#dedrick mills
popcornrya · 4 months
So... I actually played a lok of DND once upon a time...
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This is Harvey, He's a Wizard. with a gun. why my dm allowed it, well, Rasins. XD
Liganthium Estate-
Father: Osvaldo Dedrick Liganthium - Mother: Estelle Fredrica Liganthium - Isa Alma Noriko (This is Mama)
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Firstborn Son: Nathanial Colt Liganthium - Daqrian (Darius) Clay(ton) Stanford
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Secondborn Son(older twin): Isaiah Miguel Liganthium - Issac Luther Morrison (Aka My boy Harvey short for Harvester as he collects bounties and bodies for a recluse doctor's work, this doctor, not actually evil. weirdly enough.)
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Thridborn Son (younger twin):Micheal Preston Liganthium - Fenton Syais Yarami (Still thinks his dad isn't evil, naive son of a bi-)
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Fourthborn son: Lucas Patterson Liganthium -Elias Hudson Navarro (Mills/Miles Maldona) Miles was abandoned as a toddler for his unique genetic abilities just ast Nathanial was abandoned/his father tired to get him assassinated after their mother died... adopted by an elven Noble lady who kicks absolute but and runs a grungy punk dystopia in crevasses to rob other snooty nobles blind and indulge their desires until they fall from grave, her name is Lady Maldona- or Nilsadorei Maldona, grouchey kick butt grey haired elf lady. Loves Miles as her own and would literally commit a coup for him.
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Miles finding his big brother in a underground prison where their father had him sent due to his unsightly abilities unbefitting a noble name.
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yeah, they literally gator boys... Fenton doesn't know he has any other siblings except his "lesser" twin Harvey. Harvey is the only reason their dad is nice to Fenton because surprise! little seven year old harvey found out about his father's assassination attempt and hatred of his "disgraceful beasts of sons" and Harvey kinda has the paper trail.... so yeah, Nathaniel is in a prison for being a monster because technically his dad Can't kill him, Harvey is trying to find his brothers, Miles is commiting state crimes. and Fenton is trying to live his life as a diplomat....
Ages of the boys when their mother died Nathanial- 6 Isaiah- 4.7 (older by 17 minutes, but one could argue it was technically 18 due to the time it takes for them to actually call the time of birth in such a hectic setting and under the pressure of us being born of… the liganthium estate…) Micheal- 4.7 Lucas- 2 or 3
Liganthium Estate- Father: Osvaldo Dedrick Liganthium - Mother: Estelle Fredrica Liganthium - Isa Alma Noriko (birth name) Firstborn Son: Nathanial Colt Liganthium Daqrian (Darius) Clay(ton) Stanford (chosen name) Secondborn Son(older twin): Isaiah Miguel Liganthium Issac Luther Morrison (chosen name) Alias Harvey/Harvester Thridborn Son (younger twin):Micheal Preston Liganthium Fenton Syais Yarami (chosen name) Fourthborn son: Lucas Patterson Liganthium -Elias Hudson Navarro or Mills/Miles Maldona (chosen name)
Thallia Eora Argius- Adopted Daughter (Terminally ill but kept in stasis on the Doctor's farm, so she can't deteriorate health wise or age but she's still running around being a kid under the doctor's care Finnley Koyomi (Morrison) (Pup) (Runt)- Adopted son (found abandoned for being a "beast" is a human with canine traits, sense of smell ears tail etc.
Morgan Pokanin Deliwitz- Doctor and employer (Scary, unpersonable pays Harvey to get him bodie...) Osaio Delacian Havender- Co-worker and resident of Morgan's (terrifying scarred up man with black hair an peircing eyes that can canish into black mist... not very friendly...) Kormin and Pixie- Co-worker and his daughter, both residents at Morgans (BIG Himbo spider boy and his tiny spooder daughter! live off of sunshine and rainbows)
Kalthavian Mauradus- edgy disruptive co-worker (ass hat.)
