#denali's shenanigans
I freaking adore the FNAF movie. It was everything that I had hoped for and more.
I was not super big into FNAF in terms of ever playing the games as an older teen, Yet FNAF had been something that has been around for a big majority of my adult life and had has gained my interest heavily as of recently. I highly doubt that i would ever actually play any FNAF game but that's okay.
The movie was a long time coming but i would not change a thing about this movie. I will probably be talking about the movie and FNAF in general for weeks.
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How I see the Denalis some of the time:
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The other part of my mind of how I see them:
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Welcome to the Chibi-Denalis(Chibi-nalis? Chibinalis?) Idk lol(a small segment of how my chaotic mind sees them in chibi doodle form)
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Tanya? When not leader mode? Affectionate, koala hug/backpack mode, you cannot pry her off you once she is on.
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Kate shenanigans...
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Time with Irina best spent not in chaos
[Most of how I see them influenced by fanfictions/tumblr postings I've read[except Kate, Kate you can clearly get chaos vibes from its very clearly there])
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Out of all your stories, which one do you think Aro faces the most baffling (sheer confusion, "wait what") situation? Even the ones he doesn't appear on and just learns what happens in the aftermatch can count.
This was surprisingly difficult, so I'm just going to pick one and I'm sure @therealvinelle will argue with me or offer up a counter example.
I'm going to choose And Then There Were None by me and @therealvinelle
Aro doesn't come in until the epilogue and this is because he has a large "wait, what" moment off-screen. He first notices that the Cullens have all suddenly died save Carlisle and Renesmee who have run off to live in the middle of nowhere. Aro is very confused, wondering what could have happened to them, but decides after the Breaking Dawn debacle that it doesn't concern him.
Then the Denali are all murdered, then the Irish, the list goes on and it's all of Carlisle's friends all around the world who were at the trial.
"The fuck?" Aro asks and wonders why this is happening. Someone's clearly killing off all his enemies but it's not him and not making him look good.
When the number ticks up to 30 (30?!) he finally cracks and seeks out Carlisle for an explanation. He's prepared for anything. He's not prepared for anything. The explanation is that Bella Swan went crazy and killed everyone.
Why did she go crazy? Nobody knows, but it seems to have to do with Jacob having jumped off a cliff (and whether this was suicide or not is also unclear). How did she manage it? Does she have super powers now? Nobody knows that either.
Carlisle has been hanging out depressed in a cave partly out of fear but mostly out of being too depressed to function. He had no idea all his friends were murdered by Bella who is-- how?!?!?!?!
And Bella murder the Cullens? After all of that nonsense at the trial? After having risked her life several times to be with Edward?!?!?!?! Why not just choose Jacob?!?!?!?!?!
Aro ends that story very confused even though he gets all of it from Carlisle's perspective.
All our other stories, mad things happen, but Aro's usually able to piece most of it together by the end and even though he says "lol u crazy" he's usually involved in some of the shenanigans enough that he can't point fingers (Two Men and a Baby was almost what I selected, but Aro brought half of that on himself when he decided "And now I must murder everyone, I will pretend I want heterosexual sex").
And Then There Were None is the only one I can think of that really comes out of left field for him, completely, and stays there even after he's filled in.
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panlight · 9 months
You've talked before about how horrifying and weird the vampires in Twilight not being able to sleep, but what if the Cullens suddenly had a need to sleep? Like all of a sudden Edward is laying with Bella while she sleeps and he starts to drift off and ends up falling asleep beside her. Or Alice who doesn't remember what being tired is or remembers sleeping just suddenly gets more and more fatigued throughout the day, along with the urge to flop down and close her eyes. She doesn't understand what's happening and when she looks into the future all she sees is black or maybe some nonsensical scene that turns out is her dreams. I bet there would be plenty of angst, shenanigans and confusion if this happened and hopefully some doctoring from Carlisle to figure out why all of a sudden.
This was supposed to be a short ask but it ended being a lot longer than I thought. Thank you!
I get where she's coming from with the no sleep thing: she was writing this story as a frazzled mom of three young sons who wished she had more time for herself. Hence, the vampires don't sleep, and when asked about her answer is usually like "imagine how much you could get done!"
But the psychological effect of never having and period of rest, of not having periods of sleep to break up time, to just live in one long, never-ending, ever-conscious day . . . sounds terrible. It takes the existential dread of eternity stretching out before you and only compounds it. Just . . . you're going to be around literally forever, and awake and conscious (hyper-conscious, actually, with all the vampire heightened senses and even psychic powers) for all of it.
All that said, yes, I'm sure they would panic if they suddenly started to feel 'tired' or if they fell asleep. That's not supposed to happen, something might be wrong. I've always wondered about like, a virus that affected vampires and what it might look like, and the sleep thing might be part of it. I also thought it would be interesting if some venom lines are immune, or if older vampires were less susceptible to it than younger ones, or something. Just to spice things up a bit and create drama (Alice and Jasper aren't from the same venom line as Carlisle and the rest, for example. Or Carlisle and Jasper are the only two Cullens who are 'old' and even in the context of vampires they aren't that old compared to like the Volturi, the Amazons, the Egyptians or even Jane and Alec or the Denali).
If it turned out the sleep was ultimately harmless, though, that would be a blessing. I'm sure all the couples would enjoy being able to truly just fall asleep in each other's arms or wake up next to their partner in the morning and get to experience those quiet moments of intimacy for real. To have their partner fall asleep on their shoulder, to tuck them in if they come home and find they've fallen asleep on the couch or whatever. Just those little tender domestic moments that don't really work when no one sleeps. But they might also find it lowkey annoying because of how USED to being conscious all the time that they are. Alice especially who doesn't remember being human at all, might find it VERY inconvenient.
I've also imagined that if some sort of 'cure' or 'antidote' to vampirism were possible, falling asleep would be the first thing that happens. You fall asleep as your body slowly 'thaws' and becomes human again.
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smallcatwoman · 1 year
Thoughts on Carmen
I’m a fan of @theoriginalcarnivorousmuffin and @therealvinelle works and blogs of course. You may want to read some of their metas if you’re not familiar with them or else some of what I say is going to sound insane. I especially love their delightfully horrendous Eleazar from their fics. x x x
He’s so much fun to read and to write, and between those two excellent writers and several fans inspired by them, Eleazar has been quite thoroughly dragged through the mud multiple times over. (Not that I have any intention of stopping, provided I have enough inspiration/fanfic prompts.)
Carmen, however, isn’t discussed nearly as much, but this woman fascinates me. 
Carmen is barely in canon and has almost no speaking lines in fanfics (because of a bingo card maybe? Idk.) The only thing that sticks out in my mind from rereading every chapter of breaking dawn featuring the denali fifty times (for reasons that may or may not become clearer mid July) is that she was the first to accept Renesmee and be charmed by her, and seems like a sweet enough person the couple of times that she says anything at all. 
I just have to wonder what goes on in the brain of someone who is happily married to Eleazar of all people. 
She’s obviously not a moral person, considering that she enables the shenanigans that the Denali sisters/Eleazar get up to, and probably participates in it as well. But I do think she is very pleasant and “nice” in terms of the way she talks and interacts with people. Similar ish to how Umbridge from Harry Potter is evil, but acts like a very sugary sweet kind of person. 
And tbf I agree with muffin/vinelle that the Denali are completely unaware of the fact that they are serial rapists and that the men they sleep with are probably terrified of saying no to them. Carmen has good intentions, and thinks that she and Eleazar are paragons of morality, and even if she and Eleazar woohoo people to death in hot tubs, at least they don’t eat them. 
I also think that she’s probably an insanely easygoing person, who is nigh impossible to annoy or offend. She would also have to be fairly quiet, and a good listener, since Eleazar loves the sound of his own voice. 
I think that if her circumstances were different and she didn’t meet Eleazar, she could have been a sweet, easygoing, and supportive partner to anyone. Either another horrible obnoxious person where she would just be similarly chill and accepting, no matter what nonsense they get up to. Or she could end up with a sane, normal person who doesn’t have weird kinks of woohooing with their food. 
Honestly, the human equivalent of  what Edward and the denali are into is like if a person was sexually attracted to a hot apple crumble, fresh out of the oven. Compared to sleeping with another person, it’s way too warm, way too squishy, and smells like food. Plus you would destroy a perfectly good apple crumble, which is just a shame.
Anyway, that’s all. tdlr Carmen is a very supporting and easygoing person, and very interesting to me considering she is happily married to the worst person in the universe.
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thegamingcatmom · 4 months
I send you an ask AGAIN because word limit doens't let me axpress myself and this is important, K? mkay. I have so many thoughts regarding their very different personalities etc that I am laughing like a maniac.
One of those and most important is Carmen and Eleazar must be having a BLAST living in that house with all these shenanigans XDD
Another thing that crosses my mind is how different we all see our reader, bc when i read (reader) i think of myself? And I kind of have been participating in martial arts compeititions for some years and I think it's hilarious the reactions and arguments they would all have regarding this very matter? Given how protective -territorial- they can be, even though I think Kate would be over the moon with her smol human mate kicking ass (bc shes a warrior too so i think she can understand) Irina and Tanya though? they are totes a very different matter, but I mean if it makes reader happy I guess they'd end up agreeing, besides they can always kiss it better later, right? ;))
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Yes yes, Denali mattes are always most important, I fully agree with you there 100%. 😌👌
I actually HC Carmen and Eleazar as "the parents" of sorts? Like, they´ll be the ones most likely to see reason in things and, yknow, think and act in a rational manner. They´ll be the ones to take your concerns seriously, without mocking you or making fun of your whining. Something that can´t always be said for the sisters...
