#delilah is a natural big sister
whimhaven · 2 years
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today the wilde family grows by one as sable and meredith finalized their adoption application! since delilah is a little older, they felt prepared for another child to love and today is delilah’s first time meeting him. meet malachi wilde!
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Are we soulmates?
Pairing: Larissa Weems x Reader
Warnings: angst, toxic!Larissa, pregnancy
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“Do you think we’re soulmates in every universe?” You asked Larissa as she sat in your living room “are we even soulmates in this one?” She responded with your daughter on her lap.
It crushed you
You had given everything up for the woman across from you, your daughter had been born during your time at Nevermore. Larissa said shifting was safe and didn’t require protection who knew the teachers pet could be such a liar.
So you dropped out letting Larissa live her life while you raised her baby, taking up a second job so she could continue her studies. Larissa had big dreams to become the principal of Nevermore and you lost the motivation to have any.
You had been dating the blonde since your first year of Nevermore, things had been perfect until that stupid girl came- no it wasn’t her fault.
Morticia had become of the object of Larissa’s desires causing visits to become scarce, you knew she wasn’t attracted to you anymore. Not since you had given birth to Delilah, your body had changed it was only natural it would’ve.
Your little Delilah Brienne Weems meant the world to you
“I love you” she smiled but didn’t take her eyes off the girl playing with her rings, you nodded of course she said that. You wanted a family it didn’t need the white picket fence as long as you had Larissa and your daughter. Unfortunately Larissa didn’t want that just yet.
It wasn’t until Delilah turned three, you sat at the dinner table in the middle of the night Larissa still hadn’t returned. Your head in your hands as you sobbed, who had you become? A shell of a woman begging to be loved.
Larissa had woken you up when she finally got home, liquor on her breath and lipstick smudged she looked cocky. You were tired not sure if it was only physically anymore as you followed her up the stairs watching her get ready for bed.
You laid down facing away from her as she slipped in next to you “I don’t love you anymore” she whispered as she wrapped her arms around your waist. She was only drunk you told yourself as you fell asleep, when you got woken up the next morning Larissa was gone Delilah now on her side of the bed.
She was too young to understand where her mama had gone too little to just see mommy everywhere but you hoped it didn’t last. That Larissa would change her mind but she didn’t and things flushed themselves down the drain.
You loved Larissa violently
Losing yourself
Larissa had gotten her way, she had broken you
It had been thirteen years since Larissa had left never looking back she often wondered how you had been, how Delilah was. But now as she waits for her next interview she knows she no longer needs to wonder about her family the one she left behind.
You walked in behind two children a hand on each of their shoulders, your eyes blank as you stared at her she now wondered had you been married. “M-mom?” Delilah whispered her voice cracking as tears welled in her blue eyes it broke Larissa’s heart she had caused that.
The boy only looked confused as he watched his older sister “my little flower” Larissa smiled sadly “Don’t” Delilah stunned the older woman. “You don’t get to call me that” she sneered as she turned to hid in your side “who’s this?” Larissa asked “Theo” he whispered.
She looked up at you with a silent question but you shook your head no as you took a seat in-front of her desk. “You know Delilah, your mama and I used to attend this school” Larissa spoke gently only to receive a lashing from her daughter.
“I apologise Delilah for leaving” she sighed making matters worse as the girl got up quickly leaving, Theo chasing after her.
You sighed sadly “I do apologise for leaving I wasn’t in the right headspace Y/n” she pleaded almost, you looked away not wanting to give her a reaction. “I found I regretted it, I got the job but nobody to go home to, nobody to hold, I have everything but at what cost?”.
“Well who’s fault is that Larissa?” I asked sitting up straighter in my seat “mine” she whispered staring at her hands. “I was pregnant and I planned to tell you but you left… you just left” you shrugged biting your lip still not facing her.
“I’m sorry”
“Sometimes sorry isn’t enough”
“I know”
“You know?”
Finally your eyes met now staring into the eyes your children shared “I loved you Larissa” you laughed “I love you in every universe” she whispered. “Do you take it back in every universe?” You scoffed shaking your head “we’re here for our daughter’s enrolment”.
You might be single but you had moved on no longer begging to be loved by someone who’s love had terms and conditions.
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v3nusxsky · 2 years
would you be interested in writing an emily prentiss x fem or gn reader fic? something along the lines of domesticity in the morning (getting kids ready for school, breakfast etc.) or if you’d like, emily and partner visiting the BAU with their newborn child and their other little cuties. i just have this reoccurring dream about this absolute fluff every night 😩🫶
The Dream
*Authors note~ first attempt at some fluff for this stunning lady <3 oc children Matthew and Delilah are mine*
Trigger warning~  fluff? Fem reader
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^
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It wasn't uncommon for you to awake in the morning to her side of the bed empty, after all her hours at work were certainly unpredictable. Emily always made sure to leave you a little note somewhere for you to find. A little tradition she started when you moved in. One that you loved very much. Normally you'd be heading into work with her, both of you working at the BAU only your job being desk work only. That being said you were extremely close to Penelope Garcia.
Your alarm rang out through the room as you grumbled shuffling to shut it off, your post pregnancy belly no where near as big as you were pre birth but still taking some adjusting to. You'd given birth two weeks ago, Emily had two weeks home from the FBI to be with you and your little family. Your son Matthew being only four years old really enjoyed his mama being home, you knew the cases were tough on him sometimes and alongside getting a sibling it was only natural you worried. But he adjusted perfectly to his baby sister and those glorious two weeks seemed to flyby. Today would be your first day without Emily, Matthew had school and you were still adjusting to your daughter's schedule, yet you were confident you could manage.
As if on cue Matthew made his way to your room, small little knocks sounded before her peeped his little head round the doorway. "Momma?" He whispered and you couldn't help but admire just how much he looked like your wife. "Hey buddy, wanna come up for a minute?" You offered and he immediately joined you in bed to snuggle, your usual routine. Delilah your newborn wailed out in hunger and you knew your morning snuggles would be over, Matthew was such a good big brother wiling to help with care for Delilah instantly. You did everything for her, she was fed and changed before you placed her in the rocking chair in your living room.
Delilah settled you made Matthew some breakfast and got him into his uniform, how had your baby grown so much? Once he was settled, dressed, teeth brushed, shoes and coat on you put the television on for him and checked on his sister before somehow managing to get yourself ready for the day. What was an even bigger win was you managed to snag a banana for breakfast before needing to leave. Challenge number two would be getting both children in the car and hopefully keeping Delilah asleep.
With both children secured in the car and the house locked up you double checked you had everything you needed. Only when you were sure you left to take Matthew to school. Delilah sat in the carrier on your chest as you walked him into his class and placed a kiss into his raven curls. Ever the sweetheart he placed a sweet kiss on your cheek and his sister before running off to find his friends. So far so good. Your daughter still remained asleep on your chest as you made you way back to the car to put her in her car seat. Your phone dinged as you finished buckling her in, triple checking it was completely safe before coming round to settle in your seat.
Hey love, do you fancy bringing my little god daughter in to the office? It's a slow day and truthfully miss grouchy is  missing you both. Don't tell her I said that! But we would all love to see you. Love you Y/n❤️
You knew you had enough of everything to make the trip and sent off a quick reply informing Garcia to keep your arrival quiet before turning to Coe at your sleeping daughter, "shall we go see mama and the family sweet girl? They all can't wait to meet you." You knew she was a two week old infant so a reply was never coming but for some reason talking to her soothed you as you put the car into drive.
You hadn't seen the team since you left for maternity leave, they wanted to be present after the birth but unfortunately serial killers don't always have the best timing. So you stopped by the usual cafe and picked up the usual routine, some treats for the team, before heading over to the BAU. As you arrived your daughter began to stir so you made sure to soothe all her needs, knowing the team would all want to hold her. Only when she was fed changed and swaddled in her fluffy lavender blanket and wearing her matching little hat did you make your way to find Garcia cradling your daughter and carrying the bag of goodies.
After a quick hug from your friend she was instantly cooing over the sleeping infant that you cradled in your arms. It didn’t take long for the other team members to spot you in the briefing room and come to investigate, happy words and smiles exchanged as each came to get a peak at your daughter. The last person to join you was your wife, you could tell by the way she walked she wasn’t happy, but that all melted away the moment she laid eyes on you and her daughter. “Darling?” She exclaimed coming to hug you from an angle and whispering, “I missed you.” The hug was carful and it allowed Emily to look at the sleeping baby in your arms, a finger tracing over her chubby cheeks.
You handed her over to your wife in order to give out the goodies while the others observed how gentle Emily became. Your daughter waking with the now full room causing Emily to bring her up to her shoulder and stroke her back, talking to her as if there was no one else present, “hey little love bug, I missed you sweet girl you being good for momma? Oh it’s okay lilah these are all your aunts and uncles little one. They all love you so much.” You smiled at the sight and nudged JJ whispering, “I know this is crazy but seeing that makes me want another” causing her to laugh and wonder if you even remembered the pain of birth while Garcia wrapped you in a hug and whispered, “make as many of them as you want Y/n, as long as Emily stays like that and I can love on them.” Here and now watching Emily tend to your daughter, being surrounded by your work colleagues who were practically family, knowing you’d go home to Matthew and your wife, life was perfect.
Word count 1192
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sylvanas-girlkisser · 4 months
Please please please expand on this milf campaign I need to know more
So backstory first: imagine a cross between a lovecraftian elder god, and one of those christian momfluencers who just WILL NOT STOP having children due to an unexamined breeding kink. That's Illucia Starsong the woman who ate the gods.
Anyways 2 bazillion years ago the world basically existed in her image, then 1 billion years ago her 7 daughters (each themed around an element) teamed up to kill her. But then they chickened out last minute and instead trapped her inside the vault of her castle, and placed said castle at the bottom of a frozen lake.
The daughters went their separate ways, with Althaya (whose domain is nature) being the only one who tried to keep them in contact. A big part of Althaya's self image was being a healer and caretaker, so after a century or two of more and more of her sisters going no contact, she got married to a demon summoning warrior king. Cause you know, she could fix him.
So when that didn't work out, and her sisters weren't around to emotionally support her after the breakup/help her trap her ex in eternal torment underneath the roots of a tree, she decided to enter her villain phase.
Fast forward to now: After spending ages ruling an evil empire from the shadows Althaya, now going by matron Sortrose, has decided that if not even having children is going to fix the sense of loneliness she feels inside, her only choice is getting mom out from under the ice. Everything was way better when mom was in charge anyways! They were a family, and everybody loved her and saw what a kind and generous person she is!
So the high concept of the campaign is: the party having to track down the other 6 of Illucia's daughters and help them work through their issues so they can stop Althaya from unleashing the biblically accurate milfpocalypse.
And of course, since all her daughters have been around for a while, they're now all milf-aged, but because there's an in-universe justification, they don't count against my milf quota!! Also since the sisters are all some flavor of dyke, it means I also get to give them milf-aged girlfriends/wives who also don't count against my quota!!! #milfmaxing
So here's the seven sisters and their respective element and flavor of milf:
Ammanhue (magic) - witch milf
Aglaroth (Earth) - army/dad milf
Althaya (nature) - evil queen milf
Asper (air) - fuckboy butch milf
Aunrak (water) - paladin butch milf
Allustriel (fire) - unfuckable scientist milf (she's aroace)
Armillah (ice) - auntie milf (yes she has packed the party lunch, more than once)
Also a few other key milves from the story
Vivian Trench - detective milf, who is also a litteral cougar lady
Rhiannon - travelling magic item seller, with the approximate vibe of a used car salesman
Mocauhqui and Delilah - a couple of revolutionaries, who after succeeding in overthrowing the colonizers are doing a GREAT job at handling their trauma.
And of course my personal favorite: Azzy (aka. Azganriel the angel of love)
So, since Illucia is such a great and normal mom, when she learned her beloved daughter Asper was battling depression and addiction, she was like "I know what will help: a girlfriend who will act as a second mom when I'm not around." So then she created an angelic being in her own image, with limited capacity for independent thought, and sent her off to be Asper's girlfriend/caretaker.
It worked out about as well as you can imagine, but in the process, Azzy gained self-awareness which she used to be a huge slut. Her and Asper are bros now, and instead she's dating Aunrak.
So you've got this literal angel, loose fitting white gown and all (and a pair of melons to concuss a dragon), who is dating the most paladin to ever paladin. But she's also an endless source of innuendos, and will take any excuse to get her tits out, which never fails to turn said paladin wife into a tomato.
