pierppasolini · 5 months
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La triche (1984) // dir. Yannick Bellon
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random-brushstrokes · 2 months
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Gabriel Deluc - La Sieste (1912)
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clarkkantagain · 4 months
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xavier deluc la triche (the cheat) 1984
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portraituresque · 2 years
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Gabriel Deluc (French, 1850-1916) - Self portrait
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celluloidrainbow · 26 days
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LA TRICHE (1984) dir. Yannick Bellon In the docks of Bordeaux a well-known homosexual was murdered. Police Inspector Michel Verta starts investigating, when he falls in love with Bernard, a handsome young musician. This not only threatens his family life but also his integrity, for he is married with a child and Bernard is one of the murder suspects. (link in title)
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oscarwetnwilde · 4 months
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James Wilby as Sydney Carton and Xavier Deluc as Charles Darnay in A Tale Of Two Cities. (1989)
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kwxnnxn · 8 months
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I think we as a society need to bring back Gambit and Greycrow’s friendship
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reignsan · 1 year
El-Melloi Adventures volume 5 summary
As before, all of the work writing these was done by Comun (@kaibutsushidousha) on Beast’s Lair. I am simply gathering it all in one place. Each chapter has a link to Comun’s original post.
Volume list: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi II Volume 5: Legacy of the Alchemist (Part 2)
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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Des gangsters notoires sont sauvagement assassinés par des policiers, menés par le commissaire principal Roger Scatti. Ces extrémistes, organisés sous la bannière "Fidélité de la police", entendent appliquer la loi du talion et renverser l'ordre ancien. Chargé de l'enquête sur ces meurtres, le commissaire divisionnaire Grindel - aidé de ses adjoints Lutz et Péret -se met en quête de témoins, notamment, Pierre Stadler, un ancien terroriste d'extrême-gauche qui est supprimé par Scatti et ses fidèles, Valles, Spiero et Latueva. Grindel rencontre secrètement au jardin des Buttes-Chaumont son vieil indicateur, " le Stéphanois ", et ne peut lui éviter d'être abattu d'une flèche d'arbalète, tirée par... Lutz ! Grindel peut aisément confondre celui-ci qui était le seul, avec Péret, au courant de ce rendez-vous et qui, se voyant perdu, se jette par la fenêtre. La confession du policier Ginzbaum permet à Grindel de découvrir que "Fidélité de la police" a des ramifications bien plus importantes qu'il ne le pensait. A son tour confondu, Latueva se perce la gorge en un sordide rituel patriotique. L'assassinat de Ginzbaum porte à son comble l'exaspération des policiers loyalistes: on s'en est pris à l'un des leurs. Grindel lui-même échappe de peu, avec Cohen, à un traquenard meurtrier. Péret reçoit les aveux de Spiero, qui dit vouloir négocier sa fuite avec lui seul en échange d'une mise en rapport avec le grand responsable. Piégé face à un véritable tribunal de fanatiques, il est froidement tué par Scatti. Grâce aux confidences de Corinne, secrétaire du directeur Cazalières, Grindel fait arrêter celui-ci par l'IGS, la police des polices. Quant à Scatti, il l'abattra lui-même.
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dosartistas · 4 months
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Gabriel Deluc (French, 1850-1916). Self-portrait.
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oleander-neria · 1 year
Enola Holmes and Flavia DeLuce crossover
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pierppasolini · 4 months
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La triche (1984) // dir. Yannick Bellon
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Gabriel Deluc - La Danse. Dans le bois sacré (1910)
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keiloo · 2 years
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CC by @natalia-auditore,@lady-moriel, @obscurus-sims, @magic-bot, @sclub-privee, @diesus2412d
Poses by @natalia-auditore
Kaeya by @kanonbreakerz 🧑‍💻
Thanks to all cc creators 💥
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portraituresque · 1 year
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Gabriel Deluc (French, 1850-1916) - Self portrait
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samuel-the-blonde22 · 2 years
spoilers for newcomers to Genshin.
I haven't played the game myself, but I've been watching playthroughs and learning about the Lore.
Spoilers for new players.
