#demetrius collins
Demetrius Collins and Phil Ware lead us in online virtual worship through words and music using YouTube videos to call us to have a heart for God's people and to serve them in love.
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Ain't no love in the heart of the city - prologue
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TW: mentions of g*n violence, character death, tween's getting injured.
Manny - Masc y/n
Femmiya - femme y/n
Nebbi - Nonbinary y/n
(you don't have to take the names seriously, just as a heads-up Miles G will be in a poly relationship with Manny, Femmiya, and Nebbi)
In the ruthless streets of New York, love was a pretty hard thing to find. Tch, a true friend is hard to find, let alone a lover. New York was only for criminals and  fugitives. The world around New York is surprised that normal people still live there. 
It wasn’t always this bad, when Jefferson Morales it was semi peaceful.Yeah criminals still existed but he made things a little better. He was a true man of kindness and peace, he sometimes got young gangsters and drug addicts off the streets with just his words. He was really a god sent, his wife and brother couldn’t be more thankful for him. And that was more emphasized when it came to his son Miles. Miles was such a bright, happy, and smart kid always being funny in one way or another.  
Miles looked up to his father so much, when he was young he would often play cops & robbers with his friends or with his dad & uncle. But everyone knew being a cop wasn’t Miles’ passion, his passion was to be a physics scientist or an engineer. So Jefferson and Rio tried to put him in the best programs so he could pursue this passion the best he can. 
When he wasn’t being smarty pants and had time to play, he would play with his friends. These friends were Manny Jones, Femmiya Collins, and Nebbi Wilson. There was no way you could ever separate them once they were together. It would be like trying to separate a crocodile from meat, not happening. 
They were all so adorable when they met up, they would always do a group hug once they saw each other. Always melted the heart of their parents. Whenever there was a playdate, some parent had to take pictures and share them once the playdate was over. 
The shining four would always play something crazy that would get either all or one of them hurt. Nebby got a chipped tooth because they thought it was a good idea to jump off the patio railing. 
“We were playing superhero” nebby pouted…with a broken  tooth as they were being raced to the hospital. But it was all good fun, and they never cared when they got an injury. They just kept playing until a parent noticed someone was bleeding. 
The parents would also notice something about the shining four, the little friend group would always get blushy around each other. Nebbi would get blushy around femmiya, femmiya would get blushy around Menson, and Menson would get blushy around Miles and vice versa. Though they were all young at the time, they couldn’t have had a crush on each other right? 
As they got into their tween years they mellowed a little, just a little. If there were times when no one was hurt, everything would be peaceful. Birthday parties and just parties in general would always be a blast. 
The shining four all had big families so whoever had a birthday their entire friends’ family would be invited over and mingle. Same for cookouts, EVERYBODY is invited as long as they contribute something. Which everyone always did whether it be food, handing out needed plates, or cleaning duty. 
Today was just like that, everybody was around just enjoying their time. The park was a perfect place for a family function, why wouldn’t it be? Everyone gathered around on this special day and just hung out. Rio was making jokes, Jefferson was playing cards. Kemani and Lyla (femmiya’s parents) were dancing together, Dwayne and Shana(Nebbi’s parents) were at the card table with jefferson. Menson’s mom was dancing as well. Manny’s father, Demetrius,  however looked worried and paranoid. 
All he did was hang in the corner and watched as everyone was happy, sweat falling down both sides of his face as he kept looking at his watch. Jefferson noticed and called him over for a game of cards, the man accepted and sat down next to him. 
“You ok man, you're sweating like a sinner in church” Jefferson said, chuckling at his own words. 
“I’m aight man, just hot out here” demetrius said, wiping the sweat off his face. 
It was not hot at all, it was 78 degrees outside. Perfect summer weather, but Jefferson didn’t press further. He wasn’t that kind of man. So they continued playing cards, demetrius never smiled or laughed at any joke that was said though, Jeff caught on but…not in time. 
The music was just kicking up, everybody was making it to the dance floor with their partner or just by themselves.All the kids were there, showing off some moves their parents may have shown them or something they learned from watching MTV. 
Three gunshots, it took 10 gunshots to disrupt a family function. It took one gunshot to hit Manny who was only dancing, it took a 2nd gunshot to hit femmiya who was getting a cup of juice. It took a third gunshot to hit Nebbi, who was going to find Miles. It took a 4th gunshot to hit Demitrius…it took a 5th gunshot to kill Jefferson Morales. 
Jefferson died a hero, he instantly tried to save Demitrius who got hit by the bullet. Jefferson died trying to save the life of his best friend. Jefferson died without saying goodbye to his wife,  brother…and his son. 
It was chaos, people were screaming. Kids were screaming, everybody was scrambling or just froze from the sudden shock. Parents were looking for their kids, some parents were rushing their child to the hospital. 
All of it went by so fast, Rio didn’t know what was going on. She couldn’t find her son and she couldn’t find her husband. The people around were making that oh so difficult, she was panicking more by the second. 
She found Miles, he was hiding under the table and crying his eyes out with his arms wrapped around his head. Rio pulled him from under the table and ran to the parking lot where they hid on the side of some cars. Life was different after this day…
Miles didn’t know what was going on. One second his family was smiling and happy, no sadness in sight. The next thing he knew half of his family members, some related or not related,  and friends were clinging to life in the hospital…and his father was dead. He didn’t want to believe, He couldn’t believe it, he would not believe it. 
Once he came to terms with..the incident he changed, and not for the better. He would lash out, yell, cry, and just be numb. It was an ongoing cycle for a long time until he had no more emotions to really give out. 
Rio did try to be there for him as for his uncle and lovers. They always sat through his rages or his tears and tried to help the best they could. But they knew they couldn’t mend that heart that was growing bitter and hateful toward the world by the hour. 
Miles didn’t go to the funeral, he just couldn’t. 
 Manny , Femmiya, Nebbi, and Miles started dating at 13. The incident did cause them to put a semi hold on the relationship but they did try to comfort him like lovers were supposed to. No matter how much he tossed hurtful words at them, they knew he didn’t mean it and he would apologize soon after so it wasn’t a problem. 
 Manny , Femmiya, and Nebbi changed too, and not for the better. They were basically going through the same thing as Miles, they viewed Jeff as their second or only father or a Tio. They would often call him pa and rio ma because they were so close. 
They also became oh so bitter and cold toward anyone who wasn’t a relative or friend. They would be nice but only to people who didn’t seem like they had a problem or needed help. 
They often helped Rio when they could, whether it be with groceries, looking after miles, or helping with cleaning the house. No money needed. 
The world around them began to get worse as the months went on. Crime spiked up and just over all terrible things kept happening to people. New York was no oasis, but it was at least liveable in certain areas. 
It’s not like that anymore, if you don’t live in a gated community and can hire someone to do basic things for you. You might as well carry a knife, taser, gun, and machete with you at times. Things are neutral in the daytime but that doesn’t mean you're safe, there are still sh!tty people around. 
The prowler and his friends did make things semi better, they would “take care of” a lot of evil people. Yeah sometimes innocent people got hurt in the process but at least they were making a small difference.  
Oh yeah, the shining four are the prowler’s of New York. Well, Miles is THE prowler. You could say his lovers are variants of him, all three of them have different styles and colors. It was a tough job but it paid well. It kept their families financially stable and were able to pay for things themselves if there was some money left. 
The relationship between the shining four has blossomed into love, even though they already loved each other since they were kids. They kind of find their relationship Ironic, especially when it comes to a certain lyric
“Ain't no love in the heart of the city” 
There was no love in this place, only heartless savage people. But somehow the four of you found love in a heartless city. Because of this love, you four try to stick together the best you can. For better or for worse. 
Come along and join the shining four as they navigate through a heartless city while trying to maintain love.
@weirdo09 @clearskiiiess@ @purplemauves
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globefan · 2 years
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Titus Andronicus photos (part 1), (c) Camilla Greenwell
Daneka Etchells as Lucius in Titus Andronicus (2023). Mei Mei MacLeod as Chiron, Georgia-Mae Myers as Alarbus and Mia Selway as Demetrius in Titus Andronicus (2023). Katy Stephens as Titus in Titus Andronicus (2023). Kibong Tanji as Aaron and Kirsten Foster as Tamora in Titus Andronicus (2023). Sophie Russell as Marcus and Katy Stephens as Titus in Titus Andronicus (2023) Lucy McCormick as Saturninus and Kirsten Foster as Tamora in Titus Andronicus (2023). The company in Titus Andronicus (2023).
Creatives Assistant Director: Indiana Lown-Collins Co-Designer: Rosie Elnile Co-Designer: Grace Venning Composer: Jasmin Kent Rodgman Costume Supervisor: Sian Harris Director: Jude Christian Globe Associate – Movement: Glynn MacDonald Head of Voice: Tess Dignan Lighting Designer: Ali Hunter Seasonal Voice Coach: Katherine Heath Song Writers: Liv Morris and George Heyworth
Musicians: Francesca Ter-Berg Fred Thomas Uchenna Ngwe Hilary Belsey
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jeonstellate · 10 months
ocean waves & faded dreams — shore ø
dawn antoinette is very familiar with conditional love and, frankly, she does not want her daughter to.
⚝༄ platonic!bucky barnes x original character (ft. platonic!tony stark x original character)
⚝༄ mentions of familial disownment & cutting familial ties
⚝༄ paragraph format — 0.7K words
masterlist | ow&fd masterlist
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[gif’s full credit belongs solely to its owner]
⚝༄ this is a prologue of sorts, which happened years before the main story :] (starting strong w familial issues, mb ig)
Dawn Antoinette Collins was the firstborn of Demetrius Collins, the founder of Seraphiel Corporation.
As the firstborn, she was automatically granted the title of heiress. However, from a young age, Dawn strived to prove her worth in deserving such title. True to her name, Dawn for ‘new beginning’ and Antoinette for ‘highly praiseworthy,’ her contributions to SeraCorp solidified the company’s place in the list of renowned automobile manufacturers around the world.
Dawn was labeled as her father’s prodigy at fifteen years of age. By seventeen, she was left in charge of SeraCorp’s product line. By late twenties, she was disowned by her father and effectively uncrowned as his heir.
All because she desired to design clothes than automobiles for the rest of her life.
Still, years after her disownment, Dawn Antoinette had no trouble living up to her name once more. Slowly, but surely, she was climbing up the ladder of the luxury fashion industry. She was making a new meaning for herself, one more detached to the title bestowed upon her by birth.
The sound of a doorbell rang through the entire apartment, signaling that someone was at the door. With a quick look at the digital clock by the television stand, Dawn stood from her seat and walked toward the summoning note.
"Just a second!" She called back when the doorbell rang again before she reached the doorknob.
As soon as she swung the door open, she was greeted by her younger brother’s teasing smirk. "Took you long enough, Antoinette." In lieu of responding, she opened the door wider — wordlessly inviting him in. "Is my favorite niece awake?"
Dawn stopped herself from rolling her eyes. Try as she might, though, she couldn’t mask the fondness in her eyes. "Tashia’s your only niece, Sage."
"My point still stands," Sage dismissed her comment. He waited for her to lock the door before venturing deeper in the apartment, his feet taking him toward the sound of the television with familiarized ease. "Johan, Uncle Sage is here!"
"Uncle Sagey!" Hurried sounds of small feet against the wooden floor echoed, followed by a small body colliding with Sage’s legs.
Dawn watched the entire interaction unfold, the fondness in her eyes was gradually matched with an amused smile.
Sage Oliver Collins was the son of Demetrius Collins, the founder of Seraphiel Corporation. He was her brother, younger by four years, and her successor as their father’s heir after her disownment.
Frankly, Dawn Antoinette prepared for losing the entirety of her family once she expressed her desire to step down from SeraCorp. She had long accepted that her father’s love for her and her brother was conditional, tied to their involvement in his company. And, as cruel as that was, Dawn understood.
Without her in the picture, Sage was next-in-line to be SeraCorp’s CEO. She knew Dimitri Collins, the proud founder of Seraphiel, would simply hate knowing his heir remained in contact with a traitor. She also knew Sage Collins, her lovely younger brother, would refuse to cut contact even if it costed him his position. It pained her to cut all communications with her own brother, but she knew it had to be done and she was the only capable of following through.
Unfortunately, Dawn underestimated the stubbornness that coursed through Sage’s veins — the very same stubbornness that she, too, inherited from their father.
"You wished for me when you were a kid," Sage had said when he appeared at her doorstep months after she changed her number and moved out of their family home. "You can’t leave me just because father would want you to. You’re stuck with me forever."
Dawn was understandably reluctant to welcome Sage in her new life. However, akin to how she proved herself to be the rightful first heir of SeraCorp, he continued to prove how deserving he was in staying in her life.
Every time she witnessed her brother and her daughter interacting, which was fairly often since Sage was too comfortable in dropping by whenever, Dawn was always reminded of how she made the right call in accepting her brother’s presence back. Sure, her daughter would never know her maternal grandparents; but at least she still had her maternal uncle.
And just like how she had no use for conditional love, her daughter didn’t either, anyway.
Thankfully, there was no mistaking the love in her brother’s eyes whenever he looked at his niece. A love that could never replace her affections for Tashia nor an adequate replacement for her rightful father’s, but unconditional just the same. "I have something for you, little Stark."
next shore >
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skyofstorms · 1 year
The Muse Headspace
I could probably design images for each one in time, but for now, here's the masterlist of masterlists when it comes to my muses. Like...every single muse I've used [save a few novel muses] are on this list. Beware, my friends. It's a nightmare - 257 muses listed with fc and species [Canon or lore based mues are in bold]. Yes, there are some repeat faceclaims, I don't wanna hear it. @forwardlion, I want you to know this is your fault.
