#defend rho bashe
pyrody22 · 1 year
Watch this video by @katblaque on YouTube.
Tw: violence, harrassment, attack, brick attack (just generally very triggering so a fair warning)
I just watched this video by Kat Blaque on YouTube that was so triggering for me...
The fact that so many black (trans/cis) women face violence to the point where they aren't even surprised when people don't defend them, protect them, and those same people even going as far as justifying the violence they faced, saying that they "deserved it"....
I can't.
No one deserves violence. There is no such thing as the "perfect victim" and no one deserves to be physically attacked for how they behave. Everyone deserves protection, ESPECIALLY black women and trans feminine presenting people!
I can't respect anyone who tolerates violence like this, you guys are the reason I don't want to leave my house! Its disgusting to not only be a bystander but perpetuate more hate on the individual already a victim to this unwarented violence!!
I just really hope Rho Bashe gets better and that she doesn't face anymore hate for an already traumatizing situation. And that other women who have or are currently facing something similar find communities or surround themselves with people who can make them feel protected and safe again.
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