halforc-mercenary · 4 years
𝔖𝔱𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔬𝔯 @demonhunter-atram
Over the camp from between thethick roof of leafs and branches, streaksof sunlight fell through the canopy, cuting through the dim light of the early noon like broiling blades. The scent of in a pan frizzling oil hung in the air as Mar turned the flatbread grilled on one side in the pan and then with nimble hands filled the round flatbread with curd, small pieces of ham and cheese, before clapping the flatbread to a half, pressing the edges closed with a wooden spoon so the filling would not run into the pans fat. The heat of the afternoon was yet hours away, so there was still morningdew laying on the glade shimmering in the sunlight like diamonds  that covered the grass, Mars tent, and rose in grey steam from Come-Heres and the Ponies pelts while they idley browesed through the grass.
“I hope you are hungry and want to eat melted cheese.”, Mar said, watching the demonhunter from out of the shadow the Hood of her Gugel was painting her freckled face in. Under her hood her ears flicked up and down, up and down up and down like a nervouse deer, although she did her best to hide it while she turned the filled flatbreads one time on the other side before she carefully took thepan from the happily crackling flames that looked in the dull light almost more yellow than red. Mar felt uncomfortable, nervouse, jittery, yet her hands moved calmly and slow. Stop this, the young woman grinded her teeth until they creaked like old branches, what are you- a little scared girl?
“So-” How are you? How are you feeling? Had you been at Darnassus? Had you watched it burning? Had you been fighting in Lordearon for the Alliance, when I had fought on the Horde Side to protect my little Brothers? Had you fought at Darkshore and in the Arathi Highlands against the Horde, against Orcs who look like me?How did that changed you? How different are you now fom the man I had kisse- The woman promptly ended her line of thoughts and she bit her tounge so hard she tasted the heavy, iron taste of blood in her mouth. Still the questions were stuck in her throat like stones, making it hard to breath, so the young woman only looked down and carefully shoved the with melted cheese and ham filled flatbreads on a wooden plate to hold it towards the elf:
 “- how have you been, Sir Athram?”
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birkenzeisig · 5 years
Traditionally at the sixth December in germany people will find usually sweets in their shoes in the morning. For children the one who put there the sweets was the “nikolaus” as in the historical figure of Saint Nikolaus who gave half his coat for a begger (The one putting the sweets there could be anyone from  friends, parents or kind neighbours, the neighbours who you never see but who do this, teachers, grandparents...you can guess that everyone pus their largest pair of boots outside the night from the 5th to the 6th december. Its a tactic from childhood. You have normal boots and you have NIKOLAUS BOOTS). 
Since I can not send you chokolate, have this instead and I hope you all have a wonderful sixth december! :D
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@toomany-elves  @thaneirstaer @fivefootab-i-tch @politicallyactivevampire  @soulofwinters @demonhunter-atram @obsidianprinxess @tavoriel @styrkvr @stonestridernerd @candituft​ @safrona-shadowsun​ 
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demonhuntxrs · 8 years
I'm not alone in thinking that anon was on the hostile side was I?
// No not at all. people shouldn’t be policing how others rp. Like there’s no excuse for it at all, there’s no rule book for how to play a certain type of character. 
There are no you must/ you must nots for rp. You do you and don’t let anyone stop you. Muses mean something to the people who write them and it’s a personal choice as to how you write them. 
Write what makes you happy and those who don’t like it don’t have to stay.
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betrayer-illidan · 8 years
"How did you even got your hair like that man."
“Stormrage family genes, and you know several thousand years of growing my hair out.” 
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vaesha-draecon · 8 years
demonhunter-atram replied to your photo “No longer bound Scene prize for @demonhunter-atram, I hope you like it...”
This is amazing and the quote is PERFECT!
Glad you like it. I like the quote as well :)
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archmage--khadgar · 8 years
⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ 5 stars. You play an amazing Khadgar !! We need to Rp more often in fact.
(dsdhkjadhs thankyou!)
