#definetly rated r though
themmatennant · 7 months
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david tennant as casanova is so funny because of those trashy contacts. like looking at them SENDS me theyre so cheap looking
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sir-gale · 3 years
Just had a bunch of swirling thoghts in my head so made it a whole fic, not really proofread. I’ll make a part 2 for nsfw. You and Shouta are both 18 and third years.
Aizawa x reader
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When you and Aizawa were dating in highschool, even though he was working day and night to master combat he still found times to visit you. Mainly in the late evenings and early morning when you knew both of you are awake for different reasons. Though you were touch starved, one thing you really learn to appreciate with this man is a great conversation. Wether it be a simple discussion of today’s events, or deep philosophical contemplation, neither of you had any problems talking and/or listening. You have no problem being talkative and blunt, he has no problem jumping on the points you bring up, it’s great.
When you boil it down though, it can be pretty problematic. Shouta came to your place this morning even earlier than usual, he decided to wrap it up so he could have more time with you. Once he had cleaned himself up, gotten to your place. Side rant- He really liked where you lived since it was a quiet neighborhood with little cafes, you two would have great coffee dates. The way you took advantage of the overgrown yard when purchasing the sweet rustic place and made it flattering with lilacs and vines made him want to go there every day, as if he wasn’t thinking about your presence enough.
He entered through the door, he had spare keys to your house after he explained he didn’t want to wake you in case you were sleeping and leaving your window open wasn’t a good idea, no matter how low the chances in this area. To his surprise, you poked your head out of the kitchen.
“Huh. Hi sho.”
“I know you’re an early riser on weekdays, but 4:37 is... excessive.”
“You have no room to complain since you don’t even sleep,” you chuckled.
“Not true,” he dragged out matter-of-factly, “I sleep during lunch-”
“Yeah yeah...”
He had made his way into the kitchen, slouched and rubbing his annoyed eyes, adjusting to the light. His irritated vision fell on you leaning against the counter staring at the boiling water as he came up from behind you as he rubbed his face into your hair, effectively consuming your scent. His own shaggy hair wafted into you but you didn’t mind.
“Stoooop I taken a shower this morning, it’s greasyy.”
He only grunted, or you assumed that’s what it was supposed to be, as it came out as a low growl. You weren’t sure whether to find it cute or hot.
It feels like he gets taller every day while you stopped growing when you were 16. You weren’t annoyed by it. More like impressed. How much taller was he going to be by the time you guys are 21?
After you made your instant coffee, prepared it the way you liked it, both of you headed to the couch, turning on the TV to either find something interesting or have it play in the background as a comforting source of light in the darkness and sound to fill in the gaps of your conversation. Mutually but in silence you two decided that Shouta on the corner of the couch with you laying with your back facing him, snuggled in between him was the way to go. There were a lot of R rated heros are on during the night. It had you thinking...
*suggestive content ahead*
“Hey Sho, what’re you like in bed?”
If he was dozing off, then he was surely awake now.
“That- ugh..” as he proceeded to make a bunch of flustered noises, he began to think as well, “counter-question: what do you think I’m like in bed?” Before he could take back what he said to rephrase it, you replied.
“I dunno, honestly. I figure you can be both on top and bottom, but even though I’m into you that way, definetly, I still can’t see you that way. Dominating me, I mean,” You said while closing your eyes, tilting your head up into his chest, making tired hand motions through this explanation.
“... so your saying you think I can’t dominate you?” He replied.
“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
“You think I, as a man who only takes naps during the day but doesn’t sleep because he is training, couldn’t pin you to the couch right now?” Oh now he’s visibly annoyed. You’ve really done it now. Not purposefully, definetly not but you are so glad that you are annoying. What is it with you liking men that are intimidating? Good that you had one glaring down at your relaxed form right now.
Though darling (y/n) is clearly sensing your boyfriends ticked off expression through the lids of your eyes, you considered apologizing and explaining further, as Shoutas insecurity’s that were present in the years before having completely dissolved. You might as well have said that he’s still not a man in your eyes. This thought did cross his mind, but even if it did, even if you thought that, it was about to change.
Part 2 is up here! Nsfw ahead, proceed at your own risk ;)
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hegleg · 4 years
Beelzebub x sick reader
(I've taken this x reader from my wattpad story, if you'd like to read more or support me visit my wattpad @kek_its_me)
- This will contain switching point of views between the reader and Beel
- several time skips
- bit of a longer fic, word count (3795)
- enjoy~
The bell ending class at RAD finally rang, echoing sweetly in your ears. You smiled, throwing your bag around your shoulders and sitting up from your desk. Your desk was positioned right next to the window, making it easy for you to notice what had caught your eye. It was raining: thundering to be precise. You shuddered, 'did I even bring my umbrella today' you thought. Checking your bag twice and around your desk it was decided: you hadn't. 'Great' you uttered in your mind, silently shaming yourself for your carelessness. You breathed out a long sigh before deciding to face your enemy, the rain, head on. Boldly, you pushed open the heavy school door leading to the front of the school and dashed outside. Immediatly you felt it hit you. The cold sensation of tiny wet bullets overwhelmed you. You thought rapidly about your options. You could lift your bag over your head to cover yourself. Sure, it wasn't perfect, but it was better than nothing. With all your might, you began to lift your bag over your head. No dice. Instantly you dropped it back down. Curse RAD for giving you such heavy textbooks! You'd be sure to complain to Lucifer later and see if he'd mention it to Diavolo. For now though, the bag plan was a bust. Your remaining option: deal with it. Groaning, you trekked your feet forward through the growing puddles on the ground. 'Great' you thought, 'now my socks are wet.' Angerly, you marched onward through the pouring rain until you reached the House of Lamentation. Swearing under your breath you fished out your spare key from your bag, unlocked the door, and stepped inside. You were dripping wet, but you were finally "home." Drawing a sigh, you found your way to your room and closed the door behind you. Grabbing a nearby towel, you began to dry yourself, changing into a spare change of clothes shortly after. After you were properly dried, you fell first into your cushiony bed, exhausted from the day. As you were lying there, a thought crossed your mind. You scratched your head furviously, "ughhh why didn't I just ask one of the boys if I could share their umbrella. I'm sure Satan would of had one at the very least." However, Satan wasn't in your class. Mammon was, but considering Mammon wasn't good at keeping track of things, you realized asking him would be no good. Exhausted physically and mentally, you drew another sigh and wrapped yourself in a blanket. 'Forget dinner, what I need now is rest' you thought, lying your head on a soft, comforting pillow. You were pulled from your thoughts into a deep, feverish sleep.
"Ughhh..." You groaned, clutching your head, which was now burning beneath your touch. Groggily, you turned your head and steadily tuned in the boys standing in front of you.
"-she's waking up. Hey, y/n are ya finally with us?" Mammon said.
"Huh...I think so- yeah I am, what are you guys doing here..?" you asked. "You didn't come to dinner so we wanted to check on you" Beel said, his gaze trained on you, steady and concerned. "Luckily, we just found you napping here" Levi added.
You groaned again, sitting up slowly.
"Guys.." You said. "Yeah?" The demons asked in unison.
"I feel like shit"
"Oh, uhm, did'cha want us to leave you alone then?" Mammon asked, dejected.
You shook your head. "Nonono- it's not like that. I think I'm just ill. Can anyone check if I have a fever?"
The boys looked at each other in confusion. "Right...I forgot you have no idea what human illnesses are like.." You groaned. "Okay new plan, can somebody get Soloman?" You asked. "Soloman? Why that guy?" Mammon grumbled. 'Uh, because he's human, ya dingus', you fought the urge to say. "Solomon and I are both humans, so he would know about my sickness and how to treat it better, plus he knows magic, which he might be able to cure me with" you said.
The brothers seemed to understand this much, and didn't pry further.
"I'll go find Solomon then-" Mammon said, dashing out of your room. You took this a sign Mammon was worried for you and felt a small expression of gratitude towards him.
"Is there anything we can do?" Beel asked. Weariness clung to you and you desperately wanted to lie back down. "Uhm..could you two actually leave me for awhile? I don't feel so good.." You groaned. Dejected, Levi and Beelzebub understood you needed your rest and left. Sighing, you flopped back down into the bed, letting your exhaustion overtake you and lead you into sleep.
"-Y/n...Y/n.." A voice called. You groggily opened one eye and saw a tall, silver haired man before you. "You wished to see me?" Solomon asked. "Yeah..ughh.." You groaned, "I think I might of come down with something, I feel awful.." You said weakly. "You don't look great either"
"Hey..!" You protested in nearly a whisper. A blush crept onto his face as he realized what he'd said. "My apologies! I'm sorry, I only meant you looked ill" he apologized profusely.
"Its okay.." You shook your head. "So do you think you may be able to cure this with magic?" You asked. Solomon shook his head. "I don't even know what 'this' is. Would you mind if I checked your forehead?" He asked.
You shook your head, "not at all."
Sweeping hair from your forehead, Solomon gently placed his hand onto your head. You groaned under his touch and his hand recoiled.
"You're burning up, you definetly have a fever. If I may ask, how did you even get sick?"