All in all, if I had to choose someone to confide in in a moment of crisis (which kidnapping very much is), I´d most likely go with Carmen. And well, Eleazar too, since it´s a package deal pretty much.
But oh boy, Carmen and Eleazar are just done most of the time, yknow? "Done" as in they´ll just be lovingly squatting together in a corner somewhere, observing all those heated discussions and crying and whining in a calm and collected manner, save for the occasional twitch of lips...on the outside.
Inside they´re very much dying. From laughter. But sometimes they´re honestly done, as in-
"Ah...here we go again."
And yknow, they´re so used to all that drama by now that they´ll just give a loving eye-roll, shaking their heads a bit, when Kate drags you in kicking and screaming with Tanya not far behind (Irina has long since gotten home because she can´t deal), going like-
"Look what we found! Can we keep her?? Pleeease?"
Ofc they´ll say yes.
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Ofc! That´s why ppl enjoy reader x character fics so much, after all. Self-inserting lets you live your daydreams a little bit and I think that´s a wonderful way to escape the everyday struggles. I honestly can´t tell if I see myself whenever I read/write such a story, or if it´s more like I envision an OC of sorts. Perhaps a bit of both? That´s the great thing about these fics - you can pretty much imagine everyone you´d like in it. 🥰
Ohh you do?? That´s neat! I´ve been thinking about picking up a sport as well. It´d defo be a good compensation, as I´m working whilst sitting most of the day. Perhaps some point in the future, we´ll see. 😅
Ohhh Kate would be ALL for it. She´d be so proud of her lil firecracker. As you said, she was a warrior in her human life, so she´d only be all too happy to teach you stuff and help you get better at it. She´ll most likely be a bit of a horndog about it though, because how could she not be when she gets to touch you places and help you get those positions right? 😏
Irina would feel...torn. She´d worry for your safety, but she wishes to see you happy. She doesn´t want anyone hurting her precious, but that glow in your eyes speaks volumes. She´d be waging the pros and cons thoroughly before coming to a decision. She might be overprotective/possessive (they all are) and sometimes hard to convince, but that doesn´t mean she won´t see reason when it´s more than clear how fulfilling it is for you. In the end, she´ll be on board with it.
...Something that absolutely cannot be said for Tanya. She´s the most stubborn (and territorial) out of the three, coven leader status be damned. She doesn´t appreciate when someone wishes to go against her word - she has told you numerous times she does not wish for you to continue this self-mutilation. She´s rational enough to recognize the joy it brings you, but not rational enough to allow it (at first). She simply doesn´t see sense in it when you could pick up any other hobby. One that doesn´t involve bruises and cuts and whatnot all over your lovely body. No, absolutely not-
You: "Pleeease?"
Tanya: "No."
You: "...Please with a cherry on top?"
Tanya, through gritted teeth: "My love...do not test me."
You: "..."
You: "But-"
Tanya, about to (lovingly) drag your ass back to your shared room: "I said-"
Carmen: "Tanya..."
Tanya, closing her eyes in exasperation: "..."
Carmen: "Don´t be like that. Look at her-"
Carmen: *points to your exaggerated smile*
Tanya, very reluctantly: *opens one eye*
You: "😁"
Tanya, very reluctantly: *opens another eye*
You: "🥺🫶"
Tanya, one eye starting to twitch: "...I-"
You: "😏💋"
Tanya: "...Oh alright." 🫠
Kate, in the distance: *makes whipping sound*
Irina, in the distance: "My 100 bucks now, please and thank you."
Do you sense a pattern here?
Tanya be whipped af.
I think it´s safe to say that, no matter what you come up with, the sisters will always yield in the end. They just can´t deny their little human. 🥰
It also helps having Carmen on your side, of course. You can do no wrong, in her opinion. 😇
Oh...there will be lots of kisses later indeed. ;3
#whippedtanya #supportivecarmen #happyhooman
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rosalielesbianhale · 4 years
there are so many subplots and interesting characters to be explored in twilight
give me the denali women starting the succubus myth
give me a full book of wolf pack shenanigans
give me the egyptian coven with the narrative centred on benjamin and tia’s lives, starting from when they were human
give me leah’s story from her point of view
give me the events at volterra with the marcus and didyme storyline as the major plot
give me billy and charlie coping with the supernatural together now that they both know
give me the history of carlisle’s creator
but for the love of all that is holy, smeyer i am Begging you, do Not give me a book about renesmee and jacob becoming a couple
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rosenallies · 3 years
I loved the drabble you did where Denali was a groupie omg can we get some more of that?! Maybe your bus shenanigans?🥺
Did anyone else want to be a 1d groupie when they were 14 or am I alone on that? I didn’t even want to have s3x with any of them I just thought the groupie life would be cool. Anyway…thank u for letting me project !💗
Denali leaned against the brick wall, the cold surface making goosebumps prick at her skin. The show had been over for a while now, the huge swarms of fans dissipating as they gave up on waiting around for the girls to come out. Denali always stayed, waiting for one of them in particular. Eventually, the crew would file out onto their separate tour bus while everyone else trickled out slowly, the girls always coming last. Finally, the last of the crew came and went, Rosé coming soon after, a cigarette already lit between her lips as she stepped out into the cool air.
“Hey, you,” she said, leaning against the wall next to Denali, “fancy seeing you here again.”
Denali rolled her eyes. “I told you I’d be here.”
“Still always a pleasure,” she replied with a wink, stomping out her cigarette with her boots, “care to join me on the bus?”
To most people, tour bus sex sounds like their own personal hell, yet to Denali it was enthralling, the small space allowing for them to be as close as possible, every inch of their exposed skin pressed together and the thrill of getting caught making it that much more exciting.
“Do you even have to ask?”
Rosé shrugged, a cocky smirk on her face. “Just a formality I guess.”
“Let’s go before Jan and Lagoona come back out,” Denali suggested lowly so no one would hear her.
Grabbing her by the hand, Rosé led her to the bus. As soon as the door was shut behind them, Denali wasted no time before desperately pressing her lips to Rosé’s, the pink haired girl pulling away with a smug look. “Not wasting any time, eh? A girl after my own heart.”
“Just hush and get to the bunks.”
The joking was over as both their eyes grew dark with lust, hands wandering underneath shirts and nails scraping over belt buckles as they did the familiar tango back to the bunks. Denali pushed Rosé into the one she knew was designated for her. The small space smelled like smoke and spice, the scent that radiated around Rosé all the time.
They made quick work of undressing one another, kicking the clothes off the side of the bunk into the walkway. Briefly, Rosé thought about what Jan and Lagoona would say when they got back but all other thoughts flew out the window when Denali shifted, her thick thighs wrapped around Rosé’s middle.
“C’mon, fuck me baby,” she whispered into the crook of Rosé’s neck.
Rosé scooted down, throwing Denali’s legs over her shoulders to make more room. She gripped Denali’s thighs while kissing up their insides.
“God, these thighs are so fucking sexy,” she said against the soft skin.
Denali moaned, the vibrations from Rosé’s voice sending shivers up her spine. Rosé kissed and nipped all the way up to the apex of Denali’s thighs, licking a stripe up her center, the girl underneath her quivering.
She kept going, ignoring the clamoring she heard outside of the bus, instead making it her goal for Denali to finish before everyone else came back inside. She pulled out all of the tricks she had to work with, alternating between licking gentle circles around her clit and quickly flicking her tongue over the sensitive bud.
Digging her heels into Rosé’s back, Denali came in record time, her thighs bracketing around Rosé’s head, much to the delight of the other girl.
“Fuck,” Denali panted, coming to her senses. Rosé crawled up her body, laying on top of her.
“Hi,” Rosé said with a dopey grin, placing a kiss on Denali’s clavicle.
Denali returned the stupid grin, feeling her heart flutter in her chest. “Hi.”
“Will you stay tonight?”
Denali opened her mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the sound of the door opening and multiple voices filling the bus. “Looks like I don’t have a choice unless you want someone else to see my bare ass,” she whispered.
Rosé chuckled. “Nope, that ass is all mine, baby.”
Come morning, Rosé slipped out of the bunk, letting Denali sleep. It was still early but Lagoona and Jan were already up chatting in the small kitchenette.
“So she rises,” Jan said with a snort, “surprised you’re up so early after the night you had.”
Rosé rolled her eyes, grabbing an apple from the table and taking a bite. “You’re just mad you’re not getting laid on the road.”
“Well, my girlfriend doesn’t follow us around on tour,” Jan retorted, making Lagoona laugh.
“She’s not my girlfriend,” Rosé grumbled.
“Rosie, she’s literally asleep in your bunk right now and this definitely isn’t the first time.”
“Whatever, she would’ve shown up at the next show anyway, why not give her a ride?”
Lagoona shook her head. “You’re literally insufferable.”
Jan nodded in agreement. “Genuinely the worst.”
