#demelza hawke tag
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chcngenation · 3 hours ago
you look... comfortable. -Inquisitor!Cullen to his girl of your choice
Demelza had decided twenty minutes ago that she was not going to move from this spot of grass. Secrecy of her arrival had gone out the window weeks ago, and she half stares at the sun, half sighs in content.
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"You're blocking my sun," She says haughtily at the shadow the now Inquisitor Rutherford cast over her. He was once Knight-Captain Cullen, but she'd been relentless in using his new title to tease him. She cannot keep a smile from her lips for long. "The cloud over there looks like a cock, but the one next to it, looks like an angry nug."
She cannot remember the last time she had simply... been. "Do you ever stop to take a break? Do you want to?"
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chcngenation · 3 months ago
It seems so natural for her other hand to cup his cheek. "Am I no one then?" Demelza Hawke asks so softly. "You're Anders. You're my friend, the greatest healer I've ever met. You love cats, and you used to have a cat called Ser Pounce A Lot, a kitten gifted to you by the Hero of Fereldan. The Wardens made you give that cat away because they said it made you too soft. You lived in the circle for years, and you escaped no less than five times because you are so fucking clever. Compassionate, so compassionate that you started a clinic in the poorest, dirtiest part of Kirkwall, where no one can afford to see a healer. I will never forget you. The darkspawn can try and drag you away, I won't let them. The templars can try and drag you away, I won't let them."
Her voice is so earnest, too earnest to keep it from cracking, and her thumb brushes his cheek, catching so many times against his facial hair. "Stay here with me. I'll protect you. I'll make sure you're remembered. The way you should be. The Ander, the fallen Warden, the apostate, they're parts of you, but they're not just you. I see you." Her hand on his cheek shifts, and she uses her index finger to boop his nose. Her breath fans his cheeks just as much as his fans their hands. Her eyes won't pull away.
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Her blue eyes are focused downwards - truly the only sign of Amell in her - as Demelza takes Anders’ hand in her own, holding it between both of hers atop her knee. She’s not sure how to make this into a sarcastic quip as per usual, not sure how to charm an answer in this instance. 
“I don’t need anything- quite the opposite, I think you need something.” She glances up then, raising one of those dark brows. “And no, I don’t mean Isabela’s panties - she keeps trying to offer them to me and I never know if she’s serious. She said you said you weren’t going to keep treating her, so I probably don’t want them anyway… but I remember when we were in the Warden fortress and you said… no Justice said it, said you weren’t going to stick around much longer.” 
Demelza could charm the nobility of Kirkwall, but here with any of her friends, but especially Anders, her tongue seemed to keep getting caught in her throat. 
“Are you leaving because the Wardens are catching up to you? Too many templars? Did I offend you? I can’t help what Fenris says if it’s something he said or-” She has to bite her lip, wanting to bring back the sarcasm she learnt from her father, the sarcasm she uses in biting remarks to keep from crying, or uses to parry insults with Carver to see who can get the best ones. 
“Please don’t leave, you’re… one of my most treasured friends, and I’m very fond of you, and I think I need you here. Merrill and I are both incompetent healers, but if you really want to leave Kirkwall I won’t stop you, I’ll wave you off and everything with my..” She stopped herself from saying love, no she couldn’t say that and put him in any sort of position. “Friendship.”  
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Amber eyes looked down at her hand holding his, and it was like his heart had caught in his throat. Grief and a sense of loss coursed through him, even knowing that this was not something that he could run from. No, the world demanded Justice.
I think you need something. So Isabela had spoken with her, had told her about his words. Then she continued and it was like his blood had turned to ice, eyes widening. Justice… Justice had known what they were going to do from the moment that they had felt the horrifying taste of what was in store for them.
She thought that he was going to leave Kirkwall, he almost wanted to laugh, to tell her that the bloody city would be his grave. He knew that she would try to stop him, though, and he would not allow her to soak her hands in blood that would damn her just as surely as he himself was damned. No, he would not have her directly participate in what would only be classified as the start of a war.