Abigail Phantomhive | Claire Holt | Demon
Abraham Greenfeld | Keiynan Lonsdale | Human
Adam Milligan/Winchester | Jake Abel | Human
Ahn Taehui | Lim Sejun | Banshee/Demon Hybrid
Akali Tethi | Aeri Uchinaga | Human
Akello Caine | Jussie Smollet | Leopard Shifter
Aleksi Holland | Harry Shum Jr. | Mage
Alexander Lightwood | Matthew Daddario | Nephilim
Alexian Holloway | Alberto Rosende | Human
Aliceon Hartigay | Katie Cassidy | Polykinetic [Pyro, Techno, Terra, Cryo]
Alistair Hypanile | Hayden Christensen | Katagarian Tiger
Alizair Hollis | Dominic Sherwood | Arcadian Wolf
Allison Argent | Crystal Reed | Human/Raven Spirit
Amelie Rayne | Rambo Suicide | Water Elemental
Amelyra Shanarra | Summer Glau | Witch
Amy Waterford "Sailor Mercury" | Nicole Gale Anderson | Senshi
Anabel Lightwood-Bane | Arden Cho | Nephilim/Warlock Hybrid
Andrea Kattalakis | Gemma Arterton | White Tiger Shifter
Andrei Cruz | Jeremy Renner | Black Panther Shifter
Anneliese Romanova | Vanessa Kirby | Dhampir
Annabelle Brunelli | Jacqueline MacInnes Wood | Human
Annika Mitchell | Bully Suicide | Ocelot Shifter
Anthony Stark | Robert Downey Jr. | Human
Ares | Manu Bennett | God
Armand Tempest | Brian Krause | Owl Shifter
Artemis Crescent | Kwon Ji-yong | Mauian
Ashelina Logan | Malese Jow | Werewolf
Asmodeus | Godfrey Gao | Greater Demon
Audrey Briarose | Sarah Jeffery | Psychic
Aziraphale | Michael Sheen | Angel
Baelfire "Neal Cassidy" | Michael Raymond-James | Human
Belinda Oriella-Curani | Taylor Momsen | Succubus
Belladonna Trumpet | Miranda Kerr | Pegasus
Bellek Mosely | Ian Bohen | Phoenix
Brady Johannsen | Chris Pratt | Psychic
Bradley Harrison | Anthony Mackie | Jaguar Shifter
Bruce Banner | Mark Ruffalo | Gamma Enhanced Human
Bruni | Osaki Shotaro | Elemental
Caleb Danvers | Steven Strait | Warlock
Camael | Jensen Ackles | Angel
Camryn Adelaide | Glitz Suicide | Poly Shifter
Carrie Devereaux | Radeo Suicide "Chelsea Vitorio" | Human
Cassidy Merlyn | Dakota Fanning | Vampire
Castiel | Misha Collins | Angel
Catarina Loss | Sophia Walker | Warlock
Cassandra Rogers | Chloe Moretz | Human
Ceannaire Mellark | Daniel Sharman | Fenrir
Cerberus | JR Bourne | Three Headed Demon Dog
Chae Nari | Lee Chae-yeon | Feline Shifter [Rusty Spotted Cat]
Charlie Goodwin | Jesse Labelle | Wolf Shifter
Chelsea Barton | Scarlett Johannsen | Witch
Chezna Lumiere-Conriocht | Devon Shigaki | Werewolf
Chinami Kennedy | Heo Yoorim | Human
Cho Sorren | Choi Seung Cheol | Psychic/Red Panda Shifter Hybrid
Choi Byeol-Dal | Roseanne Park | Forest Nymph
Choi Byeol-Jageun | Lee Felix | Rainbow Nymph
Choi Subin | Jeong Yunho | Poly Feline Shifter [Serval, Siamese, Marbled Cat]
Christopher Argent | JR Bourne | Human
Ciel Phantomhive | Jeonghan | Demon
Clarissa Fairchild | Katherine McNamara | Nephilim
Clark Morrigan | James Marsters | Warlock
Claudia Hale | Lyndsy Fonseca | Werewolf
Cleossandra Reid | Candice Swanepoel | Angel
Clinton Barton | Jeremy Renner | Human
Cora Hale | Adelaide Kane | Werewolf
Coraline Basilik | Kristyna Panochova | Fenrir
Crimson Macabre | Reita | Dragon
Damien DeLuna | Tyler Hoechlin | Vampire
Daniel Cross | Keahu Kahuanui | Werewolf
Daniel Mahaelani | Keahu Kahuanui | Druid
Darius Talbot | John Boyega | Human
Demetrius Beltre | Charlie Carver | Griffon
Demkos Florian | Tyler Posey | Human
Derek Hale | Tyler Hoechlin | Werewolf
Desmond McKnight | Alex O'Loughlin | Wolf Shifter
Dionysus | Darren Criss | God
Dokuno Kokoro | Uruha | Snake Shifter [King Cobra]
Dominique Brady | Alona Tal | Druid
Druid Harrington | Shane West | Human
Eden Tryphist | Elsa Hosk | Human
Elijah Mikaelson | Daniel Gillies | Vampire
Elijah Roanoke | Stephen Amell | Siren/Incubus Hybrid
Elise Macabre | Kwon Yuri | Dragon
Elliot Erso | Joseph Morgan | Fox Shifter
Emile Hargreaves | Kellan Lutz | Witch
Emilea Curani | Charlize Theron | Faunis
Eros | Adam Lambert | God
Esmerelda Logan | Emeraude Logan | Human
Evelyn Queen | Sofia Carson | Witch
Ezekiel | Jeffrey Donovan | Angel
Fang Blackwater | Alex Meraz | Fox shifter
Fenrick Kelos | Josh Duhamel | Thunderbird
Fenris Conriocht | Zac Efron | Werewolf
Finn Storm | John Boyega | Human
Fiorin Basilik | Cody Christian | Psychic
Fury Peltier | Jackson Rathbone | Katagarian Wolf
Grif | Jason Momoa | Human
Hades | Ian Bohen/Cheyenne Jackson* | God
Hak Jiwoon | Kim Hongjoong | Nogitsune
Harry Hook | Thomas Doherty | Feline Shifter [black Maine Coone]
Hayley Marshalls | Phoebe Tonkin | Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid
Heather DeRoya | Emily Van Camp | Banshee/Demon Hybrid
Hera | Meghan Markle | Goddess
Hope Dracul | Daniela Ruah | Vampire/Angel Hybrid
Hwang Beongae | Momo Hirai | Pheonix
Hwang Seungki | Kim Youngjo | Kitsune Tribrid
Hwang Taeyang | Wong Yuk-hei | Phoenix
Ian Logan | Ian Somerhalder | Werewolf
Isabelle Gautier | Jill Wagner | Human/Succubus Hybrid
Isabelle Lightwood | Emeraude Toubia | Nephilim
James Barnes | Sebastian Stan | Cybernetically Enhanced Human
Jameson Morgan | Liam Hemsworth | Witch
Jasmine Estrella | Dali Suicide | Bunny Shifter
Jason Carter | Sebastian Stan | Dragon
Jasper Hale/Cullen | Jackson Rathbone | Vampire
Jasper Kallihan | Joseph Morgan | Warlock
Jayden McNamara | Jake Johnson | Dark Fae
Jefferson Hatter/Barnes | Sebastian Stan | Magically Inclined Human
Jessica Hawkblue | Claudia Kim | Warlock
Jin Galeon | Jennifer Lawrence | Human/Vampire Hybrid
Jocelyn Celine Herondale | Holland Roden | Nephilim
Jonathan Herondale | Dominic Sherwood | Nephilim
Jonathan Herondale Jr. (JR) | Will Tudor | Nephilmi
Jordan Kyle | Chai Hensen | Werewolf
Joseph Dixon | Nicholas Hoult | Technokinetic
Julian Moore | Colin O'Donaghue | Human
Kaina Red | Son Ga-In | Dragon
Kallin Elijah | Willa Holland | Hellhound
Kane Lancaster | Robert Downey Jr | Demon
Kang Kija | Kang Min-hee | Thunder Kitsune
Kataigida Parthenopaeus | Tom Ellis/Dylan O'Brien | Demigod
Katherine Elysia | Taissa Farmiga | Fae
Kevin Hawkblue | Ruki | Weretiger
Kim Jeongwon | Han Jisung | Sugar Glider Shifter
Kim Seonyul | Moon Taeil | Siren
Kiniko Hajime | Cho Kyu-hyun | Vampire
Kira Yukimura | Arden Cho | Thunder Kitsune
Kirishima Kyung-jae | Nakamoto Yuta | Witch/Siren Hybrid
Kirishima Touka | Kim Jiu | Ghoul
Kol Mikaelson | Daniel Sharman | Vampire/Witch*
Kole Winston | Tyler Hoechlin | Fae
Konstantin Udinov | Riker Lynch | Demon/Witch Hybrid
Kouga Hajime | Han Groo | Vampire
Krigare Storm | Joseph Morgan | Imp
Kuradei Phantom | Jung Seung-bo | Umbrakinetic/Wolf Shifter Hybrid
Kwon Yuri | Moon Byul-yi | Sensitive
Kyo Sohma | N/A | Cursed Human
Kyle Artmen | Jay Ryan | Jaguar Shifter
Kyrian Stone | Jonathan Rhys Myers | Psychic/Siren Hybrid
Laura Hale | Meghan Ory | Werewolf
Lee Hajun | Kim Jong-in | Warlock
Lee Minji | Kang Seul-gi | Psychic
Lee Sanghoon | Kim Dong Young | Monarch
Lestat DeMyre | Dave Salmoni | Elf
Lim Eunjin | Jung Wooyoung | Incubus
Loki Laufeyson | Tom Huddleston | God
Lucien Callihan | Ian Bohen | Human
Lucien Hoijer | Matthew Davis | Griffon
Lucifer Morningstar | Sebastian Roche | Angel
Lucille Quinnzel | Ashley Benson | Human
Luke Garroway | Isaiah Mustafa | Werewolf
Lydia Branwell | Stephanie Bennett | Nephilim
Macaria | Meghan Ory | Goddess
Margaret Leigh | Jakhara Smith | Psychic
Magnus Bane | Harry Shum Jr. | Warlock
Maia Roberts | Alisha Wainwright | Werewolf
Malia Hale | Shelley Hennig | Werecoyote
Malika Udinov | Clair Holt | Demon/Witch Hybrid
Marcellus Gerard | Charles Michael Davis | Vampire
Markus Ducaine | Steven Strait | Werelion
Maryssa Dixon-Bennett | Selena Gomez | Druid
Matthew Bennett | Jake Abel | Werepanther
Maxine Owens | Griffin Ramsey | Demigoddess
Melanie Barnes | Alexandra Daddario | Genetically Enhanced Human
Merrick Bennett/Hadriel | Jake Abel | Werepanther/Angel
Mia Mosely | Adelaide Kane | Phoenix
Michael Caboose | Jake Johnson | Human
Michael Hartford | Ian Cohen | Human
Michaelis Moon | Lee Teuk | Dragon/Human Hybrid
Mieczyslaw Stilinski | Dylan O'Brien | Human/Spark
Mikabane House | Meagan Tandy | Red Panda Shifter
Mila Martinez | Katherine Mcnamara | Psychic
Miles Brunelli | Matt Cohen | Vampire
Momiji Sohma | N/A | Cursed Human
Moon Eukyung | Jeon So-yeon | Demigoddess
Moon Heechul | Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul | Snake Shifter
Moon Kona | Park Jisung | Ice Nymph/Snake Shifter
Morgan Lovec | Norman Reedus | Imp
Morgana Krajick | Zoe Saldana | Angel
Morriginya Branwen | Cho Seo Young | Semblance Gifted Human
Nam Arwen | Chonnasorn Sajakul | Elf/Werewolf Hybrid
Natalee Grybyx | Maggie Q | Seer
Natasha Romanov | Scarlett Johannsen | Enhanced Human
Nataliya “Nekome” Dashwood | Ashley Greene | Cheshire
Nevinovat Fata | Crystal Reed | Hawk Shifter
Nicholas Hightower | Gavin Free | Cat Shifter [Russian Blue]
Niklaus Mikaelson | Joseph Morgan | Vampire/Werewolf Hybrid
Niklaus Udinov | Sam Pettyfer | Demon/Witch Hybrid
Nikolai Buchannon | Hunter Hayes | Human
Nikolaia Udinov | Chris Hemsworth | Witch
Padme Amidala | Natalie Portman | Human
Park Sungjin | Kim Geonhak | Kitsune/Vampire Hybrid
Persephone | Holland Roden | Goddess
Peter Hale | Ian Bohen/Michael Fjordbak | Werewolf
Peter Parker | Andrew Garfield/Tom Holland | Genetically Enhanced Human
Qrow Branwen | Lee Donghae | Magic Gifted Human
Quinton Macklemore | Dylan O'Brien | Werewolf
Ragnor Fell | Tom Hiddleston | Warlock
Rebecca Daniels | Holland Roden | Human
Reno Akujin | N/A | Mako Enhanced Human
Rex Coltin | Chris Evans | Snake Shifter [Diamondback]
Reyna Wingyr | Grace Park | Fenrir
Ryan Macklemore | Dylan O'Brien | Werewolf
Ryn Hollings "Sailor Chibi Moon" | Bella Thorne | Senshi
Ryuu Kyosuke | Lee Taemin | Dragon
Sainika Winston | Mackenzie Foy | Fae
Sebastian Mills | Cody Christian | Hellhound
Sebastian Morgenstern | Will Tudor | Demon-blooded Nephilim
Serena James | Kristin Kruek | Phoenix
Shane Westfield | Nick Groff | Psychic
Shin Chan Young | Lee Dae-Hee | Seer
Siobhan Conriocht | Penellope Mitchell | Werewolf
Snow White "Mary Margaret Blanchard" | Ginnifer Goodwin | Human
Son Jin | Lee Dong Hyuck | Ice Nymph
Son Minho | Kim Chan Young | Naga
Spencer Todd | Shemar Moore | Human
Steven Rogers | Chris Evans | Genetically Enhanced Human
Sun Kyujin | Lee Siyeon | Witch
Sun Seoyun | Park Seonghwa | Cursed Vampire
Sun Wukong | Yanan | Faunis
T'Khani Ekundayo | Chadwick Boseman | Ghost
Tarael Lightwood-Bane | Brant Daugherty | Nephilim/Warlock Hybrid
Tatiana Novak | Hannah Marks | Angel/Human Hybrid
Terra Riley | Nina Dobrev | Kitsune/Werewolf Hybrid
Thor Odinson | Chris Hemsworth | God
Tigerlilly Sikari | Elizabeth Loaiza | Seer/Weretiger Hybrid
Tristan Royans | Nick Bateman | Fire Kitsune/Human Hybrid
Tsukinora Kitoai | Jay Park | Werelynx
Tykeisha Caine | Taraji P Henson | Demon/Leopard Shifter Hybrid
Valerie Wilson | Shay Mitchell | Human
Valora Lovelace | Genevieve Padalecki | Cheetah Shifter
Vanessa Choi | Kim Hyo Yeon | Psychic
Victor Rivera | Devon Sawa | Human
Victoria Mosely | Crystal Reed | Phoenix
Vio Curani | N/A | Demon
Vishal Malik | Taylor Lautner | Nephilim
Wanda Maximoff | Elizabeth Olsen | Mutant
Weiss Schnee | N/A | Semblance Gifted Human
William "Spike" Pratt | James Marsters | Vampire
Xavier Rybolt | David Castro | Demon
Xavier Remmington | Sinqua Walls | Poly Shifter [Jaguar, Doberman, Wolf]
Yoo Daeshim | Kang Yeosang | Tribrid/Demigod
Yoo Jangmi | Jeon Ji Woo | Snow Leopard Shifter
Yukihara Arashi | Minatozaki Sana | Fae/Siren Hybrid
Yura Rybolt | Lee Ga-hyeon | Human
Zacariah Morgan | Jeffrey Dean Morgan | Witch/Seer
Zane Hertzfeld | Rasmus Ledin | Seer/Vampire Hybrid
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ulkaralakbarova · 3 months
After surviving a stabbing by a student, teacher Trevor Garfield moves from New York to Los Angeles. There, he resumes teaching as a substitute teacher. The education system, where violent bullies control the classrooms and the administration is afraid of lawsuits, slowly drives Garfield mad. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Trevor Garfield: Samuel L. Jackson Dave Childress: John Heard Ellen Henry: Kelly Rowan Cesar Sanchez: Clifton Collins Jr. Principal Garcia: Tony Plana Rita Martinez: Karina Arroyave Benny Chacon: Lobo Sebastian Larry Hyland: Jack Kehler Stevie Littleton: Jonah Rooney Paco: Demetrius Navarro Lakesia: Ebony Monique Solomon Barsek: Jonny Bogris Victor: Dominic Hoffman Mrs. Chacon: Martha Velez Dennis Broadway: Method Man Anglo Woman: Kathryn Leigh Scott Teacher: Sage Allen Animal Regulation Officer: Donal Gibson Asian Girl: Liza del Mundo Assistant Coroner: Vic Polizos New York Assistant Principal: Leonard L. Thomas Augie: Antwon Tanner Iris: Joanna Sanchez Walter: Richard Riehle Mrs. Ford: Esther Scott Librarian: Harri James Mrs. Santana: Esther Mercado Straggling Student: Chase A. Garland Voice in Crowd: Guy Torry Film Crew: Producer: Stephen McEveety Music: David Darling Screenplay: Scott Yagemann Producer: Bruce Davey Director of Photography: Ericson Core Music: Michael Stearns Casting: Marion Dougherty Editor: Stephen Semel Director: Kevin Reynolds Executive Producer: Mel Gibson Movie Reviews: CinemaSerf: This features a strong effort from Samuel L. Jackson but is really quite a depressing film to watch. He is “Garfield” – a teacher who survived a vicious knife attack at his previous school in New York, but who is still determined to persevere and so moves to another in Los Angeles. The teenage kids there are a pretty disparate bunch, not really interested in education and certainly not interested in authority. Except, maybe, “Rita” (Karina Arroyave) who wants to succeed despite the pressures from her peers. From the outset, “Garfield” has a challenger in the young “Cesar” (Clifton Collins Jr) and most of the film is spent teeing up the ultimate denouement between the two men, in what is really a rather unfulfilling fashion. Kevin Reynolds provides us here with a pretty savage indictment of an education system that could hardly be more indifferent to the needs of it’s staff or it’s students. Indeed the state of the buildings, the safety of just about everyone and the attitudes of the students seems to be wrapped in a self-perpetuating film of neglect and fear of law suits. Jackson presents us with a measured performance, but his character is a bit sterile. The sub-plot with his fearful colleague “Ellen” (Kelly Rowan) tries to inject a little humanity, but even that cannot penetrate the otherwise dark, gloomy and bleak storyline that may well be based in truth (it was written by a schoolteacher) but makes for a curiously downbeat and unmemorable piece of drama.
