#delly never shave your head again
kitnita · 4 months
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ty dellandrea on the lack of dallas penalties   —   EDM vs DAL;   off day   —   05.26.24 
[seems like there’s a lot of emphasis with you guys of not taking penalties against the oilers because of just how good their power play is, i suppose. uh, how is that, i guess, being communicated from pete and his staff and, uh — what precisely goes into that?] yeah. um, i think we’ve been working on it a lot, we have — we’ve played some great power plays – you know, vegas, colorado – a lot of top end skill. and edmonton’s just another level of that with some elite skill, so. they have a great play and we know that. um, you know, it’s a part of the playoffs, is staying out of the box, you know, checking with your legs, and, you know, making smart decisions in those battles and, uh — you know, not having opportunities where they can call stuff. so, you’ve gotta stay out of the box in the playoffs and play smart and i think we’ve done a good job of that stuff thus far.  [do you feel like refs are a little bit more lenient, uh, allowing you guys to do more, a little bit? do you kind of walk that fine line [more] than the regular season? nowadays?] uh, yes and no. um, it’s the playoffs … um, it’s the way playoffs is, and has been for a while. um, you know, it’s hard, it’s another level of heavy and hard and physical, and so, it’s the way the playoffs is.
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alliswell21 · 3 years
I'm another Anon but honestly I don't think Peeta and Annie is a thing XD actually I'm lost because why Peeta and Annie ? I only watched the films it's probably because of it. But sorry but how can you be totally sure that Peeta fall in love with Katniss again ? Because in the films besides maybe the conversation with Gale about Katniss I don't think there are many proofs that he fall in love with her again
Hi Anon, thanks for the ask.
I’m glad you mentioned you’ve only seen the movies, because I know how to respond your questions 🙂
So, for a bit backstory: Peeta, Annie and Johanna were captured by the Capitol after 13 rescued Katniss, Finnick and Beetee from the arena. In the books is explained how Peeta, Annie and Johanna were tortured for information on the rebels and the escape and all of that; of course, the only one who knew anything about the rebels’ plans was Johanna, so she got tortured pretty badly. In the book Katniss says after the rebels’ rescue the 3 from the Capitol, that Annie was completely naked, except for a sheet around her body, but other than that looked unharmed, Johanna was bruised and bloodied, her head shaved and emaciated, while Peeta in the movie is pretty much the way she describes him in the book.
Now, the other Anon’s question about Annie and Peeta having an affair, comes from the book. This is going to be long… So, in the book Finnick and Annie get married and 13 broadcasts live the whole thing to the other districts to show them they are celebrating and to rub it in the Capitol’s face that now they had the Victors on their side. During the wedding, they bring out a beautiful cake decorated with boats and sails and other nautical themes, and Katniss realizes Peeta made the cake, and his hands must’ve been less shaky because the cake was spectacular. She then goes to see him in his hospital room, where he’s handcuffed to the bed… this part in the movie would be the moment he tells her he remembers throwing her the bread, and then he says that awful thing about he would’ve been better off if he’d thrown the bread to the pig, like his mother told him to… that dialogue is only in the movie though, but he’s pretty mean in the book too anyway, just not as nasty as he was in the movie. Later on, there’s a scene when the Victors + Gale and Delly (Delly was only in the books, but she was Peeta’s neighbor and childhood friend) were having lunch at the cafeteria table, and Peeta comes in handcuffed, with a tray of food and two guards trailing him. He asks if he can sit with them, and everyone’s on edge, because Peeta is still considered dangerous and is the first time he’s allowed to eat in public; an awkward conversation ensues, I think someone asks if Peeta’s met Annie and Johanna says they were all in cells next to each other and they were very familiar with each other’s screams, meaning they could all hear the others getting tortured, Annie freaks out because she’s already suffering from mental health issues, and I think Finnick tells Annie Peeta made their wedding cake just to calm everyone one down, Annie thanks Peeta for the cake and, Peeta’s nice to Annie telling her she’s welcomed etc… awkwardness falls again because of Gale, and that’s when Peeta says something about Finnick taking good care of Annie or he’ll steal her from him; Finnick gets annoyed and tells him to not make him regret saving his life in the arena and leaves with Annie, then Peeta asks if now Katniss and Gale are together and Johanna says they’re still pushing the Star-crossed lovers of D12 and Peeta goes into a Hijacked episode.
So you see Anon, Peeta never actually met Annie before his hijacking, but they were in adjacent cells and could hear when they were being brutalized by the Capitol. Then Peeta says whatever he said about Annie to Finnick in front Katniss and a table full of Victors and Gale, just to be a little sh*t to Katniss.
There have been various fics were Peeta/Annie get paired, and apparently people think they could’ve had an affair while they were getting psychological treatment at the Capitol after the war, which I personally think is completely ludicrous.