He could argue all day that the war started when the Templars decided to corral all the mages and keep them away from the world. That the Chantry had bound the mages of the world in chains of blood, and that they had oppressed the few to make the many feel ‘safe’. Hawke had probably grown tired of hearing of his manifesto, however, and he would not take up what little time he had left with her going on about what she already was well aware he felt.
“I’m not leaving Kirkwall, I’m…” He bites hit lip as he searches for the word. “After learning about the Calling was like…” A lump formed in his throat and he could not continue the thought. His next words were soft, spoke against her fingers, for he had raised their hands to his lips. “No one’s going to remember me… the real me… I’m only going to be the Ander… or the  fallen Warden or the apostate… Not, me.”
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lordgoretash · 6 months ago
Send me a prompt!
Send me a song, line of poetry, a tarot card, or something from my #wiriting prompts tag + a character or relationship.
2/21 I just finished Veilguard and would love some Veilguard prompts for my Rooks or for the whole messy Dellamorte family.
Blood of Angry Men Worldstate, headlined by Susanna "Zuzu" Hawke who ends up as Herald of Andraste at odds with the Inquisition after DA2.
Romantic ships: Hawke/Anders(&Justice), Bethany/Fenris, Alain/Orana
Platonic: Any combination of the Hawke/Amell family and/or the DA2 companions. Or Orsino with basically anyone. Also a mix of DA2 and DA:I thrown together.
Enemies: Bethany&Cullen
Misc: Whatever f!Tabris and Loghain have going on (are they coworkers? friends? lovers? unusually dedicated pen pals? Good question. They clearly aren't sure and neither am I.)
Other worldstates:
Saoirse Mercar/Lucanis Dellamorte
Drastino De Riva/Neve
Kalira Tabris:
Zuzu Hawke: Rogue Hawke, intensely dedicated to her sister's safety and freedom, and eventually to the same for all mages. Marries and fights a war along side Anders. (She is also my main worldstate's Herald of Andraste, which causes massive changes in Inquisition.)
Saoirse Mercar: Former slave turned Shadow Dragon. She is definitely not a blood mage; that's for sure necromancy (she's a blood mage. She was almost killed in a ritual and lashed out, taking control of her own blood back form the magister trying to use it. This gives her a fear of blood magic, but also experience with it.)
Drastino De Riva: Who put this man in charge of saving the world? He's a hired killer who has no interest in being anything else, but he has a contract to fulfill. And also would like the world he lives in to not be destroyed, and he doesn't see anyone else stepping up to save it. He is the femme fatale to Neve's noir detective.
Demelza: Tranquil mage who refused the cure, but found a balance of emotions she could experience but still retreat from while working closely with spirits in the tombs of Nevarra. When she was no long welcome there, she reluctantly followed Varric away from the safety and balance she had found working among the spirits. Living in the Lighthouse is intensely stressful for her because living in the Fade means no longer being able to retreat from her emotions the way she was accustomed to.