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halforc-mercenary · 5 years
♧: Your muse playing with their hair
When Mar crawled out of her tent in the morning while the morningmist lay over the glade like a blanket, she found the Elf laying on the cowpelt she had lay beside the campfire in the night before when she had cooked herself a eveningmeal. The campfire had burned down in the night, the ashes grey and damp like the morningmist and Atram had curled up like a cat beside the burned down fire.The young woman stood before her tent for a moment, one hand around the sword that lay always beside her bed in the night, her eyes wandered to the Elf, then to the Burro and the Pony bound to a near tree who had not alarmed her during the night. For a second the quietness of the morning lay as thick as a blanket on the glade, suffocating every sound. Moments ticked by heavy thick like syrup.Then the second ended and Mar stomped barefoot over to the Elf, kneeling down beside him, making the grass beneath her rustle quietly. He looked so young, she noticed not for the first time. Of course he looked young, he was an elf after all, a voice as sharp as a knife cut through Mars mind and she frowned heavily. He looked younger than her, the thought made the frown on the young womans freckled face became darker, number, heavy like a mask. Mar had seen Atram sleeping before but this was the first time she saw him sleeping when he was calm and not sick so it was new seeing his face at ease, quiet, slumbering like a child. 
“..Good morning, Sir Darkblade.”, with a quiet sigh she brushed a strain of violet hair behind the mans long ear, before she pinched into the tip of his ear with a nimble hand. Still, she was gentle and her voice was more curious than stern like a soft humm: “So how did you find my camp?”
[ @demonhunter-atram ]
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birkenzeisig · 6 years
Top 5 moments that define you as an RPer and Writer?
hmhmhmn, I think the first moment would be me and my brother Leif sneaking on saturday morning into the livingroom to watch cartoons after spending the whole week exchanging stories about the next episode of Spiderman and Batman. xDThat still counts as writing, even if it wa sonly in our heads!
The second moment was when I was 13 and ended in my first rp guild in warcraft. It was real fun, even thought I had always more to do with school than playing. Never will I forget how happily I wrote that i turned 14 and the guys suddenly screaming in the ooc chat: WAIT YOU WERE 13?! WE WERE WRITING WAR STORIES AND YOU ARE A TINY KID?!Apparently when I wrote my characters it had not been shown that I was a child with pimples sitting on the other side of the computer and I had never been especially keen to write Ooc with anyone ingame. 
I think the third  moment was when I was 16 and after hanging around a german Rp-server (Kult der Verdammten) for three years, I ended up in a Orc-Guild with the name “The groldom Clan” where I wrote the next three years. I had before written how much i adored the people in there. Like for example at the end of my wow-time the guy who I had shipped one of my characters with had on the seldom moments we had a “Hey bro how are you at your side of germany” -conversation,  sat together with his wife and since they had already three children leaving the house they made a list for me of what to look out for when I for the  first time live on my own away from home to visit university. I still follow their advice in having a “household-plan” aka have a strict washingday, until today . Anyway in this guild I had a safe space to develop characterconcepts that maybe other less supporting people would have stomped down as “mary sues” and lorebreaking.They did not, they supported me and played with me. The guild leader was so amazed by my drawings that he made me a extra-corner in the guild-forum where I can post my art xD they were supporting the shit out of me, ha!
The fourth moment might was when I discovered @demonhunter-atram playing @worldbreakerwhelp by writing here on Tumblr. He eventually sat down with me and explained the whole rp-tumblr-community to me and lead me through the first theards, where I still played @rheastraszas-last-egg . He also generously looked over my even worse english back than xD  . Hes the best!
The fifth moment would be me meeting @dasacht , you, @valerians-travels @vegetron and @obsidianprinxess  who became the constant guys I wrote with and helped me staying with writing @halforc-mercenary. Hihi ;D
Eventually I seem to had had a good luck with the people I had wrote with. The Warcraft community I met had always been free of Drama and supportive and here on Tumblr I had also never been entangled with Drama, so I can say I had been lucky and I am very thankful for it to just be able to write some fantasy and fun :D
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betrayer-illidan · 8 years
❤ For the illness prompt
❤ To tell them that you’re worried about them
Illidan was grateful that he was decent enough at acting like he was perfectly enough to be out walking the temple. He could hide in his room no longer he’d done that enough. People were going to think he was up to something if he  wasn’t involved. 
He was leaning against the far wall of training courtyard when he heard the sound of another approach. He relight his eyes which he’d extinguished for jut a moment to let them rest.  He saw Atram standing before him seeing looking at him with scrutiny. 
This close to the half demon surely the other Night elf could see the pallor of his skin, the way leaned against the wall to keep himself from falling over after standing for more than a few minutes.  He was thankful that his eyes were runined else they’d probably be ringed with dark circles. 
The demon hunter stated his concern for Illidan and he scoffed.
“Why? I’m perfectly fine...Really.” 
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lunagojo · 8 years
The World in Reverse
The World in Reverse: What is your character holding back?