You thought back to the rainy day and frowned. "I walked home in the rain" you scowled. "Don't you carry an umbre-"
"Are you really gonna shame me now?" You asked. "Fair enough, y/n, but know, I can't cure the common cold with magic. That's not what magic is for anyways.." Solomon mumbled. "So what should I do..?" You asked. Solomon looked at you thoughtfully, "I'd put a cool rag on your forehead to get rid of the fever."
You nodded. "Any other symptoms?"
"No, thankfully. But that could change" you muttered. "If it does, come get me" Solomon remarked. "Alright, thank you Solomon, I mean it." He smiled at you, "don't mention it. Gotta look out for my fellow human." You smiled weakly at this. 'Human solidarity' you thought.
Finished, Solomon turned heel and opened your door to leave. As the door opened, Mammon, Beel, and Levi fell into the room. They must of been listening in on you two.
"Looks like you've got some visitors" Solomon chuckled with a hand to his face. The three demons were blushing madly at being caught.
"-I told you we'd get caught" Levi scowled. "Oi, oi, its not my fault, we all wanted to listen to them, remember?" Mammon protested. "Sorry, y/n..we were worried about you" Beel said softly. You smiled at the three, lucky to have such caring friends. "Perfect timing" Solomon remarked, "Y/n if you need anything I'm sure these three would love to help anyway they can." Feeling he overstayed his welcome, Solomom took his leave, waving to you before leaving your room.
"So..what should we do..?" Mammon asked. You mentally facepalmed. He should know, he was listening in after all. Summoning your courage you asked, "could one of you take care of me..?"
"-Gotta look out for my fellow human" I found myself feeling dejected at this.
"-guys are you sure this is ok?"
"-Levi, you're totally invading my personal space"
"-maybe don't hog the door then, there's nearly enough room for us"
"-Oi oi that's hardly my fault!"
I let out a groan. At this rate, I won't hear anything else. Suddenly, the door which had all our listening ears on it, opened, sending us face first into the room's floor. I looked up to see Solomon's suprised expression and
y/n's discerned, slightly confused/slightly disappointed expression. My face felt hot with embarassment. "Looks like you've got some visitors" Solomon chuckled.
"-Mammon, I told you we'd get caught-" Levi scowled. The two of them bickered back and forth while I looked over at y/n regretfully. "Sorry, y/n, we were worried.." I apologized.
For reasons unknown, y/n just smiled weakly back at us. My heart panged at this. "Perfect timing" Solomon remarked, explaining how we'd be available to help take care of y/n before promptly leaving. I don't know why, but the idea of taking care of y/n made my heart race. I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. Mammon, thankfully, spoke up first. "So what should we do...?" He asked.
"Could one of you take care of me?" Y/n asked, a blush tinting her face.
"What should we do?" I asked the two of them. "A game", Levi suggested, "rock papers scissors, best 2/3, winner gets to take care of y/n"
"You're on!" Mammon cheered.
I didn't know why, but I found myself wanting to win, wanting to take care of y/n. Sure, I cared for them, but wouldn't taking care of them feel like a chore? So why is my heart racing...
"-Beel you're up. Play me. Mammon already lost" Levi said, freeing me from my thoughts. Without much hope to win, I threw down rock idly. And to my surprise, Levi had thrown scissors. "Again!" Levi said, jealous I'd stolen a win from him. Again, I threw paper idly, surely I couldn't win twice.
And much to my surprise, Levi had thrown rock. "No way..." Levi pouted, looking defeated after his loss. I felt bad for my brother but I was looking forward to taking care of y/n. "No fair!" Mammon protested. "You lost, fair and square, Mammon" Levi grinned. "I can't believe I won..."
You looked onward at the demons quizzically, lifting a brow in amusement. "So, you guys make a decision yet?" You asked. Immediately, Beel stepped forward.
"I'll take care of you, y/n, leave it to me!" Beel grinned. A small blush tinted your cheeks and you forced yourself to look away. 'That damn smile..too pure...too bright..curses' you thought. To distract yourself you turned your attention to Levi and Mammon still in the room.
"Shoo- shoo- " you said motioning them away with your hand. With disappointed faces the two of them left, leaving you and Beel by yourselves. The room was dead silent. Beel looked onto you with worried eyes. Tension was building. You broke the silence first.
"Uhm..Beel would you mind wetting a rag and bringing it to me?"
As if snapped from a trance he blinked awake. "Yeah, of course. Hold on" he said taking off. You let out a long sigh. 'Damn', you thought 'what was with that tension? I hope we're not like this the whole time.'
The sound of Beel's footsteps broke you from your thoughts. Hesitantly, he leaned over your form in the bed, and whispered lowly in your ear, "what do you want me to do with this?"
You felt your face flush, and you twitched at the sound of his low voice on your ear, the sudden closeness between you became apparent.
"B-Beel y-you don't have to be that close, you know?" You replied shaky from embarrassment. "Sorry..." he murmured, leaning up and stepping away from the bed. "I thought I should talk closer, because of your condition it might be harder to hear me, right?" He said, eyes studying the ground. You considered this for a moment. Difficulty hearing wasn't usually a symptom of the common cold, but Beel didn't know any better, he was probably just trying to help.
"Ah, thanks Beel. I appreciate it, but my hearing should be fine." You said awkwardly. Silence filled the space between you again. 'Crap, now the tension's back. Good going y/n' you silently cursed yourself. You cleared your throat. "Beel, can you put the rag on my forehead?" You asked, blushing slightly. He nodded, "oh, right" he said, forgetting he even still held the damp rag. Leaning back over the bed, he brushed hair from your forehead aside and placed the cool rag onto your burning forehead. You immediately let out a sigh of relief. Beel, hearing this, was prompted to ask, "is everything alright, y/n?"
You nodded at him, "its ok Beel, that was a sigh of relief."
"Oh...thank goodness.." He said lowly.
With nothing else to do Beel stood awkwardly at the foot of your bed, studying his hands. Feeling sympatheic, you decided to give him another task: to fetch you soup. Definetly because you felt sympathetic, you were absolutely not hungry. "Grrrrrlllllllll..." Your stomach let out a loud growl. Beel looked suprised, probably because it didn't come from his own stomach. Embarassed, you blushed, and asked in a low voice, "could you get me some soup.." Beel nodded and his eyes lit up, this was the one thing he could do for you with expertise. Ecstatic, he left the room to make you some soup.
"Ughhhhhh..." You groaned, "I can't believe I did that. That was so embarassing.....I hate you stomach!"
You flailed your arms weakly in protest.
Finally, I feel like I can relax, I'm finally in familiar territory. At least I can make half decent soup. Belphie always likes it, so I'm sure y/n will like it too!
After fixing the soup, I dropped a spoon in and scooped some out, taste-testing it.
"You get hungry, eh Beel?" Mammon called from behind me. I shake my head at him. "Eh? Its not for me its for y/n" I said. "What? But you were already gobbling it down?" I frowned, "no, I was taste-testing it, Mammon."
"No way! You're serious? I never thought I'd see you make food for someone else!" He exclaimed. For some reason I feel insulted. I'm sure he doesn't mean harm but his words echoed in my head, stinging my chest. "I care about people other than my self, Mammon" I said defensively. He looked at me taken aback. "Oi- Oi- Beel did'cha have to go that far? Besides..I was only kidding.." He mumbled, his eyes focused on the ground. I started to feel bad but remembered y/n was still waiting. 'I'm sorry Mammon, I'll make it up to you later, but for now I've got to get back to y/n' I thought, pushing past Mammon.
Sighing, you wondered what was taking Beel so long. Your stomach was waging a war on you skipping dinner last night. You made a mental note never to do that again. Just as you were wishing for Beel he appeared through the door, soup in hands. Although some Devildom ingredients were definetly fishy, you'd never been happier to see Devildom soup in your entire life. "Thank goodness" you breathed out, "any longer and I might of starved to death" you chuckled.
This raised Beel's concern. "Really y/n? This won't be enough then. I'll come back with more-"
"Beel- I'm only joking" you laughed. He was such a worrywart, sometimes. Which, admittedly, you found very cute. "Oh. Thank goodness. You scared me y/n" he said relieved. You smiled at him. "Beel, I have one more favor to ask of you" you said. "Yes? What is it? I'll do whatever you need-" you must admit, his willingness to help you made you blush a bit, but what you were about to ask him would make you blush far worse. "Beel- could you...f-feed me?" You asked. Normally, you'd find this too embarassing, and used your reserved strength to eat. However, something about the situation prompted you to ask. And you were weaker, so, perhaps it wouldn't be as embarassing. Beel stared at you blankly at first, needing a minute to process it. First came the blush that rose to his cheeks, then the silent contemplation, then agreement.
