#definitely going to come back to this when i know more about her
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ober-affen-geil · 6 hours ago
Oh hell yes lets go.
Ok so, as someone who has it, endometriosis goes super undiagnosed for a number of reasons.
First, the chief symptom is pain during menstruation which...is often undereported by the patient because they don't know it's a problem or because they've been told it's not a problem enough times they stop reporting it. (Other symptoms include pain during sex, issues with the bowel (poop), and infertility.)
Second, this is absolutely a genetic condition, and when the person you inherited it from isn't diagnosed and they tell you "oh that's normal" well...why would you bring it up to your doctor?
Third, currently the only way* to diagnose endometriosis is with invasive surgery. Tiny little incisions! But basically the only way doctors know for sure is by sticking a camera into the patient's abdominal cavity. More on this later.
And fourth...some people who have endometriosis don't have debilitating pain during menstruation. I have a family member who had a case so bad she was infertile (until treatment) and her only symptom was the infertility. Her partner remembers the pictures from her abdomen as "spiderwebs everywhere" and the surgeon told her she should have been presenting as a, and pardon the language here, "pelvic cripple" and she had no idea.
So, what is it? In extremely simple terms, the lining of the uterus (the "endometrium") has tissue that is "programmed" to shed when triggered by the hormone shift during menstruation. Endometriosis is when cells from that tissue get OUTSIDE the uterus into your abdominal cavity and do exactly the same thing to other surfaces. Shed. And regenerate. Every cycle.
This is why one of the hallmarks of the disease is symptoms worsening over time, and likely eventual infertility and/or bowel problems as other organs can literally get tangled up by the shed lining that doesn't have anywhere to go, or affected by the cells themselves. Often the surgery used to diagnose the condition can be used to "clean out" any endometrial tissue that the surgeon sees, which can (but doesn't always!) alleviate symptoms.
So what to do about it?
Spread awareness, what this month is for. If you think you might have it, ask your doctor. Get a second or third opinion if necessary. Ask around your family, see if anyone else has the same or similar symptoms. I was fortunate enough to have the family member for reference, and know that HER mother had a suspected case and HER mother had fertility issues. Someone my age on a related branch of the family had no idea and I was their point of reference.
Not much is known about it other than it's genetic, what it is, and how to diagnose it. There are a few leading theories as to causes, but nothing definitive. And by the way! It has been found in cis men born without a uterus at all, so congrats gentlemen! There's a slim possibility you could be intersex in the worst way possible!
But I wanted to end this on a positive note, so I left an asterisk all the way up there to come back to. *Surgery is the only CURRENT way to diagnose endometriosis. There's been a very recent breakthrough in Australia towards diagnosing through a blood test, which has had extremely positive results so far. I don't know enough about medicine to have an idea of a realistic timeline, but it's coming!
My ask and dms are open if anyone has any, and I mean any, questions about my experience with endometriosis <3
hey so it’s march now aka the beginning of endometriosis awareness month and i feel obligated to remind you that debilitatingly painful periods are not normal. if you or someone you know is ending up sick or bedridden every month, you are not crazy and deserve medical attention from someone who will take you seriously
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callsign-rogueone · 2 days ago
Going off your wingleader!Liam idea… Liam and reader are third-years and total couple goals. A first year comes in and starts flirting with reader every time he sees her. He doesn’t know she’s dating his wingleader. She’s polite but doesn’t mention Liam.
One day during training the new guy is watching reader and running his mouth about how hot she is, nudging other guys in his squad and making all kinds of remarks, even going so far as to make a comment to Liam. Liam just smirks, showing off those cute little dimples, as reader walks over and kisses him in front of everyone. New guy just stares in absolute shock (and horror when he realizes the woman he’s been objectifying is his wingleader’s girl.) Need a fic like this immediately 😭
I love this so much. I don't have the bandwidth to write this into a whole chapter but I DO have ideas. so here they are. (future Liz here… I got very carried away. but it’s Liam, so it’s fine.)
this guy clearly thinks he's hot shit. not even bonded yet, but his ego is bigger than Tairn's. so of course he goes after you, a third year with a leadership position at the top of your class. (because Liam's girl is as perfect as him.)
at this point you're used to these boys coming in and trying to flex on everyone. so you know how to brush it off. it's so routine that you don't even mention it to Liam, because you've got more important things to do / discuss.
a couple weeks go by of the same thing, until one day, mister confidence is just in the wrong place at the wrong time. running his mouth without realizing who's around him, watching you demonstrate something and making comments to his friends instead of paying attention. Liam's about to elbow him and tell him to shut up, and then he realizes that they're talking about you.
immediately, he's upset — he's just itching to tell this guy off, both for talking when he's supposed to be listening to directions that could save his life, and also for saying those things about you, making comments on your body and how much he wants to... you know what I’m getting at here. anyway.
you can see Liam standing at the back of the gym, can see the visible frustration on his face and the way his jaw is clenched, his shoulders tight and tense... and you know it's hard to upset our sunshine boy, so something bad must have happened.
you wrap up the demonstration, get the youngins paired up to work, and then you slip away to Liam and give him a little kiss, because that’s your default greeting, that’s just automatic at this point when you see him, and take his hand and ask what’s wrong.
and then all the stress and tension just fades out of him, and he gives you a genuine smile, pulls you closer and holds you in a way that makes it clear that you’re a couple.
normally he isn’t one for PDA, so you’re a little surprised, but you don’t question it at all, just happy to cuddle up with him, resting your head on his shoulder and taking a moment to relax — his presence is always so soothing, and you don’t get moments like this very often in your very busy days as a wingleader and a section leader.
you don’t even notice the boy’s slack-jawed look as he realizes that you have a boyfriend. you’re too busy appreciating the moment you get to spend with Liam — but over your shoulder, he’s definitely smirking at the kid, like… get fucked, she’s mine. not that our boy would ever say that. he’s just thinking it really hard.
he gets a little pouty once you're behind closed doors, though, and tells you about it.
you laugh, and remind him that the first year boys can look all they want, but he's the only one who can touch, and if they do, they're going to get their nose broken. and that he's the only one who can set foot in your room, because you absolutely warded them like Xaden and Violet's.
that pacifies him, but he’s still thinking about it for the rest of the day.
he doesn’t consider himself particularly possessive, but he realizes that he just wants people to know that you’re his — or more so that you’re together and in love, and you’re it for each other.
the pair of you have always been focused on the present, the incredibly stressful lives that you lead here at this death trap of a school. but now he starts really thinking about the future.
you’ll be graduating soon, a pair of lieutenants headed off… somewhere. he hasn’t decided yet. he’ll get his choice, being a wingleader. but what about you? section leaders aren’t promised anything. there’s only one other way to guarantee that you’ll stay together… and damn, does he like the idea of you having matching name patches on your flight jackets.
but you deserve a real proposal, a romantic one, not something rushed, decided out of practicality. and when is too soon in your relationship to talk about that? you’ve been together since your threshing, but it feels like a lot longer than that — everything you’ve endured has brought you closer, he supposes.
you curl further into his side with a sleepy hum. “what’s on your mind?”
he’s about to tell you it’s nothing, but you know him better than that. “you have that look on your face,” you mumble, your eyes still closed. “know you’re thinkin' about something.”
“about you," he answers honestly, lifting the arm you have slung around his waist and finding your hand, taking it in his. it fits perfectly, your skin smooth against the callouses and scars decorating his hands from years of making his carvings. a dangerous hobby, you’d joked. you have a point. he’s amassed more tiny injuries from his own knives than from anything Basgiath has put him through. “about us.”
“yeah,” he answers, his thumb brushing over your ring finger, where a wedding band would go. “about the future.”
“two kids and a cat,” you murmur. “and trips to Morraine in the summer. rent a little house on the lake for a week or two, and just lay around.”
“sounds perfect.”
you just hum in reply, too tired to keep talking. Liam presses a kiss to your forehead, pulling the covers a little higher. “I love you.”
“Love y’too.”
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celtrist · 2 days ago
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While I know it's a little late, I needed something to practice watercolor with quickly, and I didn't want to end the little event on a sad note! Kept it vague with the "fin." since this pic could honestly just be normal Alastor haha
So let's give Alastor a happy ending, hm?
The curse is lifted but Alastor still finds it difficult. To go from being on edge from the watchful eyes of anyone who passes him to no one batting an eye is hard to grasp sometimes. Alastor still jots in his notebook the new habits of those he's around, he still checks the time frequently with his trusty pocketwatch, and he still keeps as far away from Vox as he can. However, Alastor sleeps more soundly now.
Everyone was quite aghast when their minds cleared. Charlie tries to constantly make it up to Alastor with gifts and things to do for him, which does the opposite effect due to that being not too dissimilar to what she did when she was obsessed. Vaggie's distrust of Alastor is more prevalent than any sort of affection for him, but she generally tries to keep herself away from Alastor. Her stomach never sits right around him, seeing the subtle frantic gaze of his eyes and knowing it was in part due to her. Due to the traps, the forced dressings. Just the forcefulness of her obsessed half unnerves her as a whole. While she doesn't exactly like Alastor, she also can't stand what she had done to him. She tries to pretend it didn't happen until Alastor confronts her at some point.
Angel Dust tries to stay casual with Alastor but backs off when Alastor clearly needs it. And he pushes others, really just Charlie, to back off when Alastor is looking overwhelmed. Angel is still a bit awkward around Alastor, having the same issue as Vaggie and feeling unwell about drugging him. But unlike Vaggie, Angel is willing to push past it and try to make a new friendship with Alastor if he'd welcome it (or at least acquaintanceship). Husk is definitely left with mixed feelings. He obviously doesn't like Alastor due to the man's treatment of Husk before and after the curse was broken. But he can't help but feel like shit for what he was doing to Alastor when he was obsessed. He tells himself Alastor probably deserved it because of how crappy he treats him and due to how sick in the head Alastor is overall anyway. But it always comes back to the feeling that Husk can't quite absolve his actions. He was the type to despise spiking drinks and to top on it all the other shit Alastor had to deal with? Husk doesn't like it, but he had to admit he was guilty and even sorry for what he did. He doesn't make that known to Alastor though, lest he has more fuel to taunt Husk with. Even if in reality he probably could do with a confidence boost. Husk and Angel also have a better relationship. The thing that made them heated with each other is now the thing they bond over. They each talk out their frustrations of what they did and keep an eye on each other if they see the other falling back to old habits.
Niffty on the surface seemed relatively unaffected. She giggles at what Alastor went through and expressed jealousy about having "all the bad boys" after him. Niffty does dust off Alastor a lot more now. Especially after someone touches him. She also doesn't climb onto Alastor like she used to. She asks him for permission a lot more for cleaning his room, touching him, and so on. Lucifer keeps away even more than Vaggie. He practically lived in his tower. It wasn't until ALASTOR was the one coming to him that Lucifer began actually coming back out. Of course Charlie visited to try and encourage him out, but Lucifer didn't want to even be in the same hallway as Alastor due to the guilt he felt. Due to this, Alastor ended up just coming into Lucifer's room unannounced to escape the others (most notably the too apologetic Charlie). No one would expect him in Lucifer's room, so that's where he went. And since Lucifer HAPPENED to be in his room, Alastor might as well rant about any annoyances he has or vent things out. Needless to say, they actually have quite the companionship now. While they still have gripes with each other, Alastor and Lucifer will willingly stand next to each other. Alastor still is hesitant to go full jabbing mode and does still reel in their fighting quite a bit. A habit that hasn't quite gone away from the curse. Lucifer, on the other hand, while can get into it in the heat of the moment, is a bit hesitant to be harsh with Alastor. Since the curse was lifted, Lucifer went from one of his least favorite hotel residents to the one he probably spends the most time with.
Rosie of course feels just awful about what she'd done. Any lunches done, they either go out or Alastor makes the lunch. She fusses over him still, which always leaves Alastor stiffer than comforted. When she does notice him feeling under the weather, Alastor is very quick to brush it off as nothing in such a way that it clearly indicates it's something. Rosie tries to keep to Alastor's comfort but also is definitely one of the few that isn't particularly afraid to push his comfort zone. Both Valentino and Velvette were annoyed. Valentino was upset that Alastor had the power to make even the moth obsessed with him, and he didn't even GET the chance to have even a peck on the lips from the dumb deer. While Valentino isn't nearly as interested in Alastor, he's not blind- Well, he can see well enough that Alastor is appealing visually. So he's not nearly as disgusted as Velvette about having been obsessed with him. Velvette was disgusted about having been obsessed with Alastor because he's a "dusty bitch" as it were. He's old news, obsolete, and she acted like a fool that anyone could've had an inkling of a chance to see. Disgust and embarrassment sum up her feelings, and she makes it known when she sees Alastor.
Vox... doesn't take it all well. He's frustrated and can't help but blame Alastor as if he had control of the curse. He hates him. And he blames him for the stupid feelings that STILL are there. Everything is so scrambled for him. He feels guilty, but at the same time doesn't. He refuses to feel guilt for Alastor. Even when they were "friends", Vox could remember how Alastor still seemed to think he was above him. But then, Vox had absolutely toyed with Alastor who was more or less isolated. He had wanted to do things that, while he's not exactly opposed of others doing them, he himself wasn't exactly interested in doing. Vox decided it's easier to be mad at Alastor than feel remorse and disgust with himself. When they cross paths, he's very cold to Alastor. He wants to relish how he sees Alastor clutch his staff tighter when they have eye contact, or just Vox being in the same room has Alastor moving closer to anybody else. Like he'd rather take his chances with anybody as long as it wasn't Vox. But when he tries to be pleased, something just isn't clicking and instead his head gets fuzzy and he feels like his insides need to come out. So he gives Alastor very little time of day. Maybe a few words or glances, but overall doesn't even give Alastor a cocky smile or sneer. Just an impassive look.
Despite the curse being gone, there are the occasional lapses. Particularly with those Alastor spends the most time with. All the hotel residents try to keep each other in check, Husk and Angel, for example, catching the other if they're falling back to drugging Alastor. Vaggie might see a dress and buy it, planning a way to put it on Alastor before catching herself and burning it. Charlie will hit her head telling herself to stop the obsessive thinking, sometimes to the point of hurting herself because she CAN'T put her friend through that again. On the rare occasion, it won't be caught in time. Angel Dust has successfully drugged Alastor and not long after went to get help in a panic. Alastor frequently gets more paranoid again about the curse not actually being gone and generally more cagey for a few days, especially around the person who did it. The residents try to help the best they can. These lapses aren't frequent enough to be like an everyday problem but will vary from person to person. Generally speaking, these lapses are luckily pretty short and generally don't get as far as a thought or a small subconscious action.
And despite everything, Keekee still doesn't like him. Something Alastor finds quite funny as well as comforting. While he's grateful for the curse to be gone, it still lingers here and there. And it's done damage to Alastor, he knows this in the way he can't relax, the nightmares that plague him. And sometimes he wished the curse wasn't lifted. That his nightmares and behavior were "still justifiable". That they weren't "unreasonable" now. But Keekee is the same. Disliking to kinda tolerating him when he needs the pity, the same as before. Everyone else in the hotel thinks it's odd that Alastor's smile gets wider when Keekee growls at him as he picks her up, or when she hisses and runs off from him. But they don't question it. It's the least they can do.
Alastor himself despises the pity he sees in their eyes sometimes. He hates the paranoia he still feels about it, the fear that the curse is gone was actually a dream or something momentary. And the lapses don't help much. But Alastor continues on as best he can, trying to play the confident radio demon he's touted about as for all his years. He relishes the fear in people's eyes but falls back on habits like the aforementioned noting down everyone's habits and schedules in his notebook and keeping up with the time. But he also still flirts like he used to when he thinks it's needed and gets embarrassed when it doesn't work or someone points out he doesn't need to do it. He was so used to working around and using the curse to his advantage that now those tactics are kind of pointless. He still has a difficult time taking a stroll and not feeling eyes on him constantly, and can be on edge for a sudden suitor to pop up. But he does relish the lack of attention and adoration when he can get past that anxiety. Alastor often has to talk himself through walking out of his room, assuring himself he wasn't going to get swarmed by unwanted advances. He still has days of isolation and feeling alone, moments of sudden irritation and times where the idea of doing his radio show sounds more unappealing. He has moments of insomnia or refusing sleep, just to avoid any nightmares. This often leads the other residents sort of lead him to bed or let him sleep in their presence (unintentionally by Alastor most of the time). And sometimes Alastor's feelings are overwhelming that he can feel a bit detached and just sits and tries to feel his surroundings to ground himself. He still suffers from the curse in a sense, but he's also become a lot more open to spending time with others in the hotel than before. Willing to have more bonds. He's more playful than before, but does usually keep his distance still. And while he does have a jolt in his posture if he gets hugged or touched suddenly, the stillness does pass not too long after. Alastor, strangely enough, is a lot more empathetic in a sense. He'll still laugh when he sees someone fall down the stairs, but he will also actually help and make sure they're okay. It's more notably seen with the guilt others have. He confronts each of them about it at one point and comforts them, in his own way. He doesn't sugarcoat things and tends to be a bit harsh, but Alastor certainly has a strange level of compassion (if you can call it that) you wouldn't expect from him. This is a more subtle change to him, but still prevalent nonetheless (and one Charlie is very proud about). He doesn't like it being pointed out though and will go out of his way to be awful if it DOES get pointed out. The fear from others has helped Alastor so much in regaining any confidence he may have lost, and is something he thrives with. He probably tries to use fear more than ever as a tactic to get what he wants, especially when he catches himself falling back to previous tactics of flirting. And when he can and under the right circumstances, Alastor is able to relax his muscles and end the day with a genuine smile on his face.
One thing Alastor feels quite dissatisfied with this story is the loose end. He never was able to find the anonymous caller. While it wasn't perfect, Alastor had very few outlets of actual companionship. He had his shadows (whose own sentience were put into a bit of question), Keekee (on the basis of her disliking him), and a random caller. It was by chance really. The phone in his room rang and he happened to answer. And he very quickly (and embarrassingly) became attached when he realized they weren't affected. At least, he figured, due to not actually properly meeting Alastor. So they kept in contact without giving names to one another. But the caller stopped calling at some point, leading to Alastor to just sit by his phone waiting for hours. Not one of his proudest moments, but it was a moment of weakness. As soon as the curse was lifted, Alastor had made it a personal goal of finding this mysterious phone friend. He was positively elated with the idea of meeting them face to face, as phone calls only filled so much of his need for socializing. Alas, the anonymous caller seemed to have disappeared. Alastor keeps looking, but he's not sure if something happened to them or, on the off chance, he had just imagined all the calls. He still takes the time to sit by the phone though. Just in case.
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gothicflowers · 3 days ago
Pt.3 Continuing this Gaz blurb
Pt.1 Pt.2
MDNI 18+ only
“So like a date?” you replied to Kyle’s text asking if you wanted to go to this fancy steakhouse downtown.
Kyle smirks down at his phone “Ya, like a date. I’ll pick you up tonight at seven if you say yes”
“Of course” you quickly respond.
“What’s got you all happy” Price asks from his desk.
“Ah it’s nothing” Kyle nonchalantly responds.
Price chuckles “It’s a girl isn’t it”.
Kyle nods “Maybe sir”.
“Oh to be young again” price sighs.
You were buzzing with excitement. You had picked out a prefect outfit the accentuated your favorite parts of your body. This steakhouse was definitely fancy. Kyle who is sitting across from you is dressed in slacks and a fitted button up. He looks great, now if only he’d roll those sleeves up so you can see his forearms. He orders a bottle of your favorite wine and before you know it dinner is over and you’re both walking towards your home with arms linked together.
Your back was arched and your fingers weaving in Kyle’s hair as he placed little kitten licks on your clit. A breathless moan escape your lips as his tongue moves down and dips into your tight hole, fucking delicious. Your soft silhouette illuminated by the vintage glass lamp in the living room. The bottle of white wine on the coffee table was empty alongside the two crystal glasses.
“Daydreaming during training, come on now Gaz” soap smirks down at Gaz who’s laying on his back trying to recapture air into his lungs.
“Fuck off soap” gaz wheezed out. Two days ago Kyle failed in his attempt to gain you back, only to discover his own captain was warming your bed. The man that he had deeply trusted. Someone that Gaz to have considered a father like figure, fucking his precious girl. Gaz stands up after regaining his composure, noticing his captain in the corner his eye.
“Fancy a round Captain” Gaz crosses his arms, puffing his chest.
Price looks up from his clipboard “only if you insist Sargent”. Price knows that Kyle is pissed, and as much as Price wants to establish dominance he knows that maybe this isn’t the best idea, to egg him on while on duty. Fuck it he thinks to himself.
They meet in the middle of the sparring mat, Gaz being frustrated makes the first move to which price catches his Sargents hand. Price then twists Gazs arm but he lets go, just so Gaz knows he’s toying with him.
Price rolls his shoulders forward and get back into stance with a smirk “Poor girl was all by herself dolled up just reading a book at the speakeasy. Little angel got real red when I asked if I could buy her a drink.”
Gaz growls “You fuckin knew she was mine”
“Yours? Bold of you to say when my cum was spilling out of her this morning. Boy, you fucked and fled a month before I met her. You were long gone, not as much as a photo left of you in her phone. After all from what you said before, she was never yours.” Kyle throws a swift punch to which Price promptly dodges “I gotta thank you though, you fucked up so perfectly she needed a older man to come in a be her price charming” price smirks as he watches Kyle grit his teeth as he lunged forward towards his captain.
The move catches price off guard causing him to stumble back a few feet. “Atta boy there you go” price mocks him. “I could see why you’d be angry at me of all people for going after her, but Understand this boy shes mine now. Every tight little inch of her is” that’s when Gaz lunges at him, sending them both hurdling towards the ground.
“Oh so you’re enjoying the woman I fucked first” price launches Gaz off him.
Price scoffs “Oh don’t worry, not like you’re big enough to have stretched her out. Sweet thing is like a vice grip”
Gaz sits on the bench of the locker room sore beyond belief. Price had pinned him down into a submission, and it hurt his pride more than it did his shoulder.
Soap walks out of the shower area wrapped in a towel “so… what exactly was that about with price. Because that was a little more than sparring”
Gaz sighs “I went to go talk to her”
Sop cocks a eyebrow “ok, what exactly does it got to do with cap”
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eclipixels · 21 hours ago
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Jason x Reader
Content: You and Jason get tasked with babysitting
[1,917 words]
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      You and Jason had been called in at the last minute to babysit Dick and Kori's daughter, Mar’i. Damian had more important things to do (probably brooding somewhere), and Wally, well, he wasn’t trusted to babysit anymore after a certain incident. That left you two—definitely not parents, but trusted enough to make sure their kid didn't accidentally set the house on fire.
      Jason had made a comment earlier about the whole thing being a bad idea. "I'm not built for this," he muttered, sitting on the couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table. "You know I’ve got a reputation to uphold."
      You had just rolled your eyes. "She’s not that bad, J. Besides, it’ll be fun. You’re good with kids."
      He shot you a skeptical look. "When did that happen?"
      "Let’s see… maybe when you stopped acting like a psychopath and started being halfway decent to people?"
      He grumbled something under his breath but let it go, giving in. That was Jason Todd for you, more complicated than a five-page essay on why not to mess with Gotham.
      Mar’i was busy in the living room, stacking blocks in her little fortress-building project. Her black hair, inherited from Dick, was tied up in pigtails, and her emerald green eyes sparkled with mischief as she concentrated on making sure no two blocks were out of place.
      You were on the floor next to her, organizing some blocks into colors when Jason casually asked, “What’s she building again?”
      “A fortress.” You glanced at the little girl, who nodded sagely.
      “A fortress?” Jason raised an eyebrow. "For what, exactly?"
      “Defending against bad guys!” Mar’i chimed in, her voice full of excitement. “Like you!” she added, pointing directly at Jason.
      Jason snorted and leaned back on the couch. “Me? A bad guy? Why am I always the bad guy?”
      "Because you're the only one who can be bad," Mar’i said with a grin, somehow more confident in her statements than she probably should’ve been at her age.
      “Alright, little one. You’re about to see just how bad I can get,” Jason said dramatically, getting to his feet.
      You shook your head but smiled, knowing Jason had a soft spot for his niece despite his tough exterior. “Uh-huh, you’re really selling it there, Romeo. Let’s just finish the fortress so we don’t lose this round.”
      Suddenly, there was a loud noise above you, a scratching, scuttling sound that definitely didn’t belong. But to your surprise, Mar’i was nowhere near the ground anymore.Y
      You blinked. “What the...?”
      Jason turned to look, his face full of confusion as Mar’i’s voice echoed from above.
      “Guys! I’ve got a better idea!” she shouted, her voice coming from the ceiling. Your eyes darted upward, and sure enough, there she was, clinging to the ceiling.
      Jason’s jaw dropped. “How—?”
      Before he could finish his sentence, Mar’i dropped down from the ceiling, landing on her feet with the precision of an acrobat. She grinned like a little troublemaker. “I made a tunnel! The bad guys won’t even know what hit them!”
      You blinked again, trying to comprehend what had just happened. “Did you just—did you just crawl on the ceiling?”
      Mar’i shrugged innocently, her tiny hands on her hips. “Yup. Mommy and Daddy taught me. It’s like an easy trick.”
      Jason rubbed his temples as though trying to process the entire situation. “Okay, first of all, why is that an easy trick? And second, why did your parents teach you to do this?”
      Mar’i looked at him, deadpan. “You want me to go back to my fortress and defend it?”
      Jason’s expression softened. Despite the fact that his brain was still trying to make sense of the fact that this little girl could defy gravity at such a young age, he smiled. “Alright, alright. You win. I’m the bad guy. You’re the hero. But know this…” He leaned forward, making a show of cracking his knuckles. “I’m not going easy on you.”
      “Bring it on!” Mar’i yelled back with a devilish grin.
      You just sat there, slack-jawed. “You’re seriously going to go along with this?”
      Jason shot you a look that said, You know what? Why not?
      You sighed and stood up. “Fine. But if you break anything, I’m calling the big bat before I call Grayson”
      Jason raised an eyebrow, already getting into character. “He’ll probably reimbursh for everything. You know he’s got a soft spot for Mar’i”
      Mar’i was already back in her fortress, peeking around the corner with only her eyes visible. “Come on, bad guy! Let’s see what you’ve got!”
      Jason nodded, cracking his neck as he casually strolled forward, pretending to ignore the fact that Mar’i was doing some acrobatic backflips around the room. “Alright, kid. Get ready. This fortress? It's going down.”