Keiwynn Valbella (Morrison)- Dragon child- Harvey ended up finding a Albino dragon egg and now he has a very bratty daughter. still cute though. -----
Found family/adopted noble elven family
Garinthere Raloxidorian Venrir: mentor and keeper (Father) Alligaris Neaqen Zumwarin Herathos- Best friend- Headmaster of a Academy in the Transmutation district (Surrogate brother. a higher noble famil's son that took in Harvey at a young age after his father tried to auction him off into a political marriage and Al kinda just whined until his father acquired the grumpy human boy to be his friend and Guard of sorts) (Ka)cirquen Trakas Herathos- Lord Herathos (al's dad) Moljwynia Daeleth Ravharis- Mama Herathos (Wynaria, Molji or Wyni) (Al's mom)
Valsatra Lorabella Fushaean- childhood friend (ends up the Ace chaos boy's love interest? idk they like cuddle and stuff now so thats fun. also Val, Monster hunter. Harvey, a reptillian monster creature when he shifts... long story, she also kicks butt.) Analeise Mariena Fushaean- Val's older sister Korrinder Komaarin Fushaean- Val's Baby brother (he's a cleric type and a good bean.)
----------- there is so so much i can't even hope to include... ;-;
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thedoubleextrapoint · 4 years
Nebraska Football: Five Reasons the Cornhuskers can Rebound in 2020
Nebraska Football: Five Reasons the Cornhuskers can Rebound in 2020
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Nebraska hasn’t had a winning season since 2016. That’s hard to process when it’s seen in black and white. And while three years isn’t forever, Nebraska fans can be forgiven for feeling like it has been.
But there’s reason to think that, even in this pandemic-shortened season, Nebraska can finally show that it is turning that metaphorical corner. Here’s five reasons why you should be hopeful…
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nflhuskerspics · 3 years
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Detroit Lions running back Dedrick Mills
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bykevinmcguire · 7 years
Doak Walker Award watch list highlighted by 2016 semifinalists Barkley and Pettway
Doak Walker Award watch list highlighted by 2016 semifinalists Barkley and Pettway
A watch list of the top running backs in the nation has been released by the PwC SMU Athletic Forum on Thursday. The Doak Walker Award watch list is full of great players, including 2016 Doak Walker Award semifinalists Saquon Barkley (Penn State) and Kamryn Pettway (Auburn).
Among those included on this year’s initial Doak Walker Award watch list (more players can be added at any time) are LSU’s
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espanolnews · 2 years
Enlaces de senderos de migas de pan Deportes Fútbol CFL Estampistas de Calgary Fecha de publicación: 17 de agosto de 2022 • hace 41 minutos • lectura de 3 minutos • Unirse a la conversación Peyton Logan de los Calgary Stampeders corre el balón contra los Edmonton Elks en el estadio McMahon en Calgary el 25 de junio de 2022. Foto de Gavin Young /postmedia Contenido del artículo "El tiempo de mi vida." Anuncio 2 Este anuncio aún no se ha cargado, pero su artículo continúa a continuación. Contenido del artículo Peyton Logan está disfrutando de su tiempo devolviendo patadas para los Calgary Stampeders. Y honestamente, ¿por qué no lo estaría? A lo largo de siete juegos, rápidamente emergió como uno de los devoluciones de patadas más peligrosos de la CFL. Logan corrió una patada de salida para un touchdown de 99 yardas el fin de semana pasado contra los BC Lions. Tiene una devolución de touchdown de gol de campo fallida donde corrió para 122 yardas, y también corrió una devolución de touchdown de despeje que desafortunadamente también fue cancelada. Contenido del artículo Así que sí, Logan ha demostrado que es bastante bueno en todo esto de devolver las patadas. ¿Y ese espacio extra que ofrece el juego canadiense? Sí, le encanta. “¿La regla de las cinco yardas en la devolución de patadas? Me encanta ese pequeño halo que te dan”, dijo Logan el miércoles después de la práctica cerrada de los Stampeders en el McMahon Stadium. “Es lo mejor que tiene. Anuncio 3 Este anuncio aún no se ha cargado, pero su artículo continúa a continuación. Contenido del artículo “Los equipos especiales son mucho más divertidos (en Canadá). Estoy teniendo el mejor momento de mi vida en este momento”. Los Stamps han tenido algunos regresos sólidos en los años desde 2017, cuando Roy Finch dejó el fútbol. El espectacular touchdown de regreso de despeje de Terry Williams en la Copa Grey 2018 es un momento decisivo en la