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charlieconwayy · 6 months
best and worst degrassi actors?
basing this is off of ACTING and not what characters I like the best, unlike twitter
jake epstein, munro chambers and eric osborne are kinda the holy Trinity. sorry to make it all men, but it is what it is. lauren collins, ana golja, chelsea clark, demetrius joyette and dylan everett are up there as well
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (October 02, 2022)
23:57 THREESTYLE - Beat (feat. Magdalena Chovancova & Robert Fertl) 23:53 KIM SCOTT - Block Party 23:49 RICK HABANA - I'll Be There (feat. Will Donato) 23:43 JONATHAN FRITZEN - A New Beginning 23:39 JOEL DEL ROSARIO - Delicious Vinyl Outro 23:35 JACKIEM JOYNER - Last Dance 23:31 JEANETTE HARRIS - 12 57 (feat. Marcus Anderson) 23:27 CHRIS GODBER - Can't Help Believin 23:23 RICK BRAUN - Love Will Find a Way 23:19 AMANDUS - Chrome Improvement 23:15 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Perseverance 23:10 ZOLBERT - Pacific Coast Highway 23:05 RANDY SCOTT - Serenity 23:00 SHERRIE LEA - No Ordinary Love (Arnold T Chill Mix) 22:56 PAROV STELAR - Milla's Dream 22:53 MARCUS SCHOSSOW, ANDY DUGUID, EMMA HEWITT - Light (Acoustic Version) 22:49 BLANK & JONES, RACHEL LLOYD - Under The Stars (Stardelay Mix) 22:43 RED - Pieces 22:38 MRDISCLAIMER, MILA ZHAVROVA - Evening Sun 22:34 LINKIN PARK - New Divide (Lukas Termena Chillout Mix) 22:30 DEEP MOTIONS - Memories 22:27 SAGI REI - Your Loving Arms 22:22 SOLARIC INC - Children (Chill Mix) 22:19 DJ SALAMANDRA - I want it all (Dj Alatiz Remix) 22:14 RICHARD MARX - Right Here Waiting 22:11 STIPPLE - Evening Coast (Original Mix) 22:05 NIGHT, FUNKAGENDA - Shogun (Mark Knight & Funkagenda's Average House Band Remix) 22:01 EVANESCENCE - My Immortal (Acoustic Version) 21:57 THE LIGHTNESS PROJECT, NICK FERA - Beautiful Dream 21:51 TRANZLIFT - Heaven's Shore (Magdelayna's Chilled Remake) 21:47 DJ ANTOINE - This Time (Acoustic Mix) 21:43 DJ G.ROS, IAN CAREY - Keep On Rising 21:38 SMOOTH DELUXE - Dream of Insomnia 21:35 TRACEY THORN - Night Time (Original Mix) 21:30 D-PULSE - Velocity Of Love (Original) 21:25 THE SURA QUINTET - Onda De Bossa 21:21 AURORA - Where Would You Go When It Starts To Rain (Original Mix) 21:17 PIANOCHOCOLATE - Forgotten Love 21:10 EUPHONIC TRAVELLER - Pont Notre Name (original mix) 21:06 BLANK & JONES, JASON CAESAR - Pura Vida (De 21:03 THE UNDERDOG PROJECT - Winter Jam (Acoustic Version) 20:59 C.CIL - Sunset 20:56 VITO FOGNINI, CARI - True To Myself (Original Mix) 20:51 CECILE BREDIE - Dreamland 20:46 CALAR DEL SOLE - Cafe Del Mar (Lounge Remake) 20:42 CARDINAL ZEN - Warmth 20:38 THE UNDERGROUND PROJECT - Summer Jam (Ivan Tretyakov ReChill) 20:33 CIARA, JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE - Love Sex Magic (Chillout Mix) 20:28 ANDY MOOR, SUE McLAREN - Fight The Fire (Masoud Chillout Mix) 20:24 DJ A - Let Me Love You (Andreas Agiannitopoulos Remix) 20:19 CHRIS B, LADY V - A New Direction (Original Mix) 20:15 CUE - Hello 20:12 TIESTO FEAT. JES - Everything (Acoustic) 20:08 COLLIN MCLOUGHLIN - Stereo Hearts (Dj Lime El Project Chill Remixes) 20:03 CONJURE ONE - Sleep 19:59 DAVID TORT, NORMAN DORAY - Chase The Sun (Musica Feliz Ibiza Beat Remix) 19:54 TITIYO - Come Along (Naid Remix) 19:50 DJ MATISSE, LOUNGE PARADISE - This Love (Maroon 5 Cover) 19:44 DEEPER SUBLIME, AVO - Hypnotic 19:39 DANITY KANE - Stay With Me (Van Immortal Remix) 19:35 THOMAS ANDERS - You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Acoustic Version) 19:29 DAVID GUETTA - The World Is Mine (Paul Mira Chillout Remix) 19:26 DASH BERLIN, JONATHAN MENDELSOHN - Better Half Of Me (Acoustic Mix) 19:22 ANDY MOOR, ASHLEY WALLBRIDGE, GABRIELA - World To Turn (Original Mix) 19:14 DAVE ROSS - Break the silence (original mix) 19:12 SPOR - Pacifica (Acoustic Version) 19:08 DEEP DIVE CORP., RICOLOOP - Enjoy The Silence 19:03 EMMA HEWITT - Foolish Boy (Zetandel Chill Out Mix) 18:58 MATT DAREY, KATE LOUISE SMITH - See The Sun (Original Mix) 18:54 DEEJAY HOUSE PROJECT - Komodo (Stefy Martinez Lounge Mix) 18:49 STAN CROWN - Not Inveted Love (Original Mix) 18:42 DEEP SECTOR - Rainbows (Original Mix) 18:36 DENIS SERGEEV, 4ONE - Merging Of Two Destiny 18:32 DEEPER SUBLIME - I've got you (original mix) 18:28 SILENCE OF SEPTEMBER - Sleep Off Reason 18:23 DINKA - Hotel Summerville (Original Mix) 18:18 THOMAS LEMMER - Is It Too Late (feat. Lena Belgart) (Stoned By Klangstein) 18:14 ANDY MOOR, CARRIE SKIPPER - So Much More (Ambient Mix) 18:11 DJ ELECTRA - I Feel You (Acoustic Version) 18:07 MAX STONE - Love is... (W&D Chill Out Mix) 18:01 DJ ARTAK SAMVEL, SONE SILVER - I Feel Your Body 17:58 SYLVERING - True Faith 17:56 EMMA HEWITT - Miss You Paradise (Strings & Acoustic Version) 17:53 ROBERT NICKSON - Maybe Next Time (Chill Out Mix) 17:47 DJ KODI - Love Will Tear Us Apart 17:42 ARCADO, ALLA MOON - One Day (Zetandel Chill Remix) 17:36 SUNLOUNGER, ZARA - Lost (Chill Version) 17:33 LUSTRAL - I Wonder Where You Are (Original Mix) 17:28 DJ GROOVE - So Late 17:23 BLANK & JONES, CORALIE CLEMENT - Days Go By (Cantoma Mix) 17:18 SUNLOUNGER, ZARA TAYLOR - Try To Be Love (Chill Out Mix) 17:12 TIESTO - I Will Be Here (Syntheticsax Ft. LiTa & R.I.J. Project Remix) 17:08 ANDY MOOR, HYSTERIA! - Leave Your World Behind (Album Mix) 17:05 DJ PAULBASS, DJ GORODNEV & P.KOLVINKOVSKY - Call Me (Lounge Mix) 17:01 GARBAGE - Milk 16:56 DAVID PETROSYAN - Everytime You Go 16:52 ROB TARDIK - The Right Time 16:48 JULIAN VAUGHN - Bona Fide 16:44 No One Else Would Ever Do (feat. Magdalena Chovancova, Robert Fertl & Dw3) 16:40 TONY SAUNDERS - Speak to My Heart 16:36 RICK HABANA - Rum Factory 16:32 PHIL DENNY - Tryst 16:28 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Euphoria 16:21 KIM SCOTT - Bright Eyes 16:17 JEANETTE HARRIS - Just Keep Holding On 16:13 RICK BRAUN - Notorius 16:08 AMANDUS - Floating Cloud 16:04 CHRIS GODBER - Summer Solstice 16:00 ZOLBERT - Back Home 15:55 WARREN HILL - Oh Girl 15:51 RANDY SCOTT - Side Steppin' 15:46 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Overjoyed (feat. Doobie Powell) 15:42 JESSY J - Manhattan (Gregg Karukas feat. Jessy J) 15:37 EVERETTE HARP - Wait 4 U 15:32 NORMAN BROWN - West Coast Coolin' 15:28 DAVID PETROSYAN - Forgive Me 15:23 THREESTYLE - Giant (feat. Magdalena Chovancova & Robert Fertl) 15:19 BRIAN SIMPSON - Out of a Dream 15:14 WALTER BEASLEY - Hydra 15:09 KHARI, CABRAL, JIVA - Show Me The Way 15:05 RICK BRAUN - Missing in Venice 15:00 STEVE COLE - Living Out Loud 14:56 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Slomotion 14:51 ZOLBERT - Something 14:47 FOSTINA DIXON - More 14:43 JAZZ HOLDOUTS - Mary's Song 14:38 AMANDUS - Love Will Be Our Strength (feat. Uli Brodersen) 14:34 ROB TARDIK - No Limits (feat. Vincent Ingala) 14:30 JEANETTE HARRIS - Passing Time 14:26 BRIAN BROMBERG - Come To Me 14:22 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Celebration 14:18 CHRIS GODBER - Courageous 14:15 RANDY SCOTT - T.G.I.F. 14:09 JOYCE COOLING - Daddy 14:05 DR. DAVE FT. THE HOUSECALL BAND - Octane 14:01 DARRON COOKIE - 32 Days 13:57 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Get on the Floor 13:52 NILS - A Walk in the Park 13:49 RICK HABANA - Cocktails 13:45 THREESTYLE - Vision (feat. Magdalena Chovancova & Robert Fertl) 13:40 KIM SCOTT - Give Thanks 13:35 AMANDUS - Groove Infection (feat. Uli Brodersen) 13:31 DAVE KOZ - All The Love In The World 13:26 DANNY LERMAN - Gotcha! 13:22 DEON YATES - Quintastic 13:18 JEANETTE HARRIS - Summer Rain (feat. Joel Bowers) 13:14 MEKIEL REUBEN - Stop Stalling 13:10 NORMAN BROWN - Up 'N' At 'Em 13:06 RANDY SCOTT - Elevation 13:00 DAVID PETROSYAN - Talk to Me 12:56 CHRIS GODBER - Rain 12:51 ADAM HAWLEY - While You Were Dreaming (Feat. Michael Lington) 12:47 ROB TARDIK - Walk It Like You Talk It (feat. Roberto Vally) 12:43 BRAD ALEXANDER - Just Between Us (feat. Donald Hayes) 12:39 BONEY JAMES - Batucada (The Beat) 12:35 0to Nothin (feat. Magdalena Chovancova, Robert Fertl & Latonya Black Gilliard) 12:31 DARRON COOKIE - Dining In 12:27 AMANDUS - Quarter to Midnight 12:23 SERGEY CHIPENKO, DAVE KOZ - Kindness (Remastered 2021) 12:17 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Sensuality 12:13 AL DEGREGORIS - Sandbox 12:09 3RD FORCE - Breakout 12:05 JEANETTE HARRIS - Ja'licious 12:00 RICK HABANA - Journey 11:56 RANDY SCOTT - Mellow Flow 11:51 AVENUE BLUE - Nightingale (feat. Jeff Golub) 11:48 CHRIS GODBER - At Last 11:43 ALEXANDER ZONJIC - Motor City Sway 11:39 LARRY CARLTON, PAUL BROWN - Miles And Miles To Go 11:35 KIM SCOTT - Treetops 11:30 GREGG KARUKAS - Two Hearts Make One 11:26 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Sailing Away 11:22 SEAN U - Magic Hour (feat. Blake Aaron) 11:17 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Cut Loose 11:13 DEE LUCAS - Zimbabwe 11:09 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Shine (feat. Randy Scott) 11:05 ROB TARDIK - Perserverance (feat. Roberto Vally) 11:01 JEANETTE HARRIS - The Ride (feat. Darrell Crooks) 10:57 NORMAN BROWN - The King Is Here 10:53 DAVID PETROSYAN - Endless Love 10:48 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - When I See The Sunshine In You 10:44 RANDY SCOTT - Jade Mountain 10:40 CHRIS GODBER - Without You 10:36 DARRON COOKIE - Another Day at Work 10:31 EARNEST WALKER JR - Bourbon Chill 10:27 STEVE COLE - Life Is a Groove 10:23 EUGE GROOVE - Lay It Down 10:20 PEET PROJECT - Be Free 10:16 LARRY CARLTON, PAUL BROWN - Say What's On Your Mind 10:11 JACOB WEDD - Near the Amazon 10:08 NICHOLAS COLE - Soulmate (Feat. Chieli Minucci) 10:04 RICK HABANA - Round We Go 10:00 JONATHAN FRITZEN - A Funky Night 09:56 NICK COLIONNE - Let's Get Serious 09:52 LEBRON - Green Light 09:48 PAOLO RUSTICHELLI - Vagabond 09:42 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - Black Milvus 09:37 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Sugar Love 09:33 SEAN U - Sunburst 09:29 KARLTON JONES - The Answer 09:26 RANDY SCOTT - You're My Joy 09:21 CRAIG SHARMAT - Nite Moves 09:16 CINDY BRADLEY - I'm All Ears 09:12 DARRON COOKIE - Calling on You 09:06 CHIELI MINUCCI - Leilani 09:02 LARRY CARLTON, PAUL BROWN - Soul Searchin' 08:58 ROB TARDIK - That's a Strut 08:53 DIRK K - It's On 08:49 MICHAEL HAGGINS - Gift To The World 08:45 JONATHAN FRITZEN - To the Top (feat. Vincent Ingala) 08:41 NORMAN BROWN - Spirit Power 08:37 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - Hello Major Minor 08:32 ILYA SEROV - Ironic 08:28 THE SAX PACK - Sooner Or Later 08:24 OLI SILK - Where I Left Off 08:21 PETER HEROLD - Still the One 08:17 SEAN U - Key