#decided to have a lil fun doing this one up bc why not lmaoo; its meant to be a lil silly!!
eievuimultimuse · 7 months
CROSSOVER: MVA. ( Monsters vs. Aliens )
➤ NAME: Superfly ➤ POWER: Super-sized ( height is approximately 115ft ) with the ability of flight, as his name would suggest. ➤ ORIGIN: Unknown and still under investigation. Issued permit for personnel to interview subject to uncover details. Report of the interview states that personnel were told to " shove it, " then subject refused to engage further, leaving the results inconclusive. ➤ CAPTURED: 2023 ➤ DESTRUCTIVE POTENTIAL: Capable of levelling cities if left to own devices. Interactions with subject have also led to the conclusion that his acts of destruction are fuelled by a strong dislike for humans.
➤ This big boy here is our most recent addition, SUPERFLY. In August of 2023, he abruptly emerged from the ocean and began smashing through New York City ( COMMENT FROM INVESTIGATORS: We have confirmed that this was with malicious intent, which is inconsistent with our previous monsters ). He was promptly brought down and swiftly contained, putting a stop to his destruction. ➤ Currently investigating just where the heck this big fella came from. The most we’ve corroborated so far is that he was terrorizing New York long prior to the incident — in the form of a series of hijackings and other criminal activity, bizarrely enough. As you can imagine, this only raises more questions than answers. We’re trying to learn more, but he’s been as stubborn as a mule and positively un-coo-operative. So looks like we’re stuck figuring it out in our own. ➤ In the meantime, we’re keeping a close eye on him, making sure he’s playing nice with the rest of the team and our personnel. There’s been no further incidents since his arrival and none since clearing him for face-to-face interaction. It better stay that way. ➤ The nerds upstairs wanted to add: apparently that weird green ooze has ‘mutative properties.’ They seem to think it’s what’s responsible for making him the way he is but they ain’t sure how yet. Thankfully, we already figured that it was some form of toxic waste and had it neutralized upon arrival. If that green crap does what those guys say it does, then rest assured, he won’t be getting any bigger or weirder now that it’s been drained dry. ➤ ANOTHER COMMENT FROM INVESTIGATORS: We are well aware of the other ‘mutants’ ( as they are referred to as ) that appeared in New York and are currently monitoring the situation closely in the wake of their exposure. After reviewing their role in the incident as well as interviewing the subject, we have come to the verdict that they bear no positive association with the subject and thus are not a concern as it pertains to him.
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terushimas-n1-hater · 4 years
Baby sitting 👶
Your parents had to go away for a business trip, and you were left alone with your younger sibling and they help u baby sit them bc yea
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Character(s): sakusa kiyoomi, shoyo hinata, iwaizumi hajime.
Genre: fluff!
Warnings: kids.
An: everyone!! Im the youngest in my family and I never babysat anyone so if nothing makes sense..uh idk just imagine? Also im sorry that hinatas imagine is shorter than the rest. *Mwah mwah* everyone, hope u enjoy!! <3
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໑ sᴀᴋᴜsᴀ ᴋɪʏᴏᴏᴍɪ:
↳ Okay I personally headcanon sakusa being the type that is okay? With kids I guess. Like sometimes in the store kids would stare at him just *👁👁* he would just get a bit confused but would wave at the kid and just continue with his shopping lol. Anyways you invited sakusa over telling him that you wanted to hang out plus your sibling was getting a bit handy and you were tired. He came, did not expect a child but didn't think much of it. You told him you will be making dinner while your sibling sits on the couch and watches TV. He told you no worries he would keep an eye on them, and you trust him sooo why not? Surprise surprise sakusa was on his phone half of the time 😐 but he would like glance and the kid for three seconds and go back to his phone again LMAOO he was chilling till he feels something touch his knee he looks down to see your siblings hand on his knee looking at him. He was confused and asked the child if everything is alright and the kid just? Collapsed on his thigh??? It finally clicked, its either the kid is bored or they're sleepy. Sakusa tried to hold the kid but obviously he never held a kid before so he just uh flipped the kid around till he got it somewhat right AHAHAHHA
He sat the them on his thigh and they let them watch whatever he was watching on his phone. He was scared he would hurt the kid because of his big hands so he was extra careful. Moments later he hears very quite snoring, he looks down to see their head resting on their stomach :(
You left the kitchen for a minute to see how they're doing, to see sakusa sleeping with the kiddo on his chest. You felt bad that you had to wake them up, but its dinner time so you had to :(
໑ ʜɪɴᴀᴛᴀ sʜᴏʏᴏ
↳ okay hear me out hinata is the type that is rlly good with kids for some reason. And he's definitely the type to play with the kids when they're bored or have too much energy. Its really funny watching hinata with a kid. you and hinata were chilling watching TV cuddling and stuff. You looked at the clock and you see it was time for your sibling to go to bed. Ofc its not easy putting these things to sleep, so hinata decided to help!! Basically these two full of energy creatures played just dance! For two fucking hours 👹 hmm? HMM? Why two hours? WELL MABYE ITS BECAUSE THESE TWO KEPT FIGHTING ON WHO WOULD WIN THE NEXT ROUND TILL THEY BOTH COLLAPSED ON THE FLOOR.
You left hinata on the floor and took your sibling and put them to sleep. And came back later to hinata in pain lmaoo. You helped him get up and told him to sleep on the couch 😫
໑ ɪᴡᴀɪᴢᴜᴍɪ ʜᴀᴊɪᴍᴇ:
↳ beef he's good with kids too! But a bit awkward LMAAOO. You invited iwa over an hour ago it was all fun nothing much. He excused himself to the bathroom, coming back minutes later to see you sleeping on the couch while your sibling is?? Where the fuck are they? WHERE IS THE KID SHIT. He looks around the whole house looking for your sibling till boom he sees the little kid in the backyard playing with some toys they took with them back there. He sat down on the grass next to them asking then what the hell they were doing here. All they did is just look at him and continuing playing with their toys.
You woke up looking around to see no one next to you. You got up quickly looking for your sibling thinking that iwaizumi probably left to leave you sleep? Who knows. You look everywhere still not finding that gremlin. You heard giggling from the backyard, you quickly ran to there to see your sibling SITTING on iwas shoulder how tf do i explain this and iwas like SPINNING IN CIRCLES?!?! You wanted to hold in your laughter but honestly you couldn't hold it in anymore 💔This hot mf looks starts laughing with you too and stopped for a sec to admire you and hes just looking starring at you with like HIS CUTE LIL SMILE AND THE KID IS LIKE LAUGHING TOO!?!? COME ON..
Also you and your sibling got tired and decided to sleep on his titties 🥺 very comfortable 10/10
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