#decorative gravel landscaping pictures
withinthebrain · 10 months
One Long Country Road
As I drive, the road tells a story. One long country road through time and generations. The stark difference between the west side of the overpass and the east side is eye-opening. In town, to the west, buildings are updated, their facades painted, and the picture windows of storefronts are decorated with new age flare. But, on the way out of town, as I ascend the overpass and the country road comes into view, whispers of stories ooze from the pavement.
Initially, a few modern houses line the road, with children's toys scattered about the yard and multiple cars Tetris-ed into the gravel driveways.
Then farm fields. Vast, breath-taking farm fields for miles, little standing in the way of the horizon. At this time of year, most of the fields are cleared, leaving behind copper and amber remnants of the harvest. Dark, moody dirt is turned up in other fields as the farmers prepare for winter.
One old, white farmhouse stands among a small grove of oak trees. It smells of life and hard work and love and energy. A small red barn stands nearby, wearing a coat of fresh paint. In the biggest tree, a weathered tire swing dangles on rusty chains, hardly clinging to the large dead branch.
Pavement gives way to gravel, and the road narrows slightly. At the stop sign, a combine takes up the entire road moving away from me to the north. I continue east, gravel crunching as I gaze at the empty tractor wagon parked in the middle of a freshly tilled field. The wagon is simple and worn, but it is so perfectly placed one might think it is the image on the cover of a puzzle box.
After a few fields slide by the car windows, a yellow sign marker reads, "Trailer Park Entrance." A manicured U-drive holds three rows of trailers, each garnished with eccentric decor. More people live in this small trailer park than do for miles on this long country road. A chunk of concrete and a metal basketball hoop sans net provide solace to a handful of children along with a few miscellaneous pieces of playground equipment.
Again surrounded by endless fields, my ears listen as the road talks. It speaks of the horses and cows that graze the land. It describes the lush green produce and scorching sun of summer. It speaks of the snow that will soon blow across the open plains.
And then suddenly, a new construction house stands poised much closer to the roadway than the old farmhouses. The house is immaculate, the stonework pristine, and the white siding handsome in its attempt to mimic the old farmhouse style. The house stands alone, no barns nor sheds nor farm equipment surround the structure. Its solemn presence is resolute, contrasting the landscape just as the lone evergreen in the middle of the field stands beautiful and self-assured, yet seemingly out of place.
This one long country road can and will rattle stories to anyone who listens. Generations of stories etched in the land leak slowly to the eye and ear of those who pay attention.
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inhalethedust · 6 months
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Constructing an Affordable Fire Pit for Your Outdoor Oasis
In the realm of outdoor ambiance and cozy gatherings, few additions can match the allure of a crackling fire pit. Picture yourself surrounded by friends and family, laughter echoing under the starlit sky, all drawn in by the warmth and glow of a well-built fire pit. However, you might assume that such a luxury requires a hefty investment. Not so fast! With a bit of creativity, resourcefulness, and a DIY spirit, you can construct your own budget-friendly fire pit without compromising on quality or aesthetics.
Choosing the Right Location: Where to Place Your Fire Pit
Before delving into construction, it's crucial to select an ideal location for your fire pit. Look for a flat, level area in your outdoor space, ensuring it's clear of any overhanging branches or nearby structures. Safety is paramount, so maintain a safe distance from flammable materials such as trees, shrubs, and buildings. Additionally, consult local regulations and ordinances regarding fire pit placement and regulations, as these may vary depending on your region.
Materials Needed for Your DIY Fire Pit Project
Gather your supplies and materials before diving into the construction process. Here's a list of essentials to get you started:
Fire Ring or Insert: Opt for a durable, heat-resistant fire ring or insert to contain the flames. This can be purchased at hardware stores or online retailers.
Pavers or Bricks: Choose affordable pavers or bricks to create the perimeter of your fire pit. These are readily available at home improvement stores and come in various sizes, shapes, and colors to suit your aesthetic preferences.
Gravel or Sand: Use gravel or sand as a base layer to provide stability and drainage for your fire pit.
Leveling Tools: Ensure your fire pit is constructed on a level surface by using a level and other appropriate tools.
Safety Gear: Don't forget safety gear such as gloves and safety glasses to protect yourself during construction.
Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your Fire Pit
Now that you've gathered your materials, let's dive into the construction process. Follow these steps to build your very own affordable fire pit:
1. Prepare the Site
Begin by marking the area where you'll be constructing your fire pit. Use a string or hose to outline the shape and size of the pit, ensuring it's symmetrical and proportional to your outdoor space.
2. Excavate the Area
Once you've marked the site, dig a shallow pit to accommodate the fire ring and surrounding materials. Aim for a depth of around 6-8 inches, ensuring the base is level and compacted.
3. Lay the Base Layer
Add a layer of gravel or sand to the excavated area, using a tamper to compact it firmly. This base layer will provide stability and proper drainage for your fire pit.
4. Arrange the Pavers or Bricks
Now it's time to arrange the pavers or bricks around the perimeter of the fire pit. Stack them securely, ensuring they're level and tightly packed to create a sturdy enclosure for the fire ring.
5. Insert the Fire Ring
Carefully place the fire ring or insert inside the perimeter of the pavers, ensuring it's centered and level. This will serve as the containment barrier for your fire and provide a safe, designated area for the flames.
6. Finishing Touches
Once the fire ring is in place, add any additional decorative elements or landscaping around the fire pit to enhance its aesthetic appeal. Consider incorporating seating options such as Adirondack chairs or stone benches to create a cozy atmosphere for gatherings.
7. Test Your Fire Pit
Before lighting your inaugural fire, double-check that everything is securely in place and there are no flammable materials nearby. Once satisfied, ignite your fire pit and enjoy the warmth and ambiance it brings to your outdoor space.
Building a cheap fire pit doesn't mean sacrificing quality or style. With the right materials, careful planning, and a bit of elbow grease, you can create a budget-friendly fire pit that enhances your outdoor oasis and provides countless hours of enjoyment. So roll up your sleeves, gather your supplies, and get ready to bask in the glow of your DIY masterpiece.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. Is it safe to build a fire pit on grass or a wooden deck?
While it's technically possible to construct a fire pit on grass or a wooden deck, it's not recommended due to the risk of fire damage. It's best to build your fire pit on a flat, level surface such as concrete or gravel, ensuring there's ample clearance from flammable materials.
2. Can I cook food on my fire pit?
Many fire pits are suitable for cooking, especially those equipped with grill grates or cooking accessories. However, exercise caution and use appropriate cooking utensils to avoid accidents or injuries. Always follow safety guidelines and never leave a fire unattended while cooking.
3. How can I maintain my fire pit for longevity?
To prolong the life of your fire pit, regularly clean and remove ash buildup, especially if using wood as fuel. Inspect the fire pit for any signs of wear or damage, and make repairs as needed. Additionally, consider covering your fire pit when not in use to protect it from the elements and extend its lifespan.
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ozpebbles · 11 months
How to Pick the Right Decorative Stones for Your Garden
Imagine walking through your garden, the lush greenery swaying in the breeze and the aroma of fresh flowers filling the air. Add a sprinkle of glamour to this picture with the perfect decorative stones. While plants are the main actors in your garden's theatre, Decorative Stones for Gardens enhance the entire performance. They can be the highlight of your walkways, the texture amidst your blooms, or the backdrop for your outdoor sculptures. Like the jewels in a crown, they complete your garden’s look.
Choosing the right stones can be overwhelming because so many types are available. You can choose from Garden Stones Pebbles or White Stones for Garden. But don't worry! In this blog, we'll guide you through four key tips to help you select the perfect decorative stones for your outdoor paradise. So, let's get started!
1] Consider Your Garden's Theme
The first step in selecting the right stones is considering your garden's overall theme or style. Do you have a modern, minimalist, or traditional, rustic garden? You might choose smooth Natural Stone Pebbles for a sleek, contemporary look. In contrast, Tumbled Pebble Queensland or Crushed Stone Queensland would complement a more rustic or natural setting. Make sure the stones you select harmonize with the existing elements in your garden to create a unified aesthetic.
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2] Keep Functionality in Mind
Stones serve more than just an aesthetic purpose. They can also be functional, providing paths, edging, and drainage solutions. Stone Pebbles Landscaping can offer a natural pathway through your garden, directing foot traffic and adding structure.
You can choose Crushed Rock Landscaping materials if your garden has water pooling or erosion issues. These materials help with drainage and stabilize the soil. Think about how your decorative stones will serve your garden practically and visually.
3] Choose the Right Color and Texture
Color plays a crucial role in setting the mood and style of your garden. Light-colored stones like White Pebbles for Landscaping can brighten up darker areas. They can make small spaces seem larger.
In contrast, darker stones can add depth and create a sense of intimacy. The texture is equally important. Smooth, polished stones offer a different look and feel than rough, natural stones. Consider how the color and texture of your stones will interact with your plants, furniture, and other elements in your garden.
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4] Size Matters
While large boulders can create striking focal points, smaller pebbles, and gravel can fill in gaps and provide a cohesive look. The size of the stones you choose will depend on their purpose and the scale of your garden. You should go with larger stones for a more substantial look for pathways and large areas. Smaller pebbles or gravel may be more appropriate for filling between plants or covering the soil. Consider the proportions to ensure the stones fit well within your garden's layout.
Picking the right decorative stones for your garden is about aesthetics, functionality, harmony, and scale. Remember, your garden is an extension of your home, and the stones you choose should reflect your style while adding to the garden’s utility. 
Ready to make your selection? Visit Oz Landscape Supplies for a wide range of high-quality decorative stones and pebbles. Whether you’re looking for something to enhance the beauty of your outdoor space or solve a practical issue, we’ve got you covered. Happy gardening!
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majahu · 2 years
Scream: Safe Haven
Chapter 2: Reaching Out
Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
Chapter Warnings: none.
Chapter Summary: A first look at your new life. Will this be the new beginning you had hoped for or while your past continue to follow you?
Word Count: 1.2k
Suggested Listening: Roslyn (Bon Iver, St. Vincent)
Note: Sorry this took longer to upload than I expected.
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A bus took you most of the way to the farmhouse, leaving only a couple miles bike ride to the property. You had scrawled out street names on your forearm in ballpoint pen, the ink smearing slightly as sweat dripped from your pores. Despite the oak trees lining the road, the sun beat down on you relentlessly throughout your ride, invisible waves of heat radiating up from the asphalt. 
Small remnants of pebbles crunched under your tires as the paved road turned to dirt and you checked your makeshift roadmap to make sure you were still on the right route. You biked for minutes with no houses in sight, only fields of ragweed and dandelions lined your path. The occasional oil pump spotted the landscape, unmoving; they reminded you of fossils, you wondered if they were ever put to use. 
You pressed town on the gear shift, hearing your bike clink in response as the pressure built in the pedals, propelling you faster down the dirt road; a small trail of dust snaking down the street in your wake.
You would’ve biked right past the farmhouse had you not seen the address: three large numbers printed across an old blue metal mailbox at the edge of the road. The mailbox was in rough shape, sporting a few nasty dents and leaning slightly to one side. 
You turned, heading down the long winding gravel drive, careful not to go too fast over any dents or divots. As you crested the hilltop, the farmhouse’s red metal roof came into view. You had expected the home to be dilapidated, given that the current owners could no longer take care of it, but it was surprisingly charming and well-kept. The grass in front of the stone building seemed to have been trimmed recently, clippings still dusting the lawn; and the house itself was decorated with red shutters and a white wraparound porch. 
You parked your bike in the grass beside the driveway, hearing your name just as you nudged the metal kickstand into place with your toe. 
“Are you y/n?” 
You turned to see an older woman, maybe in her early seventies, standing on the porch.
“Yeah, hi,” you said, walking over to the woman. 
“I’m Martha,” she said smiling warmly and gesturing for you to come inside.
