#denblocked reboot
denblockedreboot · 2 years
Game Start
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[ID: A shot of a gray planet floating in space. It has 1 moon, colored tan.]
In the quiet sea of space, a planet thrums with life. What is the name of this planet...
Ah, yes.
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[ID: A Homestuck-style sprite stands in a room. The sprite is orange, with black hair, a gray cap, a black tank top, gray cargo pants, and brown shoes. She is wearing sunglasses, and a fang peeks out of her mouth as she smiles.]
A young sauros stands in her room. Although it was 12 ORBITS AGO that she was given life, it is only today that she will be given a name.
(For reference, 12 Solar Orbits equals 13 Earth Years.)
(Earth, for further reference, is a planet that may not exist.)
What will the name of our young friend be?
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denblocked · 2 years
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denblockedreboot · 2 years
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[ID: A view of the Astairetop’s desktop. Two yellow icons for Client and Server applications are visible, as is a blue chat window. Behind the window is the base chat program window.]
The program(s?) install easily enough: one CLIENT file, and one SERVER file. According to your GOOD FRIEND, you shouldn’t boot up the CLIENT executable until it’s “go time”, in his opinion.
In THEORY, you could start the SERVER application now, but potentially playing alone feels a little silly. You wish you’d thought to get an estimate of how much TIME your friend thought this would take - he’s usually pretty good at such predictions. And he’s not the only one...
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[ID: The same shot of the Astairetop, now with a question-mark bubble coming out the side.]
Oh, speak of the devil, twice over.
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[ID: A closeup of Termix on her Astairetop, split-screened with a shadowy figure with a pink laptop of their own.]
-AlwaysTalkingArt began bothering ApexTierTracker at 12:29- Botherlog:
ATA: HI Termix! HAppy HATCHday! ATT: Hehe, hello! Thank you! ATA: HM, it’s kind of yanno weird to THink of you as the youngest of us, really. ATA: You’re so muCH more mature THan.... ATA: UH ATA: All of us! lol ATT: Haha! I dunno about that! x) ATA: It’s true! ATA: So, I HEard you were planning to play a certain game today... :) ATT: Goodness, I wonder where you could have encountered that little rumor? xD ATA: HEHEHE! ATT: I heartell you’re receiving physical discs with which to play? Have they come yet? I’d love to play with everyone, even though I doubt we can get everyone on board at once. B) ATA: HMmmm well I can’t yanno confirm nor deny THat one, aHAHA. ATA: But yes I SHould be getting THe discs from our mutual buddy TAA today! ATT: Our mutual buddy TAA, huh? ATA: Yep! ATT: Is there a special reason we aren’t using our mutual buddy TAA’s name today? x) ATA: HAHAHA well yanno! ATA: I am ruled by oTHerwordly directives to be cagey and mysterious at times! lmao ATT: I see, I see. ATT: So, I can count on you playing with us today? ATA: I sure HOpe so! ATA: I won’t be able to play until muCH later, I’m afraid. ATA: Maybe you SHould try drumming up some more players! I’m sure THe rest of our similarly mysterious friends and UHHHHH ATA: WHatever TTA is to us ATA: would love to play! ATT: He’s not so bad... ATA: HE’s... pretty bad, Termix. ATT: ... ATT: Okay maybe he is. But maybe he isn’t! ATA: HAHA! ATA: Maybe HE just needs a good role model or two in HIs life? ATT: Maybe he’ll grow and learn and understand the true power of friendship over the course of the game! ATA: And apologize to TAT! ATT: And conjure rainbows out of his hands! ATA: LMAO ATA: Anyways, I THink I HEar THe courier service so I’m gonna go UH ATA: stammer awkwardly at THem like a tool until I get my discs. ATT: Don’t be so hard on yourself! <B( ATT: Good luck! ATA: HAHA THanks.
-AlwaysTalkingArt ceased bothering ApexTierTracker-
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denblockedreboot · 2 years
>Get Bothered.
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[ID: Zooming back in on Termix, a dark red book with a flowchart on it appears in the upper left corner. A bubble comes out of the book: in the center of the bubble is a pair of crossed daggers. Termix is surprised.]
Oh, hey!
>Get ye computational device.