About your other question, how I know he falls back in love with her after the hijacking? Well, because Katniss says so in the book. In the movie we see little flashes of his feelings, confused and muddled. He starts to remember how he feels for her, a d in the book that conversation Peeta and Gale have in Tigris’ basement, they both admit to their feelings for her and how neither of them have ever known what to do with her. Gale tells Peeta him won her heart at the beach with the locket and Peeta insists she loves Gale without any other proof. They both agree that after the war, if they all survived, it’s her problem who she’d chose, and Gale actually says: She’ll chose whoever she can’t survive without, which offends Katniss greatly at the time, but then she realizes Gale was right, because she couldn’t live without the hope Peeta gave her to keep on going despite their loses. In the book, we only see Peeta coming back from the Capitol to take care of Katniss who’s not at all how she was portrayed in the movies. In the book Katniss hasn’t left her house… her couch actually, since she arrived, and it seems a few weeks have passed between her arrival and Peeta’s arrival back home. She notes he looks better physically, his scars healed and his eyes cleared. She on the other hand has been so depressed she hasn’t taken a shower since she left the Capitol. So Peeta takes care of her, until she’s better. Then she goes hunting, and then the she finds the cat in the kitchen. She passes out after fighting the cat and wakes up in her bed, which means perhaps Peeta moved her. After that, she says that they move in together and fall in love again with each other but she does not go into details. The next time she talks, in the book, it’s been at the very least 23 years (by my approximation) and she talks about her two children with Peeta and how it took her 15 years to agree to have them, because she was still scared they would be taken away from them, and she closes by saying they still get nightmares and bad days, but they face them together until it passes.
I hope my long *ss explanation helped you understand the whole Annie thing. 🙂
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Déjà Vu (Or are we losing our minds?) VI -Modern!Shirbert
Words: 2,292
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Chapter Six: Kindred Spirits.
Anne to ‘Golden Trio’: I know you were looking forward to our party this weekend but I just got my period and I’m DYING so… rain check?
Cole: Bitch—
Diana: Oh, no! :( I hate when that happens, but it’s okay, we can wait!
Cole: I just want you to appreciate my friendship right now cause I’m on the verge of throwing myself over a cliff but fine, I have no uterus, no opinion. I’ll have to stand these beasts a while longer
Diana: Those are your nieces, nephews and siblings you’re talking about, Cole…
Cole: And I love them but doesn’t mean they don’t suck
Anne: I love you so much Cole, I promise next week it’s on!
Anne dropped her phone on her nightstand, then it buzzed once more, she groaned but picked it up anyway, Josie's name on the screen.
Josie: Ruby’s having a crisis. Waiter guy won’t answer his phone and now she’s on the verge of shaving her head.
Anne: goddamit I just got my period, I’m still on my pj’s!
Josie: We can go to your place? I really don’t want to deal with Ruby on my own...
Anne bit her lip, she had the tendency to lack patience during her periods, but the girls needed her, so she couldn’t say no.
Anne to ‘Golden Trio’: If you guys feel like witnessing some drama Josie’s heading to my place with a "Pink Crisis."
Cole: Fuck, did that waiter broke things off with Ruby already?
Anne: Apparently he’s not answering her texts and Ruby’s about to go crazy.
Cole: I’m in. Anything as long as I can leave the house.
Diana: Sorry, I was talking with Minnie May
Diana: btw I’m in too, let me see if I can take the car and I’ll pick you up @Cole
Cole: Cool, text me when you’re coming.
Anne dropped her phone again, this time on her pillow, and got up to let tell Marilla and Matthew that the girls plus Cole were coming. 
A strange thought came to her as she got up from bed. She felt like there was something missing, something was out of place, or unfinished. Was she supposed to text someone? Had she missed an appointment?
‘A doctor's appointment,’ said a voice at the back of her head.
Anne snorted at the absurdity of that, she knew there was no doctor's appointment scheduled, what the hell was wrong with her? Maybe it was just the hormones...
Bash was still not over the fact that Gilbert had had a “wet dream” about Moody’s girl and kept teasing whenever he could. It wasn’t Ruby though, Gilbert knew that, somehow.
He was sure that the girl in his dreams had red hair and grey eyes. Or blue, he couldn’t remember well. Either way, as the afternoon went away he started to forget. Sure enough, it’d been nice, he woke up feeling some sort of strange joy for the rest of his shift until it was time to close the diner, then his mind drifted to the dishes he needed to clean and the bills they had to pay.
While Mary was upstairs putting Delly to bed Bash sat next to him on the living room, making sure to mess up the comfortable position Gilbert was in by putting his legs on the boy's lap and laying on the whole lenght of the couch.