Martha gave you a tour of the farmhouse while explaining that ever since the death of her husband, she wasn’t able to upkeep the place. She was planning to downsize, she had said, but she wasn’t ready to let go of the place quite yet and had instead opted to stay with her children for a couple of months while they decided what to do with the property.
The interior was charming, just what you’d expect a country home owned by a sweet old lady to look like. Upholstery in various floral print decorated the cushioned furniture throughout the home, along with a variety of embroidered throw pillows and quilts you’d bet money Martha had made herself. Scattered throughout the home were pictures of Martha and her husband, as well as her grandchildren—you assumed. It occurred to you that it might feel weird living in a home that so clearly belonged to someone else, but maybe that’s exactly what you needed. This place could be your safe haven. 
There was nothing here to remind you of the past, the friends you lost, of Billy or Stu. It was quite literally like you were living someone else's life.
Martha paused outside of a wooden door, a tapestry of the Betsy Ross American flag fixed to the front. 
“The basement’s down here,” she said, opening the door to reveal steep, splintered wooden steps. “I haven’t gone down there in years, bad knees,” she said with a laugh. “You’re welcome to have a look if you want, just canned food and old yard decorations.”
You hesitated, not really wanting to venture down into the dark basement by yourself, but you could tell Martha wanted you to see the place and you weren’t entirely sure how to say no to such a nice old lady. 
The faint smell of mildew prickled at your nose as you descended, resting your hand gingerly on the wooden railing beside you. You were hesitant to put your full weight on the thing, not sure it would support you if you actually fell. 
“The third step from the bottom is a little loose,” Martha warned from the top of the stairs, “I’d recommend going over it, old thing’s going to give way any day now.” 
As you stepped over the loose board, you spotted a light switch on the wall, flicking it on. It didn’t do much to illuminate the basement, but you could see a little more clearly now. Boxes of old yard statuettes were scattered around the cement floor, a frog holding an umbrella poking out of the top of one. A metal rack with various canned foods stood to the left of you, corn, wax beans, condensed milk. 
“There’s a gun cabinet under the stairs,” Martha called. “My husband used to hunt. I’ll give you the key with the house-keys just in case,” she said. 
You doubted you’d get the urge to go for a hunting trip, but you nodded at Martha before heading back up the steps.
“I’ll come by once a month to check on things,” Martha said. The two of you were outside now; she had showed you where the tool shed was as well as a small woodshed stocked with logs for the fireplace. You’d have to chop them yourself, she said, when the pile got low, but you shouldn’t be needing them until winter. Lots of time to learn, she’d assured you. 
Why did she just assume you didn’t know how to chop wood?
You didn’t, but still.
“Matthew will be up more frequently though,” she said gesturing towards a wooden barn just across from the main house. “We board horses up here to make a little extra money, Matthew’s the stable-hand. He comes up every day, but he keeps odd hours so don’t be surprised if you don’t see him.”
Martha gave you her phone number when she left, as well as Matthew’s, her daughter’s, and the neighbors; though you doubted you’d ever see them given how much land was between the houses out here.
You had decided to stay in the guest bedroom, it just felt too weird sleeping in someone else's bed. The walls were a dark blue-green, with an orange floral print scattered across them. A leafy plant sat in the window, shrouded partly by orange linen curtains that fell to the floor. You sat back against the metal headboard, pillows propped behind you.
Fiddling with a small notebook you had placed in your lap, you began to think of your friends. Randy and Sidney had both given you their college addresses before you left, but you never bothered to write or call. 
Maybe you didn’t have to cut them off completely. You didn’t have to call them, no pressure of a conversation. You could start with a letter, you didn't even have to send it.
You leaned further back against the pillows, clicking your pen, not sure what to say first. It had been so long since you had heard from either of them.
Did they miss you? Did they hate you for cutting them off? Did they wonder why your old phone number wasn’t working anymore?
You took a deep breath, trying to push your worries out of your head as you exhaled.
You began to write.
Tag list (comment to be added): @imagininghim @witxhy-lexx
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mymoonagedaydream · 4 years
Only the Good Die Young (Part 2)
Summary: Angry and terrified, you were just glad to have Bucky looking out for you- even if you weren’t sure how long that would last
Pairing: Biker!Bucky x y/n
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Language, implied smut, anti-religious sentiment throughout, harmful relationship with parents, smoking, panic attacks, some offence may be caused to people who enjoy economics
Author's Note: Who doesn't love a sequel? Maybe even a cheeky little series... This one is heavily influenced by 'Vienna', but I sprinkled in ‘The Longest Time’ too. This whole Billy Joel thing might’ve gotten on top of me a little...
Bucky’s bike shuddered to a stop outside an old, dilapidated apartment building. The cold air was deep in your bones and your arms felt like they were frozen in place around his waist. As soon as the engine died he jumped up and spun round, holding your head in his hands and rapidly scanning his eyes over your face and arms.
‘You alright? They didn’t hurt you did they?’ You gave him a reassuring smile and shook your head, prompting him to drop his hands down to your bare shoulders. ‘Man you’re freezing, c’mon let’s get inside.’ 
You let him wrap his leather jacket around your shoulders and guide you to the door. As you climbed the stairs your phone buzzed in your pocket, but you ignored it- even if it wasn’t your parents, you weren’t exactly in the mood for chatting. 
Bucky unlocked a grubby door and you followed him through it. His apartment was sparsely decorated and a little messy, but you’d take anything over shag carpets and crucifixes on every wall. He kicked an old pair of trainers out the way of the door and muttered something about how he would’ve tidied if he knew you were coming. You smiled up at him, just happy to be somewhere safe and peaceful.
Your phone buzzed again, more sporadically. Must’ve been a flurry of texts. Bucky heard the vibrations and stopped frantically tidying, his eyes moving down to your pocket and filling with concern. 
‘That them?’
You shrugged feebly and reached for it, feeling your whole body tense up when you started reading the string of messages from your mother.
Answer the phone now
You’ve chosen a criminal over your own family
If you don’t come back now that’s it, no more support
This is your last chance
Your heart started pounding and you struggled to catch your breath. A sudden, sharp pain shot through your chest, making you feel dizzy as you began trying to frantically pull air into your tightening lungs. 
Bucky pulled you over to the sofa, sitting you down and encouraging you to take deep breaths, your eyes still glued to the screen. More and more messages were coming through, only interrupted by the occasional phone call that you sent straight to voicemail. You felt him softly stroking your back, his other hand moving towards the device clamped between your whitening knuckles.
‘Maybe you should just take the phone off the hook, disappear for a while.’ He gently tugged it from your hands, feeling your slight resistance. ‘It's alright, you can afford to lose a day or two.’
You nodded, wiping a tear off your cheek. Bucky switched the phone off and pushed it to the far side of the coffee table, keeping his eyes fixed on you. You knew he was right- staring at your phone like that was just another way of letting your parents get to you. How the hell did he always know exactly what to say?
He scooched closer and pulled you into him, leaning the two of you back into the sofa cushions. You were still making an effort to maintain controlled, deep breaths, but the rest of your panic was offset by the overwhelming safety you felt being wrapped in his arms. 
Completely exhausted, it was only a few minutes before you started nodding off. 
You were so grateful that your abiding memory of one of the most terrifying days of your life was soft fingers running through your hair and the faint smell of cigarettes.
Loud banging jolted you awake. 
Your eyes flickered open and you looked over to see Bucky standing by the window, one hand braced against the glass, staring intently at something below him. 
‘There’s cops outside.’ 
Banging again. 
You were still trying to figure out whether you were awake or dreaming. He folded his arms and turned to face you, the complete lack of concern on his face making you feel a little better.
‘They’ve been down there for a couple minutes already.’ He chuckled. ‘We should probably go see what they want.’
Bucky opened the front door and you saw three officers waiting outside- one right on the doorstep, one a bit further back and another leaning against a marked car parked on the road.  
‘Are you y/n?’ The closest piped up as soon as you appeared in the doorway.
‘Yes, why?’
‘Your parents have reported you as kidnapped, they gave us his name.’ The officer glanced over to your companion, looking remarkably unimpressed. ‘James.’
‘Hi Terry.’ Bucky grinned, folding his arms and leaning against the opened door. 
You were in complete disbelief, quickly trying to string together some kind of response whilst bracing yourself for being tasered and tackled to the ground. 
‘I’ve not been kidnapped.’ Well that definitely wasn’t high on your list of sentences you expected to say today. ‘I’m sorry, my parents have wasted your time.’ 
Terry’s eyes darted between you and the suspect, looking as though he was trying desperately to find something amiss. After an uncomfortably long silence he eventually drew a blank, nodded and apologised. You heard a gruff chuckle next to you.
‘Stockholm syndrome, officer. Ain’t it a bitch.’ Bucky remarked through a smug smile. 
The cops piled into their car and the two of you traipsed back upstairs. As you properly registered what had happened, you felt anger brewing in your chest. Jesus, did your parents really think everything would just go back to normal if they got him arrested? Even for them that was absolute madness. 
When you got into the apartment you slammed the door behind you, prompting him to spin round.
‘I can’t believe they did that.’ 
‘Really? I sorta can.’ He chuckled.
You looked up at him, clutching your forehead in exasperation and letting a hot tear fall onto your cheek. ‘I’m really sorry Bucky, I didn’t mean to drag you into this shit.’
‘Woah, woah. Please don’t cry.’ He pleaded softly, placing his hands on your shoulders. ‘I hate it when people cry. I never know what to do.’ 
You let out a trembling laugh at the panic in his voice, wiping your face and forcing a feeble smile. He pulled you into a tight hug and pressed a kiss into your forehead. Unable to hold back your tears, you buried your face deep in the crook of his neck in an attempt to hide them.
Any adrenaline you’d built up from your high-stakes escape had long worn off, now you just felt deflated. Admittedly you were a little scared too, after all you’d only known Bucky properly for a week and here you were basically moving in together.
‘We should get out of town for a while, let tempers settle a bit.’ He whispered. ‘I know a place we can stay.’
After getting you properly kitted out with a warm jacket and helmet, Bucky packed himself a few days worth of white t-shirts and underwear. Following him to the door, you glanced over at your phone and hesitated, debating whether or not to grab it. 
‘Let them worry.’ He whispered, wrapping his hand around your wrist and leading you out.
You drove for an hour or so, the warmth from Bucky and the steady vibrations of the bike soothing you into a tranquil relaxation. Your eyes surveyed the scenery whizzing past, watching the suburban landscape fall away, replaced by huge expanses of grass dotted with trees and the occasional old farm building.
He pulled off down a gravel side road, eventually reaching a small campsite. A couple tents were pitched, most of them inhabited by parents with miserable-looking children, all of whom expressed great distaste at the volume of the motorbike. When it finally stopped, you lifted your head and surveyed your accommodation for the next few days.
A trailer. If only your dad were here, his face would be an absolute picture.
You really didn’t mind though, it looked pretty cosy and you weren’t exactly in a position to turn anything down. 
‘Sorry it’s not much.’ Bucky smiled as he helped you off the bike and unlocked the door.
‘It’s great, Buck.’
You threw your stuff down in the bedroom before flopping on the sofa. Bucky opened up the fridge and offered you a beer, looking faintly shocked when you accepted and took a sizable gulp. He sat himself down next to you and ran his eyes over your face, frowning at your distant expression.
‘You good?’
‘Just thinking, trying to figure out how the hell I’m gonna solve all this.’ You sighed, taking another swig from your bottle.
‘What's the hurry about?’ He lifted his feet to rest them on the table. ‘You're so ahead of yourself, seems like sometimes you forget what you need.’
You narrowed your eyes at him, watching as he casually took a drink and stared out of the window, as if he hadn’t just come up with some of the most insightful shit you’d ever heard.
‘How are you so good at this, Buck? How do you know exactly what to say and do all the time?’
