#delicious mezcal
dailybehbeh · 2 years
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lvrsparadise · 1 year
Favorite fast food
My favorite fast-food place is most definitely Taco Bell or Taco Hell as people call it
And my favorite thing to get from fast food places is definitely just a classic chicken nuggets or tenders, ketchup, and fries. No doubt about it
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ceojerry · 2 years
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0311 | «Para todo mal, #Mezcal, para todo bien, también, y si no hay remedio, litro y medio. Si el mal es del #Corazón con más razón, pero si el mal está cabrón, un galón, y si el mal es renuente hay que empezar nuevamente. Ay mezcal bendito, ay mezcal sagrado, cuida mi intestino, el grueso y el delgado. Me sirvo la copa, levanto el brazo, inclino el codo y a la salud de todos me lo chingo todo» #400Conejos #RelájateJerry #Chulada #Delicious #ElMártir #AnteTodoActitud #Espadín #Oaxaca https://www.instagram.com/p/CprRdjcMqsX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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biasbuck · 2 months
BiAsBuck’s ficrec Fridays
I actually did start drafting this yesterday but then my day got derailed by moustacheddie. Back again with another round of the fic I've been reading this week! You can find previous rec lists here.
27 July 2024
if you leave the light on by cloudydaisies is a post-canon fic that skips the messy bits and goes straight to a place where Buck and Eddie are free to be with each other. Though of course nothing is ever that straightforward, and here the speedbump comes in the form of an extended jeep engine light metaphor that works so beautifully. A delicious slow burn, in which Buck trusts Eddie when he says he can fix his truck and it's best to just stay with him and carpool until it's ready. Some really really lovely romance.
loves a game, wanna play? by @exhuastedpigeon have I ever seen a single episode of Love Island? No! Did that stop me enjoying the heck out of this wonderfully indulgent and fun fic. Absolutely not. In an effort to get Eddie out of his post-canon summer without Chris funk, Buck convinces him to sign up to Love Island with him. Has Eddie seen Love Island? No. Will that stop him from finding the love that's been right in front of him all along (and get a tan whilst he's at it?) Absolutely not! So funny and playful. A genuine and utter delight.
Drink in Hand by EiraLloyd a Hen POV Eddie coming out fic, with bonus Karen. In which Eddie kisses a guy at a bar and likes it:
She asks, “How bad is this going to be?”
Eddie holds out the bottle he’s carrying so she can read the label. “I brought mezcal.”
Translation: I’m having an existential crisis.
How is Hen supposed to turn him away? He brought mezcal.
so much left in store by @lesbianrobin in which Eddie is a single Dad in college, and Buck is the adhd punk kid at the back of the class, but of course he's an absolute baby whisperer. As they quickly become best friends and each other's support systems, Buck lets Eddie into a way to blow of steam...but a small disaster might accidentally lead to firefighters showing up.
all your letters in the sand (cannot heal me like your hand) by @dadbodbuck ok a sharp left turn into some hard angst here, so heed the trigger warnings and make sure you're safe when reading, this explores an on the page suicide attempt and subsequent recovery. In the wake of his mistakes and struggling with Chris' absence, Eddie's mental health rapidly declines. Buck and Tommy are there to catch him and offer a safe space to land. Not sugarcoated, this is crunchy and painful to read at times, but the love shines through, and though it's not a simple or easy journey, Eddie finds the support he needs to let professionals help him.
With a Friend in the Dark by Uncertainty_Principle and apparently I was in an angsty mood whilst fighting off this stupid cold because I also really loved this S3 post lawsuit, nobody is speaking to him, 'what if Buck found out his clots were lukemia' fic. Poor Buck just can't get the words out when he needs them, stuck in a miscommunication nightmare, and with a childhood secret about to blow up in his face. Maddie and Chim step in and soon the 118 realise just what the price is of holding on to anger. Just so much emotional whiplash. Whilst part one is complete, the follow up fic is a wip in progress now!
Maybe We're Strong by @ponyregrets finally it's time for some buddie meets The Good Place crossover fic, in which Bobby is Michael and Buck and Eddie are trying to figure out how they ended up in the good place when they've barely even lived their lives yet, Eddie's still in the army and Buck has been travelling but was thinking about maybe being a firefighter. Putting the firefam in this dynamic just works so well!
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squirrellypoo · 1 year
IWTV Signature cocktails
We’ve got a home bar and enjoy developing new cocktails for our seasonal menus. Last winter's menu was based on internet sensation Jorts the Cat, for instance.
This weekend I hosted the first London meet-up for fans of the AMC Interview with the Vampire tv show so of course (of course!) we developed two signature cocktails in tribute for the event. Our fall menu is going to be Halloween-themed so we'll keep these in rotation for a while longer, too!