“Sometimes I feel like you’re the real twenty-year-old in this house and I’m the parent,” Gilbert rolled his eyes, pushing Bash’s legs away.
“That’s cause you’re always grumpy. You know why you always grumpy, Blythe?” Bash smirked.
“I don’t want to know.”
“It’s because you need to get laid.”
“There we go…”
“Why can’t you be a normal young adult and get one of those apps to hook up?”
“Because everytime I try it, all I think about is how I could end up murdered or sick- Do you want me to die of syphilis, Bash? Is that what you want?”
“Don’t be dramatic.”
“I’m not that desperate for sex, anyway.”
“I don’t wanna know the context of that sentence at all,” Mary walked in holding a basket full of Delly’s clothes. “But since you have all this free time to talk about your sex life, why don’t you help me with the girl’s stuff and fold them while I make myself a cup of tea?”
“Sure,” Gilbert agreed, happy to change the subject.
“Am I asking too much? Does god hate me?”
The group groaned in exasperation at Ruby’s inquires.
“I think you should finish your tea and breathe,” Diana said patiently.
“What she needs is to get her shit together and understand that it’s the twenty-first century. No man is going to propose to you after a drunk make-out session, Ruby!” Josie rolled her eyes.
“I know that!” Ruby said defensively. “But he’d been so nice even before that... I thought he liked me!”
“Maybe he does,” Anne said. “You have to remember that it’s Christmas, maybe he’s shopping? Maybe his phone got busted? I don’t know, give him the benefit of the doubt!”
“You know what my advice is,” Cole said simply.
“Yes,” Diana and Anne said at the same time.
“I’m gonna say it anyway. Dump the idiot and live your best life. Why are you trying to have a serious relationship when half of the boys in college are desperately trying to get in your pants?”
“Are you trying to get her pregnant or with syphilis? Because that’s how you do it, that's how you get syphilis,” Anne said crossed her arms. “She doesn’t have to sleep around to be happy! She just needs to be logical!”
“Okay, Dr. Heart, what do you recommend?” Josie huffed.
Anne whined and curled up under the covers. Ruby and Josie were sitting at the edge of her bed while Diana and Cole laid casually on the floor, their heads against the pillows Anne had given them so they weren’t completely flat on the ground.
“I don’t know, I’ve never dated a guy for more than a month.”
“Ew, Roy,” Cole said instantly.
“But maybe… I don’t know, do you have his intagram or something?”
“I do,” Ruby sniffed. “I haven’t checked it cause I didn’t want to look desperate and you know how I always accidentally like old pictures…”
“If you have his instagram, you have his facebook,” Cole said.
“How come?”
“Give me your phone,” His hand lifted from the ground, Ruby gave it to him.
“Okay, so we decided to go full stalker then,” Josie said bluntly.
“It’s either this or…” Anne stopped herself before saying ‘or hearing Ruby mop for another three hours’ but managed to hold her tongue just in time.
“This is for the best,” Diana replied almost as if talking of a medical procedure.
“Can someone go to the bathroom and fetch me the painkillers?” Anne groaned.
“I’ll go, see if I can drown myself in the toilet,” Josie mumbled. “I can’t believe you guys are my best friends…”
Anne laughed at that. Truth be told, Josie and her weren’t exactly close during their youth, Josie even sort of made her life a living hell for a whole year during Junior high, then some random dude tried to take advantage of her during a school dance and Anne stood up for her in front of the whole school. Josie spent the rest of her highschool years making up for her bad actions by defending Anne from any nasty comments anyone would throw her way.
She kept this up even during college, and Anne would’ve gladly told her it wasn’t necessary if it wasn’t because Josie seemed to get more insulted whenever Anne tried to point it out than if she was actually insulting her.
“You know what I’d love to have right now?” Anne yawned.
“A nap?”
“I’d love to have one of those god awful pancakes they used to make in our highschool’s cafeteria. God, they were awful, but for some reason I’m craving those fucking pancakes...”
“You ever crave flowers?” Diana asked absentmindedly.
“What?” Anne laughed. “What do you mean?”
“Like, you walk past a flower shop and you see a gorgeous bouquet, and then some random day you’re like, ‘Man, I wish I had the bouquet, it’d look amazing on my coffee table'”
“I… no– wow, I think it’s the first time you've beat me, Diana. That was the weirdest thing I’ve heard in a while.”
“Oh please, you love flowers, you must have felt that way at some point!”
“No, I swear,” Anne sat up. “I mean, maybe because if I see pretty flowers I just buy them, never been one to say no to buying flowers.”
“That’s the reason why our flat always stinks like gardenia, or roses, or lilies…” Cole adds distractedly.
“You know,” Ruby said, a bit calmer than before. “No boy has ever given me a bouquet.”