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[ID: The book remains in the corner. Termix has turned around and retrieved the Astairetop, and the crossed-daggers bubble is coming out of it, now.]
You pop out your convenient NOVELTY FLATTOP. You recovered it from an ARCHAEOLOGICAL DIG with your GUARDIAN some time ago.
It probably would have been faster to walk over to your OFFSCREEN COMPUTER TOWER but to be honest, you’re just enjoying how convenient your new CLASSIFICATION MODUS is. A swell hatchday gift from your GUARDIAN. MUCH better than that mess you were using before!
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[ID: A closeup of Termix using the Astairetop. The crossed-daggers bubble is still prevalent.]
>Termix: Answer Buddy.
Oh, speak of the devil! It’s your friend, the one you’ve been plotting game-playing with.
-TechnologicalAficionadoAce began bothering ApexTierTracker at 12:06!-
TAA: hey happy hatcheth ATT: Haha ty! :) TAA: so, what kind of insane loot did you rake in today ATT: Lol! ATT: I got a new Modus! ATT: It’s super handy already. :) TAA: pfft what TAA: is that all? if we ever meet irl i'm gonna shower u with gifts, i stg TAA: i mean. SOMEONE should. ATT: You’re sweet. xD TAA: big doubt but whatever TAA: anyways: video games ATT: Haha yeah! ATT: I’m ready whenever you are. :) TAA: sweet. but, uh. ATT: ? TAA: last minute change TAA: i have to deal with some stuff on my side TAA: it’s... complicated. TAA: short version: you can install the second program whenever you like, but DO NOT start the first one until I tell you, okay? ATT: Sure, I guess. Can you tell me why? TAA: shenanigans ATT: Somehow, I knew you were going to say that. TAA: did you? ATT: Perhaps.... TAA: ... ATT: ... TAA: ... ATT: ... ATT: Nah, I’m just messing with you. TAA: KNEW IT TAA: I’ve cracked The Code, everyone! ATT: Lmao! ATT: I guess I should get on my PC for the file installation then. TAA: o ya - TechnologicalAficionadoAce sent file client.exe, server.exe- ATT: :o ATT: Thanks! TAA: natch ATT: I don’t mind waiting until everything’s set up before starting, you know. :) ATT: I’m waiting on unca to get back anyways! TAA: man when r u NOT ATT: .... TAA: shit TAA: sorry TAA: srsly tho that guy leaves you hanging WAY too much ATT: :/ TAA: fine i’ll step off TAA: god did you say your pc? TAA: that thing is decrepit, term TAA: i think it’s older than ata’s and i had to send him fuckin PHYSICAL DISCS to get him going ATT: Hush, you. My computer is fine. x) TAA: p sure it’s older than all of us put together TAA: at least let it run an update or something ATT: I can’t do that. TAA: you totally can, actually! ATT: No, I ATT: I’d have to restart it. TAA: ... TAA: Look, tell you what. TAA: Try the files on your weird alien flattop and tell me how it works. TAA: and i’ll work on your pee-cee woes another day ATT: Pee-cee.... TAA: yes yes realized as soon as i hit enter TAA: files ATT: Yessir, tech wizard, sir! o7 TAA: lol TAA: i gotta wrangle some shit, ttyl ATT: I’ll be waiting as always. :) TAA: byyyyyyeeeee -TechnologicalAficionadoAce ceased bothering ApexTierTracker-
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denblockedreboot · 1 year
That reminds you, another pal said she had a gift on the way for you. You wonder if has arrived yet.
===> Peek out the window.
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[ID: Termix’s cap is visible as she looks out the window, which opens on a pink desert with a blue sky. A bright pink parcel is floating down.]
There it is! You didn’t doubt she’d come through, but it’s still nice to see.
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[ID: A sketchy Termix looks thoughtful. She stands in a simplified version of her room, with a pink bearskin rug on the floor and a pink plant in a pot behind her.]
Still, it looks like the package is going to touch down a bit aways from your den... You wonder if it would be wise to get it.
You suppose you have time, according to your GOOD FRIEND.
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denblockedreboot · 2 years
Well, it was good to talk with him! You wonder when he’ll be ready to play.