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Thrill Me, Chill Me, Fulfill Me, 1/10 (Gottrosenali) - Writworm42
A/N: Hi all!! I saw an infographic a while back of 10 types of orgasms people with vaginas can have, and got inspired to write this! I don't remember where the infographic was from (in my infinite wisdom, I took screenshots of the infographic, but not of the source lmao), but I hope you enjoy this!
PLEASE DON'T TAKE THIS AS EDUCATIONAL OR INFORMATIONAL!!!! THIS FIC IS ESSENTIALLY PORN. PORN IS NOT EDUCATIONAL, AND NEITHER IS THIS FIC!!! If you're looking for reliable sex ed info, check out scarleteen, they're a great resource!
Title from Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me from Rocky Horror Picture Show. Thank you x10000 Holtz for dealing with my dumb ass while I was writing this and for beta-ing <3
Denali misses Mik when he’s gone; both she and Rosé do. It’s hard not to, when their boyfriend has such a big presence in their lives all the time. Whether he’s starfishing on their bed and hogging all the covers in his sleep, chattering away to fill silence in the apartment, or just making his presence known by ruffling Denali’s hair as he walks by or tracing absent-minded hearts on Rosé’s arm while they’re piled on the couch to watch TV, Mik is a constant, someone who’s always at arm’s reach to enjoy. It’s comforting, something about him that neither Denali nor Rosé would ever want to change.
It’s a strange feeling when he’s away, one that neither of them particularly like. Like something is missing, something they can’t quite feel balanced without. Like the minute he leaves, they’re waiting for him to come back again.
It doesn’t help that Mik has been traveling so much for work lately. Fashion Week season has descended upon the world, and between New York and Paris and Toronto and Milan, Mik has been so busy that he hardly has time to pick up his phone. Add in time zone differences along with Denali and Rosé navigating their own busy schedules, and it might as well be a long distance relationship, one that is barely existent at this point. Denali knows it’s selfish to get upset about it; she still has Rosé, after all, so she can’t imagine how alone Mik must feel. But she can’t help it; the more Mik slips away, the more she wants him back, so bad that it hurts sometimes.
But there’s also a different kind of ache she and Rosé feel when Mik is away, one that may be a little superficial, sure, but is nonetheless one that Denali is particularly bad at leaving unattended. One that once again, she knows must be worse for Mik, seeing as he’s completely alone right now.
At least on the occasions that all three of them are free, it’s a lot easier to scratch that particular itch.
Michelada: guys im so horny
Denali rolls her eyes, shaking her head and laughing a little to herself as she reads her boyfriend’s message. He’s still in the UK right now, and if her math is correct, that means that it’s only around 1 PM where he is. As in, he’s probably still at work. When she says so, though, he seems unperturbed.
Michelada: hasn’t stopped you guys before
Michelada: sooooo
Michelada: sensing a double standard here
Denali hears Rosé cackle from the bathroom, and then her phone pings again.
Rosita: i mean
Rosita: im not opposed to shenanigans, you know that baby ;)
“Don’t encourage him!” Denali calls out, but of course Rosé doesn’t listen; she never does. The next text Denali gets is a picture of Rosé taken in the bathroom mirror, naked as the day she was born with an arm covering her tits.
Michelada: ugh rosie don’t do this to me :((
Rosita: i thought u were horny, baby?
Rosita: gotta make up your mind xo
Another ping, and a second pic of Rosé comes through, this time biting down on one of her fingers through a devilish smirk. Denali shifts a little in her spot on the couch; as much as she doesn’t want to give in, it’s tantalizing, knowing that Rosé is just a word of permission away from being right next to her like that. And the fact that Mik could very well get caught, that they’ll be distracting him enough that he might falter, might give himself away?
Nali: i think it’s time you went on break, angel
She follows it up with a pic of her own, angling it so that both Mik and Rosé will be able to see right down her shirt. She hears a little gasp from the bathroom, and smiles to herself; Rosé is so easy, it’s almost funny. Both she and Mik are.
There’s a pause, and Denali almost wonders if Mik has been caught already, or if he’s changed his mind. She’s about to ask, but then the bathroom door opens, and she looks up to see Rosé coming towards her.
“Rosie…” she starts, but she doesn’t have time to get her full sentence out before there’s another ping.
Michelada: i have fifteen minutes
“Just enough time,” Rosé grins as she comes up behind Denali, drapes her arms over her shoulders and leans in to kiss the shell of her ear and letting out a little laugh when the sensation makes Denali squirm.
A call comes through not even a second later, and they’re greeted by the sight of Mik shut in a bathroom, cheeks already pink and pupils already dilated with lust.
“That was quick,” Denali smirks, but Mik doesn’t respond. One look behind herself, though, and Denali knows why.
“He’s only got fifteen minutes, D,” Rosé winks, clearly enjoying herself as she continues to play with her own tits, trailing her hands over them and palming them while grinning like the Cheshire cat. “Gotta maximize on that time, right?”
Well. She does have a point. And it’s not just Mik who’s mesmerized by the sight in front of him; watching Rosé continue to tease, still grinning cockily, is absolutely tantalizing, and Denali can’t help the sudden urge to touch her girlfriend that runs through her, making her shiver.
“Wanna touch, angel?” Rosé coos, taking her hands off herself long enough to grab Denali’s face, tilt her head up to look her in the eyes. “It’s okay--all you gotta do is say please.”
She swallows hard, mouth going dry as she nods, eyes trailing back down to Rosé’s bare tits. “Yeah. Yeah, I wanna… Please, Rosie, please can I touch you?”
“Of course you can.” Rosé purrs, coming around the couch slowly, teasingly, before coming right up to Denali, giving her a soft kiss as she throws a leg over Denali’s lap, easing down to straddle her.
“Hi, baby.”
There’s a whine behind them, one that jerks them out of the bubble Rosé has created, and Denali suddenly remembers Mik’s presence over the phone, that he’s watching everything going on.
“I think our sweet boy feels left out, Rosie.”
The remark is as much a taunt as it is a reminder, and Denali can’t help but peek over her shoulder to see how Mik is holding up. Sure enough, he’s already starting to come undone, cheeks flushed pink and mouth gaping open as he takes in what’s happening before him. His camera obscures what’s going on below his chest, but Denali knows Mik well enough to know from his stiff posture that he’s just waiting for permission to let go completely.
“Is that so?” Rosé turns to look over her shoulder, clicking her tongue in disapproval. “Poor baby, can’t even be close to us while we have fun. I hope you’re not touching yourself just yet, angel—it’d be a shame to get this over with too quickly, don’t you think?”
Mik swallows hard, but shakes his head, sucking in a sharp breath that’s just audible enough to go straight to Denali’s core.
“No, mommy, I’m not.”
“Good boy,” Rosé purrs before turning back to the blonde she’s currently straddling, looking her up and down discerningly.
Not even a heartbeat later, she starts easing off Denali’s lap, clicking her tongue when Denali squirms at the loss, lifts her hands to try and stop Rosé from moving.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart,” she grabs Denali’s hands, gently places them back onto her lap. “I’m just moving so Mik can get a better view. See?” She sits gently next to Denali, wrapping her arms around her waist and pulling her close. “Now, what d’you say we get you out of this pesky shirt, huh?”
Denali only nods, rushing to throw off her shirt as Rosé creeps her hands between Denali’s legs, lightly teasing her through her pajama pants.
“I’d suggest you start rubbing over your pants, baby boy.” Rosé throws the command back to Mik without even looking at him, too focused instead on increasing the pressure she’s placing on Denali’s pussy while bringing a free hand to her tits. Denali hisses in pleasure when Rosé’s fingers trace around a nipple, pinching lightly and watching with glee at how Denali’s hips buck at the feeling. Mik’s dissatisfied whines only spur Rosé on, though, and she ups the ante by leaning down to give Denali’s other nipple the attention of her tongue, sucking and nipping at the hardened bud.
“Rosie…” Denali gasps, only for the redhead to separate herself from Denali’s tit, coming up to lock eyes with her as she shakes her head.
“Look at Mik, sweetheart,” Rosé murmurs, her hands still moving, still working Denali up. “Look at what a mess he is watching you.”
Mik’s face is screwed up in frustration, pouting mouth trembling as his arm moves lightly, teasing at what’s going on out of the frame.
“What do you think, D, should we take pity on him?”
“Yes,” Denali answers without hesitation, closing her eyes in pleasure when her generosity is rewarded by Rosé finally slipping her hand below the waistband of Denali’s pajama pants, dragging light fingers along the blonde’s already-slick slit.
“You heard her, baby. You can touch yourself over your underwear now.”
“Thank you, mommy,” he gasps in relief, followed by a shaky breath when he dips his hand into his jeans.
“Don’t thank me, thank Denali,” Rosé simply shrugs. “Speaking of,” she turns her attention back to the blonde next to her, “How ‘bout we take things up a notch, huh?”
Denali doesn’t have time to ask what Rosé means before the older woman’s fingertips are making contact with her clit, tracing fast, yet light circles around it.
“Oh, fuck--”
“God, you have no idea how much this turns me on,” Rosé’s voice takes Denali’s breath away, low and husky in her ear as she continues to rub Denali’s clit. “Watching you and Mik like this, already such messes for me… fuck, makes me wet just listening to you whimper.”