“That makes two of us,” Anne patted her knee.
“Three,” said Cole.
“So, Moody got mugged as soon as he left the bus station yesterday,” Gilbert sighed.
“Oh god, is he alright?” Winnie asked through the phone.
Winifred was back in town for the holidays, and she had many stories to tell about Paris and the girls she’d met there. She was one of Gilbert’s best friends from highschool, if not the only he still had from that time apart from Moody.
They were planning to have lunch the next day, but she’d called him to let him know she was home now, safe and sound, and they were chatting the night away.
“Yeah, a black eye and no phone or wallet, but fine,” Gilbert chuckled. “What’s worse is that he’s not even mad about that, he's upset that he won’t be able to text his girl...”
“What?!” She gasped. “I didn’t know Moody had a girlfriend!”
“He doesn’t,” The boy squinted. “Well, I think they saw each other the other night at the bar and they kissed, but I’m not so sure.”
“Right, because you were utterly shit-faced.”
He heard her laugh.
“I miss you two so much! Honestly, sometimes I feel like french guys lack sense of humor.”
“Oh, but I bet the girls were quite amusing, considering you oficially dated at least two of them throughout the semester,” He teased.
“Didn’t say I wasn’t having fun,” Winnie replied, he could pictured her smirking. “Looks like the only one who’s got no game is Canada’s Golden Boy! What’s the matter, Gilbert? No girl is worthy of your charms? Are you waiting until marriage?”
“Not quite,” He grinned. “I’ve been busy studying, that’s all.”
“I worry about you, don’t want to see you in ten years all grey and grumpy.”
“That's awfully rude, Bash is not grey and he’s ten years older than us!”
“Yeah but I’ve heard that if you don’t have sex you die faster.”
“That’s the biggest slander I’ve ever heard. Don’t try to scare the future Doctor with fake news!”
“Well, future Doctor, I just want to make sure you don’t end up as the spinster of our group. Not that is bad, if you want to be alone that’s cool, but please don’t be a bitter one, you know, like those old librarians?”
“So what should I be then, the old spinster that invites you to have tea every sunday?”
“Yeah, you could even own a coffee shop- oh wait, you do!”
“Rude,” Gilbert frowned, but he was still smiling. “The Orchard is not a coffee shop, just so you know.“
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Winnie chuckled. “See you tomorrow?”
“Got it!”
The girls straightened up at Cole’s announcement, all of them excited.
“And?” Diana urged him.
“Good news or bad news?”
“Bad news,” Cole looked up. “He posted this five hours ago…”
He handed the phone to Diana, then she gave it to Anne, there she read the most recent post on his page:
‘Someone stole my phone and wallet, please block the number in the meantime. If you need me you can send a private message here.’
“Could’ve been worse,” Anne gave the phone back to Ruby so she could read what it said.
Ruby sighed heavily.
“He doesn’t hate me.”
“Of course not, you’re a ray of freaking sunshine,” Josie retorted.
“I still think this is god giving you the opportunity to reconsider,” Cole replied. “Don’t commit, Ruby, you’re too young to get married–”
“She won’t get married!” Diana slapped his arm, then hesitated. “Well, at least not anytime soon... right, Ruby?”
“It’s late, children,” Marilla peeked through the door. “You can have dinner here if you want, we have room for all of you, but if you don’t then I suggest you to say your goodbyes now...”
“Thank you Marilla,” Anne smiled. “They’ll be on their way.”
“You can stay the night if you want as well,” Marilla added. “Matthew and I missed the fuss you kids make around the house whenever Anne invites you.”
“That’s so kind, thank you,” Ruby beamed.
Marilla left and Anne turned to look at the group.
“So any of you want to stay?”
“You know I do,” Cole smirked.
“Same,” Josie admitted. “My mom's being a pain right now: ‘Are you dating someone, love?’ ‘Will you ever give me grandchildren?’”
“I’d like to stay too,” Ruby said, deep in thought. “I know he’s not avoiding me, but I really don’t want to sleep alone tonight…”
“You have two younger sisters, Ruby.”
“It’s not the same!”
“See?” Cole said. “Ruby gets it!”
“I’ll have to pass,” Diana sighed. “My dad needs the car tomorrow morning, last minute shopping.”
“We still have next week,” Anne assured her with a small smile.
@ninizkd @http-itsrebecca @fuckthisshitimoutyall @just-here-to-escape-from-reality​​ @little-boats-on-a-lake
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Happy Birthday, elricsister!
Today, we wish Happy Birthday to @elricsister! We hope you’re having a wonderful day so far, with just exactly the presents you wanted! To keep your special day going, the lovely @mega-aulover has written a story just for you!