      Just as Jason reached for one of the block towers, Mar’i leapt from a shelf on the opposite side of the room, landing on his back and immediately trying to knock him over like a wrestler. “Gotcha!”
      Jason stumbled for a second, then grinned. “Not bad. But you forgot one thing.”
      “Oh yeah? What’s that?” Mar’i asked, tilting her head.
      “Never underestimate the bad guy,” Jason said, spinning around and scooping her up off his back. He tossed her in the air and caught her, grinning. “Your fortress might be safe, but you’re not getting away that easy.”
      “Wait a minute, you’re supposed to be the bad guy! You can’t just—” Mar’i laughed, but then she twisted around and pointed at you. “Help! The bad guy is taking me hostage!”
      Jason smirked. “Oh, you’ve already lost. It’s game over.”
      As the two of them continued their playful “battle,” you couldn’t help but laugh. Sure, it was chaos, and things might get a little out of hand, but you’d never expected babysitting to be this entertaining. Mar’i had her parents’ adventurous spirit, and Jason, well, he was having way more fun than he’d like to admit.
      And you? You were just here for the ride. Even if you did have to deal with the aftermath of broken furniture and very strange, upside-down ceiling crawls.
      But hey, that’s what you signed up for.
      Jason would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little sad when Grayson came back to pick up his daughter. It wasn’t the usual case where Jason would be happy for things to go back to normal. No, today was different. He’d spent the last few hours getting a crash course in chaos, laughter, and, for once, not being the one causing all the destruction.
      Mar’i had attached herself to his leg as soon as Dick had walked through the door, her little arms wrapped around him in a tight hug. “Daddy, don’t go yet! Can you come back another day to play? I want to build another fortress!”
      Dick chuckled, bending down to scoop her up. “You know I have work, sweetheart. Maybe next time, okay?”
      Mar’i pouted, clearly torn between her desire to keep her fortress intact and the fact that she had to say goodbye to her most favorite "bad guy" in the world. “But I like Uncle Jason! He’s fun!”
      Jason gave a half-hearted shrug, though a grin tugged at the corners of his lips. He had to admit, having the little girl look at him like that was a strange kind of feeling. “Don’t get too attached, kid. I’m a dangerous criminal.” He threw a glance at Dick. “Right?”
      Dick rolled his eyes. “Yeah, you’re real dangerous, Todd.”
      “Okay, fine. Just—don’t forget me!” Mar’i finally relented, giving him one last hug before she was gently placed into her father’s arms.
      Jason chuckled as he watched them go, a weird, unfamiliar feeling settling in his chest. He wasn’t sure what it was. Maybe it was the way Mar’i’s laugh still echoed in the air, or the fact that he had actually enjoyed himself. Maybe it was the fact that for once, he had been the one to show someone else how to embrace the chaos.
      When the door clicked shut behind Dick and Mar’i, Jason let out a long sigh and fell back against the couch. He stared at the door, his lips pressing into a thoughtful line.
      You, still sitting on the couch beside him, couldn’t help but notice the change in his demeanor. His usual tough-guy act had faded for a moment, and there was a softness in his expression you rarely saw.
      "That was cute," you said, humming softly as you stretched out on Jason’s lap, trying to get comfortable after the whirlwind of the afternoon.
      Jason’s hand immediately slid to the back of your neck, absentmindedly stroking the skin there as he looked toward the door. His voice was low, almost contemplative. "Yeah. Made me think... maybe having one of our own wouldn’t be such a bad thing."
      You nearly choked. “What?”
      His hand froze, and he turned his gaze to you, a smirk pulling at his lips. “You heard me.”
      For a moment, you just stared at him, trying to process what he’d just said. The idea of Jason Todd, your Jason, the one who made sarcastic comments every other minute, saying something like that threw you completely off balance.
      Now that you thought about it, he would make a pretty damn good father.
      You tried to hide the laugh that bubbled up. The guy who still had a tendency to hold grudges over the smallest things, was talking about fatherhood like it was a casual weekend hobby.
      “As fond of the idea as I am, I’m not sure if the world is ready for a mini Jason Todd and Y/n L/n,” you said, finally breaking into a smile.
      Jason grinned, leaning in closer to you. “Maybe not. But you’ve got a point. We’d probably make one hell of a team. Think about it—our kid would be the perfect mix of stubbornness, sarcasm, amazing survival instincts and, of course, good looks.”
      Your heart skipped a beat, and you looked at him, half-amused, half-skeptical. “Jason, I think you’re getting ahead of yourself here.”
      He let out a laugh, his hand still lazily resting on your neck. “Hey, I’m just saying. We’d get to see Mar’i more for playdates”
      You let out a breath, feeling the warmth of his hand on you. “There are other ways to spend time with Mar’i than giving her a cousin.”
      “Fair” He put a hand on his chin before pulling you in closer on top of him for a kiss, “but I like my idea better.”
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Nightfall (5)
Vampire! Billy Russo x Female Reader
Part 1// Part 2// Part 3// Part 4
Warnings: Smut, oral (f), orgasm denial, angst, brief mentions of torture and death.
A/N: Friendly reminder that if you want to see more of something you need to interact with it, and not in a detached way.
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Shit, you were gonna beg him.
There was a twisting in your stomach, screaming for pleasure, quaking at the concept of his touch- of his fucking tongue.
You make an annoyed grunt, dropping your fork, hearing it clatter on the porcelain plate.
You press both hands to your face, trying to think about something else- anything else- other than him.
It doesn’t work, you try to think about escape, and the reminder of his teasing smile pops up in response.
Your hands move up, and into your hair, gripping it hard, trying to stop this burning, this heavy desire to submit to him, beg for him, come for him.
Him, him, him.
You pull on your hair harder when your mind jumps to thoughts of his cock, the way it looks as it’s slipping into you, filling every inch of you.
The reminder is so potent you almost cum from just the fucking memory.
This was it.
You were going to give in.
You stand, angry, turning to his room. He’d left you behind to have a shower while you ate breakfast, and you were going to get on your knees and beg for him the moment he stepped out.
A knock on the door stops you cold in your tracks.
You turn, wide eyed, staring at the door.
Another knock, calm and cool and perhaps a little impatient.
Do you open it? Definitely not.
You hear Billy call out to you from the bedroom.
“Can you get that for me?” he asks.
“Okay.” You murmur softly, knowing that he hears you.
You unlock the door cautiously, pulling it open.
The first thing you see is a broad chest. Tilting your head up, you find a handsome man staring back at you. His nose is slightly crooked, probably having been broken one too many times.
Instinctively, your training kicks in, you wait a few moments, eyes locked on him in a silent challenge. He doesn't breathe, his body perfectly still, making a quiet assessment of you as you do him.
“You the hunter?” He finally says, his voice deep, an air of danger wrapped around him.
“Maybe.” You finally say, taking a step back, widening the door to let him step in.
Behind him, is a very beautiful woman. She's got flowing brown hair, that makes you think of hot chocolate on a cold night.
She smiles at you, and you feel a soft shock go through your body at how stunning she really is.
She introduces herself as Maria, with a hand outstretched you reach to shake it, subtly pressing your fingers to her wrist, feeling a pulse. 
You supply your own name, wondering if this was the paired couple Billy had told you about.
Billy walks in a second later, a towel on his shoulder, while he scrubs at his hair.
You blink, looking away for a second, remembering how just moments ago you were about to crawl begging to him.
Your ears hum, you realise there’s a silent conversation happening between the two supernaturals in the room. You press your teeth together, trying not to lash out at the rudeness before knowing anything.
Billy says your name, introducing his friend, Frank to you. You can’t help sizing him up.
You definitely could not take him in a fight.
There’s power to him, just like Billy, a charge in the air around him that warns you, he would not be messed with. Where Billy might toy with you playfully, he would exterminate you if you so much as moved in a way he didn’t like.
“I asked Maria to help you find some things for the event next week, and anything else you might want.” Billy explains smoothly looking at you.
You incline your head, looking at him. Petra, the vampire at the club, had told him of a date, time and place of an auction for vampires wanting to get high quality blood from humans.
You’d initially thought it would be similar to human trafficking, but Billy had informed you, that the method of gathering humans was something more coercive in nature.
If that many humans had actually gone missing, lots of people would notice, so instead, these organisations had found shady ways to force people into debt, just so that they would benefit from it. 
Learning that, had made you wonder whether your organisation knew about it. You think if they did know, they wouldn’t stand idly by.
You'd been very surprised that Billy had intended for you to go with Maria alone. You'd stared at him in quiet disbelief when he'd said it, and he'd met your gaze evenly.
This had to be a test, no doubt he would be following you from afar or something waiting for you to try escaping.
But as you swipe through gauzy lingerie, the absence of feeling watched puzzles you.
Some of these pieces were really cute, you pause to examine a gauzy soft blue set covered in little hearts. You give it a frown, thinking that it wasn’t too bad.
Billy had handed you his credit card before you’d left, not even saying a word to you about it. You’d been debating the right way to use it- should you just buy as much stuff as you could? Or barely buy anything but the essentials? 
In all honesty, you doubted he even cared. An immortal like him probably had more money than he knew what to do with.
Still, you stick to the essentials, your training demanding you pick functionality over anything you might really want.
When Maria watches you touch something gently for the fifth time, she finally speaks up about it.
“That’s cute.”
You blink, glancing at her before your eyes go back to the item in question- a sparkly red keychain in the shape of a heart. It would look nice with the tiny designer bag you’d been looking at earlier, one that was definitely not functional.
Shopping like this was unfamiliar to you, to desire something and be able to have it was definitely not an experience you’d had before.
“It’s a trinket.” You respond to her, moving on to look at something else.
“It might look pretty with that bag I saw earlier. The pink one.”
You make a hum of disinterest.
“How long have you and Frank been together?” You ask instead.
She tilts her head, turning away, and you acknowledge that your question might have come off rudely.
“Seventy years in November.” She answers, and you freeze, turning to study her with a look of confusion.
She doesn’t look up at you, examining a silk bra instead.
“How is that possible?” She couldn’t be older than thirty-two.
Maria’s gaze is kind as she finally looks at you, a little bit of amusement in the corners of her eyes.
“The bond prolongs my life.” She says, her eyes darting to study a woman walking by, “There are many things shared between us.”
“Like what?” You question, intrigued.
Maria smiles, turns back to look at you.
“That’s our secret, but it’s different for each bond anyway.”
You nod, turning away, a little miffed that you hadn’t gotten a straight answer from her.
“When did you find out… about him?”
“Um, maybe a few months into knowing each other? It did happen kind of fast. Frank had a… reputation… that sort of made me a target.”
You want to ask her what type of reputation, but you don’t think she'd be very forthcoming with the details. You assume it's related to whatever Billy’s involved in.
You study the silk robes, tracing your fingers over the soft material and sighing longingly.
“And… you don't have a problem with him being…”
“Different?” She finishes for you.
You hum in affirmation, trying not to argue with the word she chose. He wasn't just different, he was dangerous, deadly, bloodthirsty. It was like having a snake in bed beside you that could take you out at any given moment if you angered it just enough.
“I've seen throughout the years more humanity in him than in actual living people.”
Your first instinct is to disagree, yet there's a hope that spins inside of you, that maybe she was right.
You exhale, shaking your head, confused about what you wanted.
You put it out of your mind for now, deciding to focus on the mission at hand, and put your feelings aside the way you were trained to do.
It works up until you step through the doors of his apartment, and your eyes meet his.
Maria happily jumps into Frank’s arms, while Billy calmly approaches you.
You place some of your bags down, reaching into your back pocket for his credit card.
“Did you get everything you wanted?”
You nod, a swollen feeling in your throat as you extend the card to him.
He glances down at it, and then back at you.
“Keep it.” He murmurs, turning away.
You pause for a second, unsure of what to do, pocketing the card so that you can leave it on his nightstand or something.
“When is the rest coming?” Billy asks.
“The rest?” You question.
Maria looks over at Billy, having overheard the question.
“That's everything.” She says to him.
He pauses, turning to look at her. You watch the exchange, feeling very confused.
“That's it?”
Maria gives him a slow nod.
He pauses, before glancing at you. You get the feeling that you're missing something important, but you can't figure out what.
You glance away, pretending to study the microwave as if it’s just said something gravely important to you while you can feel his eyes on you.
“I appreciate your help, Frank, Maria.” Billy says, and in your peripherals, you see him approach them, patting Frank on the back, and leaning in to press a kiss to Maria’s temple.
It’s an amount of affection you weren’t expecting to see, and when Frank approaches you, you stiffen automatically.
He extends a hand, and though his gesture is friendly, his eyes are warning you not to make the wrong move.
You swallow, shaking his hand, returning his firm grip with one of your own, and then he slides right past you, allowing his arguably better half to bid you goodbye as well.
Maria is much warmer, despite the cold way you treated her today, and it makes you feel like a jerk, to have kept her at arm’s length.
“Goodbye.” You say softly, and she gives you a knowing smile, before she’s out the door.
You wait a beat, because you know Frank can probably still hear any words you decide to speak.
“I feel bad,” You finally say, “I wasn’t the nicest to her today.”
“Don’t worry,” Billy murmurs, “She understands.”
Your shoulders drop, in hopes that you would get another chance to be her friend, picking up your bags and taking them in the direction of the spare bedroom.
“No.” Billy says, his voice echoing clearly through the open room.
You stop in your tracks, rolling your eyes before adjusting your course for his room instead.
He follows behind, and stands at the doorway when you drop the bags in question onto the bed.
“Why didn’t you get more?” He asks, arms crossed studying you.
You glance up at him as you tug a short summer dress out of one bag, preparing to snip the tags off and make it more comfortable to wear.
“More what? I didn't need more.” You answer, feeling defensive all of a sudden.
“Do you have a scissors?” 
“Bathroom. Top drawer. You told me you got everything you wanted. Was that true?”
“What-” You let out a frustrated breath, dropping the dress on the bed, “What does that mean?”
“I wanted you to buy anything you liked, but I get the feeling that you held back a lot.”
You walk to the attached en suite bathroom, grabbing the scissors from where he said it was.
“Because I didn't have more bags?” You pick up the dress, clipping the tags, and any extra labeling that would stick you.
“I was hoping, that you'd try to make this place more like home.”
Your breath stalls in your chest.
“Well it isn't. My home is a secluded base, with four walls and a cot that fits just me, and the water is freezing on mornings but that's better for you anyway. My bed is lumpy and old and sometimes smells like someone died on it but that’s because all the funding goes into medicine for us when we get injured. I’m not some kept woman, that you can just send out and treat nicely whenever it suits you. I’m a soldier.”
You turn away to avoid his gaze. It feels as though he can see right through you in this moment. As if you’ve been pried apart and all the things that make you tick have been exposed.
Carefully, you tug his credit card out of your pocket, placing it onto the nightstand as if it’s a bomb that is going to go off at any given moment.
“I was a soldier too.” Billy finally says.
You blink, reaching for the next dress in the bag to snip the tags off. 
He comes around the bed, gripping your shoulders to turn you to him. You let the dark material fall to your feet as he grips your chin, raising your head to his.
“I was a killing machine long before I had fangs. I would have done anything to serve my cause. You know where that got me? These scars.”
You finally focus on his words, eager to soak in any ounce of himself that he’s willing to give.
“I was captured, tortured, dumped into a shallow grave and left for dead. I clawed my way out, crawled through the forest, bleeding and broken when I was found and changed. Turns out, they knew where I was the whole time and they just didn’t care. Wouldn’t even consider a rescue mission for me and other guys that were caught.”
He shakes his head.
“They don’t care about you. They never have. You’re just another body to them, useful until you’re not and then you’re replaceable.”
You already knew this.
“The cause-”
“-Fuck the cause!” He hisses, his teeth sharpening in anger, “Can’t you see that you matter more?”
You shake your head in denial. He cups your face with both hands, walking you back until you're pressed against his bedroom wall.
“Yes. Yes. Yes. I know you’ve never heard it before so I’ll say it to you now.” His eyes are dark, so human that you almost forget.
“You mean more to me than any fucking ideology. I would give everything up for you.”
“You don’t even know me.” You challenge.
He leans in, kissing you harshly, mouth tingling at the feeling of his lips on yours.
“I know enough.”
He kisses you again, and again, moaning into your mouth, drinking your breathy sighs eagerly.
You raise a hand, hanging onto his shoulder, letting yourself surrender to this feeling… a wholeness that you can’t fathom.
“You don't know anything about me, you filthy, fanged bloodsucker.” You grunt between kisses.
He laughs into your mouth, his hand fisting a handful of your hair.
“I know you like warm blankets, and you mumble in your sleep, and what your cunt tastes like, and how wet you get for me anytime you so much as look in my direction.”
You bite down on his bottom lip in retaliation and he groans.
He spins you, the front of your body against the wall now, cheek pressed to the cold concrete, your hands pulled behind your back and held there by his hand on your wrists.
“I know that you like to stop and smell the flowers on display anytime you walk past a flower shop, and that you'd go out of your way to step on a crunchy leaf.”
“You know that cause you're a fucking stalker.” You grunt, feeling him lean in, delight spreading through you when he licks across your cheek.
He tugs at your shirt, exposing your neck, he kisses over your bite scar gently, and you shudder as bliss moves right through you, forcing your toes to curl.
“You know why you like it when I kiss you here?” He emphasizes his words by pressing his lips softly to the silvery scar in question. Your eyes roll back in your head, drawing in a breath, desperately searching for sanity.
“It's where we first connected, where you first let yourself be vulnerable for me.”
You grunt, feeling anger and desire roll inside of you.
“And when were you ever vulnerable?” You shoot back, opening your eyes to peer back at him.
He releases your wrists and you turn to face him, a smug look of satisfaction on your face for having made a decent argument.
You're taken aback a little when he pulls his shirt off, tossing it onto the bed behind him.
“Here.” He reaches for your hand, pressing it to the center of his chest.
Your eyebrows draw together, moving your hand a little to study the spot right in the center of his chest. Sure enough, there's a silvery mark, just like yours, in the shape of a star.
Where you stabbed him, you realise, back in your other apartment, when you’d pressed the stake to his chest and he’d pulled you closer. That, was his first vulnerable moment with you. 
You lean forward, wondering why you never noticed it until now, and it’s probably because you weren’t even looking, that all of his other scars, had done a good job at hiding this one.
You press your lips to it, you can feel the vibration of his long winded groan against your lips. For the first time, you not only feel like his, but he also feels like yours.
“You could have killed me then, and I might have died peacefully to escape the torment of wanting you.”
You reach up, pressing your hands to each side of his maddening face to pull him into a kiss, pressing your tongue into his mouth at the first moment you can.
Billy groans, picking you up easily, legs wrapped around his hips, walking you to the bed before he drops you into the middle, halfway on your bags.
He pulls your shirt up, and you let him, not wanting to be far from his mouth at all, the tips of your fingers tracing his scars as you feel your passion mirrored by him.
He kisses over your chest, gripping your wrists to pin them beside your head, before you know it, your hands are restrained by something else.
He’s used the scarf on the designer bag you’d bought to tie your wrists together above your head, the silk has no give, and he’s knotted the fabric so securely that there’s no hope of freeing yourself on your own.
Your jeans is unbuttoned next, tugged down your legs, and then he grips your delicate underwear with his teeth and tugs harshly until you hear it rip.
Thank god, you think, as he settles his body between your legs, his mouth leaving cool kisses on the inside of your thighs. You mewl, pressing your hips up, desperate to feel his magnificent tongue on you.
“God, you’re dripping.” He murmurs, almost too low for you to hear.
He’s careful, pressing his tongue to your clit, your breath catching in your throat as he moans against you.
You sigh his name, as he licks you, speeding up and slowing down to prolong the torment.
You can’t stop the little sounds, which only worsen when you feel him begin to slowly press a lone finger into you, the pace too slow and shallow to be of any real use.
A sob catches in your throat, trying to relax as best you could, unable to stop your hips from undulating against his fingers and tongue. 
He guides another finger into you, and you shudder, desperate to feel the bliss he’s capable of, after not having him for so long.
“Don’t come.” He orders, lips wrapping around your clit, sucking gently, before he pauses to watch you.
“I can’t-” You cry, tears pooling in the corner of your eyes with the way it stings to deny yourself. 
You can feel the mess you make, of yourself, approaching your high too slowly for your liking.
You gasp when he withdraws, body shaking as you watch him undo his belt, pushing his pants down to free his leaking cock.
He’s so thick, the reminder of what he can do with such a glorious appendage makes you clench with need.
He grips your thighs, pulling your body against his, and you gasp when he ruts his cock against your swollen bud.
“That’s it, baby, feel me.”
You nod eagerly as he lines himself up with your entrance.
You suck in a deep breath, and he smiles proudly down at you as he presses his cock in.
You’re quite loud, unintentionally so, and you maybe feel a little ashamed of sounding so desperate, but the very feeling of him pushing into you, filling you right up to the brim and holding himself there for a long, shaky moment, is enough to have you clenching around him, on the verge of orgasm.
Billy reaches for you, grips your jaw, giving you a proper shake to get your attention.
“Don’t.” He warns, his eyes are the colour of ruby gems, “Not tonight.”
You suck in a sharp breath. He wasn’t going to let you come tonight?!
You begin to wriggle in protest, he reaches down to pin your hips in place, sliding his cock out, to ease himself back in.
“You feel so good baby- fuck-” He leans in to press his mouth to yours, his tongue claiming you boldly.
“Suffer with me.” He begs against your mouth.
You’re not sure what he means, but you nod, forehead to forehead, his cock swollen and heavy inside of you, tears of want in your eyes and yet you nod like a fool when he tells you no.
You pant when he moves, barely able to control yourself, you breathe in his musky scent, letting everything about him overpower you.
He growls, delivering one harsh thrust that makes you cry out, holding himself there for long moments, making you wish he would just put you out of your misery.
You struggle, trying to tug your arms free, deciding instead to place your bound hands over his head, gripping his hair in your hands.
His hands tighten on your hips, the pain of his grip only adding to your pleasure.
He moves slowly, out of rhythm, keeping you balanced right on the edge of pleasure and torment. 
When the denial is too much, you pull his hair hard, hearing him grunt out a laugh, understanding the message you’re trying to convey.
He withdraws slowly, and you swear the emptiness will destroy you.
You pant, looking up into his dark eyes, demanding an explanation. 
He releases the hold on your hips, leaning in to kiss you softly.
He noses at your neck, and you tilt your head reflexively to give him the space he needs to feed from you.
You feel him shake his head against you, nose dragging softly.
“Please.” You whisper, wanting to feel his teeth pierce your skin.
His teeth settle on your neck, a low groan leaves him, before he bites.
He’s quick about it, your skin only starting to sting and throb when he’s two mouthfuls in.
He hums around a swallow, before withdrawing, pressing the fabric of his shirt into your wound.
“I can taste the frustration in your blood, poor thing.” He murmurs, lifting his shirt to lick at the open wounds.
“But god, you still taste so fucking good.”
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harrysgal · 2 days ago
harry styles x yn aspiring filmmaker — social media AU
About the smau: yn starts posting videos on youtube and is trying to build a career as a filmmaker. Things are going pretty well for her and she starts getting more attention when she creates content about shows she goes to. She’s also a fan of Harry’s music and some of his fans start getting suspicious when his team starts interacting with her.
Disclaimer: The story it’s set in 2021 and it will follow their relationship through the LOT leg in the US. Since this is nothing but fiction, I will be following some of the real timeline but also adding my own stuff. On top of that, I won’t be basing myself on Harry’s actual posts.
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liked by bestfriend, harryfan15, gemmastyles and 706,789 others
harrystyles Love On Tour. Chicago, IL. 
View all 75,678 comments  harryfan39 EXCUSE ME??? SIR?????? harryfan235 🥵🥵🥵 harryfan991 I WAS WAITING FOR A CHICAGO POST  BUT DAMN I WAS NOT WAITING FOR THIS  harryfan75 this is hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot harryfan73 did harry basically left the stage in nashville and thought “shit i forgot to post about chicago”? lol
↳ harryfan77 let’s give him a break he was busy in Chicago 🤭 ↳ harryfan73 oh yeah thats right. yn kept him busy.
harryfan29 sooooo…. is there any chance yn took these? lol
↳ harryfan28 is there any chance you people can at least for once acknowledge Anthony’s job? you talk as if he didn’t even exist is so freaking disrespectful to his own talent and experience  ↳ harryfan29 …. I wasn’t trying to be disrespectful to Anthony it was just a joke  ↳ harryfan28 well then be more careful about the things you joke about 
harryfan70 😮‍💨 thank God we have Anthony !  harryfan123 SHOW WAS SO GOOD TONIGHT  harryfan99 come back pls Chicago already misses you :(  harryfan192 boy you look fine 😮‍💨 harryfan1 where is yn i need to know if she was around when this happened
↳ harryfan35 don’t worry I bet she was  ↳ harryfan43 yeah! probably is there after tonight’s show as well 😌 ↳ harryfan1 LMAO guys nooooooo ↳ harryfan1 i asked because i need to know if she got to film this moment so i can ask for the footage!! was thinking about ME not her LMAOOOO  ↳ harryfan3 AHHHHH  ↳ harryfan3 GOOD THINKING YES  ↳ harryfan3 i need a movie of harry taking a bath in my desk by tomorrow pls ↳ harryfan53 @yourinstagram please !!!! ↳ harryfan98 FINALLY!!! 😭 people need to understand that i want her to follow him around 24/7 bc i want her to film him 24/7 that’s all!!! idgaf if they’re dating or not!!!!
harryfan96 harry are you ok? blink if you need help ! we are here for you !! we love you !!  harryfan345 THANK YOU ANTHONY 🙏 real ones know who the real one is
Sep 29, 2021 • 
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liked by harrystyles, bestfriend, annetwist, and 91,819 others
yourinstagram I wasn’t sure whether to bring up my mom’s birthday or not, but I just hung up the phone with her for the fourth time today, and I realized I couldn’t go to bed without shouting to the world how much I love her. The woman who started everything for me. My existence, my passion for filming, and even my career. I wouldn’t be here if she hadn’t carried me for 9 months in her belly, but I also wouldn’t be here if she hadn’t loved & supported me through all these years, if she hadn’t encouraged all my dreams, or if she hadn’t so excitedly agreed to let me film her during such a vulnerable moment and then share it on a YouTube channel for strangers to watch. It is only fitting that her video was the one that changed my life, and maybe that’s why it has been so hard to stay away today. It’s not the first time we spent a celebration apart from each other, but it is definitely the time I miss her the most. 