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sassylavellen · 7 years ago
Followers Appreciation Month Videos Masterpost
Sam Draws Master Post
First things first, THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED!!!!! You guys are the best followers anyone could ever ask for and I loved drawing all your beautiful OCs!! ❤️
I don’t have names for some of these OCs so they’ll be listed as “OC”, but I can fix that if y’all let me know! :)
Also I was gonna tag everyone but some usernames have changed and when I was typing this all up, I hit a wrong button and already had to relink EVERY SINGLE LINK for the videos so I’m too tired and pissed off at tumblr and my own mistakes to fix that part lol
Anya Trevelyan for gugle1980
Sylvhen Lavellan for elevanetheirin
Vaella Lavellan for tabrishawkelavellan
Shokrakar Adaar for ironbullsmissingeye
OC Adaar for goldfishfiasco
Abigail Henderson for laraslandlockedblues
Athera Lavellan for historioitsija
Emily Shepard for aceaspieanxietyadhd-ohalsofandom
Shaera Lavellan for elfsplaining
Demelza Tabris for shannaraisles
Jessabelle Cousland for hedwigs-travel-companion
Ilsa Lavellan for solasy
OC Lavellan for missmajora-hearts
Nimue Lavellan for inconspicuous-cupcake
Illyra Lavellan for doctor-whothefuckknows
OC Warden for yuki-assassin
OC Lavellan for princessbatteringram
OC Lavellan for grltoworld
Amerinel Lavellan for glasshallas
Vhelani Lavellan for marvel-maven
John and Junia for john-cousland
Ellana Lavellan for dickeybbqpit
Rion Lavellan for the-tevinter-biscuit
Evelyn Lavellan for ladymdc
Farek Lavellan for numberonetribble
OC Lavellan for cloakinghawk
Faye Lavellan for under-thedreadwolfsgaze
Ryan Trevelyan for tessa1972 (OC by nikashepard)
Sunari Ryder for sayurinitta
Illyria Lavellan for sayurinitta
Bryenna for sayurinitta
Aafje Lavellan for fortheloveofsolas
Lydia Trevelyan for a-shakspearean-in-paris
Xabiere Hawke for hurtled-into-the-chaos-you-fight
OC Lavellan for ivyadalyn
Eveline Trevelyan for nexustation
Amara Lavellan for queen-of-the-crows
Kahlia Mahareil for katalyna-rose
Hallalin Lavellan for seboostianillustrations 
Aiwenor Lavellan for ellieisnotoldyet
Jeremy Ryder for imbiowaresbitch
OC Lavellan for rhunae
Dalynn Suruna for thebeautifulsilverhare
Lyanna Trevelyan for myfinalfrontier
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shannaraisles · 7 years ago
10 OTPs Meme
Tagged by the adorable @gugle1980 ... I think we all know whose name is going to appear most on this list, but hey, let’s go anyway!
1. Rory Allen (OC) x Cullen Rutherford
2. Mila Trevelyan (Modern AU OC) x Cullen Rutherford
3. Female Cousland (I don’t have one yet!) x Alistair Theirin
4. Demelza Tabris (OC) x Leliana
5. Erin MacNamara (OC) x Cullen Rutherford
6. Rory Allen (OC) x Avvar!Cullen
7. Corinne Delon (OC) x Knight-Captain Rylen
8. Sera x Dagna (shocking, I know, no OC involvement there at all!)
9. Poppy Hawke x Cullen Rutherford
10. Callum Hawke x Rumor (OC)
Who to tag, who to tag ... tagging! @kagetsukai, @kaoruyogi. @star--nymph, @decadentvoidprincess, @solverne, @irlaimsaaralath, @puddle--wonderful, @jayrose252, and @katnisshawke! No pressure, I’m just nosy!
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chcngenation · 4 days ago
you're plotting something, aren't you? -your choice for Demz
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"No," Demelza responds to the Knight Captain, in a light tone that very much implies she is not only plotting something but actively up to something. Still, she stays right there, on the verge of giggles, whether real or not, facing Cullen in a stance that almost seems mocking as she waits for the return of her companion.
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chcngenation · 6 days ago
my past isn't exactly a happy story. -Anders for Demz
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"I'll get my sad story wine then," Demelza replies like the words are as easy as breathing. Like listening to Anders is something she enjoys even when it's sad - and she does, she always does. "I'll even tell you my not so happy things."
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chcngenation · 12 days ago
we’re creatures of habit, aren’t we? -- varric for demelza
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"Sometimes I think it's easier that way." She remembers when she hadn't been a creature of habit. When she had been spontaneous. In those days, her sister had died. Her mother had died. Demelza had often caused more stress than not. She likes the habits she has with Varric though. The way she can always trust she will know where and how to find him. The way they both know the other loves them as much as they love their own biological brothers.
"Your great habit is your optimism I find. It's not always there, but when it does come out... It's always beautiful."
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chcngenation · 13 days ago
“I… can’t actually remember the last time I had something to eat.” -Merrill to Demz
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"Well, that's what I am here for, sweetness." Merrill spent almost far too much time with this eluvian, as she called it. Demelza made a mental note to bring Merrill out of her house more often, even if just to ensure she was eating. The sweets are melting on Demz's tongue, as she pushes more of the fruit she'd brought towards the elf.