“Why don’t you join us, then?” The idea clicks into Denali’s head instantly, and she has to admit, she loves the way Rosé’s eyes cloud over in confusion for a second, the redhead hesitating for a moment as she tries to figure out what Denali means. It’s the perfect opportunity for Denali to reclaim some power, grab Rosé’s hands and push her back to flip their positions so that Denali is straddling her.
“Mik, baby, you can play with yourself for real now,” she turns back to the camera and winks before wriggling out of her pajama pants, grabbing Rosé’s wrists and pinning them to her sides before closing the distance between them with a rough kiss. Behind them, Denali hears something close to a thank you from Mik, cut off by a strangled mewl that tells her he’s already close.
That’s okay; this shouldn’t take long.
Denali’s hips move naturally as they rut up against Rosé, their kiss deepening steadily as the two move in tandem against each other. Rosé traces her hands down over Denali’s back, down to her ass, and smirks against Denali’s tongue when the blonde moans at the touch. For her part, Denali isn’t exactly being gentle, either; while Rosé uses her grip on Denali’s ass to push her closer, force her to grind down harder, Denali snakes a hand into Rosé’s hair, tugging at the strands just to make her gasp.
“Love it when you make those sounds for me,” she breaks their kiss to suck a bruise onto the curve of Rosé’s neck, almost moaning herself from the way Rosé’s hips stutter at the taunt.
Behind her, Denali hears Mik curse from the phone, and she’s unable to resist looking back as she and Rosé continue to move against each other, their pace staying steady as Denali watches the sight on the other line.
Mik is a vision, one arm slightly out to capture the sight of his body as he gets himself off. A sheen of sweat covers his forehead, and his lip is swollen from the way he’s biting it, desperately trying not to make too much noise. His hand works patterns on himself that Denali knows well, ones she taught him, ones she experimented and trialled and perfected on his skin. Watching him now, Denali can’t help but speed up a little, a cue that both Rosé and Mik seem to take as they match her pace.
“ Fuck ,” Rosé hisses after Denali turns her attention towards her again, knowing that if she watches Mik any longer, she’s going to come right then and there; she doesn’t want that. She wants to come with Rosé and Mik both, all together.
Luckily, she knows exactly how to speed things up.
“What?” she coos, tracing a finger along Rosé’s cheek, trailing it along her jaw. “Are you close, Rosie? Gonna come for me and Mik already? Aww .”
Rosé nods, whimpering as Denali’s touch continues to travel over her body, down the line of her neck and then tracing along her collarbone.
“You’re so cute, you know that?” Denali continues between gasping breaths, channeling every bit of focus she has to keep the ability to speak while keeping up with the rhythm of Rosé’s hips, now becoming erratic from desperation. “Always acting all big and bad, like you’ve got control, but you just need to be put in your place, don’t you?”
The moan Rosé lets out is positively sinful, and when Denali looks back at Mik, his face is so red, his hand moving so fast that Denali knows he’s about to explode.
Time to finish things off, then.
“I’m gonna count to ten, then you’ll get to come, okay?” Denali says it loud enough for Mik to hear, but she doesn’t wait for a response; she doesn’t have the patience to.
“One… two…”
When ‘ten’ finally leaves her lips, Denali lets go, crying out loud enough that she’s afraid someone in Mik’s studio might hear what’s going on through the bathroom door. But she can’t help it; Rosé continues to grind against Denali through both their orgasms, and by the time Denali comes down fully, she’s too tired to do anything but collapse next to the other woman, completely spent.
“Fuck, you guys,” Mik’s breathy drawl jerks them both back to reality, and Denali can’t help but smile when she sees what a state their boyfriend is in; his clothes are mussed and cheeks are flushed, and there’s a dot of blood on his mouth from where he must have bitten through his lip trying to keep himself quiet.
“All better now?” she teases, laughing when he rolls his eyes, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand.
“I mean, I probably look like a mess, but yeah, I’m not horny anymore.”
“Give it five minutes,” Rosé mutters to Denali with a wry smile.
“Hey, I heard that!”
“Go and get cleaned up, babe.” Denali swats at Rosé as she addresses Mik, who’s busy pouting at them. “Call us when you’re done work, and have a good day, yeah?”
“Alright, bye gorge.” Mik sighs, and then just like that, the call is over, and Mik is gone again.
At least, mostly; not two seconds later, there’s another ping, and Denali checks her phone to see another message from Mik. More specifically, a picture of him in the mirror, still a mess, smiling and blowing them a kiss.
Michelada: gonna be thinking about u guys for the rest of the day
Michelada: love u sm <3
It’s not the same as having him next to her, not in the least. But as Denali stares at the picture, feels Rosé shuffle closer to look at it, too, it feels like enough.
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Hi we’re deep in the rosenali angst era but would you write something fluffy and canon compliant to restore the faith? Thank you :)
Chicago Nights
Fluff +Canon Compliant Rosénali
Okay! So I normally don’t write canon compliant, at most I just do canon inspired, but this was actually fun to write. There is a little touch of gottrosénali in there, but it’s mainly rosénali~ Hope y’all like it!
Denali was ecstatic. It was the first time she was going to see a few of her season 13 sisters. As much as she would have loved to have been on the Drive in Drag tour, she knew how Voss operated, and that you basically had to be a finalist or winner for them to book you. That was okay though because tonight it was going to be like old times, reunited with her girls. Not to mention she was going to open for the Drive in Drag girls, which she was excited for, she couldn’t wait to be on that stage again. Sure, she had been doing some smaller gigs, and of course Roscoe’s, but this was on a whole new level and she was finally going to see her Rosie again.
Despite not being part of their trailer, Rosé was often with Mik, Asia, and Vanjie, and with how loud they were, there was no mistaking which trailer was theirs. Denali walked over and knocked on the door, a little nervous, but it was mainly elation. It was Rosé who opened the door, donning her black and pink outfit with that cute bubblegum hair of hers.
“Hi Rosie~” 
“Hey baby~”
Rosé pulled Denali in and the other girls immediately took notice. They roared with a raucous welcome, and that filled Denali with such happiness. She had to admit she had dealt with some serious FOMO, but this was everything she needed to leave those feelings behind. Even if it was just for tonight, this was everything to her. Everyone was done getting ready, just having some fun before they needed to be on stage. Denali couldn’t help but to snicker at Mik holding up a bottle of tequila that was as big as her head.
“This isn’t vodka, Nikita, but you should have a drink with me!” said Mik in her fake Russian accent.
Denali laughed, taking the shot from Mik and downing it with her. She took another shot, but gave it to Rosé who drank it just as swift as the other two. Asia had her phone out, filming everything of course, and they were aware that anything that happened in here would end up in her stories later. Vanjie, who already had one too many, put some music on, and she and Mik danced terribly as Asia got some rather hilarious video. 
While the others were preoccupied Rosé pulled Denali into her lap and rested her head on her shoulder. “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too,” said Denali. “Things haven’t been the same without my Rosie.”
“I know, diva, I know. Trust me, I wish you could be on tour with me. But I know you have a lot coming up too, yeah?”
“Yeah! I mean I truly can’t complain, but sometimes it just sucks when I’m so used to seeing you daily and now that we’re so busy, who knows when we’ll see each other? Which is why I am enjoying every moment of this night.”
“Oh, me too, mama. I have been looking forward to this for weeks. But I’ll try to be online more, even if our lives aren’t as long as they used to be, we can still give the kids what they want, while also giving ourselves what we want.”
“I’d really like that, Rosie.”
Denali puckered her lips, and Rosé gave her a little kiss, enjoying how her lips felt against hers. She had kissed Mik quite a few times, it was only fair. Not to mention, she missed the closeness they shared on the show and the immediate few months afterwards. They watched the other girls getting deep in their shenanigans, and truly there was never a dull moment. Rosé loved that though, and she loved having Denali by her side. 
A little smile spread across Rosé’s face, “You know what I just thought of?”
“We should so reenact our iconic lipsync tonight.”
“Holy shit!” Denali gasped, “That would be amazing, and you know everyone would be fucking living for it.” 
“Just like they were living for the elevator story,” Rosé chuckled.
“That was a fucking trip though, I didn’t think we were ever going to get out of there! Thank god I had my bodyguard,” Denali said with a snicker.
“You’re the fucking blackbelt!”
“Hey!” Came a voice over the music. It was Asia. 
“Yes, my love?” asked Rosé, wondering what Asia had up her sleeve this time.
“You never answered me before. Mik or Denali?”
Oh god, that question again, and now they both were here in the same trailer with her. She didn’t want to choose then, and she sure as hell wasn’t doing it now. Rosé and Denali looked at each other before both of them leapt up and ran out of the trailer, much to the other girls’ dismay. They wanted an answer, America wanted an answer, the world wanted an answer!
“Get your asses back here!” exclaimed Asia.
Rosé ran off, but Denali poked her head back in and quipped, “¿Por qué no los dos?” And that made all the girls shriek. 
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I sometimes have the thoughts of my Security Breach au not being a horror au
Then i remember the lore of how a hybrid is made and reconsider if my brain is okay.
What can i say, i am a big fan of body horror i think. Or something like that, there's a term i want but i don't remember what it is at the moment but it describes what happens to the hybrids during the building process.