Un Petit Coup
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This one’s a nicely balanced sweet, sour, smoky, and slightly spicy alcoholic sipping drink, with the bonus of having a pool of chocolate sauce at the bottom of the glass!
7.5ml Jalapeño syrup* 15ml Mezcal 15ml Cherry Heering 10ml Lime juice (~1/2 lime) Chocolate sauce drizzle rim Shake with ice. Hawthorn strain into a chilled Nick & Nora glass. Drizzle chocolate sauce around the inside of the rim.
* To make the Jalepeño syrup: Combine 1 chopped jalapeño, 100g sugar, 100ml water in a saucepan. Boil. Turn off heat. Once cooled, strain into jar & refrigerate. Lasts a few weeks so long as your jar or bottle is perfectly clean.
Tears of a Clown
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We also wanted to offer our guests an equally fun non-alcoholic cocktail. My starting point for this one was that I wanted to hit as many tastes as possible - spicy, sour, sweet and bitter. I hate that so many non alcoholic cocktails are just sugar bombs, so I wanted something you could sip and savour. This is absolutely delicious, and well worth seeking out bottles of the Italian bitter soda Sanbitter online.
1 barspoon Siracha 75ml Cranberry juice drink 100ml Sanbitter Pomegranate seeds Build in a rocks glass. Stir siracha & cranberry together in glass to combine. Add ice. Top with Sanbitter & stir. Top with pomegranate seeds.
Please share if you'd drink these vampire cocktails! I saw that AMC had some really basic bitch Pom-sponsored mocktails at the SDCC activation, but frankly, ours are way, way better!
Feel free to ask me any questions about these and let me know what you think if you make them yourself!
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trivialbob · 8 months
During our vacation Sheila hired a guide to take us to really local places to try some food and drink. Ours was a walking tour. Golf cart and bike tours are available too. Next year I want to try the bike version.
We started the evening taking a taxi from our place at the north end of Isla Mujeres to the La Gloria neighborhood. We met up with our guide, Jose.
(much more after the cut)
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First stop: Dessert! Jose explained that people were getting too full by the end of the tours and skipping dessert. So now he likes to start with that. I don't like sweets and desserts a lot, so this was definitely the way for me to eat some -- on an empty stomach.
We entered a small courtyard in front of a home. There was a stove and griddle and one four-top table under a tin roof. Our hosts served us flan. It was excellent. This is probably the first time I've finished any dessert in years.
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Second stop: This was at a food cart parked in the street. A handwritten sign said "Hay Tamales," which I think means "Here are tamales."
We were served elote, a Mexican street corn salad. The portion was decent-sized and the elote was like comfort food. Had Sheila or I made this at home, it would be the sort of thing I would have left on the stove so I could snack on it all night long.
Had there not been five local people waiting in line, I probably would have broken open the foam cup to lick the bottom after I'd spooned out everything else.
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Third stop: Panaderia Emmanuel Bakery. Jose explained that Mexican bakeries are open in the evening, unlike the American ones that open early in the morning. We had our choice of various fresh buns, donuts, and pastries. Sheila and I each selected an item. They were tasty and large. Thank goodness we were able to take home what we couldn't eat. Had we finished the bakery items, we would have been too full to go to the next four stops. (Here is the bakery in a Google Maps picture.)
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Fourth stop: This was at a small, outdoor kitchen under a canvas roof. Two women were cooking food. We were served pork carnitas on a fresh bakery roll. I really liked this place. The sandwich was huge, and for real I started to wonder if I could keep eating at the remaining sites. I brought home half of the carnitas that night.
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Fifth stop: We entered a small, private bar. It was beautiful inside; my phone just didn't capture a decent shot of it. The pandemic killed business here. The place now is open only for small, special events.
We were here for a mezcal tasting. First we sipped Fandango, accompanied by lime and salt. I loved it. Next we sampled some house mezcal, infused with honey, vanilla, and cinnamon. Here's where things get more interesting. We drank this one with some pinches of a mixture of black pepper, salt, and crickets.
Some might think eating crickets would require a healthy dose of mezcal first. But our drink portions weren't of a size that could make me abandon all caution and agree to something like bungee jumping or swimming with great white sharks. Sheila and I didn't hesitate to try the black, powdery mix.
I would have been fine ending the tour right here, assuming I could keep drinking mezcal with the sides, including the non-vegan one.
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Sixth stop: This was at a small, yet traditional bar and restaurant named Chile & maíz. The night we did our tour was the start of Carnival. Many people had gone to the north end of the island for the celebration, leaving this restaurant empty for the evening.
The cook prepared for us chicken tinga sopes. Could the food keep getting better that night? So far, yes. The chicken stew on a fried tortilla was delicious. And filling. Sheila and I got a to-go box for some of it.