Sometimes she feels like she is holding back her real feelings. Since she is the Aspect of Light, she feels as though she has to be completely neutral unless someone attacks her outright. She can’t really look at a person and say ‘I dislike them I am not going to talk to them’, because it is expected of her to be kind and compassionate to everyone she meets.
Believe me, she is holding back her anger too. She can be stern, but when she is really enraged it is a rare occurrence. (It’s usually only when it comes to her consorts or her children being hurt).
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halforc-mercenary · 6 years
I would love to know a certain half orc's reactions to the skimpy night elven armor as fashioned by a certain demon hunter?
For a moment- just a moment!- Mar looked up and down at the Elf with eyes so big it seemed a miracle they did not just rolled out of her head the next second, before her eyes ended again at the mans face, where they stayed. For a moment the woman was just quiet. For a moment- just a second!- she hestiated.
Well, he did indeed looked beautiful in that armor. He always looked beautiful, armor or not.
Then Mar banned this thought at the farest corner of her mind, crossed her atout arms under her chest, and bared her teeth like a snarling dog.
“I know you are a trained Demonhunter and are technically immortal.”,she huffed, her freckled ears pinned back as if she was a annoyed animal: “But for Lights sake, please stop testing your luck and put on some actual armor! I have not enough bandage and woundoinment for your whole-” she made a strange agitated gesture with her small hand, pointing up and down on the Elf while looking for fitting words” - self .”
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halforc-mercenary · 7 years
Send me ⊙ and my muse will bold all that applies to yours      
I think you are:
| Admirable | Attractive | Absentminded | Amusing | Abrasive | Aloof | Arrogant | Brilliant | Bizarre | Bland | Caring | Charming | Clever | Confident | Courageous | Creative | Cute | Careless | Childish | Clumsy | Cowardly | Cruel | Dignified | Dramatic | Desperate | Devious | Disrespectful | Elegant | Energetic | Emotional | Excitable | Faithful | Forgiving | Friendly | Flamboyant | Foolish | Frightening | Generous | Gloomy | Greedy | Gullible | Helpful | Honest | Hateful | Intelligent | Ignorant | Impulsive | Insensitive | Irresponsible | Lovable | Lazy | Mature | Malicious | Misguided | Monstrous | Narrow-minded | Optimistic | Obnoxious | Peaceful | Persuasive | Protective | Power-hungry | Quirky | Reliable | Romantic | Ridiculous | Sexy | Sophisticated | Selfish | Trusting | Treacherous | Understanding | Unpredictable | Unstable | Vulnerable | Witty | Weak | There were many moments Mar could remember when she needed examples of how to describe the Demonhunter: There was his loud, utterly drunk chuckle when he told her the most stupidest and best joke she had ever heard (at least when drunk). There was the warm spot between his shoulderlades where she had rested her forehead against when she had slept beside him, rolled on her side, with one arm wrapped around his waist. There was the feeling of his clawed fingers against her knees, when he had held her in place while she had sat on his shoulders. There was the loud growl in his throat when he had ripped that foresttroll away from her as if the same had been just a rag of meat.  There was that smile- his smile- when they would cook or eat together and talk, just talk, just talk and sweet, sweet, sweet nothing, nothing, nothing else.Yet, Mar thougt that the words were still not fitting for him, not fitting enough  a least.
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halforc-mercenary · 7 years
Red Velvet Cake: Secret Admirer
“Greetings Sir.” , Mar sat down before the Demonhunter, before her chest she held a open packet which held the disturbing butchery of something that might once had been a lovely decorated velvet cake. With the splashed red cake it even looked like a slaughter, as the cake did not even had a form anymore but was smeared in thick clots that looked like meat chunks on the packingpaper along with the pale cream.“Someone leaved this before my door and Tjark and Kaike got their paws on it, so most of it was gone before I noticed. Well, at least we now know that the cake wasn´t poisoned. ”, obviously completly unaware of who left the cake at her door, the young woman sat the packet down between them on the tabletop, before she fished out of her beltbag two wooden spoons and offered the man one of the spoons:
“However, its still enough for sharing. Do you want some?”