‘Y’know.’ He shrugged. ‘Parents suck, been there myself. Yours are too invested in your life, mine were the opposite I guess.’ 
Thinking on it, you did remember a couple incidents from school- Bucky having to sit out gym class cause he didn’t have a kit or getting picked on for wearing the same clothes for a week straight. You started to feel a little guilty, you always just assumed he was lazy or forgetful. 
There was probably much more to it, but you got the impression he didn’t want to talk about it so you swiftly moved on.
‘Thanks, by the way. You didn’t have to do all this for me. I mean we barely even know each other.’
‘We went to school together for like ten years.’ He laughed, nudging you with his elbow.
You gave him a cynical look. ‘Yeah, but we actually spoke maybe three times?’
‘You knew I always had a bit of a crush on you though, right?’ You snapped your head towards him in complete shock. ‘Oh c’mon, I wasn’t exactly subtle about it.’
‘I think you fucking were.’
‘Well you always hung around those weird Christian kids so I never made a move or anything, but I knew there was something different about you. Something in your eyes.’ He grinned. ‘Itching for rebellion.’
You burst out laughing, nodding at his analysis- here you were living in his bloody trailer, he was obviously right. 
‘There’s a grill outside.’ He finished his beer and jumped up. ‘I’m gonna make some hotdogs.’ 
‘The only food we’ve ever eaten together is hotdogs.’ You chuckled, leaning your head to the side.
‘We’re livin’ like trailer trash so we gotta eat like trailer trash, sweetheart.’
It was a warm evening. You lay back on the grass outside the trailer, staring up at the starry, cloud-dusted sky, taking the opportunity to decompress your mind after the last few days. You never imagined it was possible to pack so many intense, conflicting emotions into such a short space of time.
You heard Buck move over from where he was cleaning the grill, laying himself down next to you. He was close by, but not quite touching. You got the impression that he was worried about overstepping your boundaries but, while you really appreciated how considerate he was, all you wanted at that moment was to curl up in his arms. 
He turned his head towards you. ‘What is it you do at college?’
‘Economics.’ You felt your eyes glazing over as you replied, Christ you hated it.
‘Was that your choice?’
‘What do you think?’ 
You decided that closing the gap yourself would be the easiest option, saving him some internal conflict. You rolled onto your stomach and moved your shoulders over him, resting your head on his chest. He smiled as you heard the thumping in his chest quicken slightly. 
Once you were settled on him, you added ‘I wanted to study literature, but my dad said that a degree in being able to read wasn’t worth the paper it was printed on.’ 
He brushed his hand across your hair, humming gently. ‘And what did your dad want you to do with this thrilling economics degree?’
‘No idea. But if I had to guess I’d say college, job, marry, kids, retire, die. The first four probably within the next few years.’
Bucky let out a surprised laugh. ‘Jesus. You barked that out like a well-trained dog.’ 
You feigned outrage and smacked him on the shoulder, causing him to grab your hand. He squeezed it and brought it to his mouth, pressing his lips gently against your fingers. Glancing down, he noticed you looking a little distant again.
‘Trust me, you're doing fine.’ He placed your hand back on his shoulder. ‘You can't be everything you want to be before your time.’
‘It’s not that, it’s just… my dad wanted a secure life for me, sometimes I think it was wrong how much I resented him for it.’
‘That’s the thing about you.’ He put a hand behind his head and craned it up to catch your eyes. ‘You can see when you're wrong, but you can't always see when you're right.’
‘Well they say opposites attract, James.’ You gave him a cheeky grin, raising your eyebrows in response to his outraged expression.
‘C’mere.’ He growled, flipping onto his side and grabbing your waist, pulling you towards him whilst you playfully resisted. 
You eventually relaxed, letting him hold you flush against his chest, one of his arms underneath you circling your waist and the other resting lightly on the side of your face. Both your hands were fiddling with the jersey fabric of his t-shirt in an attempt to soothe your jittering nerves. When you went to adjust yourself, you realised that your leg was hiked up over him, your inner thigh resting on his hip.
‘You shouldn’t go back if you hate it.’ He whispered. 
You raised your eyebrows, suspecting that your wellbeing wasn’t his only motive for suggesting that. 
He continued through a faint smile, ‘and, y’know, maybe I'll be sorry when you're gone.’  
‘Finally we get down to a confession?’
‘Well the way I see it, doll-face, you can get what you want or you can just get old.’ He swiftly flipped you onto your back, causing you to yelp faintly through a surprised laugh. You felt his body pressed on top of yours, his face hovering just a few centimetres away. ‘Besides, I’ve been a fool for lesser things.’
You moved your arms to circle his neck, feeling your stomach tremble as his grin grew wider. His gaze flickered down to your lips, brushing his thumb over them gently before lowering his face and locking you into a passionate kiss.
You adjusted your legs so that your thighs were squeezing his waist. His hand reached down to grab one of them, squeezing it firmly. He caught your faint moan in his mouth and chuckled in response, sliding his other hand underneath your shirt. His skin was cold as hell but it felt incredible, like faint electricity was passing between his skin and yours.
There on the grass, underneath the stars and the bright glow of the moon, you and Bucky slept together for the first time. 
Everything that’d happened, all the confusing emotions of the past few days, completely melted from your mind. For the first time in your life you felt completely free and completely loved. 
Christ, you hoped he’d still feel the same in the morning.
Part Three
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liquidminecraft · 4 years
End Update Ideas
The End as a dimension in Minecraft is in dire need of an update, and I’d like to throw about some ideas and suggestions as to what that could include.
Firstly, outside of the End. The Overworld and Nether need to have things that hint at the existence of the Ender Dragon. This new archaeology mechanic appears to have that as a pottery piece, but it needs more. A player that has never heard of Minecraft before should be able to become aware of the End, of the Ender Dragon, and that the Ender Dragon should be destroyed. On that note too, while story and Minecraft don’t really mesh that well together, we need some kind of motivation to kill the Ender Dragon so it doesn’t feel like we’re barging into something’s home to murder it. The Strongholds could be made a bit more inspiring than just a dark hall infested by the generic darkness spawning gang.
As for the Ender Dragon fight itself, I think it’s fine right now. I suppose the platform you spawn on when you enter the End should be tweaked to always spawn on the island instead of at a distance forcing you to make a mad scramble bridge-making exercise to the island.
World Generation
The islands of the End need a serious overhaul. Right now they are nothing more than just white blobs. They really need to take advantage of the floating islands thing and have far more vertical variation. Force a player to build towers up to the next one, or to feather-fall down. There also should be some cave generation inside the islands. There should be some new blocks added to the generation to break up the monotony. Firstly I think gravel and packed ice could fit in here and there, though maybe some new blocks as well.
End Biomes
Like the Nether Update, the End’s landscape will best be broken up with the introduction of new biomes. The world generation should work so that each island has its own biome without sharing. Here are a few suggestions of mine:
End Barrens: The old End, spiced up with a new worldgen a few extra blocks as mentioned above. Also, the central island with the End Dragon can remain untouched. Small patches of chorus trees can still show up, but reduced.
Chorus Forest: A very lush biome. Several varieties of chorus tree grow here. Dominating the islands are giant trees at least as large as the obsidian spikes in the dragon fight, with roots spreading throughout the entire biome. The usual variety fill the biome, and there are smaller shrublike plants. While the regular trees can be smelted into purpur bricks, this giant tree provides you with purple planks, a deeper purple than the Crimson Forest planks. There are mods that add a purple grass to the End, but this looks hideous. A more vine-like effect on the Endstone would be better. I’m on the fence on whether the forest should just rest only on the top of the islands or dangle from the bottom as well. There should definitely be two varieties of forest, purple and that teal of the End Portal frame, so maybe these two forests can fill those two roles. The growth spreads to the island caves in any case. Also, since it’s called a “Chorus” forest the background noises need to be an alien choir.
Ice Caverns: These islands have very large caves, which are filled with ice and water. These caverns have their own little dangers, but Endermen will never spawn here providing a bit of an End oasis. Their exteriors are poorly distinguished from the End Barrens; you have to go digging for them.
Some additional ideas could come from different shapes of islands. Thin wafer islands, shattered islands, stuff like that. I have a couple of more ideas that revolve around certain blocks or mobs, which I’ll elaborate on when I get to them.
Generated Structures
Gravel bridges: I’ve always loved the gravel ledges that spawn around the Nether that fall down if you disturb them. So I feel we need them to spawn as a deliberate dangerous terrain features. Large structures composed purely of gravel will sometimes span the gap between End islands. The slightest disturbance, such as an Enderman picking up a piece, will send it plummeting into the void.
Enderman Settlements: Places similar to the Bastions in which the Endermen live. Maybe the End Cities could be repurposed, I don’t know. One idea I had is that they would live in much larger structures made from hollowed islands. Or maybe they’re overtly artificial islands. Have some mechanics to allow for peaceful interaction with my Enderboys.
Ruined Nether Portals: Similar to the ones in the Overworld, these portals were used by the Endermen in their first ventures to the Nether before they could do it individually. Built taller than Overworld portals, and have Endstone bricks instead of regular stone. The Nether landscape spreading back through is Warped Forest themed, with the Nylium and even some Warped Fungus trees, since that’s the Nether biome they live in.
Ruined Summoning Circles: Shattered obsidian spikes that clearly formed a structure similar to the central End island. I took this from an End mod that managed to get something worthwhile in.
Blocks and Items
Not every block, but some key ones. I’m more imaginative with landscapes and mobs than mechanics.
Purpur but Teal: Maybe called Turqur or something. Unlike Purpur which is baked (which is pretty cool and unique honestly) I feel this should be an ore to mine out. The End is sorely lacking that right now. Like Purpur it’s just decorative, but hey we need a teal brick.
Chiseled Blocks: Chisled variants of Endstone, Purpur, and the new teal one, because I love the pictures chisled blocks always have.
Purple and Teal wood: Like I mentioned before. Logs and planks and all that.
Some kind of leaf block: For the trees. I had an idea they’d be some sort of metallic structure, like natural solar panels or something. No clue other than that.
Mercury: A third liquid for the game, since Endermen hate water and the End is too cold for lava. Lots of mods add some sort of purple lava, but I feel something more real was in order. It should have some unique flow mechanics. You get a poison effect if you swim in it. Rivers of it flow in the forest biomes, and maybe it can have a swamp biome dedicated to it with large lakes and weird End pads floating on it to step on.
Endermen: Have a severely reduced spawning. Currently they swarm the End milling about doing nothing, but since they’re a sapient species (we assume) they should act as such. They still swarm the central island, but in the outer islands they spawn only in little patrols like Piglins do in the Nether, and in larger groups in specialised End Settlements.
End slime: Since there’s Magma Cubes in the Nether acting as Nether-slimes, there should be an End equivalent too. I feel they should be like balloons; they start as the smallest form and grow larger and deadlier until the largest one just dies.
Undead Endermen: I’ve always been fascinated by the undead afflicting different Minecraft species; humans, villagers, piglins, and I feel the Endermen should not be immune. I’m leaning towards zombie Endermen spawning in the darkest caves of the lowest islands.
Enderswarms: Some kind of flying insect about the size of the player. Have a “hive” biome dedicated all to themselves where they build their nests, introducing new kinds of blocks like some sort of Endwax. Can also spawn in little hunting parties across the End, and are always hostile. I don’t want to imply they’re a sapient species, just complicated.
A passive flyer: Like how you have the Strider to traverse Magma seas, there should be something you can tame in the End to ride and fly about. It should be very difficult to tame. I’m picturing something like a squid, but made deliberately different from the Ghasts.
Ice predator: An aquatic mob that spawns in the ice caves biome I mentioned. Lurks in the water and is super dangerous, just to keep you on your toes inside those caves.
I suppose Endmites should be able to spawn naturally. Every biome that I’ve mentioned should have a unique mob to inhabit it and make it feel like a living place.