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Title: A Look Back
For: elricsister
Prompt: Everlark in their 20s. How to train your dragon universe
A/N: I based the story off of the movies and the TV shows which I loved and watched over and over again while convalescing at home. I hope you have a lovely birthday. Special thanks to my friend and beta Norbertsmom for taking to help my gibberish sound legible.
Peeta paced the exterior of their home. His metal leg clanked on the stone and pebbles.
“You need to relax.”
He smiled at his mentor Haymitch, but his smile slipped from his face when Katniss’ voice rang out in pain. Peeta rushed toward the hut. It was more of a fortress than home, but that was by Katniss’ design.  By his side, Toothless paced up and down. Most of the dragons were on edge today.
“Don't boy.” Haymitch put his hand on his shoulder. “Let her sister and Greasy-Sae attend to her. Come on.”
“Toothless, you stand guard.”
Toothless stood up straighter and grunted.
Stormfly, the Deadly Nadder Dragon Katniss rode sought Peeta. “You too, girl. Guard her with your life.”
Haymitch guided Peeta to the great hall, the center building of their small island. Tonight was the great feast of Thor. Peeta sat down and rubbed his face.
“You need to relax, boy,” Haymitch said, grabbing a mutton leg from the center of the table. “Eat!”
“Haymitch is right.” Johnna handed Peeta a tankard and sat down.
Peeta sniffed it. “What's in this?”
Johanna burped; her breath was rancid. “Yak coco.”
“You know what, I think I'll pass.” Peeta handed the tankard to Haymitch who shrugged and drank the contents.
“He didn't want the yak coco?” Finnick, Johanna’s twin brother asked from Peeta's left. Johanna and Finnick we're siblings born on the same day, not of the same mother but from the same father. They grew up together and call themselves twins. What they were was trouble.
“Can you believe it?” Johanna asked.
“Hello fellow dragon riders,” Gale slurred then promptly fell down on the ground.
“What happened to him?” Peeta asked, forgetting about Katniss for a just a second.
“He drank one too many of Johannas yak cocos,” Leif, Dellys younger brother said. Leif was a gentle giant. He balanced out the group.
Haymitch grimaced. “What did you put in this?”
“Oh. you know the usual, Yak milk, cocoa powder and dragons snot.” Johanna grinned, her eyes twinkled with mischief.
From the floor Gale sang, “Dragon snot.”
Everyone laughed, but the moment passed. Peeta’s attention turned back to the door and to Katniss. She was on the mind of all of the Dragon Riders.
“Shouldn't we get Gale off the floor?” Peeta asked.
“Nah,” Finnick and Jo said at the same time.
“Oh Gale,” Delly fretted. “Boys help me get him out of here.” A group of men came and picked up Gale. As they left Delly said, “I bet your precious Madge wouldn't do this for you.”
“And neither would Johanna,” Johanna snickered to herself as she grabbed her brother's mutton leg. It was a common joke that Gale had a thing for both Madge and Johanna, but the one girl who was crazy about him he didn't even notice.
“Do you remember how Katniss followed you when you'd first found Toothless?” Leif asked.
“She thought you were cheating.” Finnick added, then chewed heartily on his mutton leg.
She was furious.    
Katniss was sure Peeta was up to something. She quietly followed him through the thick brush. Dragons were the enemy in Tolv. Training to fight them was a serious undertaking.  The small outpost island was at the edge of Viking territory. Tolv was hostile, frozen, and inhospitable, and naturally one of  their ancestors decided to colonize it.
Their homes were constantly under attack by the dragons. It was up to the Vikings warriors to catch and kill dragons to keep their homes safe. Of all the Vikings on this island, the chief's own son Peeta was the least likely to become a hardened Warrior. He was soft, too gentle to kill a fire-breathing dragon.
Katniss was sure Peeta wasn't taking their training seriously, and skipping out at first and then disappearing. He was acting weirder than normal. He had no knowledge of dragons yet he could tame one in the arena.
Up ahead, Peeta climb down into a valley and Katniss followed him. When she climb to the bottom she saw him standing in front of a lake. A large black dragon stood behind him. Quickly she searched all of her knowledge of dragons but she'd never seen such a creature. Drawing her bow she quickly notched an arrow. “Peeta look out!”
Peeta turn to her. Seeing that her bow was notched he stood in front of the Dragon. “No don't! Wait Katniss!” He put his hand out in front of him and said, “Don't shoot. He’s not going to hurt me.”
Katniss wasn't sure what was going on but when she saw a Peeta put his hand on the Dragon her mouth hung open. “What in thunder are you...are you insane, Peeta?”
“We're friends.” Peeta assured her and turned around to the dragon. “Toothless, she's a friend.”
The dragon groaned and moaned as if talking to Peeta. Katniss shook her head, unsure of what she was seeing or hearing.
