#deepdonutkid follower celebration
deepdonutkid · 3 years
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I have reached my next milestone. Yes, 300 follower and I’m beyond grateful! Thanks to all the people who keep supporting me and who enjoy my content and who talk with me and tag me on stuff. Big hugs and cuddles for you!
Just 10 years ago, I started writing and I had a rough start back then and I made serval mistakes. And thanks to some wise and older readers, I don’t make those mistakes anymore. When I started writing on a German page, it was so common to support young writers by giving them advice and I loved it, because I needed it. Really, my writing sucked back then.
Now I’m here on tumblr and I noticed it’s not so common to give advice or constructive critique to other writers and I talked to some people and they struggle, because they don’t know how to improve their writing… like I did years ago. This makes me very sad, because I see potential in those people.
And I’m a beta reader for about 6 years now and I have about six people I help with their stories, so I would be tempted to say, I know about a little about writing and I might be able to help some of you, who think they need advice and help.
So, I’m making a contest, not a challenge. I had so much fun participating in those years ago, even if I didn’t win.
A contest, or this contest, is going to have winner and the winner gets a free wish, like a fanart or a fanfic or head canon or whatever the person wants. And if you are the winner and you don’t have a wish, that’s okay for me as well.
This contest is not for people, who are already super good at writing, but I won’t stop you from participating. There won’t be a rule like: “You need this much followers or you shouldn’t have written more than 3 stories” Nah, that’s not my type. So, anybody, who wants, can participate, but make sure you want this, because you are going to get a full review and a voting.  If you don’t like critics, maybe you shouldn’t participate. This is mostly for people, who want to get advice and who want to improve themselves.
Therefore, there won’t be a theme other than… Peaky Blinders, because I want everybody to write, what they can do the best, whether if it’s fluff or angst or smut, I don’t care, I focus on other stuff and I read pretty much everything.
You can write with a reader, with an oc, with canon x canon characters, without any romance platonic or whatever. It just has to be fictional, so no meta posts and involves at least one character from the canon.
To participate, please write me an ask or dm me, I don’t care and you can just say you’re participate and if you want to, you can tell me your idea. I will be available for talking about your fic the whole month.  
The contest will start on 16.06.2021, you can apply until then. You have one week to contact me and tell me you want to participate. NOBODY HAS TO PARICIPATE!
Then you’ll have one month to write your idea. Deadline is the 23.07.2021.
After the deadline is over, I will reveal my voting. (Maybe I get another juror too)
And because I want to avoid being called biased, I will reveal the voting chart under the cut.
Have fun writing!
X from total 10 points
6 points on speech
3 points on grammar (word repetition, correct grammar, spelling and punctuation)
3 points on style (beginning of sentences, speaking pattern, choice of words)
4 points on content
2 points on atmosphere (feelings, fitting the chosen topic, the general vibe)
2 points on storytelling (is there a good structure, with introduction, middle and ending, does the ending fit the story, are the characters in character)
2 possible extra points for everything that doesn’t fit in the categories above (probably won’t be used)
I will give you a full review, so to say, and these are just points for orientation, and don’t take any of this personal. This is not against you, I want to help you.
tagging: @retromafia​ @haileyybird​ @justalonelyslytherin​ @bonniesgoldengirl​ @casualwritersblog​ @oddshelbyout​ @annoyingarcadeperfection​ @stxdyblr-2k @peakywitch​ @amysteryspot​ @peakyblindersxx​ @sympathyfortheblinderdevil​ @rachelsteapot​ @thomashelbyswhore​ @ysmmsy​
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I can't believe it. I reached 100 Followers! You guys are crazy, I never thought a handful of people would find my blog interesting enough to follow me, let alone over a hundred?? Thank you so so much to everyone who follows me!
I think this calls for a celebration? Don't you think so? A small one, as I find too many things too overwhelming. I decided to offer 2 things:
✍🏻 Requests - I'm opening my blog up for requests. Send me an idea or a description and I'll try to write a small blurb/drabble for it!
What can the requests be about? While to this point in time I have only written for Steve Rogers, you can send me requests for other characters too both Marvel & Peaky Blinders + Ari Levinson and Ransom Drysdale (albeit rather soft!)
💡 Ask game - I have a ton of fanfic ideas. And by saying that I mean a ton! Like 50ish written down in various states of detail. Send me a lightbulb emoji + a number from 1 to 52 and I'll tell you something about the idea or share/write a small scene/blurb about it.