You could go outside or mess around with your archaeology spoils, but first you want to check in on some friends.
Who…. no, not him, you’ll need a moment after that last conversation. And her icon is blanked out, and you know she doesn’t like sudden chat requests. Guess that narrows it down!
- ApexTierTracker began bothering AcousticAndTranquil at 12:51 -
ATT: Hello! AAT: hheeeeeyyyY! AAT: hows you? ATT: Pretty good, haha! ATT: How have you been? AAT: GOOD! AAT: haha not thta good lollll AAT: but good1 ATT: Haha! AAT: O RITE AAT: inst a big day for u or? AAT: think a bro metnioned that! ATT: It is my hatchday, yes. x) AAT: “:DDDD AAT: happeth1 AAT: 8HAPPY HATCHETH ATT: Haha, ty! ATT: I was hoping to play a game today! ATT: It’s multiplayer, so I was thinking you could join. AAT: o surf! AAT: *sure AAT: now/ ATT: Not quite yet. ATT: I have the ‘server’ and ‘client’ files downloaded, but apparently need to wait before starting. AAT: o1 AAT: the yellow thigns! ATT: Yes, those. AAT: the denwindowarrow and spriograph ATT: Yep! ATT: You have seen them? B? AAT: yeh he made me dwonlad em…. uhhhhhh AAT: SME time ago AAT: like last weak? AAT: *wek AAT: **frogetit ATT: lol ATT: Well, okay! I guess you’re ready to play whenever we start, then! ATT: And I have it on good authority that our favorite artist may want to join in, if he can make time. B) AAT: oooh AAT: brb goann mother him bout it!! AAT: *BOTHER AAT: you know ATT: Haha, I’m sure he’d be happy to hear from you. ATT: I’ll let you know when we’re starting. AAT: wil do! AAT: OH AAT: WAIT ATT: ? AAT: I just remembered i *DID* rember tyour hatchday!! AAT: i sent gift uhhh AAT: probably same day i got bothered into downloadeding the things AAT: should be there soon! ATT: Aw, you didn’t have to do that, but thank you. B,) ATT: I’ll let you know when I get it, then! AAT: hehe yw! AAT: tt whenever!! ATT: Later!
- ApexTierTracker ceased bothering AcousticAndTranquil -
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[ID: Another splitscreen of Termix, this time on the right side, opposite a shadowy figure with long hair and a pale blue computer.]
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denblockedreboot · 2 years
>Retrieve arms from SYLLADEX.
Well, you don’t know about your sylladex, but you have plenty of ARMS in your Strife Portfolio!
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[ID: A Strife Portfolio, packed with Specibus cards. There is room for perhaps one more card; the rest is incredibly crowded.]
>Boggle vacantly at shenarmigans.
You’re not sure why you would BOGGLE AT THIS. Filling up your ludicrous STRIFE PORTFOLIO has been a GROUP PROJECT between yourself and your guardian for quite some time. There’s only one left to go...
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[ID: Termix holds up the packed Strife Portfolio. We can see that she is wearing faded gray fingerless gloves in this shot.]
Good grief this thing is huge. You could fatally bludgeon an unlucky felid with it. Best be careful! Or at least, you could do so if the game abstraction was a physical object. Wait, how are you.... you know what? Just be careful with that thing.
Sometimes you think it’d be much simpler to go with plain ol’ JOKERKIND. Far less internal sorting and probably less risk of accidentally ALLOCATING objects rather than just CAPTCHALOGUING THEM.
Oh, well.
There is ONE SLOT LEFT in your absurd STRIFE PORTFOLIO, a card you and your GUARDIAN have been seeking for quite some time. It is your hope that today, your HATCHDAY, he will locate it and you will finally be able to use that totally bitchin’ weapon that’s been collecting dust for most of your life.
You return the STRIFE PORTFOLIO to its rightful placement of gaming abstrata.
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denblockedreboot · 2 years
>Ms. Orange Creamsicle.
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[ID: The name appears in orange over the character’s head; she makes the question-mark mouth in response.]
Okay, no, this just ridiculous. Look at this nonsense! The text is too long to even fit into the box with the correct scaling. Can people even make mouths like that?
Try again, please.
>Termix Saoirse.