Deluc stood at his bar, waiting. His hands were busy wiping a glass, his mind lost in memory. It was late. It had long been predicated that this day, each week, was Deluc's "self day." No business was to be conducted, everyone working at the winery had a free day away. People talked about how this day was the day his father died. It was only partly the reason why.
He could faintly hear someone poking around outside. Checking to make sure there wasn't anybody listening. Deluc himself did that just a few minutes ago. Never hurt to be sure.
Finally, the door opened, and Kaeya stepped in, walking with his distinct smug stride and distinct smug smirk. His friend. His brother.
A traitor.
Kaeya sat at a barstool and gestured for a glass. Deluc rolled his eyes and poured him some wine. He took some grape juice for himself. They sat in silence for a few minutes, lost in thought.
Deluc remembered when this first started. His father had died the week before, murdered. Deluc was burdened by it. Grieved by it.
Kaeya? Kaeya was lightened by it.
Deluc was in this very spot, grieving, when Kaeya rushed in, grinning. Kaeya started talking, words spilling out. He was sorry so sorry, that this happened, but now Kaeya could tell his brother. He needed to speak with him. Kaeya outlined everything. He was in Mondstadt as a spy, a traitor, for Khaenri'ah, for the Abyss Order. They hadn't killed Father, he explained, but he needed to tell someone. Would Deluc please listen to him...
Deluc listened, aghast. It had come to blows, swords drawn. Kaeya lost an eye. Deluc lost a brother.
Fingers tapping on the table interrupted Deluc's thoughts. He looked up to see Kaeya grinning at him. "Still up, or are you asleep?"
Deluc just grunted. "Do you have news for me?"
"As a matter of fact, I do."
Deluc sat up straighter. The smile faded from Kaeya's face a bit as he went on.
"My old friends have new management, it seems."
Deluc nodded. "That's what I heard. A princess, of some kind."
"My, you have good ears." Kaeya took another sip of his drink. "Yes, a princess."
"I'm assuming you've met them?" Deluc asked quietly.
"This morning." Kaeya took a piece of paper from his pocket and put it on the bar. Deluc raised an eyebrow and picked it up. He had to hide a grin. Kaeya's drawing skills were as bad as he remembered.
His smile faded as he looked at the drawing. A girl, with light hair and a style of clothes that he had seen once before.
He looked up at a missing persons sign on the far wall. One set up for the new person, who had requested it after saving Mondstadt. He turned back to Kaeya.
"You're serious?"
Kaeya nodded. "She was quite clear on her relationship to our new Honorary Knight."
He stretched, leaning back far enough that it took Deluc's restraint not to pull him back. Kaeya sat back up with a sly grin, seeing Deluc's concern.
"it appears I have new orders." The words came out casually, but they made Deluc tense, reaching for his greatsword.
This, this is why Deluc couldn't trust the Knights of Favonius. It wasn't that Deluc thought of them as "inefficient" or what he always complained about. Those that knew of Deluc's "pastimes" thought he was moody, angry, maybe a bit insane. It wasn't that.
It was because he knew that at any point, this man in front of him, one of the highest-ranking people that protects Mondstadt, could turn traitor. Kaeya could turn from one of their best members into their worst enemy.
Deluc had decided beforehand, each and every secret meeting, that he would do what it took to keep Mondstadt free. It... hurt.
Kaeya was watching him, face grim, most likely reading what was going on his once-brother's mind. He reached into his coat...
And tossed an envelope on the table.
Deluc blinked, but picked it up and read it. The orders were clear: keep track of the Traveler, make sure he doesn't interfere with the Abyss Order's plans, and keep him safe. Signed, the Princess.
"That's it?" He asked Kaeya. He nodded.
"That's all."
Deluc walked over to the fireplace, and in full view of Kaeya, tore the sketch of the Abyss Order's leader and her plans to shreds and tossed them into the fire. Treasonous? Maybe. Most likely.
Kaeya nodded and walked over to the door.
"What would you do if those orders came?" Kaeya froze, hand on the doorknob. They both knew what he was talking about. He turned to Deluc, expression frightened. Anguished. A man pulled in two directions at once.
"When that time comes..." Kaeya whispered. Then he breathed in deeply, and the smug Kaeya facade came back. "If that time comes, we'll deal with it." He all but ran out the door.
Deluc sat in his corner, thinking.
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