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scottst · 4 months
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FULL NAME . vivian marie costello . NICKNAMES . vi , viv , vivi ( by close friends & siblings ) . AGE . twenty-seven . DATE OF BIRTH .   october 11th . TITLE . the saccharine . INFP . the mediator . MORAL ALIGNMENT . chaotic good . 3w2 . the enchanter . OCCUPATION . first year orthopedic surgery resident . MUSIC . after love - anyma , delilah montagu .  PINTEREST. ಇ
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SHE NEVER KNEW HER MOTHER’S NAME.  or her father’s face . she’d never known that her mother had a beautiful singing voice or that her father was a natural athlete . she only knew that they were sixteen when she was born , and that teenagers didn’t make good parents .  vivian only learned so much when she was thirteen , though she’d known for quite some time that she didn’t quite look like she fit in her family . children , after all , could be cruel , and they never hesitated to point it out after her parents came around . not that she ever minded . in fact , when she ultimately asked her parents , it was out of curiosity more than anything else .
it wasn’t like she was going to complain , either . she was adopted when she was an infant . . . and this life was all she’d ever known . it was a good one , too . they lived in lincoln city in a darling blue house with a literal white picket fence . she shared a bathroom with her sister , but never had to share her room . she got new school supplies every year and new school clothes every august and january . the big trees in the front yard changed with the seasons , and the costellos were keen on decorating for every holiday . there were three costello kids : vivian , xavier  , and lydia . . . the youngest of the three being the only biological child . the baby . the favorite . though all three of them were worthy of praise in one way or another .  vivian was creative . . . and insanely smart . elijah was a powerhouse in the hockey field . and lydia ? well , lydia was perfect . perfect blonde curls . perfect blue eyes . perfect sweet disposition . the costellos were known around town for their perfect , perfect family .
only . . . things weren’t really all that perfect , were they ? no , that was just a mere image that reflected nothing of what went on behind that white picket fence . her parents’ marriage was strained at best , financial troubles putting a crushing weight on their shoulders . that pressure trickled down , and perfect became a requirement in the costello household . perfect grades . perfect attendance . first prize . first place . top of your class . top university . required . xavier’s natural talent and dazzling work ethic soon became inadequate , and he was sixteen when he tried steroids for the first time . vivian had to be at the very tip-top of her class and have ample volunteer experience and keep up with extracurriculars and , and , and . . . lydia’s beauty was everything . if her siblings had to be perfect , she was required to look it . the caveat always remained , though , that lydia got off the hook a lot easier than the other two . vivian was the oldest , afterall . elijah the only boy .  
LOVE in the costello family wasn’t given . it was earned . . . you had to be flawless to deserve love .
VIVIAN NEARLY DIED TRYING TO FIT THAT MOLD. perfect wasn’t easy , but it was attainable if she stretched herself thin . her parents’ love felt conditional , and there was a small , foreign voice in the back of her mind that was louder than ever : you never fit anyway . . . so you have to work twice as hard to be what they want you to be . you have to be worthy of it . so vivian learned to do it all . student council president . captain of the local swim team . member of the debate team . top of her class , valedictorian when she graduated . her parents wanted her to be a doctor or a lawyer . . . so she would be , nevermind her own love for music . in a perfect world , she thought she might join an orchestra . . . she’d get her degree in music theory and continue playing violin on the side . but this wasn’t a perfect world . the only perfection was found in her transcripts . . . a list of accomplishments that later got her a full ride through college . she’d study biology , pre - med . 
vivian swam competitively all the way through . . . kept her grades up . . . kept a job . . . and she was burning the candle at both ends , all for a silent look of pride that was never quite put into words . all to be worthy of love . every action was a way of saying ‘ look at me . the daughter you chose . it was not a mistake , choosing me . ’ 
she was perfect . 
on the surface . 
inside , a storm brewed . anxiety churned in her stomach like white noise on a television , and when she was seventeen , everything changed . she knew she shouldn't have been there in the first place , so late at night , surrounded by a crowd of kids she hardly saw around , but her neighbor had a way with words that made her believe she deserved to live a little . just as quick as she took in her first breath of air , the ripples of hope disappeared after a splash of water .
[tw anxiety, ideations ] vivian was never the same after sneaking out that night . for the days to come , she continued to think her heart was failing . . . that her lungs were collapsing under the weight of the fear . it felt like she might’ve been dying following official news of chris’s disappearance , the little stability she clung onto in the face of her parent's demands was shaken to its core . all her brain could truly think was : if it ends now , at least i’ll get some rest . [tw end]
it wasn’t her first brush with anxiety , but it was the worst it had ever been . the only problem was . . . the costellos didn’t believe in therapy . or mental health . or anything other than pulling yourself up by your bootstraps , sucking it up , and powering through . so in high school , she couldn’t get help to process the grief of losing her neighbor . . . and in college , she had to unlearn her parents’ ideology . if she didn’t , she might’ve truly ended up in a dire condition . . .
SHE NEVER STOPPED TRYING TO BE PERFECT but she did learn to slow down . . . even if her parents seemed to be displeased by it all . she used her mcat score for leverage : near perfect . a world of options sat at her fingertips , and deferring for a year wouldn’t make those opportunities go away . her mother thought a gap year would be lazy . her father thought she was taking the easy way out . but her siblings were supportive . . . vivian knew that if she didn’t try to find herself now , she’d be dragged under by the current of her family’s expectations , drowned by the memory of her mistakes . 
she soon left to california from oregon , where she would spend her gap year . she got a job , learned to drive , moved into an apartment all on her own . away from home , away from the reminders of where she went wrong . for the first time , she didn’t have to be anywhere , be anything , be anyone . . . and she found herself at a loss . reflecting on her own childhood , she couldn’t remember what she liked . what she liked to do . what music she was into . what her favorite food was . whether she preferred to watch movies or read books . whether she was actually a morning person or a night owl . truth be told , at twenty-three , she had no fucking clue who she was or what she wanted .
but that’s what your twenties are for , her brother told her . 
so she spent the year falling in love with herself . she began playing the violin again , and she was good at it . she found that she preferred quiet cafes to los angeles’ nightlife . . . and that she enjoyed a casual date every now and then . she was a reader , not a movie goer  . . . and while nighttime was exhilarating , there was nothing quite like the quiet of the world in the hour before the sun rose , the hour before the city came back to life , when the crickets were all you could really hear . 
but she was on a ticking clock . . . and when a year was up , she had no choice but to enroll in medical school . all of the work she’d put into herself began to fade away , but at least her mother called more often . at least her father was excited to talk about her day . at least they didn’t avoid talking about her at family functions . she got a taste of what it was to be loved again . to have someone that’s proud of you . . . and so she began to spread herself thin . 
now that she’s finished her last year of med school , she isn’t sure she loves it the way she’s supposed to . . . the candle is burning at both ends . . . faster now than ever considering chris’s disappearance is thrusted back into the limelight of her focus .  she returns to oregon under the pretense of spending time with her family before starting her residency , but only she knows the truth . and only she knows whoever sent that message holds the key to her peace .
GROWING UP , SHE WAS CURIOUS. she asked questions with wide eyes and listened to answers attentively , committing them to memory . vivian always had a gentle way about her . not necessarily delicate , not necessarily nurturing . . . but gentle , like the fluttering of a butterfly’s wings or the warmth of a light summer breeze rustling tree leaves . gentle . 
she has a way with people , something about that gentleness and curiosity that makes you feel comfortable opening up . she’d ask you a dozen questions about yourself and change the subject when you asked about her . it was always easy to be around her , but it was just as difficult to know her . she wasn’t as boisterous as her sister or as charming as her brother , but when she did speak , it was clever or kind or insightful . she could make you laugh , and the melodic sound of her own laugh in harmony with yours would leave a flush on anyone’s cheeks . 
she’s always been nonstop . busy busy busy . she didn’t make time for herself . . . or for anyone else , for that matter . that was another reason why it was hard to know vivian costello , it seemed she never stopped moving . the only time she ever truly stood still was when hurt shot through her body , skittering down her spine and rendering her immobile . dark brown eyes would widen , and despite the small smile that would press at her lips , you could always see it in her gaze . it was easy to hurt her feelings ; she’d always been the most sensitive of the costello kids . it was a double edged sword : she knew how to interact with other peoples’ emotions , but she didn’t dare confront her own . 
she is loyal to her people , sometimes to a fault . and sometimes to her own detriment . even in heartache , she would remain loyal to people she loves . or loved , once . 
there’s a tranquility about her , not necessarily one that she feels in herself , but one you can find from being around her . there’s something about the quiet that calms the storm inside . . . and she’s always been a great person to be quiet with . comfortable silence is something she knows all too well , and she doesn’t mind it . 
she isn’t quick to anger , but when she does get angry , it’s dark and stormy . it’s silent anger , and it’s static . it might last a day or it might last a month . the quietness makes it unpredictable , and though there are times she has wanted to lash out . . . she’s only done so a handful of times . usually , she swallows the thunder and lets it run its course in the center of her chest . she handles it on her own . 
she isn’t selfless , per say , but she does have a gentle way of loving . to be loved by vivian is to know softness and kindness . it’s being wrapped in a warm blanket when you fall asleep on the couch or waking up to your favorite mug already filled with coffee . she might not always say as much , but she knows how to show her love . 
. · * vivian , above all else , is still trying to figure herself out .
i will not be adding wanted connections because i don't want to make this any longer than it already is ( i.e, i'm lying , i don't have any connections written yet ) . but , i'd be happy to brainstorm together , fill in your wanted connections , or just simply go off of chemistry ! i also added a wanted plots section in vivian's pinterest board !
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🍁  —  foliage changing colours!      for a time in my muses life that brought about a natural season of change for them.
She was an out right terrible kid when Rosalie was born. Screaming and yelling, and she hated Rosie for the longest time. Until she reached middle school age and she noticed her father was…trying to get close to her sister like he had once she started going through puberty, she snapped into over protective big sister mode. She was the first to tear down any person that tried to bully her, who tried to harm her in anyway. She and Florian started doing anything they could to protect her — despite their rough exterior behavior toward her.
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luxeavenger · 3 years
Put Your Trust In Me
Chapter 3: Steve
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
Rating: Explicit
Words: 4438
Series Summary: What if I needed to know what happened to Bucky in Wakanda, and I got tired of waiting for Marvel to tell us, so I made it up myself?
Chapter Summary: Steve is back from his mission. He and Bucky discuss when their future looks like.
Warnings: Smut, hand job, anal fingering, anal sex, switch!Bucky, switch!Steve, Nomad Steve, crying, mentions of abuse, mentions of trauma, Bucky has PTSD, tooth rotting fluff
A/N: big props to @samantha-lefay for beta-img this, and providing an endless avalanche of encouragement. she is massively inspiring, and i’m so lucky we’re friends. i love you, bestie 💜
If you like it, please support your creator by giving it a reblog. She loves that shit. <3
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist | Chapter 1: Shuri | Chapter 2: Ayo | Ko-fi
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His morning chores done, Bucky lies in the soft grass, while his goats frolic around him. He was thinking of taking a swim in the lake beside his hut, but he’s too delighted by the goats to want to get up quite yet.
He’d taken time to name each of the little goofballs yesterday.
The caramel and white spotted girl who gleefully follows him wherever he goes, and always falls asleep on him the moment he sits still, he named Delilah.
The dark brown girl with black spots who chews on everything that doesn’t move out of the way fast enough, and fusses loudly about all the things in the world that she can’t chew on is named Molly.
The light brown girl with the white face who would carry on conversations with him, bleating at Bucky every time the man spoke out loud, he named Penny.
The cream-colored boy with the dusting of tan spots over his pale nose, who headbutts everything in sight—Bucky’s legs, the other goats, straw bales, rocks—he named Steve. The name seemed a natural fit after he’d tried to headbutt his sister and instead ended up in the lake, an alarmed Bucky quickly wading in to rescue him.
Penny bleats for attention and Bucky chuckles and skritches her head between her tiny horns. He watches the clouds while Delilah snoozes against his left side, her head pillowed on his armless shoulder.
He’d decided not to wear his prosthetic for the time being. Shuri was right, it was incredibly comfortable compared to his old one, but he still needed some time to decouple from the soldat, and going without the arm was proving a very efficient way to do just that. The soldat no longer lurked in the recesses of his mind, ready to spring forth given the right cues, but the memories are still there, and the metal arm is a big reminder of his time as Hydra’s pet monster.