So at the end of the day, this isn’t a post to say happy birthday to my mom, because I’ve said it (and sung it) to her multiple times today. But it is a post to let everyone know that I think my mom is the best mom in the world, that I admire her, and that she inspires me everyday. 
And whilst there are a lot of things that I want to keep private about me and my personal life, the love I have for her will never be one of them. ❤️
view all 8,118 comments  bestfriend you have me in tears ❤️  bestfriend btw I called her this afternoon and we spent 20 minutes gushing about you 
↳ yourinstagram yeah ↳ yourinstagram I’ve heard all about it already  ↳ bestfriend really? ALL about it? 👀  ↳ yourinstagram 🙄 ↳ bestfriend hahaha ooooops!  ↳ harryfan3 hi! hello! please let me in!! ↳ harryfan9 ohhh now I’m curious!! loll what did you talk about?  ↳ harryfan7 for real tho 😩 
user25 👏👏 very well written! You’re very lucky to have such a positive connection with your mother, and she’s very lucky to have a daughter that appreciates her. Happy birthday to your mom, and lots of love to you both!
↳ yourinstagram thank you! ❤️ I feel very lucky, indeed!
user1 ahh, i still go back to that video from time to time! love it so much! it isn’t the one that started everything for me, but im proud to say i was already here to see how it changed your life. crazy to think how different things are now! but im happy to see that you have such a beautiful support system to get you through all this madness! im sure your mom is amazing, because she raised an amazing daughter! <3
↳ yourinstagram thank you for being here all along ❤️ it really means a lot!
harryfan5 these pictures!! AGHHH! SO PRETTY! and so aesthetically pleasing!! 
↳ yourinstagram right? always thought she had the coolest pictures, and im pretty sure thats what pushed me into this path haha thanks, Emma! ❤️ ↳ harryfan9 !!!!!!! girlllllll  ↳ ynharryenthusiast not the “Emma” at the end 😭 ↳ harryfan5 😭😭😭 ILYSM
harryfan60 am I the only who saw Harry calling yn out during the show tonight? the man had to ask a million times for her to film the gender reveal LMAO harryfan60 imagine your boss not trusting you do to your job I’D FOLD user5 What a beautiful, emotional post! harryfan22 now that you proved you know how to properly spell words why don’t you stop writing so many stupid captions?  annetwist Happy birthday to your mum! ❤️ harryfan11 yn interacting with us????? did we go back in time??
↳ user2 lol tell me about it! I miss the old times every time she posts now ↳ user13 yeah :( then the trolls arrived and once again ruined all the fun  ↳ harryfan17 istg these people can’t even respect her mother’s birthday…  ↳ harryfan19 it blows my mind bc yn didn’t give them ONE SINGLE REASON for them to act like this!! AT ALL!!!
↳ harryfan45 why don’t you just follow her? lol @harrystyles  ↳ harryfan44 because he doesn’t want to ↳ harryfan45 boohooo!! and yet here he is liking her post anyway, isn’t heeee  ↳ harryfan44 how do you know it’s him? it could be anyone behind his account ↳ harryfan45 sure thing hunnnn 😚
lookitsnyoh 🦥❤️
↳ paulithepsm 🦥❤️ ↳ pillowpersonpp 🦥❤️ ↳ mitchrowland 🦥❤️ ↳ _basselin 🦥❤️ ↳ glenne_azoff 🦥❤️ ↳ jefezoff 🦥❤️ ↳ mollyjane_x 🦥❤️ ↳ harryfan3 i loveeeee when they do this!!! ↳ harryfan15 i want to be part of this toooooooo 🦥❤️ ↳ harryfan9 all here but harry guys? did you forget to let him in? LOLLL 
harryfan44 How does your mom feel about your latest post? Bet she wouldn’t be proud of you as her daughter if she saw it ! Bet she’s embarrassed of you ! 
↳ harryfan5 omg wtf???? this is so disrespectful??? ↳ harryfan44 Yn was the disrespectful one when she mentioned the o word! ↳ user14 the “o word”? lmao how old are you?  ↳ harryfan27 wait whats the o word?  ↳ harryfan25 orgasm? i think? ↳ harryfan27 HAHAHAHA  ↳ user16 i have a theory that if you’re not comfortable enough to say the word orgasm then you’re not old enough to be online interacting with +25yo  ↳ harryfan27 orgasm ↳ harryfan27 orgasm orgasm orgasm orgasm orgasm orgasm orgasm orgasm orgasm  ↳ harryfan29 orgasm!!! ↳ harryfan31 🤣  ↳ harryfan27 orgasm  ↳ harryfan27 orgasm orgasm  ↳ harryfan11 ORGASM!!!  ↳ bestfriend orgasm ↳ bestfriend also, please fuck the fuck off  ↳ bestfriend 🖕
Sep 29, 2021 • 
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liked by someone and 203,154 others 
Hours ago I was gifted by a follower with a one-time only opportunity to get back into business, so I immediately reached out to my favorite human (that shall forever remain anonymous to you) and gathered some fresh and exclusive info for you. 
And as you’ll see, I am not only coming back after the longest state of hibernation, but I am also coming back with the yummiest popstar of them all: HARRY STYLES! 😍🤤
YES, YES, YES! THAT’S RIGHT! For once I got to play detective in a story involving him, the one and only, Harry Styles!
I barely got a taste of it, but things got so interesting and fun already that I’m determined to dive into these mysteries with all I have! 
For now, these are the screenshots that I gathered, but the digging isn’t over yet so follow me if you want to get updated on every detail about Harry Styles’ life 📨
FINALLY, the info I have for you is 100% exclusive and fresh, so buckle up guys!
view all 20,909 comments  someone1 OH MY GOD I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU’RE BACK someone2 shit I forgot how much intell you used to share with us harryfan49 STOP THIS IS ABOUT HARRY AND YN!!!!!!! harryfan77 is this from tonight? 😲 are we supposed to believe in it?
↳ harryfan3 I wouldn’t pay too much attention to it ↳ harryfan11 even if they’re saying yn was crying???  ↳ harryfan3 yes, because actually it’s not up to us to know if/when she cries or not.
ynharryenthusiast this is actually so disrespectful to harry and yn. please leave them alone.  harryfan44 are you telling me this isn’t exactly what yn wanted?  harryfan44 if she didn’t want anyone to know about her crying, then she shouldn’t have cried in public space !! harryfan77 at least they left yn’s picture out of the screenshot 
↳ user7 after exposing her like this it’s the least they can do 
harryfan196 @popgossip remember when you used to do that thing of reading people’s theories and fact checking them?!! 😉😏
↳ harryfan196 so my theory is that yn saw the comments on her last post and got upset so she went outside and called her friend or maybe her mom then someone from the band told harry about it and that’s why he chased her and why he wanted to talk about it and she didn’t !!!!!!!! why she didn’t want him to see her crying !!!!!!! ↳ popgossip On it, babe! 🔎
Sep 29, 2021 • 
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liked by harryfan13, harryfan99, harryfan71, and 3,321 others 
harryupdates More lucky fans just met Harry in Nashville! He also took some time to facetime their cousin (who’s also a fan!). 
view all 507 comments  harryfan88 WTF GUYS?? 😭 am I the only one who isn’t in nashville meeting harry right now?? harryfan17 harry spending the day with tyler and meeting fans is so soft harryfan17 dont ask me why i cant explain it but i think it is okay. it really is harryfan20 was anyone brave enough to ask if Yn was actually crying and sobbing like a baby last night? lollll  harryfan5 THAT’S LUCYYYYY GUYSSS harryfan5 LUCY IS THE SWEETEST OMG harryfan5 SHE DESERVES IT SOOOOO MUCH! :’)  harryfan25 the way harry always makes people feel special and heard and seen <3 harryfan24 👏👏 harryfan24 i stand by what i said: the day is better when yn isn’t around!!
↳ harryfan32 i noticed that, too!  ↳ harryfan24 yeah!! look how many fans got to meet him bc she wasn’t there  ↳ harryfan9 whyyyyyy are you guys so obsessed with her omg!! ↳ harryfan24 i’m not obsessed i’m just happy harry got rid of her 😚 ↳ harryfan7 lol sure hun! let’s see what happens tomorrow for show 2 in nashville, then ↳ harryfan24 at least you admit he only cares about her during shows LOL
harryfan31 i cant love this man any more than i already do 😭 my heart srsly cant take it harryfan139 he doesn’t look ok :(
↳ harryfan6 🙄 you can’t even see his face ↳ harryfan139 i know… but something in his eyes doesn’t seem right :( ↳ harryfan48 he’s worried because his fake gilfriend’s friend was rude to his fans. he doesn’t want to be with her anymore but it’s being forced to anyway! ↳ harryfan5 holy molly now THAT’S a way to tell the story lmaooooo 
Sep 30, 2021 • 
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liked by bestfriend, user1, harryfan5, and 191 others
ynupdates 👀🔥
Anthony Pham (Harry Styles Tour photographer) just posted on instagram and tagged @yourinstagram. 
She then reposted the story and added a caption to the picture: “hey mom, i hope this will make you proud”. 
I think it’s pretty safe to assume they’re hanging out together, and that Yn’s words are a dig to some of the comments she got on her last post. 
Now the question that remains is: is that Yn’s ass? 😅
view all 31 comments user5 you have absolutely no idea how much I love this user5 like I swear I respect her silence and privacy to death, but ngl it’s been so hard to watch lol harryfan5 DAAAAAMMMNNNN YN  harryfan11 respectfully, 💋💋💋 harryfan23 hey cowboy @harrystyles  bestfriend i can 100% confirm, that’s her ass!  bestfriend i can also 100% confirm that’s her mom’s new background now
↳ ynharryenthusiast THANK YOU  ↳ harryfan23 you’re the real queen babe ↳ harryfan17 please never leave us
Sep 30, 2021 • 
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liked by user5, harryfan7, user13 and 97 others
ynupdates Good morning guys! Anthony and Yn are at it again lol 
Tonight Harry Styles performs in Nashville one more time, meaning Yn will be there filming and doing her job! 
We’re loving to see she’s speaking up but also handling things with humor, and we hope she knows there are a lot of people supporting her, too ❤️
view all 11 comments user9 not them making fun of people who say she doesn’t know how to do her job LMAO harryfan3 she really said i’m done holding back didn’t she :’)  harryfan7 I LOVE THIS SIDE OF HER user11 everyone around him loves her and people just cant handle that!!  
Sep 30, 2021 • 
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— — — — — 
PART 11 — (soon)
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heyclickadee · 1 day ago
And—okay, @mrsnaildood, your tags
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got me thinking, because I absolutely think there’s something going on here between these two lines, and it’s interesting.
(More under the cut—this got long because I can’t shut up):
My two cents—with the caveat that I’m very much hardline Tech lives, and hardline that we’re not quite done with the batch’s story, just with the part focusing on Omega’s POV—is that they’re sort of both right and both wrong, and that the answer is a third road situation we haven’t gotten to yet.
Because, well, the squad does keep functioning after Echo leaves. It takes them a bit to adjust, no one is happy about it, but they operate just fine once they get their heads around it. They even function okay without Crosshair. It’s never quite the same, they don’t like it, but they can squeak by because they can collectively step in and fill the job Crosshair had on the squad (not that they’re filling in for the person, just the role of sharpshooter) to enough of an extent that they can complete missions when they need.
So, yes, Tech is sort of right that the squad can keep going, unhappily but still, if they lose a member. Except then they lose Tech and everything immediately falls apart. And stays fallen apart for an extended period of time because he’s not there.
I mean. The train car crashes because it won’t Echo slow it down (could Tech have hacked in and forced a system response? Maybe). Omega almost dies and they have to go back to Ord Mantell to have AZ save her (Tech doubled as the team medic—maybe they wouldn’t have had to do this if he was there). Omega gets captured. Hunter and Wrecker can’t find Tantiss and look every bit like they’re letting themselves get hit by trucks for leads. They search for months. Omega has to get herself out. They have to go to an entire other planet to unlock a datapad and then do a job for someone who might know someone who knows something to find out what an m-count is. They have to take the most convoluted way to Tantiss and then spend the bulk of their time there getting their asses kicked.
(Edit: To clarify here because I just realized how this came across, I’m not saying that Tech is more important to the squad than the others, because he’s not. More that he serves a different function; he’s sort of the engine that keeps them going, and they lost him at a time when they were already stretched thin and when what they really needed was an engine.)
We don’t even really get a happy reunion of the known surviving members of clone force 99. Echo leaves again, Crosshair and Wrecker aren’t part of the, “Whatever we want, kid,” conversation and don’t appear in the epilogue, and when they come sit down under that tree
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the two of them are still visually separated from each other and the group in the center. This isn’t a whole, united family (I know we’re talking about them as a squad right now, but more on this in a minute—they’re still as broken as they were back in Aftermath, just broken differently. (Also, sidebar, Crosshair is sitting against the darkest part of the frame. Man is just surrounded by shadow, which. Hmmm.)
Anyway, all this to say that Crosshair is also is also kind of right. They are broken without Tech. They’re not the same squad. If Tech is meant to be dead then the handling of that death is atrocious, because he’s never dealt with as a person (and we get no indication anyone has dealt with it off screen), but if he’s alive then the cumulative effect of really only bringing up the loss of his skillset without allowing anyone to step up and fill his roll—not even Omega, who wins against Hemlock with a combination of skills she learned from all her brothers and her own capacity for strategy and compassion, and very much does things her way—is to say that they need him.
And the really interesting thing is that no one really refutes these lines even though there’s definitely space for them to do so. Neither Wrecker nor Hunter tell Tech that he’s wrong, they tell him that he needs to go talk to Omega because he snapped at her, she needs help adjusting, and she doesn’t actually want to be alone. The pushback against Crorsshair’s line completely sidesteps the question about whether Tech is really gone or whether Clone Force 99 is dead without him, and instead focuses hones in on Crosshair trying to infiltrate Tantiss by himself—something that Wrecker and Hunter won’t let him do. And, of course, neither Tech nor Crosshair ever take their statements back. (Crosshair doesn’t take the statement that he deserves to die back, either, which again. Hmmmm.
But, to add another layer to this, neither Tech’s nor Crosshair’s lines are delivered as objective fact. There’s a lot of emotional charge and neither of them is exactly calm while saying them.
“This squad existed long before Echo was a part of it, and it will exist long after,” is one of the most heated line deliveries we ever get from Tech. He’s done with everything, upset about Echo, really doesn’t want to talk about, would like things to stop going wrong for two seconds, and frankly I think he couldn’t handle Omega going on at that particular moment on top of everything else. So he snaps at her in a way that shuts down the conversation.
“Clone force 99 died with Tech! We’re not that squad anymore!” is agonizing. It’s one of the most pained things Crosshair says, and part of one of his longest trains of dialogue, because it’s just the preamble to Crosshair declaring that he’s going to go into Tantiss alone because he, “deserves whatever happens to [him] in there.” The whole speech together is basically, “We’re broken because we don’t have Tech, and we don’t have Tech because of me, so I’m going to go get myself killed over it.” Whatever Crosshair actually believes about Tech’s fate, and whatever Tech’s fate actually is, Crosshair’s saying this in a moment of anger, his primary motivation here is to get Hunter and Wrecker to let him go in by himself, and he’s saying the most out of pocket, painful thing he can think of to do so. (He has a habit of doing this.)
So, all this to say is that part of what these lines do is inform us of Tech’s and Crosshair’s perspectives and motivations in these moments more than anything else. Tech is deeply upset about losing Echo (and, as it turns out, losing Crosshair), but they have to keep going, and he can’t solve the problem they’re in by shutting down over it. Crosshair doesn’t think there’s anything left to carry on, and he’s in despair because of it.
Which is where I think we get to the point where they’re both a little bit wrong.
Given Tech’s perspective I think there’s a chance that, whatever else he was thinking—I don’t think there’s a universe where Tech wouldn’t fight to stay alive all the way down, but he’d know that if he did make it to the bottom alive that he’d be separated from the rest of the batch for who knows how long—he thought the squad could carry on without him because he watched them function through losing Crosshair and Echo. That it’d be hard, that they’d hate every second of it, but that they could adapt and function and then they…don’t. No one ever really deals with losing Tech—not the same as being sad, and something that would have needed to happen on screen—and they’re immediately plunged into a situation where his exact skillset could have solved the problem in, like, two days.
(Sidebar: if it turns out I’m right and this story isn’t quite done, and we do get Tech back, one interesting thing they could do is push very gently back against the idea of clone self sacrifice, and make, “he wouldn’t let us save him,” something Tech has to learn, because he was sacrificing himself for his squad but what his squad actually needed was him.)
And then for Crosshair…the thing about Crosshair is that he’s a perceptive individual who picks up on people and situations in a remarkable way, except that perception is then filtered through a filter of cynicism and self-loathing that ends up taking genuine insight and bringing it to the worst conclusion. And that’s before we get to Crosshair’s habit of just saying things he doesn’t believe with the intent of pushing people away. “We’ve been a train wreck ever since we lost Tech,” isn’t wrong. “We’re permanently broken and nothing can be fixed,” is the Crosshair filter talking. Besides—if clone force 99 can never be fixed, then what did Tech sacrifice himself for? And he fell on a mission he personally pushed for to save Crosshair; how does Crosshair going and getting himself killed over it in any way honor that?
All this to say that I think these two moments are absolutely in dialogue with each other. “It’s difficult, but we have to carry on,” vs, “We’re broken and I’m going to let it kill me.” Or, well…, “Adapt and survive, or die with the past.”
There’s a push and pull between them, but it’s in a way that allows the tension between the two perspectives to never settle at any point of the show. As long as there is more story to tell, however, I think the real answer to which perspective the writing agrees with is going to come down to this exchange:
“But we’re more than that. We’re a family. Aren’t we?”
“Yes—yes. Of course we are.”
Imagine for a second that Tech comes back, we get the entire bad batch family together, and that we do come full circle to this. Basically, that, yes, Tech was wrong about this particular thing, clone force 99 hasn’t existed in a real way in a long time, and that it actually died long before Crosshair thought, too. Clone force 99 as a functioning military unit died with the Republic. They aren’t the soldiers that they were, and they’ve all been through too much to be able to be. But that doesn’t matter, because they’re more than that. They’re a family. They always will be. And they don’t have to stay broken.
And for what it’s worth, Crosshair and Tech are the only members of the squad outside of Omega who talk about it in familial terms. And we never do round out the family arc. So it might be something they’re planning on coming back to.
remember in S2 when Tech said "This squad existed before Echo was a part of it, and it will exist after."
and then in S3 Crosshair said "Clone Force 99 died with Tech. We're not that squad anymore."
i just think about this a lot.
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adrienneleclerc · 5 hours ago
Hello! You could make a Fanfic where Toto Wolff's daughter begs her father to make a contract for her boyfriend (Carlos Sainz) in the Mercedes team so that he doesn't go to Williams 💗
Yes! And I’ll be using one of my favorite Hannah Montana quotes because Y/N will DEFINITELY be a Daddy’s Girl.
Pretty Please
Summary: Y/N Wolff is dating Carlos Sainz and is unhappy to hear that Carlos is thinking about signing with Williams.
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors, Williams hate
A/N: any hate towards Williams are things I have heard other people say. I’m also trying to get through ALL my requests so bear with me, please.
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You were chilling with Carlos when he received a call. He kissed yourcheek and excused himself to take the call in another room. A few minutes have passed and Carlos walked back in with a smile.
“What’s got you all smiley?” You asked him.
“I got an offer from Williams to be their driver for the 2025 season.” Carlos said. You were in shock, however, remembering how James Vowels had a history of getting rid of their second drivers before the season finishes, thinking about Nicholas and Logan. You don’t want the same thing to happen to Carlos. But Carlos is a good driver, he knows what he’s doing.
“That’s great, babe, I’m so happy for you.” You hugged him after you said it.
In front of Carlos, you act very supportive of his decision, but in reality, you’re thinking about how you could convince your dad to sign Carlos. Carlos dropped you off at home, and when you opened the door, your mom was cooking food while your dad and brother were watching TV.
“Sweetheart, you’re just in time for dinner, have a seat. Toto, Jack, you guys too.” Your mom said. You put your things in your room, washed your hands, and sat down for dinner. “How was lunch with Carlos?”
“It was good, he’s recently got an offer to join Williams.” You said.
“That’s good, he’s a talented driver, he deserves to be in the new season.” Your dad commented.
“I like Carlos! He lets me play with his dogs.” Your brother jack said.
“Yeah, he’s talented all right, definitely too talented to drive for Williams.” You said, your dad doesn’t even have to look up from his plate to know you’re giving him puppy dog eyes, he can hear the begging tone in your voice.
“Ah no, nope, I already have a driver in mind for 2025, i can’t sign Carlos.” he said, getting up to get a beer, you followed him.
“How many ‘pretty’s do I have to put in front of the word ‘please’ for you to make Carlos a contract? Pretty, pretty…” You said training behind him. "Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty please, daddy, please!" You begged, stepping in front of the fridge before he had the chance to open it.
"Woah!" Your father exclaimed, putting his hands up as if he was surprised.
"Does that mean you'll sign him?" You asked hopefully
"No, it means you can stop. I already have Kimi Antonelli lined up to join Mercedes, you know this.” Your father said, moving you to open the fridge and get himself a beer.
"Dad, come on! It’s better for Kimi to have one more year in Formula 2, you know how everyone treated Logan, they all said he wasn’t ready to join F1. Kimi is just a kid, one more year until he can join and Carlos will join Audi in 2026.” You said.
“Charles Leclerc also did one year of F2.” Toto argued.
“But he didn’t join Ferrari right away, dad. He was in Sauber first before joining Ferrari. Wouldn’t it be better for kimi to go to Williams to get more F1 experience before joining Mercedes?” You asked your dad.
“I’ll think about it.” He said and you frowned.
“I’m not Jack’s age anymore, dad. I know ‘I’ll think about it’ means ‘ain’t gonna happen but nice try.’” You said, crossing your arms.
“I’ll think about it. But can we finish dinner first, please.” Toto said and you nodded.
It’s been a week since your conversation with your dad and you were losing hope until you saw Carlos and your dad talking. They shook hands, you decided to approach them,
“What’s going on here?” You asked, standing beside Carlos.
“You are looking at Mercedes’s new driver.” Carlos said, hugging you. You were in shock but hugged him back.
“Really? Omg, Im so happy for you!” You exclaimed, your father winked at you and you mouthed him a thank you.
“Took a lot of convincing though.” Toto joked.
“The contract is really good, I read it over three times, and signed today.” Carlos said.
“That’s great, how about we go out to celebrate? My treat.” You offered and Carlos nodded. You guys walked away and just when your father was out of earshot, Carlos whispered thank you in your ear. “For what?”
“I know you talked to your dad about me.” Carlos said,
“Are you mad?” You asked.
“Max that my girlfriend loves me so much she’ll convince her dad to write me up a contract? I know you were just looking out for me.” Carlos said.
“Well yeah, i Don’t really like how James treats his second drivers, I did not want you getting that treatment at all.” You pouted. Carlos kissed your pout away.
“I Love you so much.” Carlos said.
“I love you too.” You said.
The End
Hope y’all liked it!
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rhyrhy · 3 days ago
Hear me out… Hockey show off/star Abby and Nerd reader?
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Hockey! Abby Drabble
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Current day,
“Are you following me?” You asked, looking over your shoulder to see her still, there.
“No” she said quickly. “But let’s say .. I was”
“How would you uh—feel about that?” She added.
“You’re joking right?”
This has been going on for weeks now. Is the same routine, you get done with class and there she is. In all her mighty, jersey number #14, Anderson. Abby, Anderson. Whether it’s her on her phone, talking with a friend, or just leaning on the wall staring into space. She’s waiting. For who actually? She won’t out right say it but you.
At first you thought it was a joke. What on earth did she suddenly want with you. You’ve gone to same school since what, 10th grade. And she never looked your direction then. But for exactly 3 weeks and today being the fourth day like clockwork after your afternoon class, the daunting sight of a tall, blondish- brunette seem to have been filling your vision like clockwork.
“I don’t have time for whatever this is” you brush her off.
“Oh come on. You always do this” she sighs. Following behind you.
Four weeks ago,
She’d never tell you but it did indeed start that way. After a game, the locker room was rowdy per usual. Slaps on the back and bumping shoulders excitedly, after another win.
Abby pulls t-shirt over her shoulder, covering her torso. Hair still damp from the showers.
And Nora continued to list off names. Someone was blasting music from a speaker shoved into a duffel bag. But teammate nora Trying to figure out the current roster that seems to always be rotating. She stretched out her legs and continued.
“Yikes. Hard pass”
Then your name comes up and her head cocks.
“..Are you just making up names now?” she asked, half-distracted.
“No, dumbass know the one with like” she proceeds to vaguely describe you. Emphasize the curve of your ass, typical her. It was less about your personality and more about the way you carried yourself, the way you dressed, the way your legs looked when you walked across campus.
“No idea.” Abby shrugged, turning back to her locker.
“Bullshit,” Nora said, sitting up. “You’ve had classes together since high school.”
“And,” Leah cut in, “it’s funny how you don’t notice them, but they definitely don’t notice you either.”
That made Abby pause. Just for a second.
It was a dumb comment, offhand, not meant to stick. But something about it did.
Because that was the thing, wasn’t it? People noticed her. People knew her name before she ever said it. On the ice, around campus—she was used to the attention, even if she didn’t always care for it.
But you? You really didn’t seem to care. And for whatever reason, that got under her skin.
“Maybe she’s just not into the whole hockey thing,” Abby said, shaking it off.
“Or maybe she’s just not into you,” Nora teased, grinning.
That shouldn’t have mattered.
But the next day, when she happened to pass by your class right as it let out, she lingered. Just a second too long. Just long enough to see the way you walked right past her without a second glance.
And then she did it again. And again.
Now she wasn’t sure if she was waiting for you to notice her— Or if she was afraid you never would. Creepy or not, you were kind of easy to stalk considering you were a creature of habit.
It started with just her putting a face to the name.
Nora was right about..certain attributes. Besides that part, after scolding herself for being a dog. You did keep to yourself, more soft spoken than she was. Aesthetic wise, you two clashed completely.
And you totally caught her staring. A gaze you felt from yards away, blue shards digging into your skin.
