#definitely not interested at all in the Heian period and especially not the Fujiwara clan
dazzlingdisaster · 2 years
Yooooo guess which dumbass drank the itchy pukey pear juice and then turned around and fucking sprained their middle toe?
Some people say that I need constant supervision and a bubble wrap blanket or one of those inflatable hamster balls and it's days like the past few where daaaamn, do I agree...
But I want a constant supply of lollipops and Monster Pipeline Punch and Pacific Punch sent to my hamster ball bubble force field.
Also I started thinking about all the different anime/manga I've seen with all the different historical characters from the Bakumatsu and what would happen if they all met and then I scared myself and I had to back away from that thought quickly. Bonus points for adding the kids from the Moeyo Ken anime because of the extra chaos. Extra bonus points for their respective Touken Danshi. And now you see why it's scary.
ALSO omgomgomgomg BSD S4 is- DAMN I missed these guys! And tbh I'm so happy that I was wrong thinking the opener episodes light novel adaptation was going to be Stormbringer, and I say that as someone who REALLY wanted it to be that.
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