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myhouseidea · 4 years
A Space that brings in nature and inherits cultural memory. In Chinese culture, it’s always said that there is “earth” and “heaven” amidst mountains and rivers and the root of everything lie between square (fang) and round (yuan). With the “wheel” of the era moving forward, how do human habitats nowadays bring in landscape and natural things?
#gallery-0-6 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-6 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
– Vigor – Each piece of gravel and wooden beam pays tribute to nature, and injects simplicity into the bustling city. Sunshine is the warmest nourishment from nature. The semi-open corridor features floor-to-ceiling glass, and the wooden texture creates a simplistic style, all of which helps to break spatial boundaries while blending the space with nature. As the light falls into the negotiation area, each piece of wood is enlivened, and the space is infused with freshness.
Origin – Local sea fishing culture – All rivers flow into the sea, though without the same source. The sea fishing culture in Zhanjiang carries the original aspiration and memories of the local people. The designers analyzed, summarized and extracted unique symbols of the sea fishing culture, and incorporated them into every detail of the sales center. At the entrance foyer, a “picture” on the wall comes into view. By use of different materials such as metal and acrylic, it depicts the daily scenes of local fishermen. Complemented by sunlight and lighting, it takes visitors to embrace the sparkling sea and sunrise. The long black bench characterized by charred wood texture embodies the simple living attitude of subtropical people — obtaining materials from local sources. Above it hangs a decorative painting that draws inspiration from fish fossil, and the bookshelf nearby incorporates boat elements, all of which responds to the local cultural context.
Inheritance – Combination of the dense and sparse – Taking cues from grass mat weaving — a traditional local craft, the pendent art installation above the property model display area inherits profound historical culture via a simplistic and artistic form. With flexible wires interweaving with each other, it seeks to create a tranquil ambience in a free manner. Echoing with the empty ceiling, it appears more aesthetic and dynamic. Spatial aesthetic is not merely about innovation and making breakthrough, but also about inheriting and conveying culture. The book bar is magnificent, which fully draws on the purity and simplicity of nature. The natural wooden texture unifies the visual effects, and seems to immerse people into a forest. Sunlight shines onto books and play with shadows, which produces a serene and peaceful atmosphere. Besides, the shells, clay sculpture and woodblock print add vigor to the tranquil space, and strike a balance. Nature – Poetry of plants and flowers – In the current era, spatial aesthetics is expected to bring daily life back to nature and nurture the soul with simplicity. Design is a magic that creates a sense of rituality for life and also carries the pursuit of poetry and dreamland. Green plants are utilized to create landscape in the model display area, which perfectly blends the art of nature with the aesthetics of living spaces. In addition, the negotiation area also brings in real flowers and plants, allowing people to capture nature at every step. Imagination – Kids’ Play Area – Azure blue and wood color collide in this area, which releases infinite imagination. As encountering with calming wood, the dynamic blue breaks the elegant, simplistic ambience, and creates visual contrast. The half-height partition wall marks off an area that records the happy time kids spend there. Furniture is carefully selected for the space. The unique sofa upholstery fabric that mixes linen with gold threads, the exquisite rattan chair, as well as the end table which features perfect combination of metal edges and a top cut from travertine, all present distinctive characters while harmoniously blending into the entire space.
– Interactive area – Continuing the wooden texture and borrowing Japanese design style, this area is a fully open interactive space. The step-like structure broadens the field of view, balances with the serenity and unity rendered by wooden textures, and hence makes the space more flexible and inclusive. Simple elements are adopted to produce fascinating effects, which is perhaps the greatest charm of the design. Every piece of wood and beam of light here is capable of calming the mind and soul. The design well integrates modern art and natural aesthetics, and brings life to its original simplicity.
Project information Project name: ZOINA AUSPICIOUS OMEN SALES CENTER Location: Zhanjiang, China Decoration design firm: Das Design Co., Ltd Design team: Cui Duan, Fu Zhiheng, Qiu Limin, Chen Liwen Completion time: January 2020 Area: 495 m2 Photography: MConcept, Zhao Dimin
Zoina auspicious omen sales center A Space that brings in nature and inherits cultural memory. In Chinese culture, it's always said that there is "earth" and "heaven" amidst mountains and rivers and the root of everything lie between square (fang) and round (yuan).
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theopenrhode · 4 years
Guide To Alaska: the Dalton Highway and Barrow
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(This is part 1 of our 4 part Alaska series) Alaska is enormous. Measuring over 663,000 square miles, it is double the size of Texas. There is no possible way to see even a fraction in a trip, but in 2 weeks we conquered a good portion! Many people visit Alaska via a cruise ship, but that is barely scratching the surface of this massive state. We crafted an ambitious itinerary covering hundreds of miles with a lot of planning and research. Alaska is ready for tourism and their site, alaska.org, is amazing, It’s filled with must see sites, accommodations, drive times between destinations, packing guides, and more. It was incredible resource as we plotted our trip. 
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We touched down in Fairbanks and had only one day before we were on our next flight. In truth, Fairbanks isn’t the most exhilarating city but we found plenty to keep us busy. We spent our afternoon at the Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitor’s Center which is free and had some exhibits on the history of Alaska. Just outside the entry is the Antler Arch comprised of over 100 antlers collected from interior Alaska which makes for a great picture. We concluded our time at Pioneer Park which is a historic village that features old buildings from downtown Fairbanks, a Gold Rush street, a carousel, and train. Our first night in Alaska we also caught a very fleeting view of the Northern Lights lasting only minutes.
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The next morning, we hopped back on a plane headed for Barrow, Alaska, the northernmost point in the United States. Barrow is a pretty unique town. It is 320 miles North of the Arctic Circle and has 2 months of complete darkness each year. The town will occasionally see a polar bear, though that is rare. We stayed at a brand new hotel, the Top of the World Hotel, which had basic lodging and a small restaurant. Food in Barrow is very expensive due to the logistics involved in transporting food to the town. We dined at Osaka Restaurant, a Japanese restaurant in a bright orange building and the food actually wasn’t bad!  Our tour of Barrow was from a local who has lived in Barrow for years, Mike Schults ([email protected]). This is not your traditional tour, but if you are looking for something more authentic, he’s the guy to call. He picked us up at the Barrow airport wearing head to toe camouflage and a necklace with a polar bear tooth. We hopped into his SUV and toured the town…we stopped at his house where the landscaping is atypical…he and his wife have made ‘palm trees’ with the baleen from whales. Baleen is keratin derived system that toothless whales use to filter what enters their mouth. We drove through the small town, the school with it’s bright blue football field, the Inupiat Heritage Center, and 2 more ‘unique’ stops. First, we stopped at a friend’s home who had a walrus head decaying in the yard and second, we stopped at his brother’s museum. Joe’s Museum is an eclectic collection of antiques, taxidermy animals, Barrow artifacts and it has been visited by Sarah Palin. There is no cost but a plate where you are asked to make a small donation. It’s quite the mishmash of items and not the place to go if you are expecting a formal museum! Our tour concluded with a must visit in Barrow..the giant whalebone arch sitting on a beach on the Arctic Ocean. I’d also advise dipping a toe into the Arctic Ocean…it’s frigid! A quick overnight in Barrow as we did is likely all you need to see the sites and get a sense for the incredible resilience it takes to live so far north. Oh and bundle up…the wind is bone chilling!
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We flew back down to Fairbanks to embark on the next leg of our adventure. Here we picked up a rental car and hit the road. Our goal was to drive the Dalton Highway, a 414 mile gravel road up to Prudhoe Bay traversing some of Alaska’s most remote wilderness. This highway runs parallel to the Alaskan oil pipeline for a good portion of the way, crosses the Yukon River and is chiefly used to bring supplies to oilfield workers. It begins in Livengood, reaches it’s halfway point at Coldfoot, and ends at Deadhorse on the Arctic Ocean. Because of the road conditions, most rental car agencies will not allow you to take their rental on this road but there are a few agencies who do and their cars are all equipped with spare tires and the ability to rent a satellite phone. We used Arctic Outfitters with no problems. 
Chena Hot Springs
Before we started our journey along the Dalton, we made a few stops. North Pole, AK has Santa Land and millions of children mail letters to Santa here each year. They also have the Antler Academy with a few reindeer roaming the property. Here we toured around the most Christmas-like of all stores loaded with every possible Christmas decoration…children would love it here! We then detoured to Chena Hot Springs Resort located about 60 miles from Fairbanks. They are known for their naturally heated geothermal springs, a very established ice museum, and some spectacular Northern Light displays. We didn’t take a dip in the springs (the sulfur smell is aggressive!) but  did visit the ice museum which they keep year round at 25 degrees. We were impressed by the size and the large sculptures which they illuminate beautifully and there’s even an ice bar where you can grab an icy appletini. Admission is $15 USD and they loan you a parka to put on for your visit as it is quite chilly in there!
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The Dalton Highway
Next up, that Dalton Highway! Our plan was to drive to Wiseman which is slightly beyond Coldfoot and the halfway point. Coldfoot was named as travelers would often get cold feet as winter approached and turn around at the midway point. Mostly, we decided on that stopping point for 2 reasons 1) we actually had a layover in Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse on our way to Barrow so we had seen it and 2) you can’t actually get to the Arctic Ocean from Deadhorse without a special permit/shuttle as it is on private oil lands.  Grab a snack at Wildwood General Store at the start of your drive and get moving. There are a couple of signs stating Dalton Highway that are must stops too. We followed the itinerary from the Alaska website with our most notable stops being the Yukon river crossing and the Arctic Circle crossing. The drive itself was beautiful with thousands of acres of woodlands and and long straight roads. We fueled up at Coldfoot and pressed onto to Wiseman, 63 miles north of the Arctic Circle. If you are traveling this far, you must stay at the Boreal Lodge. The husband and wife team here have hand crafted all of the cabins. The Polar Cabin we stayed in was very well done with rustic decor, a tiny kitchen and comfortable bed (cost $160 USD/night). We had a wonderful time exploring the wilderness around the Lodge marveling at the towering Brooks range and the owner even let us try some gold mining loaning us a pan (no success!). This was a LONG way to travel but we felt it really gave us a sense of the wide open expanse of Alaska and we felt accomplished when were returned our mud covered Jeep at the end. 
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The muddy end of the journey! Click Here for Part 2 of our Alaska Series! Alaska is enormous. Measuring over 663,000 square miles, it is double the size of Texas. There is no possible way to see even a fraction in a trip, but in 2 weeks we conquered a good portion! Many people visit Alaska via a cruise ship, but that is barely scratching the surface of this massive state.  In our four part guide we cover everywhere from the northern most point of the USA (Barrow) to beautiful Homer, AK. While you are can't travel now, it's the perfect time to dream about your next adventure. This is part 1 of our 4 part Alaska series. You can read all 4 parts by visiting http://champagnetraveling.com/category/adventure-travel-destinations/united-states-and-canada-travel/united-states/ Be sure to follow us on Instagram @Champagnetraveling  #alaska #HIking #mountains #roadtrip #ChampagneTraveling #Denali #Barrow #anchorage #homer #AK #59thstate #travel #traveling #roadtrip #baldeagle #AlaskaAirlines #Daltonhighway #alaskanadventures #alaskahighway Read the full article
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meteor-writes · 4 years
#FFF41 - Blooming Blossom
Man I thought I’d do a shorter one this week and then ended up having to edit it down to get 1000! How does this happen ??
Thanks @flashfictionfridayofficial! This prompt is my dream during lockdown ♥️
Queen of the Night - 1000 words
The crickets were chirping when Ava unzipped her tent. The sky was a dull pink and the thin trees of the park dim in the reclining light. She hoped she still had time.
Grabbing the laces of her abandoned shoes, Ava tiptoed out. In her pockets, lay her phone, wooden pencil and the worn botany book she’d owned since she was nine. Around her neck hung her small pair of binoculars and they swung as she hopped between the sharp stones.