Besides, all of the chores on his little farm could easily be taken care of with a single arm.
Ayo visits him everyday, talking and playing with the goats, sometimes for hours. She’s the only person he feels comfortable asking for help if he needs to put his hair up, or knot the blanket he uses to cover his shoulder.
Ayo told him the goats were Shuri’s idea. They’re mini goats, and will never get much bigger than a medium-sized dog. They won’t grow to the large size of the goats he sees at many of the other huts. His rambunctious little goats aren’t meant to be functional workers, or providers of milk and meat.
Shuri had given him therapy goats.
She reasoned they would help him with PTSD he still struggles with daily, and the truth is, after just a few short days with the capricious little cuties, he has bonded with them. They keep him company, and rely on him for their care. He feels valuable, and needed. Wanted. It makes him feel important that they trust him so thoroughly. One interaction at a time, he begins to feel worthy of that trust.
His mama always used to tell him that animals know your true nature, they can always tell what’s in your heart. His goats didn’t see him as a monster, and it made him feel human again.
Penny lets out an irritable bleat, and Bucky sees her brother aggravating her.
“Come on, Steve,” he tuts. “Don’t be mean to your sister.”
“Did you just call that goat Steve?” a deep voice asks.
Bucky looks up, startled that was so preoccupied with his goats he didn’t hear someone walking up on him. The sun is blotted out by Steve Rogers broad shoulders. His amused face looking down at Bucky with affection.
Bucky blinks up at him. “Yeah, well, he’s blonde, cute but kinda dumb, and picks a fight with everything that moves. It just came to me.”
Steve bends down to rub Delilah’s head where she still sleeps against Bucky. The gesture seems to be the cue for the other goats to swarm him, their loud bleating wakes up Delilah, and she joins the ruckus.
Bucky sits up, and Steve holds his hand out to help him up, and for the first time since Shuri woke him from cryo a week ago, he accepts the offered help.
Steve wraps Bucky in a great big hug, and curls his hand around the base of Bucky’s skull to pull him in for a kiss.
It’s their first real kiss in six months, and Steve’s head spins because he’s so caught up in the way Bucky feels against him, he forgets to breathe.
Bucky pulls away, “Jesus Steve. You stink. And that’s saying something because I was just laying on the ground with goats.”
“I know. I came right off the quinjet. I couldn’t wait to see you.”
Bucky tugs him toward the lake, “C’mon, let me clean you up.”
He lets Steve help him strip off his clothes before peeling off his tactical gear. They wade into the lake together. Bucky’s suddenly grateful that T’Challa and Shuri had put him in a hut that’s isolated from the others so he has some peace and quiet while he recovers.
It makes it easier to skinny dip with his boyfriend.
They swim out to the middle of the lake, and take turns dipping under the water and helping each other scrub off the accumulated sweat and dirt. Bucky spends extra time admiring Steve’s soft beard, and long, shaggy hair. It’s the first time he’s ever seen Steve this unkempt. He isn’t shy about admitting how much he likes it.
“Do I smell better yet?” Steve grins.
Bucky leans in to kiss him. He wraps his arm around Steve’s neck to plaster their chests together, and Steve guesses that’s as good an answer as any. His hands go to Bucky’s hips, and he hums into the kiss.
“God I missed you, Stevie,” Bucky breaks the kiss to gasp against Steve’s mouth. The three days without him seemed to stretch on for miles. A lot had happened in a very short amount of time, and he missed Steve’s strong and supportive presence.
“Sweetheart, you have no fucking idea.”
Bucky’s cock is diamond hard, and he just needs a little friction, so his arm goes around Steve’s waist to pull their hips tighter, groaning a curse when their dicks slip together and he finds Steve just as hard as he is.
Steve grinds their bodies together with a desperate sound. “Fuck, I missed your cock, Buck,” he purrs. His hand dives under the water, and slips between them to circle their dicks. “Miss the way you taste, ‘n the way you fill me up when you fuck me.”
A shudder rolls through them both when Steve jacks a fist over their shafts. Even Steve’s big hand can’t go all the way around them, but it gets the job done. Bucky tangles his hand in Steve’s wet hair, and kisses him hungrily. Teeth nipping at soft lips, tongues greedily sliding together, mouths possessive, hungry, demanding. Their chests heave with panted breaths, as they swallow each other’s moans.
Steve works them harder, his hand jerking them fast, squeezing them just right. Bucky gasps, “Fuck, ‘m gonna come. Don’t stop.”
“‘M not stoppin’, sweetheart . ‘M close too. Need to see you come for me. Shit, do it now.”
They come together with loud groans, bodies squeezed so tight against each other their noses are smashed together and they share each other’s huffed breaths. Their cocks slip against each other like steel covered in silk as they throb and twitch themselves empty in the murky water of the lake.
Sated for the moment, they lean back in the water and float along silently for awhile shoulder-to-shoulder. The cool vibranium plating over Bucky’s shoulder keeps bumping against Steve, and eventually he pauses to take a good look at it. The gold and black metal catches the sunlight, throwing off sparks of light—a million golden diamonds scattering across his vision like stars.
“Shuri did a hell of a job with your arm,” he says, sounding a little awestruck.
“She sure did. The new one is so light. It almost feels like it isn’t even there. And quiet! It’s so quiet I almost forget it isn’t my real arm.” He presses his lips together before saying, “It’s still hard to wear it. Even though it looks different. I’m still wrestling with a lot of the Winter Soldier’s memories, and that damn silver arm shows up in all of them, you know?”
Steve hums his assent, and suddenly rights himself in the water with a splash. “Did it work, Buck?” It’s the question he’s been dying to ask ever since his boot touched Wakandan soil this afternoon. There’s no need to specify what it is.
Bucky rights himself now too. “It did. Steve, they can’t control me anymore. They don’t work anymore.” He taps his temple, “For the first time in forever I’m all alone in here. It’s just me now.” Suddenly there's a lump in his throat, and his voice breaks when he repeats himself, “They don’t work anymore.”
Unbidden, a sob tears its way out of his chest. Steve pulls him close, and Bucky buries his head against Steve’s neck, and lets loose the emotions he’s been carefully holding back ever since Ayo told him he was free.
Steve soothes him gently, tells Bucky he’s there for him, no matter what happens. But he’s in no hurry to end Bucky’s tears. The man had been through hell: brainwashed, turned into a weapon, controlled by monsters, and abused in ways he still couldn’t talk about—not even with Steve. So Steve would float here in this big, beautiful lake in Africa, and let Bucky unburden the weight on his soul for as long as it took to bring him some measure of peace. He needed the man he loved to know he’d never have to be lost inside himself again. He’d never have to be anyone other than Bucky. He’d never have to be alone. That Steve would march right into hell and punch the devil himself in the face just to save Bucky from the flames.
Because, even though Steve Rogers would break himself in half to save the world, he’d burn this whole fucking planet to ash just to save Bucky.
Finally tears give way to sniffles. Those give way to a soft apology mumbled against Steve’s throat. Tears have turned Bucky’s beautiful eyes a shade of blue so impossible it’s only written about in fairy tales. With an adoring smile, Steve refuses the offered remorse. Instead, he opts to baptize Bucky in forgiveness, love, and devotion, washing all traces of sorrow and regret off his beloved’s forlorn face with gentle kisses, and the warm water of the lake.
Bucky kisses him, wrapping his arm and legs around Steve’s sturdy torso. They slowly melt into each other, letting the lazy ripples of the water lap against their bodies and steer them wherever it may. But slowly the kiss becomes more heated.
Steve’s hands trace down Bucky’s spine to cup his ass cheeks, drawing out a wanton moan. “Stevie,” he asks, his voice soft against Steve’s lips, “will you fuck me? I need you.”
“Of course, sweetheart, but let's go back to our clothes. I’ve got lube in my gear.”
“Okay. But I’m staying right where I am,” indicating that he had every intention of remaining wrapped around Steve’s torso by tightening his arm around Steve’s chest, and nosing against Steve’s neck, “so you best start paddling, punk. Day’s a wastin’.”
Steve can easily swim for both of them, but in the handful of minutes it takes for him to get them back to shore their desperation for each other ratchets up so fast that, by the time Steve steps foot on dry land he’s hard enough to pound nails, and Bucky’s grinding against his hip and sucking hickies into his neck. Suddenly Steve’s painfully aware that it’s been six months since he’d fucked anything but his hand.
As soon as the bottle of lube is out of Steve’s gear, Bucky’s pushing him down into the grass, and impatiently motioning for Steve to squirt some into his outstretched palm. He does, and he’s trying to tell Bucky to slow down, but before he can even put the words together in his brain, Bucky’s already smeared the cool jelly over Steve’s cock, and is sinking down onto it with a relieved curse.
Which pretty much chases every coherent thought Steve’s ever had in his entire life right out of his head.
It has been so long since he’d felt Bucky’s familiar heat surrounding him, the exquisite tightness of Bucky’s hole stroking him, Bucky’s thick thighs working under his hands. Fuck, it felt like forever ago that he had last watched the man he loved fall apart on his cock like this.
Bucky immediately starts riding him hard and fast, almost as greedy for this as Steve is. Steve’s hands fly to Bucky’s chest, and he gasps, “Whoa. You gotta slow down, Buck. ‘M not gonna last like this.”
It’s been so long, the thought chimes in Steve’s head like a bell. The onslaught of Bucky he’s now faced with it nearly overwhelming in its intensity.
Desperate to get them both off, Bucky huffs, “Me neither. Don’t care. Need to feel you, Stevie, please.”
The last word is dangerously close to a sob. Bucky thanks every deity he’s ever heard of that Steve nods his shaggy head, and lets him chase his bliss.
“Fuck, I love the way you feel inside me, Stevie,” he moans. His hand is splayed over Steve’s broad chest, while Steve’s big hands squeeze bruises over his hips, and help Bucky ride his cock.
“God, you feel amazing.” Steve’s voice is full of gravel, and he groans low in his chest when Bucky’s hips twist just right. “Gonna make me come, Buck.”
“Me too,” Bucky’s voice is rough and strained.
Steve’s growing more frantic by the second, and he’s meeting each of Bucky’s movements, slapping their hips together with his insistent thrusts. He sounds wrecked when he buries himself inside Bucky’s tight heat and comes, his cock twitching and spilling warm wetness in Bucky’s guts. The feeling of Steve’s come spreading inside of him, and Steve’s broken groans are the push Bucky needed to fall over his own edge. His orgasm burns through him, and he’s striping come over Steve’s chest with a shout.
He rolls onto his back, but stays pressed against Steve’s side while they catch their breath. Eventually Steve rolls onto his side to look at Bucky.
“T’Challa and I are trying to get you pardoned,” he says.
“Ayo told me. Well, not that T’Challa was helping, but that you were working on it.”
“T’Challa still feels guilty over what happened between you two—what could’ve happened in Siberia—so he’s trying hard to make amends. The hope is that having the King of Wakanda as a character witness might grease the wheels. It would be a little easier if I weren’t technically a fugitive myself, but you know that shield can occasionally move mountains. Even though I gave it back to Tony.”
Bucky chuckles, “Because it’s not the shield that people respect, Steve. It’s you.”
“Be that as it may, it still holds sway over a lot of people, even though it’s not strapped to my back anymore. There’s still a lot of folks who owe Captain America a solid.”
“I thought you were going on missions though? How can you do that if you’re still a fugitive?”
A sly grin spreads across Steve’s lips, “I am working. Just not as an Avenger. Stark likes to pretend he’s the only hero game in town, but he’s far from it.”
“Well please don’t get yourself arrested,” Bucky snorts a laugh.
Steve twists so he can rest his head against Bucky’s chest. He replies with a chuckle. “What? Are you implying I’m unruly?”
“That is exactly what I’m implying.”
“I’m being careful. I promise,” Steve’s eyes are full of sincerity that helps allay Bucky’s fears.
“King T’Challa said I could stay here as long as I wanted.” Bucky says it with an air of incredulity, as if he’s still not entirely sure he deserves such kindness after everything that has happened.
“Is that what you want,” Steve asks, “to stay here?”
Bucky’s eyes survey Steve’s face, knowing he can’t lie to him. He never could. He presses his lips together and shakes his head no. “Don’t get me wrong, I love it here, but I want to be where you are, Steve. But I know I can’t go stateside. So…” he trails off with a shrug.
“Well, what if where I was wasn’t stateside?”