You can send in requests/asks until Wednesday the 15th (15.06.)
tagging some mutuals/followers (If I didn't tag you it's because I forgot. Forgive me pls, I have a horrible memory when it comes to remembering all my moots/people I interact with more): @deepdonutkid @peakyrogers @fortunetellingnonesense @theshelbyclan @retromafia @drabblewithfrannybarnes @lesbians4levinson2021
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theshelbyclan · 3 years
Most beloved people of tumblr
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I’m really close to a new milestone, which is 3k followers, which is INSANE. Like, I don’t know how to thank all of you 🥺, but I’m not there yet, so I won’t just yet 😂
Pretty soon I imagine I will reach it though, and when I do, I want to celebrate it! As you all know, I’ve been away, life was busy and babies were being made, but this incredible milestone has made me realise how much I miss this Peaky community and I’ve actually started writing again!!
So here’s the plan: the second I hit 3k i plan on doing two things:
firstly, I will post a fic a day, for an entire week (don’t worry, I’ve started preparing already and most of them are finished already) mainly to say thank you to all my supporters but also to show you I have fallen in love with writing once again, and I want to share! 🙏🙏
Secondly, for two whole days, you can send in whatever sentence or prompt, and I will write a short blurb/fic using your idea. Again, this starts on the day I hit the 3k. I actually can’t wait to do this, because as a writer this is great practice and I hope you all send loads in 😇😊
Not there yet, but I do want to thank all of you already 🙏 Your support and love means the world to me and it’s pulling me once again through some rough times ❤️ thank you ❤️
So stay tuned and reblog or whatever if you want to spread the word that I’m still alive 😂 tagging does mutuals who I want to thank most of all! @staygold-bebold @sighonahurricane @smallheathgangsters @thebloodyday @fandom-puff @caelys @haphazardhufflepuff @nofckingfighting @retromafia @deepdonutkid @lovemissyhoneybee @genyaakostyk @cas-kingdom @oddaodd @adaisnotashelby @vintunnavaa @the-makingsofgreatness @maggiescarborough @raccoon-is-my-spirit-animal @blinder-secrets @tommydoesntpayforsuits @shelbywhiterose @whiskeypowder @peakybaby @amysteryspot @amirahiddleston @murderousginger @wretchsister @flysafepapi @moonandstqrs @geekwritersworld @the-wonderland-madnesss and so many more 🖤
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thesoldiersminute · 3 years
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So, last night, I reached 2k followers with this blog. I’m just making this post to thank everyone who stuck with me and supported me from the very beginning, but I also want to welcome and thank all of the new followers. I’m grateful for the support and love I get on here and of course like last time, we are going to celebrate this milestone! Linked below is the challenge! Feel free to send me whatever you want. I hope you all have a wonderful day/night!
Get To Know Me Meme
tagging some lovely mutuals below @edmundo-diaz @retromafia @taylorjoy-anya @tatianapetrovna @michaelwheelers @whiskeypowder @twvstedsouls @bonniesgoldengirl @piechris @violaobanion @sophieshelby @thomashelbyswhore @pixiedust08 @maziekeen @sighonahurricane and @ hair anon.
Edit: Shame on me but I forgot to tag @deepdonutkid & @caelys
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bonniesgoldengirl · 3 years
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I've just reached 1,000 followers and I'm so happy! Thank you all for following me, even when there have been times where I haven't posted anything! This is genuinely so amazing, I've never had this many followers on anything before
As part of the celebration, I've decided to copy what everyone else has been doing these days and include a few ask games in the celebration, but that's not the most exciting thing happening (at least I hope its not 😂). So, without further ado, here's the games!
🖤 - Fuck, Marry, Kill: Send me three characters or celebrities and I'll tell you who I'd fuck, who I'd marry, and who I'd kill. It doesn't have to just be PB characters though. A list of shows/movies I like will be included at the end
💜 - Would You Rather?: Send me two things (characters, foods, shows, movies, etc) and I'll tell you which I like more or which I'd prefer to watch, eat, do, have, etc. (I've phrased this weirdly but hopefully ye understand)
💙 - CYM: Cast Your Mutuals! I held off on doing this one for ages because I feel like I'll be terrible at it and I'll feel bad if I forget some people because I have a lot of mutuals, but it's really popular. So, send me anything from food, to show characters, to weather, anything. Once again, my fandom list is at the bottom
💚 - 2 Truths and 1 Lie: Tell me 2 truths and 1 lie and I have to guess which one is the lie. I know some people would then also give 2 truths and 1 lie for the sender to guess from, but honestly I'm terrible at thinking of these 😂
💛 - Ask Me Anything: Literally just ask me any question and as long as it's not gross or too personal, then I'll answer!