historia del equipo, y Malik Henry lo hizo bastante bien el año pasado. Logan, sin embargo, ha sido algo diferente. Es rápido, parece ver el campo en cámara lenta y parece disfrutar esquivando a los tacleadores de los equipos especiales contrarios. "Peyton, creo que puedes ver que no tiene miedo y tiene un buen equilibrio y está haciendo un buen trabajo allí", dijo el entrenador en jefe de los Stamps, Dave Dickenson. "Está haciendo un gran trabajo allí". Peyton Logan celebra un touchdown contra los Elks en el Commonwealth Stadium de Edmonton el 7 de julio de 2022. Foto de Ian Kucerak /postmedia Logan también ha tenido acción como corredor en lo que va de la temporada, en gran parte en un papel de respaldo detrás de Ka'Deem Carey o Dedrick Mills. Sin embargo, ambos muchachos están lidiando con lesiones en este momento, por lo que es posible que Logan tenga un papel más importante cuando los Stamps se enfrenten a los Argonauts en Toronto el sábado (5 p. m., TSN/770 CHQR). Anuncio 4 Este anuncio aún no se ha cargado, pero su artículo continúa a continuación. Contenido del artículo Logan ha tenido grandes avances en la ofensiva, por lo que no hay razón para suponer que no puede hacer el trabajo si se le pide que asuma un papel más importante, aunque vale la pena señalar que Mills volvió a ser un participante completo en la práctica del miércoles después de perderse el martes a causa de una lesión en el tobillo. Eso implicaría que se confiará principalmente en Logan para ayudar a mejorar la posición de campo de los Stamps, o retroceder un touchdown, en las devoluciones. Ha habido jugadores en el pasado que han asumido tareas de devolución de patadas para los Stampeders y no necesariamente les ha encantado el concierto. No Logan. Lo está disfrutando, y disfruta trabajando para mejorar. “Simplemente tomando entrenamiento todos los días, estoy buscando críticas”, dijo Logan. “Estoy buscando críticas en todo lo que hago porque sé que no hago nada perfecto,
así que solo he estado recibiendo entrenamiento, así que he estado tomando entrenamiento cada semana y mejorando cada vez más”. Anuncio 5 Este anuncio aún no se ha cargado, pero su artículo continúa a continuación. Contenido del artículo Esas son obviamente buenas noticias para los Stampeders, quienes se ubican cerca de la cima de la CFL en básicamente todas las categorías estadísticas de equipos especiales. La ofensiva puede estar teniendo problemas y la defensa puede estar cediendo demasiadas yardas por aire, pero nadie puede quejarse del trabajo que está haciendo la unidad del coordinador de equipos especiales Mark Kilam. Y el desempeño de Logan está agregando un mercado de exclamación a lo que ha sido una gran temporada de equipos especiales para los Stamps, hasta ahora. Puede que no haya estado en el radar de muchas personas de cara a la temporada, pero a lo largo de ocho juegos, ha emergido como una de las buenas noticias del año de los Stampeders. “No, no me sorprende”, dijo Logan. "Estoy teniendo la oportunidad y corriendo con ella, literalmente". [email protected] www.twitter.com/DannyAustin_9 Comparte este artículo en tu red social Anuncio 1 Este anuncio aún no se ha cargado, pero su artículo continúa a continuación. Regístrese para recibir los titulares diarios de Calgary SUN, una división de Postmedia Network Inc. Al hacer clic en el botón de registro, acepta recibir el boletín informativo anterior de Postmedia Network Inc. Puede darse de baja en cualquier momento haciendo clic en el enlace para darse de baja en la parte inferior de nuestros correos electrónicos. Red Postmedia Inc. | 365 Bloor Street Este, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4 | 416-383-2300 Gracias por registrarte! Un correo electrónico de bienvenida está en camino. Si no lo ves, revisa tu carpeta de correo no deseado. El próximo número de Calgary Sun Headline News pronto estará en su bandeja de entrada. Encontramos un problema al registrarte. Inténtalo de nuevo Comentarios Postmedia se compromete a mantener un foro de debate animado pero civilizado y anima a todos los lectores a compartir sus opiniones sobre nuestros artículos. Los comentarios pueden tardar hasta una hora en moderarse antes de aparecer en el sitio. Le pedimos que mantenga sus comentarios relevantes y respetuosos. Hemos habilitado las notificaciones por correo electrónico: ahora recibirá un correo electrónico si recibe una respuesta a su comentario, hay una actualización en un hilo de comentarios que sigue o si un usuario al que sigue comenta. Visite nuestras Pautas de la comunidad para obtener más información y detalles sobre cómo ajustar la configuración de su correo electrónico.