“You mean…. Here?” Bucky asks. Steve nods. Bucky looks around his yard, and back at Steve, “You’d really want to stay here? I mean, it’s peaceful, and beautiful, and the people are so kind and welcoming. I love it, but it’s a far cry from the luxury of the Avengers compound. There’s lots of chores to do, there’s no electricity or wifi unless you go into the city, and the roommates can get a bit rowdy,” he hikes a thumb in the direction of a straw bale where all four goats are sleeping peacefully in the warm sun.
“A: I love chores. B: I already love your roommates—that Steve fella sounds awesome–” Bucky snorts a laugh at that, “and C: the electricity and wifi thing may be an issue, but I’ve been discussing some options with Shuri, and I’m pretty sure I can work around it.”
“Does that mean you’ll still be going on missions and stuff?”
“Only if it’s okay with you,” Steve says softly. “If you want me to stop, I will, without question.”
Bucky shakes his head. “I’m not the only person in the world that needs Steve Rogers. And no one can keep them safe the way you can. Just as long as you come home to me when you can.”
Steve’s eyes shine with happiness, “Sweetheart, trust me when I say every single moment I’m not on a mission–I’ll be right here with you. And the kids.”
“Did you just make a baby goat pun?”
“I did, and I’m proud of it.”
“You know what? I’m having second thoughts about all of this,” he struggles to sit up, and Steve laughs and wrestles him down again.
“You know you love it,” Steve laughs.
“Damnit, I do,” Bucky grumbles.
The smile slips off Steve’s face. With deep sincerity he asks, “You know I’d put you above everyone else, right?”
“I do,” Bucky answers quickly, “but you know I’d never ask you to. Right?”
Steve nods. “Yeah. I do, Buck.” He lets his fingers skate lightly over Bucky’s body. Outlining all of the dips and valleys where skin is pulled tight over hard ridges of muscle; the soft curves that pad his stomach, hips, and thighs; the freckles scattered over his skin like stars.
Steve doesn’t shy away from the scars either. There’s the scars he remembers from when they were rowdy little boys much smaller than they are now. Then the scars Bucky gained when they were brave men much younger than they are now. And the scars Bucky received over the decades as the Winter Soldier. After Steve had locked himself away under an ocean of ice, his aching heart still unbearably full of the fresh pain of losing Bucky.
Steve pays particular attention to the saddle-shaped line of scars that drape around Bucky’s shoulder, where Hydra marked up their brand new monster seventy years ago.
Bucky shudders as Steve’s finger skates around the edge of the metal plating.
“Do you want me to stop?” Steve asks softly.
Bucky shakes his head. “Never,” he whispers, and drags their mouths together with a hand cupped against Steve’s cheek.
Steve kicks a leg over Bucky’s hips to straddle him. Once again Steve’s shoulders blot out the sun, casting a bright halo around him, outlining his silhouette in brilliant golden shards of late afternoon sunlight. His wide shoulders taper down to a narrow waist, his beautiful face coming back into focus when he bends to kiss Bucky. Steve is America’s golden boy. He’s also a textbook example of the golden ratio. More important than any of that—he’s the burnished gold center of Bucky’s lovestruck heart.
“I love you so much,” Bucky sighs.
His hand slips over Steve’s chest, slowly tracing down his pale, freckle-dusted skin. He runs the pads of his fingers over Steve’s Adonis belt to circle his heavy cock. Steve blows out a shaky breath when Bucky’s tight fist leisurely drags over his shaft. He noses along Bucky’s scruffy jaw, his huffed breaths tickling over Bucky’s neck.
“Jesus, sweetheart,” Steve moans, “that feels so fucking good.”
Bucky teases Steve by nipping along his throat, “Does it now?”
A blurt of precome spills over Bucky’s knuckles, and Steve gasps, “Fuck yes.”
“Well, why don’t you scoot up here a little, and let me suck your cock?” Bucky smirks as another wet drizzle drips from Steve’s slit, and slides over his fingers.
Steve shakes his head with a whine. He’d love to have Bucky’s mouth wrapped around his dick, but right now he wants something else. “Need you inside me, Buck.” He gently pulls Bucky’s hand off his cock, and pushes it back behind his balls.
Bucky’s fingertips graze over Steve’s hole and Steve makes a strangled sound. Bucky curses softly. “Baby, where’s the-” He’s about to ask where the lube went, but Steve’s already got the bottle in hand, open and ready to coat Bucky’s fingers.
Bucky presses a slick fingertip over Steve’s asshole. He pushes it in, and Steve immediately groans, “More. Another. Please.” Bucky obliges him by slipping a second finger past his rim. A loud rumble bubbles up out of Steve’s chest, followed by a moan of approval.
“Fuck,” Bucky swears softly, “you’re so tight baby.”
Steve sobs quietly, “I missed you so much.”
“Shh. I know, baby. I’m here now,” Bucky reassures him with a kiss, swallowing the needy sounds Steve makes when Bucky starts fucking him with his fingers. “Not going anywhere,” Bucky whispers.
Steve nods against Bucky’s neck, and presses his overheated forehead against the cool vibranium plating of Bucky’s shoulder. “Stevie?” The whispered word next to his ear makes Steve realize he’d gotten completely lost in the sensations. “You okay, baby? Did I hurt you?”
“It’s okay. I’m okay,” he reassures Bucky. “I’m ready, please. Want your cock.”
He whines softly when Bucky takes his fingers back, but it turns into a sound of pure unadulterated lust when the head of Bucky’s cock presses against his hole. Steve rocks back against it, a grateful groan rumbles out of him when the tip breaches his rim.
Bucky’s hips impatiently meet him halfway, but Steve is greedy. “Jesus, Buck, please,” Steve sounds wrecked when he begs Bucky to fuck him.
With a strong hand steadying Steve’s trembling body, Bucky gives him what he wants. “Baby, fuck,” Bucky swears through clenched teeth, “you feel so fucking good.” He growls a curse when Steve’s hole clenches around him at the praise.
“You too, Buck,” Steve gasps, twitching out more precome over Bucky’s abs.
“Get your hand on your cock, baby,” Bucky purrs, and Steve eagerly obliges, jerking himself with a tight fist, in time with the push-pull drag of Bucky’s cock in his ass.
One thrust at a time, Steve breaks down. Pretty soon he’s rocking himself over Bucky’s dick, begging to come. Bucky quietly shushes him, then tilts his hips just right, and after a few more strokes Steve’s body goes rigid while he spills ropes of come across Bucky’s chest and abs.
“Shit, Stevie,” Bucky grunts, “you feel so fucking good.”
“So do you. You gonna come for me?” he groans.
“Yeah, fuck. I am,” Bucky rumbles. He fucks up into Steve harder, and Steve’s hands fly to Bucky’s shoulders, sun-warmed skin under one palm, chilly Wakandan vibranium under the other.
“Please, Bucky. Need to feel you.”
Then with a last hard push of his hips, warmth blooms in Steve’s guts as Bucky gives him what he asked for.
Once their breathing evens out Steve rolls over, molding himself to Bucky’s side, and propping his head up in his hand.
“When do you have to leave again?” Bucky squints at the fading sun, trying to hide the hope in his eyes from Steve.
Steve doesn’t need to see Bucky’s face to know what he’ll find there. Steve shakes his head. “I don’t. Not for awhile anyway. Told Fury I was going to take some time off. A month, maybe two. I’m gonna get us both settled here. Make up for lost time, you know.”
Bucky’s heart is a fragile thing, rapture at Steve’s words making it flutter frantically in his chest like a caged bird. “Really?” His eyes are blue and as pure as the sky after a summer storm when he looks at Steve. “You know you don’t have to? I’ll be fine.”
“I know you will.” His eyes drift over Bucky’s yard. “But I need a break. I haven’t stopped moving for six months. If I stood still for too long I just wanted to come back to Wakanda and wake you up. And that wasn’t what you wanted. So I distracted myself with work. I haven’t slept for more than a three hour stretch since I had to leave you behind.”
Bucky wants to say he’s sorry. He wants to say thank you. He wants to fuss at Steve for spreading himself so thin. What he says instead is, “I love you.”
“I love you too, Buck. I’m so glad you’re back.”
Soft bleating behind Steve signals that the goats are waking from their afternoon nap. There’s a soft rumble of tiny hooves, then Steve’s shoulder jerks forward suddenly, and he makes a surprised noise.
“I bet I know what just happened,” Bucky says with a grin.
Steve rolls over and retrieves little goat Steve from behind him. He scolds Bucky, “You hush your mouth, I won’t have you saying one bad word about my son. He can headbutt his daddy all he wants.” He hugs baby Steve, and sets the little goat down between them, and the wild little boy immediately headbutts human Steve in the chin with an excited bleat.
The three girls dash over to check on Bucky when he laughs so hard he chokes.
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scarthefangirl · 3 years
The Maximoff-Carter-Romanoff family <3
If you have any information that is missing from here, please reach out!! And any information you want added, you can reach out.
Masterlist for this family
(If you use this family you are automatically giving me rights to use it on the masterlist, be aware that I am putting all the works for this family on said masterlist)
Tag we will use and claim as ours:
#CMR marvel crack fam
To be on our street with your marvel lover (if you have one) send me or an ask.
Current residents on our cul-de-sac:
- @nyx-aira with Agatha
- @ynscrazylife with Carol
- @sarahp-stan with Thena
- @procrastinatingsapphictrash with Natasha
- @lilian-maximoff with Peggy and Sersi
- @scarthefangirl with Wanda (das me)
- @i-writes-things dating Peter Parker
- @leximills2004 with May Parker
- @xxlastoftheemosxx with Andrew Garfield spiderman
- @goddessofmischief with Loki
- @dany-is-my-queen with Kate
Children status:
Lilian has three kids, a set of twins Elizabeth and Lilith, and a son Theo. Theo is shy and quiet and really sweet. But he is pretty dumb. He has big golden eyes and jet black hair. Elizabeth has water bending, and she has naturally raven blue hair, Lilith has brown hair and fire bending powers. In Lilian's words "Elizabeth would be the older more serious type, who loves knowledge, creativity, and values her books more then anything. She would honestly be the more protective one out of them both, thinks with her head not with her heart. Lilith would be the wild child, loves dance, and most importantly herself. She's deep into self love, a ray of sunshine. She would most likely be the social butterfly out of them both. She would also be a huge mama's girl who can't go a day without her mothers being there to cuddle her or give her love. She is also very naive."
I have two kids, Lillian (spelled with 2 L's) Allie Maximoff, and Delilah Aira Maximoff. Lillian is the same age as the twins, and Delilah is Theo's age. Lillian is outgoing and blunt and very sarcastic and sassy. She has Wanda's red hair, and my green eyes. Delilah is quite but she is really big on rights and standing up for people and their voices.
Lexi has Parker in her and May's custody, and an adopted daughter Lindi.
That is all the kids I know of rn
Our powers and family backgrounds:
@lilian-maximoff she is the goddess of life (she is immortal and can age shift) and she pestered Dr. strange until he taught her magic. She is Wanda's sister, and Nat is like a sister to her. Eventually her and Peggy (When Theo is three) marry Sersi and have a poly relationship.
@scarthefangirl I am Dr. Strange's younger sister, but our parents only wanted sons so when they saw I was a girl they dropped me off at the red room, which I cycled through twice. My powers include seeing my opponent's future moves before they do them, and I am very athletic and strong and good at being graceful
@nyx-aira She is the weird lady who we aren't really sure if she is a witch or not, and she lives with Agatha but they are not official. Strange things happen around her all the time, almost as if the laws of nature and this dimension do not apply to her. It seems like her mood can affect her surrounding and there have been some weird sightings of "dark creatures " near the house. Aira is an excellent swordsman and usually carries a blade or two with her.
@leximills2004 she has elemental control
@procrastinatingsapphictrash she has no powers, but she can fight really well.
@sarahp-stan is immortal due to Hydra drug testing, also giving her the ability to create/summon things she wants out of thin air.
@ynscrazylife N/A
@i-writes-things She used to work for Hydra and knew Wanda. She can teleport and has heat ray vision and is a great fighter. She got out of Hydra and is now a normal high school girl with super powers.
@xxlastoftheemosxx is the younger sister of Natasha and Yelena. She lives with Allie and Nat. In her words "Okay so I’m a vampire with the ability to sap peoples strength. My birth family was all murdered by Hydra because they wanted to use me, I ran into Clint and Natasha while they were on a mission and Tasha and I have been sisters ever since then she introduced me to Yelena and we became really close as well." She met spiderman #3 in the events of NWH, and when he left it was devastating. But Lilian used her powers to bring him back and save the day.
