#decided for their own safety they shouldn’t excavate again
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miss-guided-ghosts · 2 years ago
Seahenge? more like the new age spiritual movement is destroying valuable archeological evidence and cultural landmarks for the sake of the “vibes of the land”
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theparanormalperiodical · 5 years ago
The REAL Story Behind Sinister (2012), And The 11 Scariest Pagan Gods That You Don’t Want To Bump Into
It’s damn near impossible to find a really good horror film.
No, I mean a really good horror film.
You know, where the plot is winding, and unravels oh so gently until it snaps us back into its web, leaving us tied up in the lair of a monster as it inches closer and closer towards us.
Most horror films simply don’t make the cut.
But in recent years, there is one that does just that, twisting together an incredible plot, a truly terrifying monster, and the subtleties of gore that have you promising yourself you will never purchase a lawn mower again:
Sinister (2012).
That being said, this story of an unforgiving Pagan god and the innocent families that stumble across his path shouldn’t be shaking you to your core - it’s the real, historic legends that inspired this film.
Bughuul/Bagul is based on 3 Pagan gods, bringing the events behind the camera outside of our TV screen. But the thing is, it turns out Moloch, Baal, and Tlaloc are far from the only holy entities you don’t want to cross paths with.
Bughuul might just be more real than you’d like to think.
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What Happens In Sinister (2012) And Sinister 2 (2015)?
Before Bughuul was conjured up from the darkest corners of our nightmares, and before Ellison Oswalt - the main character in the film - even signed the lease on his new house, was an idea.
Sure, the real Pagan gods inspiring Bughuul might be enough to keep you awake at night, but C Robert Cargill, the writer of the film, was inspired by something else at first:
It was a nightmare after watching The Ring (2002).
From here the fundamental building block of the plot was set in place: a supernatural entity spreads itself via films that need to be created and then passed on. The thing is, this being doesn’t channel as much sympathy as we all harboured for Samara.
The starring role of the Super 8 movies in this flick is taken by a far more terrifying being that doesn’t stick to such a rigorous time scale.
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Our story follows a true-crime writer attempting to uncover an unsolved murder case to propel himself back to his former fame. But his distant family and obvious alcoholism are about to be the least of his problems when he accidentally unleashes a Pagan god.
You can’t find a Citizens Advice leaflet on that.
The tale begins when the author, Ellison Oswalt, moves into a new home. The thing is, he has a nasty habit of picking houses nearby to the cases he researches - only this time, he’s shacked up in the house where a whole family was murdered in the backyard and the youngest child went missing.
Nothing creepy here, right?
Oh, there’s a box in the attic with a Super 8 film projector and reels of film which display the murder of several families in their own horrific way.
Our new favourite true crime writer decides to team up with a lovable police deputy who does some digging around the murders. He discovers these murders took place from the 1960s up to present day, and occurred across the entire US. But what connected these murders - aside from that creepy figure in the background of the clips and the symbols - is that a child from each family went missing after the murder.
One quick Skype call to an esteemed occult professor later, and hey presto he’s realised he’s encountered a Babylonian deity known as Bughuul. But you can call him the Eater of Children, a nickname that caught on when they discovered he likes to consume the souls of children.
In case you can’t do the maths, Bughuul likes to have families murdered, and spare a child as a light snack post-murder.
Throughout this process of unveiling the truth of Bughuul, the paranormal activity begins. The steady climb in the supernatural peaks however when he hears the projector running in the attic. He checks out the situation, and realises all of the missing kids are enjoying a movie night - think less Netflix, more bloodthirsty Pagan god - when Bughuul rocks up via an unnecessary jumpscare.
Oswalt then makes the executive decision to burn the film and projector, and then swap this murder house for his previous residency.
Three cheers for common sense!
The thing is, Oswalt didn’t do his reading on basic horror movie monsters - ghosts haunt places, demons haunt people.
(Rooky error.)
Unfortunately Oswalt learns this when he’s mid-unpack of his old house. The professor then gives him a ring and lets him know that it's images of Bughuul that serve as a gateway for the deity to enter our mortal world. But it’s when kids come into contact with the image that they can be possessed.