"Yeah" he nodded, "sure, anything to help you." You bit your lip in anticipation. Sure you'd proposed the idea, but you really hadn't prepared yourself for his agreement. Beel made his way to the bed with a tray that held the bowl of soup on it. Hesitantly, he sat next to were you were lying on the bed turned to you. You blushed at the distance closed between you two. He sat the tray in his lap, picking up the spoon and scooping some soup in it. Nervous, you tried to make idle conversation. "So..I heard from your brother you make this very soup for Belphie sometimes! Is that true?" You ask, a bead of sweat appearing on your face. "Yeah...he loves it. I hope you do too" he said with a light smile. That bright, careless smile. You loved it, and caught yourself staring at it. Clearing his throat, Beel brought the spoon towards you. 'Crap, its happening, its really happening' you thought frantically, a blushing mess. Beel reached the spoon towards your mouth and you gripped his wrist, stopping him. "Uhm..B-Beel..don't you find this embarassing?" You asked. "Embarassing? I supposed so..but..its something I have to do for y/n, so I don't care how embarassing it is.." Beel said blushing and showing an awkward smile. Your heart swooned at this. How could he be so selfless and cute at the same time?
"Alright," you said dropping his wrist, "y-you can continue then.." You said, feeling the temperature in your cheeks rise. Beel nodded, and brought the spoon to your face again. "Say 'aaaaah'" he said. You quit biting down on your lip, which out of embarrassment, you had bit down on quite a bit, bloodying it very slightly. Hesitantly, bit-by-bit you opened your mouth, and allowed him to feed you. You locked gazes for a few seconds, and almost felt your heart stop. This continued until you had finished the soup, and although you were relieved of the tension, you somewhat missed it. Beel picked up the tray, and took the empty bowl out to the kitchen to clean. You felt somewhat bad for making him responsible for you, but still found yourself somewhat enjoying it. As. Beel washed the dishes, with a full belly it was easy for comfortable sleep to overtake you.
You drowsily awoke to your body shivering. It must be a reaction to fighting off the cold. Shaking, you found yourself pulling for more blanket, only, your blanket wasn't there. "Beel- where's my blanket?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. Beel was sat on the very end of your bed, facing you with a look of concern and guilt. "Solomon advised that you have a fever, and that a blanket will only raise your body temperature, so..I'm sorry but I took it! I didn't want your fever to increase..." Beel said, narrowing his purple eyes at you with concern. His eyebrows knitted together, "I understand if you're upset-"
"I'm not upset", you said, "I'm just cold." "Oh. I see, I'm sorry you're cold, is there something I can do?" He offered. "Gimme back my blank-"
"Not happening" he shut that down real quick. "I'm sorry, y/n but it's for your own good.." He said. You pouted, and rubbed your shivering shoulders. "Beeeel I'm really cold..please" you pleaded. You saw Beel's face contort with anguish. "I'm really sorry, y/n but I can't-"
"Can you lay with me then?" you couldn't believe what came out of your own mouth. Maybe you were delirious with confidence from the fever, maybe you were fed up with concealing your true feelings but you were damn cold and Beel was damn warm. His face lit up at the suggestion. He clearly hadn't expected you to say anything like that. He bit his lip, and the process began again. First he blushed, then the silent contemplation, then the steady agreement. "A-alright. I don't want you to freeze.." He said picking himself up and lying next to you in the bed. Instinctively, your heart began to race. 'This was a really bad idea. Why the hell did you suggest anything? This'll be impossible to do without passing out from embarrassment!' you cursed in you mind. You felt the bed shift under Beel's weight as he moved. You flinched, closing your eyes tightly your cheeks flared bright red. Suddenly, you felt strong arms wrap around you. Your heart began to pound even faster, you felt it pound against your chest so hard, it might as well fly out. "Is this okay..?" You heard Beel ask, his voice low and close due to the distance closed between you two. A chill shuddered down your spine that wasn't caused by the fever and you felt your skin getting hot, also not due to the fever. "Y-y-ye- ahem", you composed yourself, 'calm..down..speak clearly' you thought. "Yes" you replied with more confidence this time. Beel gave you a reassuring squeeze in his arms. "As long as you're ok, that's all that matters. Although y/n, I can hear your heartbeat going like a rabbits" he chuckled. 'Crap he can feel how nervous I am.' "Sorry, I'm just..embarassed I guess.." You felt yourself shrink from embarrassment. A moment later he replied. "Mmm, so am I.." Silence fell upon the two again. "Beel..." You said. "Yeah?" He replied. "This might be the absolute worst timing in the world to tell you this, but I think I like you" you said, covering your face with your hands. You felt Beel press his face into your back. "B-Beel..?" You questioned. "S-sorry y/n..I'm a little embarassed..but..I like you too" he said, covering his blushing face in your back. You squirmed in his hug and turned to face him. You saw his face turn bright red, perfectly reflecting your own. You looked into his purple, darting eyes. "Really..?" You asked. He gulped, meeting your gaze, "yeah..really, y/n.."
This put a smile on your blushing face. You rested your chin in the crook of his neck. "Beel, do you mind if I go to sleep?" You asked. "Go right ahead. I'll be here when you wake up." Hearing this, you'd never felt more safe in your life. "Just don't catch my sickness.." You whispered playfully. "I wouldn't mind if it meant getting taken care of by you.."
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jays-nook · 4 years
get to know me tag
tagged by @sarawatiness​ tysm kayla 💖
✨ what do you prefer to be called name wise?
i dont really use my real name on here, so the nickname i use is jay ~
✨ when is your birthday?
july 26th!!!
✨ where do you live?
i live in jordan hehe
✨ three things you are doing right now?
listening to The Rose, editing a fanfic, and chatting with some friends.
✨ four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now?
uhhh there are so many!!! if i had to choose i would say 2gether, mdzs, whr r u, and hwarang
✨ how is the pandemic treating you?
pretty okay since everything is going back to normal and i can plan an outing with my friends and go wherever we want to. 
it was tough during quarantine and when there were more restricitons being imposed on us but as everything began opening it was easier to deal with everything.
✨ song you can’t stop listening right now?
omggg literally any song by Conan Gray, i have been listening to hs songs on repeat for the past 2 days, they’re just so good!!!! but ive also been litening to a lot of Day6 recently!!!
✨ recommend a movie.
a whisker away
✨ how old are you?
i turn 16 this month lol
✨ school, university, occupation, other?
im still in school. going into my junior year of highschool this year.
✨ do you prefer hot or cold?
definetly cold!!! i never really like summer or really hot weather even though my birthday is during this season. i just find the heat to be really icky. i prefer to be cold over being hot!!!
✨ name one fact others may not know about you.
uhhh im not sure about that actually, like ive never watched a horror moie or show in my life because im a huge scardy cat, and i cry easily/get really emotional whenever something sad happens in a movie or series. although most of the time im okay with seeing a bunch of people cry, but if i see an animal get hurt or die i would be a bawling mess. 
✨ are you shy?
i guess ?? like im awkward irl and online, but i usually find it easier to talk to complete strangers online than with people in my class who im not that close to. 
✨ do you have any preferred pronouns?
she/her :)))
✨ any pet peeves?
i have a petpeeve which is that i cant tolerate who mistreat others or who send them hate online for absolutely no reason. this is more prominent on kpop twt since that fandom is vvvv toxic but ive seen a lot of people on here reciee hate as well for merely expressing their opinion or posting something. 
another pet peeve whould be that i hate HATE people who mistreat animals. if i see you hurting an animal in front of me there is a definite possibility of me coming over and yelling at you or even punching you if i had the courage to do that lol
✨ what’s your favorite “dere” type?
i have no idea wht that means lol
i looked it up and i guess my favourite would be ‘deredere’ or ‘dandere’
✨ rate your life 1-10. 1 being really crappy and 10 being the best you could ever be.
hmmm, i guess i would rate it a 7 or 8, depending on the day. like there are some days where its really good, but there are also others where its not so good. 
✨ what’s your main blog?
this is my main blog, its a mess of all my interests and fandoms lol
✨ is there anything you think people need to know about you before becoming friends with you?
im a bit awkward at first but i swear ill become more talkative once we get closer and im also a forgetful bean so might ask you a question twice hehe
i swear im nice and a wonderful listener ??? so if you ever need to rant to someone go ahead and DM me hehe ill try to help you as much as i can!!!
im going to tag @gigiesarocha and @lemonmilkk and anyone who wants to, to do this tag, you dont have to do it if you dont want to tho!!
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Aizawa, Toshinori (All Might), and Hizashi (Present Mic) hcs (contains Erasermic)
- The first time Hizashi saw Aizawa in his sleeping bag he got all queasy
He still sorta does
It's like the only thing that actually makes him cringe (bugs make him screm)
- Aizawa and Toshinori had a sleeping contest once
- Hizashi has like really high-pitched screams even when he's not using his Quirk.
And when he is say goodbye to your eardrums
- Toshinori is one of the only ones who likes puns
He's full aware and loves to annoy the shit out of everyone
He had some respect for Dabi becoz he likes em too and like
W e c o u l d h a v e b e e n f r I e n d s-
- Hizashi gets bloody noses sometimes
They're completely random, noone has any idea why he gets them.
He'll just be teaching a class and suddenly
“Soshite kore, kurasu, to yoba remasu aru bloody nose! Soshite watashi wa ikanakereba naranai sewa o suru”
(And this, class, is called a bloody nose! And I have to go take care of it!)
