#definitely should get around in order of disappereance
pulquedeguayaba · 9 months
Was chatting with this other guy that works for my boss about Dan Brown and reccomended him Angels and Demons and was about to spill all of my lust for Stellan cos he appears in that one too
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redneonmoons · 8 years
The Golden Cave (Newt Scamander x Reader)
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Prompt: same plot as most angst newt fics (except angstier)
Word Count: 2395
A/N: Yeah Yeah, I know.  The Bones part 3 fic should be out.  Well, now I can work on it without this fic being in the way. XP
“Hey Y/N?” Newt called.
“Yes?” I called back, trying to find him from where I stood.
“Can you feed the mooncalves?” he asked, “The Goldsteins have invited us to dinner so I was hoping you will be okay with me starting on my way.  With you in the case.”
“Good idea,” I replied, picking up the buckets with the mooncalves’ food.
He disappeared into the shed as I walked over to the mooncalves’ enclosure.  It has been eight months since I started working with Mr. Scamander.  I wouldn't trade it for the world.  His creatures were fantastic and amazing and so very lovely.  Though my favorite creature was the magizoologist himself.  His goofy smile was enough to cure any grumpy mood I may be in.  I fancied him.  I fancied him a lot, but those feelings were kept inside a cage in my heart.  I didn't need to ruin this friendship with selfish desires.
Sighing, I petted a stray mooncalf who was rubbing up against me.  I wanted to tell him.  Desperately, but I am strong.  If he wants to go further in our relationship he would say.  But that didn't stop the slight aching in my heart.
"We're here!" Newt called.
"Finally!" I exclaimed, hopping off the rock I was sitting on.
I was up the ladder in record time.  I turned to close the case when I heard Newt's laughter.  I grinned, happy Newt was enjoying himself.  I walked into the kitchen where Queenie greeted me excitedly.
"Oh Y/N!  I'm absolutely joyed to see you again," She cheered, dragging me to a chair next to her and Newt.
The dinner was amazing as always and there were plenty of stories to go around from Newt and I's adventures across the globe to Tina and Queenie's work-related tales.  The table was soon empty and everyone slowly went silent, tiredness taking over.  I excused myself from dinner and walked into the spare bedroom Newt and I were staying in.  I was jotting down some notes when Tina opened the door and came in, sitting down on Newt's bed.
"Y/N?" she asked, holding her hands on her lap.
"Yes?" I answered, looking up at her flustered face.
"I," pause, "I was wondering if Newt and you were," another pause, "Dating?" she asked.
Now it was my turn to pause, "Uh.  No."
She smiled, "Is it okay if I," pause, "Ask him out?"
My heart suddenly shattered into a million pieces.  It took all my strength to keep the waterfall of tears to come pouring.  I smile weakly at her.
"Sure," I replied, just keeping in a sob.
We sat together in silence before Tina got up and walked out the door.  I soon followed only turning to the door instead of the kitchen, grabbing my coat and donning it.
"Where are you going?" Newt asked.
"For a walk," I replied, opening the door and walking out.
I scrolled the lonely roads of New York, heading towards the frozen Central Park.  Snow softly fell, making me feel as numb as I feel on the inside.  Silent tears flowed down my cheeks, making them more frozen than normal.  I laid my cold body on a bench, casting a spell so I wouldn't die from the cold.  I whimpered as more tears fell and the sobbing became worst.  I soon cried myself to a restless sleep full of horrid dreams of lost.
I stood outside the Goldstein's apartment, hoping Queenie could sense me and let me in when Newt and Tina weren't there.
The door cracked open, "It's okay sweetie, you can come in now."
"Thanks," I said, walking in; my head down.
"Y/N," Queenie exclaimed, cupping my cheeks in her hands, "You're so cold.  What happened?"
"Just a bit of emotional cleansing," I replied, weakly.
"Liar," Queenie stated, leading me to the couch.
"I'm fine," I said, taking a seat, "I feel better already."
