination so maybe she just doesn't care. There are people online who say she has no obligation to protect them but like, lmao, sometimes the obligation is just there by morality and capacity, lol.
See, I'm pretty sure that HYV cares about two things - lore, and the Archons. Most character or storyline pretty much just exists to facilitate learning about those things, so in, like, Sumeru - the storyline about the Eremites is only just barely about the Eremites. It's about learning about King Deshret's history with Rukkhadevata, and the Eremite rebellion is used as a vehicle to make that lore relevant so it can be explained to the player.
There's an Eremite rebellion because [x] > We now have to learn how that happened! > We have learnt something cool about Rukkhadevata! > We don't need the Eremite rebellion storyline anymore. They're just cool and over it now that they know the truth. But we WILL keep using them to exposit more Godlore! (Except we already said they got history wrong so uhhhh, the person that has to exposit is-)
It's Watatsumi all over again. The rebellion doesn't matter, shh, the oppression and grievances of their people are just window dressing that we'll do the absolute bare pathetic minimum to address, just absorb all the lore about their dead god, isn't that so much more interesting? Does Kokomi get to be involved in the Ekanomiya exploration? Lmao are you joking??? Why would we want HER here??? Go talk to a million ghosts instead, isn't that so much better.
So that's kind of the angle I view the writing of almost every storyline from, and the function of almost every sidequest character? They just want you to know the lore and craft their storylines around delivering that. They might accidentally write a good character or quest despite this (Sacred Sakura Cleansing still stands on top), but I really don't get the sense they're that interested in actually writing their characters or storylines beyond the scope of a wikipedia summary.
*cough* scaramouche *cough cough*
Which is a really long way of saying - sorry, anon, I emotionally checked out of Sumeru's sidequests because they take too damn long so I hit button mash central midway through the Aranara questline and I from what I've accumulated through social media, it doesn't really sound like I've missed all that much. I know the general plot beats of Golden Slumber and how it ends, but I skipped through most of it.
I just don’t think HYV cares at all about the storyline they’ve created with the Eremites beyond how it can be used to Drop Lore about Deshret and Rukkhadevata (and related). They’ll do the bare minimum to wrap it up once it’s not useful anymore. 
I was thinking about King Deshret as a reincarnated character yesterday and originally thought it might be interesting, but I think I would have preferred... I don't know, Rukkhadevata genuinely Did A Bad for what she thought were the right reasons, and Nahida has to accept and make amends for that? It could end up being her first big Action as an Archon - one that sets her apart from both her predecessor and the Akademiya.
I get the sense in Sumeru that HYV is waaaaay more interested in Deshret than they are in uhhhh almost anyone else except Nahida? Is it just me that gets that sense? I can't imagine things would improve if Deshret was a modern character. Tbh, the less gods in the main cast the better. But you know what would be cool?
If we learnt what Cyno's damn headpiece meant
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|| So I think now would be a good time to address Lyudmila and the ending of Sumeru’s questline... I’ve talked to Mira (my Rukkha) and we’ve figured somethings out!! First off, we’re NOT changing our story with Mila and Ilana, just tweaking it to fit better. And we’re just SLIGHTLY bending canon to have everything fit (and not really even bending it, but just making headcanons that twist a few words). 
To avoid spoilers, the specifics are under the cut.
First off, the Archons DO remember Rukkha. Nahida doesn’t remember because it’s important that she doesn’t, since she is next Archon to lead Sumeru. All of humankind doesn’t remember since they are very much grounded to Teyvat. However, the Traveler DOES remember bc they aren’t from this world, and the other Archons do because their connection to Celestia makes them above Teyvat in a way. 
So Lyudmila remembers her. And it BREAKS her to realize that her love is now completely gone from this world. No one remembers her except for the Archons, so Lyudmila can’t even express her pain since no one will know what she’s even talking about. She didn’t know this would happen. 
Another thing, Nahida is still their daughter. There have been different versions of Rukkha before, but even as Rukkha said herself, Nahida is different. Why is that? Maybe it’s because of the different things she has experienced, like being stuck in her room for 500 years. I like to think it’s more biological. Rukkha needed a new version of herself, but one that would be better than the rest. Asexual reproduction doesn’t bring about change because it’s the same genetic composition. However, two-parent reproduction takes the genes of both, which allows for better rates of survival from the changes that come. 