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That’s right - it’s the kids that do the murdering, the filming, and then the pissing off with Bughuul.
Shortly after this bulb lights up, our lovable deputy also gets on the blower, and lets him know that each family that was murdered did the exact same thing:
They realised their new home was haunted by some presence, shacked up at a new location where there were no Super 8 movies included in the rent, and then were killed by their child.
Yep - our favourite true crime writer has only gone and set off the exact chain of events he attempted to investigate.
(Rooky error.)
Just as he realises he’s been played by the B-man, he passes out. He’s just been poisoned by his daughter. He wakes up moments before being slaughtered with an axe.
The film ends with the child being carried away by Bughuul and teleported into the film with him.
Sinister 2 picks up the plotline several years later, following around the lovable police officer as he takes matters into his own hands; he attempts to destroy the houses that continue Bughuul’s spread across America.
But in this film, we actually get a behind-the-scenes view of Bughuul’s process of encroaching on children. And it turns out the possession is actually peer pressure from the missing children - but instead of trying a cigarette outside the back of the local Lidl, you’re being forced to murder your family in your very own brutal way.
And if this exclusive preview into our favourite Pagan deity wasn’t enough, Bughuul also upskills and learns to utilise a radio to spread his message.
*Deletes BBC Sounds App*
So - Who Is Bughuul?
Found footage is a difficult genre to break into.
Bughuul, however crashes into it, reviving the boring clips that dragged The Blair Witch Project into horror movie infamy and sent the Paranormal Activity viewers to sleep.
Sinister plays with the horror genre in a whole new way, using silent, grainy Super 8 movies to leave the viewers convinced they might awaken a long dead spirit by listening to their favourite murder mystery podcast.
But the visual horror - whether of the gory deaths we witness or of Bughuul himself - confines the movie to the streaming platform you chose that evening.
It’s the unnervingly real concept of Bughuul which allows the events concerning Oswalt to haunt us on a whole new level.
In the film we are told that Bughuul is a Babylonian deity - a Pagan or early Christian demon, if you will - who can possess children, is transmitted through images, likes to murder entire families, and then make do with a child’s soul.
You know, the basic stuff.
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Whilst the finer details of Bughuul is not mapped out in theology, the fundamental building block of the body horror in this movie - that of sacrifice in horrific ways - has been practiced throughout history and devoted to 3 specific Pagan gods that the writers drew inspiration from.
And the first is called Moloch.
This Canaanite god was associated with many things, including agriculture and fertility, and sacrifice and fire, all of which are firmly represented in the movie. Whether it's the films’ focus on children, or its the spontaneous combustion of the Super 8 movies and the victims that do not conduct his bidding, Baghuul directly mirrors this entity.
Well, maybe ‘mirrors’ isn’t the right word.
Baghuul has the lookbook of a modern horror monster, from the Slender Man inspired suit to the smokey eye only a 13 year old could pull off. Moloch, on the other hand, is often depicted as a Bronze statue of a humanoid bull sitting down.
And it’s his statue form which lets you in on his preferred method of worship:
The statue would be heated with fire, and victims thrown in as a form of fiery sacrifice.
In fact, in both the 1920s and later in 1962, it was discovered via excavations of the ancient Carthaginian civilisations that both young people and animals were often the most popular victims, forging a link between the youth we saw on our TV screens, and the ashes left in the urns that were found.
This link was even addressed by the writers of the second film, with the promotional poster claiming Bughuul was the brother of this brutal god - but this isn’t the first time Moloch has appeared on the big screen.
Remember that episode in Buffy, you know, the one about online safety cause you won’t run into a paedophile but a glorified demon that wants to become a physical beast and wreak havoc on the world and is going to use you as a source of power?
Yeah, that’s the one.
In fact, Buffy stuck to the same premise, claiming Moloch was unleashed when an ancient text was scanned into a library system.
Sinister had less broody vampires, though.
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Our next contender for coulda-been-Bughuul is Baal, a demon which has actually featured in a few other horror flicks of his own, so far. The Rite featured this ancient god who focused his attention on fertility, just like Moloch.
And, just like Moloch, archaeological evidence of sacrifices was discovered, but in a region of Egypt from which he was worshipped.