Behind, Ava could hear the buzz of laughter from tents followed by the metallic crunch of empty cans being crushed in enthusiastic fingers. She wasn’t interested in partying though. That’s why she picked her way across the campsite barefoot, silently wincing as she grazed a Lego brick engulfed flames.
Luckily, Ava had pitched close to the edge, and soon flopped down on a boulder, jamming her dust-covered feet into dust-covered shoes. No one would believe they were red at the start of her trip.
Now fully shoed, Ava strode up the dirt path. Her skirt whipped around her legs but with the bird song waning, she didn’t have time to go back for an extra blanket. Instead, she shoved her hands into her hoodie pockets and hastened her ascent.
It had been mere hours since Ava had wandered the botanical gardens. She had been considering returning that night but, ever the eaves dropper, she overheard some interesting words.
‘Ferris Villa are having one of their blooming parties again.’
This was barely of interest until the response came: a gutted sigh.
Instead of standing up after photographing an interesting succulent, Ava pretended to adjust the focus, ignoring the fact her camera was permanently set on auto.
‘One day.’ Another woman replied dreamily, ‘one day I’ll walk in that paradise garden.’
‘Hey, maybe you can!’ Her friend cried, ‘go up on Amaranth Ridge tonight and look over like we did when we were kids.’
‘Hah. Yeah. And bring my kids too, they love it when I ruin their naptime with flowers that bloom once a year.’
Ava’s ears pricked.
‘Alright, maybe give it a few years.’
With a bolt of laughter, their footsteps retreated and Ava dug out her phone. Amaranth Ridge. It wasn’t too far from the campsite. And zooming in on the map, revealed an enormous white house knitted into the landscape. Not only that, the mansion was set inside a sprawling sculpted garden with bold lines and undulating curves, stairs leading to new levels and bridges linking each sector and, though the image was blurry, Ava could just about make out huge cactuses lining every corner. She grinned at the phone. This was where she would witness the night-blooming cereus.
Ava hurried up to the ridge as the sun dipped under the horizon. There was light glowing from the city below and as Ava approached the ridge her breath caught in her throat.
The garden was closer than she’d even imagined. The various decks  worked their way up the opposing hillside, reaching just a story below her. And each stone staircase was decorated with potted flowers and hanging plants that spilled like waterfalls into the lower levels.
On the ground, creamy gravel paths weaved between plots of lettuce-like succulents and tiny bejewelled cactus’s. And, to Ava's delight, the entire place was lined with three foot tall cactuses, bowing into climbers. Then she noticed, right below her seat, a gathering.
Instinctively, Ava jumped back. She may be spying innocently, but these people seemed to have a lot of money. Best to stay hidden. So Ava laid down on the cliffside and shimmied up to the edge. She rummaged in her pockets, placing the book at her side and twirling the pencil like a baton. Then she lowered the binoculars onto her eyes.
The party below wasn’t much like the tents. The guests were dressed up in glittering skirts and open neck ties. They each held glasses and with a pop, were suddenly being poured something spouting and fizzing.
‘How long til this thing starts then?’ A man asked, quickly downing the the bubbles before they boiled over.
‘Soon.’ A woman replied. She was extra regal, with silver hair tied up in a fancy-looking swirl, chest left open to frame a gigantic ruby hanging off her neck. The owner, Ava assumed, feeling not in the least bitter as she stabbed her pencil into the ground.
She checked her phone. 10:55. She flicked through her dog-eared book, peeling apart pages that seemed stuck together with glue.
“Queen of the night - Peniocereus greggii - one can find this rare pearl in-”
‘Oh look!’
Ava scrambled for the binoculars.  
Right in the centre of the sprawling cactuses, a single flower had bloomed, bright white like a chunk of the moon had fallen off and landed there. Ava cursed herself for missing it. But then, her mouth fell slack.
A second later, the entire garden was blooming, bursting with a hundred white stars. Buds flicked open all along the stems, wrapping around stones and trunks alike. It was like watching fireworks exploding all at once, dazzling the darkness in a sudden display.
Ava shuffled closer, watching as another corner went from dark to light, a bulb igniting in the middle of a black ocean. She could barely contain her excitement, scribbling down the time and day before switching to her camera.
Bless her sister for gifting her a zooming lens!
Now, Ava could see the flowers every petal. They were like sunbursts. Outer petals thin and inner forming a cup, dotted stamens glittering like champagne bubbles - a glass of nectar for the birds and moths.
Ava took several pictures before the insects began descended and the light flickered too much. Then, she rest her elbows against the stone and breathed deeply the smell of vanilla, watching the gardens and guests below. The flowers would wilt before dawn. But it was hours until then. So she stayed sitting, and soaked it all in.
This story was inspired by the night blooming flowers found in Arizona, USA, I read about here :)
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pastoralgothic · 5 years
Decorative Stamped Concrete Walkways Poll Of The Day
Comparable to flagstone but a great deal smoother this rock flower pattern showcases smaller sized stones and borders a backyard pool.
If you want to work out the cost of pavers for a certain project, we even have a ​paver costs calculator​.
Considering the fact that there is not any curing time with paving stones, the paver installation is able to use immediately on completion. Also, In case the grading occurred to get somewhat off or settling occurred later down the line, the pavers can certainly be readjusted to right the issue by eradicating them, regrading the trouble place and replacing the stones.
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This copyrighted material might not be republished without Categorical permission. The information presented Here's for general academic uses only.
Regarding price, paving stones are looked upon as one of many only hardscape products that instantly add value to your home on installation. Provided that the paving stones were being installed by a top quality crew and are appropriate with the rest of the house, one can hope a return on expense (ROI) of as much as 75% for the paved patio. The ROI will fluctuate dependent off several components which include holding period of time, residence benefit, etcetera.
The early strength within the concrete could possibly be bigger if it is held moist through the entire curing technique.
Warm climate is sort of right here! Our family likes to Enjoy game titles, spend some evenings popping corn and watching motion pictures, or simply chill out outside your home through summer season.
​The concept of including shade to a pathway might sound foreign to some. The idea of a walkway having to be considered a dull slate grey will not be. The color of the sidewalk might be used to boost the seem of your own home or to include style to an otherwise dull exterior.
Curved pathways are much extra casual than straight pathways. They guide your visitors via your landscaping and exhibit the purely natural beauty of your private home.
We also can improve your concrete challenge with stamped decorative concrete and landscaping services.
To get started on, you’ll need a several logs of any size, slice them off, lay the slices out with a bed of sand and let them choose your walkway to a distinct amount of style. Complete off by putting sand and gravel around the slices to fill the gaps concerning rounds.
We don't demand a dime! Our estimate assistance is one hundred% free of charge. We don't request ANY economical facts and you'll use us as many times as you want. You do not have any obligations. We find you skilled concrete sidewalk pros that finest meet the needs within your challenge, but if You're not absolutely satisfied with the estimates delivered, You aren't obligated to move forward. We do the job with a huge selection of concrete sidewalk providers to supply best support... The Masonry Execs within our community focus on all kinds of concrete sidewalk jobs for example foundation, patio, driveway, pathway, and a number of other residence renovation and home enhancement tasks.
With the two most common paving materials in your mind, selecting between patio pavers or concrete slabs continues to be a tricky activity. To help you decide which of The 2 paving supplies are ideal for your house, We've got in contrast Every single of their costs and Added benefits.
The concrete may be stained to virtually any coloration you are able to think about by mixing different pigments with each other until eventually they achieve the popular coloration. There are methods to color your pathway to appear like stone, which is naturally a far more very affordable decision than the actual use of stone.
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ozpebbles · 11 months
How to Pick the Right Decorative Stones for Your Garden
Imagine walking through your garden, the lush greenery swaying in the breeze and the aroma of fresh flowers filling the air. Add a sprinkle of glamour to this picture with the perfect decorative stones. While plants are the main actors in your garden's theatre, Decorative Stones for Gardens enhance the entire performance. They can be the highlight of your walkways, the texture amidst your blooms, or the backdrop for your outdoor sculptures. Like the jewels in a crown, they complete your garden’s look.
Choosing the right stones can be overwhelming because so many types are available. You can choose from Garden Stones Pebbles or White Stones for Garden. But don't worry! In this blog, we'll guide you through four key tips to help you select the perfect decorative stones for your outdoor paradise. So, let's get started!
1] Consider Your Garden's Theme
The first step in selecting the right stones is considering your garden's overall theme or style. Do you have a modern, minimalist, or traditional, rustic garden? You might choose smooth Natural Stone Pebbles for a sleek, contemporary look. In contrast, Tumbled Pebble Queensland or Crushed Stone Queensland would complement a more rustic or natural setting. Make sure the stones you select harmonize with the existing elements in your garden to create a unified aesthetic.
2] Keep Functionality in Mind
Stones serve more than just an aesthetic purpose. They can also be functional, providing paths, edging, and drainage solutions. Stone Pebbles Landscaping can offer a natural pathway through your garden, directing foot traffic and adding structure.
You can choose Crushed Rock Landscaping materials if your garden has water pooling or erosion issues. These materials help with drainage and stabilize the soil. Think about how your decorative stones will serve your garden practically and visually.
3] Choose the Right Color and Texture
Color plays a crucial role in setting the mood and style of your garden. Light-colored stones like White Pebbles for Landscaping can brighten up darker areas. They can make small spaces seem larger.
In contrast, darker stones can add depth and create a sense of intimacy. The texture is equally important. Smooth, polished stones offer a different look and feel than rough, natural stones. Consider how the color and texture of your stones will interact with your plants, furniture, and other elements in your garden.
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4] Size Matters
While large boulders can create striking focal points, smaller pebbles, and gravel can fill in gaps and provide a cohesive look. The size of the stones you choose will depend on their purpose and the scale of your garden. You should go with larger stones for a more substantial look for pathways and large areas. Smaller pebbles or gravel may be more appropriate for filling between plants or covering the soil. Consider the proportions to ensure the stones fit well within your garden's layout.
Picking the right decorative stones for your garden is about aesthetics, functionality, harmony, and scale. Remember, your garden is an extension of your home, and the stones you choose should reflect your style while adding to the garden’s utility. 
Ready to make your selection? Visit Oz Landscape Supplies for a wide range of high-quality decorative stones and pebbles. Whether you’re looking for something to enhance the beauty of your outdoor space or solve a practical issue, we’ve got you covered. Happy gardening!
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landscapeusa · 5 years
Ten Decorative Yard Gravel Tips You Need To Learn Now | decorative yard gravel
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from WordPress https://landscapeusa.club/ten-decorative-yard-gravel-tips-you-need-to-learn-now-decorative-yard-gravel/
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Six Baudelaires AU, Part One {AO3} {Read from the Beginning}
Chapter Eleven → in which the Baudelaires meet their next Guardian
“Lousy Lane smells like shit.” Nick muttered to Solitude, who giggled. Klaus leaned over Violet to elbow him in the ribs, and Violet pushed him away, huffing in annoyance.
Poe’s car sped past the sickly gray fields surrounding the road of Lousy Lane, a handful of bitter apple trees dotting the field.
“Technically,” Violet said, staring over her brother’s shoulder and out the window, “It smells like horseradish.”
“I hope,” Mr Poe said, coughing slightly as they made a turn on the road, “That you will find the countryside a pleasant change.”
“Perhaps.” Lilac said, staring out the window blankly, only really paying attention to the landscape and the reflection of Sunny kicking her legs.
“I think you’ll like Dr Montgomery, too,” Poe said. “He has travelled a great deal, and I’m sure that means he has plenty of stories to tell.”
“Bax.” Solitude muttered, looking up at Nick, who still held her and had refused to let her out of his sight the last two days. She meant, “So long as this relative doesn’t try to kill us all.”
Nick nodded, and Klaus asked, “How is Dr Montgomery related to us?”