Ilana knew this and wanted the best “new version” of the Dendro Archon as possible, so that’s what she and Lyudmjila did. Rukkha broke off a small branch of Irminsul, and Lyudmila covered it with a gentle frost. And that’s why Nahida loves her people so much. Rukkha loved them as well, but this is a bit different. It’s part of Lyudmila’s power as the Goddess of Love. 
Lyudmila didn’t know of Rukkha’s plan to disappear from this world entirely, and that’s the only reason Lyudmila helped her. She knew that this isn’t the first time she would “die” and come back as something else, but since they were doing this a different way, she assumed Rukkha could live too. She didn’t realize that she already knew she was going to die, and eventually go completely forgotten. Otherwise Lyudmila would want to find another way when there wasn’t any time.
And lastly, this was caused by Celestia still, so Lyudmila still hates them. They told Celestia together that wiping out a whole civilization is wrong BEFORE the actual battle. That’s when they inflicted the forbidden knowledge back onto Sumeru (or, rather, CAUSED the knowledge to be forbidden by their heavenly principles). They hurt what matters most to Rukkha, which is her people and Irminsul, and they took away what matters most to Mila, which was her lover. 
If you guys have any questions still, ask away and I’ll talk about it with Mira!! ^w^
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crownshattered · 9 months
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|| So I think now would be a good time to address Lyudmila and the ending of Sumeru’s questline… I’ve talked to Mira (my Rukkha) and we’ve figured somethings out!! First off, we’re NOT changing our story with Mila and Ilana, just tweaking it to fit better. And we’re just SLIGHTLY bending canon to have everything fit (and not really even bending it, but just making headcanons that twist a few words). 
To avoid spoilers, the specifics are under the cut.
First off, the Archons DON'T remember Rukkha. However, Mira's top three harbingers (she has all of my main harbingers) do remember for various reasons. Mira’s Pierro (she is also my main for the Harbingers), along with Columbina, weren’t affected by the sudden absence of Rukkhadevata. Ilana also had a failsafe for when this change occurs, which would restore Lyudmila’s memories of her lover when the time came. Pierro was the one to return the memories to Lyudmila, since he, Mila, and Ilana were once friends. THAT is how she remembers now~
So Lyudmila remembers her. And it BREAKS her to realize that her love is now completely gone from this world. No one remembers her except for Pierro and Columbina (that she knows of), so Lyudmila can’t even express her pain since no one will know what she’s even talking about. She didn’t know this would happen. 
Another thing, Nahida is still their daughter. There have been different versions of Rukkha before, but even as Rukkha said herself, Nahida is different. Why is that? Maybe it’s because of the different things she has experienced, like being stuck in her room for 500 years. I like to think it’s more biological. Rukkha needed a new version of herself, but one that would be better than the rest. Asexual reproduction doesn’t bring about change because it’s the same genetic composition. However, two-parent reproduction takes the genes of both, which allows for better rates of survival from the changes that come. 
Ilana knew this and wanted the best “new version” of the Dendro Archon as possible, so that’s what she and Lyudmjila did. Rukkha broke off a small branch of Irminsul, and Lyudmila covered it with a gentle frost. And that’s why Nahida loves her people so much. Rukkha loved them as well, but this is a bit different. It’s part of Lyudmila’s power as the Goddess of Love. 
Lyudmila didn’t know of Rukkha’s plan to disappear from this world entirely, and that’s the only reason Lyudmila helped her. She knew that this isn’t the first time she would “die” and come back as something else, but since they were doing this a different way, she assumed Rukkha could live too. She didn’t realize that she already knew she was going to die, and eventually go completely forgotten. Otherwise Lyudmila would want to find another way when there wasn’t any time.
And lastly, this was caused by Celestia still, so Lyudmila still hates them. They told Celestia together that wiping out a whole civilization is wrong BEFORE the actual battle. That’s when they inflicted the forbidden knowledge back onto Sumeru (or, rather, CAUSED the knowledge to be forbidden by their heavenly principles). They hurt what matters most to Rukkha, which is her people and Irminsul, and they took away what matters most to Mila, which was her lover. 
If you guys have any questions still, ask away and I’ll talk about it with Mira!! ^w^
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jayisabells · 1 year
(I realized I forgot to post this a couple days ago, so since I'm in lore brainrot right now, I shall post it. There are no spoilers for the recent quests in this one)
Crazy genshin theory that I will go more in depth with later, but let me tell you about the most important book series in the game: Teyvat Travel Guide by Alice member of that witch order who is especially important because they focus their work on the key lines and Irminsul.
And you know what info people will know after learning about Irminsul, you can change the past? And how do preserve the past? With books.