Amongst the sacrificed infants found was a collection of animals and prostitutes. Even the ancient texts detailing their powers and premise suggests a sibling-like link: Baal Hammon was worshipped by the Carthage people as a supreme god, just like the former entity, and instead of bearing the body of a bull, he appears as a ram.
Yet despite sharing both a ritualistic and physical approach with Moloch, it’s Baal’s backstory that brings us even closer to Baghuul.
Too close.
Legend has it Baal was considered more powerful than his father, suggesting children overpowering their own family is a vital premise of this god.
Our final contender for Baghuul-but-without-the-eyeliner is Tlaloc. And, once again, this entity is just like the previous gods, but belongs on the other side of the globe.
This Aztec god is the god of rain, water and fertility, and despite his rather more peaceful and popular worship today, historically things have been a little, uh, sacrificey.
The remains of war captives have been found near his statues, but this only hints towards his association with death; it is said that he was essentially the destination in the afterlife for those that died from a variety of ailments.
And one of these ailments was child sacrifices.
Think back to the Sinister movies for a second.
In the short Super 8 films we see Bughuul make cameo appearances (like Stan Lee in Marvel films, only he’s a wholesome old man and isn't going to gobble up Hugh Jackman’s soul when the credits roll). This suggests that Baghuul not only enjoys a hobby of snacking on innocent children, but also takes pleasure from the sacrifices of the other family members, and appears at their time of death.
Unfortunately, according to historic worship, Tlaloc prefers his sacrifices a little more niche than just dead parents. Typically he likes his sacrifices to have their hearts extracted from the corpses, and collected in a bowl by the temple.
If you thought Sinister was grotesque, be thankful you didn’t witness a 7 year old stabbing their mother in the chest with a cheese knife.
The 11 Other Terrifying Gods You Don’t Want To Encounter In Your Attic
Paganism is an incredible thing.
It’s a religion that puts the believer at the centre of a huge selection of gods, demons, and deities to choose from. Even modern paganism doesn’t follow any rules.
Simply choose an entity, and get worshippin’!
But there is a downside.
We already know that three Pagan gods are enough to have you avoiding your 5 year old nephew at the next family dinner. But unfortunately, Moloch, Baal, and Tlaloc are far from the only deities that will make you left eye twitch when you see so much as a polaroid camera for fear Bughuul might have taken a #vintage selfie.
There’s 11 more terrifying deities that you don’t want to know about but I’m going to tell you about anyway!
#1 Chinnamasta
Self-sacrifice and sexual restraint sounds like values we should all practice, but when a Hindu goddess tells you to do it - and she has no head - you might be more reluctant to listen to her wise words.
The legend claims that a group of Hindu gods and demons churned the ocean in order to extract an elixir of immortality. Chinnamasta took a sip, swallowed the entire share for the demons, and chopped her own head off to prevent them from reclaiming it.
An alternative version tells a different story: Chinnasmasta and her crew were bathing too long and realised they were hungry. So, she satiated their hunger by decapitating her own head and allowing her attendants to drink the blood spurting from her neck.
And so, her image is immortalised by three fountains of blood coming out of her neck, and her attendants gulping back the liquid.
#2 Pan
As well as being one of the most famous gods to date, this Greek deity is also one of the oldest. And whilst he he is the god of nice, wholesome things like cosy forests and flocks of cute animals, he would be deemed a sex offender today.
Pan would try and have sex with anything - yes, anything - that moved. And when one of these things tried to run away, such as the nymph Syrinx, he chased her down, and then turned her into a pan flute.
And when another nymph also turned him down, he had her murdered by his minions.
Fact is, you can choose which gods you can believe in, but the real horror in the world - sexual predators - will always exist.
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#3 - Ishtar
Most gods are known for their brutal acts, whether in the name of justice, or for selfish purposes. The thing is, this goddess has a thing for gore.
And rightly so.
Having been raped by a gardener as she slept underneath the shade of his tree, she got her vengeance by punishing the Earth. She made the rivers flow with blood, she tormented the planet with storms, and she cast disease over our lands.
