#deku will have his revenge once that bastard needs rock
habken · 3 months
Deku losing a game to todoroki or bakugou
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they're playing catan
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cdc1345711 · 7 years
My Hero Academia/Cartoon-Force Scene-Midoriya,Uraraka,Ida and Shinzou VS Eric,Barry,Bunsen and Hell-Ozzy
(It was an almost dark afternoon and Midoriya,Uraraka and Ida were on patrol capturing any C-Forcers they see-so far they found nothing)
Midoriya:Seems to be a slow night”
Uraraka:Been slow since the C-Force came to town”
Ida:I don’t want to hear another word of it(he says while making his usual hand gestures)They are vigilantes who are putting the law into their own hands and I will not stand for it”
Midoriya:(Knowing Ida once put the law into his own hand arresting Hero Killer Stain then remembering Stain being killed by Freddy Krueger)We’ll get them(Hearing a bank alarm going off)It’s a robbery”
Uraraka:Shouldn’t we let the cops handle this?”
Ida:Normally yes Uraraka but we as heroes must answer any call to justice-whether it’s a small bank robbery or a massive(sees the villains beaten and tied to a pole with a sign saying ‘Here are some ass-holes who need to go to jail love CFs’ on it)riot”
Midoriya:They were here”
Uraraka:(Sees movement in the alley)There-I see them”
(The trio follows them to see one of them pinning Shinzou-brainwashing quirk-to a wall)
Barry:My friends and I don’t like being stalked by some wannabe hero so I’m gonna teach you a lesson(raises his hand which is covered in a purple aura)buh bye”
(Before he could attack Shinzou an alien similar to him grabs his hand)
Eric:NO BARRY-we’re here to beat or kill criminals not heroes”
Barry:Little shit tried to brainwash me but didn’t know his quirk doesn’t work on us(tightening his grip on Shinzou’s arm causing him to groan)”
Barry:Peh fine(lets go of Shinzou but feels the trio’s presence)we got company”
Eric:I felt it too”
(They turn to see Midoriya,Ida and Uraraka)
Ida:Freeze foul villains for you two are under arrest for your crimes”
Barry:(Not listening to Ida looks at him and Midoriya)Wait a minute aren’t you two of the three boys who beat Stain but had that ass-hat Endeavor take credit?”
Uraraka:Oh my gosh Deku that alien sounds like.....”
Barry:Only more threatening sounding names Barry and this killjoy is my older brother Eric”
Eric:Not now Barry”
(Barry attacks both Ida and Midoriya while Eric takes Uraraka)
Eric:I don’t want to hurt you kid”
Uraraka:I don’t want to either but you have to let us arrest you”
Eric:Not now-too much to do”
(Ida and Midoriya dodge Barry’s attacks and before Midoriya can land a punch he hears gun fire and dodges the bullet and sees Hell-Ozzy and Bunsen the Beast)
Hell-Ozzy:Back down boys-this ain’t got nothing to do with you”
Midoriya:(Looking at Hell-Ozzy’s look)Red gelatinous skin,chiseled horns,rock hand you.......”
Hell-Ozzy:Wha......(gets punched hard by Midoriya)”
Hell-Ozzy:Kacchan? what are......oh you mean that exploding bastard who I beat to Holy Hell-yeah that was me(Midoriya punches him again and as he uses his stone hand to inspect his bloody lip-punches Midoriya back)”
(Back in the fight Ida still handles Barry but Eric escaped and Uraraka now faced Bunsen)
Uraraka:Just because you’re cute don’t expect me to go easy on you”
Bunsen:I don’t want to hurt a girl but(transforms into a bigger beast)but I won’t let you arrest my friends”
Uraraka:(Sees his size)Eep”
Barry:How are you able to beat a hero killer and not some alien-what did that prick do to you to make you so pissed off?”
Ida:He attacked and crippled my brother”
(After hearing Ida say that he stopped attacking)
Ida:What-why are you?”
Barry:If anyone hurt any of my brothers or sisters I’d want revenge too and for that you have my respect”
Barry:Speaking of which-where is Eric?”
(Midoriya continues to fight Hell-Ozzy but this time he’s not hitting back)
Midoriya:Fight back-FIGHT BACK DAMN YOU!!!!!!!”
Hell-Ozzy:No dice kid-I only beat that bastard Bakugo because he needed to be taught a lesson in life-that you can’t act like an animal and be called a hero”
Midoriya:YOU WANT AN ANIMAL(punches Hell-Ozzy and pinns him down to the ground)I’LL SHOW YOU AN ANIMAL”
(He continues to viciously beat Hell-Ozzy to a bloody pulp while feeling someone trying to stop him)
Midoriya:He attacked Kacchan”
Eric:And beating him to near death will change that?”
Midoriya:Don’t play heroics with you let Freddy Krueger capture and beatup Todoroki and kill Stain”
Eric:We didn’t know he’d do that-why do you think we didn’t rescue him? we’re letting that badly burnt bastard rot in jail-you’re acting like a villain than a hero”
(Ida,Barry,Bunsen and Uraraka look in shock at Midoriya and the beaten Hell-Ozzy)
Midoriya:Oh God what have I become?(he covers his messy hands on his face and cries)”
Hell-Ozzy:(Standing up)I surrender into your custody”
(The trio let Barry,Eric and Bunsen escape while they arrest Hell-Ozzy and send Shinzou to the hospital)
Ida:You okay Midoriya?”
Midoriya:No-no i’m not,I almost killed someone”
Uraraka:That’s right you ‘almost’ killed him”
Midoriya:If Eric didn’t intervened I would have”
Uraraka:(Holding Midoriya’s hand)I know you only did that to avenge Bakugo but I know you’re not a killer you’re a hero”
Ida:And an even greater friend(he said while putting a hand on his shoulder)and we’ll be there to help you through this time”
Midoriya:(Crying)Thank you guys”
(The trio head home after their patrol)
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