(Or something like that idfk I used Google translate)
- Some of the only English that Toshinori knows is curse words.
“Oh fu c K”
- Hizashi sticks his head out the window in the car.
Unless he's in a bad mood, where he'll just get his face and his hair, his entire torso is out and he's using his arms to push himself up.
“Hey 'Zashi is this where you need to- FUCK WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING”
- Aizawa bites on his pencil or pen whenever he's writing
Whether it's the graphite or the ink or the eraser or the lil button thingy, he'll chew on it.
He makes an effort not to around Toshinori though
He hates puns more than his being and one time he was chewing on the eraser of his pencil and
“That's cannibalism”
- Aizawa has everyone help him with his yardwork since he actually has a rather big garden
This includes a huge lilac bush
He gets Toshinori or Nemuri to help him cut it.
Hizashi used to, but once he was holding the branch down for Aizawa or Toshinori to cut it
But then like seven spiders “Attacked” his arm for “invading their home”
He ruptured the entire neighborhood's eardrums that day.
He doesn't help with yardwork anymore.
- If Aizawa wants you to shut up and he's in your immediate vicinity, he'll smack his hand over your mouth.
He doesn't do it to Nemuri because she'll lick his hand and it's d i s g u s t i n g
He used to with Hizashi, but one time Hizashi turned when he was about to and he shoved his fingers into his mouth
And it's scarred him for life
- Aizawa's best compliment is “Your face makes other people reaaaaaal ugly.”
- Hizashi pushes the line of annoyance, even to Aizawa, who has an ungodly amount of composure and self-control.
One time Aizawa just had enough and he went out to buy a pack of lil mini plastic spiders, and some fishing line.
Y'all know where this is going.
The second that Hizashi got annoying after the first warning, Aizawa grabbed the line out of his coat and held the spider he'd attached to it in front of Hizashi's face.
The entire school and probably the surrounding area heard it too.
It only lasted a second cos Aizawa erased his quirk but MAN did it hurt for that second.
- so I think that Aizawa and Hizashi have known each other since early grade school
And entomophobia is kind of a thing that's joked about when they're kids
So of course there's the teasing between them (Aizawa used to be afraid of the dark)
But Aizawa still cared about him and could tell whenever other's teasing went to far.
“Leave him alone, he doesn't like bugs.”
- Aizawa's kitty Fluffy (he's definetly creative) has a squirrel boyfriend and so that has forced him to utter the line “Mt cat's gay for a squirrel.” and it's probably the most humerous thing he's intentionally said.
Hizashi was giggling for the rest of the week.
- Hizashi's family is pretty poor,
he wasn't very privilaged growing up.
Even though he's stable now, clearly, he's still paranoid. He's thought of getting another side job multiple times.
• Okay so this kinda goes into story mode, the rest of this. So if ya don't like that then this is where you stop reading.
- Aizawa and Hizoshi's parents were friends when they were littler. Hizashi was about ten, and he still was quite a bawlbaby and hadn't gotten his quirk down yet, and Aizawa was nine, his birthday in a week or so.
So they went to the mall one time with the kiddos to catch up, letting them go off in one of the play places for a while. They wanted to get Aizawa a gift while they were there.
There was a grasshopper that'd somehow gotten in and that made Hizashi scream very loudly.
One of the caretakers was there then to try and keep him quiet the rest of the time.
And that was when some villian decided that they wanted to strike.
They weren't going for the kids, but everyone hid anyway.
Aizawa, their caretaker, and Hizashi behind one of the big blocks. She was trying to keep Hizashi from crying and letting them know they were there, making them an easy target.
Aizawa was watching, his head poked out. He had erased one of their quirks and they were visually confused. He smiled, that was one of the first 'impending doom' smiles he ever smiled.
One of the other baddies saw his head and went toward them after hesitating some (they were just kids.)
He hid back and thought for a second, their caretaker about to scold him for looking out.
And in that, she let Hizashi go.
Just like Aizawa had hoped!
Then he lunged at Hizashi and that made his head hid the ground harshly. Aizawa covered his ears because he knew Hizashi would start crying.
And he did.
And he was earshattering.
While that left everyone in the vicinity doubled over or on the ground covering their ears, that included the baddies.
Though it gave everyone a huge migrane, it bought everyone enough time for the police to get there.
In short, Aizawa was able to save a mall store with Hizashi by hitting his head against the ground and making him cry, and alerting the enemy of their position.
That was the first time either of them had saved anybody, and Hizashi brags about it still, joking that Aizawa could 'see every equation’
Aizawa just finds it embarassing now, but he can't figure a better way he could have done it. He doesn't say anything but “Kid me was both smart and a huge dumbass.” whenever it comes up and it's his turn to talk.
- They were both twenty, Hizashi going on twenty-one.
Just barely into their hero years, no one really recognized them when they were out of costume.
There was always that 'I know you from somewhere,' but you could never pinpoint it unless one was using their quirk
That's when a little blue haired boy, that couldn't have been older than 16, crashed face first into Hizashi's chest, it was a surpsie when he was recognized.
“Gaahhh, I'm so sorry, P-Present Mic...” the boy had said. His voice was hoarse, as if he hadn't been speaking much. “I wasn't looking where I was going.” he didn't act like people normally did when coming face to face with a hero, nevermind ‘inconveniencing them.’
Of course, Hizashi was a very forgiving person, and found it to be his fault underneath it all. “You're fine, little listener!”
“Where you headed off to.. All alone..?” His voice sounded uncharacteristically quiet. Even in the slightly crowded streets and sidewalk, when the voice hero scanned the area, there aas noone with a similar hair or eye color to be found. Noone with that pastey-clay cyan hair or those crimson red eyes that the three all shared.
In this world, hair and eye color were passed down at a much more noticable rate than before.
Hizashi got a quick, careful kick to the heel. “Ow-”
“Hizashi you look like a creep. The guy's like two months old.” Aizawa said.
Hizashi stood, as he had kneeled down to the kid's height. He was quite short. Or, 'Zashi was just tall. “Shō, the kid's all alone. We can't just leave him here, he'll get kidnapped or get lost.”
Aizawa slowly got it, and he knelt down. “Kid, what's your name?”
Of course the blue haired boy wasn't going to give out his name. He wasn't that stupid. “It's... Uhm..” he tried to think of something quickly, scratching at his wrist to motivate himself. “Tomura.” he drawled out the 'o' as he fought for his imagination.
Aizawa saw through it in a second, he was using a fake name. Yet, he didn't say anything, acting as if he was tricked. “Tomura..?” he drawled, asking for his full name silently.
“Shigaraki.” that was the name of an old original character he used yo use, so it came to him a lot easier.
“Tomura Shigaraki, alright, thank you.” While Aizawa wasn't planning on what Hizashi was, clearly, as he was very caught off guard at what the other had to say.
“Do you have a place to go to?” Hizashi asnt dumb either, he wanted to be careful. ‘Tomura’ didn't look very good, he had heavy bags under his eyes, his pupils were smaller than anyone's ought to be, and he had picked up on the scratching that was still going on.
He had a feeling the guy was, for lack of a better term, a few notes short of a song.
He wanted to be very careful with his words.
“Yes.” all the hesitation convinced both heros he didn't.
Aizawa put his hand in his pocket and turned on his phone. He started walking again. “Alright, get going to it. It's gonna get dark soon.” Hizashi looked surpsied, he wanted to take the kid home and make sure he was really okay before he was really let loose. He knew he knew they were heros and wouldn't have ill intent so he wasn't scared.
“C'mon, 'Zashi.”
Aizawa took one last look back and said, “And stop scratching at your neck. You'll claw out your jugular before you knoe it if you keep that up.”
They both were convinced they'd drempt it.
One day, though, Aizawa decided to ask. “You remember that little chalk-haired kid we met a few years ago?”
“... Yeah. I thought it was in a dream.”
Neither of them spoke about it after that and Aizawa couldn't help but think it was his fault. He couldn't remember the name but he was 79% sure that the little boy had turned into a supervillain they had fought a few days back.
What if that so called ‘Tomura Shigakari’ had turned into the chalk-haired antagonist they'd fought a week ago..?
What if, by taking him in and making sure he got to a home, he could have prevented that?
(If you guys are curious about this and want to see more, I have a story here and a few here, here, and here! I like the idea a lot, and so I wrote and drew a lot about it.)
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themmatennant · 7 months
i watched beautiful boy (2011), a movie with michael sheen and maria bello, and it was great. the acting was good the characters were fleshed out and the dialogue was good. 7/10
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girl4music · 7 years
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The 6th studio album from Demi Lovato is here and it’s ‘Tell Me You Love Me’. I made sure to give this a good listen a couple of times through so I could get all the details down of what I wanted to say about it in my review. I heard it on a rushed initial listen and I disliked near to every song on it because of the musical production. I didn’t like how dead and dull the beats sounded. But later I found out that the production did not actually sound that bad, I was just listening to it through earphones that had a broken right ear and I did not realize it. Musical and vocal production is most important to me when it comes to the music. If you have not got that right, then you haven’t got anything right. If the musical production is bad, then it’s all going to sound bad. If the vocal production is bad, then the singer is going to sound bad, no matter how well they performed in the studio. Clarity is key when it comes to both kinds of production. I need to be able to hear everything that’s going on in that track. All the detailed nuances and dynamics in instrumentation. Of course how it’s mixed and mastered plays a huge role into how it sounds on the final cut but it’s mainly the producer that has the job of making sure the track sounds clear so that everything is equalized. These days though the producer also mixes and masters the tracks, so they are pivitol to the finished release. When it comes to the vocal production, that is also extremely important. Especially how the vocalist phonates the lyrics. How they convey their thoughts, feelings and emotions to the listener so you can better understand the story or concept behind the music. Demi is very good at that in general, and on ‘Tell Me You Love Me’, it’s truly what sells it.