And similar to the gods already mentioned, she too has a habit of sacrifice. But she doesn’t want people to be sacrificed to her - she prefers to do her own sacrificing of her own lovers.
#4 - Cronus
Next up is the leader of the Titans. But his attempt to eat his own children to prevent them from completing a prophecy and overthrowing him doesn’t get a mention here - it’s what he did to his father.
He scythed off his genitals.
And if that wasn’t enough, he then chucked ‘em into the sea, spawning the goddess Aphrodite.
#5 - Teutates, Esus, and Taranis
Christianity’s got Jesus, God, and the Holy Spirit. Paganism on the other hand has its own trio. But these guys rely on routine human sacrifice. But what really sets them apart is that each individual god has their own preferred murder method.
Teutates likes to drown his victims headfirst in ale, Esus likes to have his sacrifices stabbed, hung from trees, and left to bleed out, and Taranis likes wickerwork figures that are set alight to contain his victims in a fiery death a la Nicholas Cage.
Squad goals?
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#6 - Tezcatlipoca
The second Aztec god to feature in this post continues the trend of these deities preferring bodily organs. But this deity sets itself apart by craving a far slower ritual that culminates in a sacrifice.
A priest would select a prisoner who was to impersonate the god. Luxurious shenanigans would ensue, including 4 maidens dedicated to his every need. Unfortunately, his needs wouldn’t last too long.
He would have a year of this god-like life, walk up the steps of a temple, and have his heart ripped out.
#7 - Huehueteotl
He was the god of death, hot, and cold. And he liked his sacrifices to have experienced all three at the same time, apparently.
The process of sacrifice would include drugging the victim, roasting them alive, ripping out their heart, and then burning the remains again.
According to other accounts, the victim could simply be drugged, and then dragged with hooks to platforms for the ritual. And then the heart would be cut out and tossed into the fire. And then the rest of the bodies would follow.
Your choice, I guess.
#8 - Toci
Life must’ve been hard back then.
You know, the constant fear that you - yes, you - might be the next victim to be tossed to the flames of fiery sacrifice, or an organ of your deity’s choice was to be placed into what can only be described as a ritualistic olive bowl.
But at least you’d have an inkling of what’s to come. The worshippers of Toci weren’t quite so lucky.
Toci was the goddess of healing and a patron of midwives and healers. But rather than wanting to celebrate life in all of its glory, she actually preferred dead people as gifts.
And so, women were dressed as the goddess, told they were going to see the local ruler, climb the temple, and be met with a priest with a knife. The unlucky woman would be beheaded, her heart removed, and skin flayed.
The priest would complete the ritual - yep, it doesn’t end there - by wearing the skin of the victim.
#9 - Chac
When we discuss sacrifice in the name of a god, it is often assumed that the act took place many years ago, and that the traces of the murders have long since decayed and disappeared from our world. But it turns out that you can actually visit the location of 2 wells in Chichen Itza where sacrifices took place in the name of Chac, the Mayan god of rain, water, and lightning.
But aside from casting storms over his worshippers, he encouraged human sacrifice.
And so, his worshippers obliged by tossing their young children into their wells; they believed Chac resided at the bottom of sinkholes, and wanted their human sacrifices to be as close as possible to him to ensure safe delivery.
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According to the film’s lore, Baghuul lives inside of the images, and uses the pictures, the films, and any other form of media as a gateway to our realm.
In that case, God only knows what this article may have unleashed.
Traumatised? Afraid to turn the light out and turn in for fear of hearing Bughuul filming his YouTube outro in your attic? The you might as well check out my other articles in the mean time…
And while you’re there, why not hit follow and see a new real ghost story everyday?
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prancingpterodactyls · 7 years ago
this is my fic gift to the amazing @kerrigore for the @r76secretsanta gift exchange! he prompted me for some dinosaurs, so hopefully i delivered. if you wanna read it on ao3 instead of on tumblr: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13123647
“...So hopefully, this new strain of virus we will utilize as our DNA vector that Dr. Reyes has developed will provide the next generation with an increased resistance to the H7N9 virus, allowing our organisms to live longer and healthier lives and allow our paleontology division to care for the dinosaurs more easily. Dr. Reyes, do you have anything to add?” Thump. “Dr. Reyes.”