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Apparently Chile & maíz is fairly new. I checked Google Maps to get a daylight picture (below). The logs that will eventually support a sloped roof are visible, but nothing else indicating a restaurant is being constructed. What we saw last night was very well done.
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Seventh stop: Jose brought us to Daria's Delivery. The chef is staring up a new business. So far it is a kitchen on the second floor of a building. There is a commercial cook top, a table with four chairs, and one green bird in a birdcage. As we entered, the chef's adorable young daughter (maybe 4-years-old) came out from the living quarters right behind the table and greeted us with a big smile.
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Our final dish of the night was chile relleno which is one of my favorite Mexican foods. Daria's didn't let me down. Very tasty.
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During the tour we got to know more about Jose, his restaurant experiences, and his family. At the end he walked with us for a bit. He explained how the food tour supports the local cooks.
The tour was really fun because there's no way at all Sheila and I would have found all these small places on our own. It's not like they all had neon signs.
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We ended up quite full. Walking around the La Gloria neighborhood helped burn off a few of those calories. I'm sure I'll return to Isla at some time, and this will be on my to-do list.
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jamiesfootball · 1 year
I have a thing where between the second and third season Dani took Jamie back with him to Mexico for most of the summer break. Dani's family spoiled them rotten with delicious food, and he met all of Dani's siblings and cousins and aunts and uncles. More than five of the young ones, they all want to be strikers like Dani and they all want to play for Mexico like Dani and they all look up to Dani with stars in their eyes and they make Jamie and Dani run drills with them until dinner. Dani's mama doesn't speak a word of english, but the whole time he's there she keeps patting him on the cheek and smiling and fussing and Jamie can't understand a word she says but he's never felt so certain in his life that he was in someone's good graces.
Amigo de Dani. Tu amigo, Dani? Dani's friend. He was Dani's friend, and for that they threw doors open wide and embraced him with the same warmth that made Dani burn like the sun.
It was overwhelming. It was fucking brilliant.
And while they were there they had like. A real camping trip. Tents on the ground and twenty of Dani's closest relatives getting plastered on tequila. At night him and Dani curl up in a tent and pass a bottle of mezcal back and forth without any real intent, too busy cackling over stupid jokes.
With Dani's sleeping bag pressed against his shoulder and a low tent hanging over him, Jamie doesn't feel crowded. Laying on the ground doesn't feel like a hardship; it feels like a sleepover. With the weight of an open sky hovering just out of sight, he feels small and free. The world feels vast with potential. He feels excited about what's waiting for him back in Richmond. They've been promoted, the lads like him, Roy Kent hugged him for fuck's sake. This time last year he was miserable in Manchester and contemplating nuking his career. It feels surreal, how much better his life has gotten.
Yeah, next year's going to be better. He knows it.
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dootsnaps · 2 months
5mg thc+25mg cbd+ 1 shot of delicious mezcal, and 200mg progesterone an hour or so ago.
not just Kinda High any more i can barely type lmao how am i such a lightweight fkslla
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meowww-ffxiv · 3 months
DT blorbo thoughts, not really spoilery. It's just Meowdred being Ul'dahn (merchant) with the Pelupelu.
Canon to him, I think the gang had a slightly easier time with the Pelupelu when they first arrived as far as asking where the elector was.
Because Meowdred heard these people liked to trade, and trading something first before starting discussions in earnest was a good form that he hoped was practiced here as well.
Alisaie was squinting at Meowdred the whole time because he brought a small cart of things with him, but when they actually got there, he got the merchants talking in less than 2 hours and they were at the ranch real fast.
The cart was mysterious still full when they left. Alphinaud asked Meowdred if he didn't trade for anything after all? To which Meowdred replied, "Of course I did. They're all different things."
They were.
He brought milk tea and fabrics, leather coats often favored by Coerthan gatherers, metal tools made with Ishgardian metallurgy techniques, and crafted "rock warmers" that retained heat extremely well that could be warmed then put in your pockets to ward off chill. And tea from Coerthas.
In exchange, Meowdred got bolts upon bolts of alpaca wool, mezcal, 8 different blends of mate tea, 8 different blends of coffee, and the thing that was most expensive: saplings of each tree that he immediately spent an additional 2000g to get them to Idyllshire.
One of the botanist quests around level 50-70 was to help people living in the now-very-cold regions of Coerthas to find new, sustainable crops. Mordred never forgot that. He had been going back and forth all across the world trying to find new plants for them for years, and also sharing their plants with the First, to diversify the flora. Because the Crystalline Mean quest on the First was also to do with malnutrition, because the limited environments meant the people had limited nutritional sources.
It made Alphinaud and Alisaie wonder if they should also be doing this... but Theodore told them that they should take their time and wait until the contest was over. Meowdred was just crazy and had to do 50 things at once or he'd get bored.