West 08:13 RICHARD ELLIOT - Breakin' It Down 08:09 RICK HABANA - White Sand 08:04 THE SMOOTH JAZZ ALLEY - Montgomery Station 07:59 PETER WHITE - Romance Dance 07:55 DARRON COOKIE - Other Places 07:51 PEET PROJECT - River Cruise 07:47 THREESTYLE - Reasons 2 Love 07:42 JAZZ IN PINK - Come For Me 07:37 WARREN HILL - La Dolce Vita 07:32 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Sweet Spot (feat. Paul Brown) 07:27 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - His Love For You 07:22 OLI SILK - Bring Back Those Days 07:18 MILES GILDERDALE - Remind Me (To Never Let You Slip Away) 07:14 ILYA SEROV - Heat (feat. DAVE KOZ) 07:10 SEAN U - Xlr8 07:06 HIROSHIMA - Lanai 07:02 ROB TARDIK - Two Much Fun 06:58 TERJE LIE - Crazy Groove 06:54 FRANK SUTTON - After The Storm 06:50 PETER WHITE - Moonlight Montreal 06:46 DARRON COOKIE - Pressure Point 06:43 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Dancing Galaxies 06:39 RICK HABANA - Loungin' (feat. Jackiem Joyner) 06:34 FREDDIE FOX - Forever 06:30 NORMAN BROWN - It Keeps Coming Back 06:26 DAVID PETROSYAN - In the Island 06:21 PETER HEROLD - Your Power 06:18 OLI SILK - All We Need 06:14 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - Elfer Raus! 06:10 RICHARD ELLIOT - Sly 06:05 KIM WATERS - Stay Together 06:00 PEET PROJECT - Downtown Therapy 05:56 KENNEY POLSON - Blessed 05:52 CHRIS STANDRING - Love Street 05:48 ROB TARDIK - Walk It Like You Talk It (feat. Sandra Bouza) 05:44 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Electric 05:39 PIECES OF A DREAM - For Real 05:35 MARCHIO BOSSA, RYU ZEE SU - Somewhere 05:32 JESSY J - Sugar Fish (Paul Brown feat. Jessy J) 05:26 JACK LEE - Amalfi (Feat. Nathan East & Steve Ferrone) 05:22 JOE MCBRIDE, THE TEXAS RHYTHM CLUB - Gentle Rain 05:16 OLI SILK - Just an Allusion 05:12 RICK HABANA - 5th Ave 05:09 JAZMIN GHENT - Amends 05:06 JEANETTE HARRIS - Can't You Tell 05:02 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Happy Go Lucky 04:56 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - Longing For The Bride 04:52 ROCCO VENTRELLA - See You Smile 04:48 RICHARD ELLIOT - Snapshot 04:43 NORMAN BROWN - The North Star (feat. Marion Meadows) 04:40 PETER HEROLD - Heartbeat 04:36 ROB TARDIK - Let's Get Together 04:31 DAVID PETROSYAN - This Is My Way 04:27 REGGIE CODRINGTON - Waterfalls 04:23 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Love Will Overcome (feat. Jackiem Joyner) 04:19 PEET PROJECT - Rosy Cheeks 04:16 PHIL DENNY - Feel Alright (Feat. David P. Stevens) 04:11 OLI SILK - Ahead of the Weather 04:06 JEFF KASHIWA - The Name Game 04:02 FOSTINA DIXON - Good Vibes 03:58 BRIAN SIMPSON - Saturday Cool 03:53 KIM WATERS - Stay with Me Tonight 03:49 JAZZ HOLDOUTS - Kisses 03:46 RICK HABANA - On My Way 03:41 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - Too Much 03:35 BRIAN BROMBERG - Thicker Than Water 03:31 JOYCE COOLING - Global Cooling 03:27 ROB TARDIK - Synergy (feat. Vincent Ingala) 03:23 WAYMAN TISDALE - Front Runna 03:18 NAJEE - Rendezvous 03:13 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Domino Effect 03:08 OLI SILK - Latin Haze 03:04 MIKAEL - The Weather 03:00 RICHARD ELLIOT - Authentic Life 02:56 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Magical (feat. Boney James) 02:51 NORMAN BROWN - Don't Make Me Wait 02:47 DAVID PETROSYAN - Midnight Groove 02:43 DR. DAVE FT. THE HOUSECALL BAND - Cecil's Groove 02:39 MARCO ALBANI - Freedom (feat. Martino Onorato, Umberto Vitiello) 02:36 PEET PROJECT - Show You My City 02:31 LUKAS LEUTHOLD - Dancing On Golden Streets 02:28 RICK HABANA - Lady Luck 02:23 NELSON RANGELL - Reasons 02:18 KIM WATERS - Running to Love 02:14 JAEE LOGAN - You Can't Love Her 02:11 MARK HARRIS II - Pocket Change (feat. Bernard Harris) 02:05 OLI SILK - Didn't Know About Love 02:00 RHYTHM LOGIC - Rhythm Method 01:55 J. WHITE - 90's Kinda Love 01:52 WAYMAN TISDALE - The Turnaround 01:47 ROB TARDIK - Get Up 01:43 ACOUSTIC ALCHEMY - So Kylie 01:38 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Lullaby (feat. Darren Rahn) 01:34 ERIC RARIUS - Soulful Stride 01:30 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Amber Skies 01:26 RICHARD ELLIOT - Elegant People 01:22 MIKAEL - Trippin Over You 01:18 RICK HABANA - All That I Need 01:12 DAVID PETROSYAN - Feeling of Breath 01:09 PAUL BROWN - Blues for Jeff 01:05 PEET PROJECT - Bring Me To Life 01:01 BONEY JAMES - Kicks 00:55 OLI SILK - L.A. To London 00:50 BLAIR BRYANT - Lift Off 00:45 BOB BALDWIN - She's Single, Ready to Mingle 00:41 ROB TARDIK - Shakin' the House (feat. Darren Rahn) 00:36 SOFT JAZZ SEXY MUSIC BAND - Let's Get It On 00:32 WAYMAN TISDALE - One on One 00:28 JONATHAN FRITZEN - Turn Back Time 00:24 ROBERT HARRIS - New Day 00:20 DEON YATES - In The Moment (feat. Nathan Mitchell) 00:16 BRIAN SIMPSON - What Cha Gonna Do 00:12 NICK COLIONNE - Here's to You 00:08 JULIAN VAUGHN - Loving You 00:03 PIECES OF A DREAM - All In
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hansonphotos-au · 4 years
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goodmusicfan86 · 5 years
#Repost @ginamart with @kimcy929_repost
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i’m all about sneaking into soundcheck @hanson #hanson #basillicablockparty & our new friend who thinks we’re absolutely insane 🙋🏼‍♀️
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grande-caps · 2 years
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Fear The Walking Dead 7.04 - “Breathe With Me” size: 1920x1080             2,085 screencaps
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by Demetrius Collins & Phil Ware | In Paul's letter, he tells Timothy that he must not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ and that he must guard that gospel and not let it become watered down or cluttered with things that are not essential to the truth about Jesus (2 Timothy 1:8, 13-14). Today, our focus is on guarding that gospel as we live by faith...
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oklcmc · 3 years
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀،̲،̲⠀⠀⠀𝐀𝐍𝐘𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 [𝟏𝟖+]
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀゛⠀You was livin’ off of Dru Hill wasn’t Ready for the World,but baby,who is? Know you prettier than all the El⠀⠀⠀DeBarges never worry ‘bout the Total of the charges ❪I got this❫.⠀〟
word count:8,602
pairing:demetrius edward ゛⠀big meech⠀〟flenory,sr. ❪demetrius edward ゛⠀lil meech⠀〟flenory,jr.❫ ✕ black!female oc ❪cheryl renee ゛⠀salt⠀〟james,circa 1988❫
forewarning:this imagine will contain use of drugs and alcohol,strong language and sexual content. read at your discretion.
fun-size playlist:i. anderson .paak,snoop dogg ⅋ the last artful,dodgr - anywhere,ii. slick rick - hey young world,iii. the art of noise - moments in love,iv.  tyler,the creator,frank ocean ⅋ lætitia sadier - partyisntover╱campfire╱bimmer,v. lloyd - streetlove,vi. earth,wind ⅋ fire -  can’t hide love,vii. amerie - i just died,viii. iggy azalea - the last song,ix. rené ⅋ angela - my first love,x. minnie riperton - inside my love,xi. marvin gaye - i want you,xii. anita baker - been so long,xiii. silk sonic,bootsy collins - blast off. yes,this is sequenced!  ‹𝟹
author’s note:⠀⠀⠀‘’ ⠀⠀⠀I’m slightly ashamed to admit that I’ve been working tirelessly on this piece since late November of last year. I don’t necessarily love it,but maybe it’ll grow on me later y’all,I don’t know?I’m honestly sick of looking at it at this point in time,so I’ma let y’all finally have it. Song lyrics provided by none other than Iggy Azalea with minor alterations done. In order to prevent confusion on y’all’s end,I also wanted to state that I had switched Pepa’s government name for Salt’s being that I thought it’d be more suiting to her character. Happy readings!⠀⠀⠀‘’
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Detroit,Michigan · Mid-November of 1988
⠀⠀⠀𝓢andra James had been suspended in a cyclone of her own creative process all afternoon. The habitual grey cloud of over-analyzation had swept in and funneled into a mass consisting of a slew of instrumental cassette tapes and paper balls full of unfinished song lyrics or absentminded scribbles scattered throughout the sitting room area of her very own single-family home.
After much deliberation, Sandra has finally subjected herself to the severe case of writer’s block, hurling herself against the back cushions of her navy blue leather sofa alongside the throw pillows and crumpled scraps of paper that simultaneously began to alight the seat upon her arrival with an exasperated sigh.
Her stomach growled ravenous. It was then that Sandra had come to terms with her biggest mistake that evening, she hadn’t eaten in a matter of several hours, and what was a storming brain without the fuel of glucose? She immediately began to brainstorm on a quick solution to her problem, internally battling between take-out Thai food or Pizza Hut, that is until the tone of her pager dissipated her train of thought completely.
Swiftly pushing the foam headphones to her Sony brand Walkman towards the back of her neck, Sandra stretched her hand out towards the Motorola Bravo pager sitting out on the glass top coffee table before her before her eyes skimmed over the triple-digit code currently being displayed on it’s LCD.
Not an emergency, but more so an urgency to return her best friend’s call.
Retrieving her solid Motorola DynaTAC cell phone from it’s place on the abstract rug of the sitting room, her natural manicure danced along the keypad, punching in a number she had memorized since being an adolescent.
“Yo?” Sandra greeted her friend of twenty-two years with little to no enthusiasm at all, knowing that nine times out of ten the information that she was preparing to spew wasn’t that crucial to begin with, but she was wrong, and she knew that once Slick Rick’s “Hey Young World” began to drown through the transmitter. RollerCade had to be poppin’ at this time of night.
“Bitch, what the fuck do you mean ‘Yo?’ You were suppose to be meeting me outside RollerCade an hour ago! What’s the hold up?” Her best friend shouted over the accompanying Hip-Hop track although her voice tended to carry that way often. Sanda stood corrected.
“My bad, Roxxane. I got wrapped up with penning rhymes, you know how it is. Who’s all there anyway?”
“Ohh, no one special. It’s just me, Martin, both Chris’... Oh, and that music producer you like. What’s his name again? Herbert? Herb?”
“Hurby’s there?!” Sandra exclaimed, nearly flying off the couch in search of her Nike Air Trainer SCs.