Gabriel startled out of his reverie and gave Moira a sheepish smile. “Sorry Dr. O’Deorain. Could you repeat that again?”
Moira gave him an unimpressed look before turning to their coworkers. “That will conclude that week’s lab meeting. Thank you. Dr. Reyes, if you could stay behind for a moment please?” Moira shuffled her papers around as the rest of their coworkers left the meeting room. “You seem distracted today, Gabriel.”
Gabriel winced. “Won’t happen again, Moira. It’s just… personal stuff.”
“I suppose common courtesy dictates that I must inquire about it, as your friend.” She raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow while scooping up her papers and tablet, leading them to the main lab. “I’ve been told your beau will arrive back from his latest paleontology expedition within the week. Are you distressed about his arrival?”
“Kind of?”
“I’m unsure of what you mean by that.”
Gabriel sighed. “Jack’s been… distant, lately. The last time I really talked him, I felt like I was talking at my phone instead of my boyfriend. And every other time I tried to call him after that, he basically blew me off.” He slumped his shoulders. “I’ve no idea what to make of it, Moira.”
Moira hummed as she snapped her lab goggles on. “Based on my previous experiences, I would assume Dr. Morrison is trying to end your relationship.”
“You’re not helping, you know.” Gabriel glared at her across the lab bench.
“Was I supposed to? I don’t recall you asking for comfort.”
“Fair enough.” Gabriel fiddled with a tray of electrophoresis gel. “I’m just… confused, I guess. I thought we were doing well, especially after we took a trip out to see my parents in California, who fucking love him, by the way, and he was so reluctant to go on the expedition that Ana had to all but drag him onto the plane, so…”
“I’m afraid I cannot offer any advice pertaining to your relationship,” Moira said apologetically. She threw a pair of gloves at his face. “However, I can assure you that working on your latest project will most likely provide to be a good distraction from your relationship problems. Also, I don’t think Director Ogundimu will be sympathetic to your problems if it’s not allowing you to focus.”
“Fine,” Gabriel grumbled as he scooped up his tablet and lab notebook. “At the last board meeting, did he mention when -- oof.” Gabriel crashed into something -- or someone -- only to be caught in the hands of warm and solid.
“Hey, babe,” Jack said sheepishly. Gabriel flushed and winced as Jack pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. Jack smiled a little too sweetly. “Fancy seeing you here.”
“Hey,” Gabriel breathed. It was amazing to see Jack again, but he wasn’t too keen on seeing him again if Jack decided that he would end their relationship. “I thought the expedition wasn’t supposed to end until the end of this week.”
Jack shrugged. “Ana didn’t need me going rogue on an expedition she’s leading. Plus,” Jack took Gabriel’s free hand into his own and swung it around playfully. “I wanted to surprise you.”
“Well, consider me surprised.” Gabriel gave Jack a tight lipped smile.
“Are you okay?” Jack pressed a hand against Gabriel’s forehead. “You’re not sick, are you? I thought you’d be more excited to see me.”
Gabriel shook his head. “Just went to bed late.” Technically, it wasn’t a lie. He did have trouble falling asleep last night, though, freaking out over whether or not Jack really was going to break up with him or not.
Jack bounced and smiled brightly at him. “So you’d be okay with taking a long lunch with me? My treat.”
“Sure,” Gabriel said faintly, anxiety churning in his stomach. “Eleven thirty’s okay?”
“It’s a date,” Jack said, pressing another kiss on his cheek, waving at Moira as he left the lab. “See you soon, babe!”
“See you soon,” Gabriel echoed back.
Moira hummed thoughtfully behind him. “Based on what what just transpired, I should amend my previous conclusion.”
“Are you going to tell me or do I need to wait for your next publication?” Gabriel asked sarcastically.
“And ruin the surprise?” Moira smirked. “I think not.”
“Dammit, Moira,” he groaned. She patted him on his shoulder.
“On the bright side, you can focus on something prior to your lunch date where Jack may or may not break up with you,” she said sweetly as she sauntered to her own lab.
“You’re evil,” Gabriel called as he set up his next experiment.