"You are almost wasting away in here! Come with me. We'll see Varric, annoy Fenris, kiss Bela if you want-" Demz laughs, scrunching her nose up.
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chcngenation · 13 days ago
“Will you stay with me? Just until I fall asleep?” -Fenris to Demz
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She had been the one to tuck him into bed, stroking his hair from his face. She could not say what had driven him to drink just a little bit too much tonight, but he had, and here she was, tucking him into bed, and pressing a kiss to his forehead.
"I'm not sure it's a good idea." It had not been too long since he had left her bed, and Demelza had felt mortified that night. Cold, and alone. She does not wish to muddy the boundaries he himself had set just because he needed her now.
"I am sorry. Close your eyes, you will sleep soon." The mage sighs as she sits gently on the edge of the bed, looking out the large window until his breathing evens out.
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chcngenation · 13 days ago
"Don't bite your lip, I want to do that." -Fenris to Demz
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"Fenris," His name comes out as half a scold, though she leans over and pushes out her lip in a pout for him to take. It's a small comment, but just enough to take her out of the deep stare she'd been giving the fire. The deep thoughts leaving her away in her mind, so deep she had not noticed Fenris' approach, or the fact she had stopped stroking Dog's head.
"I think I was lost in thought." Is Anders okay? What were those writings she had found? He'd been off. Can she ask Fenris the thoughts that had plagued her mind?
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chcngenation · 13 days ago
"It's not safe - it's not safe here -" -Cullen for Demz (maybe her first time seeing him have a nightmare?)
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There is something so very disarming seeing Cullen Rutherford grumble in his sleep with that pinched expression. Nightmares were something she herself knew intimately. Many nights were spent wasted with the memory of her mother's face, grey and wrong. It's different seeing somebody else in the throws of a nightmare. He's sweating, mumbling, and screwing his face up. Where is not safe? She vaguely remembers Kinloch Hold having gone wrong, but had Cullen who was from Fereldan been stationed there at that exact time?
He had been at Kirkwall by the time Demelza was aware of which Templars were which, and she does not recall Kirkwall being particularly unsafe for Templars. Her hand is gentle as she reaches over from where she sits on the bed, shaking him softly. Shaking him until he wakes.
Her brows have knitted together. "Cullen," She whispers, stroking his face until those pretty brown eyes open and focus on her. "It's safe here. It's safe. I promise. Do you need some water?" His sweat coats her fingers, sticky and warm, but she pays it no mind.
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chcngenation · 14 days ago
you are late. -Inquisitor!Varric to Demz
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"I am late?" Demelza asks, laughing ludacrisly at Varric's suggestion. "You were guided here. I had to trek, on my own, through trial and error. Just because you're the Inquisitor now, Mister Herald of Andraste, doesn't mean you get to rush me."
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chcngenation · 16 days ago
we're in this together . no one gets left behind . -Inquisitor!Fenris to Demz
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She's shaking her head, a silent voice for a moment before she clears her throat. "No, someone has to... I let Corypheus out. I should deal with this. Fen.." Demelza's voice drops low, softer than the Champion ever speaks in public. Because this is Fenris, and he sees all parts of her. "Please don't be optimistic, you'll get us killed."
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chcngenation · 17 days ago
am i missing something? - Inquisitor!Merrill to muse of your choice
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A brief silence echoes, and with her heart pounding in her chest Demelza glances first to Cullen who is decidedly more red and unable to speak, and then back to Merrill, grinning widely as she approaches her, taking her arm in hers. "Absolutely nothing, sweetness. Your commander and I were just catching up."
Half a lie. Half not a lie, as Demz escorts Merrill back out and into the sun, asking to be introduced to the majestic Hart that was in the stables.
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chcngenation · 17 days ago
"Maybe making out for a few minutes would help us figure things out." -Rivaled!Sebastian to Demz
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"This is why your parents sent you to the chantry, isn't it?" She asks gently, amusement colouring her features. "Sounds fun to me."
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