“Dr Montgomery is your father’s cousin’s wife’s brother.” Poe answered, after another cough. “He’s a scientist of some sort.”
“What should we call him?” Lilac asked.
“You should call him Dr Montgomery,” Poe replied, “Unless he tells you to call him by his last name, so you’ll call him Montgomery, or by his first name, in which case you’ll call him Montgomery.”
Nick instantly beamed. “His name is Montgomery Montgomery?”
Lilac shot Nick a glare, as Poe said, “Yes, and I’m sure he’s very sensitive about that, so don’t ridicule him.” He paused to cough, before saying, “‘Ridicule’ means ‘tease.’”
“We know what ‘ridicule’ means.” VIolet said.
“What sort of scientist is he?” Lilac asked, as Sunny pulled her older sister’s ribbon from her dress and started to gnaw on it; Lilac gently shoved her, and Sunny guiltily handed it back.
“I’m afraid I don’t know.” Poe admitted. “I’ve been too busy making arrangements for you six to make chit-chat. Oh, here we are!”
The siblings all looked out the windows, and after a pause, Nick said, “Well, Li, there’s your answer.”
As Poe’s car pulled up to the steep gravel driveway to the enormous stone house before them, they could see a vast, green lawn, covered in shrubs and hedges that had been trimmed to resemble long serpents. They seemed to lead to a maze slightly to the left, and as the children got out of the car, they all felt a bit nervous, as if the hedge animals were watching them. Solitude leaned over slightly, looking at the closest hedge, but Nick pulled her back.
They walked up to the house, and Poe, barely even glancing at the shrubs, said, “Now, Klaus, don’t ask too many questions right away. Nick, please be polite.”
“I am always polite, how dare you?” Nick said, and Klaus once again elbowed him in the ribs. “Fuck, Klaus!”
“Language!” Lilac snapped.
Nick flipped her off, which Poe thankfully didn’t see. “And someone, please make certain that the twins don’t bite him.”
“Why would we bite him?” Klaus asked blankly.
“Not you, the twins.”
“We’re the twins.” Nick sighed. “Soli and Sunny aren’t.”
“Of course you are.” Poe said. He stepped up to the door and rang a loud doorbell. The siblings all stiffened, and Nick hugged Solitude a bit more. Sunny leaned against Lilac’s shoulder, and Klaus grabbed onto Violet’s hand.
The door opened, and a tall, smiling man said, “Hello, hello, hello! You must be the Baudelaires!”
He stepped back so that they could enter the house, and they walked into a large, brightly-lit foyer. “This is perfect timing,” he said, grabbing a large dish that held several slices of cake, each put onto its own plate, “As I have just finished frosting this coconut cream cake. Go ahead, take a plate!”
The children all hesitated, looking to Lilac, who inspected the cake a moment, before taking one herself, grabbing a fork from the edge of the dish. Violet and Nick reached next, and then Klaus. Solitude took one plate, having to use both hands to hold it, and thus not taking a fork and simply leaning over and biting off a chunk, frosting getting onto her face.
“Doesn’t Sunny want a piece?” Dr Montgomery asked.
“Our sister prefers very hard foods.” Lilac replied, looking down at the infant, who was scanning the room.
“Very unusual for an infant,” Dr Montgomery said, “But not so much for many snakes. Perhaps Sunny would like a raw carrot?”
He produced one from his pocket, and Sunny’s eyes lit up. “Uyuh,” she said, which meant, “That would be lovely.” She took the carrot, starting to gnaw on the edge.
“Dr Montgomery-” Violet began.
“Oh, please, none of that ‘Dr Montgomery’ stuff.” their new guardian said. “Call me Uncle Monty!”
Violet bit her lip, and Klaus said, “Um, what are you a scientist of?”
“Klaus,” Poe said with a disappointed tone, “Don’t ask him too many questions, now-”
“Oh, that’s quite alright!” Monty said with a grin towards Klaus. “Questions show an inquisitive mind. I’m a herpetologist, children, do you know what that means?”
“Well, ‘ologist’ means the ‘study of.’” Nick said carefully.
“Snakes!” Monty said excitedly. “I study snakes! I circle the globe looking for different reptiles to study here in my laboratory! Isn’t that interesting?”
“That does sound interesting.” Lilac said carefully. “Isn’t it dangerous?”
“Not if you know the facts.” Monty said. He turned towards Poe, and said, “Mr Poe, would you also like some cake?”
“Oh, no, I really must be going.” Poe said, before pulling out his handkerchief to cough into. “Remember, children, if you need to contact me, you can always call me at Mulctuary Money Management.”
“The children won’t be needing anything from you.” Monty said quickly. “The children are in my care, and I will be dedicating myself to their safety, comfort and happiness as enthusiastically as I dedicate myself to my studies.”
Suddenly, and very quickly, Klaus said, “Our parents’ fortune can’t be used until Lilac come of age.”
“Klaus!” Poe admonished. “Don’t be rude! Though, legally, he is correct.”
“I don’t give a fig about the Baudelaire fortune,” Monty said. “What with my salary from the Herpetological Society. Though, as a scientist, Klaus, I do admire your skepticism. It’s understandable after what you children have been through.”
“Ah, you must be referring to that unpleasantness with Count Olaf.” Poe said, before coughing into his handkerchief. “Well, that’s all over and done with, isn’t it? I’ll see myself out. Goodbye, children.”
“Goodbye, Mr Poe.” Lilac said.
“Sayonara.” Soli giggled, meaning, “Good riddance.”
“Yeet.” Sunny said.
Poe turned and left, and as the door closed behind him, Monty said, “I do hope you children will forgive me if I seemed rude to him, but frankly, that man ruffles my scales. ‘Unpleasantness with Count Olaf?’ He’s the one who put you with him in the first place! But it does not matter; you are safe now, children. Just like your parents would have wanted.”
The six siblings exchanged looks with each other, and Lilac said, “Dr Montgomery-”
“Monty, please.”
“Monty,” Lilac said, “Did you know our parents?”
Monty looked surprised. “Why, of course I did! Didn’t they ever tell you about me?”
The siblings shook their heads.
“Well, that is surprising.” he said. “We practically grew up together! Come with me, your rooms are upstairs.”
They followed him up a large staircase and as they did, he pointed to a photo on the wall. “See? There we are.”
The photo was only of a grand piano. “There’s no one in that picture.” Nick said.
“We’re locked inside the piano.” Monty said simply. “Oh, we were so young. Well, come along.”
The walls of Monty’s house were decorated with photos of reptiles of all sorts, and on the second floor, Monty showed them a large selection of rooms. “You may each have your own, if you like,” he said, “Or I have some guest rooms with double beds, if two of you would like to share.”
“We can choose our own rooms?” Nick asked, excited.
“Of course!”
“And we can each have our own?” Lilac asked.
“Yes, of course! Who would force you all to share a room in such a large house?”
“Count Olaf did.” Klaus said.
“Oh, right, of course.” Monty looked upset. “What a horrible man. Well, you children pick your rooms, and then meet me at the stairs, and I’ll show you my reptile room!”
Solitude looked up curiously. “Serpentium?” she asked, meaning, “What reptile room?”
“My sister would like to know what you mean.” Nick said quickly.
“Oh, well, you’ll see soon enough!” Monty said excitedly.
Hesitantly, the children nodded, and after he left, Nick said, “Do you think we can trust him?”
“He seems nice enough.” Violet said.
“I don’t like this.” Klaus said quietly. “Why wouldn’t our parents mention him to us if they knew him?”
Lilac pushed a braid behind her ear, and said, “Just… stick close to me, but… for now, I think we’ll be alright. Probably alright sleeping in separate rooms if you want.”
“I want to share with Nick.” Klaus said quickly. “I don’t like being alone.”
“And I want to stay with Soli.” Nick said.
“Same.” Soli nodded, cuddling up against her brother.
“Sunny can stay with me.” Lilac said. “Violet, you should probably get your own room, though. If we share a room, we might rip each other apart.”
“I guess.” Violet shrugged. “It’d be nice to have some space. And you guys won’t bug me about sleeping in.”
They smiled a little, and went to pick rooms close enough to each other.
“Are you children ready?” Monty asked excitedly, leading them down the staircase.
“I guess.” Lilac said. She glanced over at Klaus, who was now the one holding Sunny, still biting on the carrot.
“Now,” Monty said, as they approached a large door inbetween two staircases, covered in gears and complicated mechanics, “Baudelaires, I am about to show you one of the most important scientific collections in the history of the world! Spies and rivals in the world of herpetology would eat nine garter snakes to get a glimpse of the wonders inside this room. This door has been installed with a top-of-the-line security system.”
He hit a panel on it, and the gears started turning and whirring, a small bulb lighting up. Lilac and Violet, fascinated, stared at the door as Monty continued, “You  can’t get inside unless you have nineteen keys, three combinations, two fingerprints and one optical scan.”
Then, he smiled and said, “Or, as I share with my most trusted associates… by turning this doorknob right here.”
He pressed the panel again, and the gears stopped, and he simply turned the knob and opened the door. Nick let out a small laugh, while Klaus bit back a grin.
“This,” Monty said, opening the door wider so that the siblings could step inside, “Is the Reptile Room.”
Lilac stepped inside first, followed closely by Violet and Klaus. The second Nick entered, he glanced down at Solitude to see her eyes light up completely. The glass-walled room was filled, almost completely, with reptiles of all sorts, lined in different cages all across the room, some locked, some open. Violet stopped beside a glass cage with what looked like a winged toad, while Lilac stared at a lizard that looked vaguely like an owl. Klaus glanced between the animals for a bit, and then, excitedly, ran over to the far wall, which was covered top-to-bottom in books on reptiles.
“That’s a two-headed cobra!” Nick said, recognizing an animal. He ran over, and Soli put her hands against the glass, eyes wide.
“Well spotted!” Monty said, and then he held out his arm and, amazed, the children watched a lizard fly down from a perch on the ceiling and land on his hand. “And this is a Winged Lizard. You see its yellow belly? A sign of camouflage and cowardice.”
“Whoa.” Solitude said, eyes locked on the animal.
“Does this snake have three mouths?” Violet asked.
“It does indeed.” Monty nodded, smiling.
“Froggy!” Solitude called, and a small brown-green frog with what looked like a black mask marking hopped across a table, looking over at her. She leaned over, and it leapt into her hands, and she let out an excited squeal. “Froggy!”
“That is one of the smallest frogs in our collection.” Monty said. “But size is no guarantee of power, is it, Solitude? That frog is very long-living, can switch genders at will, and is incredibly adaptable. You can name them if you like.”
Solitude looked like Monty had just given her the world, and the tiny frog hopped onto her shoulder. She giggled as it curled up against her, as if preparing to fall asleep on her sleeve. “Babbitt!” she cried with delight. 
“This place is amazing.” Lilac said, looking up at the tall glass ceiling.
“Thank you.” Monty said. “It’s taken a lifetime to put together.”
“And we’re allowed to come inside?” Violet asked. “And read these books?”
“Allowed?” Monty repeated. “You are not simply allowed, you are implored to come in!”
“Dr Montgomery?” Klaus asked, his face suddenly falling into an expression of slight suspicion.
“Yes, my boy?”
“What’s under that cage? With the cloth on top of it?”
Monty’s eyes gleamed, and he said, “Good question! Come here, children, come here, and allow me to show you our newest addition.”
The children all followed Uncle Monty to the corner of the room, where a huge, towering cage sat, covered in a white sheet. Soli leaned over, almost falling out of Nick’s arms in an attempt to peer through it. Sunny leaned over, too, and Klaus, in annoyance, put her onto the ground.
“This, my dears,” Monty said. “Is a new snake which I brought over from my last journey. My assistant, Gustav, and I are the only people to have seen it. Next month, I will present it to the Herpetological Society as a new discovery.”