She frowned, giving me a sad look and waving her wand.  Two cups of tea floated over to us.  I took my cup and started drinking it, watching the fire.  Thirty minutes passed when I finished my cup.  I got up and walked to the spare bedroom.  I started at Newt's case before abruptly grabbing my backpack.  Just as I brought my wand out, Queenie burst through the door.
"Y/N!  No!" she cried out, trying to grab me.
But it was too late.  I already disapperated.
It has been six months.  Six months since I left my friends.  Since I left Newt.  I was in Italy.  Brought here by rumors of a rare wizarding artifact.  Ever since I left I enchanted my backpack to be like Newt's case.  It wasn't exactly like his for his is made for creatures.  Mine for rare and unique objects.  Anything valuable and shiny basically.  It wasn't as big as Newt's either.  Instead, mine was a small cave with a pool of crystal clear water.  The walls were carved with natural shelves for my artifacts.  Most of the floor was stone.  Using sea glass to replace sand for the entrance and bottom of the pool.  
This collecting is the only thing keeping me same.  Well.  That is what I tell myself.
Y/N . . . Come back . . .
"Shut up," I muttered, making a few passerby look at me odd.
Not that I cared.  I stopped smiling long ago.  I stopped feeling too.  My world has slowly turned to gray.  Like the walls of my cave.  This might be the real reason I collect those objects.  Because they're shiny.  I had basically turned into a depressed Niffler.  Chuckling at the thought absentmindedly, I looked up at the overcast sky.
"It's going to rain," I stated dully to no one.
Just like that, a raindrop fell on my cheek.  Several more followed while I adjusted my fedora and coat.  I whispered a password to a hobo, who pushed a button as I walked into a bar.
You shouldn't be here . . .
I ignored his words.  There just my imagination.  Sitting down in the back, I ordered some Italian butter-beer.
You're not safe here . . .
"Shut up," I muttered again as someone came to my side.
I looked over to see the waiter.
"Sorry, I was talking to myself," I mumbled, handing him some money and taking the drink.
"[Insert Italian gibberish]" Someone said, sitting across from me.
"English?" I asked, looking up at the man.
"Oh, yes.  Should have known.  I was just saying how you seemed different," He corrected.
"I'm here on business," I stated.
"You look like you're here to grieve," He said, then hastily added, "Just saying."
I smiled weakly, looking at my drink," That too I guess."
"So what brings you here on business?" He asked.
"I heard that someone was looking to sell a rare artifact."
"Oh I know just who you're looking for," he said excitedly.
"Me," He raised his hand to his chest.
"What are you looking to sell it for?" I asked as he brought out the shiny artifact.
"Have some magical beast on you?" he joked.
In any other setting, it would be funny but this just struck a chord with me.
"If you want a magical creature you should be asking for Newt Scamander," I spat, getting up and walking out into the pouring rain.
After finding a deserted alley, I went into my backpack putting an invisibility charm on it so no one could look in or steal it.  I kicked off my shoes and fell into my hammock, fresh tears falling from my cheeks.
Don't cry . . .
"GO AWAY!" I yelled, pulling my hair in frustration.
I'm here . . .
There were footsteps coming down my ladder.  My tears froze at the sight of who it was.  It was Queenie, a travel-worn Queenie.
"Oh Y/N," she said, sorrowfully, "You look awful."
I turned my back to her, "How did you find me?"
"There were rumors about a collector with some association with Newt Scamander."
"Don't you dare say his name," I warned.
There was a pause, "You hear his voice."
"I'm just going crazy, nothing I can't handle."
"Honey, you can't even handle the sight of me."
"I'm fine," I whimpered, wiping the tears away.
"Now that is just a lie and you know it.  Newt misses you."
"He'll be fine.  He has Tina."
"He is most definitely not fine Y/N."
"Have you told him why I left?"
"Why not?" I accosted, "Don't you think he would want a reason?"
"I do, but you should be the one to tell him."
"If you think I'll just come with you back to his arms, you're wrong."
"I don't need you to come with me," she smiled, mischievously, "Tina and I are just going to carry you there."
"Wait!  Why is Tina with you?" I yelled after her.
But it was too late.  I was stuck.
