#denchu still wanting to get to the bottom of what happened and stay behind…being the last stand
palossssssand · 6 months
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A short comic about Denchu, the last of the squad members who stayed behind in the domes, and Kanu, who went to the surface in search of the ones who went missing.
Text below in case my handwriting isn’t very legible!
Denchu: Please please please go through…
D: …
Kanu: zzzt…Denchu?
D: Kanu…!! Oh thank cod-
K: Perfect timing! I have something good to show, er, tell you!
D: -sniff- Oh yeah? Tell me all about it…How have you been? What’s new?
K: I just finished putting up my storefront sign!
D: Really?! That’s so great!! So, money hasn’t been too tight?
K: Nah, the folks here have been helpin’ me out. It’s been pretty smooth sailing.
D: I see. Seems like you’ve been doing well.
K: Yup.
K: And also! My beard’s finally coming in!
D: Aaah what!!! I’ll bet it’s soo cute…What I’d give to see you right now…
K: So, how about you? Still hangin’ in there?
D: Mm. Well, it’s been okay…
D: You have no idea how many times I’ve had to fix this thing.
K: Like…10?
D: More like 20. The damn parts are so fiddly.
K: Yeesh!
D: I don’t get that much time to work on this, y’know. I’m surprised it even went through.
K: Well, you know me. I fix mine up every now and then. I think I know how.
D: How’s the search for Kinoga, Trito, and Agara?
K: …
D: …Kanu?
K: Well, I haven’t seen or heard anything. I promise I have been keeping my eyes out, but, y’know, I’ve been so busy with the shop stuff-and I’m still workin’ on the new arm…so…
D: …Kanu…
D: You can’t go forgetting why you’re up there. They’re important to you, to us. If we don’t find out what happened…then…then.
K: …I know. Sorry, Denchu.
K: I wish you could come see…It’s been so nice up here, I mean, I think you’d love it-
D: Kanu.
K: Maybe you should join me and we can look together-
D: Kanu. I can’t.
D: I have to be here in case they come back. Or else there won’t be anything for them to come back to, okay?
D: Even if they don’t…I have to hope that they might.
D: I don’t get it, Kanu. It’s unlike them to just. Leave. Something must have *happened*.
D: It’s so lonely…I miss everyone so much…I don’t know how much longer I can hold out…
K: Denchu…you’d better not be crying again…I’m gonna feel bad about not being there to comfort you.
D: Well, I am…I can’t help it…-sniff-
D: Nobody higher up wants to listen to me…or investigate…and I know something’s wrong and…and…
D: I can’t do anything about it…!!
D: I feel like it’a a miracle that I’m even talking to you right now.
D: …Sorry.
K: It’s okay, Denchu.
D: I just…I missed hearing your voice. I don’t know when I’ll get to hearing it again.
K: Though, if it’s in a few months, it might get deeper again.
D: Kanu!
K: What! It’s true!
D: Ha ha ha
K: Oop. I’ve just got a shipment of new parts. I gotta go
D: Aw…
D: Okay…Well…I’ll talk to you hopefully soon. I’ll miss you.
K: Okay. Love you.
D: Love you too.
D: And…if you feel like you don’t know what to do…you know where I’ll be.
D: …
D: How am I supposed to leave the only thing I’ve ever known?
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