With a flourish, Monty grabbed the cloth, tossing it off the cage. Inside, the Baudelaires could see a large, black snake, that looked art them with emerald-green eyes. The snake uncoiled itself, moving closer, with Soli and Nick’s eyes glued to it in fascination. It was larger than any snake they’d ever seen before.
“I discovered it,” Monty said, “So I get to name it.”
“What’s it called?” Lilac called.
Uncle Monty smiled. “The Incredibly Deadly Viper.”
At that moment, the snake jumped forwards at the door of the cage, and when it flew open, before anybody could say or do anything, the Incredibly Deadly Viper fell onto the ground and bit Sunny right on the chin.
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Things to Consider When Hiring a Landscaping Company in Bird Key
What Kind of Services Do They Offer?
Typically, most homeowners choose to hire a full-service landscaping company in Bird Key. This tends to simplify the process as it allows you to only deal with one party for the entire landscaping process. If you are starting fresh, it is good to consider a company that does designing and lighting. If you need ongoing maintenance on your yard, be sure to ask about their irrigation, planting, weeding, and lawn care services. It is also essential to see if they offer both commercial and residential services.
Are They Eco-Friendly?
If you are looking for a more eco-friendly option, make sure that your new landscaping company can help you achieve that goal. Some of the most environmentally-conscious yard care and design professionals specialize in a unique technique called zeroscaping. Zeroscaping applies rocks and gravel and often cacti to reduce the amount of water the yard maintenance requires. You can also ask them if they use pesticides or all-natural pest control options.
What Do Their Designs Look Like?
Just like a fashion designer or interior decorator have their own unique style, so does a landscaping company. Before selecting a company in Bird Key for your outdoor installation, be sure to take a look at pictures of their recent designs to see if their style matches the look and feel you are going for.
What Are Their Clients Saying?
After you get an initial consultation with your landscaping company, it can also be beneficial to see what other clients are saying about their work. Check online reviews and don't be shy to ask for a few client references. Don't be afraid to ask these references the hard questions about turn around time, quality of work, etc. With contractors, it is vital to check on their level of integrity.
What Kind of Products Do They Use?
A yard design company in Bird Key is only as good as the products they use in your yard. Make sure that the soil, plants, tools, and other items they use are top quality!
Can They Meet Your Yard Design Goals?
Not every landscaper has the ability to do certain yard design items like lighting, rockscapes, and water features. If these outdoor elements are particularly essential to you, don't settle! Find the landscaper that can make your backyard dreams come true.
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quarterfromcanon · 6 years
Heather & Valencia - Femslash February - Day 17 - Cold [2,838 words]
“Um... guys? You might wanna come take a look at this.” 
The cushion of the sofa dipped beside Heather when Valencia joined her at the window. Paula and Rebecca leaned over the armrests and pulled back the lace curtains. The group gazed through the frosted pane at the rolling hills that had transformed into a wintry world overnight. 
Rebecca squealed. “It’s even better than I expected! I know the weather called for snow but look at all that!” Her nose bumped the glass as she craned to take everything in, and she pulled away from the frigid contact. “Oh, it’s so much prettier when there aren’t cabs driving through it and city grime isn’t turning the drifts all gray and gross. The view from my mom’s house was okay, but nothing like this.” She sighed. “Well, ladies, I think you know what this means.”
“Photo sesh?” Valencia shifted to access the phone in the pocket of her space onesie.
“Snowman contest?” Paula rubbed her hands together. She grinned in the dangerous way that told them all they were toast before construction even began.
“Sledding?” Heather suggested. She dropped to a seated position and leaned against Valencia’s biceps.
“Okay, yes to all of that,” Rebecca pointed at each of them in acknowledgement. “But for the grand finale...,” she paused for dramatic effect and shimmied, “... snowball fight!”
“Oh boy,” Heather murmured. She watched the competitive gleam ignite behind the eyes of the other three women. “This is gonna be a bloodbath.” 
They broke off in separate directions. Paula wandered down the hall to wake Scott and Tommy; Rebecca went to the loft for the end of Nathaniel’s morning exercise routine, and Heather and Valencia headed back to their room to change clothes.
Scott cooked them all breakfast beforehand -- a task which, to be fair, was no small undertaking given conflicting dietary preferences. Paula sat perched on a stool nearby, ready to intervene in the event of a crisis. However, Scott made it through the endeavor with minimal profanity and only one fleeting incident involving his apron and an open flame. The end result was an admirable improvement over the quality of his culinary skills several years ago. Strategic seasoning masked any mildly crispy edges.
“He’s getting better,” Paula noted quietly to the girls. She crossed the floor and give him a peck on the cheek. “Good job, babe.”
Scott beamed.
Once everybody was fed, fully dressed in adequate layers, and equipped with tissues for runny noses, they trooped out of the rented cabin and into the frozen landscape. The photo session came first while the neatness of everyone’s ensemble remained intact. It was agreed that Nathaniel, Scott, and Tommy could be spared on-camera participation in exchange for behind-the-scenes help getting the perfect shots. This entailed holding back tree branches that cast unwanted shadows, standing side-by-side to block glaring sunlight, and tossing gloves full of flakes into the sky so the Gurl Group would appear to be caught in the middle of heavy snowfall. The edited results were approved by all parties featured, and Paula goaded their assistants into a single commemorative picture with their mitten thumbs raised and semi-forced cheerful faces.
Snow angels met with more unanimous enthusiasm. Rebecca and Heather stood beside one another, shared a glance and a nod, then dropped backward as if they were letting themselves fall into a pool. Scott and Tommy gave each other teasing kicks with their boots every time they slid their legs in a broad chevron. Paula observed the father-son bonding from a short distance away while she made her own outline of a spiritual being. Nathaniel’s and Valencia’s approach to the activity was significantly more tentative and involved a great deal more grimacing. Once they got settled, however, they began to embrace the fun. Nathaniel’s long limbs produced very impressive wings and a flowing skirt. Valencia’s angel gave the impression of a certain grace despite the fact that her main goal seemed to be brushing Heather’s gloves with her own on each upward stroke of her arms. 
They divided into teams for the snowman contest. An hour was the chosen allotment for their creations to take shape. Additional materials were both allowed and encouraged, which caused the subsequent flurry of activity to be particularly chaotic. Their shouts echoed over the treetops. Friends narrowly escaped collisions while running and stumbling over the soft ground. 
Rebecca and Nathaniel constructed a suitably scrawny Harry Potter. He was equipped with green M&M eyes, a red licorice lightning bolt scar, a broom from the kitchen pantry, and Rebecca’s scarlet and gold scarf. Surprising absolutely no one, building the beloved protagonist led to a steady stream of magic-related innuendo spoken in undertones, the extremity of which ultimately prompted Rebecca to cover the boy wizard’s nonexistent ears. “Oh my god, contain yourself. There’s a child present.”
Heather and Valencia rendered extra roly-poly versions of their cats, Shadow and Esperanza, with stick whiskers and playfully curled tails. Esperanza had her signature queenly bearing and expression, while Shadow’s gravel eyes were upturned in pure adoration. Heather tracked down a couple of decorative glue yarn balls and wedged them beneath their pets’ paws. 
Team Proctor reached football-game-at-a-bar levels of raucousness as they worked on their entry. The Peeps for Peace t-shirt Paula slept in the night before got tugged onto their snowman’s body. They balanced a few thin logs of firewood on its shoulder and secured a hammer from Scott’s toolbox in its hand. Tommy drew a lackadaisical smirk on the snowman’s face and styled straw for the hair. When their efforts were complete, a Snow Brendan stood before them, built to scale and adorned with a heroic blanket cape.
“I wanna cry foul for emotional manipulation,” Rebecca confided to Valencia afterward, “but it’s just, like, so cute I can’t even get mad.” Valencia begrudgingly inclined her head in agreement.
To her credit, Paula managed to blink back her tears and genuinely smile for the photo they saved to send real-life Brendan later, informing him of his role in the family’s success.
The prospect of voting on hills for sledding was too daunting, so the group settled for the first drop-off they found. The guys were extended the offer to go first, due to the limited number of sleds in their possession, and they gladly accepted the chance. Nathaniel shifted from one foot to the other and brought his palms together in a muffled clap. 
“This is a race, right? There’ll be a winner?” 
Heather thumped her hand against his jacket with an indulgent shrug. “Sure, bud.” 
Nathaniel pumped his fist in the air. “Yes!” 
Scott and Tommy exchanged looks. Paula, Rebecca, Valencia, and Heather all clung to each other for support and made their way down the slope to help verify who reached the bottom first. 
“Good luck, honey!” Paula called. 
“Channel that Slytherin energy!” Rebecca paced like a coach. 
Heather nudged Valencia’s arm and angled her head. Valencia’s brow furrowed but then, following the line of sight, she got the hint.
“C’mon, Tommy!” she whooped. 
“Yeah, Tommy, you’ve got this!” Heather chimed in with her fist held high. Tommy’s chest puffed out and he readjusted his grip on the plastic toboggan.
Paula grabbed a fallen branch and dragged it through the snow to delineate the end of the path. The four judges shouted the starting cue in unison -- almost. “On your mark, get set, go!”
Scott’s style of descent was traditional but effective. Tommy barreled down the hillside on his stomach. Nathaniel’s technique reminded Heather of the luge participants from the Winter Olympics, unwavering serious features and all. Tommy and Nathaniel were neck and neck for at least three-fourths of the race but, in the home stretch, Tommy’s lean frame made him just enough faster to cross the finish line mere seconds before Nathaniel did so. 
Nathaniel was clearly frustrated by the loss but, the minute he saw Tommy’s broad grin, the irritability visible in his brow and jaw smoothed into nonexistence. He lifted his chin and approached his competitor for a congratulatory shake. “Well done, Proctor. Excellent form.”
Tommy’s eyebrows quirked at the odd formality. He clasped Nathaniel’s hand and brought him in for a couple of genial slaps on the arm. “Thanks, man.”
The girls reluctantly ascended to the crest of the rise for their turns -- an arduous journey with an entire chorus of grumbling and winded breathing. The uppermost layer of snow caved beneath Valencia’s boot and she yelped, but Heather caught her elbow and prevented the fall. 
“My hero.” Valencia secured her forearm over Heather’s to prevent a second slip.
“Full disclosure, I would’ve laughed my ass off if you slid back down the entire hill when we were this close to the top, but I also knew you’d be really pissed, so...” 
“You’re not wrong.”
Heather chuckled and hip-checked Valencia, but not hard enough to throw off their matching stride.
They arrived at their destination with a collective relieved exhale. Paula and Heather set up their respective sleds. Rebecca clambered behind Paula and held onto her shoulder blades. “Take us home, Mama!” 
Heather fronted the second toboggan while Valencia surrounded her in a tangle of limbs. “We’ve got this in the bag,” Valencia declared with confidence. 
“I mean, totally, but what makes you so sure?” Heather asked.
“Because, if you get us there first, I’ll --” Valencia noticed Paula’s and Rebecca’s attention on her. She cupped Heather’s ear and whispered the rest of her incentive for so long that Paula pretended to check an invisible watch. 
Heather’s eyebrows disappeared beneath her beanie. “Well, shit.”
“Ah, damn it,” Paula lamented.
“She promised her NC-17 stuff,” Rebecca seconded with a pout. “Now we’re really gonna have to pull out all the stops to beat them.”
Though it was not for lack of trying -- including an unsportsmanlike sideswipe midway down the incline (“Craterface ’em, Paula! It’s our only hope!”) -- they reached the bottom of the hill a heartbeat after Heather’s triumphant first place achievement. Valencia covered the side of Heather’s face in a barrage of kisses.
“Yeah, all right.” Paula fished out her camera. “Get over here so we can take a picture of our three winners, ya horny monsters.”
Valencia and Heather posed on either side of Tommy for the photo. Heather affectionately ruffled the boy’s hair and the pink in Tommy’s cheeks deepened to a bright red.