“Like right now?!”
“Yeah. Maybe you can slip some of your tapes to him while he’s here. You know they be dope.” Roxxane persuaded, but mostly for her own sake of the opportunity to flap her gums.
“Say no more, I’m on my way!”
“Not in that busted ass Pontiac you ain’t!”
“Why you always dissin’ my whip, Roxxy? You know it gets me where I need to be.”
“Yeah, when it wants to. You know that shit be breakin’ down, girl. I don’t why you be puttin’ on. Makin’ all that dough as a sales lead at Saks and still can’t afford a new whip. It’s a wonder how you even get there on time the way that you do.”
“Whatever, you know I’ma always make somethin’ shake. You just keep that in mind the next time you ask for a lift. I’ll see you in twenty.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it. Peace!” Roxxane hadn’t given Sandra the opportunity of biding her farewell before ending the call.
Sandra could only shake her head at her best friend’s usual antics as she carelessly tossed the hefty cell phone onto the sofa before going to slip her dainty feet into her SCs with her solid 24k rope chain and bamboo earrings swinging from their places on her neck and earlobes from her movements alone. Next came her navy blue leather fringe jacket that coordinated all to well with the “Medicine Ball” colorway of her sneakers and layered over her solid white turtleneck and high-waisted paperbag style acid washed jeans. She was sure to secure her pager onto her waistline alongside her Walkman, stash her notepad full of rhymes and no. 2 pencil inside her Gucci monogram shoulder bag and grab her lanyard before splitting the front door.
Though the baluster to her front porch had progressively froze over throughout the day, it hadn’t one stopped Sandra from using it in assisting her down the steps and into the harsh -15° weather. Ice flurries almost immediately came whisking past her petite frame, causing her to cup her bare hands over her mouth and huff into them before rubbing them together vigorously in order to gain some sort of body heat back.
She was well aware in tonight’s clothing pieces being rather scanty, but she’d risk coming down with a common cold any given day if it meant looking fashionable while doing so and that’s how she’d always been, even as an disobedient adolescent.
She cautiously trudged over the pathway covered in black ice in order to reach the door of the chain-link fence, thankfully without slipping up on her ass. She yanked the fence’s door closed with slight aggression due to the 8.4″ of snow blocking it’s usual pathway before securely locking it and racing towards the driver’s side door of her Pontiac Phoenix where she would unlock it using it’s key before climbing inside and slamming it back shut behind her.
She repeated the same three-step routine she once did outside the parked vehicle in order to keep warm before her trembling hands could even locate the ignition. Absentmindedly turning the key until it aligned with the start point in the ignition switch, Sandra could feel her heart palpitate as the dreadful sound of the engine stalling came to her dismay.
“Nooo!” She muttered between clenched teeth, her numbing fingers gripping the steering wheel in apprehension until her knuckles practically turned white. “C’mon, c’mon, c’mon,” She coaxed the vehicle, finally witnessing the water vapor pour from her crimson painted lips as she slowly bought the key back to it’s lock point before swiftly bringing it to it’s start point again with the same result. Then again. “Fuck!” She bellowed in frustration, banging her closed fists against the steering wheel before sitting back with a heavy sigh of defeat. She had been jinxed.
She sat there for a stalling moment in contemplation of going back outside in the cold before snatching the key from the ignition, pulling the inner door handle and proceeding to do it anyway. She’d forgotten her quads anyhow. She retraced her every step up until she was standing in the middle of her sitting room yet again with her cell phone pressed against her ear after hitting redial.
“What’s up?” Roxanne answered the phone in such a jubilant manner over the party music that it pissed Sandra off. It pained her that her best friend was having the time of her life without her company.
“Bitch, you jinxed me!” Sandra exclaimed, falling back on her leather recliner with her head in her hand.
“How so? Wait, wait, wait, don’t tell me that, that busted ass Pontiac gave out again? I told your hardheaded ass to let that car go months ago.”
“Whatever, Roxxy. All I need is a quick jump and I’ll be there. You know anybody?”
“Shit, it needs more than that. Your neighbors can’t give you one?” Sandra picked her head up, staring straight into the imaginary camera of life with a stale expression.
“No. You know damn well Mr. Boyd works overnight and Mrs. Green got glaucoma! Why do you think I’m asking you?!”
“Damn, my bad then. What about a taxi?”
“Roxxane, please!”
“Okay! Um, let me think. There is this one man my pops works with at the Cadillac factory, Mr. Charles Flenory. He’s always fixin’ shit for other people, especially that conniving Pastor Swift, so I don’t see why he couldn’t help you out with your situation? Plus him and his family live in Ecorse, that’s closer to where you stay. Just be wary of his sons if they were to pick up, heard bad news about ‘em.”
���Ahh, but I thought you liked trouble?”
“Sometimes. but this ain’t about me right now. Take this number down...”
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Once jotting the number Roxxane had given her down on the flesh of the thenar muscle of her left hand and properly bidding her best friend farewell a second time around, Sandra hadn’t wasted a stalling moment on boldly punching the unfamiliar number into her cell phone because she knew if she hadn’t pushed herself to do so, she would’ve been sitting there all night having psychological debates with her own form of anxiety.
The dark cyan corded telephone which was mounted to the floral patterned kitchen walls of the Flenory’s residence had simultaneously began to ring as the eldest child, Demetrius Edward Flenory otherwise known as “Big Meech” or simply “Meech” had discovered a new route into the same overfamiliar property he had been banished from merely weeks ago.
Placing the same exact wad of cash he attempted to grant his father the last time he had seen him beside the glass of tap water he had once sipped from on the kitchen counter, Demetrius raced his way over to the telephone with much attitude, snatching it off the hook before it could ring a second time and blow his whole cover, wondering who could be callin’ the house this time of night.
“Yo?!” His baritone range intimidatingly huffed through the transmitter, serenading Sandra’s eardrums and causing her legs pry shut on instant.
She couldn’t quite understand why her body reacted this way, but she quickly thought of a plan to redeem herself, putting on her best saleswoman voice which was something she was highly experienced at when dealing with all the upper class privileged folks at her day job. If she fucked this up, she was definitely in for the night. No RollerCade.
“Um, y-yes. Hi. I apologize for calling at such an inconvenient time like this, but I was wondering would it possible for me to speak with a Mr. Charles Flenory?” She forcefully grinned as if this stranger on the opposite end of the call could actually see her, double-checking the name written out on her left hand to ensure it’s accuracy.
Demetrius’ initial impression was that the woman speaking sounded fairly young, likely around him and Terry’s age group, if anything. He was oddly banking on her being a possible lead in the demise of his father. A plausible fling would finally put his plan of revenge into execution.
“He’s out right now,” Demetrius lied straight through his teeth, fully aware that his father was upstairs resting alongside his mother. “Who’s speaking?”
Sandra could feel her heart sink in disappointment, knowing she wouldn’t be apart of the RollerCade festivities tonight.
“My name’s Sandra, Sandra James, but everyone calls me Sandy.”
“With a name like that, you’ve got to be a bill collector.” Demetrius was seconds away from slamming the phone down on the hook until she began to reason with him.
“Oh, of course not! A-Actually my friend recommended me this number on a whim. I’m trying to get a jump for my car.”
“Mmcht!” Demetrius kissed his teeth, flicking his 18k Yellow Gold Patek Philippe brand wristwatch in a nonchalant manner. “That’s all? That’s slight work. I can do that for you. Where you stay at?”
“You can?!” Sandra perked up at his offer, but quickly came down on account of what Roxxane had stated in their last phone conversation. By now she had it figured out that she had to have been speaking with one of Charles’ sons which meant no inconveniences. “I mean... I stay on Garland Street. It’s going to be the house with the beige Pontiac parked in front of it.” She stated coolly, nodding her head.
“I know where that’s at. I can make it there in twenty.”
“Thank you so much! I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you for this!”
“No sweat. I’m Demetrius by the way, but everyone calls me Meech. I’m Charles’ eldest son.”
“Nice to meet you, Meech. I guess I’ll be seeing you soon?”
“For sure.”
“Thank you again!” Sandra ended the call with the phone pressed against her beaming lips.
She had so much optimism in a person she hadn’t been acquainted with over ten minutes ago. So much for that nuisance Roxxane spoke of.
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Roxxane’s sentiments on the Flenor boys turned out to be indeed accurate or at least that’s what Sandra had assumed as she paced behind her security door with a pair of jumper cables in hand. She had been in that same position for the past thirty minutes and counting, anticipating Demetrius’ arrival. She was about ready to throw in the towel until witnessing a scarlet red 1988 model BMW E30 M3 accelerate down her block and park directly in the middle of the street as if they owned it.
She could make out the garbled instrumental of The Art Of Noise’s “Moments In Love” blaring from the custom sound system of their vehicle as she gawked at it, curious to know the occupant who sat behind those tinted windows. By the gold rim detail, she could almost guess a drug dealer of some sorts since that’s all whoever owned them in Motor City nowadays anyhow, but who was she to make assumptions this early on? All she did know was that the vehicle put her Pontiac to shame! She was almost embarrassed by it.
The German owned vehicle was indeed fascinating to Sandra, obviously, just not as fascinating as the driver making an exit from it. This was evident in her sudden symptoms of cotton mouth and piercing dark brown irises as they followed the stranger from the running vehicle to the door of her front gate.
Proximate in Sandra’s complexion if not darker, he stood at a solid 5′8″ in his navy blue colorway Adidas brand Campus 80s sneakers, jet black vinyl parachute trousers, navy blue satin button-up and black mid-length mink fur jacket. By the yellow polarized Cazal brand sunglasses sitting upon his nose, the hefty rope chains looping through an custom M initial and 50 Boyz gold plated pendant and his rattail, Sandra knew she stood correct on his occupation.
That hadn’t once stopped her from tucking the jumper cables beneath her arm as she aggressively scavenged her shoulder bag for her favorite tube of Chanel Rouge lipstick. She swiftly stepped aside in order to touch-up her lipstick in the entryway mirror, smearing a second coat over the dull first coat before tracing her pinky finger around the corners of her full lips to correct any imperfections, tightly rubbing them together and releasing them with a dramatic pop.
She aggressively fluffed and tugged at the loose curls of her honey blonde and chestnut pixie haircut with an exasperated sigh. All she could dwell on in that moment was her regret for not treating them with mousse, oil sheen nor oil itself earlier in the day.
Her train of thought was once again dissipated by three light taps against her security door.
Showtime! She thought, stepping into his view.
“Hi,” Sandra greeted, feeling her heart palpitate while bearing witness to all the features which made him attractive up-close. He could say the same about her. “Meech, is it?”
“Yeah, that’s me,” Demetrius chuckled nervously, his clammy hands remained resting in the pockets of his mink because there was just no way in hell a woman, of all people was making him sweat. “You must be Sandy?”
“Of course! I’m so glad you were able to find me in this weather,” She quickly unlocked the security door, watching him carefully step back as she slowly pushed it open before leaning against the frame. “Would you like to come in?”
“Actually I have somewhere to be, so if we could just...” Demetrius whirled his index finger in midair with an animated whistle, the Patek Philippe now visibly glinting on his wrist as he hoped to expedite the process, but Sandra was on to his apprehension.
“You just passed it,” She smirked, nudging her head in the direction of where her vehicle was parked at, causing him to look between the two of them. “My car, I mean.”
“You mean to tell me that, that Pontiac is yours?” He squinted his eyes in disbelief.
“Well everybody’s not as flashy as you, Demetrius. Is there a problem?” She questioned defensively.
“Nah,” He chuckled, shaking his head. “Mind if I have a look at it?”
“Feel free!” She exclaimed, handing over her keys with no hesitation in which he happily accepted before proceeding to jog back down the flight of porch steps with her, the jumper cables and a flashlight in tow.
The last very last thing that Sandra wanted to do was make a nuisance of herself while being in his presence, but she’d much rather save him the trip back to her doorstep and herself the embarrassment since she evidently had an idea of what would be said. She had heard it all before.
Sandra stood at his side, aiming her flashlight directing under the hood once he went to prop it open using the support of the strut rod.
“Damn, girl,” Demetrius grunted, batting his full lashes in disbelief at what he was actually viewing as both his hands gripped the perimeter of the open hood. “I ain’t no mechanic or nothin’, but your spark plugs fucked up!”
“Are they really?” Sandra grimaced between clenched teeth, feeling her heart palpitate as she looked between him and the engine of the vehicle as if she could actually identify the problem.
“Hell yeah,” He responded, carefully letting the hood of the vehicle back down. “When’s the last time you had someone look at this?”
“Oh, I-I don��t know really?” Her hands gripped the flashlight with apprehension.
“Well I’m not trying to tell you what to do or whatever, but you better off leaving this shit alone the remainder of the night and comin’ to ride with me in my bimmer.” He stated, briefly brushing his hands off as if that would really rid the oil that stained them.
“Oh, no,” Sandra shook her head, tucking the flashlight beneath her arm along with the jumper cables after powering it off before pulling a pack of multi-surface wipes from her shoulder bag. She held out her hand for his in which he hadn’t hesitated on offering to her before she got down to business, scrubbing vigorously until every stain had been lifted from her sight. “As I was saying before, you’ve done enough for me already. I’ll be okay staying in for the night.”
“Yeah, well I insist,” Demetrius grinned, tucking his numb hands in the pockets of his mink after inspecting them front to back. “Go put up your mechanic shit and grab whatever else it is that you need. I’ll be out here waiting when you get back.”
“Well... If you insist...” Sandra dragged, treading back towards the open fence of her home once again. “It’ll only take a second!” She exclaimed, quickly plodding through the snow in order to reach her doorstep.
She split the security door, stomping the soles of her SCs against the entrance rug to rid the excess snow before gravitating towards the spandrel to exchange the jumper cables and flashlight for her solid white quads. After powering off all the appliances on the first level of her home and locking up, Sandra was climbing into the heated passenger seat of Demetrius’ M3 where Earth, Wind & Fire’s “Can’t Hide Love” played at a low volume and the pungent smell of marijuana and a vanilla scented Feu Orange brand air freshener enthralled her upon her entrance more than the butter interior.
Demetrius had just finished wrapping up an seemingly important conversation on the car’s custom telephone when he decided to finally place his focus on Sandra who was in the midst of placing her quads on the floor in front of her.
“Yo, you mind if I made a pit stop ‘round my way before I drop you off?” Demetrius asked, licking over his thin lips with his right hand gripping onto the gearshift and the other remaining resting on the steering wheel as his low eyes glanced in her direction.