This is a track by track review where I talk about the specifics of what I personally picked up both negatively and positively about each track and how I rate it based on those opinions. I’m not your average reviewer. Those of you who read my reviews already know that I am a subjective one. I only draw from my own perception. Everything I see, hear, feel and know about the music is what I talk about. I do not talk about sales, charts and awards. I don’t talk about numbers at all. So if that’s what you’re expecting, you should move along because I never do that. I do not consider it a necessary thing to talk about. But what I do consider necessary to talk about is the music itself and how the artist/band has grown from their previous efforts. What has improved and what has decreased. This shows their development as an artist and that has more benefit to them than me just praising them for the success they’ve already achieved. I attempt to give them critical acclaim through constructive and unbiased criticism. So I will do the very same with this review. Here we go…
1. Sorry Not Sorry
The debut single to ‘Tell Me You Love Me’. This song is a great summer song. She released it at the right time and makes her market. In several interviews Demi talks about how she was the only one that wanted this track to be the first single and that nobody else on her team agreed with her and would of much rather chosen the title track ‘Tell Me You Love Me’ instead. Until she went to seek out the advice of Jay Z at Roc Nation and he told her that she was right. That it should be the debut single. That was what made the debate settle and they went with ‘Sorry Not Sorry’ as the first single of a whole new era for Demi’s music.
I think they made the right decision. It’s a great song. It has it’s pop vibe for radio to latch on to but it also showcases the soulful side the album is offering. It features a choir as many tracks on this album do. It’s sort of an intentional set theme Demi wanted to go for with it’s soulful/gospel style. It’s got a very catchy chorus, something you will sing along to, if you can. Demi’s songs are always difficult for even a classically trained singer like myself to sing to, let alone just anyone. I want to point out how interesting I find the techno bass vocal effect that’s in the track. She uses this effect quite a bit in this album and it’s interesting to me because usually I don’t like this kind of thing in music. Modulated/pitch-shifted vocals usually puts me off. But I actually quite like it in this album. It gives it edge and attitude and it contrasts well with the gospel choir, making it compliment the track overall rather than destroy it. There is too many songs out there where even small things like that can make or break the song. It was a risky decision and it payed off for Demi.
2. Tell Me You Love Me
‘Tell Me You Love Me’ is the title track of the album and as previously mentioned earlier, was supposed to be the debut single for it. It’s a great song that really shows just how soulful Demi wanted to go with this album and I think that’s why her marketing team were fighting for it so hard against Demi. But she argued that people know her too much for this kinda thing when it comes to her music, so she wanted to prove to the public that she can also be a party girl. She’s versatile and I absolutely LOVE that about her. It’s a big reason why I am a fan.
This track brings in a Jazz band. Horns and brass instruments are heard sounding out in the intro and they have a prominent existence all throughout the entire song. It makes it sound sophisticated and mature musically and sonically and that’s something Demi definetly wants to have if she’s trying to get The Grammy’s attention. The drums that make their way into the track at the chorus are real drums. Big deal for me. I’m tired of hearing drum machine beats. I love the sound of a real drum kit. Demi’s vocals go for the goals with hitting those high upper-belts that she’s known so well for. Upper-belts are her trademark. You know it’s Demi when she’s hit about 5 F#5′s consecutively in the same breath without even so much as a stagger in vocal control. Yeah, to say I’m jealous is an understatement. She said she’d give us an album that showcases other sides to her massive vocal capacity, and she does, but you just come to expect the powerhousing alongside it and think nothing of it. It’s just what she does and she does it very well. For musical production and vocal production as well as vocal performance this makes it one of the best songs on the entire album for me. It scores as high as her voice.
3. Sexy Dirty Love
Initially I did not like this song but it’s grown on me with every listen to it. It’s a grower track. It’s an infectious disco tune. Like something you’d get from Donna Summer back in the 70′s but with more modernized musical and vocal production. Using the techno bass vocal effect gives it that updated pop production as well as the electronic bass and drum beats. Demi’s proved she can do fast-tempo music with her cover of Gloria Gaynor’s ‘I Will Survive’ for the soundtrack to The Angry Birds Movie. She’s never really done disco for her own music though. It’s very different for her, but as usual, she smashes it because she’s just that vocally versatile. Although, not a favourite from this album or really anywhere close, it gets respect and praise from me for her experimenting and trying something new which furthers her development as an artist.
4. You Don’t Do It For Me Anymore
Now we get on to our big power ballad. ‘You Don’t Do It For Me Anymore’ is gorgeous vocally. Demi finally uses her falsetto register to a degree where it’s clear and consistent and her voice is not wavering around. She has good control of it, proving that she is fully capable of singing in head voice whether recording in the studio or live in performance. She just needs more practice with it. The tonal quality and brightness of her head notes are stunning. A beautiful and light timbre that’s perfect for singing R&B/soul music. Because in soul more than just the modal/belting registers are needed. R&B is about the vocals being used as an instrument. Everything is about vocal capability. It requires flexibility and dexterity. It requires a mixing technique where you can go from head to chest voice easily and fluidly. If you haven’t got that or you can’t execute your vocals to do that consistently, then R&B is not right for you. This is the only reason I was skeptical of Demi going R&B. Not that I doubted that she could do it. I had all the faith in her. I just wanted her to prove to me that she was ready to. This track is what cemented it for me that she can and she will succeed as an R&B/soul artist. I 100% believe that all she needs is more vocal training. I want to see her perform this one live without changing her voice to chest when she has to do the falsetto parts or avoiding the notes completely. Whatever weakness she believes she has is all in her mind. She is capable of it physically, she’s just doubting herself and hesitating when it comes to actually executing it in performance. If she can do it in the studio, she can do it live. No excuses.
As for the musical production, it’s old-school style instrumentation. Lots of violin and cello. It’s got big strong kick drum beats that give it a really dramatic feel. It’s very reminiscent of ‘Stone Cold’ from her last album ‘Confident’. The lyrics, and I don’t often talk about lyrics, are very interesting. Demi has confirmed that while the song sounds like it’s about a breakup song with a lover, personally for her, it is not. It’s about her breaking up with her old self and saying that the alcohol and the drugs don’t do it for her anymore. Of course you can interpret it any way you like, but I think this is a very interesting take on the song. Self-reflective lyrics are something I would resonate with or relate to more than if it was just about a relationship going down in flames, which Demi leads you to believe it is about when she refers to what she’s singing about as a “who” instead of an it. Clever multi-perspective lyrics. I am very impressed with her songwriting on this. The fact it is so brillaint musically, vocally and lyrically make this song the epitome of the album. The highlight of the entire body of work that she’s created and put together.
5. Daddy Issues
This is my least favourite track on ‘Tell Me You Love Me’ because of it’s messy electronic production. Her vocals sound great but the electronics are so punchy, in your face and distorted that nothing sounds clear at all apart from her vocals. But even they sometimes at some points in the track get lost in the mix of the mess it is. It all just kind of clumps together and isn’t very well arranged. The distorted electronic drum and bass beats, the weird video game-like sound effects, the techno rhythms and melodies don’t make it a very appealing song to listen to. You might feel differently, but it just doesn’t work for me. The only part of the song I like is the dance break bit and with her singing “daddy issues, huh”. Otherwise this song is just disappointing to say the least. I wish she would stay away from DJ’s and EDM-style so-called producers because they cannot provide for her the musical quality her voice needs to be surrounded by to really just exemplify how fantastic of a vocalist she is. I want for her material to be just as strong as her voice is so that she’s taken seriously as a vocalist and an artist. This electro-pop stuff just isn’t right for her at all.
Also, does anyone know why they censored out the word ‘fuck’ in the first verse? If you do, let me know. I thought I had downloaded the clean version until I realized it’s like that on the explicit version too.
6. Ruin The Friendship
This bluesy little number captured me eventually. I skipped passed it on the initial listen because my earphones were just making it sound just as bad as everything else sounded. Dull and dead. But no, the track doesn’t actually sound like that. I just need better listening gear. I love the drum beat and bassline on this track as well as the sensual Jazzy instrumentation. Those trumpets sound so sexy. I feel like it was missing a saxophone solo, but you can’t have everything. I’m just such a big fan of real and orchestral instrumentation. Demi’s vocals here are also very sensual and sexy. Using a softer and lower vocalization in the main vocal track but also doing the backing vocals in a high and light falsetto. Gives it a confident and yet vulnerable contrast. She’s almost whispering when she gets to the bridge. It’s really arousing. She gets louder and more forceful towards the end of the song. That gets your attention and pulls you out of that foggy haze her sensual vocals have put on you. So very emotive.
