#deiino family
Ino month day 8: (DeiIno) OC children
Made with @softcandelight
Name: Inomi Yamanaka
Clan: Yamanaka
Age: 12
Birthday: April 2nd
Parents: Ino Yamanaka and Deidara 
Other family:
Deirou Yamanaka (younger brother)
Komakaki Yamanaka (younger brother)
Kireina Yamanaka (younger sister)
Daiani Yamanaka (younger suster)
Inoichi Yamanaka (grandfather)
Kekkei Genkai: Explosion Release, Yamanaka clan techniques
Village: Konoha
Ninja rank: chunin
Nature type: Earth and explosion release
Hair color: Light blond
Eye color: blue
Personality: Taking after her mother, she is confident, bold and prideful in her appearance. She loves explosions, not as art like her father but gets a thrill at them, her eyes lighting up when watching them. She can have too much confidence in her abilities, being too prideful and going as far as to taunt her opponents. Inomi, much to her father's dismay, believes art is something that lasts as longs as the creator, mostly looking at flowers and plants for this as proof.
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tsukinobherzhoka12 · 6 years
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Ino Yamanaka month tribute: Deidara & Ino Tragic siblings au
“ They are tragic because they are just tragic”
“Hello Brother” Ino greeted him in a solemn manner; not revealing any emotion on her face.
As Deidara saw who greeted him, he was too surprised about the situation.
And then, he let out a mad laugh that would haunt them for days
Photos are not mine
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mrsbakashi · 2 years
What’s your favorite Naruto ship and what draws you to it?
oh, but they're so many 😩
first of all, canon or non canon? the ones i'm the only one who ships it or the popular ones? romantic or platonic?
let's go by parts.
i'm really into nejiten (neji + tenten) now. i know they're not technically a couple, and most likely only really good friends, and yesterday i read a post talking about how they're not a good match because they don't add anything to each other, and i agree in parts, but i also love how they're just comfortable with each other, how natural it seems, how they take care of each other, how much the believe in each other, everything is just so reciprocal. even if the clan wouldn't allow them to get married or whatever, and if they did she would have to change her whole self (which i believe she wouldn't), she is strong, he is strong, they don't need each other, but the choose to be together. idk, it probably doesn't make any sense, but i LOVE them together, there's something about them.
and i also love naruhina (naruto + hinata). "oh, but Hinata is so submissive, she's so weak, she's ridiculous blablabla" yeah, ok. Hinata is strong, ok? she's STRONG. and i know it was kinda obsession, but i love how she was always there for Naruto, loving him, believing in him, defending him, ever since the beginning. and my boy deserved the love! he made friends along the way, but all of his friends didn't believe in him in the beginning - quite the opposite. and she's constant. she trains to get stronger - and yes, ok, Naruto shouldn't be her inspiration and all, because she had deeper issues going on with her clan and she being the heir should do something about it, but hey, naruto is a great inspiration! and they are so good for each other! and then she has the choice to be home and take care of her kids, and i know that's "oh, that's so weak, ridiculous, feminism much?" but it was her choice - she finally had peace and gave my boy peace and a loving family. i'll defend them, fight me!
itasaku (itachi + sakura) as well - i just KNOW she would save him. i do like sasusaku for a number of reasons (specially because i love sakura, fight me), but the whole older brother thing gets me. perfection.
also kakagai (kakashi + gai) because their friendship is probably my favorite in the whole show, i love them too much for my own good and i wish I had a gai in my life.
another (weird) one is deiino (deidara + ino). LISTEN, BEFORE JUDGING, i would NEVER take Ino away from Sai, they're perfect together, but i kinda ship deiino because they're aesthetically perfect, but realistically they would never be together, they would kill each other in 20 minutes. i just love looking at the pictures 😩
and finally, but not last, sasunaru/narusasu (sasuke + naruto). i mean... come on! i don't even have to explain. kings of angsty.
ok, i think this covers my favorites. and i'm sorry , anon, you were probably expecting a short answer but i can't shut up 🤡
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enecola · 6 years
We definitely need more of the DeiIno family!
Agreed. Feel free to throw inspiration at me, and I when I have the time I might draw something.
OR someone could draw or write about them! wink!
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