“Look, I'm going to ride him. He’s a Night Furry. Want to join me?” Peeta got on top of the back of the Dragon.
“You just can't ride a dragon, especially one as deadly as a Night Furry,” Katniss said unbelieving what she was seeing, but there he was, Peeta Mellark, the son of the chief climbing on top of a dragon, their sworn enemy.
Peeta held his hand out to her.  Those warm blue eyes of his enticed her to move closer. “Come on.”
Katniss took a cautious step forward, but the dragon growled.
Peeta said, “Now, now Toothless, she's a friend.”
Katniss gave Peeta her hand and hopped on back of the dragon and wrapped her arms tightly around Peeta. The dragon shot up into the air, whirled around in circles and flew backwards and upside down. He shook his tail as if trying to make her fall off. Peeta shouted, “Toothless no, this isn't the way we treat my friends.”
Katniss fell off onto a tree branch.
“Toothless!” Peeta admonished. Toothless hovered right in front of her. He opened his mouth with a growl as if to blast her.
“I'm sorry, don't shoot!” Katniss threw her hands in front of her face.
Toothless cocked his head to the side. One moment Katniss was hanging on a branch, the next they were soaring through the air, in between clouds, then gliding on top of the water as dolphins swam next to them. Their song penetrating the air.
Katniss wound her arms tighter around Peeta’s middle and whispered, “This is amazing.”
“When we landed she was mad I had kept Toothless a secret.” Peeta couldn't help his soft smile. That was the moment he knew Katniss had begun to fall for him. She was such a strong warrior, the fastest shield maiden, and a deadly archer. She’d also vowed to remain single.  Something she later let go of, once they kissed. She was the one who petitioned for his hand in marriage. Peeta scratched his chin at the memory. His beard was coming in; he needed to shave. Katniss hated facial hair.
“Mad,” Finnick snickered.
“She wanted to rip your spleen out through your nose.” Johanna slapped Peeta's back roughly, pitching him forward.
“It wasn't his spleen, dear sister. It was his brain,” Finnick corrected.
“Spleen.” Johanna stood up.
“Brain.” Finnick stood up as well.
Peeta was sandwiched between them. Finnick pushed Peeta, and he fell on the floor.
“Careful with the chief,” Haymitch growled at the two.
“Fine,” Johanna withdrew. When Peeta's father had died, Haymitch stood up for Peeta as his mentor. No one contested Haymitch. Not even Brutus, his father's long time friend and second in command.
“You lot are nothing but trouble. Have been since the first day I set eyes on you.” Haymitch stood, giving Peeta a hand. “The only time you're not destroying something is either when you're away on a mission, when you're defending the island, or doing the dragon races.”
“I love me some dragon racing!” Finnick grinned and hi-fived his sister.
“It beats the Regatta we used to have,” Leif said.
“Ah yes, the Regatta races were an ancestral tradition.  This was a change made before your father died. I remember he wanted Peeta to prepare Tolv for the Regatta. An exercise to see if you were ready to rule.” Haymitch pointed at them.  “But you lot found something else to do.”
“There's only two moon cycles before the next games and at least this time we all have a shot now that Katniss isn't going to participate,” Finnick said.
“EEEKKKK!!!” Brutus screeched.  
“Peeta, for Thor’s sake!” His father shouted. “Get your dragon riders under control!”
Peeta stared up at the sky, and of course, it was Gale and the twins Finnick and Johanna or as she was calling herself this week Embla. Johanna was going through a identity crisis she wanted to distinguish herself from her twin Finnick.
Peeta didn't understand her reason because clearly Johanna and Finnick did not look alike in the slightest.  The only thing those two shared was the ability to get into trouble. Add to the mix Gale's boneheaded behavior and he had trouble. The only time his ragtag group behaved was when they were fighting danger.
Frankly, everything was so quiet lately that he understood why they were acting this way. He needed to find for something for them to do.
“I have to leave for the chief’s meeting, but I need you to prepare for Tolv's annual Regatta.” His father boarded the ship. As he sailed away he shouted,  “Keep your dragon riders out of trouble.”
He looked up at the sky. The twins had Gale pinned to a tree. “ Yeah,” Peeta muttered with a sigh.
A few days later the Goat Man lost all of his sheep and no one wanted to help him until Peeta said, “The first one who gets the most sheep wins.”
“Come on, Toothless. Let’s show them how it's done,” Peeta said, jumping on his dragon’s back.
Before he knew it everyone was in the sky hunting down sheep and bringing them back to the Goatman. It attracted the attention of the entire town and everybody came out to see them. When it was all said and done the people were all cheering in the streets.
