#deda moroz
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ducktoonsfanart · 3 months ago
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Scrooge McDuck, Flintheart Glomgold and John D. Rockerduck as Saint Nicholas, Santa Claus and Father Christmas (Deda Moroz) - Merry Christmas, Happy St. Nicholas Day and Happy Holidays - Crafts - Drawcember - My style - Duck comics and Duckverse
Although I'm late, it's definitely time for our favorite part of the year when we all prepare for one of the biggest Christian holidays ever, which is Christmas. There are certainly many days before Christmas, of which St. Nicholas Day is certainly an important one. Since the holidays are coming, what can I not do in terms of traditional customs related to Christmas. In European countries, especially among Catholics, St. Nicholas is celebrated every December 6 (for Orthodox Christians it is only on December 19, otherwise on the 6th according to the Julian calendar), otherwise one of the most important Christian saints who is the patron saint of sailors as well as the patron saint of families and good children. Yes, Saint Nicholas is a saint from the fourth century and yes, he is actually a real Santa Claus, as well as Father Christmas, as the legends surrounding him are still attached to this day. Yes, in many European countries, especially in the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Poland and other European countries, Saint Nicholas comes every sixth of December to bring gifts to good children, and those who have been naughty, Krampus, a black devil with a whip, comes to torment children and usually leaves coal for them. Sounds familiar, right?
I've already drawn Scrooge McDuck as Saint Nicholas before, and you can see the previous drawing from last year here: https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/post/736359028883668992/celebrating-saint-nicholas-celebrating-christmas
The three billionaire ducks decided to dress up as Santa Claus, so I drew them however I wanted them to look. Scrooge would be Saint Nicholas, Glomgold would be Deda Moroz (Father Christmas), and Rockerduck would be modern Santa Claus. Deda Moroz is actually Russian Santa Claus. Jeeves (Lusky) as Rockerduck's partner is a Christmas elf as Santa Claus's helper, and I added a donkey carrying gifts, because according to legend, Saint Nicholas rides a donkey. I drew them according to my own will, because it would be interesting to see stingy ducks playing the roles of great Christmas givers. Yes, Saint Nicholas is the real Santa Claus, especially for me, but let everyone think what they want.
I hope you like this drawing and feel free to like and reblog this, just don't copy this without mentioning me and don't use it without my permission. Thank you! Happy St. Nicholas Day, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone! Also as part of Drawcember is dedicated to @ace-of-garlic-breads.
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mime-trempel · 7 years ago
Ну ка все потёрли нос!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hqrbg7HJ_sY #DedaMraz #DedMoroz #dance #newYear #SantaClaus #ДедМороз #танец #новыйГод #новогоднееПоздравление #заказДедаМороза #FrostyRap #МорозныйРэп
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mimiklab · 7 years ago
Морозный "A ram sam sam"
#DedaMraz #DedMoroz #dance #ARamSamSam #RamSamSam #newYear #SantaClaus #ДедМороз #танец #РамЗамЗам #новыйГод #новогоднееПоздравление #заказДедаМороза
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futuristicsaladparadise · 3 years ago
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Before she heads off to bed, Annika would like to wish everyone “с новым годом!” (Happy New Year, in Russian.)
Annika’s family spent most of New Year’s Day at her Baba and Deda’s. Baba and Deda don’t really celebrate Christmas, since it wasn’t allowed when they were growing up in the USSR. Because religion was not allowed under Soviet rule, most Russians who grew up in the 1930s-1980s (like Annika’s grandparents) had family gatherings on the first day of the new year to enjoy time together, light the New Year’s Tree (a fir) and exchange gifts. 
Grandfather Frost ( Дед Мороз, pronounced Ded Moroz), often accompanied by the Snow Maiden (Снегурочка, pronounced Snegurochka) brings presents for the children. This year, Annika got a Squishmallow poodle and an old fashioned necklace. Annika also helped prepare some of the food, under Mom’s and Baba’s supervision, while Dad and Lily played chess, and Deda played piano. She had a wonderful time, but is worn out. 
Happy New Year!