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Welcome back to another segment of:
The Chibi-Denalis
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This time...they shrink, smol, tiny shenanigans
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Moving into a new place, you find you're not the only inhabitant to this space
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One is rather...affectionate(Tanya)
(For the next one below: I only recently remembered kates power is NOT irl creating electricity(well google says its not so whoops), but just a mental projection of making you believe youre being shocked...but could you imagine the shenanigans she would cause if she could do electricity? That's what I thought for the next panel)
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This one....is chaotic(kate)
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I'm not sure if this one likes MC. Sometimes, you'll catch her staring at you...
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Not sure if she's warming up to MC or just here for the book, but a wins a win
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In "Aro chooses which Muffinelle Universe's fanfic he would rather be his timeline" (I can't link, but in your masterlist, fic section the link is there), I am curious, but what about "For the Love of a Woman"? Aro had won by doing nothing (nearly all Cullens in Volterra and open to them, Edward's assholeness revealed, and hey! Aro didnt even had to touch anyone who was there for the Ketchup debacle) and didnt have the whole "hybrids are now known in the vampire community". Would the Bella factor weight more than the known hybrids factor ?
Anon's referring to this post.
They're also referring to For the Love of a Woman by me and @therealvinelle, where Edward's plan to seduce Bella is so brilliant he ends up sleeping with Jacob.
I didn't consider For the Love of a Woman in that Aro doesn't actually show up or do anything in that fic. Feels kind of strange to allow him to pick it when he's not there for any of the events/people just show up on his doorstep.
Now, the Question
Well, the question is what happens after the fic is over. For now, things are (relatively) stable with Esme and Edward planning the next move and Jacob trying to talk relative sanity into them and failing. Edward's extremely upset/in denial over the confrontation that just occurred, namely that Bella has left him (even though he kind of doesn't care anymore except it's a matter of pride), that Carlisle had once had an affair with Aro, and that the Cullens have officially broken up. Notably, he blames the Volturi for this. However, he isn't actually doing anything, yet.
Now, it could be that Edward is distracted enough by Jacob and living with Esme that he keeps planning to do something but never gets around to it. And that's possible, however probably unlikely.
Edward will chafe at the idea of his family having imprisoned themselves in Volterra and will be reminded of this fact when the Denali/Carlisle's friends all ask where 3/4 of the family are. Edward will at least go to Volterra and there he will certainly cause some manner of headache from mild temper tantrums to doing something truly heinous to get his father and Bella out of Volterra.
Which leaves Aro in something like the Painting Red Madonnas boat where Edward might eat a town, turn a toddler, do something so as to draw the Volturi out so that he can get Bella and Carlisle out.
(I imagine Jacob's not thrilled with these plans, but no one tells Edward what to do.)
It wouldn't be Aro's least favorite universe, but there's a high likelihood of high drama around Edward's execution/shenanigans again.
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panlight · 2 years
What your headcanons on Garrett? Did he visit Carlisle and the cullens before the events of Breaking Dawn? What sort of shenanigans does he get up to? What led up to his and Carlisle's friendship in the first place?
The Guide is pretty vague, but the short film "Turncoats" from the Storytellers project put Garrett and Carlisle's meeting at the Battle of Yorktown (and maybe Breaking Dawn the movie does, too?) and that's fine with me. I didn't have anything specific in mind but I figured they did meet sometime during the war when Carlisle was working as a battlefield surgeon. Probably something where Garrett's hunting British soldiers and catches the scent of another vampire and there's a big misunderstanding where Garrett thinks Carlisle's posing as a doctor to hunt the American soldiers and Carlisle's like no no no I'm actually a doctor I'm helping!
Then a lot of teasing about him being English/British and Carlisle's like I was born before America was a thing what do you want from me? Garrett thinks Carlisle's Neat for the vegetarian and doctor stuff but has no interest in doing it himself when there are plenty of red coats to eat but Carlisle gives him vague plans "I might go to Philadelphia next" so the next time Garrett swings by Philly in his travels he tries to find Carlisle to catch up. I think he's probably met the rest of the Cullens by the time Breaking Dawn happens (and I still think name-dropping some of these people in Eclipse would have helped BD a LOT because then they wouldn't just be random characters we've never heard of--we'd have at least heard of them. Pretty sure there's a vague reference to Carlisle trying to get in touch with old friends in Eclipse after the Denali coven refuses to help against the newborns, and just NAMING some of them here could have made their appearance in BD feel a little more organic), but he's not the type to stick around in one place for long. Emmett totally loves when he visits though. They both love a challenge. They bro out. (I feel like Garrett TOTALLY would have helped in Eclipse if they could have gotten in touch with him. "Fighting to the death against a newborn army? Sounds like fun.")
Garrett seems like a friendly guy so I feel like, like Carlisle, he's got a lot of random friends. He probably already knew Mary and Randall, for example. He charms any vampires he comes across rather than fighting them, but could hold his own in a fight if it came to it.
Mostly sticks to the USA. MAYBE Canada. Hates the British and by extension is not interested in Europe in general. He's like Ron Swanson. "It is a garbage continent." MAYBE he went during the world wars to help on the American side--although it PAINED him to have the Brits as allies, he hunted Germans instead for a bit.
(INSTANTLY becomes BFFs with Liam of the Irish coven over their hatred of the English when he meets him in BD, though. Carlisle looks around nervously and wonders how he managed to have TWO friends who hate Englishmen.)
His relationship with Kate was cute but it seemed way too fast/out of the blue to me. Like the iconic line of "If we live through this, I'll follow you anywhere, woman" and Kate's "now he tells me" FEELS like it was a long time coming, but according to the timeline they've literally known each other for like maybe two weeks? But this is Twilight and we can't let anyone outside of E/B/J have like, an actual character arc and this is more than most people get so like, I'll take it I guess.
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missjanjie · 3 years
Hi heres some song titles for the fic title thing :)
I'll wear your ring
Smoke signals
Line without a hook
ill wear your ring
rosnali fake marriage. rosé has been gifted a family heirloom ring in hopes that it pushes her to propose to the girlfriend she’s been claiming to have (and does not exist). so denali is like ill wear it for you bestie and they go to a big family event together and then they fall in love the end
smoke signals
headshop owner denali and the shenanigans she runs into dealing with novice and experienced stoners as well as bonding w her employees
line without a hook
idk about ships but like… mermaid au
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Friends (Football Time, Part 1.)
Revision date: June 2023 ☀️ Song inspo: Friends by Band of Skulls (2009)
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Series Description: Every twenty years, Carlisle Cullen has the courtesy to invite his old-time friends to his residence to have time to catch up with them and play a game of baseball. This time was supposed to be different, though; the Cullens found an entire pack of players to expand the teams.
Part Summary: The time was nigh - all of Carlisle's old friends started to gather in their Forks residence for their annual game of baseball. It was starting to get painfully obvious how chaotic the weekend was gonna be... Especially after the boys and girls from La Push agreed to join the little gathering.
A/N: So, cannon will be altered in this series (mainly because it's just fucking stupid all the fucking time) - no Resume shenanigans. Also, I decided to make Emmett and Jacob bros, because their no-brain cell energy is truly unmatched by anyone else in the entire series. A/N 2: Let's be honest, this is very close to being total chaos when you put it nicely. In my mind, almost every Cullen is an immortal teenager, and while the uptightness Smeyer presented us with is a good foundation... The chaotic potential is unmissable. They have every right to act like immature idiots while also being wise human beings who had lived through a thing or two.
Warning: Usage of imprinting for comedic purpose only - there will not be any pairing included in this mini. Take it as a running joke. 
Word count: 6.6 K
Tagging: @missdictatorme​, @imaginesofeverykind
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Each time the Cullens told Renesmee that their friends and/or family members are coming for a visit, the poor girl didn't really have a clue about the type of people that were about to show on the doorstep of the Cullens' residence. Each time, there were different aunties and uncles stopping by; sometimes, they even traveled the entire planet just to visit the Olympic Coven in Forks, Washington. The only pack that seemed to keep regular contact with the vampires, apart from the La Push pack of shapeshifters, seemed to be the Denali pack
The fall of that year was, however, supposed to be a brand new experience for both of the newest coven members. The last time these friends stopped by, Bella wasn't even born, to begin with, and the Cullens haven't moved back to Forks back then. Throughout the entire summer, realizing what year it was, Carlisle seemed to be in an especially jolly mood. Most of the Cullens knew why; except the two mentioned members of the coven. The occasion was quite special if Carlisle would've to be honest - it was very close to his heart.
Every twenty years, his oldest and dearest friends paid his family a weekend visit. It might've seemed to be a rather short timeframe after not seeing each other for one-fifth of a century, but this was simply how this particular custom worked. Neither of them thought that this time would be too short, really. It was just enough to spend an entire night catching up while sitting by a bonfire, and having fun for the rest of the weekend. This fun usually consisted of the vampires spending time playing baseball if the weather was right for this or hunting.
It was strange for Bella to put things into perspective - the last time the vampires visited she wasn't even born and the next time they will visit, they will already be living in an entirely different area for twenty years. Nessie will be all grown up by then, their Quileute friends won't be shifting and they will inevitably start aging. For Bella, it was almost hysterical how much time they wasted in vain by only seeing others this seldomly. For her, since she still wasn't a vampire for long enough, it seemed that vampires are vain beings, really. On the other hand, putting things in perspective made her realize how much is going to change and how much they'll all miss Forks. They were leaving behind a very special place, in the end. Surely, they'll be visiting Charlie as often as they get the opportunity to and Jacob made Emmett promise that he'll pop by so they can hang out and catch up every now and then. Surprisingly, most of the Quileutes made a truce with the Cullens - a truce which formed into a friendship after Aro and his coven visited Forks.