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halforc-mercenary · 7 years
send me ✗ for my muse to fall on yours and land on top of them
Tjark had been the last one who had fled in the warmth of the Tradingstations Mainbuilding for eventually no oh-so-thrilling Trainingfight could keep people outside in this wintry rizzle that was made of tiny, light raindrops but that fell so even that standing in it felt as if one was wrapped in  a icecold, waterdrenched cloth.But for Mar and Atram this trainingfight was not about the audience or Tjarks enthusiastic cheering or the joy of moving, this trainingfight- no this stupid, ungalant brawl!- was about blowing off steam, this was about painting the paved ground red, this was about working off the utterly frustration of beeing caught since weeks in the tradingstation like predetors caged behind steelbars. This was not about training or staying fit or fighting the boredom, but this was about moving, moving, moving and hitting, hitting, hitting.Mar was bathed in sweat and her bare right arm was covered in already blackening bruises where the leatherstraps of her roundshield had cut in her skin when Atrams last strike had ripped off the rounshield of her arm along with the leatherstraps and had threw the shield out of her reach at the very other end of the tradingstations yard. Who cared, the Winter was lightdamned long enough so she could let the leatherstraps of her shield get fixed again before she would need it again and this was not about the ripped leatherstraps or the under the Demonhunters last strike broken steelframe of the  shield, but this was about moving, moving, moving and hitting, hitting, hitting.Only with her sword in one hand the young woman bared her tusks in a growl, when Atram charged at her again. The Halforcs feet slipped over the wet stone beneath as she shifted forward but instead of moving to the side she used in the span of just one second her free hand, reached forward, grabbed the leatherstrap over Atrams chest belonging to the harness he used to transport his Glaives in, pulled him down to her, and then hammered her forehead against his with all her force, all the strenght of his inrun, all their  frustration.
There was a sound similar to a brittle branch breaking.
Then the second was over and Atram´Theril collapsed over her like a felled tree, carried down the short woman with his full weight and the momentum of his sprint.
Mar had not even enough time to shriek when she was abruptly pressed against the cobbled grounds, in her bare back the coldness of the stones and over her the sudden heat of another body burrying her under him. All breath was brutally pushed out of her lungs, leaving her gasping and wheezing, while she tried to wiggle her jammed limbs like a helpless turtle turned on the back.
“Si- Athram you-  …..Heavy…!”, she gasped in a tiny, husky voice for this was all the sudden withdrawal of the air in her lungs allowed her to say.
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halforc-mercenary · 7 years
✚ for a kiss on a wound.
The bandage around her bare lower arm was drenched in wildsteelflower-oinment and smelled like fresh cut grass on a late summerafternoon. Mar felt naked, even thought she was fully dressed and the only bare skin visible was the scarred and blackish freckled skin of her arm because she had rolled up her tunics long sleeve, still, without hauberk, armor and studded leatherjerkin, she felt as vulnerable as a naked newborn. That it was not her but Atram who put on the bandage over the bleeding cut was setting the young womans teeth even more on edge, as she unpatient wriggled about on the rock she was sitting on. Then she felt a gentle pressure on the bandage. Not the pressure of the Elfs fingers, but gentler, softer, delicately. Her ears jolted upwards like the ears of a confused Deer, when the Halforc looked down at the before her kneeling Demonhunter. A sudden blush dyed her cheeks pitchblack and drowned her dark freckles in deep blackness, before she- carefully, suprisingly gentle and carefully- unwinded her stout arm out of Atrams soft grasp. Her ears pinned back, her cheeks inkblack and her head turned away to the side, the young woman grunted:
“You know, I might be a few centuries younger than you, but I am not a child that needs a everything-will-be-fine-Kiss, Sir.”
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halforc-mercenary · 7 years
These are the results of the Calculations by Dr. Love:
        Atram'theril Shadowblade ❤︎ Margvis Helasdottir Muthand
                                                95 %
   Dr. Love thinks that a relationship between Atram'theril Shadowblade and Margvis Helasdottir Muthand has a very good   chance of being successful, but this doesn’t mean that you don’t have to work on the relationship. Remember that every relationship needs spending time together,    talking with each other etc.
For a second Mars jaws loosed every hold and her mouth clapped open, her eyes became so big that it seemed a miracle that they did not rolled out of her head the next second. The Calculator had been something with what Tjark had entertained  the residents of the Tradingstation at the breakfast in the bigger commonroom and a few hours later Mar had found the small mechanic box forgotten and already titled as boring on a table in the same room. Out of boredom (plus a tiny little spark of curiosity that was far from beeing innocent, but was strictly silenced by the Halforcs stern demeanour) Mar had tipped in her name and Atrams name that had just came randomly to her mind (at least that had been what she was telling herself, ignoring the little voice at the farest corner of her mind).
When she heard footsteps, footsteps from bare clawed feet she knew all to well, the Halforc turned around with her cheeks black in a blush and her eyes wide open as if she was a child caught redhanded while stealing cookies:
“Thats just….a gnomish Hoax!”
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