Of course you’d picked up on this little dance. she stuck out like a sore thumb on the opposite side of campus. eyes always on yours or places they shouldn’t.
You ignored it, hard.
And the first time she asked you out, you almost laughed in her face. Because she had to be joking.
Until she asked a second , then a third with flowers. And today was probably going to be the fourth. There was simply no escaping those blonde locs and board shoulders.
Current day
“Can we do this tomorrow? I’m exhausted.” You don’t even look at her.
Abby huffs a laugh, but there’s an edge to it. “That’s what you said yesterday.”
You sigh. “And?”
“And—” she steps in front of you, cutting you off. Close enough that you have to stop walking. Close enough that the air between you gets heavier. “You keep pretending like you don’t care, but if you really didn’t, you’d tell me to fuck off for good.”
She waits. Watches your expression. Because she’s right, isn’t she? You haven’t shut her down completely. Just enough to make her work for it. And she was a dog after her bone.
But you don’t let that show. You tip your head, unimpressed. “Maybe I just enjoy watching you try.” Suppressing your amusement.
Abby exhales sharply, shaking her head like she’s trying not to smile. Like she hates that she likes this.
“Tomorrow then,” she mutters, finally stepping aside
And just like that, it’s another round. One she intends on winning.
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Not proofread just pulled it out my butt ngl , lowkey might come back to this though
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tulip-room · 2 days ago
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lemongrass - s. kiyoomi || wc: 960 || genre: fluff || masterlist || tags: 16+ because of slight suggestive nature, soft sakusa, showers together, washing hair, sakusa smells nice, sleepy talk
syn. after a hard week of being apart sakusa offers a suggestion to spend time together while also relaxing
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it was by no stretch to say that it had been a truly dreadful week. the only thing that kept the both of them going was the fact that it was sakusa’s last day being away, she couldn’t wait to be in his arms again. the quiet sounds of motion from the kitchen are the first thing he hears after he unlocks the door. then he hears a pause and footsteps growing more rapid and louder as they get closer. “you’re home,” she says almost breathlessly.
“i’m home.” his suitcase is on the floor and long forgotten as his arms open and she finds herself in the space between them. he smells like lemons and home. his hands find her hair and he leans down so his face is pressed to the crown of her head. “you need a shower.” 
she lets out a small laugh before hitting him lightly on the chest. “if anything you’re the one that needs a shower.”
“fair, come on.” he lets go off her but only for a moment. his hand grabs hold of hers and they walk towards the bathroom. 
“how very forward of you.”
“shut up, idiot.” he opens the door before stepping into their bedroom across the hall and grabbing clothes. he sets them on the counter and before she can react his hands rest on her waist and he leans in to kiss her. 
“maybe you need to leave more often if this is how i’m greeted,” she teases between kisses with a smirk. he pulls away with a sigh and lets go of her. “wait, no, come back.” she grabs his shirt and pulls him towards her again. she stumbles back a bit and his arms cage her in as he holds onto the sink counter. a breath passes her lips, no matter how often this happens she’ll never be used to it. 
they stay like that for longer than they probably should; lips pressing together and hands resting just slightly under bits of fabric. the counter is cool and makes her jump when it briefly touches her back before a warm hand is moved to the spot and he pulls away slightly. his lips are red and glossy as he pulls away and there’s a light flush on his cheeks. “we should probably start the shower now,” although he tries to act unaffected; the slight hitch in his breath and the rise and fall of his chest give it away. 
“yeah—“ her voice cracks and she clears her throat “yeah. yeah definitely.” he slides open the glass door of the shower and turns the knob before closing it again. the patter of the water on the floor makes small echoes. 
her back is still to the counter as he steps back over to her. his hands inch under her shirt and lift it over her head. he pulls her closer again and kisses her shoulders. “i missed you.”
“you’re so soft today. what’s gotten into you?” she asks as she rakes her fingers through his curls gently working out some of the knots. 
“i just missed you.” his lips fall to her collarbone and leave another kiss before they help each other out of the rest of their clothes and into the warm stream of the shower. she’s about to reach for her shampoo but his own hand stops her. “please, can i do it for you.”
“okay,” their voices can barely be heard over the patter of the water. his hands reach for his soap and he gently works it into her scalp for a few minutes and gently places a hand on her forehead as he leans her head back to rinse out the shampoo. “i can smell it you know.” he hums in response. “the lemongrass, i know you’re using your soap.” he brushes a hair mask through the ends of her hair.
“and what about it?” he challenges lightly as his lips kiss the back of her shoulder where it dips lightly. she jumps a little bit at the feeling and he does the same for the other shoulder. he takes care and time into making sure all the product is gone from her hair before putting conditioner in. 
“you never let me use your products.”
“don’t read too much into it.” he scoffs lightly although despite his seemingly annoyed tone his hands have been caressing her skin while the conditioner sits in her hair. 
“whatever you say kiyo,” she leans back towards him so his chest is pressed to her back and sighs. “i miss you, i missed feeling you with me.”
“i missed you too,” his arms wrap around her waist and his chin rests on her shoulder. she can feel his cold and damp hair against her skin and it makes goosebumps rise. he turns his head, his nose presses to the juncture of her neck and he presses a gentle kiss. 
as they continue with their shower she makes sure to return the favor to him and wash his hair. her hands gently rubbing and rinsing and carding through the dark tresses. “i love you,” she had whispered as she kissed his chest and washed his body. “i wish you didn’t have to go so often.” another gentle kiss.
“i wish i didn’t either, but that just means the season is almost over and i can be at home waiting for you all the time.” she smiles and presses another kiss to his skin. 
“i’ll try not to make you wait too long then.”
“no, you better not.” the gentle smiles on their faces only lift the comfort around them. the steamy, but cooling, shower, the bits of laughter, kisses on wet skin, and the smell of lemongrass. 
“i promise.” 
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lale!!! hi my love <33 Ihope you're doing well and i know that this is really late but i hope you had a good valentine's day!! have some soft sakusa and showers together <3 thank you for being my friend and always listening to me talk even about things you have no clue about <3
find my other valentine’s here
taglist (gen fil out this form to be added) @hiraethwa @hatsukeii @cherrysurf @cheriisae @darthferbert @localgaytrainwreck @lale-txt @szyvrue @wyrcan
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mixingandmelting · 3 days ago
No reason for sharing this other than it made me think of Dick with Haley lol Reader can be his sis like in the vid or pregnant reader trying to surprise Dick 😂
A/N: the second I watched this, I started writing a blurb because anon you are 100% right, Dick would be that guy 😂
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It was just out of pure instincts. It's small. Looks like something that Haley could fit in. Of course, he wouldn't think otherwise.
"Dawh, it's so cute!"
Holding up the onesie at eye-level, he was already in love and ready to put it on the the gray, pitbull. It's not only black and blue, it has his symbol on it! And considering how Haley grew out (more like chewed up) of her clothes, it was great timing.
"Haley, come`ere girl!" He whistles as he makes his way towards her. "Look at the new clothe you got!"
He doesn't think much of you laughing so hard, brushing it off as your usual reaction when he gets worked up like this. Fawn over things that he knows you or Haley would love to the point of sometimes going down on his knees and beg to let him get it whether it's to you or anyone else in the family that reminds him about financial responsibility.
"Dick," you call out in between your laughter, "it's not for Haley."
He stops and looks at you confused. What do you mean it's not for Haley? If not for Haley, who else could fit in it in this family? Especially when there's no-
"Oh my- No. No way." He already ran back and stands in front of you, his hands gently on your shoulder as he scans you from head to toe. "You-Me-You're-"
At this point you're gasping for air. Maybe a few seconds if pushing it but most definitely less than a minute it takes for all of this happened.
"Yes, I'm pregnant!"
At first he starts wrapping his arms around your waist only to quickly change their positions where one supports your back and the other props up your legs.
He swings you around and around in the princess hold, euphoria and dopamine flooding into his veins.
"Let's go!!! We're having a baby!!!"
It takes for the longest time for him to let you go. The only reason he does is from Haley nips at her dad's pants after being led on and never told why he was looking for her in the first place.
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wisteria-lodge · 3 days ago
Part 2 of the continuing adventures of Harriet "Harry" Lily Potter!
So... Voldemort is back. He and Dumbledore are both in slightly better spots - Dumbledore has a head start on tracking down the Horcruxes, and Voldemort has Barty. Dumbledore's priorities are:
Destroy as many horcruxes as possible
Lure Voldemort out into the open, so the Ministry won't be able to deny that he's back.
Dumbledore is going to accomplish that second thing by treating the Prophecy as WAY more important than it actually is. Because that last line "Neither can live while the other survives" doesn't really matter. (It's actually kind of obvious.) But if Dumbledore can make Voldemort think it's important, put guards on the Department of Mysteries day and night... then it might be possible to lure Voldemort into Ministry.
Restarting the Order goes pretty much the same. Only this time, Dumbledore's got Percy pulling double-agent duty at the Ministry. And Sirius... is still on the run after killing Peter. I think he tried to reconnect with Remus (since he now knows that Remus wasn't the spy.) But it didn't go well. Without Peter there as proof... Remus just didn't believe him.
After hearing that Cedric is dead and infering that Harry is in danger - Sirius is back in England. But he's really just hanging out in the wings as a wild card. So far, this has not been a great AU for Sirius.
Harry is stuck rotting at the Dursley's. She is NOT in a good place, and does NOT appreciate Dudley calling Cedric her "boyfriend." Then she gets in trouble with the Ministry for doing underage magic, saving him from a dementor.
Things are looking up a little when Tonks, Moody & Co show up to bring her the Order's safehouse (probably just the Burrow with added protections, since they can't use Grimmauld Place without Sirius.) Ginny and the twins are there, but Neville isn't. Augusta Longbottom is certainly aligned with Dumbledore, but she's a cooperative asset, not part of the Order. I honestly don't think she'd want to put herself or Neville anywhere near the organization that couldn't protect Frank and Alice. Augusta has absolutely not been able to come to terms with that happened to them.
Ginny would get a little fiery at CAPSLOCK!Harry (not guilty and uncomfortable like Ron, or placating like Hermione.) This response would actually work pretty well, and paradoxically calm Harry down. She and Ginny spend the rest of the summer playing Quidditch, and Harry's trial and experience with the Ministry plays out like in canon. Probably, she bonds more with Lupin in the absence of Sirius.
Canon!Harry gets on the train with Neville and Ginny at the beginning of Book 5, which is kinda fun. So, that interaction goes exactly the same. Harry meets Luna, Neville tries to show them the new mimbulus mimbletonia plant he got over break, and ends up squirting all of them with gunk just as Cho walks in.
Harry does still have a crush on Cho... but also just enough heteronormativity left over from the Dursleys to be unable to apply that particular word to what she's feeling. Her feelings about Cedric, and about Cho, are very raw and messy. She thinks maybe she and Cho were rivals competing for Cedric? But also blames herself for Cedric's death, and feels terrible that Cho is sad. Harry wants Cho to think well of her... and isn't totally sure why. Also, she's just kind of uncomfortable around dating in general. Ginny is a whole year younger than her, and already dating Michael Corner. Harry thinks that - maybe she's supposed to be dating someone? Should be dating someone?
That's definitely a tension here between the three of them now. It only gets worse actually gets worse when it turns out Hermione and Neville are the new Gryffindor prefects, he gets called away to the prefect's cabin, and Ginny goes to say hi to Michael.m (Canon!Dumbledore made Ron a prefect because he was Harry's friend, and Dumbledore wanted to give him a confidence boost. I think the same reasoning would apply to Neville.)
When they get to school Umbridge starts her take-over, none of that changes. Draco is still sucking up to Umbridge, trying as hard as he can to be big and impressive. But he's also still very taken with Harry... and I don't think he provokes the fight ends with her getting banned from playing quidditch. Unfortunately, it will only be a matter of time until Umbridge finds a different excuse to ban Harry, and Ginny will take over as Seeker. Harry finds herself more and more at loose ends this year - Ginny is with her boyfriend or playing quidditch, Neville is doing prefect rounds... so she finds herself hanging out more and more with Luna.
Then Hermione starts the DA. It absolutely still is Hermione's project. She's still going to worry that she'll fail her OWLs because Umbridge isn't teaching them anything, she's still coming to the conclusion that she needs a teacher, and will decide that Harry is her best bet. She knows Harry gets Outstandings in DADA, and Krum (who Hermione still writes too) was *very* impressed with Harry "He said Harry knew how to do stuff even he didn't, and he was in the final year at Durmstrang."
Convincing *Harry* to commit will be a little harder than in canon, but definitely not impossible. Especially if Hermione brings in Neville (who Hary trusts) and Theo (who knows how good Harry is, and probably has a lot of the same concerns as Hermione.) Theo will also be value added when it comes to keeping the DA *secret.* Instead of meeting everyone at once, he has Harry approach small groups of potential members (accompanied by either him or Hermione).... and only lets them into the main group when they've signed Hermione's enchanted sheet. He's VERY impressed with this bit of magic... and this might end up being a Hermione/Theo universe. Theo's sneaky Slytherin involvement means that they're able to hide the formation of the DA from both the Order and Umbridge a lot more successfully.
So the gang starts meeting up in the Chamber of Secrets because Harry can easily access it. The basilisk keeps watch - Hagrid made it a pair of goggles. Ron, Dean, Shamus, Parvati, Lavender, Luna, the Hufflepuffs, the Ravenclaws are there... but not Cho. I don't think Cho joins. A big part of why Canon!Cho was interested in Harry was because she wanted someone to emotionally process Cedric with. She wanted to know if Cedric talked about her, if he talked about her while he was dying. If she thinks Harry potentially loved Cedric... that dynamic wouldn't be the same. They're too similar, it wouldn't work.
But DRACO joins. Why not? He hears about it from Theo, and at this point Draco he really caused any problems for Harry in like, two years. His father is a death eater... but so is Theo's, and Theo is okay. Draco is still looking for ways to get close to Harry, and this is just one more way he can try to impress her. AND... he learns how to to summon a Patronus. And this is my meta and I get to pick what it is, so I say his Patronus is a pigeon.
Like. A fancy pigeon. But a a pigeon. Draco's not a fighter, he's a survivor, and he survives by keeping to the background, running when he's in trouble, and finding ways to live even when the situation is toxic. Also he would hate having a pigeon as a Patronus and it would be really funny.
Even with everything else going on, this is a good time for Harry. A few more Slytherins trickle in and join the DA - Blaise, Daphne, and Daphne's little sister Astoria. It's like the Sorting Hat told them at the beginning of the year: "our Hogwarts is in danger / From external, deadly foes/ And we must unite inside her / Or we’ll crumble from within."
Neville doesn't actually manage a corporeal patronus in canon, but he does make leaps and bounds forward. For the first time, he goes from feeling like "almost a squib" to actually competent. He exists at the heart of their friend group sure, but he's always felt second fiddle to the magical powerhouses Harry and Ginny. And I think it's natural that he'd start to get a little crush on Harry, at this point. I mean Ginny's dating Michael... it just makes sense.
However. There is a breaking point. Harry sees Nagini attack Arthur Weasley through her mental connection with Voldemort, then she and Ginny go to visit him at St. Mungos... and run into Neville visiting his parents.
Now. Neville doesn't talk to anyone about his parents. In this AU I think he probably lied to his friends early on. Said that his parents were dead, so they wouldn't ask any more questions. Only thing is, Harry knows. She found out while watching Death Eater trials in Dumbledore's pensieve in Book 4. But since Canon!Harry didn't tell anyone, and I don't think Harriet will either. Her perspective will be that - Neville can tell them in his own time, when he's ready.
Ginny will not have this perspective. She will hate that Neville lied to her, wasn't honest with her. She'll also feel torn up and guilty... every time she gave Neville a hard time for that stupid plant, he had this hanging over his head? It's going to make her confused, and uncomfortable, and she's going to say "I need to be with my family right now" and storm off.
Then - over Christmas - we get the news that there's been a mass Azkaban break out. (Fudge blames Sirius, like he does in canon.) What that means for this AU is that Barty, Bellatrix and Lucius are locked in competition to see who will rise to the top as Voldemort's Number 2. Very quickly it becomes clear that this is a showdown between Bellatrix and Barty. Lucius is less powerful, and less unhinged, and his bona fides frankly suck. He's out of his league, and knows it.
But this is kind of a problem for Voldemort. He needs to control Lucius, because Lucius has the house and the money. But... if Lucius realizes that he's not going to get anything out of this scenario, that there's no way for him to win... then Lucius defecting becomes a very real possibility.
Which is why I think Voldemort gives Draco a Dark Mark six months early. If Voldemort's got Draco on a magical leash, then Lucius is his. Problem solved. Voldemort frames it as a way for Lucius to "prove his loyalty" - but the reality is that Draco is his hostage. He also gives Draco a semi-impossible task to carry out at school. This time, it's "Bring me Harriet Potter."
(Voldemort's actual favorite during this period... is starting to be Snape. It's flattering that Snape chose him over Dumbledore, and the way he's staying out of the Bellatrix-and-Barty show... is actually making Voldemort respect him more...)
Back at school, Ginny will have apologized to Neville, and is probably making a point of being extra nice him - which Neville will honestly hate, because it'll make him feel pitied and broken. This is also the point where Harry's "Remedial Potions" (Occlumency lessons) show up, so now no one is having a good time.
Newly-Marked Draco is isolating himself, like he did in Book 6. He quits the quidditch team, starts spending a lot more time alone. Probably just casts his Patronus over and over again to make himself feel better. He knows his family needs this, and that he has to do this, but he doesn't want to do this.
He tries a few half-hearted attempts to lure Harry out-of-bounds and away from her friends (at which point he'll cast petrificus totalus and, um. Summon Voldemort with the Dark Mark? he doesn't like to think about that part.) Draco will do things like - forge a letter from Hagrid asking Harry to meet him in the forest, or Polyjuice into Snape and tell Harry that Remedial Potions is being held at a new time, and in a suspicious location. Harry begins to smell a rat. Her best guess is that they're clumsy sting operations set up by Umbridge's goons, trying to catch her in the act of rule-breaking, and dismisses them.
Luna offers to run Harry's side of the story in the Quibbler, and Harry goes for it - which results in Umbridge banning the Quibbler, and banning Harry from Hogsmeade (making things more difficult for Draco). But unlike in canon, Harry doesn't name Theo and Draco's fathers as Death Eaters. Harry thinks Theo is smart, and practical, and very good at staying out of trouble. Draco she thinks is a little blustery and ridiculous. But she can't help it - she loves teaching the DA, and she's getting protective over the people in it.
(this makes things even MORE difficult for Draco)
And so I think... this time around... there's NO snitch. Draco justifies it to himself by saying - I can't let Umbridge and the Ministry have Harry. Lord Voldemort wants her.
Occlumency lessons get worse. Harry accidentally witnesses Snape's worst memory - hen puts on her Invisibility cloak and sneaks down to use the Floo Network fireplace in the Three Broomsticks, because she has to talk to Lupin about this. Lupin (solo) will be able to feed her a narrative about how Sirius was a terrible influence on her dad, which Harry will be extremely motivated to believe.
Meanwhile. Draco gets a letter from his father, telling him that things are bad, and the Dark Lord is displeased and frustrated because of many failed attempts (what attempts? Draco doesn't know.) Lucius says that's it's very important that Draco keep Neville Longbottom away from Harry - at a specific time, on a specific date.
It turns out to be extremely easy. Neville needs to be away from Harry (Draco has no idea why) during their History of Magic exam. So he just gets a hold of Neville's daily planner, and sends him to the wrong location, a little too early. And then Draco just wanders around, boxing him in with portable swamps. He feels sick about this decision, but he doesn't know what else to do.
Harry falls asleep during her History of magic exam and has a vision. Of Neville, in the Department of Mysteries, being tortured by Bellatrix. Like his parents.
She is *not* okay. She tries to find McGonagall - in St. Mungos after taking stunners to the chest protecting Hagrid (canon reason.) Dumbledore - gone. He found the Locket-Cave... and he took Snape with him...
Harry is absolutely freaking out. Ginny, Luna are coming with her - and Ron was in the testing room when Harry collapsed, and he's not letting his sister go rescue Neville alone. I honestly think Hermione could go either way - but I'll have her stay behind with Theo. They're going to contact the rest of the DA with the master coins, and see if they can get in touch with - Lupin, Ginny's parents, Tonks and Moody, anyone.
And I'll leave it here for now, and write the exciting conclusion next time :D
What do you think a genderswapped Harry Potter (Harriet Potter?) would've been like?
So to start... I actually don't think life at the Dursleys would be all that different for Fem!Harry. Maybe there would be less *violent* bullying from Vernon and Dudley... but they honestly don't manage all that much as it is, and Harry's "normal" abuse mostly consists of being shouted at, locked up, treated as a scullery maid, and just generally made into a scapegoat + inferior/problem child that the rest of the family can unite around. If anything, Fem!Harry would have just reminded Petunia even MORE of Lily, and stirred up even MORE complicated emotions. And we'd get even more of live-in chef/maid Cinderella!Harry. It would all feel very Matilda.
The first big change I see happening... is I don't think Ron would have bonded with Harry on the train nearly as easily, if she were a girl. Young Ron is honestly pretty uncomfortable/awkward around girls... unless he's able to put them into a category like "little sister" (which doesn't count.) Or "know-it-all" (which doesn't count.) It's kind of a plot point in Book 4 that it takes him a while to realize Hermione and Ginny are girls he and Harry could potentially ask to the dance. Ron grew up around a bunch of guys, and you can tell. I think he'd try to *impress* Fem!Harry on the train, and probably put his foot in his mouth.
Harry would be at kind of loose ends on the Hogwarts Express, and get sucked into the search for Trevor the toad as something to do. So in this version, she actually ends up bonding with Neville. Hermione would be there too but well - Hermione rubbed Harry the wrong way at first in canon, and it would be even more the case here. They're both (functionally) muggleborn girls - but Hermione is SO much better prepared, and has SUCH loving parents, and won't shut up about any of this. In a way that Canon!Harry kind of fixates on Draco for ending up with his Ideal Life, it's possible that Fem!Harry might fixate more on Hermione.
11-year-old Draco would have treated Fem!Harry exactly the same, meeting her at Madame Malkin's and later on the train. He'd still have his obsession with her, and yeah, it probably does read as more of a crush to his Slytherin buddies... but I really do not see that stopping him. If his father can't get him to be normal to Harry, then that's just how it's going to be.
Harry will still get Sorted into Gryffindor, but I don't see her being close with any of the the other Gryffindor girls. Lavender and Parvati just have very different personalities, and Harry and Hermione... are very intense people who work best when they're able to take breaks from each other. In Book 4 when Harry is exclusively hanging out with Hermione, he comments that she's not as *fun* as Ron. And we see that dynamic again in Book 7 when it's just the two of them in the tent. Like they're incredibly effective, but seem to be wearing each other down a little. I think that forcing young (less emotionally mature) Harry and Hermione to be roommates would just end up with them getting on each other's nerves.
Hermione might get pulled into the friend group when Harry and Neville need help researching Nicholas Flamel, but she could easily stay more of a supporting character or even a frenemy in this version. Fem!Harry would still be the youngest seeker in a century. (Draco would be even more motivated to steal Neville's Remembrall if Neville is Harry's best friend... so that face-off would have gone down exactly the same.) Once she's actually on the team, I could see her falling in more with the upperclassmen, and hanging out with Fred, George, Lee, and Angelina (especially if they put together that she's a bit lonely.) It could be Harry, Neville, maybe Hermione, maybe the twins solving the puzzles at the end of Book 1. They'd still suspect Snape, who... would honestly be just a slightly different flavor of antagonistic and weird towards Harry, if she were a girl.
But in second year, Ginny would be Sorted into Gryffindor and I do think that Fem!Harry and Ginny would get along great, absolutely be bros. They could bond over quidditch, and Harry would get more of a sense of Ginny's actual personality (funny, cool). I have to think 11-year-old Ginny would be much less awkward around Harry if she were a girl.
Which would be really intense actually, because Ginny would have shown up to school with the the Diary, and it's... sort of important to the plot that she's isolated and has no friends. If she shares it with Harry as a cool thing - then Harry is ABSOLUTELY going to get obsessed with it. And since Harry's a much better *get* for Tom (Tom talks about being *so* pleased when powerful, important, future nemesis Harry starts writing to him instead of Ginny...) I think you just get Possessed!Harry opening up the Chamber of Secrets.
Also, would Harry have a crush on Tom? We know that Tom Riddle tries to impress Canon!Harry, which doesn't work... but Fem!Harry he might try to charm. Tom can be very charming if he wants to be. Harry also thinks he's very handsome. Either way, Tom is going to work VERY hard to to get Harry to distrust her friends. Really, you'd just get Harry's plot about being isolated and possessed by Voldemort in Book 5 moved to Book 2. Tom would get Harry to write "her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever" on the wall, and lure her down to the Chamber of Secrets.
However. I do think that Lily's magic, which makes it impossible for Voldemort to physically touch Harry, would also make it impossible for him to properly drain her life and take over her body. I'm thinking of the moment at the end of Book 5 where Voldemort tries to possess Harry, but Harry fights him off. So... I think Harry just wakes up in the Chamber of Secrets with an intact Diary and a basilisk she can control, since of course she's still a parselmouth.
The question is... what happens to the Diary, now that Harry knows it's dangerous? I'm thinking that when Harry disappears, Ginny freaks out and tells one of her older brothers what's going on, who tells Arthur, who tells Dumbledore. Which leaves Dumbledore with a Horcrux that still works... and it seems like if you've got school-age Tom Riddle right there, that would be a much easier way to get an answer to the question 'how many horcuxes do you plan on making?' So Dumbledore gets a head start on that project.
Harry now effectively just is the Heir of Slytherin. She can go to the Chamber whenever she wants, and the basilisk is her familiar I guess (Hagrid would LOVE helping her take care of it.) I could also see a Harry who gets more *interested* in Salazar Slytherin after this. She definitely wouldn't talk to Draco - he spent Book 2 being an asshat and calling people slurs. But Harry might try to pick Theo's brain or something.
Now Hermione. At first I was thinking - does Hermione just die, in Book 2? Would she have known to look around corners with a mirror, and so survive her basilisk attack?