@goddessofmischief For powers she is pretty similar to Enchantress. As for background in her words "My background and past would be that I was a Widow in the Red Room, who was trained by Bucky Barnes. Then, when Loki came to Earth in 'the Avengers,' he recruited me with the mind stone like he did Hawkeye. Afterwards, I became an Avenger, but Loki and I reunited when I joined Thor to restore order to the realms in 'Thor the Dark World' in an attempt to redeem myself. I became his advisor when he masqueraded as Odin and took over Asgard. However, we were separated again during the events of 'Infinity War,' when Loki was killed and I was sent to Earth with the Hulk. After that, I fought in the battle of Wakanda and survived the Snap, joining the Avengers on their 'time heist.' After Thanos was killed and everyone was snapped back, Thor decided to join the Guardians of the Galaxy, but I decided to stay with Bucky and Sam, and I was with them through the events of 'Falcon and Winter Soldier.' Bucky and I reconnected, so there's a bit of a love triangle there."
@dany-is-my-queen is dating Kate and they live together in a house. In Kenia's words "The oldest daughter of Tony Stark. With all the technology your father had you requested to be put on tests to give you superpowers, which resulted in super-speed (even faster than Pietro) a very passionate girl that loves to write also, be a romantic, and help everyone in whatever she can, smart & self confident"
@lilian-maximoff and @scarthefangirl (me) have three cats named Tulip, Orchard, and cherry. And two dogs, one is a big female one named princess, the other is a tiny boy named Tank. The cats are cuddly, but very mean if that makes sense?? Princess is very friendly and is a big ol softy who is scared of everything. Tank is yappy, and he messes with the big dog (and small ones) and he has a major attitude with people. He likes to nip at you. The only ones he gets along with is Emma (@i-writes-things) and Lilith.
@nyx-aira and Agatha have a that showed up on their doorstep one day, and it tries to eat the neighbor's car.
@procrastinatingsapphictrash and Natasha have a cat named Logo
@ynscrazylife and Carol have a cat (maybe a flerkin) and some alien space animals
@sarahp-stan has two cats Rosalie, and Luna. luna tends to be more shy while rosalie is more open to visitors but both are protective of each other
@dany-is-my-queen and Kate have Lucky, the pizza dog.
Our cul-de-sac in picture:
[coming soon]
Additional information/rules:
If you write a fic using this family, use our tag (found above) and put our names in your @
[More coming soon]
Our characters for reference: (omg, it only allows 10)
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Tags copy and paste base:
// @nyx-aira // @sarahp-stan // @i-writes-things // @xxlastoftheemosxx // @dany-is-my-queen // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @scarthefangirl // @ynscrazylife // @lilian-maximoff // @goddessofmischief // @leximills2004 //
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kaseven7 · 3 years
If Dishonored 3 is set in Morley...
Dishonored is „resting for now” and if it comes back, it would focus on new characters and maybe visit new places like Morley, Tyvia or Pandyssia. Maybe there will be a time skip – we know from Billie that things in the world are really bad 3 years after DOTO. Now let’s sum up what we know about Morley and possible events in D3 from games and books.
Morley is heavily based on Ireland and Scoltand. Green hills and rich soil, but also dreary damp, dark moors and mires. Wynnedown is the capitol city.
Morleyans are fiercely independant and almost a half century ago they rebelled due to public outcry against the exploitation of Morley and its people by the extremely wealthy families from other nations (Morley Insurrection). After loosing the war Morley’s ability to self-govern was dismantled by Gristol Parliament and Morleyan navy was constrained, becoming ineffective in defense from a plague of pirates raiding shores.
A few months after DOTO there was the Tree-Day War between forces of the queen and the king of Morley. Now both monarchs are dead, so civil wars might erupt soon. Sister Rosewyn foretold in DOTO: „More political unrest in Morley. Useless squabbles to no end. At Lord Kerrington's next feast, they will display the head of a bloodox as a centerpiece, and assassinate their rival at the dinner table”.
Morley is renowned for its food culture and is important food source for the rest of the Empire. Especially Tyvia is highly dependent on imported food.
The famine caused by a blight (similiar to Irish Potatoe Famine) has ravaged a big part of Morley just after Insurrection. It ruined a whole generation and forced many Morleyans to emigrate far from home. New crops from south saved the population from starvation, but… a prophecy from Blind Sisters in D2 mentions another blight, this time starting from south: „No, no, sister, that's not what he intends to do. He will carry them to the harvest market, as he swore he would. But the harvest... the harvest will fail. I see it now, all is withered with blight. Now the rot is upon all the fields east of Potterstead, and to the south... to the south the fields are burning. We must warn them. Burn the fields. Make a black line across the map to stop the blight...” and from sister Rosewyn in DOTO: „A baker using sawdust instead of flour in Karnaca”.
Morleyans value art and education above all else. The intellectuals, inventors and artists could be found even among the poorest folk. Morley is renowned for it numerous art galleries, museums and the famous University of Wynnedown, attacting top minds across the islands, but most Morleyans can’t afford it and blaime foreign aristocrats for that.
The Leviathan Company operates in Morley and now builds the Leviathan Causeway – a new type of rail network, able to link all parts of the Empire with fast travel routes. When it’s finished, it would shift the balance of power from Dunwall to Wynnedown (Dishonored meets Deus Ex). The corporation employs some of the best natural philosophers and is greatly interested in how the nature of magic was altered after events in DOTO, with the largest collection of runes and bonecharms in their hands. They have tools to study and measuere the supernatural. They also discovered how to enter the Void hollows and use the Void stones as a powerful fuel, putting whale oil to shame. Remember the book by Barnoli Mulani and his ambitions to explore and eventually conquer the Void? Leviathan Company could aim for that and after dissolution of the Abbey of the Everyman (6 months after DOTO) there is probably no one to stop them.
Witches are important part of a folklore and encouraged creativity among Morleyans in the past. The legend mentions two powerful witches, untouchable by any weapon and able to force armies to their knees with just a gesture. Unlike Delilah, they did good for their people and put bloody civil war to an end by crowning the first queen and king of Morley. Just a wild guess, but a part of Billie’s arm looks like witches work, so maybe they somehow aided the Outsider in creation of it just like Pierro did with the Heart?
The altar used to create the Outsider (the one from D2 cutscene) was discovered in the Void Hollow in Alba city. It still has a magic of its own and a skilled person with a knowledge can tap to at least some of its power. The artifact was lost durning events in The Veiled Terror Book and there was a suggestion it was split in two before.
If there are any signs in stars urging to create the new Outsider, the famous Royal Morley Observatory in Alba migt be a good place to observe them.
Wyman is a noble from Morley and a close friend of Emily. (S)he is also secretly in charge of the Leauge of Protectors – a clandestine organization founded to „defend against the scourge both from within and without, to safeguard the legacy of the Throne in perpetuity, whatever maybe”. The League seems to be well organized and funded and has its agents in almost every city across the Isles. Strangely, the League didn’t care much about the coup in D2 and Wyman left Dunwall just before it started. Agents to the League tried to track and kill Daud, but in the same time they didn’t want to hurt Billie.
Festival of Churners is a national festival, a celebration of both the dead and the living. At the shores families cook feasts together and toss parts of it to the waves to feed their deceased relatives. People believe that splashing sounds in the middle of the night mean that the dead are near. It reminds me of the Outsider’s whispers from hollows in DOTO: „They scream against indifference and whisper questions. All their hate, their loneliness, their terror. They break against the rocks, one wave after another.” and „All the old boundaries are falling apart. Between the living and the dead, the real and the forgotten. She watches them crumbling.”. The famous orchids of Morley are a key ingredient in several medicinal elixirs, including Piero’s Spiritual Remedy and Addermire Solution (let me play a witch with a knowledge about the alchemy, please please Arkane!).
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grokebaby · 3 years
Summary of the eldritch angel story
Terminology masterpost
Central Characters
Grandefel (Persecutor)
Ngah (High angel)
Kxxxtr (High angel)
Combfa (Caretaker)
Samuel (Angel in training) (not my character)
God's throne
Deirdre (Persecutor)
Delilah (High demon)
Xerxes (High demon)
Hart (High demon)
Story summary/walkthrough under the cut
Our story kicks off when Lamera, J'aimekiel, ZZZ and Grandefel are all wondering what hell is like, since none of them (except Grandefel, who's lying about it) have ever been there. ZZZ is extremely curious by nature and decides to just go there because why not. Grandefel tries to resist and ZZZ calls her a coward (You can read this first part here, but it's not great quality imo)
About a day passes without much happening, until everyone hears a distress call from ZZZ. Ngah who's the mother of Lamera and ZZZ, scoops them out, whereupon everyone sees the sorry state the angel is in. Something bad and violent had happened in hell (You can read this part here, content warning for nonhuman gore)
We come back to the story not long after, with our two persecutors, Grandefel and Deirdre meeting secretly in limbo. Deirdre has news she's worried about but loses her chance to tell them when Ngah bursts into the scene, foaming at the mouth, demanding retribution for how ZZZ was treated down in hell. Grandefel is forced to leave and Ngah makes Deirdre escort her to speak to hells manager high judgement. Apparently ZZZ violated several rules upon entering hell and was generally very rude, driving some of Deirdre's friends to attack them on her behalf. Deirdre stayed compliant because she hasn't been feeling well lately and isn't fond of angels in general (except Grandefel). The explanation and lukewarm apology for what happened doesn't please Ngah and she decides to call on a high court case, aka essentially suing them. Hells high judgement has no option but to attend the case (You can read this part here)
After about an hour, hells high judgement along with Deirdre and a few punishers make their appearance in heaven, but not before J'aimekiel can wonder outloud about how empty heaven is. She tries to ask Lamera about why there's barely any angels but the high court case starts. Deirdre gets her apology in, but before it can be accepted properly by all high angels, Ngah directs the conversation elsewhere. She accuses Grandefel of "using her time unprofessionally", and starts trying to squeeze out something from both Persecutors. Delilah, Deirdre's sister, intervenes so the court won't dissolve to off topic accusations but Xerxes wants to hear what Ngah has to say. (You can read all that in more detail here)
After dancing around the topic with increasing frustration, Grandefel reveals that she and Deirdre are in a relationship. Ngah not-so-subtly expresses her disgust with this and makes a direct jab at Deirdre, revealing to everyone that she's pregnant. Since it's a surprise to everyone but Deirdre herself, the revelation is met with backlash. Ngah knows this because as a high angel she can sense angelic life, and because she has a habit of stalking keeping a very close eye on everyone around her. Now that everything has finally been outed, the court dissolves into arguing.
Most angels aside from Ngah and maybe Kxxxtr are actually pretty fine with this kind of crossover happening and Lamera would gladly step in to Grandefels defense but is held back in fear of Ngah's rage. J'aimekiel however isn't, and raises her voice from the crowd. She calls out Ngah for her hateful remarks and reminds everyone that she was born a demon but became an angel after, and if that is fine, this should also be fine, right? Ngah starkly disagrees and in vague terms makes it clear that J'aimekiels existence is only tolerated, and might be because they quote on quote don't have better options right now. J'aimekiel is quite distraught by this and Lamera tries to come to her defense but is shut down by Ngah.
After a painful few hours the court case finally draws to a close with some new rules put in place going forward. One of them being that only the persecutors can make cross visits regularly, since it's required for their job. If any high judgements want to make cross visits it needs to be agreed upon beforehand. This is to avoid all possible conflict. Ngah also makes it clear that, "if they ever survive birth", Grandefel and Deirdre's children must pick a side and that "it would be for the best" if they never knew what they really were, or who their parents were. Despite the backlash, she gets everyone to comply thanks to everyone still being a little confused about the whole ordeal, and Ngah promising to be their personal problem if the children act out of line.
Case closed, everyone goes home. Deirdre feels extremely isolated from everyone now. Grandefel is kept busy by being given alot of heaven-centric work. While not explicitly getting in trouble for it, it's heavily implied that Grandefel really shouldn't be seen with Deirdre again outside of work related situations. J'aimekiel also feels isolated from everyone now.
A few dreadful months later the children are born in hell with Delilah supporting her sister. There's three. One is confirmed an angel via her halo. When Grandefel hears about their birth she can't keep herself away from them anymore, and with her help the children are named. The oldest is Mihail, middle one Meredith and youngest Gabriel. They also make the difficult decision of who gets to live with who. Despite all Grandefel doesn't take the angel child with her, instead taking Gabriel who she thinks would fit in due to how he looks. The children are raised apart like this and don't get to meet their other parent, despite being aware of their existence.