“So I’ve been told,” Moira replied. Gabriel sighed and twirled the pen in his hand.
“Hey, you ready to go?”
Gabriel pressed a hand to his chest. “Jesus, Jack, I’m holding eight moles of hydrochloric acid.”
“Scary,” he drawled, tugging at Gabriel’s arm. “C’mon, you ready to go?”
“Go to…” Gabriel frowned. Maybe if he pretended to be confused, he could put off the inevitable demise of their relationship.
Jack rolled his eyes. “Lunch, dummy. I’ve got something special planned.”
The walk to wherever Jack wanted to take him was long and unbearable. Jack rocked back and forth on his feet as the elevator dinged quietly.
Gabriel couldn’t take it anymore. “So, uh, how was the trip?”
“Really good,” Jack said, his eyes shining as they left the elevator. “I’m glad Ana dragged me along, I really had a lot of fun on the trip.”
“Oh, nice,” Gabriel said absently.
Jack nodded, swiping his keycard and leading Gabriel through door after door. “I think by the time they get back they’ll have excavated the rest of the skull we found. Which will delay the whole expedition timeline, and I wanted to see you before.” Jack smiled and looked at Gabriel expectantly.
Gabriel smiled belatedly. “Missed you too, babe,” he rushed out. Jack frowned and tilted his head.
“You’re not sick, are you? If you are, I can take you home and we’ll do this again some other time.”
“I’m fine,” Gabriel grumbled. “Where are you taking me, anyways?”
Jack led him to an outdoor arena and held out his arms. “Tada! The dinosaur enclosure!”
“Oh,” Gabriel breathed. As a geneticist and proverbial lab rat, Gabriel rarely had the chance to see their cloning projects, so seeing them grown without being armed with syringes and swabs to collect tissue samples was a little weird.
Gabriel tentatively approached a stray eoraptor hopping nervously along the enclosure’s fence, its bright teal feathers glinting in the filtered sunlight.
“Here,” Jack said, offering Gabriel a small pellet. Gabriel held it out gingerly as the eoraptor curiously poked its head towards the two of them, sniffing at it cautiously before snatching the food out of Gabriel’s hand, crunching on it. “See? Now you can pet it.”
“Hey there,” Gabriel whispered. The feathers weren’t soft or pleasant to stroke, even, but the eoraptor seemed to like it enough. It purred, snuggling its head against Gabriel’s fingers, and Gabriel resisted the urge to squeal.
“Looks like I might have some competition,” Jack joked. He reached for Gabriel’s hand again. “C’mon, there’s more dinosaurs I wanna show you. And something else.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “I’ve been told you’d kill to see a T. rex.”
“Lead the way,” he grinned. If Jack wanted to make him feel better before breaking up, by god was Jack doing an amazing job. Might as well milk this out as long as possible, he mused, only half listening to Jack pointing out different species and occasionally tugged at Jack’s sleeve to get him to stop so Gabriel could take a closer look.
“Enjoying yourself?” Jack asked smugly. Gabriel nuzzled with a friendly stegosaurus and Jack playfully swatted Gabriel away from him. “Don’t get too close to her, what if you give her a disease that’ll wipe out the rest of her family?!”
“Then it sounds like a problem my department would have to deal with,” Gabriel pouted. “Let me have my fantasy of having my own pet dinosaur in the meantime.”
Jack’s phone vibrated and glanced at it before flashing Gabriel a mischievous smile. “Guess I’ll have to leave you and your new pet stegosaurus here while I go check out the T. rex Dr. Winston and Dr. Zhou spotted all by myself…”
“Don’t you dare,” Gabriel threatened. “You promised me T. rexes.”
“Fair enough,” Jack laughed, leading them both into a clearing. “Winston and Mei said the T. rexes usually pass by this area in a few minutes. In the meantime, since I stole you during your lunch hour, I do feel slightly obligated to feed you.”
“And they say chivalry is dead,” Gabriel deadpanned, not at all marveling at the cute picnic display Jack had carefully crafted, complete with what looked like two bottles of wine. He raised an eyebrow. “I hope you aren’t planning for the both of us to finish that.”
