#demom slayer genya
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sandraiix · 5 months ago
An artist and their muse
Genya x Artist!Reader
Warnings- Some swearing
||No beta||
You had a.. "small" thing for one of your classmates, Genya Shinazugawa for a while but didn't exactly knew how to go about it. So instead you would draw him on either your phone of sketch book, simple doodles of his face or half body shots, him in class or doing stuff you've seen him do during his shooting club activities or if you're feeling up to it, full body art.
You did this for a few months and hid what you were doing to avoid embarrassment, ESPECIALLY when Genya is in the room. You were doing pretty well at hiding your art until a.. slight fuck up happened, you were in math class and were drawing after finishing a test your math teacher Sanemi gave you all. The bell rings and you and all your other classmates passed your papers, you also passed you paper as well.
Along side a drawing of Genya that you ripped off your sketch book cause ya slightly messed up his other eye cause you had the great idea of using pen.
"Alright." Sanemi stood up. "I'll be handing these back on monday." He simply said before he existed the room and your next teacher comes in.
Hours passed and it was almost time to go home, Sanemi and the other teachers were in the teachers lounge, some were chatting, some were checking papers and Sanemi was one of them. Occasionally grunting at the students who got a low score on the test, he eventually got to your paper and you did fairly well, not to high not to low but when you pushed it to the other checked papers thats when it feel.
"What the-" Sanemi bent over to pick it up, his eyes widen slightly from seeing the nice little art of his little brother smiling. He looked between the drawing and test paper before approaching your art teacher, Tengen Uzui, to confirm something.
"Uzui, I wanna ask ya something." Sanemi called out with the drawing on one of his hands, Tengen turns to face him. "Really? That's rear." He pushed himself away from his table to fully turn to Sanemi. "What's up, grumpy?" Sanemi rolled his eyes before showing him the drawing. "Do you recognize who draws like this by any chance?"
Tengen leans over to see the drawing, thinking for a moment before responding with a positive tone "Ah, that's [Y/N] [L/N]'s art! Impressive isn't it? They're a very talented artist, I see a flashy future ahead of 'em!" He praised, he was able to recognize your art since you were one of the few students that can draw well. He likes your work.
Sanemi nods. "Alright, thanks." He walked back to his table and goes back to checking the rest of the paper, but not before putting your art in his bag. School finally ended and everyone was heading home as well as Sanemi together with Genya. Once they reached home tidied themselves up Sanemi decided to bring up his new discovery.
"Oi! Genya! Where are ya? I wanna show you something!" *His voice bombed through the house and after a few seconds- "Hold on!" Genya's foot steps can be heard and he appears with a laughing Koto on his shoulders. "What's up?" Genya sets Koto down and he runs back to the previous room Genya ran out of, continuing to play with their other siblings.
Once Koto leaves Sanemi pulls out a folded piece of paper from his bag. "Look at this." He says as he hands Genya the paper. "What? What i-" As Genya unfolds the paper he made a similar reaction to Sanemi with he first saw what's on the paper only this time there was a slight blush on his cheeks. "D-Did someone give you this?"
Sanemi chuckled at his reaction before shaking his head. "Nah, I think they just accidentally passed that along with the test papers I gave this morning.. which BY THE WAY 13 out of 25? Seriously?!" He yelled, his hand on his hips as his voice growls at him.
Genya's face turns from surprise to fear in seconds when Sanemi yells at him. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He aims his head down, his hands shaking slightly. Sanemi huffed before going back to the original topic. "Whatever.. that's from that [L/N] kid, the one the draws alot.. I think you’ve talked to them a couple of times right?" Genya looks back up at him and nods "Yeah, we've talked a few times.." He paused for a second before continuing. "B-But I don't think I'm ready for any sort of relationship!" He says in a nervous tone.
Sanemi hums with a nod. "Yeah, figured.. just wanted to let ya know there's hope for your dumbass." He snorted as he lightly hits his shoulder, Genya grumbled in response. "Be quiet.." He crossed his arms.
"Can I keep this? It looks really nice.." Genya nervously asked as he fidgets and Sanemi chuckled again. "Yeah, go ahead.. make sure ya start talking to the kid more often, maybe they'll end up with your pathetic ass in the future." He teases, but somewhere deep down he wanted to he his little brother smiling happily just like in that stupid drawing.
And maybe that might end up true, assuming by the way Genya actually ended up talking to them more the next day despite all his stuttering, or by the way they would talk during lunch, or by the way Genya started inviting you to his some of his club activities.. maybe, maybe..
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kisasan · 2 years ago
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knygenya · 4 years ago
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Since the news arent covering this, guess i will.
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kisasan · 2 years ago
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