Somewhere along the line, one of Lameras halos gets a crack, something that's painful and quite a big deal for an angel. It's on the collar halo. The crack is small enough that he manages to hide it from everyone, especially since his beard covers most of his neck from view anyway
About a year later things have mostly calmed back down again. Although there's now alot more people who hate Ngah. A certain rather ordinary demon named Devoul makes the news in hell, thanks to Lamera hearing about him from a mortal. The thing is that Devoul has been tricking mortals into working for him in exchange for superpowers and getting something they desperately want. He's been doing this under the guise of being "The Devil" who rules in hell. This is obviously unture and a trial ensues, but it's only kept to hell because nobody wants to involve heaven after last year's occurrence. It goes surprisingly smoothly, and a portion of the souls are reborn and the rest decide to continue on with their lives. One of them, Samuel, inspired to make up for his bad deeds, becomes an angel in training. Devoul is sentenced to 800+ years of tedious physical labor, case closed.
We resume to the story when in limbo, by pure happenstance, Devoul and Lamera bump into each other. They have a moment of "YOU" where Devoul manages to hit Lamera right in the mommy issues, making him drop all attempts at being nice. Devoul is taken aback by how much he unintentionally managed to rile up Lamera, knowing him to be one of the good™ angels. Devoul notices the crack in his halo and becomes curious, whilst also trying to pull up any shreds of decency he has. Lamera tries to deflect most of it and finds out Devoul is here to look for Godwatcher to ask some questions.
On their way to find them, the two talk over a few things and find themselves understanding each other better. Lamera still feels iffy about Devoul though, despite him trying to explain himself
They find Godwatcher together and ask some general questions about morality and the nature of angelhood. Godwatcher can't really give them any one correct answer, rather than "What you think is good or bad depends on what you value in this world. No angel is born being better and no demon is born being worse". The two mull over some of the things they've heard and talk about ""God"". Devoul keeps asking Lamera increasingly difficult questions that cause him to doubt his own worldview and dig into the fact that Ngah is absolutely not a good angel. This causes Lameras halo to crack all the way through, causing him pain and distress. He's deeply afraid of Ngah's reaction if she were to see him like this, and feels like he'll be in trouble. Devoul, having gained sympathy for Lamera, feels guilty that he caused this and tries to offer various ways to help, none of which end up helpful. Figuring that he'll have the next 800ish years of being punished anyway, he decides to dig his grave deeper by pretending to attact Lamera. As a cover up for what broke the halo, so Lamera himself won't be blamed since it obviously broke in conjunction with his trust in his mother.
Speak of which, Ngah hears them and scoops up both. Right on time too, since Deirdre was just about to retrieve Devoul to do his work. Up in heaven, Ngah Is "Dissapointed but not surprised" that Lameras halo broke. She lifts him up by it, intending to fix it, but being manhandled by his mother, through an injured body part, distresses Lamera alot. It doesn't sit right with Devoul and he tries talking to Ngah, who dismisses him as a speck of dust not worth listening to, and they dissolve into arguing. The stress of it all causes Lameras collar halo to finally shatter and fall off completely. He deflects any further attempts to fix it, and tries to confront Ngah about her behavior. This infuriates Ngah who then accuses Devoul of corrupting her child. More arguing ensues, during which Devoul uses his special power of reading people's memories to briefly look at Ngah. He sees her attempted murder and banishing of their third high angel who hasn't been seen in a long time. Apparently heaven had a big inner conflict some time back, which Ngah resolved this way. Their current low number of staff is due to a huge chunk of the angels leaving since they supported Ezekiels cause more.
Ngah, despite wanting to sweep it under the rug, doesn't deny that she did all this, which upsets Lamera even more. He and Ngah argue. Lamera hits her where it hurts (insulting her divinity) and she's about to possibly get violent, when Devoul casts a spell that paralyses her physically. As she's a powerful high angel it won't hold her for long, and the duo flee heaven
Devoul and Lamera hide out and rest at the foot of a mountain on earth. They go over everything and get to know each other better. Lamera is surprised that Devoul would care this much about what's happening upstairs to which he replies "Hey I still have morals" - "Except for that one time". Their bonding is interrupted by Deirdre who caught up to them finally, intending to take Devoul back. Lamera resists, to her surprise, and they explain the situation. Deirdre sympathises with them heavily but is unsure if they can do much. She promises to speak to the high judgements about this all anyway, as a start. Lamera decides to try talking things out with the high angels. Devoul makes a spell that allows him and Lamera to call and talk to each other just in case. The duo separate after sleeping through the night at that mountain.
Heaven: Lamera goes to talk to Kxxxtr about everything he's found out. Kxxxtr expresses regret over letting everything go on like this, especially since she doesn't necessarily agree with how Ngah works things around here. Witnessing the murder attempt has been traumatic for them, hence they stayed compliant out of fear. Kxxxtr does also make clear that whatever Lamera tries to do to change things in heaven, he'll have their support. Ngah who's been listening in on them, bursts in angrily, accusing them of conspiring against her. Kxxxtr tries to get past their fear and stand against Ngah, who proceeds to purposefully trigger them in order to get them to stand down. Instead of backing out, Kxxxtr strikes Ngah in a bout of rage. Regretting the move immediately, they send Lamera up to the higher heavens to safety, and so he could talk to the highest power: God's throne.
Hell: Devoul goes to his house to look at his spellbook in case there'd be anything useful, while Deirdre proceeds to talk to the high judgements. Before he can really find anything, Lamera calls him to tell that Ngah and Kxxxtr are at each other's throats and he's afraid and not sure what to do. Devoul helps him calm down and barely gets to explain what he's doing before the call forcefully disconnects with Lamera notifying how beautiful God's throne is (using both he and it pronouns). Devoul has just enough time to find a spell that will take away a big chunk of power from a powerful individual, before Deirdre comes to him in a rush. One of the high judgements, Xerxes, takes things related to Ngah very seriously and has decided to go fight her. It's not entirely clear if there's ulterior motives, other than wanting to fight her. Deirdre and Devoul head to an opening where they find the three: Delilah chewing out Xerxes for throwing his staff at the heavens, and Hart snickering in the background.
While waiting for the staff to hopefully return, Devoul decides to call Lamera back just in case. At first it feels like the call is forcefully blocked and directed away but eventually he responds. His answers are cryptic and he sounds overall very out of it. At one point, he starts talking entirely differently, way louder and with a completely different voice, asking Devoul if the staff should hit something. He makes it clear that it should definitely not hit anyone or anything and the staff gracefully floats back into Xerxes' hand. The call disconnects. Devoul is worried and decides he really needs to get up there. Luckily for him, despite Delilah's efforts to stop him, Xerxes is about to throw again. Impressed by Devouls determination, he puts the little demon onto the staff and throws it. This time the throw is alot less coordinated due to Delilah physically restraining his hand. Devoul however makes it to where Ngah has currently dropped Kxxxtr down from the cloud. They have a brief confrontation before Devoul uses the powersucking spell on her, causing her to also fall off the cloud. The spell takes a physical toll on him, partially by causing him to feel extremely hungry. All of Ngah's now removed power manifests as an orb. He hopes Lamera is okay and tries to look for him, and is suddenly lifted up to where he is, as if on command.
He enters the throne room where Lamera looks.. Off. He's extremely swollen, like a balloon blown to it's limits, and his entire face is engulfed in flames. He doesn't respond to Devoul trying to make sure he's okay. He only speaks in that different voice that's clearly not suited to his vocal chords. In the background Devoul sees God's throne, mouth moving slowly. He has a hard time really registering the Throne's physical form into something he can comprehend. There's separate elements (Crystals and gems, large mouth and eyes, galactic matter streaming in and out of it) but his brain can't bring them together in his head. Despite this he addresses the Throne With "What the fuck did you do him? (Lamera)". The throne proceeds to ignore his questions and attempts to take the orb from him through Lameras body, since the entity itself can't move much at all. Devoul is unwilling to hand it over until God's throne explains that now, since Kxxxtr is heavily injured, and Ngah technically not a high angel (in terms of strength), they need a new one. He exposits how He was just going to make Lamera into a high angel instead but having Devoul enter with the orb brought another option to the table. Devoul hands over the orb, which God's throne takes into it's mouth and Lamera falls limp, now presumably free from it's control. After both making sure they're okay, they exit the throne room and take a moment to collect themselves and pass out from the exhaustion.
Meanwhile Kxxxtr fell down to limbo, bleeding, where they're still laying, unable to move. Xerxes, who partially went to look for his staff, and partially to punt Ngah in the gut, discovers her. Kxxxtr is terrified at first but Xerxes offers her his armor, to cover for her leaking insides. She's taken aback by the kind gesture and they just sorta awkwardly hang out there while Kxxxtr explains what happens. Xerxes escorts her back later. Ngah has turned into a giant three headed serpent, and is having an episode somewhere, enraged and miserable at being demoted. Samuel and J'aimekiel are shook by the commotion and are trying to figure out what's going on. Xerxes finds Ngah on his way back and they start fighting (he still hasn't gotten his staff back).
Upon waking up, Devoul and Lamera lament over the whole mess. Samuel and J'aimekiel find the two and want an explanation. Devoul and Samuel aren't thrilled at seeing each other again. After a thoroughly uncomfortable interaction they part ways, Lamera leaving to clean up things upstairs and Devoul returning to his punishment work downstairs, dreading all the more trouble he might be in now. He stumbles upon Xerxes with Ngah in a chokehold, and doesn't even recognize her. Ngah is now even more pissed at him, but with some help he realizes who she is. Xerxes seems intent on killing her but Devoul tries to stop him, knowing Lamera would be destroyed by something like that happening. They heavily discuss it before concluding that Ngah really should answer for her crimes instead of getting the easy way out. She's locked up in the Void District until she can play nice again (and until they can figure out a proper punishment for her). Xerxes and Devoul chat on their way back, and Xerxes, still very impressed by the little demon's spirit, offers to recruit him. Devoul, although surprised, accepts the offer. He still has alot of punishment work left but at least he'd get to do it in consistent company.
About a day passes and everyone is almost getting to settle in, when something strange captures the attention of all the angels. God's throne is now finished making them a new High angel - how exciting! The new angel, instructed by the Throne, fetches and throws Xerxes' staff right back to him. They then backflip out of the high heavens to meet everyone, making a thoroughly.. Interesting first impression, to say the least.. The angels have a hard time swallowing that a demon - Devoul specifically, kickstarted the creation of their new High angel. Samuel nopes out, Grandefel heavily considers asking for a refund, and the new angel, not seeing anything wrong with any of this, hops down to hell to meet their "Daddy". Devoul is taken aback by the news but welcomes his "child" with open arms. He with Lameras help, proceed to name them Terjey, since God's throne didn't give them a name (which is very unusual). Heaven returns to cleaning up the mess and dealing with the staff shortage and Devoul returns to his work.
And that was everything that happened up to this point, the present day.
The end - for now!
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wandering-spiritash · 3 years
Muse List
Anthony "Tony" Carlton- Lawyer/ District Attorney , Family man, Egotistical, Adoring
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Charles Ashford- Mafia boss, protective, headstrong, reserved
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Jacob "Jake" Thomas- lawyer, kind, protective of his half sister, alpha male
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Chris Cramer- Bartender/Bar Owner, big heart, southern gentleman
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Antonio Morales- Law Professor, dominant by nature, protective, adoring
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Elijah Parsons- Musician, playboy, heart of gold
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Charlotte Archibald- Good girl with her head in the clouds, loves her family and loves life
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Christi Thompson- Recently graduated Midwife, lover not a fighter, headstrong
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Delilah Arnold- Nurse, southern belle, from Nashville, sweet as pie but will knock you on your ass faster than you can blink
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Delilah Bartley- Psychiatrist, full of life, stubborn and wants more than what this life can give her
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hvlloweens-a · 3 years
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𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕 …
meet the cast of 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 : 𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚗 ! 
first of all, thank you ALL so much for applying ! i was not expecting this much interest ! when i closed my submit, i had 25 apps which is ... completely insane ?? all of the positive messages and feedback i received made me ridiculously happy and i’m so grateful for all of you who sent little check-ins or congratulated me on the app count . i wish i could have accepted everyone ( every single app was amazing .. none of you made this easy ) and i even accepted a few more than i originally intended. if you didn’t get accepted in this first batch, i’ll be hanging onto your app and you’ll be hearing from me if a spot opens up ! for those accepted, server links will be going out later -- i can’t wait to meet and write with all of you and your muses < 3 
( vika bronova , cis woman, she/her ) congratulations to sidney evanko – they’ve been cast on this season of the real world ! they’re currently a twenty three year old sagittarius that can be described as maverick and sybaritic . before the show, they worked as a cocktail waitress and lived in las vegas, nevada . based on their audition tape, i’d describe them as ghosting someone after they’ve sufficiently stroked your ego , cerulean hues that can effortlessly unlock any social situation you want to ease into ( or out of … ), finding odd flecks of glitter on your skin, your clothing, your hair, scattered inside your luggage – all serving as a reminder of life back home that you were eager to leave behind . sidney said they auditioned for the show because she wants to be an actress in the future … we’ll see how it works out for them when the show airs ! written by jamie, she/they, 24, est.