I am not gonna go into the lyrics. We all know who it’s about as she doesn’t exactly keep it illusive. I think it’s a really good track. Not as good as some of the others though so it’s not a personal favourite. You might feel differently and that’s perfectly fine.
7. Only Forever
Another ballad. A much needed departure from the faster tempo we’ve had for the passed few tracks. Demi has mentioned that this song is sort of like a part two from the last track ‘Ruin The Friendship’, so clearly it’s about the same thing and the same person. I won’t get into that. Although, I am very intrigued, I’m keeping it strictly about the music.
So the track opens with the sound of out-of-tune piano notes. Like they’re being played on an old, dusty, hasn’t been touched for years piano that’s so out of tune it just doesn’t function properly anymore and sounds awful. I’m sure there is an artistic reasoning behind this so I’m not gonna point it out as a fault. It’s probably got something to do with the story of the song. Connecting the musical production and the lyrics together to tell the story. I love songs that do that. The techno bass vocal effect makes it’s way into the album once again. She seems to really like that effect. It must provide or mean something specific for her. Not sure what that could be but it’s interesting enough to make me peruse my thoughts about it. And I love thought-provoking music and art of any kind. I love interpretating and coming up with theories and headcanons on that art. I always say we never look for the meaning in a piece of art. We create it for ourselves. It’s very synthy. Got lots of atmospheric synthesizers. Could almost pass for a dream-pop song. I find it a bit boring to be honest. However, it does make it more entertaining when she picks up power and tempo in vocals.
8. Lonely (feat. Lil Wayne)
Demi’s one and only collaboration for the album. There was supposed to be two but one fell through apparently. A midtempo borderline ballad I would call ‘Lonely’. It’s just basic percussion and bass. I think I hear an organ but I’m not sure. Any instrumentation in it isn’t very prominent. What makes it worth listening to at all is Demi’s emotive vocals. They sell the song. Like no question about it. Those creaky, raspy, husky vocals, emoting all the pain and grief and conveying them to the listener’s ears. You can hear everything she does without all the distracting instrumentation and you feel it. You feel how upset and pained she is. You literally feel how lonely she is. Or maybe it’s just me because I have the ability to feel what she feels anyway. Long story…
Her emotive vocals communicate everything there is to care about in the song because Lil Wayne’s feature is terrible. I mean, it’s really bad. 1. It’s covered in autotune. 2. Because it’s covered in autotune, you cannot make out a damn thing he is saying. 3. It just sounds like he is underwater for the whole thing. Maybe it’s a conscious artistic choice though, I don’t know. I thought he would be a good collaboration but nah… he might as well not even be there for all the good his rapping contributes to this track. It just doesn’t. It’s all Demi. Absolutely from start to finish, it’s all Demi. ‘Lonely’ would actually be a better track with just Demi solo. Lil Wayne is just that useless and pointless to it that you could edit him out and have Demi doing the rap and the song would actually be better. Maybe something to think about when she performs it on tour. If she performs it on tour…
9. Cry Baby
“I’m no crybaby, but you make me cry lately. I’m no crybaby, but you make me cry baby. Crybaby”.
This song if you can’t tell from the lyrics alone is just an absolute masterpiece. The musical and vocal production, the vocal performance, the rhythm of the verses, the guitar solo, the lyrics. Everything. Absolutely everything about this track is incredible. The chorus hits hard. The chorus is so fucking good! Let’s just talk about the intro to start with though before I get ahead of myself. When I heard the lone electric guitar echoing through my ears like it was being played in an empty arena, I immediately thought of ‘Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)’. But not Cher’s version. The Nancy Sinatra version from the Quentin Tarantino film Kill Bill: Volume 1. It’s actually one of my favourite films in history. Obviously not the same melody because that would be copyright. But I mean just the aesthetic of it. I fell for this track straight away. Hopelessly and helplessly fell in love with it. I’ve repeated it God knows how many times since it came out.
The musical production reminds me a lot of ‘Mistake’ from ‘Unbroken’ album. A very underrated track. But hopefully this won’t recieve the same treatment. Tayla Parx wrote this song along with another song called ‘The Beauty’ that unfortunately didn’t make it on the album. I’m dying to hear that one if ‘Cry Baby’ is this damn good! No guesses which song is my favourite song on the album.
10. Games
This one has weird electronic sounds and effects like ‘Daddy Issues’ but I find them more tolerable than in that track. Again, it’s just an electro-pop track. Doesn’t sound very R&B or soulful at all. But maybe that’s just me. I don’t have much more to say about it than that. It’s not the worst on the album but it’s not much better than that. Not for me. It could have easily been replaced with a much more worthy track such as ‘Smoke And Mirrors’ from the exclusive Target version of the album.
11. Concentrate
‘Concentrate’ starts off as an acoustic/stripped down ballad at first. Snaps, claps and acoustic guitar. A little bit of reverb on Demi’s voice as she sings the lyrics in the verses. Then an electric guitar melody, her gospel choir and a drum beat comes in at the chorus and there’s definetly an organ that joins in too. It’s a very laidback track but it builds up to a climax, so it’s quite progressive and Demi sounds really great on it. Emotive vocals full of soul and attitude really lift the song into the stratosphere. When the heavier instrumentation comes in, it does not overtake her vocals. The vocal production remains clear and it’s easy to make out how she sounds and what she’s saying. It’s a good song but not a standout.
12. Hitchhiker
Bassline sounds off in the intro and brings us into another bluesy little number from the album. I especially love the backing vocals in this song. The gospel choir was a great addition to this era and this album. This song will sound amazing live with them. This is another song I’m really looking forward to hearing live. I love the musical production too. The driving guitars sound awesome. I wish there could of been a blues guitar solo. It would of really added the cherry on the cake to end off the standard version of the album.
This is my most favourite to least favourite tracks:
Cry Baby
Tell Me You Love Me
You Don’t Do It For Me Anymore
Sorry Not Sorry
Ruin The Friendship
Only Forever
Sexy Dirty Love
Daddy Issues
This is my track by track review of the standard version of Demi’s 6th studio album ‘Tell Me You Love Me’. I would of done the deluxe tracks but I don’t like ‘Instruction’ at all and there’s nothing really much to say. The ‘Sorry Not Sorry’ acoustic version with the choir sounds great though. You should definetly check that out if you haven’t heard it yet. She’ll probably post the video of them performing it eventually. There is an exclusive Target version with 2 tracks on it called ‘Smoke And Mirrors’ and ‘Ready For Ya’ but since I don’t class them as part of the album itself, I’m not gonna review them either. But I do think ‘Smoke And Mirrors’ should of replaced either ‘Daddy Issues’ or ‘Games’ as I don’t like those tracks much but I do love that one. Thanks for reading. Give feedback.
- Girl4Music
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seven-for-president · 7 years
RFA (+V and Saeran) reacting to MC who has a bodypillow of her favourite Anime/Manga character
° finds out after he visits your room for the first time
° totally suprised at first
° “MC why didnt´t you tell me you have one?”
° got one too but with a LOLOL character
° you were too embarassed to tell him  。(*^▽^*)ゞ
° not mad at you because, duh, you can have what you want
° I mean it´s not like his is more lewd
° nevertheless is jealous
° can´t accept that you cuddle with someonething other than him
° would throw his away if you do likewise xD
° but you won´t
° eventually  makes you sleep at his place VERY often
° not that he would want to Keep you away from your precious husbando
° ( cute cinnamon roll is jealous o(≧∇≦o))
° will sleep with his when you´re around to make YOU jealous
° doesn´t work that well for him
° you just bring your own next time
° after enyojing his suffer you promise to leave it at home (in your wardrobe)
° “MC you´d do that for me ??” (YES, FEEL THE LOVE)
° has to lock his away too ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
° Pillow-Party!!!! in the closet
° confused when you tell her you´ll bring your waifu over
° “MC are you cheating?”
° poor BBY
° Freaks out untill you explain
° not the biggest fan of your pillow...
° wants you to put it away (no hot waifu in her house)
° “But WHYYYYYY!!!!11″
° “Because it´s stupid!”
° MC leaves, crying
° Well done Jaehee...
° only takes 0.45 seconds to run after you
° “MC wait for me!” , “No!”
° eventually catches up to you
° “Please come back I didn´t mean it like that “ ( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ )
° great MC now she´s crying !
° you end up going back to her´s and dicuss the matter
° is actually just JEALOUS?!
 ° you two agree to leave it at your house
° MC is wondering why Jaehee invites her over more often after that 。(*^▽^*)ゞ
° cute, naive MC
° he freaks out !
° “How can you sleep with another man??”
° his ego is slowly dying XD
° “Zen chill he is no match for you”
° wants to burn it.............. immediately
° says nonstop how much hotter he is
° gets on your nerves to put it back in a closet.....or in the trash
° one time he hides it in the freaking garment sleeve for his tux
° he was the only ont to find it funny though
° as a revenge you slept wth the Pillow only for two whole weeks щ(゜ロ゜щ)
°MC how could you??!