I do think she'd still figure it out... and it's because of Lockhart. Hermione is a Gilderoy Lockhart *fangirl,* and without Ron and Harry poo-pooing her crush (and without first hand experience of Lockhart causing issues for Harry...) I think she's able to geek about about this with her roomies. I mean, Lavender and Parvati read Witch Weekly. They know he's won the Most Charming Smile award. Hermione likes a project, and without Harry and Ron providing one, I think her new thing is impress Lockhart. And what would impress Lockhart? Well, he's a monster hunter who is trying to find the Chamber of Secrets and identify what's inside. How cool would it be, if they were the ones who helped him? He'd write about them in his next book.
So I think the Polyjuice Potion plan (Hermione's idea) is still a go. She might even talk Lavender and/or Parvati into helping out. (I mean, they joined the DA. They're up for some rulebreaking.) Hermione would still turn herself into a cat, which would actually massively humanize her in the eyes of her roommates, and I think they all end up much better friends in this AU. Eventually, one of them does manage to Polyjuice into Pansy, which is a much more effective way of interrogating Draco. And by this point, Hermione has met Myrtle, and has enough info to solve the mystery, and even bring her findings to Lockhart. Who ah. Finds an excuse to just run. There's a very fun portion of the year where Dumbledore teaches DADA.
I don't see all that much about Book 3 changing until the climax - because the crew Harry takes down to Hagrid's after dark *would* be different. Neville, Ginny (not the Twins - I think they give Harry the Map and peace out, they've got their own stuff going on and don't want to hang out with their much younger sister.) Maybe Theo? I could see him taking on a very Hermione-ish support role by this point.
But this also causes a problem, because if Ron isn't there, Scabbers isn't with him. And if Scabbers isn't with Ron - I don't think Remus notices Peter on the map, and so just stays inside and drinks his Wolfsbane, which means Snape doesn't go down. And since Sirius' target was never *actually* Harry... I think this is just a universe where Sirius first-degree-murders Peter, and doesn't have a confrontation with Harry at all.
I do think Voldemort still comes back though. Trelawney would still have made her prophecy ("His servant has been chained these twelve years. Tonight, before midnight... the servant will break free and set out to rejoin his master.") In this universe, that prophecy would refer to Barty jr, finally throwing off the Imperius curse for the first time.
Bertha Jorkins still goes on her trip to Albania, and... Voldemort probably just possesses her the same way he did Quirrell. I bet that's easier to do after someone's been sort of fried by a memory wipe. Also, being in her head, I have to assume he's eventually gets some inkling of the fact that Barty is still alive, and so goes looking for him. Harry still goes to the Quidditch World Cup since she's friends with Ginny, her scar is still hurting (she probably writes to Lupin about this, instead of Sirius, but Lupin gives her pretty similar advice. He will have still left Hogwarts, because Snape would still have outed him as a werewolf at the end of the year.)
Harry still ends up as Champion. I think Big Sister Fleur would be a little more protective of Fem!Harry than Canon!Harry. And also... Harry just straight-up has a crush on handsome, nice, good at Quidditch Cedric. Rita could write about the Harry/Cedric/Cho love triangle, instead of Harry/Hermione/Krum.
The Yule Ball would actually be kind of a big deal for Fem!Harry. Up until now, she's been kind of a tomboy who wears Dudley's hand-me-downs... and is occasionally forced into some terrible 'party dress' when Aunt Marge visits. Harry's best friends are a boy and a tomboy, her quidditch teammates are feminine role-models but very much athletes: 'girly' hyper-femininity is something she associates with Aunt Petunia.
But, fourth year roles around. Mrs. Weasley buys her a set of emerald-green dress robes that actually look really nice, and she needs to find a date for the ball. I think she thinks about asking Cedric... but chickens out at the last minute, and asks Neville to go with her as a friend. Between her much more girly roommates, and Fleur taking pity on her and giving her some tips... I think Hermione's big Yule Ball glow-up is also Harry's first experience with wanting to look pretty, and succeeding.
I think it would be fun, and make sense, if this lead into a little secret admirer subplot. Someone is leaving her little gifts and messages, and she's thinking - is it Neville? Theo? Cedric?
(it was Draco. Instead of the blast-ended skrewts, Hagrid has them all taking care of Harry's basilisk, and like... she has a basilisk... she's the Heir of Slytherin... she asked Longbottom to the ball when she could do so much better... she was wearing green and looking perfect. Draco's Harry obsession has sorted itself out into a very serious crush.)
Back to the main plot. With Peter dead, I'm not sure Barty would be able to take care of Voldemort AND prep the ritual to bring him back to life AND impersonate Moody. He's going to need a man on the inside. I think at first he tries to use his father - but as we know that is going to get very risky very fast, because Barty Sr is remarkably good at fighting the Imperius curse, and also just knows way too much. He's a huge risk, because if he goes rouge, he'll tell Dumbledore everything (which is very nearly what happens.)
So I think Barty Jr. targets Barty Sr.'s assistant Percy Weasley, after he can no longer control his father. Uses him as a way to affect things in Hogwarts. He might imperius him, but he also might just like... Polyjuice himself into his father for short periods, and manipulate Percy in a non-magical way to make sure he helps Harry, and gets her through the maze to the cup first. Once Percy realizes what he's done... I think he re-commits to his family in penance, and stops being a such a Ministry man.
Voldemort rising works as kind of a reset button, so things would start looking a lot more canon again, only with Ron and Hermione swapped out for Ginny and Neville. Main difference being, Voldemort has Barty now. I absolutely think he would have survived Book 4.
So I'm going to leave this what-if here for now. Thanks for the ask, this was a lot of fun to think about.
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madridfangirl · 9 hours ago
Star crossed lovers (Jude Bellingham fic)
Chapter 20
(Series Link)
Jude * female reader. Mature Language in parts.
Synopsis: A chance encounter in a tiny Madrid cafe with the newest superstar of her fav club. The two couldn't be more different, yet both feel the pull toward the other. Would this girl be the one he finally falls for? Or would life come in the way of these star-crossed lovers?
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Love. Oh, what a wonderfully intoxicating feeling it was.
Jude had never been in love before. Having another person so deeply influence your happiness, peace and centre of gravity was an alien feeling at first. But eventually, as the months passed, he got so addicted to the highs that the lows were well worth it. Six months into their relationship, being with her had become second nature to Jude. At times, the attachment scared him too, especially when she wasn’t around and he missed her like hell, but one hug from her was all the balm he needed. Mostly, he was glowing under her love.
Ananya had been in love before. But this felt different - deeper, more passionate, more intense, more consuming. And definitely far higher stakes. The doubts of their complicated situation never really left her, not fully. Especially on some tough nights when their realities came to a head. But Jude had a way of pulling her back to him every single time. All her worries tended to wash away under his smile, his puppy eyes, his constant reassurances, his heartfelt praises and proclamations of love. Even her worst fears were losing to the depth of his feelings. He had well & truly shattered almost all the walls she had built around herself. And made his way into her heart, mind, soul and body. Claiming them all decisively. Making her his, and keeping her as his. And boy had he swept her off her feet.
Roma and Jobe had front row seats to their journey, serving as external voices of reason when they were too drowned in each other to realise what was happening.
‘You’re practically living together now, you see that right?’
‘What? That’s rubbish.’
Ananya dismissed the thought immediately, going back to her Wordle. Roma and her were plopped on her bed, enjoying a lazy Saturday afternoon after ages. Jude was out of town for an away game.
‘Yeah? Let’s see.’
Roma got up from the bed with purpose. Something about her tone & stride making Ananya put her phone down & take notice.
She opened Ananya’s cupboard and pointed at one full cabinet stuffed with Jude’s things.
‘It’s just for convenience, so he doesn’t throw things around the room.’
Roma went to the adjoining washroom, carrying out one basket filled with Jude’s toiletries. It was bigger than Ananya’s.
‘You know how he is. If he doesn’t find the specific product he’d bring the house down or send Agnes scampering for it. Just for conve…’
‘…convenience you say? Sure. I’m guessing your stuff would be in his room too, for convenience?’
‘And that particular brand of sugarless pancake batter in the kitchen, those cereals that taste like mud, all that healthy vegan crap that you & I hate, is there for convenience too?’
Ananya averted her eyes, unsure of what to say. Or feel.
‘When he’s not here, you’re there. If you both are in Madrid and have time on your hands, you’re always joined at the hip. That’s called living together.’
Realisation set in for Ananya, followed by panic. She grabbed Roma’s hand & pulled her to the bed.
‘Is this…wrong?’
Roma’s tone softened immediately, looking at her friend’s state, knowing that the point had hit home.
‘Why should it be wrong? But it’s serious. And intense. And maybe a bit faster than what I would have done. But hey, to each his own yeah? Just want you to be aware that you’re in deep waters now, my friend. And maybe you should talk to Jude about it.’
Ananya nodded aimlessly. The idea of talking to Jude about this was unnerving. The dreaded conversation of where they were and where it was heading and if they were moving too fast. So she put it on the back burner for now, letting things unfold at their own pace.
Similarly, Jobe was amused to see his erstwhile ‘player’ brother turn more & more into what he called a ‘lovesick puppy.’
‘Say what now?’
‘You heard me.’
‘What do you know? You’re practically a child.’
‘I’m 18, bro.’
‘More relationship experience than you. Just saying.’
‘Teenage relationship.’
‘Still counts.’
‘Whatever, you’re wrong.’
‘Yeah? So you didn’t discard last event’s outfit, custom-made by your stylist, just coz your girlfriend didn’t like it?’
‘She’s got taste. Picked me, yeah? So what if I listen to her opinion sometimes?’
‘What happened to having ‘uniquely distinct fashion choices that others are too stupid to understand’? At least that used to be the house line?’
‘She’s not others.’
‘Precisely my point.’
‘You have no point.’
‘Shut up you loon.’
‘So you’re saying keeping the beard was your choice?’
The beard had been a sore point between Jude & Ananya. She liked him in the goatee but when he graduated to a beard she was thrilled. She had never been a fan of facial hair but she claimed that the beard suited Jude so so much. Plus she found it super sexy, which Jude always cashed in when he needed to. When he randomly moved back to the goatee one fine day, she just looked him up & down & didn’t kiss him like she used to. Didn’t wrap her arms around his neck when he kissed her, like she used to. That night, she didn’t deny him his tumble but didn’t doll up for him like she used to. He got the message, without her saying a word. He kept pestering her if she didn’t like it and she said it should be his choice. She shouldn’t have a say here. But he knew it was bullshit. She obviously had a preference and this was a passive aggressive way of showing it. Jude complained that it was discrimination and she was indirectly influencing his choice by using her sexuality. She retorted that she hadn’t denied him in any way that night and he shot back saying that she hadn’t invited him either, like she used to, especially after a difficult away game where he scored the winner. This half-hearted passion was unlike what they were accustomed to. The spark, the heat was not the same, coz she was not the same. And she simply said she couldn’t help it since she was ‘mourning his beard.’ Jude wanted to turn around and call her over-dramatic but decided not to, choosing to play the long game & not get kicked to the couch.
Her reaction to a clean-shaven look was far worse. Jude had to do it for a shoot and she refused to be anywhere near him, saying he looked like a child and she didn’t want any funny business when he had that babyface. She even tried to put a pillow between them when they went to bed, which Jude had to practically wrestle away. No amount of whining, cajoling or begging from him made her budge. That night, Jude realised he was in love with someone who could be as obstinate as him when she wanted to.
In an unfortunate moment, he had shared all this with his useless brother. 
‘Never telling you anything else from now on.’
‘Pls you’ll die without babbling to me.’
‘Oh fuck off.’
Jobe ignored that completely. 
‘Gonna change the trim too?’
Jude sighed. She didn’t like his hair too finely cut on the sides, said he looked bald under that hat. But net net she loved the overall trim. So he had decided to stand his ground here & keep the sides as is.
‘None of your fucking business.’
‘Gotta give her her flowers though - not a mean thing to have THE JUDE BELLINGHAM wrapped around her little finger.’
‘Should I tell her you said that?’
‘Go ahead. She’s cool & she adores me.’
‘Then why being a dick with me?’
‘Coz it’s fun. And you’re too thick to see it on your own.’
‘Bye now.’
Jude did see what he meant; his brother had used those words just to tease him. And he needed Jobe to show him that mirror at times, like he had done to make Jude realise his feelings for her in the first place. Yes Jude had fallen deep, he could see it well & clear now. But the perks of this phase he was in far outweighed any minor inconveniences. They meant nothing when she smiled & embraced him with so much affection that he could practically feel his heart burst with warmth. Much to his own surprise, he was loving being in love.
However, the relationship had not been a bed of roses, like any other couple.
The pressure of his job was not easy to deal with. Jude & his family still had 4+ years to get used to this limelight & stress, yet even for them Madrid had been astronomically different. Ananya never imagined or wished for such a life, so it was even harder for her.
When the weight of the world was on his shoulders before a big game or a big event in his professional life, she felt the burden too. When all eyes turned on him, trying to tear him apart for some behaviour or the other, or for a red/yellow card (sometimes undeserved), she felt the sting too. 
When his injuries took a toll on his body, she felt the pain too. The shoulder & ankle ones had been particularly brutal - he had to miss matches, undergo intrusive treatments and sulk on the couch while his team carried on without him. Finding a balance between understanding his situation & comforting him had been tricky - Jude had flipped out on a few such occasions when she had tried to tell him it was ok. Coz it was anything but that for him. Later, he did apologise (after silent treatments from her) for taking out his frustration on her but she realised this was not sustainable & they had to find a solution.
With time, she was getting a better handle on his moods. When he wanted to be reassured - with comforting words or warm hugs. When he wanted to just be left alone. When it was better for his mother or brother to handle the situation instead. When he just needed company and wanted to sort out his head on his own, while laying on her chest and playing with the hem of her top absentmindedly. When he needed a mindless carnal release, as an outlet for his stress, which she allowed because generally their intimacy wasn’t mindless. He was a complicated man, under severe pressure, so she gave him a fair bit of leeway. 
She had also learnt to not offer unsolicited advice on his game too much, which sometimes she was tempted to do as an ardent fan. She might disagree with his brashness or arrogance on the pitch at times but that’s what made him him. Without that earth-shattering confidence, he would not be a galactico at Madrid at 20. So she only shared her POV on these things when he specifically asked her, or when she felt things were going overboard. Jude once told her that’s exactly how Denise treated him as well, though his Mum was probably more gentle in her interventions while Ananya took him to the cleaners at times, saying he needed that.
Jude recognised that she did more in finding this balance between them than he did, and that she could have easily stayed on the sidelines and not be so emotionally invested in his professional highs or lows. But she did it out of love. 
He loved her love for football and Madrid. Loved discussing & watching games with her, like he did with his family, teammates & friends from back home. Well, mostly. Sometimes he wished she didn’t understand as much and would be that girlfriend who just fawns over him unconditionally, no matter what he did. ‘Go find yourself a clueless bimbo then’ was her instant response when he joked about it once. Coz she was never going to be that & she made sure he understood that damn well. 
Jude had also realised that while he could often take a lot of liberties with her, and she’d let him, but when she drew a firm line it was set it stone. He didn’t tease her or mess with her when she got in such zones or such moods, which were rare but not too rare also. 
Work and family were two such no-go areas. She had no sense of humour when it came to those. If she was talking with her folks back home or on a work-call, even late-night, that space was sacrosanct and she did not like any histrionics there. Jude had spent a few nights laying next to her, waiting for her to wrap up work, but sometimes it spilled over & he had to go to bed unfulfilled. She’d feel guilty, offer to work from the living room so it doesn’t disturb him but he’d tell her he’d rather sleep with her next to him than be alone. 
Her family still didn’t know about him, barring one cousin, who was quite ambivalent about him being in her sister’s life. So he was absolutely not allowed to yap from behind if she was calling home. Jude didn’t understand why it was so sensitive for her; she was an independent 20 year old adult living far away from home. She had tried to explain how India was culturally different from how Jude had grown up. Her family was not conservative, not by any means, but even then, being in a relationship with a) a non-Indian and b) a high-profile footballer would be a massive shock for them and it needed to be dealt with carefully/gradually. 
Another touchy topic for her was anything perceived to be threatening her individuality / independence. 
One morning, sprawled on her bed, Jude had half-jokingly cribbed about the dress she had put on, calling it too distracting for work. It wasn’t revealing or anything, that wasn’t her style, but it was well fitted and complimented her figure beautifully. Ananya thought it was aesthetic and Jude just wanted to rip it off. The way she had swirled around and told him he had no business telling her what she was supposed to be wearing, Jude would never forget that look. He had immediately raised both hands in surrender, trying to explain it was a silly joke, but boy she had been pissed that day. It took Jude a while to recover from that fiasco. 
Another faux-pas he had walked into was when she took a rare girls night with Roma and a few colleagues from work. The couple had narrowly missed each other a few times that week so Jude was more than disappointed when she told him she was out instead of coming over to his. He had half-expected to see her at his place when he returned late from a shoot; sometimes she surprised him like that. 
‘Oh baby, I’ll see you soon, promise.’
She had slurred on the line when he called her, half-drunk. 
‘I needed you today. I thought you’d be here today.’
‘I wanted to see you too. But I didn’t know when you were getting done. And we were trying to get together for over a month, tonight was the first time all of us had a window. So came for a movie & now dinner.’
‘But what about us? What about me?’
‘Soon, promise.’
‘Will you come tonight?’
‘Jude, I can’t just take off on my friends like this.’
‘Why the hell not?’
The sheer entitlement & frustration in his voice set her off, like she owed him all her time. Oh the gall of him.
‘I’m not gonna be at your beck and call whenever you need me. I thought you understood that.’
‘Excuse me?’
‘You heard me. I wanted to dress up & let my hair down & dine at a fancy place & not be cooped up in the house for a change.’
That felt like a harsh slap in the face. She could have done all those things with him. He could have taken her to the fanciest of places, anywhere in the world, if only she’d let him.
‘Cooped up in the house yeah? Who’s that because of?’
Her. It was because of her. She didn’t want to go public with him, wasn’t ready for all the drama. Not yet. He knew why. He knew it very well. So she was stunned when he weaponised that & threw it in her face.
‘I’m not your fucking property, Jude. If you wanna act like a child, be my guest. But you better watch your tone when you talk to me.’
She hung up, and Jude stared at the phone, not knowing what hit him. When his anger subsided (took a while) and he revisited the conversation in his head, he grudgingly understood where he had fucked up. She didn’t react like this when he wanted to chill with his teammates or have a boys night with his lads from back home. So he really didn’t have a leg to stand on here. Plus he could have done better with his tone. But he missed her. He just missed her like hell.
All night, her phone kept buzzing with messages, and she knew who it was from but she didn’t spare it a look, not for a few hours.
‘Missing you.’
‘Didn’t mean it like that.’
‘Talk to me for a min? Just wanna hear your voice.’
‘Pls don’t be mad.’
‘Love you.’ 
‘Ping me once?’
She let him suffer that night, before going back to his place the next day. They made up, like they always did, tangled in the sheets. And Jude learnt a very important lesson - she would give him the sun & the moon if he appealed to her love for him, if he asks nicely. Respect, chivalry and understanding were the keys to unlock her, not confrontation or domination. Well, domination worked sometimes too, but she needed to be in the zone for it.
And they found that zone quite often. Intimacy and passion was at the heart of their relationship.
Jude loved exploring with her. Pushing her boundaries bit by bit. Breaking down her walls gradually but decisively. Uncovering layers to their intimacy. Cataloguing all the breathless sounds she made for him. The way her eyes rolled back in their socket as she writhed under him. Every little twitch of her face, the frenzied moves of her body. Her total and absolute surrender to him was intoxicating - like a rare, potent, lethally erotic drug. Every time he had her, it spurred him on to have more. He just couldn’t get enough of her.
He was also a shameless flirt, which he never denied or shied away from. Always checking her out, never in dearth of lines to use.
‘Thinking of those tiny blue shorts that flaunt your ass.’
‘Get some rest now. Gonna binge on your minge when I get home.’
She was used to these messages out of nowhere, and him invading her personal space without any prior warning.
Ananya was shocked to discover how much she wanted him too. The thrill she felt every time he touched her. How he had mapped all her sensitive spots & played them like a fiddle. The way his beard tickled & teased her skin. She could read his intent well now - through his deeply expressive eyes, the way his voice turned huskier when he was in the mood, how his hands wandered on her body or slipped under her clothes, how his lips lingered on her skin for a few extra seconds, his his breath grazed her neck, and sometimes even by the tone of his texts. She could tell if it was going to be a long & slow kinda night or a rough, rapid, intense bout where she’d need to hide the marks next day. Much to her surprise, she looked forward to both. Jude had introduced her to the latter. Initially she was hesitant, wanting to do it for him. But now, she welcomed him making her body his playground. Using his height & strength advantage to toss her around. Having her hands pinned over her head or behind her. Being on her hands & knees. Bent over the counter. Tied to the headboard. Pressed up against a wall. Thrown over his shoulder. Being bounced manically as he took her standing, without any support, using his ridiculous arm strength, while she clung to him for dear life. In this territory, she didn’t mind his aggression & control. And while she couldn’t match up to his impossible stamina or voracious appetite, she did meet him half way.
She liked dressing up for him too - a section of her closet reserved for such occasions. And that section only grew larger, some by her doing and a lot by his. But it kept depleting also, ripped & torn off fervently, depending on his restraint or lack of it. 
Jude was used to taking the lead in bed, and he relished it. But he could also now tell when she was in the zone, trying to seduce him subtly. The way she leaned into his side. How she pressed her front into his chest or back, letting him feel her curves. How she batted her lashes at him, while wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him in for a soft, deep kiss, moaning into his mouth. How she sat into his lap, moving in a way that was sure to get him excited. How she bit her lip, while moving her hands over his body, feeling his muscles. How her neckline was extra deep some nights, giving him a plump view of her cleavage. How much his sweaty glistening skin, from matches or workouts, turned her on. In most cases, he took the cue & took her up on her offer. But sometimes, he liked to hear her say it out loud. On those nights, he tormented her slowly, playing with her, keeping her on the edge till she screams it out. Only then he’d relent & smile victoriously, burying himself in her warm, inviting heat & rocking them to ecstasy. 
He loved branding her with his marks, and enjoyed her efforts the following morning to cover them up thoroughly. 
‘Why bother so much?’
‘Anyone would.’
‘I don’t.’
‘Any decent person would.’
Jude never cared when her nail marks on his back / biceps were visible during training or in the locker room. He just laughed them off when other folks teased him. Most of his teammates were like that, barring a few shy ones like Arda. Special teasing was reserved for the shy ones.
The winter clothes were a big help to her, for now.
‘What will you do in the summer?’
‘Discipline you.’
‘Good luck with that.’
Jude was spontaneous, but he liked the anticipation of planned trysts too. As did she. Especially during role-plays (another aspect she was shocked to discover that she loved). 
His favourite such night was Valentine’s Day. Jude had pulled out all the stops that night to make it special - dressing in the black turtleneck that she was crazy about, decorating the living room (with red heart-shaped balloons but hey, he tried), ordering her favourite ravioli from a high-end Michelin star restaurant and a bottle of some very fine red wine which he knew she’d enjoy. Those were his gifts for her. As his gift, he wanted to see her in Indian attire. More specifically as an Indian new bride. Since he had seen that photo of her in a sari, this had been an open demand from him, and Valentine's Day seemed like the perfect occasion for it.
When she came down the stairs, dressed in a sleeveless v-neck cream blouse, red chiffon saree, open brown hair sliding down her back, cream heels, golden jewellery (bangles, choker necklace, earrings) and a fucking waist chain, Jude felt like he had died and gone to heaven. He stood frozen, unable to take his eyes off of her as she glided in front of him, waving her soft hands to get his attention.
Dinner was long forgotten. Every fucking thing faded in the background. His world revolved around this sorceress who had just made his brain short-circuit. 
‘Earth to Jude, are you there?’
‘Naa he’s dead. You killed him. Mercilessly.’
Jude took her hand and twirled her slowly, taking in the full 360* view. She obliged playfully, flipping her hair for effect, as his eyes roamed over her form & the way that sinful garment hugged her at all the right places, accentuating her curves, particularly that round behind. His hands rested on her bare waist while her henna-painted ones went to his shoulders. Jude loved the smell of it, inhaling deeply.
‘Some things are different?’
‘Yeah. I couldn’t put the sindoor and mangalsutra - only married women can wear that.’
‘Not even for one night?’
‘No, it’s inauspicious.’
‘The bangles are different too?’
‘Yeah. The ones you saw are called chooda. Again, only a married woman wears that, for a few weeks after the wedding.’
‘You don’t like it like this?’
Jude looked at her like she had suddenly grown horns, thoroughly shocked at the comment, and she got her answer. Next second, she felt his large hand cupping her butt, pulling her close, moving slightly against her to let the bulge do the talking. 
She glanced at the food longingly, then looked into his hungrier eyes, and relented. Without wasting any time, Jude picked her up and carried her bridal style up the stairs. He had considered the couch but tonight he needed the bed to properly enjoy her. Her sari was first to go, followed by her petticoat, panties & jewellery, only the waist chain stayed on (he was fascinated with it), along with her anklets. 
Removing the sari was quite an experience. He pulled at it with force, spinning her around with ease as the garment slid off her body. While she tried to slow him down wherever it was held together with pins. She would have giggled at it, if he didn’t look like he wanted to eat her alive then & there. 
Ananya shuddered on the bed underneath him as he licked down her face, lapping at her ruby painted lips, dipping into her mouth briefly for a quick taste, trailing down her neck into her cleavage, while pulling apart the threads holding her blouse together. There was silence tonight, only the sounds of their heavy breathing & her soft gaps cutting through the tension, along with Jude’s intermittent grunts.
He pulled at the waist chain with his teeth, inserting his tongue into her bellybutton and she nearly leapt off the bed, moaning his name wildly, his weight on top serving as her anchor. Jude was struggling to rein in his lust, and that served as the final straw. Pinning her hands on either side of her, he entered her fully in two precise thrusts, making her head spin and her toes curl.
What followed was the most unhinged she had ever seen him. He was painfully hard already, so he went straight for her secret spot, hitting it repeatedly to get her pleasure to build rapidly, matching his own state, while his mouth devoured her sensitive peaks. Sucking with such fervour as if willing them to lactate. When she shut her eyes at the sensations, he bit the underside of her boob, a silent command to not hide from him. Gasping, she locked eyes with him, mouthing a silent ‘easy, jaan’ as he slid his teeth to her hardened nubs, tugging at them.