“Sure.” She twitched a smile at him once they locked eyes to ensure her confirmation while adjusting the Cartier Love bracelet secured around her wrist and going to pull on her seatbelt.
“Coo’.” He responded, turning up the volume on his stereo before peeling off into the crisp night.
Fuck a Hurby at this point. Sandra was equally as happy being in the presence of Demetrius.
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Demetrius Flenory discreetly pulled his BMW E30 M3 on the side of the overfamiliar GLS plant at a quarter past ten o’clock, a refuge in which him, as well as those apart of his mob used to sling drugs.
Without stalling the engine of his vehicle by recollecting that in fact, there was another occupant besides himself, he instead reached for the buckle of his seat belt, pressing the pad of his thumb into it’s release button before glancing down at his wristwatch for the time.
10:17 PM.
There was only a measly window of time before RollerCade were to shut down for the night, but he hadn’t thought she cared much anymore seeing how she had her face seemingly pressed into her notepad since they were halfway there. If all else failed, he didn’t mind taking her back home. He actually enjoyed the company for once.
“This should only take me a minute.” He stated, watching her aggressively press the led of her pencil into the acid-free sheet of paper within her notepad, from stanza to stanza.
“Yeah, sure.” She responded apathetically— Subconsciously, he was sure— not even bothering to meet his gaze.
“You hungry?”
Of course Demetrius felt a little empathetic of her situation. He took longer than usual arriving to her only to drag her there instead of where she actually wanted to be. Feeding her was the least that he could.
“I could eat.” Sandra played it coy with a simple shrug of her shoulders although the repetitive rumbling in her stomach— In which only she could hear over his preference of R&B— Came as a friendly reminder that she still hadn’t eaten since midday.
“Aight, coo’,” He nodded his head, pulling the inner door handle in order to step outside of the vehicle. “I’ll be right back.”
“Take your time.” Sandra smiled faintly, anticipating the second his door closed to lower the volume on his stereo so that she could actually hear herself think.
It was as if a burst of inspiration had hit her not even halfway through the ride and she couldn’t help but to take advantage of the situation, even if it all had hailed from Demetrius himself.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀゛⠀Damn,well... ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Without meaning to seems I ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Think I met someone ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀But he ain’t really my type,shit ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀He only 21 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀His fingers do the talkin’ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Where he’s from,will be his coffin ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Every time this nigga drive me ‘round,think I might go down on arson,but...⠀〟
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Sandra had only met Demetrius’ acquaintance well over three hours ago and had already begun to familiarize herself with his horrendous habit of time management. One thing she could applaud him on though was keeping his word.
He returned to the idle vehicle forty minutes after the hour with a kraft paper bag stained in grease and a joint rolled with Zig-Zag brand paper. The presentation of it was less than satisfactory in her opinion, but it was the aroma that really made her curious enough to want a taste. Who was she kidding? Hell, she was so hungry in that moment, in fact, she would’ve eaten a horse if he offered it to her.
“I got your food!” He announced, practically gleaming as he handed over the bag of raucous.
“Yeah, forty minutes later,” She scoffed, although politely accepting of it, welcoming it into her lap. “Thank you.” She expressed bashfully, unfolding the bag to spot a plastic hinged food container loaded with a chicken quesadilla, seasoned shoestring fries and Heinz brand ketchup packets.
“I got tied up in some business, my apologies. At least it’s still fresh.” He finally had the opportunity of sparking his joint, glancing over at her spreading light amounts of ketchup over the pile of fries before gracefully going to feed her appetite. “You always eat like that?” He couldn’t resist asking as clouds of smoke poured from his lips.
“Like what?” She inquired with her fist covering her mouth as she silently chewed on her food.
“Like a damn bird.” He chucked, casually taking another hit from his joint.
“I guess you could say that?” She shrugged, having no right or wrong answer to his question as she proceeded to feed her face.
“What about skating? You do that shit often?” He asked, and for a split second made Sandra realize where she was actually intending to be at this time of night besides caught up on his aura.
“Outside of bustin’ my ass at Saks and writing rhymes, yes.”
“Ohh, so that’s what this is about?” Demetrius playfully snatched up the open notepad that had absentmindedly slipped into the console when she went to reach for her meal earlier. Sandra could’ve sworn she felt her heart stop beating when he began to recite the lyrics written about him.
“No, please don’t—” She began to plead with him, outstretching her hand for what was rightfully hers, but she had came a second too late.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀゛⠀We haven’t even kissed yet ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀But that just makes me want him more ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Plus he love his momma,yep ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀He a family man ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀And even though the ratchets love him ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I still think he a gentleman,”
Sandra wasn’t afraid to admit to her own lyrics being subpar, hell, a satire of their initial acquaintance if anything, but it was the delivery of the nursery rhyme that made her embarrassed of it and that told Demetrious everything that he needed to know. This was evidently about him.
The way her cheeks flushed crimson before it came down to her trying her luck again further proved that. She slowly extended her hand out for the notepad that he had clenched within his left just outside the window when their lips coincidentally locked before execution.
The amateur kiss had really only lasted a few seconds, but seemed like forever in Sandra’s apprehension as she was the first to pull back and adjust herself correctly in the passenger seat once regaining possession of her notepad. There was a tingling sensation left lingering on her full lips as she was finally able to distinguish his preferred strain of Sour Diesal.
He had her right where he wanted her, flustered and flirting with the idea of going in for more.
“I-I’m sorry.” Sandra bashfully apologized with her head in her lap as she twiddled her thumbs though she wasn’t all at fault.
“N-Nah, you good,” Demetrius casually pinched the bridge of his nose while shaking his head in embarrassment before his hand found the gearshift again. “Don’t even trip on that. That was on me. I initiated it.”
“Wait, Demetrius...” She readjusted herself in the passenger seat, her leg pulled within it so that she was facing towards him before reaching for the key in the ignition switch and turning it until it aligned with the “ACC” point where “My First Love” by René & Angela could still be heard playing at a low volume on the stereo. “I’d be lying to myself if I said that I wasn’t feelin’ you as much as I said I was in my rhymes. I’m just... Scared? Scared of what you’ll think of me after tonight if I actually fell through with this. If I’m being honest here, I ain’t never did no shit like this before.” She snorted in amusement at the words that escaped her lips not even a minute ago as she raked her fingers through the loose curls of her pixie, her head remaining within her lap.
“You don’t ever have to worry ‘bout no shit like that happenin’ with me, ‘cause I ain’t the one to kiss and tell, baby,” His relatively large hand went from clutching the gearshift to caressing her beaming cheeks, causing her to finally gaze at him. “I’ll be as slow and gentle as you want me to be.”
“Promise?” She questioned in a whisper, finding herself already falling into his trap when she kicked her sneakers and peeled her jacket off before straddling his lap.
“I promise, momma. I promise.” He smirked, his hand going from caressing her cheek to snaking around the nape of her neck, bringing her into a open-mouthed kiss far more passionate than the first.
His lips engulfed hers, swallowing what was left in the traces of her favorite lipstick shade of Rouge by Chanel until they were completely bare and past the point of swollen from his alone. She was slightly inept in her approaches, but caught on to his actions rather vastly. If his head were tilting to the right then hers was tilting to the left, if his fingers were gripping her neck then chances are that hers was tracing throughout his scalp until reaching his rattail and if his tongue were exploring every crevice of her mouth than so was hers.
Their kiss had broken in infectious laughter when Demetrius unexpectedly decided to recline the seat back even further using the adjustment handle to the left of them, puling away from her lips prematurely.
Sandra took this time of separation to gather the hem of her turtleneck within her hands before peeling it off, her solid rope chain falling back in position between the valley of her C-cup breasts. Next would come her acid washed, leaving her in nothing but a satin red triangle bra, a matching high-cut thong and her slouch socks.
Demetrius couldn’t help but to admire her in that position of vulnerability, his seemingly perfect top alignment of teeth closing in over his bottom lip as his frigid hands went from teasingly caressing her bare thighs to squeezing at her dainty waist, her stomach flexing and goosebumps surfacing her flesh at his touch almost immediately.
He sat upright just as his hands found the clasp of her bra, skillfully unhooking it before watching the thick straps cascade down her arms. His mouth watered at the sight of her nipples, brown and taut from the air that was hitting them. As much as he craved the need to want to suckle on her, he instead chose to take the slow route as that was what he promised to her.
His hands cupped her diamond-shaped face, slightly tilting it at an angle where he could access her collarbone easily. She grabbed at his wrists in preparation as his lips pecked at the sensitive area before sucking feverishly on it and even daring to sink his teeth into it, leaving blots of purple and red behind. Subconsciously marking his territory. His lips trailed further down to the valley of her breasts as his hands fell to the small of her back.
Growing impatient with his teasing, Sandra tugged her fingers through Demetrius’ kinky fro while deeply arching her back against the steering wheel so that her perky breasts were right within his reach.
Demetrius really couldn’t help but to chuckle at her desperation as his tongue encircled her areola before welcoming her whole nipple into his mouth. Wanting to leave no breast unattended, a free hand crept up to toy with the opposite while the other caressed her lower back. He alternated these actions often, his almond eyes never leaving hers as he witnessed her jaw slack and her eyebrows crease in immense pleasure.
“Oh my— Shit!” Sandra found it extremely difficult to hold eye contact with him now as her head flew back. The seat of her panties became saturated in her own wake as she rode out her own subtle orgasm right in the comfort of his lap.
Demetrius was barely touching the young woman and she was already cum’n for him. Words Sandra never even assumed would leave her mouth were now flying freely. He bought out the best in her if he did say so himself.
His wet lips found hers again, his arms snaking around her trembling waist before impulsively going to switch out their positions in the seat. Now she lie beneath him, admiring his features as he overshadowed her with the same thought in mind.
Minnie Riperton’s “Inside My Love” couldn’t have chosen a better time to be a symbolic representation of someone else’s union up until the very moment it played at a low volume on the stereo.
“You sure you wanna follow through with this, momma?.” Demetrius asked, stripping out his mink jacket, satin button-up and vinyl trousers, each article of clothing carelessly being hurled into the passenger seat along with the rest of hers once discarded. “It’s not as easy as it seems.”
The tent in his boxer briefs was as evident as ever now, putting Sandra’s mind in a nervous frenzy. He wanted this, but he wanted to be sure that she did too.
Sandra nodded her head vigorously to his question, her hands covering her now sensitive breasts, but that evidently weren’t enough consent for Demetrius. 
“No, I want to hear you say it.”
“Y-Yes,” She whimpered out in desperation, bringing herself up on her elbows where their lips met again. “Yes, daddy, I’m sure.”
Demetrius thought he’d lose all composure to the woman lying beneath him in that very moment, but he persevered.
“So fuckin’ beautiful,” He mumbled against her lips as her cheeks radiated at his compliment for the umpteenth time that night. “Okay, momma, I need for you to listen carefully to what I’m about to ask of you,” Sandra could only nod her head in agreement. “Lay back down in this seat and spread your legs for daddy.”
With his eyes not once parting from hers, Demetrius watched as she went to recline back in the driver’s seat before her knees slightly parted. She was definitely testing his patience.
“Wider.” He ordered, voice low and authoritative as his jaw clenched.
Her legs spread the slightest as she nibbled into the corner of her lips.
“C’mon, momma,” He spanked rather roughly at her thigh, causing her to whine at the stinging mark his personalized 3-finger ring left behind. He wouldn’t have to handle her so roughly if she had been doing what he had asked of her. “Open ‘em wider so that I can see that pretty ass pussy.” He coerced, witnessing her legs fall in completely opposite directions at his command. “Yeah that’s it.”
Though he could sense her body cowering beneath his gaze due to her own insecurities, Demetrius really couldn’t help but to admire the way the thin fabric of her thong was being devoured and drowned in the arousal of her fleshy pussy.
“So fuckin’ wet...” He whispered his praise in a rich baritone, desperately wanting to play in it.
The pad of his thumb pressed directly into the area of fabric that covered her clit with much pressure, swiping to and fro as if he was working a joystick of some sort.
“Ahhh...” Sandra hissed lowly at the feeling she assumed only her fingers were capable of causing.
The way her body spasmed beneath his touch told him that he was doing something right. Her dainty hands encased his wrist as her legs pry shut in order to still his movements, even only for a stalling second, but to no avail.
“Aht, aht,” He expressed as if she were a child, tapping at her thigh yet again. “I said open ‘em.” He witnessed pleasure wash over her expression, her knees splitting the very moment she felt herself slick from the pressure of his fingers. “Good girl.”
He hooked his index finger through the seat of her panties, yanking the damp fabric aside just in the nick of time to witness the opaque cream seep from it’s opening. He impulsively went to thrust his middle finger inside her in a beckoning fashion in order to get her warmed up for the substantial course of action. His free hand going to pull his solid piece from the restraint of his briefs. He tasked between working her up and lubricating his shaft in his own saliva and precum.
“D-Daddy, aren’t we suppose to be using protection?” She stammered, feeling herself about to leak in his seat.
“I gotchu, momma. Trust me.” He persuaded, edging her orgasm by only a second when slipping his fingers from her before proceeding to bridge over her with a reassuring peck to her supple lips. “You just focus on relaxing.”
She nodded, her hands and legs impulsively falling into place on his lower back and waist. She submitted herself to him completely. It was his for the taking.
His hand remained fisting the base of his dick the moment he decided to push the head in. His thumb tracing her clit in order to alleviate some of the pain that she were in. Still her sweet gasps unified with that of Marvin Gaye’s “I Want You,” pussy clenching around him just the same way her thighs were at his waistline in attempt to stop what was coming as the roots of her natural nail beds aggressively raked into his shoulder blades.
“Open up for me, momma.” He groaned against her jawline, lingering wet kisses there as he pulled back from her tacky heat for only a split second before sinking back inside, bearing more inches than with the first.
It took a minute but her legs eventually fell open like he had asked, feet falling into the grips of the steering wheel like stirrups as her toes flexed at his penetration.
“Ow, Meechie!” She mewled, eyes screwed shut as tears clouded the vision she once had of him on top of her.
“I know, momma. I know,” He kissed away any stray tears that once stained her face. “Just a little more.” 
Demetrius could feel his self-restraint regressing as his motion against her clit increased. He pulled back to his tip once more before plunging back inside her. Far more vigorous than the first, he finally felt himself break past her hymen. Even through a pulsating ache, her walls still welcomed him with a tight hug as they accommodated to his girth. They had sealed the deal. They were finally in sync with one another.
“Oh, shit!” Demetrius subconsciously groaned, face flushing febrile and jaw clenching at the traces of her juices and crimson ichor coating his shaft when he went to pull back.
“So much pressure.” She cried out, fingers marking up his rear window and legs flailing, but this had only given him more leverage.