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onlyexplorer · 2 years
The Calgary Stampeders' dominating running game becomes part of their identity
The Calgary Stampeders’ dominating running game becomes part of their identity
Breadcrumb Links Sports Soccer CFL Calgary Stampeders Calgary Stampeders running backs Ka’Deem Carey, William Langlais, Dedrick Mills and Peyton Logan leave the field after practice on Tuesday, August 9, 2022. Photo by Al Charest /Postmedia Content of the article Last season, the Calgary Stampeders rushed for the second-fewest yards in the CFL. Advertisement 2 This ad has not loaded yet, but…
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thenetionalnews · 2 years
Calgary Stampeders win 37-7 against Edmonton Elks in CFL pre-season action
Calgary Stampeders win 37-7 against Edmonton Elks in CFL pre-season action
Dedrick Mills had two touchdown strikes as the Calgary Stampeders improved to 2-0 in CFL pre-season play Friday with a convincing 37-7 victory over the Edmonton Elks, The Elks dropped to 1-1 in exhibition action. Calgary got on the scoreboard first, early in the opening quarter, as a punt block by George Obinna eventually led to a one-yard touchdown plunge by quarterback Tommy Stevens. Story…
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casorasi · 7 years
Georgia Tech kicks running back Dedrick Mills off team
ATLANTA (AP) — Georgia Tech running back Dedrick Mills has been kicked off the team for a violation of athletic department rules. Georgia Tech kicks running back Dedrick Mills off team
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i-news-day · 4 years
<b>VIDEO</b>: Nebraska Pro Day Press Conference
Nebraska held it's annual Pro Day on Monday and Husker NFL hopefuls DiCaprio Bootle, Brenden Jaimes, Matt Farniok, Jack Stoll and Dedrick Mills ... from Alerta do Google - video https://ift.tt/3tObHfI
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thedoubleextrapoint · 4 years
Nebraska Football: Reviewing the 2020 Recruiting Class (and a Super Six!)
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Nebraska’s 2020 recruiting class ended no. 20 nationally, no. 4 in the B1G, and no. 1 in the B1G West, according to 247 Sports. Let’s take a look at how the class breaks down, position-by-position. The “Composite” category is the 247 Composite star ranking. Players in bold are junior-college transfers, and players in italics are early-enrollees.
Name Height Weight Composite Positi…
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nflhuskerspics · 2 years
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Calgary Stampeders running back Dedrick Mills
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bigcat947 · 4 years
Nebraska Football: Huskers run wild in gritty regular season finale
With Nebraska football taking home the victory over Rutgers by a score, Wan’Dale Robinson and Dedrick Mills were the thunder and lightning duo for the huskers on Friday.On top of that, Adrian Martinez provided a nice third act to the rushing attack. The trio had profoundimpacts in the game. Robinson rushed for while Mills rushed for. It was great to see them playat a high level.  เล่นสล็อตออนไลน์pgthaicom
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newsupdated · 4 years
Rutgers Nebraska
PISCATAWAY, N.J. (AP) — Adrian Martinez ran for two touchdowns and threw for another and mistake-prone Nebraska rolled up 620 total yards in wearing down Rutgers 28-21 on Friday night in the kickoff to Big Ten Champions Week. Dedrick Mills rushed for a career-high 191 yards and Wan’Dale Robinson ran for a touchdown and caught another as the Cornhuskers (3-5, 3-5) overcame four turnovers and…
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lillie-ross · 5 years
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New Husker RB Dedrick Mills out to make most of 2nd chance AP Published 4:32 a.m. ET Aug. 28, 2019 CLOSELINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — Dedrick Mills was a budding star at Georgia Tech in 2016, and then he blew it, and knew it."Just my decision making," he said, shaking his head.Three failed drug tests got him kicked out of school, and suddenly he found himself at a junior college in Kansas wondering if he would ever make it back to the mainstream of major college football.