Jude was gone tonight. The bed creaked violently under them. It was an overwhelming intensity, so much that she could almost feel him in her throat. Ananya struggled under his hold to release her wrists. The more she struggled, the tighter his grip got, sure to leave bruises. She squirmed in vain as he continued his two-pronged assault, via his mouth & nether regions, taking her closer & closer to the edge. She willed her body to comply, knowing that he won’t let go before she did, and came screaming his name with a pointed, decisive stroke, shuddering uncontrollably underneath him. He didn’t relent, keeping up his pace through it, chasing his own high but it was too much & she had to use the safe word.
Jude paused, let go of her wrists, slowly returning to his senses. Still buried inside, he crawled up her spent form, caressing her face with the back of his fingers till she finally opened her eyes.
She just blinked at him. Jude lifted her palm, kissing the bruised wrist, trailing his lips down her arm and pecking the corner of her mouth. She hummed in content, as he repeated that with the other arm, wrapping both around his neck.
‘Breathe doll, nice & easy.’
He cooed softly. And she followed like clockwork, cupping his face, connecting their foreheads. Still hyper-aware of his hard, thick length inside her.
‘I love you.’
He whispered the magic words against her lips, and she sighed deeply.
‘Just a bit more, yeah? Can you do it for me princess?’
She would do anything for him if he held her like that. 
Jude grabbed a pillow & placed it under her back to turn her upwards, and changed to his preferred angle, as her legs dangled around his back. Her hands massaged his shoulders and upper arms, calming him down, slowing him down too, wordlessly. She continued to trace his face with her fingers, as he groaned gutturally, reaching his high. For minutes after, he just stayed inside (something he had started doing more & more) and on top. 
When he finally rolled away, and she regained her breath thinking they could do down for their meal now, Jude had a different kind of meal cooking in his head. He sprinted downstairs to fetch the bottle of wine, and dragged her naked form to the shower, washing her, drinking the rich, rare wine off her body. Spilling it down her neck then licking it off her curves. Then repeating it on her back, drinking it off the curve of her hips. Pouring it from his mouth into hers, so she could taste him along with the wine. Turning her red in more ways than one. Later, he went down on her, making her see stars while she also worked up the nerves to use her hands on him (for the first time). His takeover of her senses and body was absolute tonight, and the colour never left her face. She hid under the blanket later, unable to meet his eyes, once her mind recovered enough to process their activities. Jude cajoled his way under the blanket, cooing into her ear, spooning her from behind, showering praises in that silky smooth voice as to how this was the best night of his life, and how she had been an absolute goddess. How she was made for him. They had their dinner in bed, and then crashed to a much needed sleep. 
Condoms were antiquated history for Jude now. From the very beginning, since she got on the pill and he got a taste of what skin-to-skin feels like, he simply refused to go back, like his whole life had been a lie. Even on some rushed occasions, when there wasn’t enough window to clean up the mess later, he whined & reasoned to not have to put one on, only relenting when she absolutely put her foot down. But the frequency and intensity of their escapades always left a silent fear in the back of her head. The fear came alive one morning, when she realised she was two days late for her cycle.
It hit her like a truck. She never got late (barring some rare occasions involving health, stress etc), so the panic was in full swing. Ananya barely got through the day at work, mechanically finishing her tasks and confiding in Roma in the evening on their way back. She had iced out Jude all day, undecided on how to deal with him or what to even tell him right now. But the nosy detective that he was (especially when it came to her), he figured something was off and landed at her place unannounced later that evening. By then, Roma had almost convinced her to take a pregnancy test, while she cried into her arms on how her whole life was ending.
Jude was alarmed to see her state, and both girls were confused what to tell him. Roma suggested it maybe best if he comes back later but Jude absolutely refused, looking straight at Ananya, who was looking everywhere but at him. He could’t take it anymore & just held her tightly in his arms.
‘Dove, it’s me. What can’t you tell me? What’s gotten you like this?’
She just let her body go, resting against him, sniffling a little into his sweatshirt. Roma left the room to give them some space. A thousand horrible thoughts hit Jude simultaneously. 
‘Has something happened? Did someone…hurt you? Baby pls I’m dying out here.’
He titled her face up, staring straight into her eyes.
It took him a few seconds to understand what she meant. And the world came crashing down on him too. Ananya was nervous about his reaction, but somehow those fears were proven unwarranted. Because he quickly got into a problem solving mode, getting over the initial shock.
‘You used the pill daily right? You even had the app.’
‘So we’re going to be fine. Take the test, I’m waiting here.’
‘But what if we’re not? What if…..’
‘Babe, let’s not speculate. Let’s take the test first yeah?’
‘I’m scared.’
Well, he was scared too, but he was steady for her in that moment.
‘I’m here. I’ve got you.’
‘Why aren’t you freaking out?’
‘Coz looking at you I thought it was something much worse. This, we can handle.’
The next few minutes were the longest of her life. Ananya couldn’t breathe till the result came out negative. She refused to even look at the stick, Roma checked it and broke the news to her. And finally she stopped hyperventilating. Jude ordered some blueberry cheesecake and ravioli, which she hogged, having starved herself under stress all day. Once the storm had settled down, and they were lying in bed together, scrolling through Netflix to pick a new show, Jude made a joke. At least he thought it was funny.
‘So you thought I could break even the pill yeah?’
She turned to look at his smirking face filled with a weird sense of cockiness.
‘You find this funny? No seriously is this a joke to you? Are you proud of your vigorous masculinity?’
Once again, he didn’t know what hit him, feeling like a proper fool for inviting this onslaught. 
‘I was just…’
‘Just what? What if it was positive, huh? But you wouldn’t have to lift a finger even then. I would have to go through the procedure, and I bet you have no idea how painful it is. Did you study biology in school? Or did you only hear till the point of sex and nothing after? Not the consequences? Not what comes after all your fun? Such a typical guy.’
Jude was sitting with his head down, like a schooled kid.
‘Am sorry, I really didn’t know it was painful.’
‘….I would have to tell at home, coz how could I keep something so major from them? But sure, you go ahead & make your jokes. Seriously the universe if so unfair - I wish you guys had to go through half the things we do. If your bodies had to bear the brunt of all your fetishes. But no - even god is unfair to women. So what can I even expect from men like you?’
Without giving him a chance to respond, she stormed off the bed and slammed the door of the washroom to take a shower to cool down. While Jude simply stared after her.
Roma was standing in the doorway, shaking her head slowly at the mess, leaning against the side. She had come to check on Ananya after listening to all the commotion.
‘Maybe the club should take IQ tests along with medical tests before signing players?’
Jude gave her a half-hurt half-dirty look.
‘Gee thanks. What an awesome friend you are.’
‘You’re welcome. Now try not to dig a deeper hole for yourself & call me when she comes out.’
Jude stuck his tongue out at her and she simply waved him off while walking away.
When Ananya came out after 30 mins, smelling like strawberries from her shower, dressed in a comfy fluffy pink bathrobe, Jude simply hugged her from behind, keeping his chin on her shoulder, rubbing his cheek against hers, slowly swaying her in his hold, whispering in her ear how he was her silly baby. She gave in soon, because one needed to be a battle-hardened soldier to stay mad at that face for long. And she couldn’t see him sad, especially when it was her doing; a fact he knew & exploited with impunity. But she did keep him at an arm’s length for a few days after, still spooked by what nearly happened, and Jude has to slowly claw his way back under the sheets.
Thankfully, that had been the only pregnancy scare so far. And Jude never whined after that whenever Ananya suggested using a condom.
Passion was a cornerstone of their relationship. But it surprised Jude how much he craved her otherwise too. How much her proximity (or lack of it) impacted his mood.
Ananya thoroughly revelled in their domestic moments. The little things he did for her, almost instinctively now. All the sweet treats that came his way through events, sponsorships etc were passed on to her & Roma. As did some exclusive club merchandise, which both the girls simply loved donning. Pre-match & post-match messages from her was a ritual between them, irrespective of the result. As were the late night calls, when he was out for away games or international break. Jude never missed sending her flowers every week; by now Ananya had seen almost all varieties discovered by mankind since Jude’s brief to the florist was to send new ones every time. On the two rare occasions that he missed it, he sent extra large ones to her office to make up for it.
‘I know what you’re doing.’
‘And what’s that?’
‘Using this to re-establish to folks here that I’m taken.’
‘Calling me smart?’
‘Calling you ruthless.’
‘Love it.’
Weekly movie nights were a norm too, sometimes with the three of them. On most occasions, Roma & Jude acted like long-lost twins, perfectly in sync. On the rare exceptions, they got on each others’ nerves like hell and Ananya had to play referee in the middle, balancing between her boyfriend and best friend. 
The absolute melting point for Ananya was to watch fans respond to Jude, and the love he had already earned in his first season. Watching him with kids practically made her heart do somersaults. And her ovaries burst with anticipation. The feeling was indescribable - the way kids sought him out, clung to him, played with him, laughed with him, idolised him, cried for him - it was just pure & serene, something to be felt only by Jude & those around him. He was special, and the kids’ love was the deepest affirmation possible.
Jude was chronically online whenever he was idle, which meant Ananya often had the most random & diverse messages waiting for her, at ungodly times. Holiday destinations, funny memes, quotes from classics (he was trying out of FOMO since Jobe & Ananya often discussed this at length), football history, Spotify playlists (too much of Elvis for her liking but she never said that out loud), new branded fits, videos from training sessions or matches, pics of lingerie he was planning to buy for her, pics of food he could never eat but lived vicariously when she did, pics of English countryside (he had taken offence when she claimed Switzerland was more picturesque) his selfies, some old photos he had clicked of her & of them together, and many other things. She had learnt never to open his messages in company, because sometimes they ranged from fluffy to downright filthy, and he owned both with pride. 
Probably the trickiest point that they constantly navigated was her feelings on Jude’s previous lifestyle & the ramifications on their current life. After the Christmas fiasco (which had nearly ended them for good), Jude was quite mindful of his behaviour. And overshared with her for good measure even if the situation was borderline tricky - say with a shoot or some DMs or some fan attention. But given how popular & sought after he was with women, the kind of reactions he drew wherever he went, it was never going to be easy for Ananya. He was constantly flooded with propositions, some harmless, some not, and had immense access all the time. His submission was for her to trust that he won’t abuse that access, won’t act on it, simply because he doesn’t need to now that he had her. 
But the aftershock of that Christmas picture was still buried somewhere in her heart; it never truly went away. The lingering doubt never truly went away. In a vulnerable moment, when both of them were slightly tipsy, she brought it up.
‘Do you ever miss aspects of that life? The carefree fun & thrill?’
‘C’mon Jude.’
‘Not at the cost of you.’
To his credit, his stance had always been this. Always consistent. But she chose to push further.
‘Did you ever feel like going back?’
He looked at her with those big eyes, pleading to not pursue it. But she was on a mission tonight.
‘You can tell me. I won’t get mad.’
‘Yeah you’re just saying it. Then you’ll get all weird & distant.’
‘I won’t. Surely there has to be something.’
Jude was torn, but the alcohol had numbed his brain more than usual, as had her soft voice & calming presence. 
‘Like….very early on..,when we were fighting, and that whole asshole episode….when you weren’t…we weren’t….’
‘Sleeping together.’
She had guessed as much. Sex was important to him. But how could she hold that against him when it was true for most men, especially those in his position.
‘I…just thought it’d be easier…less complicated….like maybe I wasn’t cut out for this…not now maybe…the feelings for you were new & confusing….but it was a passing thought…like super brief.’
She heard him out patiently, piecing together what he wasn’t saying, keeping her tone & face neutral, devoid of any judgement.
‘Then why didn’t you?’
‘Act on it?’
‘Coz it was brief…I wasn’t…it wasn’t…’
‘But still.’
‘Because that would mean the end of us. That wasn’t an option. That isn’t an option.’
Her gaze was firm & piercing, trying to break through any potential charade. But she didn’t find any. And he pulled her close, kissing her softly, as she settled on his chest.
Now, Jude could have stayed quiet and could have let this moment pass peacefully. But he ended up yapping more & put his foot in his mouth.
‘Even for stuff you can’t do with your girlfriend, it just wasn’t worth it, y’know.’
She pulled away, crossing her arms, face all analysing again. 
‘Yeah? And what is that stuff that you can’t do with your girlfriend? That you were doing elsewhere?’
Jude was alert now. He wondered if his mum had dropped him on his head as a kid, coz how could he consistently find himself in such situations, of his own doing? Especially when his girlfriend was a lawyer or Sherlock Holmes or a bloodhound in a previous life? How could he be so fucking stupid in front of her?
‘You promised to not get mad.’
‘Not mad. Just curious.’
‘Tell that to your face.’
‘Don’t change the topic, Jude.’
‘Can we pls let this go, Ananya? What good will come of this? We’ll just spoil our night.’
Thing is, his past befuddled her. She absolutely didn’t want to know yet a part of her really wanted to know. Like ripping off a band-aid. And getting through every unpleasant information in one go. So there are no surprises anymore. But she didn’t know how to do it without judging. He believed being single gave him all the freedom in the world and their moral wavelengths just didn’t match at all. It was never going to. So grudgingly, she let it go.
Jude’s abstinence from certain activities, which he was a regular in earlier, was soon noticed by some of his teammates, especially Vini & Cama. And the fact that he was on his phone a lot, with a gooey face (in Cama’s words). They figured it out, and hounded him till he had to come clean. But he didn’t tell them who he was seeing (he wasn’t allowed to), just said there is someone, and showed a quick photo to shut their mouths. Since then, they referred to her as Jude’s girl. 
He had also been selective in introducing Ananya to his teammates. His previous partners-in-crime were nowhere on the list. The memo was clear in his head - committed guys with a clean reputation who will not blab him out.
Brahim and his girlfriend were invited over for lunch. Toni & his wife for coffee. Ananya was cool with Brahim - they got along well quickly and the conversation flowed naturally. But she hyperventilated when she saw Toni, the fan in her dancing a Flamenco inside. Jude kept elbowing her to reduce the pitch of her voice or not blink like a crazy person, but how was she supposed to be normal around one of Madrid’s greatest players ever? The cornerstone of their best years? Toni fucking Kroos. The absolute machine. And she was sitting across him in Jude’s lawn, just like that? Talking about fucking doughnuts? Like seriously?
The moment they walked out the door, she jumped into Jude’s arms and kissed his face all over. Jude balanced her by holding onto her butt, settling on the couch with her in his lap as she continued to put lipgloss marks on his face enthusiastically.
‘I love you I love you I love you I love you I loveeeee youuuuuuu!’
‘Because I got you to Toni?’
‘Not for me?’
‘Yeah that too.’
‘Awwiiee my little bean my pumpkin my sweet babu - such a cute boy.’
Ananya was never one to bombard him with multiple nicknames (that was Jude’s territory), so the boy was extra amused at her antics. 
‘I think my baby deserves a special reward for making his girlfriend so so happy.’
Suddenly, the mood shifted. She took off her top slowly, leaving her in a dark pink bra. Jude’s eyes were glued there. And his body immediately responded when she guided his palm to her breasts, letting him play with them as he pleased.
‘The baby agrees.’
Jude pulled it down, and started sucking the soft brown peaks like a starved man. This is how he wished to be welcomed home every night - his girlfriend all pretty & naked for him, serving her tits into his mouth.
‘Not so soon. My turn first.’
Jude groaned loudly when he was removed from his personal fountain of heaven. Her fingers in his hair tugging his head back, craning it up for her.
She smiled and bit softly at his cheekbones, the sharp tip of his nose, his plump lips. She tilted his head further up to kiss along his neck & his sexy AF beard, bite his prominent Adam’s apple (her guilty pleasure), then twisted her head to reach the taut muscles at the back of his neck. He sighed softly all through, loving the attention. It nearly made up for his deprivation, nearly. Plus his hands were still there.
Ananya ended with biting his earlobe softly, whispering seductively in his ear.
‘I see what you’re doing though, how you’re picking the folks. You’re too plain like that.’
Jude’s brain capacity was significantly reduced at this point.
‘I’m plain?’
She rolled her eyes at how offended and confused he sounded. Such vanity!
‘Not your looks, jeez. But your moves, yes.’
‘Still wanna meet the others, especially Cama.’
That messed with his mood.
‘You know why.’
‘Remind me.’
‘You find him more adorable than me.’
‘How do you know that?’
‘Umm because you’ve said it like a zillion times.’
She threw her head back & giggled, slowly pulling his track pants down and sliding one hand inside, earning a desperate moan from him.
‘Then maybe I should tell you about all his extra curricular activities. It’s a long list.’
She batted her eyes at him, tilting her head to the side, unperturbed.
‘Oh, but then I’ll get a sense of your extra curricular activities too, no?’
Jude always avoided this topic like plague; they both knew that. He stared at the sexy menace in his lap, who was out-manoeuvring & check-mating him with ease. How & when did she learn that?
His hand cupped her butt, then spanked it with force. She gasped loudly, surprised at the suddenness.
‘Getting too smart for your own good, little dove.’
‘Smart is my second name.’
Jude lifted her out of his lap & threw her on the couch, getting on top of her. Pinning her down decisively.
‘Yeah? What are you going to do about it?’
‘Gonna fuck this attitude right out of you.’
Jude grabbed her top from the floor and used it to tie her hands together, behind her. She immediately felt vulnerable, having no line of physical defence anymore. He pressed his bare leaking tip on her belly, enjoying her shudders, then slid it up her body to her tits, pressing into both, settling between them, cupping them with his hands to build friction. The tip hit her chin with each calculated stroke of his. And she knew he wanted nothing more than to shove it into her mouth, something he hadn’t gotten from her yet.
Her helpless whimpers were music to his ears.
‘Not so lippy anymore?’
She could only moan in response. Which turned into a loud gasp when he spread her legs impossibly wide, made a sloppy mess of her core with his mouth, then slapped it lightly, all while rendering her helpless. As if making a point that all of her belonged only to him. That he was taking what was his.
Before she could get any words out, he flipped them to move her on top. For the next 20 mins, he bounced her on himself mercilessly, thoroughly extracting his reward, as she struggled to find any anchor or purchase from the position. 
Exhausted, they snuggled on the couch after, lying side by side, recovering from the impromptu session. Jude lazily played with her hair, while she wondered about the stain they would have left on the pristine white couch.
‘Still can’t believe I just met Toni Kroos.’
Jude gave her a side-eye, expressing his displeasure at this being her first thought, after what they just did. But she squeezed his cheeks in response, which he grudgingly got out of.
‘Wonder what you’ll do if I’ll call someone else…let's say….Zidane?’
She stilled, then turned towards him.
‘Can you?’
Well, he had just said it for fun, he obviously was not on such familiar terms with the great Zizou.
‘Maybe. What will I get then?’
‘What do you want?’
He nibbled on her bottom lip, a naughty smirk plastered on his face.
‘Anything. Everything. However many times I ask for.’
She met his lustful gaze head on, familiar with his game by now.
‘It’s possible. If you bring me you know who.’
‘You’ll jump on him in front of me.’
‘Pls, I’ll never embarrass myself like that.’
‘Don’t trust you around him.’
‘Nonsense. I might faint or get a heart attack if he knows I exist but I am not gonna jump on him for sure.’
‘You’ll tell him you love him. That he’s your favourite.’
‘I do love him. And he’s my favourite. You know that.’
‘Yeah not gonna happen.’
‘Whatever you’re just a hater.’
She made a face & tried to move away but his grip on her waist tightened.
She could tell he wanted to say something, but was hesitating.
‘Do you love him more than me?’
Jude was nervous about the answer. There is a reason he had waited months to bring this up. 
Colour drained from Ananya’s face. In real time. But she was supposed to be the wordsmith here, she could get out of this.
‘I love him differently and you differently. Chalk & cheese. Can’t be compared.’
‘That’s not what I asked.’
‘Well, your question is flawed.’
She had loved her favourite player for 15-16 years. He was the reason she fell in love with football  and Madrid in the first place. And a part of her died when he left Madrid. Of course she loved him, deeply. It was obvious. What was Jude even asking?
‘Still, answer it.’
‘It's him, isn’t it?’
‘I didn’t say that.’
‘So if we draw Portugal in the Euros, you’d root for them to win? Over me?’
‘I…it’s not that simple.’
‘I’d probably root for a draw.’
‘And if it’s a knockout? Will my own girlfriend not be in my corner in one of the most important games of my life?’
Jude was throwing the kitchen sink at her - the sad words, the long face, the puppy eyes, the hurt voice, the deflated shoulders. She felt very, very guilty. But she wasn’t going to lie to him.
‘I’m sorry love. Don’t know how to feel about this. Would always want you to do well, obviously, but I can’t also root against him in his last Euros.’
Jude couldn’t believe it, and sulked for a good while after that. She cooked for him & fussed over him for hours, and he eventually cheered up. Because, it was tough for him to stay mad at her too.
Introducing her to his friends from back home was far less complicated. They were coming over for a home game, and Jude invited everyone to his place the next evening to formally introduce them to his girlfriend. 
‘No female friends or girlfriends?’
‘All guys?’
‘Yeah. That a problem?’
‘Problem? No. Just too much testosterone energy. Would have been nice to have a girl in the mix.’
Jude laughed so expressively that he nearly dropped the coffee cup on himself.
‘Will remember to be pally with more girls then, just for your sake.’
She chose to ignore that.
‘So, how deeply have they been instructed to not dish out anything about your escapades?’
Very deeply & thoroughly, in a serious tone. Many stories were off limits. Jude was well aware of her ability to connect the dots. 
‘Don’t know what you’re talking about.’
Ananya was nervous about meeting them. She wondered if they’d like her, given how different their upbringing and cultures were. It had taken Jude also a while to understand her sensibilities.
But Jude didn’t leave her side that evening, his proximity a warm assurance to her. An arm over her shoulder or around her waist, a hand on her lap, or just holding hands with her. He was right there. Explaining an inside joke she didn’t have context on. Or cutting the group’s banter when he thought it was too much / too soon for her. Ananya felt all fuzzy inside when he spoke about her work & pedigree, propping her up as best he could. She loved seeing him in his element too - unguarded, unfiltered, vivacious - with friends who knew him inside out. All his animated goofy antics on full display. 
Whenever Jude couldn’t be around, Jobe was by her side. She had been relieved to know that Jobe was coming over too, and the duo had hung out that afternoon while Jude had been away for training. She had developed her own, easy dynamic with Jobe, outside of being Jude’s brother. Jude often wondered what those two talked about for so long, but never asked either of them. Mostly he was just glad that they had hit it off, coz both were reserved in their own ways, unlike him. 
Jude loved showing her off that evening. Grinning from ear to ear when she dumbed down her work in basic simple words, just for everyone’s benefit. How the group responded to her natural ease & sharp wit. How some were secretly in awe of her confidence & brains, a little bit, Jude could tell. And when they discovered she was a genuine football fan (not pretending to be one to look cool or fit in), the ice broke completely. Many football stories followed after - most involving Jude & some of his ‘not so god-like’ moments on the pitch. She soaked in everything - paying close attention to everyone. Later that night, when the party progressed to some music and Jude put his hands on her, swaying her hips to the tune (as was their routine), there were loud cheers of ‘get a room’. Ananya was flustered, wiggling out of his hold while Jude just laughed & gave them a middle finger. It was a fun night.
Mostly a fun night, barring one unpleasant incident. One of his friends made a somewhat loose remark on Ananya, which Jude overheard. It wasn’t much, could have easily been written off as banter, and frankly wasn’t an uncommon or a new line in their group. He had heard it before. Hell, he had said it before. But this time, it made Jude’s head hot. While others had caught on that this was different for Jude, this particular friend was either too drunk or just daft.
Toby elbowed the said friend, telling him to shut his trap, while Jobe was on Jude’s side, watching his brother, ready to intervene if needed. Jude considered asking Jobe to take Ananya inside, who was helping the housekeeper set up the desserts some distance away, while he deals with the situation. But many eyes turned on him to impress upon him that it wasn’t worth it.
The said friend was apologising profusely, which fell on deaf ears. He eventually decided to not ruin the night, for others, but mostly for her. However, Jude wasn’t going to allow that guy to be anywhere near Ananya.
‘Get out.’
With that, Jude went to find the only person who could calm him down right now. Ananya felt his arm wrap around her waist, more possessive than usual, pulling her into his side. She smiled up at him, but could’t recognise the look on his face. Jobe jogged over, and the brothers exchanged a look. She looked between them, then at Jobe, who gave her a reassuring nod and walked away after patting Jude’s shoulder. While Jude’s hand fidgeted on her waist.
‘Honey, what’s wrong?’
Jude was mad at the guy. But somewhere he was more mad at himself. It was because of who he was, rather who he had been, that the guy was able to take the liberty to make such a comment on her. He was fighting the urge of going after the guy and apologising to her at the same time. His thoughts were in mayhem. His eyes reflecting the storm inside.
Her soft voice & concerned eyes anchored him back, as did her hand gently stroking his chest. When he didn’t say anything, she nudged him down for a soft kiss, breaking her rule of no PDA. Swallowing his irritation. When they parted, Jude smiled at his magical girl, and Ananya led him back to the group. 
That night triggered something in Jude. He wanted to show her off to the world now. Wanted to have her on his arm. Wanted to go out to dinner dates & clubs with her. Wanted to claim her as his girlfriend. Wanted the whole fucking world to know who she belonged to, and what she meant to him. 
The return leg against Manchester City provided the perfect opportunity. She was in London that week for work, 75 mins away from the stadium. When Jude asked her a couple of days before the match, it didn’t go down as he intended. There was silence on the line, and his mood already was in the bin.
‘Will you say something?’
She didn’t know what to say, completely caught off-guard by his question. 
‘I-I don’t know what my schedule would be like. If I’d get done in time for the match.’
‘It’s at night. I can still send the passes and you can come if you get done? You can bring Roma too, I’ll handle the logistics.’
Silence again. Jude was losing patience and cut to the chase.
‘You don’t even wanna try do you?’
‘Jude, it’s not like that. But we shouldn’t rush into this. It’s a massive thing.’
‘6 months. We’ve been together 6 months, Ananya.’
‘I know. But I’m in the middle of this crazy cross-geography deal, and I still have a few MBA interviews lined up for next week. The safe schools, but still. There is so much going on. Maybe we should wait for a better time?’
‘And when would that be?’
‘Jude, we need to plan for this. I’m in the London office right now. How do you think I’d be able to walk into the boardroom with all our directors and clients next day if we actually go through with this? What would they be thinking when I’ll be running through my presentation?’
‘You tell me - what would they be thinking?’