Heading towards the last place I wanted to go.
To Newt.
The days passed slowly.  Painfully slow.  Between the voice-in-my-head fits and the restless sleep, I was okay even though it felt like the longer we took the more panic filled me to the point that I was pacing with Queenie finally come down the ladder.
"We're here," she cheered but her attitude soon changed when she noticed my state.
She walked over to me and hugged me, "Come up when you're ready," she whispered.
"Okay," I said weakly, barely able to speak knowing Newt was somewhere above me.
I haven't moved.  It has been hours.  The nerves were slowly getting to me.  I looked at the pool.  Hesitantly I breathed out and walked to the edge, taking off my socks and over-shirt.  Still, with my tank-top and pants on, I waded into the shallow water; The water only going to my waist.  I dropped down, submerging my head below before bringing it back up.  I silently watched the ladder, hoping and despairing.  There were sudden yelling and loud crashes before footsteps came down the ladder.  I ducked my head into the water with my nose just high enough to breathe.
There he was.  Blue coat and all.  Standing there in my cave, looking around the room before finding me.  His face softened turning to sadness at the sight of me as he stared into my eyes.  Still not having said a word, he walked over to the water where he started taking off his shoes, socks, coat, jacket, and vest.  He then walked into the water, never letting his watering eyes off me as I raised to full height.
"Why are you crying?" he asked softly, slowing closing the space between us.
"It's just water," I lied, walking backward to keep the distance.
He noticed and frowned a little, disappointed.
"Y/N . . ." He said, but it sounded like he also said it in my head.
I closed my eyes and placed my hands over my ears; a pained expression covering my face.  Warm arms wrapped around me, one hand holding my head against his chest.  I immediately go limp at his touch.  He slowly pulled me to a shallower part of the pool.  Sitting down in the water, he cooed softly to me as I sobbed into his warm chest.
"Why did you leave?" he finally asked.
I paused my crying to look at him.  He eyes bore into mine so I looked back down, unable to hold his glance.
"I knew I couldn't keep up my facade if you and Tina started dating," I whispered, shaking in fear.
"What facade?" he questioned, pulling me closer to him.
"Th-that I love you more than a friend."
The silence that followed those words became deadly.  I didn't dare look up.  I know deep down I wasn't strong.  If I was, I would be able to look up at him like an equal or even would have told him earlier.  I also wouldn't have run away like the coward I am.
I turned to pull out of his arms only to have him just tighten his hold on me.
"Newt," I pleaded.
"Do you mean it?" he asked, "That you love me?"
"Yes," I answered weakly.
He then cupped my face in his hands and kissed me.  I was frozen in shock.  Still even after he ended the kiss.  My face turning into a bright shade of pink, I sank down into his lap, staring at my shaking hands.  He wiped away the last few remaining tears and held my hands.  Still not looking up, he kissed me on the forehead then nose before resting his head on my shoulder.  I bit my lip, trying to understand what was happening.
"Newt?" I asked.
Couple minutes passed.
The only reply I received was a soft snore from the magizoologist.  I gently pushed him off me so I could see his face.  Smiling slightly, I dragged him to the water's edge.  Being too weak to get him out of the water, I rested his head on my lap, brushing his bangs back.  After a while I got the nerve to put my hand on his cheek.
"I love you," he whispered, making me pull back my hand in shock.
He smiled and grabbed my hand, opening his eyes and returning my hand to his cheek.  I faltered, not knowing what to do so I just stared into his hazel eyes.  Getting brave, Newt turned and crashed his lips against mine.  I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.
We separated, searching for the cause.  Scanning the walls, we saw a black shadow scurry away.  Newt immediately gave chase.  He ran to the wall and began grabbing at it.  After knocking down some of my collectibles, he finally got a hold of the intruder.
"You bugger!" he exclaimed, bring the creature to his face.
It was the Niffler.  I giggled as Newt began to shake it by its back paws, some of my artifacts falling from his pouch.
Newt then turned to me, smiling, "Shall we bring him back to my case?"
"Definitely," I answered, smiling.
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