The only event that remained was the snowball fight, and its onset sparked an immediate change in atmosphere. Much like Heather predicted, no one showed any signs of restraint over their hunger for victory. They crafted forts in near silence, already coiled for the siege. Direct hits qualified as ‘out’ while a graze with a snowball meant a one minute pause behind the player’s designated barrier. Teams were the same as the divide during the building contest.
Tension rose while everyone hunkered down and waited for the first throw. 
“We probably should’ve figured this part out before --” Heather remarked, but her words were drowned out by Rebecca’s battle cry.
Heather crouched low. “Here we go...”
The cloudless sky was blurred by a torrent of tightly packed spheres. 
“Trebuchet!” Tommy boomed.
Heather’s and Valencia’s fortress stood firm but the sound of multiple piffs of impact reached their ears even over all the yelling.
Things went eerily quiet after that. Heather peered over the wall. “The Proctors are entering No Man’s Land.”
Valencia peeked around the side. “Rebecca’s walking out to meet them. Nathaniel’s spotting her.”
What followed was a rather comedic standoff in which Rebecca lost her nerve after meeting Paula’s determined gaze and took off screaming. She zigzagged as per Nathaniel’s frantic advice and barely evaded being struck at least half a dozen times. Nathaniel’s tongue tucked into the corner of his mouth and he wiped out Tommy with a snowball square in the middle of his back. Tommy swore colorfully but accepted his fate. 
Seeing an opportunity as the chase neared their station, Heather aimed a round of icy ammo at Scott’s chest and made a hit. 
Rebecca’s panic became a single, loud “AAAAAAAAAH” before she lobbed a ball over her shoulder without warning and somehow pelted her best friend in the face. 
Paula’s vocabulary surpassed even Tommy’s creativity - like mother, like son. Rebecca apologized profusely and supplied her scarf for a towel. When Paula wiped the snow away, she cast a glance around and realized which players remained. “Ohoho, it almost makes it worth it just to watch this,” she cackled darkly.
“Bring it on, Plimpton.” Valencia tensed with a murderous scowl. Nathaniel rose to his feet.
Their other opponent veered toward the encampment, and Heather planted herself between Rebecca and Valencia.
“You and me, Davis,” Rebecca challenged. “Moi et toi. I’m unstoppable now!” 
Heather darted forward without hesitation. Rebecca had to swerve to avoid the attack. Valencia hurled a snowball with all her might and then ran full-tilt in search of a better location to strategize. 
Rebecca and Heather wound up traversing uneven soil and tripped simultaneously. From that point on, they were both too busy giggling to pursue each other in earnest. They faked left and right and jogged in circles. When they found themselves face-to-face again, they reached the unspoken decision that enough was enough. Heather separated her snowball into two, one for each hand, and Rebecca held her arm at the ready. Rebecca’s fingers whacked against Heather’s side while Heather sandwiched Rebecca’s face between both palms. They erupted in uncontrollable laughter and hugged.
“Oh, come on!” Paula groused from her seat on the cabin steps. “Where’s the carnage?”
Scott tapped her knee and pointed to the far side of the clearing. “I think that might be coming up.”
Valencia wove through a copse of trees. She held her coat in a cup formation stuffed with snowballs that were perilously close to leaving the makeshift pouch. Her arm windmilled every so often with remarkable force, leaving her tracker to dodge the sudden breeze past his ears. Nathaniel paced himself with an armload of ready-made orbs condensed for swift delivery. Those he let loose tumbled to the earth or broke against bark on the trunks. Nothing found its mark.
“Make a stand and take your shot, V!” Heather projected the command to carry across the distance between them. 
“Yeah, avenge your lady!” Tommy added from the porch railing.
The adversaries returned to the middle of the playing space and paused to catch their breath. 
“Yoga and spinning are non-confrontational,” Valencia panted. “This is seriously not my area of expertise.”
“Follow your gut,” Paula recommended, although her tone and premature wince indicated that she was not optimistic about the outcome.
Nathaniel wound back his arm. Valencia did as her friend told her and took action on instinct. She launched herself at an angle, shoes-first, to glide past Nathaniel’s feet. He adjusted the throw and caught her on the clavicle. Her snowball flew back at a curve and nailed the small of his spine.
The assembled companions reacted as one with exclamations and applause. Nathaniel held out a hand for Valencia. She stood without assistance and shook the outstretched palm. 
“Good game?” Nathaniel said cautiously.
Valencia bared her teeth in a terrifying smile. “Prepárate, gigante. Próxima vez, peleamos en mis términos.”
Nathaniel gave a respectful nod. “Comprendo.”
They returned to the warmth of the cabin, exhausted but happy. Rebecca helped Nathaniel remove his silver and green scarf and they commandeered the coziest couch in front of the fireplace. Paula went in search of extra towels and blankets while her husband and son retreated to the bathroom to drape their wet winter gear over the tub. Heather and Valencia walked to their bedroom and the waiting comfy clothes in their luggage.
“Oh my God, my thighs are like a fire engine,” Valencia announced as she sat on the bed. Heather knelt and rubbed the numb skin until the friction started to drive the discoloration away. She received thanks in the form of a grateful nuzzle before Valencia crossed the room to find the fluffiest pajamas available.
While Heather tugged on a sweater and sweatpants, Valencia rolled up an already used pair of leggings and crammed them against the crack below the door.
“What are you up to over there?” Heather inquired without facing her.
“Soundproofing.” Valencia twisted the lock with a click.
Heather climbed into bed and turned down the other side to make space for Valencia. “That’s thoughtful of you.”
“Mm, I figured the others might appreciate it.”
“I’m sure they do.”
Valencia wriggled under the comforter and pulled Heather toward her. “We’ve got at least an hour before dinner’s ready.”
Heather inched Valencia’s shirt collar aside gradually and trailed kisses all the way to her shoulder. “Are you sure that’ll be enough time?” 
“Maybe.” Valencia maneuvered by degrees until Heather was horizontal against the mattress. She tugged Heather’s earlobe with her teeth and wrapped one leg around her waist. “If we start right now.”
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Concrete Supplies Ireland
Homeowners will also notice that this type of project when finished will increase the appearance of their home and give it a more finished look when the work is complete. For homeowners looking for a more original and unique style Imprinted Concrete in Ireland, professional contractors can even create concrete areas that have a visual appearance of natural wood, river rock and even rock salt. The ideas are only limited by your creative thinking and your contractor's expertise.
In the current world, home improvement does not refer only to a stylish and modern interior and a well landscaped garden; it is also about creating aesthetically pleasing driveways and other exterior parts of your home. For many people, the exterior of their home is equally important and they look to come up with a unique and beautiful home and landscape.
Among the first things that may impress your visitors is the quality of your driveway. A plain and simple driveway normally doesn't add the curb appeal of any home. Imprinted concrete driveways, on the other hand, can be a wonderful, attention-grabbing entry to your home. The luxury and elegance after having Printed Concrete in Ireland designed areas incorporated into your property is unimaginable.
You'll realize that the quality of a driveway can add a great impact on the appearance as well the market value of your home or property. Adding a professionally installed imprinted concrete driveway is a wonderful way to instantaneously update and renew the outside look of your home.
Printed concrete driveways come with a number of benefits. It's very flexible and can be used on just about any shaped driveway. As a result of the flexibility of this paving method, the design can be adapted to complement the surrounding area. Such driveways come in different colors, patterns and textures. They are durable, easy to maintain, and during cold climates, it's easy to clear off snow. 
Stamped concrete is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Concrete is poured into a mold containing a metal rebar or fiber frame. Once it begins to harden, the concrete is stamped with fiber molds lined up side by side or rolled on with a roller. Sounds simple enough?
Even though the process is pretty simple, the results are actually pretty impressive. Due to the wide variety of stamp patterns, you can pretty much create any design that you can imagine. You can create the look and feel of English walkway or a cobblestone path. Stamped Concrete in Ireland is flexible enough to accommodate any design scheme or landscaping look.
Having a great imprinted concrete driveway all comes down to proper planning and relevant creativity. Below are some tips on how to make use of concrete patterns to great effect:
♣ Choose the right spot to use the concrete: When you have decided to use imprinted concrete, it's always essential that you have a bigger picture in mind. Firstly, you should determine where the concrete with be put and the surfaces you want to improve. In this case, the right spot should be your driveway. Also, you should consider how much space you'll need for the pavement. Choosing the right spot needs to be the first step since everything else greatly depends on getting this decision right.
♣ Select the pattern: You have to assess your surrounding and make a decision regarding how you would like the area to look like after you are done. You have to select the right pattern, which will bring out the best in your driveway. Some people may be good at this, whereas others may require some help as far as making the right decision is concerned. 
All things considered, you need to create some kind of balance between the surroundings and your driveway. You can choose to ask for opinions from family members and friends who have done this before. You can as well choose to consult the concrete distributors for a couple of tips. There are numerous different patterns and colours to choose from and it all comes down to how you make your choices.
♣ Select the right colouring: You have to make a decision regarding the method to be used for colouring the concrete. You can discuss this matter with the company that is going to supply you with the concrete patterned driveway materials or even do the installations. They normally have a colour chart where you'll get the various available options to choose from. They will also provide you with actual samples which you can look at so as to help you make a decision.
♣ Go for a good, reliable paving distribution and installation company: You should consider working with a good company if you want to get wonderful results. Ensure that the company that is responsible for providing you with the concrete is well-known to deliver good quality products.
♣ Check the pricing: After all, you have a budget to work with and this will determine the kind of imprinted concrete you'll use. Other factors that will affect the cost include the method of colouration and the quantity of concrete to be used. The most important thing at the end of the day has to be the quality of the product delivered. This is what you need to consider quality first when determining how big your budget needs to be. All things considered, your focus needs to be on the quality of the product rather than the cost.
♣ A great border makes a great design: The borders are really essential when it comes to laying out your imprinted concrete driveway. There are so many options to choose from and at the end of the day, it all comes down to what you're looking to achieve. Ensure you select the correct edging because this will greatly determine how beautiful your driveway will look.
♣ Get some great inspiration sources: It might not be that easy to make the correct choice as far as the imprinted concrete driveways are concerned. The decision could be a bit easier when you've got the right inspiration sources. You can visit the company, or maybe visit their website and check out their photo galleries before you make that decision. You can also seek advice from them at the same time.
♣ Don't be afraid to explore options: There aren't any set rules as far as creating great printed concrete driveway designs are concerned. Allow yourself to be creative by playing around with several different ideas.
You may be wondering if you should do the concrete work on your own patio or should you hire someone professional to do it. If you choose the first option, then you are sure to save more money than paying someone for the service. If you are planning to add up a decorative area to your home, like a patio, to host your barbecue parties then you must have the proper Concrete Supplies in Ireland to be assured of a great finish on your patio long before the party.
Choosing the right tools for a concrete project is essential to both the appearance and the durability of the finished product. In deciding how to choose the right Concrete Tools in Ireland, it helps to look at each step of a project, which begins with choosing the right concrete. All concrete is composed of the same elements: cement, sand, crushed rock or gravel and water. However, the elements are combined in varying quantities based on the desired surface appearance and durability of the concrete. 
However, before you commit to a particular paving company, ensure that they have the training and experience necessary to create the design patterns you want from your finished project. Ask to see any previously completed work that they might have previously done for other homeowners within your area. Afterwards, you can make your decision based on what you find out about the particular paving company.
In conclusion, these are just some of the tips that will help you with your project. You will notice that this project, when completed, will improve the look of your home and give it a more finished appearance. The elegance and luxury of having imprinted concrete driveways in your home is unimaginable. This will provide you with driveways that look as though they have come straight out of a magazine. Remember, reputable contractors will be more than ready to answer any queries and concerns you may have before starting the project.
Check Out The Website for getting more information related to Imprinted Concrete in Ireland
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