‘They’ll only see me as your girlfriend Jude.’
A 20 yr old frivolous (easy) piece of ass. Not an investment banking analyst specialising in leveraged buyouts. That is, if her MD doesn’t decide to leave her out of the presentation to avoid any drama.
It was his turn to be silent. She could hear his heavy breath while she waited anxiously for a response.
‘Is it so terrible for you to be seen as my girlfriend? Even after all this time?’
His voice was low. Vulnerable. Hurt. How she wished she was there with him right now.
‘Nothing baby. So long as people see me beyond that too. Which is why we need to time this right  -  at work, with my parents - we need to find the perfect tim….’
‘There’s never going to be a perfect time. You’ll have to rip off the band-aid at some point. Given how painful it seems to be for you.’
The truth in his words cut deeply. There was nothing she could say to soothe him, despite knowing he was hurting. She tried, but no words came out, leading to a deafening silence.
He hung up shortly after, with a curt goodnight, and Ananya didn’t know what to do with herself. Sleep eluded both that night. Jude kept to himself during the flight next morning, saying he was tired. The team let him be. He didn’t respond to her messages of good morning or safe travels. Left them on unread all day. Only giving in at night after returning from the stadium. 
The match was next night. He desperately needed some sleep but somehow his body was refusing his command. And he knew the cure to his restlessness - avoiding her was not it. Even his treacherous body didn’t allow it.
He dialled her number, and she picked up in three rings, on her way back to her hotel. It was 11 pm - Jude couldn’t help but check on the route she was taking & how far out she was, only slumping back in bed once he was satisfied with her response. Long silence followed after the pleasantries, which she eventually broke.
‘How was your day?’
‘Shitty as fuck.’
‘Mine too, baby. But it’s such a big day for you & the team tomorrow. Maybe let’s focus on that, yeah? Let’s win tomorrow baby. Think about it - you returning home & knocking out the defending champions, the favourites, on their turf. Avenging last year’s loss. With your family & friends cheering you on. We’ll get to the semis Jude, in your first year. Think how amazing that would be.’
‘You won’t be there.’
‘I’m so sorry, my love. Tell me what can I do to make it up to you and I will. But this can’t be the reason that holds you back tomorrow - I need to see you shine on that pitch. To give your 200% and more. It’s the big occasion, and I need my big game player to show the world what he’s made of. So tell me, what will it take?’
He knew the answer right away. 
‘Come home with me this weekend. To Birmingham.’
Jude had a window after this match and before the international break. He was going home for a few days, she knew that. His parents had asked about meeting her a few times - she had met Jobe & his friends after all, but never the parents. Not even a few times they had been with Jude in Madrid. Jude had tested waters during one such trip, but figured it was too soon for her. She had told him she’d never met a boyfriend’s parents before, and it was a very big deal in her world. So he gave her space and bought time with his parents. But it had been 6 months now, more than enough time.
Ananya took a few deep breaths. What he was asking for was fair. Nerve-wrecking but fair. She couldn’t deny him this, she didn’t have the heart to, no matter how nervous this made her.
‘I said ok.’
‘You’ll come with me?’
‘Yes Jude.’
‘Not going to bail on me?’
‘No. I’ll work from there if I have to but I’ll come.’
All restlessness evaporated from his body as he slowly processed her words. He found a pillow, hugging it close, remembering her scent.
‘Gonna win for you tomorrow.’
‘You do that. I’ll be watching you.’
‘Love you.’
‘Love you more.’
‘Not possible.’
Ananya made him hang up shortly after, saying he needed the rest, and Jude drifted off to a sound sleep.
Once she reached her hotel, she banged on Roma’s door. Roma was taking a relaxing shower after a long day but ran out to find an impatient Ananya on the other side. 
‘I’m meeting his parents.’
‘What? When?’
‘THIS WEEKEND. And I don’t have anything to wear. This is a nightmare.’
Roma stood in her bathrobe, leaning against the closet, listening to Ananya rant for 10 mins. It was ridiculous, her friend had the most age appropriate closet she had ever seen. And she was golden when it came to the kind of girls Jude was likely to bring home. Sheer fucking golden. 
But Roma took her best friend duties seriously. She tried to talk sense into Ananya, promised to figure out her wardrobe tomorrow, then practically dragged her to the bathtub and pushed her inside so she could calm the fuck down.
Madrid won the next night. The girls were ecstatic, jumping on their hotel bed ecstatic, ordering late night champagne to their room to celebrate. Ananya was so proud of him. He had been imperial on the pitch, relentless. Her heart ached to be there with him, especially when he wanted her so. But it was only a matter of 2 days now - Friday evening she’d travel to Birmingham to spend the weekend in his family home. 
Thursday night, Ananya turned her (& Roma’s) suitcases upside down to find the right clothes. Asking Jude what would be appropriate was a royal waste of time - he just looked at her like she was asking him the square root of 1691. Then said cool to everything she showed him. Jobe, the otherwise reliable, sane one just gave her an incredulous look too. She realised the brothers had the same WTF face. She also concluded that men were an utterly useless breed in most cases. Next evening, she got in the car that Jude insisted he would send, and was on her way. 
At the other end, Jude was chomping at the bit all evening. Bouncing around the house in anticipation. When she was 5 mins away and took a wrong turn, he frowned at the screen.
‘Pls don’t tell me you’re tracking her phone.’
‘Oh she’ll murder me with her bare tiny hands. I’m tracking the driver.’
‘Of course.’
The car had barely parked in the driveway around 10 pm when Jude opened her gate, pulled her out, hugged her tight, lifting her straight off the ground. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Both whispering ‘missed you’ together. They hadn’t seen each other in 10 days. Not even on her 21st birthday a week ago, since she was in London for work. 
About 30 seconds later, she tapped on his back to put her down, and he did. Jude held her hand and picked up her bag with the other one, leading her to the house.
He could tell she was nervous; it was kinda cute. But she really had no reason to be. His parents were super cool and he just knew they’d love her. 
‘You’re fine. It’s gonna be fine.’
He whispered before opening the door. And they met Jobe on the other side. He gave her a quick side hug, with a sweet ‘welcome home’. That put her at ease, somewhat.
Mark & Denise were in the living room. She wasn’t sure how to greet them or what to call them, so she had decided to go with Mr. and Mrs. Bellingham. But before she could open her mouth & embarrass herself, Mark came over & lightly patted her shoulder.
‘Heyyy Ananya, welcome. I’m Mark.’
The pronunciation of her name was perfect, and she could tell Jude had something to do with it.
‘Hey Mark, how are you?’
‘All good. So good to finally meet the girl my son can’t stop raving about.’
‘Thanks Dad.’
Mark just play-pushed Jude away. And Ananya could see where Jude got his grin and easy-going attitude from.
‘So good to be here.’
Denise was watching them from the side. Their eyes met, and both women slowly walked towards each other, shaking hands.
‘Hey Ananya, good to see you.’
‘You too, Denise. What a lovely home.’
‘Thank you. Come have some dinner? We saved some casserole - Jude said you’re vegetarian.’
She was about to say yes out of courtesy when Jude intervened.
‘Mom she had some takeaway on the road coz it was getting late.’
‘I see.’
‘But the casserole sounds lovely, I’ll have it tomorrow.’
Ananya quickly chimed in.
‘Sure. You must be tired. Get some rest, see you in the morning.’
After some quick good-nights, Jude led her upstairs to his room, hand-in-hand. The staircase wall was filled with family photos over the years, many more than his place in Madrid. She glanced through all, feeling the warmth of the family home, getting a window into their closely-knit unit.
Jude’s room was no different, littered with photos & memorabilia, a wide contrast to his squeaky clean room in Madrid. That was a man’s room, this was a boy’s. This still had memories of his growing up years, and they seemed to want to keep it that way. Jude let her look around, breathe it in, while he put away her stuff in his closet.
A minute later, strong arms wrapped around her from behind, and his chin rested on her shoulder. 
‘Can’t believe you’re really here.’
‘Me neither.’
Both moved at the same time to lean in for a kiss. Jude lifted her, carrying her to the bed, as she settled into his lap in their trademark koala hug. Lips glued to each others’. His hand at the back of her neck guiding their pace.
After a long make-out, she slowly pushed at his chest, and he broke the kiss grudgingly. He had promised her to behave himself this weekend - Ananya’s condition of coming over was ‘no funny business’ and for him to keep his hands to himself. But she was so close & he couldn’t understand why he had to deny himself.
‘I’ll stop soon.’
She shook her head slowly.
‘You know you won’t.’
‘They won’t mind. They may not even notice.’
‘Jude, you promised.’
He plopped on the bed dramatically, as she stepped into the washroom to change, emerging in his jersey and her pyjamas. She snuggled next to him, and he pulled the blanket over them, holding her close.
‘I’m so proud of you. Last night was awesome.’
‘Thanks dove.’
‘All Madridistas are proud of you.’
He tapped on her lips lovingly.
‘But I care about this one the most.’
‘Such a charmer.’
He gave her a Jude grin in response, and they fell back to a comfortable silence, just soaking each other in.
‘Honey, I’m sorry about the game.’
She knew she had hurt him. She knew it was playing on his mind. His arms tightened around her in response, like she’d slip away any second if he weren’t careful.
‘Let’s not go there right now, yeah?’
It would have opened some existential doors that both weren’t ready to look behind at this point. She was here, that’s what mattered right now. Jude leaned it to kiss her again, enveloping her mouth in a deep, comforting kiss. Just then, there was a knock on the door.
‘Hey guys, can I come in?’
‘No. Go away.’
Ananya smacked Jude’s chest in admonishment, sitting up in bed and fixing her hair/attire quickly.
‘Come in Jobe.’
The younger Bellingham snuck his head in first, followed by the rest of him. He was already taller than Jude, and still growing (something he never failed to highlight). Ananya genuinely wanted to ask Denise what she had fed them as kids.
‘I come bearing gifts.’
Denise had sent over some sponge cake, mostly for her, since Jude couldn’t have this stuff. Her face lit up at the prospect of home-cooked cake, and she hungrily took it from Jobe, quickly stuffing her mouth with it.
The three sat on the bed, talking about random stuff for some time after. Jude couldn’t wait for his brother to piss off, and he wasn’t subtle about it AT ALL, despite glares from Ananya. When Jobe did leave in some time, Ananya threw him a dirty look.
‘That was not very nice.’
‘He’ll live.’
‘What? He’ll do the same in my position.’
‘I highly doubt it.’
‘Baby, he’s a lot like me. You just don’t see it yet, or don’t want to.’
Ananya didn’t want to ask what that meant. Maybe he was right, maybe she didn’t want to see it.
So she changed the subject.
‘How’s the shoulder now?’
‘Not killing me if thats what you’re asking.’
‘And the back?’
‘Very much killing me.’
‘Let me see.’
Jude laid face down onto the pillow, while she straddled him, keeping her knees on either side.
He often joked that she had turned into a half physio by now, and should start charging the club as a side-hustle. She had picked up on a few things, from trying to help ease his pain on some particularly harsh nights.
Slowly, she massaged down the spasming muscles, applying pressure at the right points. He moaned into the pillow, asking for more. She went again, and he moaned harder. So much that she had to ask him to be quieter.
‘My dick’s hurting too. Badly. Can you tend to it next?’
She smacked his butt in response. Which had the opposite effect coz he absolutely loved it & laughed into the pillow.
‘Stop being a pervert.’
Jude twisted his neck back to try catching her eyes.
‘How can I be a pervert with my own girlfriend?’
She twisted it right back, pushing him back into the pillow.
‘You can write a book on it.’
‘You’re hurting my feelings.’
‘You’ll live.’
Jude smiled at the way she used his own words against him, ever the wordsmith. His body relaxed under her soft, concerned hands, and he pulled her back down next to him after some time, drifting off to sleep soon after, burying his head in the crook of her neck, one arm & leg over her body, as her arms draped around his shoulders.
Ananya was wide awake for a while, taking in the room and all that would have happened here. When he would have first thought to start playing football, as a 6 yr old. When he would have stared at the ceiling, dreaming of playing professionally. When he would have gotten into Birmingham City and had the season that he did. When the young boy would have cried for having to leave his room, his house, his city, his club, his family, his country to play for Dortmund. That was all he would have wanted but it would have hit then how much he would have to leave behind. When he would have come here after making it at Dortmund. And finally, when the boy had turned into a man at Madrid. This room witnessed it all. If only the walls could talk, she’d sit & hear every single thing about the man she loved - his dreams, his fears, his secrets, his little jokes, his joys, his habits, his whole life. 
The thoughts led to a lump in her throat and a tingling in her eyes. Jude stirred in his sleep, moving his mouth on her neck, as if sensing her restlessness. She held him tighter, he did the same, and she didn’t realise when sleep took over.
Next morning, they slept in late, and no one disturbed them. The day was filed with fun family time.
First up was a barbecue in the backyard. She was touched to find they had gotten vegetables specifically for her. Mark & Jobe were on barbecue duty while Jude was helping Denise in the kitchen with salad & mashed potatoes. Ananya chose to side with the former team, having never seen this up close. And also because she was a little intimidated by Denise. This would have been the perfect organic window to break the ice, with Jude around, but she chickened out and picked the easier option. Mark showed her how to do the vegetables and she did the rest on her own, under his close supervision.
The family & her ate outside. Mark started talking about her work & plans, and he made it very easy for her to open up. At one point she even went into a monologue, speaking for a few mins straight, feeling embarrassed after. Jude & Mark started arguing about something random then, in a competition of who could yap more/louder, with Jobe joining in for some bits. Eventually, Denise put an end to the argument & the focus came back to the food. Which was frankly delicious. 
Next up were home videos & photo albums, something she had specifically requested Jobe for. Her mouth was in a constant ‘aww’ mode looking at Jude’s childhood clippings. She was sitting between the brothers on the couch, and they kept filling her in on the context. 
‘What happened to this cute boy?’
She was looking at his 3rd birthday album - big cheeks & puppy eyes tugging at her heart.
‘He got cuter.’
Jude giggled next to her, kissing her cheek, and she couldn’t even deny it factually. There were more clips of him with his little cousins, playing & laughing with them. He was a natural with kids, a downright magnet and hands down favourite.
For the first time, she wondered about having a little version of him running around the house. With Jude running right behind, pretending to lose the race. It did something to her. Something fluffy yet dangerous. She had to physically clutch her chest to keep her heart from hammering against it. Thankfully, they moved to watching a movie next. The first half was a blur, her thoughts still scattered, but the safety of being tucked under Jude’s arm brought her back out of her trance.
In the afternoon, the parents were busy with some calls. Jude wanted to take a nap with Ananya, while Jobe wanted to show her his new collection of thriller novels. She went with the latter, spending some time in Jobe’s room as they discussed their favourite thrillers. When she returned to Jude’s room an hour later, she found him playing a violent video game, filled with guns & explosions. She sat next to him, leaning into his side.
‘Didn’t sleep?’
He kept his eyes firmly on the screen. And it took her precisely 3 seconds to understand he was sulking.
‘Will you teach me how to play this?’
‘Jobe plays this too. Maybe he can show you.’
‘But I want my boyfriend.’
Scrutinising eyes turned towards her, trying to find any hint of sarcasm or flippancy, but was met with sincerity. He softened, easing his stance, pulling her legs into his lap, and proceeded to yap for 20 mins about a game she had zero interest in. But she had always been a fast learner, and actually played two quick turns decently well. Jude beamed with pride, and the pair went to their nap after.
Dinner was brief. Everyone was still stuffed from the heavy lunch. And she had some work to finish. So Jude & her ate in the room - salad for Jude and yesterday’s casserole for her. They both crashed early that night, tired from the day’s activities.
Sunday morning came. She had to head out that evening, these were their last few hours together till next Sunday when he returned to Madrid. And Jude was particularly needy since waking up. He tried negotiating with all his might, to get her to budge on the ‘no sex rule’, calling it torture. Calling it unfair. An unjust punishment. He tried guilt-tripping, blackmailing, pleading but nothing worked. She stayed firm, and got out of his hold.
It was still early, around 7 am. The house was quiet. He followed her into the kitchen when she came down for some milk, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind, trying to kiss her neck.
‘Let’s go to a hotel.’
‘For a few hours. There’s one nearby.’
He knew there was a private one nearby, because he had used it many times earlier. But obviously   omitted that out.
‘You’re out of your mind.’
His hands moved to her butt, cupping & squeezing with force, channelling his frustration. She tried swatting his hands away but was no match to his strength & resolve.
‘Not here.’
‘Yes here.’
‘Pls behave.’
Denise’s voice from behind made them jump apart in a split-second. Ananya wanted to kill herself. No, she wanted to kill Jude. And Jude knew that. So he stood a good few feet away, outside of her reach.
‘Morning Mom.’
‘Morning Jude.’
‘Was just helping her find…..sugar.’
Ananya cringed internally. It was extra sad because she knew he’d think he was being smart.
‘It’s on the counter.’
‘Right. So…..I’ll head back then.’
Jude retreated soon after, escaping the looks from both women he loved the most in this world. Then, Denise turned towards Ananya and the girl nearly dropped her cup.
She was dressed in Jude’s hoodie from yesterday, and was convinced the universe was trying to kill her with embarrassment. What would Denise think, especially after what she just saw? Should she give an explanation? Should she act like an idiot (like that boy earlier) & find a way to escape? This is not how she imagined her first proper solo conversation with Denise.
‘I..I’m sorry about..that.’
‘You shouldn’t be the one apologising for my son.’
Her tone was on point, but also kinda soft. Ananya just nodded in response, unsure of what else to say.
‘I’m making coffee. Want some?’
‘Yeah sure.’
She saw the graceful woman move around her kitchen meticulously.
‘Thought you’d be a tea person.’
Denise smiled. And Ananya breathed a bit more easy.
‘I was. But last 4 years in Europe changed me a fair bit I guess.’
‘Must have been hard - uprooting your life like that.‘
‘Yeah. But Mark & I kinda knew what it would take to get the boys here.’
‘And it still goes on.’
Denise’s smile was directed straight at her this time.
‘It still goes on. But they are happy, so I’m happy.’
Such a simple line, summarising years of sacrifice and putting her life away for her sons. But it was all worth it, she could see it from the quiet pride & joy in Denise’s eyes when she talked about her boys. What a great woman. A strong, smart, opinionated, loving woman. And such a great mum too!
They stepped into the backyard with their coffee, sitting side by side on the bench. Jude came down to check on the scene once, but saw them chatting away, so went back up quietly. Or so he thought, coz both women heard him & shook their heads.
‘So, 6 months huh?’
‘Yeah. Don’t know where time went.’
‘Happens when you’re in love.’
It was plain as day to Denise that they were in their head over heels phase right now. No question. 
‘I guess.’
‘It’s good to finally meet you.’
‘You too. And I’m sorry you had to find out that way…during Christmas.’
‘Again, not your fault.’
‘Were you surprised?’
‘That he was seeing someone? No. That he was in love? Yes. I’d never seen Jude so desperate like he was to get to you that day.’
‘I…I’m sorry for all the chaos and for…taking him away during Christmas.’
‘Dear, you need to stop apologising for everything. And for what it’s worth, I’m glad you gave him hell for that. I would too. All self-respecting women should, but most don’t, for various reasons, which saddens me. He needs to learn that actions have consequences.’
Ananya nodded absent-mindedly, still processing her words. The conversation moved to a few random things about life in Madrid. A few mins later, Denise looked at Ananya with purpose.
‘Can I ask you something?’
‘Of course.’
‘You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, or if you don’t know how to.’
That put her on guard.
‘There’s something holding you back from Jude. Something gnawing at you. Am I right?’
Ananya had not seen that coming. Her eyes fell to her lap as she fidgeted with her hands. How did Denise catch that in a day? Literally no words came to her head. Zilch. 
Denise watched her closely. She knew she had hit the nail on its head. Her intuition had just been confirmed. There was something about Ananya’s look, the way she paused in the middle of conversations about the future, or when Mark said she’d join them for Christmas this year. Something flickered on her face, which she usually hid away quickly, but Denise had seen it.
‘Like I said, you don’t have to answer.’
She really shouldn’t. When she hadn’t even been able to properly articulate it to herself. Her boyfriend’s mom, who she was meeting for the first time, should be the last person she should confide in. But there was something about Denise’s demeanour right now which made Ananya want to bare her heart - something kind, motherly, like an older sister or best friend. A wise, comforting, knowing, trusted advisor.
Denise saw her struggle, and reached out to squeeze her hand gently. Ananya held it back, ready to cry at the gesture.
‘I won’t tell him.’
‘I know.’
After a few deep breaths, Ananya let the cat out of the bag.
‘I don’t know if I’m the right girl for him. If I can give him everything he wants in life.’
There was no point denying this anymore. The argument from the last match was playing in her head. It had far deeper connotations, something the couple was avoiding to discuss. Because it would open a pandora’s box of questions & predicaments.
When Jude had asked her to go public that night, her whole system revolved against the thought. Something Jude sensed, which had hurt him. Which made him ask that piercing question. And he was right - there was never going to be a perfect time. Not now. Not for the next two years when she’d be knee deep in her MBA, an ocean away from him. Post that, it would be the first few years of her career, she didn’t even know what would be the best location for it. Maybe US. Or London. Or back home in India - she could always go back to the Mumbai office, to be close to her family. 
And Jude was going to be in Madrid. Her MBA or work won’t allow her enough time to fly in. And long distance would not work for Jude - he simply didn’t have the patience or maturity for it. He needed the constant reassurance of company, physical touch, having someone by his side, someone whose arms he could fall into every night, someone whose world revolved around him, someone who relished his world & the spotlight that came with it, someone he could show off to the world, someone who could deal with all the media/fan frenzy that would always follow him. Without that, he won’t be satisfied, not fully, and at some point he’d look outside for that satisfaction, for companionship, for sex. 
Even in the last few months, she had felt parts of that irritation and dissatisfaction in him, while she was in the same city. A part of her hadn’t been able to forget the despair she felt when she saw Jude’s picture on Christmas, and another part of her felt something like that was inevitable. Like it would come anytime now, and she won’t be able to take it the second time. Heck, she might even blame herself more this time. 
Denise didn’t ask what that line meant. She had pieced parts of it together from everything she had heard about her from the boys, and her face was also telling its own story right now.
‘Have you spoken to him about this?’
‘In parts. On & off, when something or the other pops up. But not directly, no.’
‘Maybe you should.’
‘How? I don’t want to hurt him. I can’t. Really do love him.’
‘I know, dear.’
The heart-shaped locket Ananya was wearing was proof of it. Of their love. Denise had the same one & she recognised it immediately. Jude had only given it to two people in his life.
‘But telling him later would hurt him more.’
Ananya squeezed her eyes shut in pain, and Denise scooted closer to her on the bench, her hand still squeezing Ananya’s. 
‘Look, you don’t have to do anything immediately. But at some point, you need to address the elephant in the room. It would eat away at you both otherwise.’
Ananya could only nod in response, the lump in her throat not letting any words come out.
‘Till then, best to not rush into anything.’
‘W-what do you mean?’
‘You know, like, you guys are young and….I can see how you are with each other. Don’t let a weak, vulnerable moment have serious life consequences….for either of you.’
Was she just getting sex talk from her boyfriend’s mother? To not rush into a….marriage….or a child???
Denise could see the mix of embarrassment and shock on Ananya’s face. But it needed to be said. The closeness they had, anything could happen. They were like pieces which weren’t even from the same board but somehow interlocked perfectly. Like magnets. Something she couldn’t articulate but felt deep in her heart every time she saw them together.
Ananya wanted the ground to split and swallow her whole. Now was a good time to run away, coz she couldn’t believe what had just happened with her. And she did run away, after thanking Denise for her counsel.
She ran straight to Jude. He was in bed, half drowsy, but his face lit up when she walked in. He lifted the blanket, inviting her in and she rushed to settle in next to him, letting him hug her close, burying her face into his chest.
‘That was some chat, yeah?’
‘I think your mom just gave me the talk.’
She was still in shock. And Jude just laughed loudly in her ear.
‘To not let me knock you up?’
‘Pretty sure that’s what she was hinting at.’
‘Unreal. And she spoke to you about this, not me?’
‘Maybe she thought I’d take her more seriously on this.’
‘Yeah, possible. But that’s funny. No wonder you look so red.’
Jude tilted his head to kiss her cheeks and she sighed at the comfort of it.
‘Dad gave me the same talk by the way.’
‘WHAT? When?’
‘Last night. I just laughed it off. But mom? Wow. Can they not see we are kids ourselves?’
‘You are.’
‘Ouch. But yeah, you are older I guess.’
She smacked his chest with force.
‘By 2 months. Shut up.’
‘It’s cool. I like older women.’
‘You are such a juvenile. And they thought I’d let you get me pregnant? Nonsense.’
Jude whispered slowly, playfully in her ear.
‘Not now. But one day, you will. One day, I’ll put babies in here.’
She froze. Her skin turned cold at those words. Alarming him.
‘Heyy heyy I was kidding. Pls don’t freak out.’
She sat up in bed, throwing the blanket away.
‘Ananya - look at me. C’mon. Forget what I said, was just messing with you.’
He rubbed her arms & back, but she scooted away, setting some distance between them on the bed. 
‘It’s too much. It’s too hard…Jude…’
‘Baby, what’s happening?’
‘Are you happy?’
‘Are you happy with me? Honestly?’
Jude stared at her incredulously, trying to figure where she was going with this. Did she really need to ask him? 
‘I love you.’
‘I love you too. But….’
‘I AM happy. Aren’t you?’
‘I am…for now…but…’
‘But what? What’s gotten into you all of a sudden?’
‘It’s not all of a sudden. You know what I’m talking about.’
Her voice was barely a whisper now, and it scared the living daylights out of him.
Yes, he knew. All those little unsaid things between them that seemed unsurmountable, he had felt them too. Both had tried to brush them under the carpet. But it was all bubbling over now in a cruel way.
But letting her pull away was not an option. He reached for her, grabbing her arms, pulling her close, despite her protests.
‘We can work it out.’
‘HOW? I may have to leave in a few months for my MBA. And I want to, I really do. It’s my dream, my family’s dream. It’s all I have been working for since I was a kid. It’s why I have studied so hard. Can’t give it up Jude, can’t do that to myself or my family.’
Funny thing was, a part of her did want to give it all up, just to stay with him. And that scared the shit out of her.
‘I know.’