To everyone's surprise, the one who was seemingly about to miss the Cullens the most was Seth Clearwater; the youngest shape-shifter loved everything about La Push and Quileutes, while also paying an omnipresent tribute to his heritage, and yet, he maintained great relationships with the Cullens - even with Rosalie, which was surely a superpower. At moments, he looked up to Esme as to the motherly figure she naturally was, other times he cooked with Edward or caused havoc by Emmett and Jacob's side. The boy loved to hang around and talk to anyone who had the time and mood for a chat; he didn't mind listening about all of the various and strange things vampirism brought, such as their strange life experience or the strangest cravings which oftentimes seemed to be removed far from a regular person's every-day reality.
Therefore, this gathering was supposed to be special - the Cullens wished their friends to meet the shape-shifters as well as they hoped to make this small departure party something special for the pack to remember. As Carlisle and Emmett discussed this issue while standing in the kitchen, a furrow formed on Esme's heart-shaped face when she heard the issue on hand. For a moment, the woman put the sandwich she was preparing for her granddaughter back on the countertop, watching the men with her mouth wide open. That was until Rosalie, another member of the family, walked into the kitchen. The blonde waltzed to her boyfriend's side, kissing his shoulder softly.
"I think it's a great idea. It'll be really fun." - She said, finally making Esme blip back into reality as she forcefully closed the peanut butter jar. "... As well as very dangerous." - Esme muttered, knowing well that all three vampires heard her really well. Carlisle smiled warmly, looking at his wife; yet, Emmett was the first to answer Esme's remark. "Hey, if the wolfies wouldn't want to take part in this, they wouldn't agree in the first place. Don't spoil the fun, Esme, come on." - Saying this, Emmett put one of his palms on his hip and brought Rosalie even closer with his other arm. At this point, another member of the family was getting engaged in the conversation - Edward put the book he was reading down on his thighs, shifting his position on the couch he was sitting on. Suddenly, he was leaning closer toward his family members, holding his jaw in his fingers as he listened to both what was said and what was thought.
"My point is, there will be broken... Actually, let me rephrase this. There will be shattered bones if you won't be careful enough. In that case, you'll have to take care of that, do you all realize that?" - The vampire opposed with worries in her voice, watching her children and husband with small rageful flames in her eyes. Then, Esme let out a long breath to empathize with what she just said and wiped her palms in her apron, still having a wrinkle between her eyebrows. Realizing the deal was probably sealed already made her worried. - "Well, it seems you already talked to the pack, what am I supposed to say now? What did they say?" "Oh, Seth was over the moon, probably celebrating for a whole week Jake seemed to be on board, and the rest of the shirtless pack... They took it as a challenge, they promised they'll swing by." - Emmett explained simply, shrugging his shoulders with a playful smile - at that point, the walking bulk of muscles leaned his bottom into the couch which squealed, having Esme pray she won't have to buy a new one... Sixth in the last two years. Edward chuckled upon hearing so, looking at Esme as well. "Over the moon? Seth was out of his mind if I'm assuming correctly." - Edward said, still smiling at Esme. - "I wouldn't be this worried about the shifters joining in on our game. As Emmett said, if they wouldn't want to play football with us, they'd decline the invitation in the first place. The way we know Sam, he wouldn't willingly endanger his pack... Neither would Jacob. If they both think it's fine to join in, it's safe for them."
"Can you... Imagine their faces when they'll learn that we invited shape-shifters?" - The woman opposed nonetheless, looking at all four of them as she angrily rubbed jello onto Nessie's sandwich. She wasn't letting her motherly instincts go that easily, it was Esme after all. Sure, the vampires could take of themselves and the Quileutes could too, but that didn't mean there won't be any injuries; sure, the shape-shifters were capable of healing inhumanly fast and their friend sure had plenty of experience re-assembling themselves, but still... "Catching them off-guard like this doesn't seem like the best idea to me, especially after knowing them for centuries. WE might be friends with people living in the reserve, but our families have years of experience with one another. Them? They haven't met each other, not a single time. As far as we know, our family is the only one that has good relationships with shape-shifters."
To explain who the shape-shifters were, it was wisest to start at the beginning. La Push, a nature reserve in near proximity to Forks, was home to indigenous people, the tribe known as Quileutes. Having centuries of tradition and history, some of their most famous stories said that they descended from wolves, from which form they were changed by the Transformer, Q'wati. Only recent stories started to involve the Cold Ones, aka vampires, yet the tribe always seemed the wolves as their ancestors. Truth be told, while smelling a vampire's scent might've been a starter for one's transformation, their existence of them was the last reason for the shape-shifters' existence. The wolves might've been dormant for years, yet everyone carried a piece of them inside and they were doing so with pride. The mutual relationship between Cullens and the Protectors was rocky for quite a long time, to say the least, but the latest event changed them for the better. Quite some time had passed since the Volturi visited Forks, which was caused by the unnatural circumstances surrounding Renesmee's birth - the issue was, thankfully, resolved with both the Quileutes and the Volturi and has since been put to sleep. Since then, everyone seemed to be getting along just fine. And each shape-shifter now willingly agreed to say their goodbyes to the Cullens, taking them up on this challenge. Since the coven was about to leave Washington soon, there won't be no more reason to keep the wolves awake. Soon enough, the Protectors will be allowed to go to sleep.
Aging was another interesting issue the shape-shifters had to deal with was aging. While they aged mentally, their bodies didn't age a day ever since the cycle had started. That meant that since 2006, none of the La Push residents changed in regards to their appearance while they had time to explore themselves as individuals, they grew wiser and well... Older. Actually, talking strictly about Jacob Black and Seth, this might've been a piece of false information, just like when talking about Emmett. Their similar mental sets were probably the reason the vampire and the shape-shifter became the very best of friends; this information was known to everyone and everyone was also okay with it. More so, this led to an agreement upon continuous camping trips after the Cullens leave Forks as well as it allowed the two families to promise that they'll be on keeping in touch. Rosalie still pretended she doesn't have a clue about visiting Jake sometime after they'll move out, yet she already counted on coming along.
"Esme..." - Emmett said rather dramatically, looking into his mother's eyes, bringing her back into reality and to the topic of their friends freaking out. - "Ariadne already asked about them multiple times, right after we told her we met them for the first time. And our Canadian lad? I wouldn't be worried..." "That he is a she." - Esme muttered under her breath, correcting her son patiently. "She's looking for new challenges and things to explore constantly." - Emmett corrected himself patiently, making sure there was an emphasis on the word she. - "She's probably older than any of us and by the way..." "We don't even really know if she's Canadian." - Edward said with amusement, listening to Emmett's thoughts. The buffed vampire put his hands over his chest, turning at his brother with his typical lazy smile. - "She's residing in Canada as of the last few centuries for all we know, and that's why she's Canadian for all I care. We know, Emmett." - Edward remarked upon looking into Emmett's mind.
Since the conversation was going off rails anyway, all of the vampires exchanged a few last looks and left the room, attending to their own business. If Alice was residing in the Cullen residence at the time of speaking, she would've immediately started to decorate the house, preparing for the visit; yet since she and Bella decided on a short vacation somewhere in the Amazon, Rosalie and Jasper had to take on the task themselves. As per usual, Alice spent hours on the phone with them, passing on her vision so everything would be perfect. As many times before, Rosalie muttered multiple times that the house doesn't need any decoration for this kind of visit, yet Alice insisted on it, having Bella giggling in the background the entire time. She also confirmed, in a rather jolly tone, that the game will most likely take place - her visions had rather big black spots, meaning the shape-shifters were inclined on accepting the invitation.
As soon as Bella learned about the occasion, she was quite pumped. The woman hadn't seen her former best friend for some time now; neither the rest of the La Push crew and she was looking forward to catching up with them. While Bella turned her back on her former friends (not seeing eye to eye with Jacob was the main reason for such action), Nessie regularly visited the reserve, spending time with Leah, Emily, and Seth, with whom she was best friends. Quil Ateara took Nessie under his wings, watching over the girl as if she was his little sister; both Bella and Edward knew how dangerous it could be to rip Nessie away from the pack; that was also the reason why they planned on keeping her in such close contact with the Quileutes. It was officially safe to say that all coven members, aside from Esme, were very excited about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
As the guests started to gather in the Cullen family house, the stormy weather was gathering up in the mountains... Perfect for the sports occasion. Talking about the arriving vampires, it could be more or less said that all of them were Carlisle's friends from his youth, and knowing Carlisle was millions of years old (according to Emmett's calculations). the age of his vampire friends was changing drastically - meaning all of these former humans were changed at various points in history. To ensure all of the introductions will go smoothly, Jasper acted as a mediator, watching over the conversations between Nessie and the visitors; the man watched over the conversations with his eyes narrowed, explaining every detail to the newcomers with nerves of steel. Especially to Ariadne, who was fascinated by how Nessie was not only born but also conceived.