His hands smoothed up the back of her thighs until her knees were touching her breasts. He made it his mission to reach her soul as he began slamming almost entirely all his body weight onto her. Though still in park, the car still moved at his actions, causing her mouth to fall open with no sound and her eyes to roll back until they were damn near white.
“Ain’t no angel no more now, hm?” He smirked condescendingly, biting into his bottom lip as he listened to her pussy talking back to him over his chains. “This my pussy, baby? Tell me that it’s all mine.”
“This your pussy, daddy,” She drawled, eye twitching the slightest at his pace as her nails pierced into his waist with the shattering thought of there being nowhere to run. “All yours! Uhn, Meech—”
“You cum’n for me, baby?”
“Yeah!” She squeaked, spots now clouding her vision as she finally sprayed against him.
Demetrius had scarcely given the young woman time to recover from her first real orgasm as he effortlessly tore the thong from her fragile body before flipping her onto her side. He hoisted her ass up, pussy spreading, just to see what he was working with as he pummeled back inside her snug cover without warning. His thrusts were deep and fleeting, continuously knocking at her spot.
“Oooh-a!” Her voice trembled, once hand kneading the flesh of her breasts as the other pressed against his abdomen. His eyes boring into hers.
Their rendezvous set them back. Any prior thought of them having places to go and people to meet was nonexistent up until the distinct chime of either of their pagers reeled them back in, Demetrius’ more than likely. Foolishly enough, Sandra still went reaching into the passenger’s seat only to have her arm snatched back and pinned against her chest, their fingers interlocking.
“Don’t move,” He slapped her ass aggressively, pressing his forehead against hers. “Don’t you fucking move. I wanna feel all this pussy.”
“Okay, okay, okay, Demetrius! Fuuuck!” He had sent her into another blinding orgasm just that quick. “What are you—” She gasped.
With what little space they did have, Demetrius had still managed to slink her lower half up to his mouth before his lips closed in over her aching clit. Normally, he wasn’t a fan of performing oral on women, especially not on a first encounter such as this one, but he made an exception for Sandra, wanting her first time to be memorable. Something she could finally gloat to her friends about.
“I just came, daddy! Please!” She begged to rest although her own body betrayed her when her ankles locked around his neck and her nails went digging into his scalp, pulling him in even closer.
“One more.” He groaned against her sex, knowing damn well he would be asking her for another round before their night ended.
He held her up by her waist, sinking his index and middle finger inside her entrance before his tongue rolled against her swollen bud again. Between him salivating against her clit and the gushing sound her body produced each and every time he went to pump his fingers inside of her, she didn’t know which one bought her to a climax faster.
“Uhhhn!” A guttural moan escaped her larynx as an overfamiliar feeling washed over her. She pushed at his forearm for release. ”Let go!”
Sinking back down into the driver’s seat, her hands cupped over her convulsing pussy as she curled up into a fetal position. She was winded and in tears over this one.
“You aight, momma?” Her body flinched at his touch as he rubbed her ass in order to calm her. She could only simply nod her head to his question as he gripped her chin, bringing her in for a small kiss. One that she could still taste herself with. “All fours.” He ordered in a gruff, lightly tapping at her ass.
Sandra sniffed, swiping beneath her nose before turning onto her stomach in the seat and bringing herself up on her hands and knees.
“Arch ya back, momma.” His hands pressed at the center of her spine, causing her head to lazily fall forward onto the rest as her hips spanned against him.
“Like this, daddy?” She seductively asked while wiggling her ass from side to side.
“Exactly like that.” His hand came cracking down on her ass once more, causing her to cry out before he was palming his stiff dick again and sinking back inside her warmth. Right where he belonged.
Her breath was shallow, toes flexing against the thick fabric of her socks as she took him to the hilt. His hands remained placed at her hips as he fed her pussy long strokes. Her ass clapped against his V-cut, his heavy sac slapping against her clit as he gained momentum. He’d occasionally slip out due to how wet she really was, but he’d dive right back in, carrying that same rhythm.
“Ah, ah, ah, ah...” Her moans imitated the cadence of his thrusts each and every time their hips would meet, putting him in a trance.
The windows were fogging at this point, the air around them becoming thick in their sex as their moans were loud enough to even drown out Anita Baker’s scatting over the stereo.
“Ohhh! Fuck me, Demetrius!” She moaned between clenched teeth, catching him off guard when she went to reach back for his chains.
“Shit, Sandy,” This groan came spontaneously as his body caved at the feeling of her walls contracting around his dick with a vice grip. He hadn’t expected her to catch on so fast and start throwing it back, hell, neither had she, but she wanted his nut just as bad as he had been chasing it. “Chill, chill chill!” He exclaimed, trying to restrain himself from doing something impulsive, but she hadn’t. Not even for a second.
His hands snaked around the front of neck, yanking her upright into his chest where his breath fanned over her ear and his thrusts began to dominate hers. If she even thought that she could fuck him into oblivion before he could do the same to her, she was sadly mistaken.
“Yeah, what was all that shit that you was talkin’ now? Must’ve forgotten who’s daddy ‘round here, huh? That’s okay, I’m here to remind you, baby girl.” His pounding hadn’t slacked. His fingers pressed into her neck furthermore as his lips pressed into her ear, making her dizzy. Sandra loved how vocal he was with her just the same way he loved to feel her get her rocks off by his stamina.
“I’m cum’n, I’m cum’n, I’m cum’n!” She squealed, her nails diggin’ into his hips as her eyes rolled back.
“Shit, me too, momma.” He groaned, his dick twitching inside her the second she seized against him while her cream slid off on his shaft.
With his hand remaining clasped around her neck, he pulled from her and immediately went to jerking his dick until spurts cum landed on her plump ass, lower back and his lower stomach. The sight was most rewarding.
He released her from his hold, her body falling into the chair once more as she struggled to keep her eyes open. The duo scarcely had time to collect themselves as there was a light tap against the driver’s side window.
The unwanted company was just a boy. Brown in complexion and unbelievably lanky in height and weight, an estimated 5′9″ at most if you had let Sandra tell it. He sported a hi-top fade, leather jacket and an overfamiliar 50 Boyz pendant identical to Demetrius’ which told her this wasn’t a stranger after all. He was an ally.
“Yo, Meech? You in there? Open up.” His knuckles impatiently drummed against the window again. He took a swift pull from his joint before attempting to peer past Demetrius’ tints.
“Shit!” Demetrius’ whispered, reaching for the glove compartment in a panic as Sandra went reaching for all the straps of clothing belonging to her that were thankfully still intact in the passenger seat.
Kraft paper napkins fell out onto the car floor where Sandra’s handbag and quads rested. Demetrius had still managed to catch a few, quickly going to wipe his jizz from his body as well as hers. She climbed into the backseat to pull on her clothes while Demetrius readjusted his seat, only bothering to toss on his briefs and button-up since there was only so much time to spare before the boy had gotten anymore suspicious than what he already was and called a whole SWAT team on his whereabouts. They didn’t need anymore intrusions as this was already embarrassing enough.
Demetrius cracked his window enough to where the boy could see his eyes.
“Yo? What’s up, B-Mickie?” Demetrius greeted his fellow caporegime.
“What’s up with me? Nigga, what’s up with you? I’ve been paging you since eleven. Here it is damn near going on one. Kato said she seen ya whip parked ‘round here, so I had to come check in.”
Demetrius had to catch himself from spazzing at the mention of Kato for B-Mickie’s sake. He understood his developing crush on the woman, but he had only hopes he was being wary of the company he kept. Her energy had been way off putting as of lately.
“So I guess you and Kato must be my parents now, huh?” Demetrius asked, his overfamiliar sarcasm finally leaking through.
B-Mickie could only kiss his teeth, taking another drag from his joint since it were the only thing keeping him warm then.
“Ain’t nobody even say all that, man. We were just concerned about you, that’s all.”
“Well you two should be more “concerned” about dishing out those rocks next time rather than me resting.”
“Resting?” B-Mickie chuckled at his audacity, flicking the ashes of his joint onto the pavement. “Yeah, okay, Meech. You got it.”
“Nigga, what’s so funny?”
“Nothin’, except the skates with pink wheels and Gucci bag in the floor of your passenger seat really add a nice touch to the finish.” Sandra’s fingers grew immobile against the fly of her jeans as she looked to Demetrius for an excuse of some sort, but he choked. B-Mickie was definitely on to them by now. “But before you lie about them being Nicole’s, I got a pretty good angle of the rearview from here. Great choice. She from ‘round here?”
“Get the fuck—” Demetrius was seconds away from stepping outside the vehicle until it registered that he was only clad in a top and undergarments. Maybe next time.
“Don’t answer that,” B-Mickie winked. “I’ll see you later, Meech. Goodnight, beautiful.” His palm came down on the roof of Demetrius’ bimmer a few times before he casually walked away.
Demetrius’ head fell back against the rest with an sigh of defeat just as Sandra had climbed her way back into the passenger seat with a sly smile tugging at her bare lips.
“Damn, girl,” Demetrius grinned sheepishly, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You done got me caught up.” He could only hope that word hadn’t spread amongst those apart of his mob by now, but he knew B-Mickie’s intentions were nothing short of lighthearted. He had faith in him. He was loyal.
“No, you got yourself caught up when you decided to fuck me the way that you did,” Sandra stated, reapplying her lipstick in the mirror of the sun visor though it really did nothing in restoring her once kempt appearance. “Now come on and run me back home before more of your henchmen spin the block with a target on my back.”
“So I guess this is the part where I become grab-and-go dick for whenever you’re feeling spontaneous?” He questioned, aggressively pulling his trousers up around his waistline.
“Let’s just see how things pan out on the rug of my living room before I make that decision.” She smirked, his expression mirroring hers at the very mention of a second round.
“You tryna do it anywhere.” He chuckled, his hand fumbling for the gearshift and switch ignition before turning it to it’s “Start” point and peeling off into the night.
Sandra really hadn’t expected for this night to carry on further than their earlier phone conversation, let alone it ending with Demetrius being granted access to her most vital secrecy, but there she was. She didn’t know how far they were both willing to take this or where it’d even end, but she was definitely in for the ride.
“Hell yeah.” She nodded her head confidently before strapping herself in for the journey home.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀sandra ゛⠀pepa⠀〟jacqueline denton,circa 1988 as 𝐑𝐎𝐗𝐗𝐀𝐍𝐄 ゛⠀𝐑𝐎𝐗𝐗𝐘⠀〟
⤷ occupation:sandra’s best friend
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀myles truitt as ��-𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐈𝐄 ❪d. meeks❫
⤷ occupation:caporegime of 50 boyz╱bmf
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@forbeautyandlife╱@princesskillmonger╱@aislinnsilver╱@chaneajoyyy╱@loosewindmill╱@wawakanda-btch╱@muse-of-mbaku╱@eclecticblkgirl╱@raysunshine78╱@melaninmarvelgirl62╱@hidden-treasures21╱ @janelledarling╱@dameshaemonique╱@ljs-writing╱@ceeverse╱@aureahope╱@thadelightfulone╱@leahnicole1219╱@marvelmaree╱@fd-writes╱@myboyfriendgiriboy╱@yoyolovesbucky╱ @thiccdaddy-mbaku╱@lifelover4u╱@kaykay0829╱@theblulife╱@sheisexcellent-blog╱@thehomierobbstark╱@allhailqueennel╱@goldenfenxty╱@quietstorm-73╱@marysxo╱@tashawar╱@bitchacho25╱@diva-princess-on-fleek @tip222u╱@soulsparker╱@soufcakmistress╱@jimizwidow╱@lameasskara @dangerous-history╱@fiercedeception╱@btitannaaaaa╱@alittlejd╱@lilangelikaa╱@alookintohersoul╱@richonne4life╱@kemkem101╱@shyblackgurl╱@xsweetdellzx ╱@keyera-jackson╱@90sisthenew80s╱@judymfmoody╱@novaniskye╱@elocinnicole
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author’s note:⠀⠀⠀‘’ ⠀⠀⠀This is me very humbly stepping outside my comfort zone this evening to spontaneously tag people in order to gain some traction and successfully make it into their Tumblr algorithm after a whole year. 
Allow me to properly introduce myself,my name is Paris,I’m slowly but surely migrating my work from Wattpad to Tumblr again after ten years and I love to write about the Black and Brown men who don’t seem to get enough attention in my spare time,but especially those of the Hamilton community. Other works include Keith Powers,Leon Simmons ❪Isaiah K. John❫ of Snowfall and Zion Kuwonu of PRETTYMUCH. My series and imagines are almost always set in my favorite periods of time. If these seem to be like somethin’ you’d be interested then please,don’t be a stranger in asking to be apart of my tag list, but if not,I want to thank you for your consideration of clicking this notification anyway. It’s greatly appreciated. Before I go treat myself to a face mask,I just want it to be known that us authors within the Black community need the audience to reblog the work! Y’all have a good night watching Euphoria now, ‘cause I know I will! ‹𝟹⠀⠀⠀‘’
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globefan · 2 years
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Titus Andronicus pics part 2, (c) Camilla Greenwell
Mei Mei MacLeod as Chiron, Kirsten Foster as Tamora and Mia Selway as Demetrius in Titus Andronicus (2023). Katy Stephens as Titus and Kibong Tanji as Aaron in Titus Andronicus (2023). Georgia-Mae Myers as Lavinia and Katy Stephens as Titus in Titus Andronicus (2023). Kibong Tanji as Aaron in Titus Andronicus (2023). Katy Stephens as Titus, Beau Holland as a Fly and Georgia-Mae Myers as Lavinia in Titus Andronicus (2023). The company in Titus Andronicus (2023).