( aaron liebregts , cis man , he / him ) congratulations to oliver brooks – they’ve been cast on this season of the real world ! they’re currently a twenty - two year old sagittarius that can be described as confident and impulsive . before the show, they worked as a musician and lived in laval , quebec . based on their audition tape, i’d describe them as posting intentional thirst traps on tik tok with the caption ‘ making fun of people that actually do this lol ‘ , relaxing in a recliner with a bottle of fireball in one hand and an unlit joint in the other while listing off fun facts about otters as if he is your grandfather telling you stories about the war , and confusing your sex handcuffs and the handcuffs you stole from the campus police . brooks said they auditioned for the show because his record label told him it would be good for publicity … we’ll see how it works out for them when the show airs ! written by anna , she/her , 26 , cst .
( genellle seldon , cis woman , she / her  ) congratulations to jourdan womack– they’ve been cast on this season of the real world ! they’re currently a twenty four year old taurus that can be described as opinionated and brash . before the show, they worked as a freelance columnist for a women’s magazine and lived in medina , washington . based on their audition tape, i’d describe them as leaving the glossy print of your lips at the rim of a bottle , the base of a neck , smeared across a pillowcase that isn’t your own as a form of temporary ownership , visible g - strings and wrap - around shield sunglasses inside following a french martini hazed evening , and your mother’s innate wandering eye paired with her poor perception of love — entirely transactional . jourdan said they auditioned for the show because the dating pool in her home town had been dwindled to scraps … we’ll see how it works out for them when the show airs ! written by candice , she / her , 22 , cst.
( galanikolic , cis woman , she/her ) congratulations to thandie jovic – they’ve been cast on this season of the real world ! they’re currently a twenty -four year old pisces that can be described as vivacious and quixotic . before the show, they worked as a owner of a small clothing brand and lived in brooklyn, new york . based on their audition tape, i’d describe them as organized chaos in the name of ‘what will be, will be’, memories encapsulated in polaroid form, haphazardly glued into a keepsake journal, and sharing stories with strangers in the club toilets . thandie said they auditioned for the show because her horoscope said she was ready for a new adventure … we’ll see how it works out for them when the show airs ! written by kat , she/her , 22, gmt .
( delilah belle , cis female, she/her ) congratulations to rhys moreau – they’ve been cast on this season of the real world ! they’re currently a twenty three year old pisces that can be described as humble and naive . before the show, they worked as a nursing student and lived in carolina beach . based on their audition tape, i’d describe them as getting a little too drunk off just two cosmopolitans, hand-me-down designer purses, pink lipstick on the edge of starbucks cups sort of vibe . rhys said they auditioned for the show because she grew up watching the show with her sister and it’s always been a dream of hers … we’ll see how it works out for them when the show airs ! written by skye, she/her, 21+, est. 
( cindy kimberly, cis woman, she/her ) congratulations to aspen lestari -- they’ve been cast on this season of the real world ! they’re currently a twenty-three year old taurus that can be described as excitable and fanciful . before the show, they worked as a vlogger/artist and lived in seattle, washington. based on their audition tape, i’d describe them as five am drives to catch the sunset, fingers always supporting dried up paint, old video games. aspen said they auditioned for the show because it was a chance to get her out of her comfort zone and be less of her shy nature... we’ll see how it works out for them when the show airs ! written by jules, she/her, 24, est.
( aron piper , cis male , he + him ) congratulations to armani banks – they’ve been cast on this season of the real world ! they’re currently a twenty three year old virgo that can be described as lyrical and aloof . before the show, they worked as an aspiring singer/songwriter + producer and lived in manhattan , new york . based on their audition tape, i’d describe them as always chasing the next best thing , scraps of song lyrics scattered across a lone mattress in an empty loft & enjoying the chase but being unsatisfied with the catch . armani said they auditioned for the show because it could possibly boost his career … we’ll see how it works out for them when the show airs ! written by f, she+her, 21, est.
( omar ayuso , non binary, he/they ) congratulations to damian price – they’ve been cast on this season of the real world ! they’re currently a twenty-two year old capricorn that can be described as driven and catty . before the show, they worked as a beauty pageant coach and lived in atlantic city, nj . based on their audition tape, i’d describe them as bruised knuckles covered with concealer, paris hilton’s ‘stars are blind’ blasting on repeat, and eyebrows that are so big because they’re full of secrets . damian said they auditioned for the show because he was born to be a star … we’ll see how it works out for them when the show airs ! written by abby, she/her, 25, est.
( pedro ortega , cis male, he/him) congratulations to lucas monteiro – they’ve been cast on this season of the real world ! they’re currently a twenty six year old leo that can be described as trustworthy and quick-tempered . before the show, they worked as a professional football player and lived in atlanta , georgia . based on their audition tape, i’d describe them as encouraging pep talks during timeouts , waves of emotions pushed back with alcohol , never truly being satisfied with your accomplishments . lucas said they auditioned for the show because he was kicked out of his team after engaging in a fight after a game and he wants people to see that's not who he is … we’ll see how it works out for them when the show airs ! written by barbie, she/her, 24, gmt-3.
( caio cabral , cis male, he/him ) congratulations to gustavo vidal – they’ve been cast on this season of the real world ! they’re currently a twenty-three year old aquarius that can be described as vigorous and aloof . before the show, they worked as a professional skater and lived in california . based on their audition tape, i’d describe them as grains of sand in worn out vans sneakers, freckles covered sun burnt wide shoulders & trying over and over again until you reach perfection, no matter how it hurts . gustavo said they auditioned for the show because he wants to be known as more than just an athlete who's probably past his glory days … we’ll see how it works out for them when the show airs ! written by ron, she/her, 25, gmt -3.
( alisha boe , cis woman, she/her ) congratulations to gemma westrum – they’ve been cast on this season of the real world ! they’re currently a twenty four year old sagittarius that can be described as captivating and egocentric. before the show, they worked as an influencer and lived in calabasas, california  . based on their audition tape, i’d describe them as checking their reflection in every window & mirror you pass — no matter how late it makes you, rambling until someone finally tells you to shut up, having more “friends” than you can count, yet somehow you’re always still alone . gem said they auditioned for the show because she was bored … we’ll see how it works out for them when the show airs ! written by ali, she/her, 23, ctrl
(  ryan destiny, cis woman, she/her ) congratulations to wilhelmina 'billie' ashford – they’ve been cast on this season of the real world ! they’re currently a twenty three year old cancer that can be described as charismatic and heedless . before the show, they worked as a dancer/cheerleader and lived in los angeles, california . based on their audition tape, i’d describe them as glossy lips paired with a sharp grin, the lingering smell of fresh lavender, hushed conversations and prolonged eye contact, unpredictable bouts of mischief making. billie said they auditioned for the show to spite her parents and make a name for herself outside of their shadow … we’ll see how it works out for them when the show airs ! written by asha, she/her, 24, est.
( cameron valentina , cis woman, she/her ) congratulations to kaia cary – they’ve been cast on this season of the real world ! they’re currently a twenty two year old capricorn that can be described as detail oriented and aloof . before the show, they worked as a private figure skating instructor and lived in petoskey , michigan. based on their audition tape, i’d describe them as champagne and glitter stained pages of a moleskin overflowing with long-term aspirations slashed through in bright red , old figure skating dresses oozing from the sides of a poorly packed cardboard box , and a wilted floral arrangement drooling dried petals onto a vanity that hadn’t been touched since the incident . kaia said they auditioned for the show because she had been struggling to start a normal life following a career-ending injury … we’ll see how it works out for them when the show airs ! written by jess, she/her, 23, pst.
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seanfalco · 4 years
Ultimate Ship Game
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Nathan Young x Winrey Lewis // otp: Bad Kids
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[ Original Post ]
How long will they last? - I’m boring and all my ships are endgame lol
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Slow burn, baby
How was their first kiss? - Full of desperation, they were afraid of it being their first and last kiss.
Who proposed? - Nathan.  Initially asked as a spur of the moment sort of thing while in Vegas, but Win turned him down.  He tried again when they returned to London after having given it some thought and that time she said yes.
Who did the most planning? - Win, though there wasn’t much to plan
Who stressed the most? - Nathan
How fancy was the ceremony? -  Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - I’m trying to decide whether they invite Win’s dad or not.  Karen & Delilah (her stepmum & sister) are definitely not invited.
Who is on top? - Usually Win
Who is the one to instigate things? - Nathan, but they’re both horndogs tbh
How healthy is their sex life? -  Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? -  Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - Usually around 10-20 minutes
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - It’s only fair, but sometimes Nathan will come without her.  He’ll usually finish her off with his mouth or fingers, but sometimes he’s too sleepy.
How rough are they in bed? -  Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? -  No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - One (changed my mind lol), a little girl named Ellery Blossom (after Win’s mum & someone special she hasn’t met in this timeline ;p).
How many children will they adopt? - None
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? -Nathan lol
Who is the stricter parent? - Win, only by a little
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Surprisingly, Nathan.  He’s always worried about little Elly and maybe a little over protective.  He knows how easy it is to die, after all.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Win
Who is the more loved parent? - I feel like they’re pretty equally loved, but Ellery loves each of them for different reasons.
Who is more likely to attend the Parent/Teacher meetings? - They go together.
Who cried the most at graduation? - Nathan, he tried to hold it in, but he just couldn’t.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Win, she was left to fend for herself and she never wants her kid to feel that way.
Who does the most cooking? - Win, though she’s not very good.  They tend to get takeout for the most part.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Win, Nathan’ll eat nearly anything.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Nathan, but he mostly buys junk.
How often do they bake desserts? - Hardly ever.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Meat lol, one word - kebabs lol
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Win, though Nathan has surprised her more than once the secret romantic.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Both of them
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? - Win
Who cleans the room? - Win
Who is really against chores? - Nathan
Who cleans up after the pets? - They don’t have any :c
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Nathan
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Win
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Win
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Not often, but Win likes to decorate at least a little for the larger holidays, especially Halloween and Christmas.  Christmas was a special time for her when she was young because her mum would go all out.  Once she gets out of her step-mum’s house she starts bringing that tradition back and eventually Nathan begins to replace his not-so-fond memories of the holiday with new better ones.
What are their goals for the relationship? - To have each other’s backs when no one else does.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Both of them
Who plays the most pranks? - Both of them
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low-budget-korra · 5 years
About YOU S2
Why bring so many cool characters if the intention is to kill them, when they deserved more?
Let's start with Joe. It's getting boring how much he can get away with it. I understand the critique of white privilege, by the way, one of my favorite things about the show is how it makes the audience cheer for Joe for him to have nice things and has a redemption arc If Joe wasn't white he would be arrested before he even killed Beck and there would be no story. But is there some redemption for Joe or is this just something the audience wants because he's attractive and white? I honestly prefer him to go on as a serial killer, no matter how much the writers tried to get Joe to have some kind of redemption in season 2, every time he opened his mouth to talk about Candance and Beck I wanted to punch his face on  my tv.
About Love. I love to hate her. But I find it wrong to say that she is psycho because she feels too much. She kills people on impulse (like most people honestly), the difference is she never had to face the consequences so kill one or  kill ten, doesnt make any difference to her .And this lack of punishment / consequence takes away a lot of the meaning of taking someone's life, as this is something that she can easily get rid of, is like nothing to her.  Again the white privilege being used and criticized, but ... look I love female characters with this “killer vibe” (I'm talking about you Villanelle, and you too Amy Dunne), but the way YOU use the character, sorry but I found it very sexist. Joe killed people, mostly innocent (some assholes like Benji but innocent) but now, all of the sudden, Love is the big villain? I dont think she is worst than him, they are in the same level.