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womenofcolor15 · 5 years
2020 GRAMMYS CARPET: Chris Brown On Dad Duty, Cardi Floated & Dripped, Tyler Drips Doorman Swag, Lauren London, Big Freedia, Chyna
Although everyone was hurting after hearing the news of Kobe Bryant’s death, celebs hit the red carpet for the 62nd Annual Grammy Awards inside the Staples Center. Peep the red carpet flicks inside…
The vibes for the 62nd Annual Grammy Awards were a bit somber and subdued as hours before news broke that NBA legend Kobe Bryant and his 13-year-old daughter Gianna Bryant died in a helicopter crash. Kobe spent his entire 20-season career with the Los Angeles Lakers inside the Staples Center. With fans gathered outside of the multi-purpose arena, celebs trekked inside to celebrate music and remember an icon.
Several celebs declined to speak with the press after learning about Kobe’s death, which is totally understandable as we all were stunned and shocked by the tragic news.
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                  @muglerofficial on me @chromeheartsofficial on Daddy @offsetyrn
A post shared by Cardib (@iamcardib) on Jan 26, 2020 at 7:26pm PST
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A post shared by Cardib (@iamcardib) on Jan 26, 2020 at 7:25pm PST
  Cardi B and Offset dripped hard on the carpet in Mugler and Chrome Hearts.
  R&B crooner Chris Brown – who was nominated for Best R&B Song for his track “No Guidance” – brought his 5-year-old daughter Royalty Brown as his date for the evening. The mini fashionista rocked a cream sweater over a white blouse with a matching cream skirt, black boots and white ruffled socks. Her famous dad debuted colorful hair – half pink, half blue. He wore a yellow and cream Prada sweater paired with black trousers for the ceremony.
Big sister Royalty - who welcomed her baby brother Aeko Catori Brown last month - is already learning how to snap a quick selfie with fans from her dad. Check it:
  Chris Brown e sua filha Royalty chegando no #GRAMMYs #Grammys2020!pic.twitter.com/dCHD8BXl7C
— Portal Chris Brown Brasil |(@portalbreezy) January 27, 2020
  Too cute.
This year’s Grammy Awards paid tribute to late rapper Nipsey Hussle, so his entire family was there to see it, including his soul mate/son’s mother Lauren London (rocking Pamella Roland), his daughter Emani Asghedom (who attended the Grammys with her dad last year), Nipsey’s sister Samantha Smith, and Nispey’s grandmother.
The tribute included performances by Meek Mill, John Legend, DJ Khaled, YG, Roddy Ricch and Kirk Franklin, which went down after winning his first Grammy posthumously.
Watch the family accept his Grammy below:
  Nipsey just won a Grammy. His family came to the stage to accept the award.
The Marathon Continues pic.twitter.com/IhUlRvYbDh
— Andrew Barber (@fakeshoredrive) January 26, 2020
  After the tribute, Nip copped another Grammy for Best Rap/Sung Performance for his feature on DJ Khaled’s “Higher” with John Legend.
Before hitting the stage, John Legend rocked a gray pleated Alexander McQueen suit.
His wife/model Chrissy Teigen (and our fave meme-able face during awards shows) joined him on the carpet in an orange ruffled Yanina Couture dress.
Can't say this is our fave.
New dad again DJ Khaled rocked a black suit with red and black Nike sneakers on the carpet.
Grammy & Oscar winning artist Common remembered Kobe Bryant when he stopped to talk to the media.
“We all feel it in our own way but his family, his loved ones feel it in another way,” he said. I’m just giving it to God and hopefully, today we can celebrate through music and different things, but there’s nothing that can take away from what life is.”
“I just want to say, God bless his soul and his daughter, and everyone who was on that helicopter,” he continued. “Man, it just makes you think about people in the world. And we love him.”
"The Chi" actor later performed for a tribute to Trustee Award winner and longtime Grammy Awards executive producer Ken Ehrlich. He hit the stage for a performance with Misty Copeland Camila Cabello, Ben Platt, The War and Treaty for "I Sing The Body Electric" from the musical "Fame."
Oh yeah, and Common was looking GOODT in his maroon Dolce & Gabbana suit.
Before hitting the stage with FKA Twigs and Shelia E to pay tribute to Prince, Usher rocked Balmain on the carpet. It's not horribly bad, but we would have liked to see something more polished.