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Удивить самого Деда Мороза — как выдувать мыльные пузыри на морозе . Милая Я
New Post has been published on https://news2018.ru/udivit-samogo-deda-moroza-kak-vyduvat-mylnye-puzyri-na-moroze-milaya-ya/
Удивить самого Деда Мороза — как выдувать мыльные пузыри на морозе . Милая Я
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ducktoonsfanart · 1 year ago
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Donald Duck swims for the Holy Cross - Scrooge McDuck as Deda Moroz and Webby Vanderquack as Snjegoručka (Снегурочка) - Duckverse and folk customs
I wanted to post this earlier, but for some reason I didn't get to it and was partially blocked. Now I am publishing these drawings that I drew last week related to earlier holidays and related to the customs of my country and the customs of Eastern Europe.
The first drawing I drew was Scrooge McDuck as the Russian Santa Claus (or called Deda Moroz) and his adopted niece or granddaughter Webby Vanderquack as the Russian Snowwhite (or Snjegoruchka). That in Russia and Russian countries usually Santa Claus together with his granddaughter Snjegoruchka distributes gifts to good children and looks different from the usual Santa Claus. Usually they are shared when the Julian Christmas and the Julian New Year (old calendar) are celebrated. I drew together as a redraw, and it's also a good parallel regarding the Ducktales and Uncle Scrooge comics. I wanted to do a drawing related to Russian customs, but unfortunately I didn't make it, so I did this and I apologize. Another time. In Russia, Scrooge is called Дядюшка Скрудж (Uncle Scrooge), and Webby is called Поночка (Ponochka).
The second drawing is Donald Duck swimming in strong water and having found the Holy Cross. Usually in my country (Serbia), as well as in other Orthodox countries, such a custom is used that brave men go into the water to find the Orthodox cross and thus fight for good strength. This is true only for strong and hardy men who can withstand it, not for everyone, since there is no swimming in winter. Although Donald endures everything, I made him swim for the Holy Cross and he holds it in his right hand. Yes, it is usually done on the feast of the Epiphany where in Orthodox countries it is celebrated because on that day Jesus Christ was baptized in the Jordan River by the prophet John the Baptist. Let's face it, it is different from the Catholic and Protestant understanding because on that day the Three Wise Men came to the baby Jesus to bring gifts. And the day before that is the Day of the Cross, and the day after the Epiphany is St. John's Day. Related to that. If you need, feel free to ask me anything. And yes, Donald in my country is called Paja Patak (Паја Патак).
I hope you like these drawings and again Happy Holidays. And yes, don't use these ideas without mentioning me. Thank you! Feel free to like and reblog this!
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mime-trempel · 7 years ago
Deda Mraz flying in Montenegro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-diPFMW0VbM #DedaMraz #DedMoroz #NewYear #Christmas #Montenegro #ДедМороз #НовыйГод #заказатьДедаМороза #Рождество #Черногория #Santa #santaclaus
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mime-trempel · 7 years ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuhcSVATACY #DedaMraz #DedMoroz #NewYear #Christmas #juggling #Montenegro #ДедМороз #НовыйГод #жонглирование #Рождество #Черногория #Santa #santaclaus
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mimiklab · 7 years ago
Deda Mraz flying in Montenegro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-diPFMW0VbM #DedaMraz #DedMoroz #NewYear #Christmas #Montenegro #ДедМороз #НовыйГод #заказатьДедаМороза #Рождество #Черногория #Santa #santaclaus
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mimiklab · 7 years ago
Deda Mraz juggling in polako style
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuhcSVATACY #DedaMraz #DedMoroz #NewYear #Christmas #juggling #Montenegro #ДедМороз #НовыйГод #жонглирование #Рождество #Черногория #Santa #santaclaus
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futuristicsaladparadise · 4 years ago
Russian New Year
Since, traditionally, Russians don’t celebrate their gift-giving until New Year’s, Annika had to wait to get her favorite gifts. At Baba and Deda’s house, Ded Moroz and Snegurochka brought her the 10th Doctor’s big swishy coat, and the 12th Doctor’s sonic screwdriver. She is over the moon!
Happy New Year, everyone! Fingers crossed that 2021 will be better than 2020.
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mimiklab · 7 years ago
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlbMbm7C6rg #DedaMraz #DedMoroz #Montenegro #Trempel #MimikLab #ДедаМраз #ДедМороз #Черногория #Тремпель #НовыйГод
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