° as a result he is unconcentrated to the Point where his Manager phones you and asks you what´s wrong with him
° so you end the torture (unfortunately)
° he still feels stared at whenever he waks by the pillow
° paranoid????? he????? Nooooo!!!!!!!
° begs you to at least Change the cover to a White one
° “Zen you have to learn to live with it. I have to live with your fans too!”
° “That´s not he same!”       ZEN!!!
° in the end he tolerates it only outside the bedroom of course
° to your suprise he gives you a pillowcover with him o(〃^▽^〃)o
° Things you do for your ego love
° also kinda jealous but mostly chill with it
° gets you more covers because he can
° secretly hopes you´ll get sick of it when you have so much
° sees it more as a Substitute for him when he´s on a buisness trip
° soon you have like 10 different pillows and 20 covers ( ꒪Д꒪)ノ
° you´ll soon have your owm husbando/ waifu room !!
° Jumin, y u so generous??
° he hopes you won´t be so lonly when he´s not there for you
° feels guilty because of that
° but at one Point he sees you sleep with your arms and legs around the pillow
° wake up MC Daddy Jumin is here to punish you
° no more pillow for MC ( ≧Д≦)
° almost throws everything related to that Thing away
° lucky enough you can convince him otherwise by Stripping infront of him
° in the end they´re not banned from the Penthouse but from the bedroom
°to make him happy you make a pillowcase with Elisabeth and yourself for him
° when he sees it......
° let´s say you didn´t thought a man could die from nosebleed
° takes it with him whenever he´s on a trip where you can´t come along
°gives you one in return
° on one side he´s wearing a super sexy tuxedo and on the other one.......
° let´s just say it´s definetly R-rated (♥ω♥*)
° needless to say it´s the only pillow you´ll be using from now on
° so you have a Body pillow....... how cute
° he has f*cking 20!!!
° so he´s super chill with it
° YOU are jealous of HIS Collection
° one day you two buildthe great korean pillow wall XD
° keeps ordering matching cases for the both of you
° in Exchange you have to Change covers
° every.single.day
° they work as a Substitute whenever he´s to busy to cuddle with you
° he says he´s fine with it but gets annoyed by it at one point
° “MC why have you replaced me?”
° “Just let me sleep Saeyoung!”
° the next morning all of the pillows have misteriously disappeared
° the only one left is a life size pillow with seven on it?
° “WTF happend ??!”
° then Seven appears and he´s wearing a freaking pillow cosplay ∑(O_O;)
° just why Seven ??
° “If you love them more than me then I have to become a pillow!!”
° you have some serious Problems dude...
° but you can´t resist and hug him almost to death
° you both decide to lock the pillows (he eventually brings all of them back) away and/ or give them to Saeran
° exept for the Seven-pillow, you can Keep that ;) you know for...... science and stuff
° he´s blind so....... yeah not really Aware of it ?
° wonders why you always insist of sleeping with this huge pillow
° knows nothing about what it Looks like until Jumin tells him one day
° thank you very much trust-found kid
° is super jealous and doesn´t like it
° but accepts it for your sake
° but one night, when he had too much wine, he asks you to remove it
° Little V´s pride is hurt
° of Course you agree
° I mean, who wants to make this cutie upset ?
° But you secretly put the cover back on when you two have a fight
° sneaky, sneaky MC (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
° already knows those Things from his stupid Brother
° teases him for having so many
° when he finds out you have one too he bullies you A LOT about it
° but in reality he´s scared you´d replace him and thinks you´re tired of him
° my poor bby don´t you dare thinking that
° actually makes poor MC really sad .( ˃﹏˂̵ )
° so she gives her pillow to Seven and hopes Saeran is happy
° he is
° but when he sees her crying in her slee because she misses her pillow.....
° “There´s no way to avoid it, if you want that Thing so bad I´ll be your pillow”
° he´s totally NOT blushing while saying that HE IS
° realizes that this was the best decision of his life ೕ(・ㅂ・ )
° you´re happy. he´s happy. Problem solved!
I hope you liked it. It´s my second headcanon so I know I still have a Long way to go ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
but nevertheless please send your requests (if you have some)
leave a like or comment if you enjoyed it (ノ^∇^)
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the ash pants
sometimes ..... a gal needs a good in between project ... enter the ash pants
i’m going off of this pattern from mood but i’m going to edit it pretty intently. the goal is to have them done by the end of the day .. We Shall See .
11:44 am || i’ve finished up with therapy (haha :) we got nowhere but it’s all ggGgGGGg) fabric, zippers, and thread has been purchased. because of all the sales going on at joann’s i ended up getting fabric for another pair of pants too but for now i’m just going to focus on this one. 
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yee yee bo let’s party
1:53 pm || wow a bitch lost a lot of time it’s been like four hours but i don’t know for sure because i’m refusing to do the math. i taped the whole pattern together .. can’t say it was an enjoyable process. normally the assembly of mood patterns is super nice n easy but this took forever and everything isn't lining up which is super promising but yolo i guess 
3:08 pm || good heavens this is taking a really long time. i have finished altering and cutting out the pattern pieces for the pants .. the original pattern intended for a fit look up to like the knees and then a flare but bitch i have crippling body image problems tight clothes on my t h i g h s is Not going to happen also i don’t like flared pants they remid me of fifth grade and no one wants that
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the pieces are really really r e a l l y wide (especially the back ones) so i feel like i should do something about that but .. eh .... i’m going to eat my lemon tart (eep) and think about it
3:52 pm || eep time is really passing huh ............... well i ate my tart .... i’m feeling hashtag bad about my body !!!!! but what’s new buenos aires. i’ve settled on making half a pair of pants from my ikea muslin and reassessing which is what i’m about to start cutting/sewing now so ! stay tuned i guess
5:19 pm || good g o d five nineteen why is this taking so fucking loNg !!!!!!!! sdfghjgfdfg aNyways i finally have a pattern that will (hopefully ?) work so yeehaw i guess. i don’t have any pictures though because i’m depressed So yep :) i’m going to make a list of changes to the original pattern that have taken place thus far
changes to paper pattern
✰ the flares were turned straight leg by making a hypotenuse (?) connecting where the side seam first begins to curve in and the bottom hem
✰ the front and back were changed from two pieces each to one (like a ... normal .... pair of ... pants .......)
✰ the pattern was graded from a size six at the waist to a size twelve at the hips cause a bitch is most certainly Not proportional ;)
✰ the patch pocket was elongated so i can actually put things in it
✰ the waistband was turned from a front and back piece to one total piece that will be cut on the fold (but i’ll probably change it back)
✰ maybe other things i’m forgetting ? i think that’s it though
changes to muslin pattern
✰ two big ol darts were added to the front and back pieces. the darts will not be in the final i just needed the pants to be significantly smaller. i’m already kind of regretting not doing pleats but Oh Well I Guess
✰ i darted the waistband too just to make the slope more intense so it would fit me
✰ at some point i’ll have to alter the pocket to be narrower so it stays proportional but i’ll figure it out 
also i’m Pissed because mood just released a pattern that’s literally exactly what i need and it would have saved literal h o u r s of effort but whatever we all die eventually
i guess now i’ll make these damn pants pattern matching wooOOoOOOo i have no experience in that and am Definetly going to fuck something up
6:53 pm || someone please tell me why this glorified pair of pyjama pants is more time consuming then literally any gown i’ve ever made .... pattern matching is going Great thanks for asking
9:07 pm || okay things are actually kind of Going now .. once all the making the pattern and painstakingly matching everything up work is done everything goes really fast. i’ve sewed up the front and back rises, as well as cut out the pockets (matching the pattern Of Course), hem the lil hole thing where you put your hand in (?? the opening ?? is that what you meant ???) and pressed everything because only losers don’t press their seams. i still don’t have pictures because Not Enough Has Been Done and also they still look like dumb pyjamas ksksksjfj it’s cool though. so now i’m going to sew the pockets on and the side and inseams up !!!!!! if you really want Real directions of how to make these ... i recommend the mood website or just .. your pre-existing pant making knowledge .......