A part of him wanted to keep her back in Madrid too, by his side, selfishly, but he was starting to see it wasn’t possible. And it wasn’t right. 
She slumped against him, speaking in whispers again, and he held her gently, like a delicate precious object.
‘Between you & my career - I don’t know how to do justice to both.’
Jude was trying hard to be strong for both of them. To not break down right now. But it was killing him from the inside. The thought of waking up knowing she wasn’t his anymore was so terrifying that he had compartmentalised this in his head, even though her going away had been on the horizon more & more.
‘And it’s not just that - we’re so different. I don’t know if I can really make you happy. If I can be….who you want me to be…I….’
Theirs was a clash of sensibilities, of moral compasses, of cultures, of core beliefs. 
‘Shhhhh baby, baby, you make me so happy you have no idea. Can never put it into words what you do to me. You make me a better person. I love you. I love you so much, dove.’
Tears came down her cheeks, breaking his heart into pieces, but he let her soak his jumper with it. 
‘Look at me. C’mon love, look at me.’
He cupped her cheeks, tilting her face up.
‘Here’s what we are going to do. No big decisions for now. Nothing that gets us like this. No need to go public or anything. Let’s just do what we are doing, what’s working for us.’
‘But that’s not what you want….you want to go public….you want more…’
‘Not at the cost of you. Not if I can’t come home to you anymore. Do you get that?’
She nodded slowly. 
‘One step at a time. Nothing too drastic. We have 4 months before you leave, yeah? Let’s just make the most of it. Move in with me, if that’s not too scary for you. Let’s just stick to each other. And when you do leave, we’ll find a way to make it work if we want it that much. I know we can.’
She wanted to believe him, so so badly. But life just didn’t work like that.
‘It’s not so easy. You’re saying that now but….when I’m not around…will you….Jude I can’t take another incident like that I just can’t. It’ll break me.’
‘I know. And can you see why it won’t happen? Because I know that would be the end of us. You will never forgive me again. It’s not easy. No one said it would be easy. But tell me this - would you not have moved heaven & earth to be with your ex, no matter the challenges, the differences, instead of giving it all up?’
‘So why not now?’
Because life had taught her it wasn’t a bed of roses. She knew that now. She wasn’t that naive girl from earlier.
‘Is it because you��.loved him more…than me?’
The crack in his voice hurt her in ways she didn’t even know was possible. Ananya reached desperately for his face, cupping his cheeks, kissing him all over.
‘No babu. Don’t ever say that. It’s not true.’
‘Then let me love you. Let me show you I’m not the same person anymore. Destiny & fate & distance can fuck right off - if you’re with me, if you trust me then we’ll make it. Remember I told you not being with you is not an option? It’s true. I won’t know what to do with myself. You’re my whole heart, I’m obsessed with you, I need you. And I’ll keep loving you till you love me the same way.’
‘I do love you the same way.’
‘Then show me. Fight for us. Don’t ever think of pulling away. Don’t leave me, Ananya.’
‘Oh Jude.’
They reached for each other at the same time, lips crashing together. She didn’t know whether she pulled him on top or he pushed her down, but there he was, kissing her like his life depended on it, pressing her into the mattress. Both channeling their love & desperation into the frantic kiss. 
Ananya didn’t stop him when his hands reached under her clothes, pulling them off. She couldn’t. Because she needed to feel his love, his reassurance, just all of him. And Jude would have cried if she tried to take that away from him. Quite literally. 
‘Just….make me forget this baby….just wanna remember you.’
He lived up to his promise. In all his kisses and caresses and praises, she was transported to a different world. Their world. Where nothing else mattered. Just him & her. And it was enough. It had to be enough. They’d will it to be enough. 
‘Say yes, Ananya.’
She didn’t know what he was asking for, or what all he was asking a yes for. But she wanted to give it to him. She wanted to give him everything. 
‘My sweet dove.’
‘My beautiful prince.’
‘I love you.’
‘I love you more.’
‘Not possible.’
It was too soon to think of growing old together, so they decided to grow up together. Taking on the world together and everything it threw at them. One step at a time. 
Well, there you go! 17k words. The end of Star Crossed Lovers.
I don't even know how to begin thanking you for all the love you have given to this series, and to Jude & Ananya. What your messages have meant to me.
Thank you for waiting patiently for 2 months for this final chapter. For constantly motivating me & sending me good vibes. You've been the best readers, so you deserved a long-ass chapter to conclude this roller-coaster journey.
I'll be taking a break from writing now. But it's been such a ride with you guys.
And ofcourse, as always, I am chomping at the bit to hear your thoughts on this chapter. This was truly a labour of love, and the last one, so pls do share your thoughts extensively with me. I can not wait to hear you guys 💜
Thanks again!
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resident-idiot-simp · 3 days ago
The Avengers reactions when they realize that Bucky and Steve our friends with Logan (and Wade because You can't have one without the other)
Ft: @orcadork4ever
Or another option they're hanging out with Laura in the Avengers are very confused because who is that child?
Clint walking into the tower
"Guys Bucky and Steve are hanging out with some kid in the park. I am confused because they act like they know this kid. Have any of you seen them with a kid?"
Tony: no??? How would they know just a random kid?
Clint: That's what I'm asking!?
However long later until Bucky and Steve come back
The other Avengers sitting and waiting for them: So who was that kid?
Steve and Bucky:??? What are you talking about
Clint: I saw you hanging out with a kid in the park.
Bucky: OH you mean Laura.
Tony: Laura???
Steve: Yeah Laura she's an old friends kid
Natasha: You two have friends?
Od: Bucky: She’s Peter’s friend and just so happens to be out friends’ kid
Tony: Wait Peter knows her?!
Steve and Bucky: yes? Did you guys not know about her?
Avengers: NO!
Steve: ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I don't know what to tell you Laura's great
Bucky: She's hysterical she's just like her father... For better or worse... Usually worse
Steve: usually worse
Bruce: Wait so who is her father?
Bucky: Logan
Avengers: ?????
Steve: You guys know Logan
Clint:... Are you sure about that?
Steve: Yes I'm confident he's Logan
Bucky: laughs yeah that's about right
Tony: okay I give up who exactly is Logan since apparently we know him
Steve and Bucky: Wolverine
Avengers: ?!
Bucky and Steve: It's not that big of a deal
Tony: It is though!
Clint:... Wait If you know Wolverine....
Natasha:......do you know...
Steve: sigh He's not actually that bad
Clint and Natasha: Yes he is
Bucky: Really he's not. If you just talk to him long enough without being actively hostile
Bruce: backup who are you talking about
Bucky: Wilson. Wade Wilson.
Steve: Wade’s an acquired taste.
Bruce: Okaaaay. But what’s his other name.
Steve: sigh ….. Deadpool
Bucky: Well, they’re married. That’s the wedding up in Westchester we went to last fall.
Tony horrified: THEY'RE MARRIED?!
Steve: to be honest they were made for one another
Bucky: They really were. You should see them together it's.... I don't think there's a better match
Natasha: I still have a hard time believing it
Clint: Yeah I mean considering Deadpool is.... Deadpool
Steve: If you've seen them together you'd understand. I don't think I've seen two people more in love.
Tony: You're joking right This is a joke where are the cameras we're being filmed right like haha.
Natasha and Clint: no he's not joking This is common knowledge in the underground
Bruce: What do you mean this is common knowledge?
Clint: Everyone has a story of seeing them with a tongue down the others throat or something.
Natasha: or you know someone who's seen it.
Clint: Or that
Bruce:....have you seen it
Clint: I haven't
Natasha: I definitely have. Was scoping out someone that they had a hit on. I never want to see that again
Tony:.. I hate this can we go back to before I knew this
Steve: hahaha it's funny that opinion comes from all angles Laura also hates it
Bucky: why might should clarify that. She hates She's subjected to it as much as she is.
Steve: oh no yeah she, Vanessa, and Althea are all very happy for them. It's just since she has his mutation they can't really hide stuff.
Bucky: shutters imagine having to go to that mansion of teenagers and being able to smell everything
Tony: I'm horrified about everything I've just learned
Bucky: Wade said that even if they air out the house for a full 48 hours she can still smell it. So they’ve compromised on designated areas where she just Doesn’t Go.
Peter: swinging in Hey everyone. What’s up?
Pepper: Tony just found out about Laura, Logan, and Wade and is about to have a heart attack. Tony. Breathe. You’re fine. Peter’s fine.
Peter: Um. I’m really okay, Mr. Stark. They’re really cool. So is everyone at Xavier’s.
Peter: oh I have a picture I took of them cuddling on the couch. Honestly they are I've of the healthiest couples I've seen. Shows Tony the picture
Tony:.... I'm dreaming this is a dream
Bruce:... Honestly that's not as surprising as I thought it would be to hear
Steve: Honestly yeah it's wild just how good they are to each other
Bucky: except for the stabbing
Steve: Honestly I'm not convinced that's unhealthy.
Bucky: Good point
Natasha and Clint sharing a look before speaking: You guys have no idea what they did to the underground when they got together
Bruce: oh?
Clint: It's like they've gotten better. Which is insane to say considering it's Deadpool and Wolverine
Natasha nodding: they're more efficient now. People just got up and left gave up completely at being a mercenary.
Peter: And they’re really good with the kids.
Bruce: I thought they only had Laura?
Peter: No, no, they do. But they kind of like half-adopt everyone? Like, the Professor built extra housing near the mansion for them and a lot of the students hang out there instead of the school because it’s quieter. I’m a kit as far as Logan’s concerned. Laura says I was one of the first people he decided was Pack.
Tony: Kit? Pack?
Peter: Oh! He and Laura are Ferals. Mutants who are more animalistic. I kind of fit into that category but not entirely since I’m a mutate.
Bruce:.... Ok I'll admit this is fascinating want to elaborate more. What does it entail exactly to be a feral
Peter smiling: Ok so there are a spectrum of them in two separate categories, pray and predators. It's pretty much what you expect each group has traits that are more predator like or more prey like.
Tony:... ok
Peter: Now This is a very small subsection of mutants about 5%. Of that only 1%-1.5% survive to adulthood.
Clint:... Okay I didn't know that's statistic what the hell?
Peter shrugging: They usually die when they're kids and first mutate. Normally the more extreme or higher on the spectrum the more likely they die. Specifically predators because of the fight or flight instinct.
Natasha: that makes sense kid with claws or teeth get corner cuz they have no idea what's happening?
Tony: It's like cornering a wild animal.
Peter: If they lash out and kill someone you think they care about taking their life considering they are a mutant?
Bruce slightly horrified: and if they ran off a kid that young can't survive by themselves
Peter: Exactly that's why most of them don't survive. Logan is an anomaly. If it wasn't for his healing factor he would have died when he was a child. He and thus Laura are pretty much the most extreme you can get on the predator side.
Tony: Wait pause what is Laura get lumped in there? Doesn't mutation not carry alone genes? Isn't it just randomized and luck of the draw if you're like your parents?
Steve and Bucky: She's a clone
Tony and Bruce: What?!
Peter: Yep just didn't end up quite right She's got three claws but the middle one of each hand is in her foot. Also she's a woman.
Steve: She really is his clone though down to her personality
Peter: Anyway ferals usually take on traits of a specific animal though there are some general things. Logan in general though really is a Wolverine. He growls, purrs, scents people and things, and has fangs to name a few things.
Natasha: It's a bit freaky
Peter: No more freaky than me walking on the ceiling and having Velcro hands
Natasha: Touché
Tony: Okay. Okay. deep breath Summing all of this up to make sure I’ve got this right. Cap and Buck served with Logan in World War II because he’s like 200 years old now. He’s also a feral mutant who has animalistic tendencies and claws that come out of his hands. Laura is a clone of him except her claws are two on each hand and one on each foot and she’s female. Logan is somehow married to THE most notorious and inappropriate mercenaries in the world who is “not that bad and is good with kids.” And they both think of you as part of their family.
Peter: nodding Yeah, pretty much~ Got it in one, Mr. Stark~
Pepper: calling out from the kitchen And Peter has been hanging out with them and the students at Xavier’s.
Peter: Yeah? Is… that a bad thing?
Pepper: No, sweetie. It’s great that you’re getting to talk with other mutants your age.
FRIDAY: Boss, your blood pressure and heart rate are elevated far above your usual values.
Tony: I’m well aware of that, FRI. shaking like a chihuahua
It won’t hit for him until he sees them interact and sees Wade with their shared kid
Tony: You better not be killing anyone around him.
Wade: He already asked me not to, don’t need you cock blocking me too Iron Dad
Tony:... Are you insinuating you get off on it
Wade: You do not want to know the list of things that get me and Peanut off
Tony: I hate you
Wade: Love you too
Tony is truly surprised though at how good Wade is with kids. He turns down his personality quite a bit to accommodate younger ears.
Wade had caught him steering dumbfoundedly and had just shrugged. "You know I always wanted kids"
Tony wouldn't have believed that before but he does now
Wade: My exie bestie Vanessa and I tried. But it didn’t work. And then I got El Super Cancer so that pretty much wiped out any chance there. And that was before the experimentation and torture. So… takes a drink They’re not mine by blood. But they’re mine, y’know?
Tony: nodding slowly, watching Peter across the room I think I do…
(Addition because I fucked up posting this originally and you deserve more for that)
*Much later after they meet and someone asks a question about another feral existing (I'm not copy pasting anymore I'm so tired you have no idea it is almost 1:00)*
Bruce: okay what was the deal with asking about another feral mutant?
Peter:... I don't know the whole story and I hope I never hear it....but. Do you know who Sabertooth is?
Tony: The other big mutant with claws?
Peter: That's Logan's brother
Everyone out of the know: I'M SORRY?!
Steve:... Yeah Creed, depraved monster is what he is. Shit he said? The shit he did?
Bucky: I still shudder to remember that.
Bruce: What exactly did he do?
Bucky:.... He fuck...he was abusive to say the least.
Steve: abuse is a very nice word for whatever the hell that was.
Bucky: IS he's still alive
Peter: shutters
Tony: Okay so it was worse than abuse? And you guys saw it?
Bucky: They both served we only saw Victor once. It was... It was bad
Steve: He was physically abusive at the minimum and Logan just allowed it.
Clint: I have a hard time picturing that
Bucky: You have to remember that they've known each other for 200 years.
Clint: and in that time he still allows it?
Steve: You don't know the whole picture. I don't think any of us do except for maybe Wade. But it's more complicated than you're thinking.
Bucky: The physical abuse was negligible to literally everything else. I mean there's no good way to put it besides the fact that he was groomed by Victor since he was a child
Tony: holy shit that's disgusting! What the hell?! What the hell?! You mean like... You don't mean like that.. You don't right?
Steve: I mean... I don't think it ever went that far but.... The stuff he said to Logan?
Bucky: and Logan's reactions? Logan hated it he was horrified. But he just...let Victor say what he did with minimal backlash.
Steve: Victor's older than him. I'm pretty sure he helped raise him from what I've learned
Natasha:.... Jesus Christ
Clint: never mind fuck dude
Bucky: yeah the one time we saw them together we couldn't separate them. And trust me we tried
Steve: we really did but Victor is possessive. I wonder genuinely how he sees Logan.
Bucky: I fucking don't
Tony:... I hate everything I have learned. You should have left me in the dark actually.
Bruce: You're saying he still alive? Wade is allowing that?
Peter: I'm pretty sure if he pops back up he's not going to be able to take another breath
Od: Bucky: before he had Logan alone. Isolated. He wasn’t close with anyone. But now… now he’s got people in his corner. He shows his face again and I’ll help Wade rip his head off myself.
Peter: I have a sneaking suspicion It's the pack instinct that made Logan go along with it. It's some skewed sense of loyalty
Steve: I'm inclined to agree Logan was fully aware I know that and he hated every moment of it. I feel like you also have to remember that any person that got close to died of old age eventually. It's not like he had options
Bucky: Also didn't help that whoever he got close to miraculously died
Steve: and there's that sigh Logan never had a chance
Peter: He has one now though. He has a family now The core of which is as immortal as him
Clint: And as capable as him. Is it weird that I want to spar with them?
Peter: grinning Nah, it’s fun~ and it’s fun to watch them spar. Logan moves like it’s natural and Wade has this grace in how he fights. I’m surprised he was never a dancer and that he never took it up.
Bucky: snorts
Peter: You know somethin
Bucky: I know something
Peter: which one of them
Bucky: which one do you think
Peter:.... Wade
Bucky: yep
Peter:... There's more to that
Steve: Vanessa
Od: Tony: Do I want to know whatever you’re about to tell me whether I want to know it or not?
Peter: Vanessa was a stripper
Tony: slow blink
Natasha: OH her yeah shit he tore the underground apart that one time someone kidnapped her
Clint: Yeah she's on the don't touch list to this day because of that
Bruce: who exactly is she?
Steve: Wade's ex fiancé. Their best friends still. Hell I think Logan might like her more than Wade does
Bucky: how can you not love her? She's great.
Peter: Oh she's wonderful.
(This will probably become a fic)
Tag: @secretmarvelsideblog @amethyst-loves-bucky
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dichenlachmandaily · 2 days ago
Spoilers follow for Severance season two episode seven, “Chikhai Bardo.”
No, “Chikhai Bardo” isn’t a bottle episode. Instead, Severance gave us something even better: answers. Tragic but legitimate answers. The latest episode confirms Gemma (Dichen Lachman) is alive and being held against her will on one of Lumon’s severed floors, having gotten there, as we see through flashbacks, after being marked by one of the company’s doctors (Robby Benson) at a fertility clinic. The episode bounces around the highs and lows of Mark (Adam Scott) and Gemma’s relationship — their meet-cute at a university blood donation drive, their surprisingly enjoyable dinners with Devon and Ricken, her miscarriage — interspersed with scenes of Gemma’s captive life following a car crash implied to be staged by the company. Inside Lumon, Gemma’s life is overseen by a nurse (Sandra Bernhard), who marches her through a rotation of severed doors and into rooms where her various Innies are forced to endure scenarios with Benson’s doctor that range from the annoying to the traumatic.
When Gemma’s mad dash of an escape plan — knocking the doctor unconscious and briefly reembodying Ms. Casey on another severed floor — fails at episode’s end, she seemingly resigns herself to a prisoner’s existence without parole. Lachman believes her character still has hope of being released and reuniting with her husband when the experiment concludes. “But they’re always changing the rules of the game for her,” she says. “They just keep moving the goalposts.”
As someone of the belief that Gemma was brain-dead and living as a subconscious entity, it was lovely to see her alive despite the awful circumstances surrounding her existence. When I read season one, I had that theory too. I didn’t quite understand what was happening. I was like, Has her brain been affected and they’re trying to rebuild her?
Did you know Gemma would get her own stand-alone episode when you first started filming Severance? I definitely wasn’t aware in season one that this would happen. As the scripts for season two started coming in, I was like, Oh, okay. I’m not in this episode, and I’m not in the next one. Did I do something wrong? Then Dan Erickson talked me through how it was going to play out. It was really exciting. At the same time, I felt a lot of pressure. I didn’t want to let the fans down. This is obviously something they’ve been waiting for. I was really scared.
What scared you the most?Having to jump between lighter and darker moments, and the scope of it was so large. Knowing we’d have a very limited time to do it and then doing the flashbacks on film. I know Jessica Lee Gagné, the director, had always envisioned using film and it was her goal. When I started my career, we used to shoot on film all the time, but then digital became the preferred medium because it never ends and there’s more freedom. With film, there’s only so much; you could run out in the middle of a scene. You don’t want to make a mistake because it’s an actual, physical thing an image is getting printed onto.
The big connection we get this episode is when Lumon’s doctor spots Gemma at a fertility clinic before her car accident. His eyes linger on her for a beat, but Gemma and Mark don’t clock him in the waiting area. Oh, you got that?
Not the first time!I’m so glad.
Can you tell me a bit about how this scene was staged?Jessica has been integral to setting the tone and mood of Severance. She’s phenomenally talented and has such a unique eye, but she’s really good at doing things subtly. That scene had a lot of technical stuff. One of the great things about that moment is that even though the shots, framing, and camerawork are really technical — more than I’ve ever done in my entire life on any show — it always goes back to how they can keep it real and grounded among all of that chaos. There was a lot of stuff they had to do and capture so the audience could have that little moment, which is so subtle, so I’m impressed you picked up on it. I just remember focusing on what Gemma was feeling and us talking about the mood and temperament.
Given what we learn about this doctor throughout the episode, what did you infer about the motivations behind Gemma’s staged death? Did this man target her specifically because of a weird infatuation, or is a fertility clinic just an ideal location for Lumon to scope out potential subjects? That fertility clinic is a place where they have access to people’s biometric data. I suppose it’s the perfect place to zone in on a target. The whole world they live in is filled with Lumon employees, businesses, and stuff like that. I have my own fan theories, but I think what you said — a place where they’re getting people’s blood and their DNA — is probably the best theory.
The other person Gemma interacts with is Sandra Bernhard’s nurse. How would you define their relationship? Are there any sympathies there? In my mind, her nurse has been there for a while. Sandra brought an incredible warmth to that role, even in playing a captor. She brought almost a motherly feeling to it even though it’s still very cold, controlled, and oppressive down there. Maybe it’s just her eyes. Or maybe she was working on something with the character that I wasn’t aware of, but their dynamic is really interesting. I think she has compassion for Gemma. She’s just doing her job, but there’s a humanity to her.
Inside those rooms, Gemma’s Innies are forced to play out different scenarios: A dental patient getting work done, a passenger in a crashing airplane, and a wife at Christmas forced to write thank-you notes. The doctor inquired if Gemma felt “despair” after leaving any of them. How do you view what this experiment is trying to accomplish? I think it’s leaning into something that’s happening within our culture, which is that we don’t want to experience anything unpleasant. To some degree, I totally understand. In season one, you have the birthing center. That’s one of the most painful things you could experience in your whole life — I would know. What if you could delegate that experience to someone so you didn’t have to go through the pain? Even though, as a human being, there’s some ownership of that. Going through it and having a connection to the child is so beautiful. But we kind of want to get on a prescription of not having to suffer. If you think of it from a pharmaceutical point of view, it’s like, “We’re just taking it up a notch. You hate going to the dentist? We’ve got you. We’ll send somebody else, but you’ll still be going to the dentist.” Or having the fear of flying. I know Dan loathes writing thank-you notes — not because he’s ungrateful but because sometimes it’s so hard to figure out what to say to express your gratitude. I’ve done this before when I’ve worked on a movie: I’ve written 80 thank-you notes to all the crew members and they all start sounding the same. You lose your creativity, and you’re struggling to figure out a way to say “thank you” in a different way so that if someone reads someone else’s card, they’re not like, Oh, this isn’t personal. It says the same thing.
So you don’t view this technology as being strictly malicious in intent? Yeah. It could go further, of course. That’s the thing with technology: The intention is always to make someone’s life a little bit easier. Then it becomes integrated into our life. Everything is a double-edged sword. It’s our job as human beings to try and find the balance. We’re in a world where we have AI and robots. We’re creating a world where we don’t even need to exist, in a way. What’s really cool about the show is it gets people to ask themselves about their relationship to technology or their relationship to having contrast in their life. You don’t get to experience pleasure, joy, or something that tastes really amazing if you don’t get the sad moments, too. When you’re severed, you don’t have contrast. The weekend isn’t as good because you’re perpetually experiencing only the good things. Those good feelings just become feelings and are not special anymore.
You get one of the best lines of the season when Gemma is being examined by that doctor after visiting some of the rooms: “Can you please just talk like a normal person?” She’s saying what viewers are thinking, and it made me laugh.The whole language is a bit culty. They have their own way of communicating. The words they use are so bizarre. I tried reading that line in many different ways and played with intensity. It was stretching me as an artist. I’ve never had the opportunity to explore and collaborate as much as I did on this show. I could have said “Can you please just talk like a normal person?” 15 or 16 times, maybe more, and every time it would’ve been a little different.
Did you get the sense Gemma had tried to escape before? There’s this comment Mr. Drummond gives the doctor midway through the episode about how she once tried to break his fingers. It struck me as very fight-or-flight. Yes. I picked up on that same line when I was reading the script. Jessica and I talked about it a lot. I think every now and then, Gemma has been like, Screw it. I’m going to go for it. I don’t care if I have to hit him over the head or break his hand. Then there are days where she feels like it’s pointless, but then she’ll get pushed and pushed harder and she’ll try again. She’ll never be able to escape. Her tolerance level will go back to baseline, and it’ll build up and she’ll try again.
We’ve seen how people involved in the severance program can be driven to madness; Helly tries to kill herself in the first season. Where does Gemma find the strength to continue on in this prison of a life? Based on the scenes she has with the doctor just before she hits him over the head, I feel like there’s been some promises made: “Oh, you just have to do this and that”; “Look, it’s for your own good”; “Now you just have to get through this.”
How many takes did you get to whack Robby with a chair? Was it oddly satisfying?You know what? That’s something we didn’t do as many times as some of the other scenes. It wasn’t too complicated. Robby is such an amazing person. He was lying on the floor for hours, just so dedicated to this role he was playing. The man is a machine. I felt really bad. I’m like, “Oh, Robby, I’m sorry.” It was just about getting the chair at the right angle so that we could sell it, because obviously I couldn’t hit him over the head.
At one point, Gemma directly asks the doctor what will happen when her Innie “sees all of the rooms.” What do you think will happen?Gemma thinks that when she’s done, she’ll get out of there and be free. That’s what she wants. Ultimately, toward the end, she resigns herself to being there. When she comes out of the elevator, knowing her escape plan didn’t work, she feels so broken. Well, that’s it. I’m never going to get out of here. That’s why she has to be picked up off the floor by Sandra’s character. In my head, when she’s tried to escape previously, she’s probably fought them all on the way out. Like, What am I doing back here? But when she falls to the floor into a puddle, calling Mark’s name, it’s just like, I can’t anymore. There’s nothing else I can do.
You previously portrayed a multiverse-programmed character in Dollhouse, which shares a few creative parallels to Severance. Your work in Altered Carbon also explored how consciousness can be “resleeved” into different bodies. What makes you excel at portraying so many distinctive personas in one human? Maybe I willed it into my life because I love exploring these concepts, I love science fiction, and I absolutely feel like it’s somewhere where my creativity thrives. I feel so blessed that I’ve gotten to do it in different eras. Altered Carbon is hundreds of years in the future, where severance technology has completely changed the way people live and given them the ability to live forever. Dollhouse is more contemporary. Severance is this timeless era. It’s quite strange and weird.
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