Before FKA worked that pole on stage, the singer posed it up in this pink and black Ed Marler concoction. Are we feeling it?
Before winning Best Rap Album (his first Grammy ever) and performing at the Grammys, Tyler the Creator served up doorman swag in a pink and red Golf Le Fleur outfit.
After the show, he reacted to Kobe's death:
  Tyler, the Creator reacts to Kobe Bryant’s death: “That news was heavy, especially just being in LA and just being here at the Staples Center” https://t.co/25sWs8vInB #Grammys pic.twitter.com/DDSojKYhkx
— Variety (@Variety) January 27, 2020
  Peep his acceptance speech (and his super happy mother) below:
Rap couple Quavo and Saweetie have been all over LA during Grammy weekend, so it was no surprise when they popped up on the carpet together.
The Migos rapper rocked a custom red and black Prada suit.
Meanwhile, his "ICY" girlfriend dazzled in Moschino.
And look who else came out...
We don't seem him often, but Migos rapper Takeoff was in the Grammy mix.
Gucci Mane (who rocked a Gucci suit) and his wife Keyshia Ka'oir Davis rolled up on the scene in matching 'fits.
On the red carpet, Mrs. Davis said it took her five hours to get dress because she ended up breaking a zipper on her dress. So, they had to sew her in it. By the way, Gucci Mane revealed he has pieces coming out with Italian luxury brand, Gucci. The rapper also talked about his Grammy nomination with Lizzo and more. Check it:
Singer Khalid was nominated for Record of the Year for his track "Talk." Unfortunately, Billie Eilish won for "Bad Boy." This is his 6th Grammy nomination.
Rapper YBN Cordae landed his first two nominations for Best Rap Song ("Bad Idea") and Best Rap Album (The Lost Boy). He didn't win, but he was SUPER ecstatic to even be nominated.
Lil Nas X had one hell of a night in his bright pink cowboy inspired Versace suit.
The 6-time nominee won his first two Grammy Awards ever - one for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance and one for Best Music Video, both for "Old Town Road (Remix)." Congrats!
He also hit the stage to perform "Old Town Road" and "Panini" where he brought out rapper Nas, Young Thug, BTS and Billy Ray Cyrus. Peep his performance HERE.
Young Thug also hit the carpet in this outfit before the stage.
"POSE" actor Billy Porter went full glam cowboy in a sparkly teal Baja East 'fit topped with a custom wide brimmed Sarah Sokol Millinery hat.
Bounce queen Big Freedia - who was featured in a Facebook commercial during the show - also served up cowboy vibes.
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                      A post shared by Big Freedia (@bigfreedia) on Jan 26, 2020 at 5:11pm PST
  Rapper Swae Lee was asked what he was wearing on the red carpet and he said "Peter Dunbar." He meant a custom 'fit by Peter Dundas.  He was nominated for Record of the Year and Best Pop Duo/Group Performance for "Sunflower" with Post Malone.
Lady in red!
Since Blac Chyna has been trying to get her feet wet in the rap game, she made her way to the Grammys to celebrate the biggest night in music.
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                  Beauty at its finest... Grammys
A post shared by Blac Chyna (@blacchyna) on Jan 26, 2020 at 9:33pm PST
  Anderson Paak ended the night as a two-time Grammy winner, nabbing the Best R&B Album Award for Ventura and R&B Performance for "Come Home" with André 3000. Congrats!
Before she hit the stage to perform alongside host Alicia Keys, 11-time Grammy nominated and 4-time winning artist Brittany Howard hit the carpet in this green, black with a touch of gold ensemble. She was nominated for two awards, Best Rock Performance & Best Rock Song for "History Repeats."
"The Daily Show" host Trevor Noah was nominated for his first Grammy ever in the Best Comedy Album category for his Netflix stand up "Trevor Noah: Son of Patricia." Comedian Dave Chappelle ended up winning the award. On the carpet, he jokingly said he already knew Dave was going to take home the award.
When asked about Kobe Bryant's death on the carpet, he said “I don’t think I’ve processed anything yet.”
He said it felt strange in the Staples Center where Kobe played his entire career.
"It's one of those experiences where you can feel it. Today is all about being present," he said.