A few days later at the town hall meeting, they were supposed to be discussing the preparations for the Regatta. Inside of the Great Hall, the entire population of Tolv demanded another race. Peeta was at a loss for words.
“We don't want to watch the Regatta. We want to see more of what you did today,”  A voice called out from the crowd in the great hall.
“We want to see more of that fancy flying.” Madge sauntered to the front.
“But don't you guys want to participate in the Regatta? It’s a Tolv tradition.” Peeta looked into the crowd.
“Peeta, I thought today was exciting. Frankly, I don't want to sit down and watch a race of poorly constructed ships trying to sail around the island,” Delly said.
The crowd muttered their agreement.
Katniss pinched the bridge of her nose. She took Peeta to the side.  “Peeta, this is what the people want. Besides, if we do dragon races it'll keep the twins and Gale out of trouble.”
Katniss was right and so he relented. “Fine we'll have one more race and then we'll get back to discussing the Regatta, but we're going to have rules.”
The next day, Peeta stood at the entrance of the Great Hall looking down at the streets of Tolv.
“What are you doing up so early?” Katniss asked.
“Agghh,” Peeta yelped. Katniss always had a way of sneaking up on him. She was one of the stealthiest hunters he’d ever met in his whole life. She could hit a squirrel in the eye from the sky. “Jeez, I wish you wouldn't do that.”
Katniss laughed. “It's just so much fun.”
Peeta scratch the back of his head. She was also one of the most beautiful girls he had ever seen. He was secretly in love with her but couldn't do anything because he respected her vow. “Just wondering if this is going to work. You know the twins and Gale are going to try to cheat.”
“I know, but that's what makes it so excited exciting.” She playfully punched his arm. “But I know that's not really what's on your mind.”
Peeta chuckled dryly. She was right, she was always right. “How am I going to tell my dad that the people don't want the Regatta anymore?”
“You don't know if your father is going to be angry at you, Peeta.” She took his hand and Peeta couldn’t help getting lost in her grey eyes. “I think your dad will be proud of you.”
Peeta heart swelled. His voice cracked as he asked, “You think so?”
“I know so,” Katniss whispered.
He watched her face slowly approach as she leaned up on her tiptoes. His eyelashes flutter closed. Her breath, warm and smelling of honey, fanned against his upper lip just before she pressed her lips to his. Peeta’s arms we're up in the air and his hands opened and closed as electric bolts of pleasure ran up and down his body.
Katniss stepped away. Her cheeks were flushed, and her lips red and plump. Later that day, he lost the race to Katniss, but she was correct, his father loved the dragon races.
“Your father loved the races and he was so proud of you because it was something you came up with, you and your lot,” Haymitch said.
Primrose ran into the great hall. “Peeta, Katniss wants you.”
Peeta didn't hesitate, he ran right behind Prim. There on the bed, sweaty and red-faced, lay Katniss.
“Peeta,” she cried.
Peeta kelt on the floor and took her hand. “I'm here, Katniss.” He kissed the back of her hand.
“Now will you push?” Prim said. Looking at Peeta she added, “She refused to do this without you. It’s very dangerous.”
Katniss nodded.
Peeta watched as Katniss grunted as she pushed. They were a team. They went into every battle together no matter how big or small and this was no exception.
Prim yelled, “I see the head. One last push, Katniss.”
“Come on sweetheart, one more push.” Peeta held onto her hand and wished there are was a way for him to take her pain.
Katniss yelled. Her face turned red as she gave the last push and suddenly the room was filled with the glorious sound of their child's scream.
“It's a girl,” Prim cried.
The baby was quickly cleansed and handed back to Katniss. Peter knew how terrified Katniss was when she realized she was going to give birth today. “You did it,” he whispered tenderly to her. “My father would have loved to have seen this.”
“Arick would have loved to have met his granddaughter,” Katniss said quietly. I have a name for her.
“What is it?” none of the original names they had come up with made sense as he looked at the baby. Peeta was mesmerized by the tuft of black hair on top of his daughter's head and her perfect round little face that looked just like her mother’s.
“Aricka, after your father.”
Peeta smiled. It was perfect.
The door opened and Toothless came in. He came by the bedside and sniffed Peeta and Katniss, then mewled when he saw the baby. He gently nudged at the baby's hand until it landed on his head. Tolv was not that big, but it did have dragons and his daughter would one day rule beside them.
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periwinckles · 2 years
The train back to twelve - chapter 5
Week 3 - Delly
(This chapter is so short, you get the full version here on Tumblr, but be a doll and leave me a comment on Ao3 anyway.)
It rains for three days. We stay inside our tents for the most part of our time and I do my best to keep Saul entertained. He’s been collecting oak galls along with Danny and Linea as they want to turn them into a Bingo Game, so we use our free time to write the numbers on each ball and make several cards from the boxes that carry our rations.