We already how book series in the game, such as the the Boar Princess and Fischl's stories. I will say that Fischl' stories are possibly a parrelel to the traveler's/their sibling's story, not necessarily made to preserve their story Irminsul, unless the abyss sibling knew they were added/going to be added into Irminsul. The Boar Princess on the other hand, has been a topic of debate regarding lore. What it means, is an an anthology of another true story, etc?
With the interlude quest involving Scaramouche and Irminsul, we know Nahida was able to preserve knowledge of him by creating a story about him. It was pretty vague about it being about a person, using animals and such instead.
Now what about stories involving people in Irminsul? When Scaramouche erased himself out of it, it didn't change the outcome of the tartirigami incident, but it chanhed how it happen. Essentially erasing his involvement.
Teyvat Travel Guide is not vague though, but I believe, similar to how the tartirigami incident remained the same, if this era in Teyvat's history was erased, or more like the people involved in it, the guide serves as a vague basis for it. And possibly it serves as a guide for Alice herself in case she gets erased.
Other thoughts:
The samsara/era of Teyvat. The reason why I say samsara is because the samsara doesn't necessarily imply reincarnation, or a time loop*, but different time periods in Teyvat where things repeat themselves. For example we have repeats in certain groups. And I cannot say this enough, this is NOT reincarnation, I will scream the next time someone brings up the Alhaithan is the reincarnation of Deshret because no wrong.
Example 1: Venti, Jean, Diluc, and the Traveler fighting Dvalin is reminiscent of the group Venti's friend led against the God of Storms. In this case, Jean and Diluc are descendants of them, but they are not reincarnations. The traveler and Venti represent Venti himself and his friend.
Example 2: Nahida, Alhaitham, Cyno, and possibly Nilou. Nahida being the Dendro Archon, Alhaitham representing King Deshret, Cyno representing the priest, and Nilou possibly representing the Goddess of flowers. They are not reincarnations of the characters they represent, and in my opinion, there is not much to justify saying they descendants either. In Nilou's case, there is not to go on other than, flowers.
Example 3: The traveler and Paimon. Essentially we are repeating the journey through Teyvat the Abyss sibling went through with Dainslef. I mean look at the Aranara questlines, the traveler is doing the same thing as their sibling did for them.
I feel like you can find other examples as well, but they are much more vague or involve a lot more of explaining.
Could memories other characters have of the travler be erased from Irminsul? We already know the Abyss sibling has been added to Irminsul, but the question is how. Everyone could collectively forgot that someone else was involved in all their quests and stories. And the traveler would remember. And is it possible for the traveler to be added? And would their sibling forget? Maybe if the traveler gets so involved in Teyvat, like their sibling did, Teyvat would recognize them as part of it
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dourpeep · 2 years
Cyro here! Pyro is doing good, she is saving for scar. She has wanted him forever. She got Nilou and Nilou's weapon. Her Nilou's hp puts my almost 50k Zhongli and Kokomi to shame. I think with resonance it's at 60k +.
As for teams I used Nahida and Albedo? For the dendro bean I have her with Cyno, Zhongli and Kokomi. She is great at boosting Cyno's em. Plus zhongli and kokomi's elemental damages.
For Albedo I have him with the geo squad of Zhongli, Itto, and Gorou. I love watching the enemies get killed by resonance of pillar and elevator. I also have a weird team of Albedo and Kazuha with either a mix of different types of elements. Put elevator and pull them in with Kazuha. They get killed by the geo damage and what ever swirl.
Pyro also wants to get a childe con in the upcoming banners as well as his weapon. I still lack a childe or yae. But I'm saving for alhaitham.
Ooo that's fantastic! I've been hearing a lot of good when it comes to Nilou, since my sibling rolled for her haha. I've yet to experience her in action apart from the character quest and trials though nodnod
And ahhh yes that sounds pretty good. I'm really loving dendro a ton! Before I never actually went for reaction-based teams because they didn't feel good to me handling-wise, thus my usual geo-anemo or physical team comps, but yesyesyes I bet that your Nahida, Cyno, Zhongli, Koko team absolutely shreds
I love mono geo haha that and the Albedo + Kazu on the same team because that just makes it so much easier. Kazuha really pulls his weight mmhm mmmhm
And hey!! Hopefully he'll have a banner coming up (wait is his banner the second half of this update?? I've forgotten OTL) so you won't have to wait for too much longer. Same with Alhaitham. I wouldn't be surprised if we see him become playable in the next three or so updates since we're just about wrapped up with Sumeru's archon questline
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