First to arrive was Chloe, as she decided to call herself at that point in time all the way from her home in Norway; her skin was the color of warm sepia, her rich curly hair reached her waist and there was this varmint spark her smile and eyes which made others feel like she's about to cause mischief any second. To Nessie, she was one of the most beautiful vampires she had ever seen - which was a true compliment, given the girl was surrounded by very attractive people all her life. When asked about the time she was changed, she assumed it could be sometime in the 17th century, so she was probably very close in age with Carlisle. Truth be told, her memories of her human life were very foggy and limited. Aaron, her boyfriend, and partner, had surprisingly warm and peachy skin, making him almost seem alive. Next to Chloe's varmint, it could be felt that Aaron is a good-willed idiot (which he said himself.), someone who could be described as a ray of sunshine. Interestingly enough, he seemed to go with the newest fashion trends; his short hair was permed, and he had a golden septum in his nose - about which Aaron said to Nessie that he knew the hole might not grow back together, but he very much enjoyed the rebellious vibe he was giving off as soon as he put it in. Aaron also wasn't changed anywhere near her time - Chloe found him in a car crash just seventy years ago. Reminiscing on the night they met, Aaron shily admitted he thought that an angel was sent to take him to heaven, and in delirium, he agreed to be turned - for Chloe, it was love at first sight.
The other two expected visitors (mentioned Ariadne and the Canadian) were both female; Nessie met Ariadne first since the Canadian was taking her sweet-ass time with her dramatic arrival as per usual. If Nessie asked any of the Cullens to describe Ariadne, they'd start by emphasizing her undying interest in human conflicts and the newest movements dealing with various ecological and humanitarian issues. She wasn't changed too long ago, Ari admitted to Renesmee openly, only back in the 60s'. The vampire looked rather young in her appearance, being only 18 at the time of her change. Since Nessie was curious about the circumstances, she admitted that it was Carlisle, who turned her after a demonstration going downhill. She couldn't reside in her hometown in Mexico anymore, due to being turned, yet she talked about how beautiful the place can be during the night - with a soft smile, Ariadne also told Nessie about her people's traditions and attempted to describe to Nessie her ma's best recipes. Her ma, as it turned out, was still living in Cancún. Ariadne, on the other hand, was forced to watch her family from the shadows, never quite having the chance to walk back into the door now that she was turned into a vampire. The story took Nessie's breath away and she started weeping a bit.
Last, yet not least, there was her. The one who Emmett was looking out of, the one who he waited for hours, standing with his arms crossed over his chest as he furrowed into the distance. Emmett described her as his sister in arms, especially when it came to rushed decisions, dumb ideas, and tormenting Edward with their synchronized telepathic singing; which was usually as false as they could achieve. As Nessie asked Emmett about the mysterious visitor, it could be seen that her uncle is barely containing his excitement - making the teenager excited as well. While the Canadian was one of Carlisle's oldest friends, the mischievous duo clicked since the time they met on the very first occasion. Rosalie muttered the two of them act like wild, untamed animals as soon as they're left alone for longer than two minutes - Nessie could see that her aunt is very much fond of the stranger, though.
None of them knew Y/N's story and it was quite possible she didn't know it herself - to their frustration, she also locked these thoughts in a huge iron box anytime Edward was nearby, so it was almost impossible for him to decipher it. As Emmett put it bluntly, she was old; and that wasn't meant to be a bad thing. She didn't even bother counting how long she was roaming the Earth, neither did she know how old she was in human years precisely and only one thing was sure - this one was way older than any of them. Neither she nor Carlisle talked or thought about the time they spent together in the past, none of the Cullens knew how they exactly met... Except for the two of them. The only thing the other Cullens knew about their relationship was also the fact that the thought of Carlisle joining the Volturi was so unbearable to her that the two vampires stopped talking for almost two centuries - and only started to see each other once Carlisle found her in the Russian wilderness, owning to the mistake he made with trusting the Italian coven. The relationship between the Canadian and the Volturi, was surely hostile and volatile, but they never really sent their gifted to track her down; whether it was because of her bond with the Cullen family or her potential personal value to Aro was to be debated.
Truth be told, Y/N was always a loner; she never bothered to hide her appreciation for loneliness and personal freedom. The woman wasn't the type to keep a long-term company around, she never stuck with any vampire for longer than a year before abandoning the relationship altogether. In addition, she always claimed that these little gatherings were doing it for her, ensuring she was aware of their home being a loving and welcoming one she could come back to any time. It was unlikely, yet she was content with the piece of knowledge itself. The woman also claimed to have an alleged bullshit meter inside her head and Edward neither confirmed nor denied this alleged superpower.
Nessie, enchanted by meeting all of the other visitors, was sitting on the porch, rocking herself in a chair as she worked on a sketch of Chloe's profile - truth be told, the girl was unable to take her eyes off the vampire. Jasper was sitting on the stairs, craving a small wooden statuette as he hummed a song. And suddenly, they both stopped upon hearing a roaring engine closer and closer to the house. Edward came out of the house with his palms in his pockets, grinning already; Jasper bumped his shoulder, grinning the same way. "Are you sure?" - The southern boy muttered, already chuckling. "It's our little tradition by now, I'm sure I can handle her." - With that, Edward looked over to Nessie, signaling that she should go inside the house for a bit. The teenager took a breath to oppose her father, yet as soon as he read her thoughts, all of her arguments were in vain. - "I want her to meet Bells first, you know how important her friendship is to Carlisle. Surely, there's nothing that can go wrong." "I know." - Jasper smiled before rushing back inside, joining Chloe and Nessie in the living room as the two women started a game of chess, grinning as he listened to the two discussing men and boys. As per usual, Nessie talked solely about Seth Clearwater, for whom she, quite obviously Jasper had to admit, had the hots - none of them took this crush seriously, though; Seth was one of the sweetest and most honest boys the Cullens had ever met and he really didn't seem to think about her of more as his friend's daughter and his own friend.
A few short minutes later, Nessie's attention shifted elsewhere; a bright red cabriolet stopped right in front of their house with a loud roar. As was expected, there was a woman sitting behind the steering wheel - Nessie could tell she was a vampire due to her beauty, and even though, she was dressed in rather campy clothes and... Smoking a cigarette as she scanned her father from his toes to the top of his head. Little needed to be said, her arrival caught the attention of many; those who already knew her simply rolled their eyes and chuckled upon seeing her ride. Bella, however, watched the newcomer with true confusion. Thinking back about it, Carlisle probably should've warned the new family members about his friend and her need for a bit of... Drama. Edward, however, seemed amused by Y/N. "You might be aware of this at this point of your existence..." - The man mumbled and walked over to the cabriolet with his palms in the pockets of his jeans. - "... But vampires cannot really smoke. Doesn't bring the desired effect." "Oh, boo-hoo, who said it doesn't?" - The woman answered back, snarky amusement almost tangible in her voice. Her eyes snapped up to look at him, her palm moving her sunglasses down to the tip of her nose. As Edward read the print on her t-shirt (Let's go, lesbians, let's go!), he had to let out a sharp chuckle. - "I look fucking cool for someone who watched public executions at the height of their fame, huh? But enough about me getting closer to the young folk, what about you? We still sad or we feeling better, Ed? Are you still hunting down the bad guys and killing them in the still of the night?"
This was part of the conversation which made Bella reveal herself as she stared at the newcomer. Canadian, however, didn't turn her gaze away from Edward. At this point, Y/N started to get out of the vehicle, patting Edward on his shoulder. For someone who didn't know the relationship between her and the Cullen family, it might've been a wee bit too far but this was an old joke. It came to being back when Edward went rogue and did God knows what God knows where. From that point on, it was always the first question Y/N dropped when walking into the Cullen household. As Edward took a breath in to answer, Bella started talking instead. "Correct me if I'm wrong but Charlie wouldn't let her ride through Forks in a car like this." "What's wrong with my Cabrio?" "Have you ever seen the weather in Forks? Also, wearing sunglasses in this weather as well as smoking while driving? No way he'd let you slip past him." "Oh..." - Edward chuckled again as he read through Y/N's mind, looking over to Bella. - "Trust me, Charlie didn't."
"Oh, now that I'm thinking about it, there was this cop who pulled me over, yes. He wasn't too happy about me riding through his town with the music blasting and me smoking, but he let me off pretty easily after I told him I'm here to visit the Cullens. We chatted for a bit before he let me go, he was pretty charming, to be honest." - The Canadian explained, rolling her eyes as she stopped the engine; the strange vampire stiffened and widened her eyes as she stared at Y/N. "That cop is my dad." - This made the Canadian straighten up as she looked at Bella properly for the first time. This was the moment, Edward thought to himself as he let the two women deal with the introductions. It caught Y/N's attention immediately; this vampire was a newborn. Not exactly, but she was freshly changed. She still gave off a rather clumsy vibe, she was also quirky and twitchy. This could be due to the fresh change or it could be just... Weird mannerisms. Alice was also quirky and didn't stand in one place for too long... It was actually a part of Alice's charm. This could only mean one thing only - Carlisle expanded his coven again. And suddenly, her attention was drawn away from Bells.
