#definitely put a lot more thought into my willabeth polyship. i just love them sm
kittyandco · 8 months
I don’t think I’ve ever asked, tell me about your relationship with Captain Barbossa if you don’t mind! —Nic (have a little crush on Mr Gibbs myself hehe)
@me-myself-and-my-fos I'M NOT SURPRISED AT ALL HE'S SO YOUR TYPE
BUT. UH. UM ksdkddmkkdmfd i'm fond of that old man
my s/i is sick of her life and simply tries to sneak onto the black pearl while it's sitting on the docks, deathly curious about what a life at sea would be like. she doesn't have anything to lose at this point, estranged from her family and bored with her "friends" (who she meets with more so out of obligation and to pass time. they're snooty and annoying but she loves the drama they get into). her family is wealthy, but she doesn't care about any of it at a certain point. refuses to get married, refuses to contribute to whatever scheme they have going. but she doesn't know what to do with herself, really.
of course, this gets her into trouble, but she's up for the challenge. i meannnn... the captain's pretty hot, right?
needless to say, she didn't know what she was getting herself into
i feel like i had more Plot but i can't remember it at the moment 🥴 but she's definitely there for all the events of POTC 1, since this all happens before that
it's basically: spoiled stubborn brat gets majorly humbled and finally gets to feel something thanks to a crew of undead pirates who love pushing her buttons 😭
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