“I’m bored Delly.”
“You should be thankful that you’re bored. It means you’re alive to do it. And look on the bright side, we won’t have to carry water for several days, the drums are full of rain water for sure.” I answer back, putting away our Bingo Game and lying on my back beside him.
“I hate carrying water.”
“I know.” I say with a giggle.
We both laugh and he ends up placing his head on my shoulder and snuggling up like he used to do those first days in thirteen. He grew up so much this past year I can hardly recognize him. But right now, out of everyone else’s sight he’s my baby brother again, and he allows me to play with his locks one more time as I take the tiny oak galls and throw them in his lap.
He knows what I’m doing. We used to play this when we worked the counter in my dad’s shop. One of us would choose a letter and we had to spot things that started with it.
“Boots.” He answers back, nudging my boots at the end of the tent with his bare foot.
“Where are you seeing a beard?” I ask him with a laugh
“What, I’m starting to have a beard!”
“No, you’re not!”
“Yes, I am, look!” He tilts his chin towards me and I swat at him playfully. He’s grown a lot this past year, but not that much.
“You think the other guys shave? I’ve never seen them shave.”
I have no idea. Some of them have grown beards. Mr Norbert used to be clean shaved before the war, but now he sports a full beard. Others, like Thom however, still have shaved faces, so I guess they probably have tools for it.
“You think Thom will teach me how to shave?”
“If you ask him, I’m sure he will.”
We can hear the men going around the tents, probably making sure that they are sturdy and well pitched to hold under the rain. The council set up a rotating shift schedule with a few select men, to perform essential daily tasks, and take care of the tents, but all non urgent work is on standby. On the second day they went around each tent, digging a ditch all the way around them to collect the water that runs from the flysheets.
Saul wanted to join them and help, but we stay put. Mr Norbert stressed that no one should leave their tents unless for bathroom breaks or if you were scheduled to work. We can’t afford the luxury of getting anyone sick. Thom comes to check on us everyday, and he brings our meals, but he never gets inside, because he is dripping wet every single time. The few minutes we have crouched by the tent’s opening are still a highlight every day. Both for me and Saul.
“Delly, Saul, are you guys ok?”
Saul is faster than me to get up and open the tent. He is crouching beneath the rainfly and once more completely drenched. I wonder if he still has any dry clothes in his tent. Surely not. I fail to suppress a giggle when I notice a scruff beard appearing.
“What’s the matter?” He asks me intrigued as he hands a bag with rations and a thermos to Saul.
“Nothing. I mean, not nothing. Your beard. Sorry, we were discussing beards, and you show up all manly and wet and fuzzy faced and I just… is that tea?” I ask as gleefully as I muster picking up the thermos from Saul.
“And was I not allowed to? Have a beard?”
“We were wondering if you could teach me how to shave.” Saul adds between mouthfuls
“Ah, because you are fuzzy faced?” He’s asking Saul but he keeps his eyes on me, and I feel myself heating up. “I can’t stay long, the supplies shelter is falling apart and we’re trying to secure it. But we’ll handle the shaving business once the rain gives us a break, deal?” He holds his palm to Saul and he high fives him enthusiastically.
“Do you still have dry clothes? Keeping yourself warm and dry at night? You can’t get sick, Thom.” I tell him, grabbing his arm to make him stay a little longer. I know they’ve been trying to keep most people out of the rain, but that means more work for those on duty. I’ve known him for three weeks and there is one thing I’m sure about him. He puts everyone else first and ends up neglecting himself.
“Yeah, mostly yes. I’m out of dry socks, not that it would make a difference, as my boots are wet inside and out.”
I reach for my backpack and take an extra pair of mine and our rations plastic bags. “They’ll be too small, but it’s better than having your feet wet all the time. Put the plastic bags on top of the socks before you put on the boots, that’ll keep them dry.”
“Thank you.” He nods back, his eyes gentle and warm, even with that gruffy beard. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Make sure you get enough rest.”
“I will.”
I watch him leave in the rain, before closing the tent again. When I pick my food Saul is already done with his.
“You know, for the record, if you want to date him you have my permission.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I tell him, but who am I kidding? There’s no denying anymore how attracted I am to him. Even Greasy Sae has commented on it. I figure Thom is the only one who still hasn't caught up on it himself.
I give him a stink look. His vocabulary grew larger while staying in thirteen but I still don’t like it.
“Boyfriend.” I pick a soft jacket I use as a pillow and hit him in the face with it, but he doesn’t stop. “Buff miner. Beau. Bedazzled girl. Oomph.”
I hit him again so hard he falls on top of his sleeping bag. That ought to shut him up. I need some quiet time to reminisce about Thom’s beard, anyway.
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