That smell. That strange smell of inhuman blood. The distant sound of a heartbeat. Heartbeat. The Canadian looked up at Edward horrifiedly, taking her sunglasses off. As mentioned previously, her beef with Volturi ran deep and was as old as time; naturally, this was what Edward was worried about. The Canadian was freaking out. And it was his mess to explain. "Did you manage to drive yourself insane? You now don't only want to play with your life only, you're getting off endangering your entire coven?" - The vampire growled in Edward's direction, not paying an ounce of attention to Bella. - "A human? Here? Do you even realize how much trouble..." "It's my daughter, Y/N, her name is Nessie." - Edward explained silently. - "She isn't a vampire... But she isn't a human. This is her mother and my wife, Isabella." - Carefully, he explained. Edward didn't truly know what the Volturi was, he only just heard about the grudge you held towards the coven. It was important to enlighten you before you'd enter the house and flip out. - "Don't spare me the entire tirade about how dangerous could Volturi be. They've already checked on the issue, it's resolved." "Did you..." "No." - Edward didn't even let you finish the question, never letting Bella know what you were about to ask. The talk ended there and then. No more questions to be asked... Until later. Suddenly, there was a cute smile on your face as you shook Bella's palm with yours.
"Yikes about that situation with your dad, could you pass him that I'm terribly sorry if I gave him the creeps? I just liked to leave an impression. Nice to meet you, Bella, name's Y/N." - As Bella shook your palm, you pointed at Edward. - "I take it as a sign of Edward not enjoying being melodramatic, then. Don't worry though, Emmett and I will come up with something we can make fun of him for very soon.". - With that, Y/N waltzed right into the house full of vampires. As expected, Emmett, except Carlisle, was the most pumped to see her again. The two of them hugged immediately mumbling something along themselves. - "Great, now there's two monkey men instead of one." - Rosalie chimed in, bringing the woman into a tight embrace as well. After saying hi to everyone and being introduced to Renesmee (by whom you were literally enchanted; especially by her supernatural skills), all of you gathered around the bonfire and talked until dawn. Nessie fell asleep around midnight, which was a sign for you to talk about more... Unpleasant topics, including what had happened in the last twenty years.
For Bella, it was interesting to see a vampire supposedly older than Carlisle fully in touch with the human world, all of its vanities, and the most modern trends. She was sure you were more informed than the Cullens themselves, which was undeniably impressive. After that, though, you asked a whole lot of questions about the Volturi incident. You weren't horrified, no, you were definitely upset by the insanity of the lengths the Cullens had gone to for Bella. The other visitors were slightly confused by the story, but mostly kept to themselves; your reactions were, however, on full display. "I kinda hoped you'd turn up on our doorstep as soon as Carlisle started gathering some of his friends." - Emmett admitted as you sat side by side, still letting the information sink in. "About that... I was a tidbit busy with deep existential themes, I had to take some alone time in the trench. I spent the last six years there if I'm recalling correctly, I needed some real isolation. My memory ain't be what it used to." "Ah, so that's why they couldn't find you anywhere... This would be the story of our lives, can you imagine? You and me, arm in arm against the Volturi." "Oh, we'd definitely popped Aro's head off... What a sight to be imagined. You see, though, being a vampire gets really fucking boring after a few centuries. After being here for long as I have, you sometimes experience this suffocating need to get away from everything." - The woman explained as if nothing was happening, yet her tone was giving away how saddened she felt. - "I feel like I let you down with this and I cannot express how sorry I am. If I even had the slightest suspicion... Of course, I'd be here. The only thing I wish I'd see is Aro realizing he got beaten in his own game and then... If he'd hurt any of my people... All three of them have to know I'm out there waiting for the smallest reason to burn Volterra to the ground, they aren't forgetful nor stupid though."
Both of you started to be wary as you heard a slight shuffle on the balcony. The breathing and rising heartbeat gave the poor girl away as she was spying on you. Her curiosity was stronger than staying asleep. Thus, Emmett felt like a joke was in order. "So now we're your people, huh? Seem to me you've taken the role of Mr. Sad and melodramatic." - The man poked into your side, making you giggle. "Oh, shut up. Deep inside, you're really happy to see me." "We definitely are!" - Alice proclaimed out of nowhere and jumped over the sofa to sit beside you, putting her arm over your shoulder. - "Not like we are angry with you or anything. We managed. Love the t-shirt by the way." - The gentle vampire muttered, making you sure she means it to some extent. The woman was strictly into designer clothes to which you were kind of indifferent. You had the money, without a doubt, but you preferred funny prints. "I hope you are not mad at me, gee. Also, thank you very kindly. I knew you'd absolutely love it." "You still ditched us, though." - Emmett said jokingly, making you grin at him.
"While we're chatting, I had one thing on my mind... Why do you want to set out on a hunt later? I wanted to set off to hunt grizzly bears tomorrow. Chloe was also wondering about this." - You asked out of the blue, making Chloe show you a thumbs up as she overheard the question. To prove your point, you pointed at her and expected your answer. To your dismay, neither of the siblings gave you a clear answer; the only response was a secretive smile they exchanged so quickly that you almost missed it. Needless to be said, neither answered your further questions, so you gathered in the living room to go through a list of songs you wanted to sing to Edward really badly - each being more annoying than the previous one. Ed also knew that by this point he should really know better than to listen to your thoughts; yet this torment was a part of the tradition and it was honestly pretty endearing; except that one when Emmett spent three hours rapping every Eminem song backward, making both of them fail a pretty important exam back at school.
"Good morning." - Chloe smiled at everyone sitting in the living room, playing various card games. The hunt was over for almost four hours now, so you needed to find a different form of entertainment before the Cullens reveal their secret. As per usual, something as simple as a greeting managed to set off a bomb consisting of three idiots precisely - Emmett, you and Alice, Aaron joining on this very sporadically. The rest of the vampires, including Nessie, simply answered and got it over with... Alice furrowed at Chloe though, acting as if she didn't hear correctly.
"Morning?" "Yea, that's not gonna fly here, missy." - You chimed in, muttering it as you put your joker card on the table. As soon as Chloe heard this, she just rolled her eyes and joined in on helping Esme with a hoard of sandwiches. "That's like... Formal vampire knowledge." - Emmett joined in silently, trying to figure out what you're gonna do next. - "Vampires don't sleep." "You can't wish good morning to someone who doesn't sleep." "Thanks for reminding us of our misery, big appreciation for that." "Shut up, you three." - Chloe said as she laughed silently.
Not even five minutes later, you took a stroll into the kitchen, watching the mass of food Esme put together. The woman started to go through the snacks, some were sweet, some had meat, and some were vegan-friendly. - "This is getting freaky, what is this for? Did you invite the entire Forks to watch us?" "Well, not Forks exactly..." - Esme smiled, teasing you a bit more. The look in her eyes told you that she'll finally let you in on what was going to happen. - "The boys invited a few of our friends from La Push as a surprise. "Wait." - Chloe stopped in her tracks, setting the knife aside. - "Carlise warned us... Years ago, going near the ravine leading to La Push was strictly forbidden due to this pact you made with the people living there." - Esme simply nodded in agreement. "A lot has changed in the past few years, along with the relationship. They are looking forward to meeting you." "That is actually..." "Pretty freaking cool." - You admitted, tapping the countertop with your palm. Esme was waiting for your reaction, but your expression didn't give away much more than amusement and determination. - "I'll get ready to kick some shape-shifter ass, then."
Two hours later, the entire coven as well as the rest of you, set on your way. Atypically for vampires, you decided for a long hike; in case Nessie would be tired, someone would carry her on their back - the hike was, however, interspersed by a climbing competition between you and Emmett. To please Alice, all of you put on expensive designer sports clothes she ordered some time in advance. Funnily enough, the clothes made you look like a true team. Rosalie, as per usual, was the best-looking, but any of you looked particularly bad nor you felt bad moving around in the clothes. Bella named herself the chief photographer, taking various photos throughout the walk; there was a photo of Edward hugging Nessie around her shoulder as they both smiled happily, of Alice blowing a kiss to the camera, of Jasper wearing one of his many famous cowboy hats, of Rosalie, who was pointing a deer hidden in the forest, of you and Carlisle talking as the sun shined on you (Bella thought that you're both looking like angels in said photo), of Chloe carrying Nessie on her back as they both laughed, of you and Emmett absolutely losing it as you almost cried of laughter - all of these photos were to be a beautiful memory of one happy weekend. Everyone was in a happy, jolly mood.
Then, Nessie shyly asked what 'taking time off in a trench meant precisely, to which you replied you spent the last six years at the bottom of the Mariana trench, hunting various predators to keep your hunger in check. Suddenly, out of nowhere, you pulled out a whole story about how you wrestled with a shark somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, taking the girl's breath away in an instant. As Alice listened to the story, giggling at it, suddenly all emotion faded away from her face - it happened at the moment you and Emmett walked into the open, letting the pack of werewolves see you for the first time. Alice was unsure as to approach it, so she simply watched your back, seeing... Nothing. There was nothing in your future, nothing she could see for sure. Panic was overtaking her - were you about to die in the next few moments? If not...
"Oh, no, it's much worse than death..." - Edward whispered as he stopped beside her, touching her shoulder to bring her back into reality. And at that moment, someone's thoughts exploded in the meadow; their world was shifting and the feeling of sudden, undying admiration and love was almost unbearable. There also was... Everything. Lust, sympathy, empathy, sadness - everything love can bring and take away. The vampire met imprinters before, yet this was the first time he had experienced imprinting live. Alice read it right off Edward's puzzled expression. Seth Clearwater imprinted a few seconds back. And it meant serious trouble for all taking part in it.
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