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losergendered · 10 months ago
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ID: a set of 18 images in 9 pairs. each has one image of the listed centaurworld character, with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Horse from Centaurworld is a girlfail, girlfuck, transolar, genderalblanc, genderfaean, soflowic knight femme soldier with PTSD!
Her best friend Wammawink is a gigglegender, femact, meadowpreciparomic, anxiefem, delicaret, pinkcesscandi, ethererosic, convoheartic, sarpifaicorian, gendersylphet, futchgender, rivlerian, sapphoric, gastrafaeri pussycat chemme who uses she/her, they/them, yey/yem, lil/lily, and mae/mair pronouns! They have PTSD and hoard xenogenders to cope with their anxiety!
Zulius is a GNC, flamboric, crilxlygender, princeinfluencer, apollemian, hypertwink, raveziv, helifemme, femitransmascic, femprettyboy, torfemnic, turian bat/melodramatic twink! Hae use h♛/h♛m, cor/coroa, ro/rose, hae/hael, sie/sier, avi/avis, and no/noble pronouns!
Splendib is a high femme, pantherabutchis, kcttygender, femwaymasc, pantheric, solporcat, warsunial, lumisoul, royalvillainic, follifaeren, solahealine, castleconfettic, catzzzgender, cabaxygender, iridesdulcic, gaybitend bear who uses sol/sols, ti/tig, stripe/stripes, roar/roars, claw/claws, yawn/yawns, ae/aer, flor/flors, ir/irs, sta/star, and ro/royal pronouns!
Splendib and Zulius both have NPD, and are dating!
Glendale is a compliaro, lavenderian, intrafemmasc, justdoquoteic, gendermushthing, invinostaplaycore, egogender, acxygender, ontfille, alianeutre, whateverian maverique who uses any pronouns! _ has GAD, OCD, and kleptomania!
Chett is a neurodivergent, poly-het, boxyigender birdtaur with anger issues and undiagnosed PTSD and ADHD!
Comfortable Doug is a soft butch, nbiavir, oriwandic, unreloveian, neumaloumnine, foggyagin, dasoboy, aesonbimasc, crelloxigender, abandex, stoical, grossfreak, genderless transmasc, quoisexual, nebularomantic, dayoverian, trixic romeric thing who uses he/him, they/them, it/its, xai/xais, qt/qt, vey/vem, & spiri/spir pronouns! Vey have autism!
Durpleton is a hunkish, omnichromanite, jestericbell, sillyshowkidcorian, crezvaygender, chaokixygender, tooncomedic, sillygoofygender, autithing clutterboy! He is an autistic age regressor with ADHD, PTSD, and bipolar disorder!
His son Stabby is a twistute, kiddiedraconic, pasclownbunplushic, sillylittlenic, nonbinary presquoy who uses hy/hym, ‘e/’im, si/silly, and fwu/fwus pronouns! ‘E is autistic, has PTSD and nighttime anxiety!
For 🌖☄️ anon!
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ceduralshinji · 2 years ago
could i get icons of rewind mtmte on the delicaret flag?
I've been having trouble finding transparents, so I can't do your request. My apologies.
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scytheral · 2 years ago
i have a Question and a Request , if it is not too much to ask ..
r: a gender related to finding hell in soft things, blood , masc / childish themes ? (i mean this in a positive way .)
q: can we use your terms as rentry urls ? such as delicaret-idol or something similar .
W : Your wish Was just Queued. and His sacred Reveries couldn ' t Understand why The positive Reassurement was Needed , yet It found That funny .. 👁‍🗨🎀
R : Yes ! The dove Disease would Be fond Of such act in Colossal levels.
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