Rapper Rick Ross - who was nominated for Best Rap Song for "Gold Roses" featuring Drake - opened up about how late rapper Nipsey Hussle inspired his track "Gold Roses"
The MMG honcho also remembered NBA legend Kobe Bryant:
By the way Rozay was wearing Hideoki Bespoke, which was founded by Dedrick Hideoki Hagiwara Thomas.
Rappers Yo Gotti and 21 Savage made their way on the carpet. Singer Ty Dolla Sign was also in the mix:
21 Savage (above alongside his mom) was nominated for two Grammys and won one for Best Rap Song for "A Lot." Congrats!
Ty Dolla Sign (above next to his girlfriend Lauren Jauregui) was nominated for Best Dance Recording for "Midnight Hour" with Boys Noize, Skrillex.
Rap legend LL Cool J was in the mix.
Producer DJ Mustard - who was nominated for Best Rap/Sung Performance for "Ballin" with Roddy Ricch - reacted to Kobe and his daughter's death on the carpet while making his way down the carpet with his fiancee Chanel Thierry.
"This doesn't seem real right now," he said. "Love and respect and blessings to his family. I pray that we pray for them [and] everybody shows love to the family."
Singer Dreezy looked gorge in a black high-low dress that she said was her 2nd pick since she couldn't fit her custom first pick for her first Grammy ceremony.
  If my fat ass gain one more pound...
— BIG OG DREEZ (@dreezydreezy) January 26, 2020
    We had a custom dress made that I was gonna wear that I LOVED but I couldn't fit it. But good thing we had the black dress for back up lol.
— BIG OG DREEZ (@dreezydreezy) January 27, 2020
  She also sent love to Kobe's family on the carpet:
  .@dreezydreezy gives her love to Kobe Bryant and his family! #KobeBryant #BETRemembers #GRAMMYs pic.twitter.com/xAExooWZ6L
— BET Music (@BETMusic) January 26, 2020
  Uncle Charlie Wilson hit the carpet before hitting the stage with Boyz II Men for Tyler the Creator's Grammy performance.
Yeah Boy! Flavor Flav was in the mix as his rap group Public Enemy was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award:
Ballerina Misty Copeland hit the carpet before she performed a beautiful routine with dancers from the Debbie Allen Dance Academy.
Beyonce's stylist Ty Hunter looked bomb in his futuristic 'fit.
Wyclef Jean made it a date night with his wife Claudinette Jean.
"Growing Up Hip Hop" stars JoJo & Angela Simmons brought their little sister Miley Simmons for the Grammy event. She's growing up!
Grammy winning artist Questlove stepped for the Grammys.
Esperanza Spalding won the Grammy Award for Best Jazz Vocal Album for 12 Little Spells. Congrats!
TV host Nina Parker showed off her curves in this brown Lynne Carter Ateliermidi dress. On social media, she talked about how hard the night was for her after learning about Kobe's death:
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                  Today was HARD. I can’t lie, it was difficult to report on something fun when so much tragedy hit so quickly. But I do want to take a second to take in this moment, feel absolutely BLESSED, and thank all the people who worked hard to get me on this red carpet tonight. I appreciate every single moment. Gown: Custom collaboration w @lynne_carter_atelier MUA: @beautybybeyina Hair: @kymmscreations Wardrobe stylist: @ashleyloewen Wardrobe stylist asst: @khai_st_lawrence
A post shared by Nina Parker (@mzgossipgirl) on Jan 26, 2020 at 8:35pm PST
  Def a hard night for everyone.
Congrats to this year's winners.
Photos: Getty/MEGA
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/01/27/2020-grammys-carpet-chris-brown-on-dad-duty-lauren-london-holds-it-down-for-nipsey-tyler-
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thedoubleextrapoint · 5 years
Nebraska Football: NU ReView, Wisconsin 37, Nebraska 21
Nebraska Football: NU ReView, Wisconsin 37, Nebraska 21
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It wasn’t as bad as we expected, was it, Husker Fan?
Wisconsin came to Lincoln and beat Nebraska 37-21, but in the loss NU showed signs of life we haven’t seen all season. Head coach Scott Frost’s offense finally showed signs of life, outgaining Wisconsin 493-482. Fourteen of Wisconsin’s points came from two broken plays, a kick return touchdown and a 55-yard reception that ended up being a…
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