🧡 - Tropes: Send a character and a trope and I'll try to write a one shot that's less than 1000 words on it. This will be a challenge because I have trouble writing shorter pieces. These might take a while, so please be patient!
Not only am I playing these games though, I'm also
My requests are now open! One shots, headcanons, preferences, all of them. Please read rules before requesting, though!
My Shows/Movies: Peaky Blinders, Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts, Twilight, The Umbrella Academy, The Hunger Games, Divergent, MCU, Brooklyn Nine Nine, Friends, That 70s Show, Derry Girls, Disney, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, BBC Sherlock
I'm tagging some mutuals so more people see this, but no one has to interact with this!
@champagneholland @deepdonutkid @retromafia @peakyrogers @peakysabrina @byorder-fanfic @smallheathgangsters @flysafepapi @smallheathbaby @chellestrash @murswrites @theshelbyclan @tommyburntoutcigar @michaelgreys @peakywitch @comebackjessica @peakyblinderswhore
Sorry if I forgot anyone!
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vostokovasmelina · 3 years
literally what–
once again, thank you all so much for being such amazing followers and continuously putting up with my bullshit – you are quite probably the best.
i don't have a celebration planned simply because i don't have the time for one and i want to focus on finishing the fics and ship requests i'm currently working on. i also haven't forgotten nor am i ignoring your requests and suggestions for headers and i can't wait to finally have the luxury to prioritise this blog once this term ends (in two weeks, might i add).
as always, i'd like to say special thanks to all my lovely mutuals who have been (either actively or passively) supporting me for however long we've been following each other – you're all golden <3
@softieyn @thebloodyday @murswrites @mahvericks @raccoon-is-my-spirit-animal @musicallisto @writeroutoftime @smallheathgangsters @writingwithacupoftea @theshelbyclan @caelys @itsumainnit @pansydaisy @sastrugie @sighonahurricane @jorjawrites @lxncelot @deepdonutkid @peakyswritings @swanimagines @wouldpollyapprove @fives-cup-of-coffee
and an extra special thanks to @retromafia for being my 800th follower ajskahfks
all the love,
réka xx
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inkyblinders · 3 years
100 follower celebration!
Some cool things happened recently. One of my fics received over 100 notes for the first time, and today I just got 100 followers! I started this blog less than a month ago and I could have never imagined reaching this milestone so quickly. Thank you for enjoying my work, I appreciate you all so much :)
I tend to be a lurker on here, so there are a few blogs that I really enjoy but I don't think they know because I'm a bit shy. If you are looking for any Peaky-related fics I would highly recommend checking out these writers!
@retromafia, @theshelbyclan, @fandom-puff, @wouldpollyapprove, @deepdonutkid
I thought about what to do for a follower celebration because apparently this is a thing, so I decided--why not make my already-long request list even longer by putting together a Peaky Blinders prompt list?
These will probably be short, around 500 words or less (no smut). I think I've been meaning to write more for Alfie as well (hint, hint).
If you want to request something please let me know the character and the word you want. Hope you enjoy!
Inkyblinders Celebration Prompt List
train station
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deepdonutkid · 3 years
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YAY! This blog reached the 200 followers! Thank you so much! You are all so lovely and gorgeous and I’m so happy to see your little icons in my notifications!
To celebrate this milestone, I’m going to make a little special here.
You can send in requests and asks until 16.05.2021!
If you want to participate you can chose from:
💮 Cym better known as Cast your mutuals
🌺Fuck, marry, kill
🌸 Ask me about my opinions on certain character/ ship/ relationship/ tv show.
🌷Give me a word and a character and I write a blurb
🌹Send me a short text about yourself (sign, mbti, hogwarts house, whatever) and I'll ship you with a character from a fandom you pick. Examples: Peaky Blinders, Killing Eve, Gangs of London. [Full]
🌻Send me an ingredient and I give you a dish with said ingredient!
💐 Send a 💐 and I tell you a story from my life.... And yes, some wild shit had happened to me
🎵 Send me a song and I'll tell you what I think about it and which character it reminds me of.
🌼 Requests something! I made a prompt list and I also write modern!au or also royal!au and I take requests for fanarts again, but most of them are going to be just sketches. If you want a more detailed fan art, please tell me in your request.
🍀 for a meme!
Tagging to spread the word: @bonniesgoldengirl @justalonelyslytherin @caelys @sighonahurricane @stevieshelby @comebackjessica @peakyblinderswhore @theshelbyclan @hb-writes @fives-cup-of-coffee @retromafia @oddshelbyout @peakysabrina @peakyrogers @annoyingarcadeperfection @pollyrepents @murswrites
I might forgot a few people, but these are all pretty cool people! 🤍
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