10:36 pm || i’m still not done with these fucking pants ...... i need to make the waistband (which i’ve been procrastinating on), sew up the other side seam and put in the zipper then hem it all it doesn’t sound like a lot but i have a feeling it will take me to one am at the rate i’ve been going
1:11 am || ha ha ha ha ahaa im at a place in my life where i’m Refusing to sleep until these pants are done mcfUCK WHY IS THIS TAKING SO LONG anyway a progress update i even have a whole two pictures ..!..... so i pussied out of making a waistband that was all one piece and ended with a front and back because i’m a coward. i did my best to line up the vertical stripes on the pants with the waistband not that you can tell from this picture why did i even take this it’s boring and stupid
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but yeah that’s how the pants have been for hours now .. sewn at the rises and one (1) side seam. for the waistband i made a front and back, cut two of each, sewed at the top, pressed, pressed the bottom edge in by some amount no idea how much, pinned onto the pants and s e w e d mothefucker !!!!!!!!!! 
i ended up ripping my one sewn side seam open part way to jam my zipper in (which i did with the baste, pin zipper, topstitch, undo basting method) and then sewed up the other side seam !!! and yeah that’s it
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now all that’s left is sewing the inseam and hemming and they will f i n a l l y be done dfghjklkjhgf
2:01 am || okay so they’re still not done and i know i promised i wouldn’t sleep until they were but i’m afraid i’ll do something impulsive to them if i keep going tonight so i’m going to call it here. all that’s left is sewing a hook and eye to the side and then figuring out what to do to the bottom hem. it’s quite a bit too long and cuffing it just looks . dumb .. so i need another solution. hence why i’m waiting till the morning. because i am Itching to just c h o p a big ol strip off the bottom
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anyway we got pretty far and yeah it doesn’t feel like enough and y e ah i’m disappointed in myself for not going All The Way but we all die eventually so this doesn’t matter
3:56 pm || whats UP motherfuckers these pants are almost D O N E i just finished hemming them so party fuckin HARD .. in the light of the new day i did in fact end up chopping about four inches off the bottom hem because those cuffs looked BAD as FUCK all that’s left on these is to sew a hook and eye in aaaaaAAAaA im so CLOSE ..... originally the plan was to make a pair of pants that don’t need a belt so i can wear them in inpatient but they look so good with a belt aaa :( oh well ..... with the chunk i cut off the bottom i’m really considering making a lil bandeau thing because i hate myself We’ll See actually no we won’t i don’t need more work we’re calling it at the pants I Have Been Shut Down okay let me sew this hook and eye
4:31 pm || THEY’RE Ḋ̵̥̬̈́͒̓Ỡ̷̦̏̂N̶̨͖͙̹̺̘͎̭͉͔͓̳̲͚̔͆̈́̓̅̒̀̒̅E̶̡̧̬̲̙̼̙̜͈͍̒̍̐͂͂́̆͗̊̕͘ i’m gonna take a lil video of them for my instagram and also just to see if i can .. i’ll also post it here but in a seperate post and y e a h .. oh Also i made a lil headband out of one of the pant scraps o h ans a l s o did i mention that these HELL PANTS are D O N E ??????̸̢̝̟͙̹̣͕̰̥͉͎̱̥̾̆̒̾͂͜?̶̡̧̳̗̜͈̭̮̠͕̯̝͐̓̒̿̔̏̿͗̎̐͂͘͜͠?̵̪͓͚̭͙̙͎̏͗̈̔̽͆̅͑?̷̧̬̣̠̞̙̃̔̚͜ that is all thank you
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irideschen · 7 years
Brawlhalla Codes
You should utilize computer mouse key board, key board only, or perhaps a control. |Standard products that statistics could use are mines, bombs, spiky balls, together with a horn that telephone calls a being to horizontally impose above the period. Regrettably it’s only accessible on Nintendo methods (yes indeed I realize, it’s full of Nintendo Other generators have tried by using a formula similar to Smash Bros. This I am not pleasantly surprised about merely because except if your small business is Nintendo, via internet play shouldn’t topic throughout this part of time (although Nintendo should get more effectively using a whole lot). |Around the internet play would be a smooth past experiences besides growing pounded on by my adversaries, but that’s mainly because of my not enough talent when using the infinite trainer. Just about every nature has lighter and hits which you can sequence into nice looking combos. It’s a sleek 2D combating infinite trainer with simple and easy aspects and a couple of unusual combating routines that may seem like a great time to enjoy with mates. Irrespective of some little flaws, it’s not easy to deny the main benefit of a really good f-r-e-e-to-play Steam infinite trainer, specifically only one so towards the coast form around the at any time before-well-accepted Awesome Smash Bros. |Some may also have 2 different kinds of weapons, lighter and tool. Rated is, personally not less than, the perfect setting during There's absolutely nothing breaking up this headline from Smash Siblings towards the point it's f-r-e-e and absence components that Smash Buddy is actually working on more effectively. It’s so satisfying! Once you have learned basic principles and proudly located your groove holding approximately, then it’s time to appear hot temperatures and do eliminate in Rated complements. Redeem Codes For Brawlhalla even offers two distinct company-primarily based infinite trainer modes: Brawlball (like Us citizen Rugby with weapons) and Bombsketball (football with bouncy bombs). |Hammer 2. Some statistics possess a Norse mythology experience, even though some are exactly like ninjas or samurai you will even find cyborgs and aliens! There's an per week period of f-r-e-e champions accessible for your situation, as compared to the other individuals stay secured. I envisioned. For me personally, I'm equipped to utilise the key board and computer mouse combo throughout the day not maintaining away from and off to get yourself a control in the near future. |The weapons look throughout the battleground as common health supplements to start to be particular up. Smash athletes will genuinely feel in your home. Simply not a few things i was ready for for all combating types of infinite trainer. You will find not a good deal on the subject of personalization therefore, you will at no time help make your nature visual appeal negative bum, while they do start off browsing pretty really good anyway. Identify the shocking truth of the matter around my to start with thoughts. |To make the vision component I'm equipped to only report that this really is only one beautiful infinite trainer.Energetic shades and vivid browsing particles alllow for the the best choice in conjunction with the excessive variety of the game on its own.You will find a couple of diverse maps now, although the infinite trainer definetly must have a lot of diversity on the subject of level pattern. Because the infinite trainer is totally free to enjoy, only 6 within their 20 statistics (recognized as Stories in infinite trainer) are available to relax and play ever before. Each individual meet benefits athletes with gold rings that they'll purchase infinite trainer health supplements, as an example everlasting nature unlocks. I am distinctly stoked to decide what's destined to be listed to farmville with long term sections, content and articles upgrades and, in the long run, its filled relieve.
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ikkegoemikke · 7 years
The other side of the Door (2016)
Summary  A family lives an idyllic existence abroad until a tragic accident takes the life of their young son. The inconsolable mother learns of an ancient ritual that will bring him back to say a final goodbye. She travels to an ancient temple, where a door serves as a mysterious portal between two worlds. But when she disobeys a sacred warning to never open that door, she upsets the balance between life and death. Genre : Horror Country : India/USA Cast :  Sarah Wayne Callies : Maria
Jeremy Sisto :  Michael Sofia Rosinsky : Lucy Director : Johannes Roberts
My opinion
“What if I could bring your son back to you just one more time? What if I could give you the chance to say your final goodbye?”
"The other side of the door" is not really a bad movie. Technically speaking it really looks magnificent at certain moments. Moreover, India as location and the used ancient ritual sure made for a unique starting point. But ultimately it was only a collection of all sorts of previously used ideas. I thought it felt a bit outdated. That wouldn't be such a huge problem if there was a certain tension or creepiness. Unfortunately, this was also missing, making it once again a horror that never exceeded mediocrity.
The story reminded me of "Pet Semetary" with the loss of a child and the desire to bring it back to life again. In "The Other Side of the door" Michael (Jeremy Sisto) and Maria (Sarah Wayne Callies) decided in an impulsive moment to stay in Bombay and to found a family. Years later we see how they have settled there, living in an idyllic looking house somewhere in downtown Bombay and their lives being enriched by the presence of their daughter Lucy (Sofia Rosinsky) and the typical family dog ​​Winston. However, it's not entirely rosy because of the tragedy that occurred in the past, with the death of their son Oliver (Logan Creran) as a result. Maria is tormented daily by guilt and grief. Fortunately, Piki (Suchitra Pillai) the housekeeper has a grandiose idea. The things needed to fulfill this idea are the ashes of the deceased child, an old dilapidated temple and a nightly sleepover there. This could bring relief to Maria's heavy psychological problem. But obviously there's a golden rule that shouldn't be violated. And of course it's clear that is definetly going to happen anyway. 
Now we're off to a kind of "The Conjuring" made in India. All kinds of objects suddenly start to move around and ghostly apparitions appear and reappear in the background. And for the umpteenth time we get a self-playing piano. And for God's sake, when is anybody going to pay attention to the warnings of the dog. First the phenomenon is the kindness itself. Afterwards it turns out to be fairly aggressive again. Nothing new either. And just like in "Lights Out", the solution to the problem is the relationship between the caring mother and the ghostly presence. Again so predictable. Throw in some primitive painted Indian folkloric figures, called the Aghori who practice rather peculiar rituals so they can communicate with spirits in the afterlife, and it's complete. Those Aghori are creepy individuals appearing out of nowhere and producing an annoying, mesmerizing sound. But they aren't as scary as Myrtu who suddenly begins to interfere with the whole affair. It's a creature from the underworld that looks terrifying enough. I think they've used the "stop-motion" technique for this one (also an obsolete special effect). For me this was probably the most positive part of the film.
All in all, it's just an old-fashioned ghost story that didn't take place in an American old mansion to my relief, but in dark India instead where the mystic about afterlife and primitive rituals are still alive among the elderly population. Clearly modern Western people shouldn't experiment with such rituals. It's nothing earth shattering, but it's not bad either. Though expect a few strategically placed jump scares and a thoughtful ending.
My rating 5/10 Links : IMDB
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