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[ID: The name appears, with a checkmark next to it. Termix gives a little smile.]
Much better.
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[ID: The camera pulls out to display Termix in the center of her bedroom. On the left side of the image is a frame on the wall, a bookshelf with a stuffed cat and tool kit on top, and another plush cat at the bottom corner. On the right is a window showing a daylit pink landscape, a mound of stacked animal skulls, a trowel, a bed?, and a pink bearskin rug.]
Your name is TERMIX SAOIRSE. If you lived in a universe with slightly stricter nominative regulations, your last name might look more like SORIS, or SARSH, or any number of such things. Good thing you don’t have to worry about that!
You have a PASSION FOR ARCHAEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY, or at least you WOULD IF YOUR SOCIETY RECOGNIZED THOSE SCIENTIFIC FIELDS. As it is, you just really like digging up old things and coming up with stories for them!
When you’re not fighting for your life in real life, that is.
And sometimes, just sometimes, you’d LIKE TO PLAY A GAME.
By sheer, unadulterated coincidence, YOUR GOOD FRIEND has planned with you to PLAY SUCH A GAME TODAY. Wow!
As mentioned, TODAY IS YOUR HATCHDAY. You have a big day ahead of you!
What will you do?
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denblockedreboot · 2 years
Denblocked Reboot
 What is this?
Denblocked is a fan adventure I made back on the MSPA forums, waaaay back in the early 2010s. It was mirrored here and here, though I was never able to keep the mirrors up to date.
 A Homestuck FA in 2023? Really?
Really. I've had it on the mind for some time, and when it comes down to it, this is a story that I would like to 1) finish, and 2) share.
 What is this "reboot" going to look like?
There's going to be changes, big and small. I hope to share a story that feels both familiar and fresh.
In practical terms, I'm planning to update here and on AO3, primarily with image+text updates. Given the nature of both sites, I expect to be more text-heavy than I was before. I'd like to do animations and such as well, we'll see.
 Will there be reader input?
Absolutely! Reader suggestions can add a lot of variety and fun to the story, as evidenced by Homestuck itself.
I will moderate responses and even close comments if absolutely necessary, but I really hope it won't come to that.
Aside from rereading Homestuck prime itself, I read all of Candy and part of Meat. I've played the first Hiveswap installment. That's the extent of my experience with Official Homestuck Content (also, Paradox Space).
I've also been following/reading these two liveblogs. Aside from that, I've been going over my old Denblocked installments, though the death of the forum and general age of the work has cut into that some.
 That's not how [thing] works.
A lot of Homestuck elements are ambiguous or retconned one way or another. The plan is to be faithful without reinventing the wheel, but also not copying every single line. It's a tough balance.
Also some endgame choices still rub me the wrong way and Hussie has limited power here, so anticipate some changes!
 Will [character] be in here?
We'll see!
 How long is this going to be?
Again, we'll see. I've been condensing some early elements to make more sense, move faster, etc. I'm planning to post the beginning of Act 1 Part 1 before January is over. My Ultimate Goal is to keep posting until the story is entirely finished, however long that ultimately takes.
The current plan is to post more regular-style short updates to the Denblocked Tumblr, then collate all of one part to make a chapter on AO3 until the Act in question is done. Then, start a new fic for the next Act until the story is done (My current estimate is 3 Acts, much shorter than Homestuck's count ofc. That may grow or change as more updates are forthcoming.)
Why a new Denblocked Blog?
To be frank, the previous blog is a mess that I haven’t worked on in a while. I think it would be simpler and easier just to start fresh, though the old blog will remain up for posterity.
Also.... A lot of people have turned from love to hate re: Homestuck, or generally think it's cringe. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I totally get where a lot of this is coming from. That said, if you don't like Homestuck.... I think maybe you won't enjoy reading a Homestuck Fan Adventure.
For Tumblr users: would you rather see Longer Posts put under Readmores, or would you rather they be posted at full length and let the auto-shorten function do its work?
Lastly, for Tumblr Tags, I will be tagging the first post of an Act with “Homestuck”, but just the first post.
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[ID: An Homestuck-style sprite with orange skin and a tiny fang stands in her room. She is ready to start.] See you soon!
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