Candace and Delilah so much potential! Candace disappeared and only came back to be killed by Love so she can have the twist of the season. I think the problem was not the outcome of the character but her arc this season. It was weak, I would say nonsense as she was only really important on 2 occasions 1. Telling the truth to Forty 2. Being murdered by Love
Delilah ... THE BEST CHARACTER OF THE SEASON! I mean she, Ellie and Forty were the owners of the season. All Delilah's arc with Henderson, then with her wanting to expose every LA perv. I mean, we stan the queen. Why kill this amazing character with so much potential ????? Another strong female character dying in this show ...
Forty is a baby. Knowing that he knows that his sister has "problems" is now evident why the addictions. About Love, she killed Sophia on the urge to "protect" her brother. And she continued to protect him. I think this is the most genuine thing in Love, in a very extreme way to say the least, she just wants to protect her brother. And have a family. Forty's death didn't seem stupid to me or a waste like Delilah's. But I wish Love had killed him and I'll tell you why.
Love wanted a new family right? Killing Forty would first, in a disturbed way protect him. Something similar to Liv in The Haunting of Hill House that tried to kill Luke and Nell to protect them from the world. And it would also symbolize that she chose this new family with Joe.
Ellie, congratulations. It is difficult to write a teenager who is not boring or fake, because right ... teenage years is a difficult phase. And I think Ellie got it very well the recklessness, innocence, the "I know everything" natural of this phase
I'm pretty sure the woman next door is Joe's mom. Because it is the kind of coincidence that happens a lot in fiction. And as much as I want to see that, I think they need a good reason to bring his mother right now. Coincidence in fiction is only good when it puts characters in trouble and when that problem can't be solved in an episode.
In season three I just accept Ellie killing Love and then exposing Joe, and him dying in prison.
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stark-raving-madd · 3 years
E-5 (later dubbed Genesis) (13-14) is a rather...eccentric girl. She is pure, sweet, innocent, mischievous and curious by nature. But she also has darker traits. She is ruthless, a bit selfish, animalistic to the core. She was never raised properly, and because of that she acts more animal than human. She’s very affectionate, and imprints on the people she loves similar to how animals do. She is unable to speak any language, due to never learning one as she was growing up. She isn’t very intelligent in fact, and she struggles with logical subjects that require cognitive sense and critical thinking. Sometimes she appears rude to others, because she has no concept of rudeness. She’s very physically strong however, being able to fight against a man with several years of military experience.
Elijah Stallard (31) is the son of Cain Stallard, the previous leader of the Haven, and the current leader of the Haven. He is very well liked by everyone in the Haven, and has a son named Adam, whom he is very protective of (so it seems) and only certain doctors have clearance to. He has a gentle smile with a soothing voice, which captivates everyone in the Haven with his encouraging speeches about humanity’s future. However, everyone at the Haven also has a certain...fear of him. He does *not* tolerate disobedience, and those who do are punished accordingly. He is very analytical and curious, especially about Genesis. He has a younger half-sister named Sarah Lunastar, who he grew up with and cherishes.
Julius Cyprus (24) is a hunter to the core, as his entire family line is known for their great strategic thinking. He is close friends with Sarah Lunastar, and treats Genesis as his daughter. He is as big as a bear, but known for his big brotherly aura. Many kids in the Haven look up to him, as he is the hunter that brings the most food home, much to the chagrin of the other hunters in the Haven.
Gabriel Kruger (17) is a young man in the Haven, who is currently training to become a scientist. He looks up greatly to Elijah as his idol. He is one of Genesis’s first friends at the Haven, and he is very patient and attentive to her. He later on even views her as someone even closer than a friend or sister. He tends to be a bit impulsive at times, and makes decisions without thinking of the consequences. This hasn’t gotten him in serious danger yet, but…
Sarah Lunastar (26) is a doctor and scientist in the Haven and the younger half-sister to Elijah Stallard. She is playful and teasing, but can never bring herself to make jokes about Julius, her best friend, out of fear of offending him. She is very dedicated to humanity’s future, and is dead set on slowly figuring out who and what Genesis is. She tends to be a bit insensitive sometimes by accident, asking people sensitive questions to figure out more about them and how their mind works.
A-5 (named Adam) (13-14) is a mysterious boy that no one in the Haven (besides the scientists that operate on him) has actually laid their eyes upon. He is only heard over the intercom, and the only thing that is known about him is that he is Elijah’s son. The people who have seen him note him as being quiet and even a bit mischievous. Despite his passive nature, he isn’t one to take condescension or have people take pity on him for his frail body. He also seems to have a special connection with Genesis.
Other Characters (WIP)
Joseph Nevaro (17)
Phoebe Oaks (16)
Ruth Langdon (12)
Shiloh Langdon (15)
Noah Hastings (14)
Moses Winchester (20)
Judas Shirley (19)
Matthias Shirley (14)
Delilah (32)
Jacob (23)
Asher (23)
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brvisedmorality · 4 years
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[ TESSA THOMPSON, 37, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER ] Have you seen BENTLEY BOURDEAUX down in St. Landry again? I heard they’re one of the BOSS, for the KELLEY’s now. They’ve been so CUT THROAT & GUARDED lately, it’s no wonder. I’ll sure miss when they were CREATIVE & SENTIMENTAL. I wonder if they’re going to stop listening to HEAVEN KNOWS by THE PRETTY RECKLESS. now, or if LILY TATTOOS WRAPPING AROIND HER HEART, A GAZE THAT DEFINES IF LOOKS COULD KILL & A RUSTED WEDDING RING BURIED IN THE SWAMPS will still announce ‘em.
Violet Maheaux was born in the backwoods of the bayou as a chilling side effect of what could only be called the hate fucking exchanged by her parents. She was the kind of woman that you admired for both her inherit, natural beauty and her dreams. The dreams were always the big ones, the ones that involved making a name for herself and leaving the sleepiness of this little town behind forever.  As pretty as she was, that was all that the ancestors saw fit to give her, nothing much more. They didn’t see it important to offer the woman the tools that she needed in order to make it out of her circumstances, there was no second chance at a life unless she learned to use the one thing that she did have – her body. Violet learned at her young age that for as many dreams as she had, her parents had that many less. They could barely spell the word dream let alone live it, so there was no other choice for her to start to get creative. She managed to learn that the world would open up to you just as soon as you opened your legs. Pussy, that was the one marketable talent that she was born with and she decided to use it as such. The phrase gold digger was one that had been coined especially for her, the girl with champagne taste and beer money. Through the years she had found men here and there but she never really managed to accomplish anything great from sloppy blowjobs and quick sex until she met Weston Bordeaux.
Weston was not only the most desirable man that she had ever seen, his bank account reflected just the right amount of zeroes to make him the prime candidate to run her right out of the woods and into the penthouse. There were two dates before she found herself pinned to the backseat of his Bentley, a chorus of convincing moans and slick sheen of sweat resulting in her golden ticket, the baby that he put inside her that night. In all her glory, she managed to rope on of New Orleans’s most eligible bachelors. Weston’s parents were not about to let a bastard child be born with the prestigious Bordeaux name so he had no choice other than to marry the downgrade that he had made the mistake of impregnating. Their marriage was one that sealed fates ticket to bring the poor house to the Hamptons, so to speak. In commemorative fashion of their fuck trophy, Violet elected to name their first born child Bentley. The keep sake that lived and breathed was born shortly after they were married and there were days where she regretted even that simple, silver spoon mistake.
Bentley’s childhood was one that was filled with attention from anyone other than her parents. The people that whispered through the halls of their house, the ones that dusted ancient heirlooms and tended to the children were the ones that she knew the best. Her mother was a ghost of a woman, a woman whose only goal had been to get somewhere where she didn’t need to worry about money. She accomplished that goal on her back but now there was nothing left for Violet to aspire to. Weston on the other hand was miserable in the begging of their marriage and subsequently, while Bentley was growing up. He drank too much, worried even more and then of course eventually succumbed to his fate of loving the backwoods Barbie doll that he had been forced into marrying. The hurricane that was Bentley Mason stormed her way through the house and the grounds, never a soul to settle for too long. The wild child that her mother had been in her youth was the only trait she was thankful that she was passed down. There was no way to calm her waters or cage her desire to learn, love, hate, anything. She was as unpredictable as they came, something that her father saw as an immediate danger and attempted to cut off at the neck just as soon as possible. Weston’s suggestion for calming down their daughter was to all but sell her off to the highest bidder. Arranged marriages were a thing of the past, everyone said but what high society wanted, high society got.
The attempt to clip wings that were made for flying made Bentley more than enraged when she started coming into her teens. It was delicate age, the age where rebellion could come running into the back of your head and make its home there. It did just that, as a matter of fact. She was a wild horse that bucked the saddle they were trying to fit her with in every sense that she possibly could, but eventually daddy won out. He managed to rope her into a relationship with a man who was ten years her senior, ignoring the obvious age gaps and general inappropriate nature of their pairing, he was just happy someone would continue the prestige that was promised by the life he knew. The one thing that daddy didn’t know was that he had just pushed his darling daughter into the arms of malice, abuse, and violence all rolled into one. That was her dance with the devil, her chance to lose the wide eyed innocence that she had been born with. Her only saving grace was her sister, Delilah.
Bentley only stayed around for as long as she did because of her little sister, someone needed to be there to hold the hand of the most precious thing that shared her bloodline. Delilah Lily Bordeaux was the one thing that brought her head back down from the clouds and centered her in a way that one other hand that had ever touched her managed too. The problem with that was that Bentley was only human (as far as she knew), she could only handle so much. The straw that had broken the camel’s back was the last time that her husband to be busted her lip wide open. The copper taste of her own blood in her mouth was enough to break down the last of her defenses, leaving her with one choice at the ripe age of sixteen and that was to leave. She abandoned the family, the money, and the manufactured sense of both safety and love, making the last strike the last time that someone would ever put their hands on her without regretting the decision.
Leaving the house on the hill that she had been born in and subsequently her sister, affectionately coined as Lily, was the one thing that will constantly be a soft, untouched mistake that she still didn’t speak about. It was the reason that some nights she woke up screaming, other mornings she contemplated just ending the suffering that radiated from that hole that was left in her chest by the happenings at that house. Shortly after Bentley left home, Lily then twelve would just so happen to go missing. They searched for her for days, spending minutes, hours, days trying to find any sign of what had happened to the small girl with the sincerest of smiles. Local law enforcement combined with neighbors and friends scoured the woods, the swamps, everything that they could to find any sign of the youngest Bordeaux sister. The overly eager attempts to find the child by one neighbor in particular would be the downfall of the whole scenario, eventually finding that he had raped, brutalized and then killed the light of Bentley’s life weeks earlier, not even bothering to bury the body but instead leaving her in the basement of his oversized home right next to the Bordeaux’s house. This is what heart break feels like, this is what heartbreak sounds like, hell – this is what heartbreak looks like.
Bentley’s lines were blurred forever after that small, simple incident that came to define her own personal views on morality. She didn’t mind becoming the judge, jury and the executioner because that final kick in the balls so to speak came when they acquitted this man on a technicality that she was sure that his lawyer bought with all that money that they had to offer him. It was the law, the government that allowed him to not only kill her flesh and blood, but turned the blind eye to it. It was then that fate decided to brand itself a killer at the ripe age of sixteen. It was the first body that ever disappeared under Bentley’s name, but it sure as hell wouldn’t be the last one. That was the thing about blood, once you got it on your hands, those stains never did come out.
True to the saying, the first cut was the deepest, but that didn’t mean it was going to be some kind of well learned lesson. Instead, it became a means to an end. Regardless, the one mistake she’d made was getting caught. The person who caught her had a badge that she assumed would somehow steal the loyalty from her to it, but she was pleasantly surprised. The pair eventually took off together, until he’d left her in a cheap, roadside motel, to deal with the reality of her hand written tragedy. Upon coming back to town, Marie Kelley took her in. After all, she’d always known the girl, and something told Bentley, that when she looked at her? Somehow, she didn’t see the same monster that B did when she looked in the mirror. 
The Kelley family became the only family she knew and loved, aside from her sister, that she carried with her every day. That was the only reason she was allowed to climb the ranks the way she did, and it was at Marie’s dying recommendation, that she took the throne. A gift, that she hadn’t intended to waste then, and surely wouldn’t now. 
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