Creatives Assistant Director: Indiana Lown-Collins Co-Designer: Rosie Elnile Co-Designer: Grace Venning Composer: Jasmin Kent Rodgman Costume Supervisor: Sian Harris Director: Jude Christian Globe Associate – Movement: Glynn MacDonald Head of Voice: Tess Dignan Lighting Designer: Ali Hunter Seasonal Voice Coach: Katherine Heath Song Writers: Liv Morris and George Heyworth
Musicians: Francesca Ter-Berg Fred Thomas Uchenna Ngwe Hilary Belsey
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namesetc · 2 years
hmm.. masculine formal names with feminine nicknames would work too, but especially if they sound old-timey, since the character i'm trying to name is a ghost
ambrose - ambie - rose
aurelius - aura/aurelie/aurelia
bartholomew - mew/mewmew
benjamin - minnie
cassian - cassie/cassia
cecil - cece
collin - collie
claudius - claudia - dia
dorian - dori/dorie/dory/doria
demetrius - demie/demy/demi
elias - lia - el/elie/elia
elliot - el/ellie
emmet - emmie
franklin - frankie
gabriel - gabby/gabbie
julian - julie/jules
jasper - jaz/jazz
judas - jude/judie/judy
julias - jules/julia/julie
josiah - josie
maxwell - maxy/maxie
maurice - maurie/marie
Malcom - mal/mally/mallie
miles - miley
samuel - sam/sammy
silvester - silvy/silvie/star
victor - vicy
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unknown-songs · 4 years
A list with black artists who have a song in the Unknown Songs That Should Be Known-playlist (Can be a black artist in a band or just solo-artist) (no specific genre)
Bull’s Eye - Blacknuss, Prince Prime - Funk Aftershow - Joe Fox - Alternative Hip-hop Strangers in the Night - Ben L’Oncle Soul - Soul Explore - Mack Wilds - R&B Something To Do - IGBO - Funk
Down With The Trumpets - Rizzle Kicks - Pop Dans ta ville - Dub Inc. - Reggae Dance or Die - Brooklyn Funk Essentials - Funk FACELESS - The PLAYlist, Glenn Lewis - R&B Tell Me Father - Jeangu Macrooy - Soul
Southern Boy - John The Conquerer - Blues Hard Rock Savannah Grass - Kes - Dancehall Dr. Funk - The Main Squeeze - Funk Seems I’m Never Tired of Loving You - Lizz Wright - Jazz Out of My Hands - TheColorGrey, Oddisee - Hip-Hop/Pop
Raised Up in Arkansas - Michael Burks - Blues Black Times - Sean Kuti, Egypt 80, Carlos Santana - Afrobeat Cornerstone - Benjamin Clementine - Indie Shine On - R.I.O., Madcon - Electronic Pop Bass On The Line - Bernie Worrell - Funk
When We Love - Jhené Aiko - R&B Need Your Love - Curtis Harding - Soul Too Dry to Cry - Willis Earl Beal - Folk Your House - Steel Pulse - Reggae Power - Moon Boots, Black Gatsby - Deep House
Vinyl Is My Bible - Brother Strut - Funk Diamond - Izzy Biu - R&B Elusive - blackwave., David Ngyah - Hip-hop Don’t Ever Let Nobody Drag Your Spirit Down - Heritage Blues Orchestra - Blues Sastanàqqàm - Tinariwen - Psychedelic Rock
Disco To Go - Brides of Funkenstein - Funk/Soul Circles - Durand Jones & The Indications - Retro Pop Cheesin’ - Cautious Clay, Remi Wolf, sophie meiers - R&B Changes - Charles Bradley - Soul The Sweetest Sin - RAEVE - House
Gyae Su - Pat Thomas, Kwashibu Area Band - Funk What Am I to Do - Ezra Collective, Loyle Carner - Hip-hop Get Your Groove On - Cedric Burnside - Blues Old Enough To Know Better - Steffen Morrisson - Soul Wassiye - Habib Koité - Khassonke musique
Dance Floor - Zapp - Funk Wake Up - Brass Against, Sophia Urista - Brass Hard-Rock BIG LOVE - Black Eyed Peas - Pop The Greatest - Raleigh Ritchie - R&B DYSFUNCTIONAL - KAYTRANADA, VanJess - Soul
See You Leave - RJD2, STS, Khari Mateen - Hip-hop Sing A Simple Song - Maceo Parker - Jazz/Funk Have Mercy - Eryn Allen Kane - Soul Homenage - Brownout - Latin Funk Can’t Sleep - Gary Clark Jr. - Blues Rock
Toast - Koffee - Dancehall Freedom - Ester Dean - R&B Iskaba - Wande Coal, DJ Tunez - Afropop High Road - Anthony Riley - Alternative Christian Sunny Days - Sabrina Starke - Soul
The Talking Fish - Ibibio Sound Machine - Funk Paralyzed - KWAYE - Indie Purple Heart Blvd - Sebastian Kole - Pop WORSHIP - The Knocks, MNEK - Deep House BMO - Ari Lennox - R&B
Promises - Myles Sanko - Soul .img - Brother Theodore - Funk Singing the Blues - Ruthie Foster, Meshell Ndegeocello - Blues Nobody Like You - Amartey, SBMG, The Livingtons - Hip-hop Starship - Afriquoi, Shabaka Hutchings, Moussa Dembele - Deep House
Lay My Troubles Down - Aaron Taylor - Funk  Bloodstream - Tokio Myers - Classic Sticky - Ravyn Lenae - R&B Why I Try - Jalen N’Gonda - Soul Motivation - Benjamin Booker - Folk
quand c’est - Stromae - Pop Let Me Down (Shy FX Remix) - Jorja Smith, Stormzy, SHY FX - Reggae Funny - Gerald Levert - R&B Salt in my Wounds - Shemekia Copeland - Blues Our Love - Samm Henshaw - Soul
Make You Feel That Way - Blackalicious - Jazz Hip-hop Knock Me Out - Vintage Trouble - Funk Take the Time - Ronald Bruner, Jr., Thundercat - Alternative Thru The Night - Phonte, Eric Roberson - R&B Keep Marchin’ - Raphael Saadiq - Soul
Shake Me In Your Arms - Taj Mahal, Keb’ Mo’ - Blues Meet Me In The Middle - Jodie Abascus - Pop Raise Hell - Sir the Baptist, ChurchPpl - Gospel Pop Mogoya - Oumou Sangaré - Wassoulou Where’s Yesterday - Slakah The Beatchild - Hip-hop
Lose My Cool - Amber Mark - R&B New Funk - Big Sam’s Funky Nation - Funk I Got Love - Nate Dogg - Hip-hop Nothing’s Real But Love - Rebecca Ferguson - Soul Crazy Race - The RH Factor - Jazz
Spies Are Watching Me - Voilaaa, Sir Jean - Funk The Leaders - Boka de Banjul - Afrobeat Fast Lane - Rationale - House Conundrum - Hak Baker - Folk Don’t Make It Harder On Me - Chloe x Halle - R&B
Plastic Hamburgers - Fantastic Negrito - Hardrock Beyond - Leon Bridges - Pop God Knows - Dornik - Soul Soleil de volt - Baloji - Afrofunk Do You Remember - Darryl Williams, Michael Lington - Jazz Get Back - McClenney - Alternative Three Words - Aaron Marcellus - Soul
Spotify playlist 
In memory of:
Aaron Bailey Adam Addie Mae Collins Ahmaud Arbery Aiyana Stanley Jones Akai Gurley Alberta Odell Jones Alexia Christian Alfonso Ferguson Alteria Woods Alton Sterling Amadou Diallo Amos Miller Anarcha Westcott Anton de Kom Anthony Hill Antonio Martin Antronie Scott Antwon Rose Jr. Arthur St. Clair Atatiana Jefferson Aubrey Pollard Aura Rosser Bennie Simons Berry Washington Bert Dennis Bettie Jones Betsey Billy Ray Davis Bobby Russ Botham Jean Brandon Jones Breffu Brendon Glenn Breonna Taylor Bud Johnson Bussa
Calin Roquemore Calvin McDowell Calvin Mike and his family Carl Cooper Carlos Carson Carlotta Lucumi Carol Denise McNair Carol Jenkins Carole Robertson Charles Curry Charles Ferguson Charles Lewis Charles Wright Charly Leundeu Keunang Chime Riley Christian Taylor Christopher Sheels Claude Neal Clementa Pickney Clifford Glover Clifton Walker Clinton Briggs Clinton R. Allen Cordella Stevenson Corey Carter Corey Jones Cynthia Marie Graham Hurd Cynthia Wesley
Daniel L. Simmons Danny Bryant Darius Randell Robinson Darius Tarver Darrien Hunt Darrius Stewart David Felix David Joseph David McAtee David Walker and his family Deandre Brunston Deborah Danner Delano Herman Middleton Demarcus Semer Demetrius DuBose Depayne Middleton-Doctor Dion Johnson Dominique Clayton Dontre Hamilton Dred Scott
Edmund Scott Ejaz Choudry Elbert Williams Eleanor Bumpurs Elias Clayton Elijah McClain Eliza Woods Elizabeth Lawrence Elliot Brooks Ellis Hudson Elmer Jackson Elmore Bolling Emantic Fitzgerald Bradford Jr. Emmett Till Eric Garner Eric Harris Eric Reason Ernest Lacy Ernest Thomas Ervin Jones Eugene Rice Eugene Williams Ethel Lee Lance Ezell Ford
Felix Kumi Frank Livingston Frank Morris Frank Smart Frazier B. Baker Fred Hampton Fred Rochelle Fred Temple Freddie Carlos Gray Jr.
George Floyd George Grant George Junius Stinney Jr. George Meadows George Waddell George Washington Lee Gregory Gunn
Harriette Vyda Simms Moore Harry Tyson Moore Hazel “Hayes” Turner Henry Ezekial Smith Henry Lowery Henry Ruffin Henry Scott Hosea W. Allen
India Kager Isaac McGhie Isadore Banks Italia Marie Kelly
Jack Turner Jamar Clark Jamel Floyd James Byrd Jr. James Craig Anderson James Earl Chaney James Powell James Ramseur James Tolliver James T. Scott Janet Wilson Jason Harrison Javier Ambler J.C. Farmer Jemel Roberson Jerame Reid Jesse Thornton Jessie Jefferson Jim Eastman Joe Nathan Roberts John Cecil Jones John Crawford III John J. Gilbert John Ruffin John Taylor Johnny Robinson Jonathan Ferrell Jonathan Sanders Jordan Edwards Joseph Mann Julia Baker Julius Jones July Perry Junior Prosper
Kalief Browder Karvas Gamble Jr. Keith Childress, Jr. Kelly Gist Kelso Benjamin Cochrane Kendrick Johnson Kenneth Chamberlain Sr. Kenny Long Kevin Hicks Kevin Matthews Kiwane Albert Carrington
Lacy Mitchell Lamar Smith Laquan McDonald Laura Nelson Laura Wood L.B. Reed L.D. Nelson Lemuel Penn Lemuel Walters Leonard Deadwyler Leroy Foley Levi Harrington Lila Bella Carter Lloyd Clay Louis Allen Lucy
M.A. Santa Cruz Maceo Snipes Malcom X Malice Green Malissa Williams Manuel Ellis Marcus Deon Smith Marcus Foster Marielle Franco Mark Clark Maria Martin Lee Anderson Martin Luther King Jr. Matthew Avery Mary Dennis Mary Turner Matthew Ajibade May Noyes Mckenzie Adams Medgar Wiley Evers Michael Brown Michael Donald Michael Griffith Michael Lee Marshall Michael Lorenzo Dean Michael Noel Michael Sabbie Michael Stewart Michelle Cusseaux Miles Hall Moses Green Mya Hall Myra Thompson
Nathaniel Harris Pickett Jr. Natasha McKenna Nicey Brown Nicholas Heyward Jr.
O’Day Short family Orion Anderson Oscar Grant III Otis Newsom
Pamela Turner Paterson Brown Jr. Patrick Dorismond Philando Castile Phillip Pannell Phillip White Phinizee Summerour
Ramarley Graham Randy Nelson Raymond Couser Raymond Gunn Regis Korchinski-Paquet Rekia Boyd Renisha McBride Riah Milton Robert Hicks Robert Mallard Robert Truett Rodney King Roe Nathan Roberts Roger Malcolm and his wife Roger Owensby Jr. Ronell Foster Roy Cyril Brooks Rumain Brisbon Ryan Matthew Smith
Sam Carter Sam McFadden Samuel DuBose Samuel Ephesians Hammond Jr. Samuel Hammond Jr. Samuel Leamon Younge Jr. Sandra Bland Sean Bell Shali Tilson Sharonda Coleman-Singleton Shukri Abdi Simon Schuman Slab Pitts Stella Young Stephon Clark Susie Jackson
T.A. Allen Tamir Rice Tamla Horsford Tanisha Anderson Timothy Caughman Timothy Hood Timothy Russell Timothy Stansbury Jr. Timothy Thomas Terrence Crutcher Terrill Thomas Tom Jones Tom Moss Tony McDade Tony Terrell Robinson Jr. Trayvon Martin Troy Hodge Troy Robinson Tula Tyler Gerth Tyre King Tywanza Sanders
Victor Duffy Jr. Victor White III
Walter Lamar Scott Wayne Arnold Jones Wesley Thomas Wilbert Cohen Wilbur Bundley Will Brown Will Head Will Stanley Will Stewart Will Thompson Willie James Howard Willie Johnson Willie McCoy Willie Palmer Willie Turks William Brooks William Butler William Daniels William Fambro William Green William L. Chapman II William Miller William Pittman Wyatt Outlaw
Yusef Kirriem Hawkins
The victims of LaLaurie (1830s) The black victims of the Opelousas massacre (1868) The black victims of the Thibodaux massacre (1887) The black victims of the Wilmington insurrection (1898) The black victims of the Johnson-Jeffries riots (1910) The black victims of the Red summer (1919) The black victims of the Elaine massacre (1919) The black victims of the Ocoee massacre (1920) The victims of the MOVE bombing (1985)
All the people who died during the Atlantic slave trade, be it due to abuse or disease.
All the unnamed victims of mass-incarceration, who were put into jail without the committing of a crime and died while in jail or died after due to mental illness. 
All the unnamed victims of racial violence and discrimination. 
My apologies for all the people missing on this list. Feel free to add more names and stories. 
Listen, learn and read about discrimination, racism and black history: (feel free to add more)  Documentaries: 13th (Netflix) The Innocence Files (Netflix) Who Killed Malcolm X? (Netflix) Time: The Kalief Browder Story (Netflix) I Am Not Your Negro
YouTube videos: We Cannot Stay Silent about George Floyd Waarom ook Nederlanders de straat op gaan tegen racisme (Dutch) Wit is ook een kleur (Dutch) (documentaire)
Books: Biased by Jennifer Eberhardt Don’t Touch My Hair by Emma Dabiri Freedom Is A Constant Struggle by Angela Davis How To Be An Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou Me and White Supremacy by Layla Saad So You Want To Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo They Can’t Kill Us All by Wesley Lowery White Fragility by Robin Deangelo Why I’m No Longer Talking To White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge Woman, Race and Class by Angela Davis
Websites: https://lynchinginamerica.eji.org/report/ https://museumandmemorial.eji.org/ https://archive.org/details/thirtyyearsoflyn00nati/page/n11/mode/2up https://lab.nos.nl/projects/slavernij/index-english.html https://blacklivesmatter.com/ https://www.zinnedproject.org/
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