That wasn't entirely the truth. Mordred was rushing NOW because he felt like the City of Gold was gonna be some alien bullshit and what if he disappeared off the Source for 5 years like Thancred did when he was snatched off the Source? Gotta make sure things proceeded apace.
They almost didn't leave Urqopacha on time though.
Or rather, they almost had to leave Meowdred behind, because after he unleashed his entire exotic inventory on them, he sat down and started talking, and the locals realized he was very well-traveled with the exact kind of interest that they had. So they kept Meowdred there, who was enthusiastic and didn't mind, for a full day.
Theodore had to come and drag him away because they still had a contest for the throne to attend or did he forget?
Meowdred tearfully bade farewell to his new friends in Urqopacha.
Only to sneak right back into town with more things he'd scoured up or crafted himself the moment he had free time again.
The amount of goods that Meowdred first carted into the Pelupelu's town was brought over from Eorzea for that very purpose. With Tataru's blessings of course.
Since he'd traded them all away (and forwarded the delicious drinks back to Tataru), he'd been helping around in town and beyond to learn more or get other stuff. Mostly Meowdred had been fixing their tools. But he would also use scraps of wool to test dyes and weave small ornaments for the kids.
Meowdred did the Pelupelu feat first, so when he got to the Hanuhanu, he didn't have personal goods left to trade. But he did still have an impressive amount of dyes, and sold them to the bird folks to see if they'd look good on their feathers.
Basket-weaving wasn't something Meowdred was entirely unfamiliar with, but he wasn't as interested in that as using reed to make paper.
Also fruit preserves. From the fruits the Vanuvanu had, you understand.
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porlatamconlouis · 5 months
airport number two for jules.
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haven't slept, but i got to spend a few perfect hours with @asolos0ng and we ate amazing thai vegan food. this catfish eggplant dish blew my entire mind.
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how did they make eggplant look like thaaaaaaaat. incredible. it was delicious.
and we also had amazing vegan cheeze (not pictured, soz), and some gay mezcal.
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two more flights and i meet gabyyy!!! and louis tomorrooooow! or like in 2 days, something like that, anyway.
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ceojerry · 2 years
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1213 | «Para todo mal, #Mezcal, para todo bien, también, y si no hay remedio, litro y medio. Si el mal es del #Corazón con más razón, pero si el mal está cabrón, un galón, y si el mal es renuente hay que empezar nuevamente. Ay mezcal bendito, ay mezcal sagrado, cuida mi intestino, el grueso y el delgado. Me sirvo la copa, levanto el brazo, inclino el codo y a la salud de todos me lo chingo todo» #Chulada #RelájateJerry #Delicious #ElMártir #AnteTodoActitud #Joven #Maguey #Artesanal #Aleron #TopGun #CodingMAO (en Jerry's) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmIbyOjsydF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nickmillerscaulk · 5 months
i spent this past weekend in nyc and all i got was time spent in the same rooms as aaron tveit and sutton foster and jordan fisher, an afternoon in brooklyn, sunburn on my nose, two overpriced-but-delicious mezcal cocktails, and a collector's edition copy of rwrb
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womenscraftbeer · 2 years
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Captured that #goldenhour at what is fast becoming my favorite #southwestern restaurant & bar @alce101 in #solanabeach ✨ Alce means moose in Spanish, and there is a charming story that goes along with the naming of this cute spot. Be sure to ask them about it! AND be sure to explore the #tequila and #mezcal selection … their #spicymargarita is my pick 🔥🌶️ Cozy, comfy, dog friendly, and delicious! Thankfully ~swipe~ 👉🏼 @aychlynn agrees 😁🍹🙏🏼 #solanabeachcocktails #alce @joshuabythesea @esqueletodude_ (at ALCE 101- Kitchen + Tequileria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqWfW-Hvdwt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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quiltpacket · 2 years
got a wednesday drunk on. work project i’ve been dedicated to since 2018 is going to (read: has to) complete next month. today was culmination of work i did a year ago in spain, A.K.A. a personality-alteringly lonely period for me. you guys ever heard alchermes? it’s a real bug that they crush up and put in your drink that makes it delicious. it’s a little fucking mite. i highly recommend it with mezcal, as I do most things. too much information in this post , but alas , for the love of the blog . . .
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foodieproject · 2 years
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Smokey Blackberry Mezcal Cocktail - Fresh blackberry purée and lime juice bring a little sweetness to the deliciously smokey flavor of mezcal. https://www.jennifermeyering.com/smokey-blackberry-mezcal-cocktail/
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acommonloon · 1 year
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Walking walking, delicious smelling tree, another church, and...after two beers on a mostly empty stomach, Noche Mexican BBQ is a prayer answered...also in a church so. Brisket enchilada with house mole and a local Mexican lager. Finish with a mezcal.
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