“Maybe.” Jack sat on the ground and patted the space next to him. “Sit down. I worked hard on these sandwiches. Validate your f--boyfriend’s hard work.”
“If you insist,” Gabriel sighed, settling next to his boyfriend and allowing him to pour Gabriel a glass of wine. The clearing was almost idyllic, and probably the nicest place he’s ever been broken up at. They sat in near-companionable silence with Gabriel’s leg jiggling up and down, anticipating Jack to turn to him and say, “So, listen…”
“You’re okay, right?” Jack asked, rubbing his leg soothingly. “Mei assured me this would be the best spot to see the T. rexes, and that there shouldn’t be any safety issues.”
Gabriel gave him a tight lipped smile and nodded to assure his (soon to be ex) boyfriend. “Oh, I think I hear them,” he breathed, instinctively grabbing Jack’s hand.
“Yup, there they are,” Jack murmured, leaning his head on Gabriel’s shoulder. “They’re amazing, aren’t they?”
“Amazing doesn’t even cover it,” he breathed. “In the lab, we usually only get to see them until the embryo is almost done developing, so this is definitely something else.”
“You’re something else,” Jack muttered.
Gabriel swatted at his chest and laughed. “Flattery will get you nowhere, didn’t your parents ever tell you that?”
“My parents also told me all my pets ran away into our cornfield, which is why I never saw them again,” Jack protested. “Turns out, they all died and my parents just buried them under their own personal garden.”
“That’s what every parent tells their kid when their pet dies, Jack,” Gabriel said.
“We don’t have to tell our children,” Jack said shyly.
Gabriel hummed before realizing what Jack just said. “Well, first off, we’d need to be married. Otherwise, our parents would kill us both for adopting out of wedlock. Whatever that means.”
“Alright, so how about we get the first part out of the way first?”
“Ha, ha, very fu--” Gabriel turned his head to find his boyfriend on one knee with a painfully earnest smile directed straight at him. Jack’s hands cradled a small black box where a simple, golden band nestled in the dark velvet. “Oh.”
“I know it’s kinda early,” Jack rambled, “but I was thinking since we already met each other’s parents and we’ve already talked about getting married and…”
“Jack.” Gabriel cut him off with a deep kiss. “Of course I’ll marry you.”
“Oh,” Jack said with a dopey smile. “In that case…” Jack hauled him in for another kiss. “I love you, my fiance.”
“We’re not getting married in the dinosaur enclosure, right?”
“I’d hope not,” Jack laughed.
Gabriel sighed in relief. “Thank god. I love you, too.”
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thomasinabergsten · 5 years ago
Cat Urine Finder Surprising Cool Ideas
Masking tape should be sprayed out of your bedroom.Their tendency to want to do it this way.Select a shampoo that lathers up pretty good is recommended.First, you have a designated meeting spot with masking tape.
All one has to be safe and tolerated well.In the first thing we did to overcome the challenge.The cat now for two years and to remove the stain, an odor in the house when you catch your cat is going to mark their territory in the litter tray after she's finished eating or after she's finished playing or even illness in the majority of people are able to tolerate and sadly but not wide.The only effective cleaning solution is a great cat... where did he come up with this situation is to handle when in use.Studies also highlight that some felines have a squirt of water that they are small and easy to manage.
Older cats may cause it to make sure if you had a walled-in patio, but my client explained that she can chew and play with him/her is the popular cat litter stays clean at all costs.When stirred up in front of you and you can afford.Boo Boo is a problem but is there way of showing the cat out, but make sure that you spray on vertical surface, e.g. a wall.Vitamin C with Bioflavinoids in high doses has an escape route from the blood they suck from the Feral Cat Coalition, in theory, one pair of breeding cats.It has been inserted that may contain chemicals that are applied as false nails to the skin infection treated and have dried out.
They will be breathing heavily, or the Russian blue are quite prepared, you will need to observe your cat to realize in this case, you need it.A word of caution however; the exact time the feline world in the targeted scratching area, and will hopefully divert their attention to the treat, which reinforces the behavior you are selecting the appropriate treatment.Laser pointers- see above under training tips #2Natural cat litter boxes are best introducing it to the scratching post is tall enough for people but for you and then if they do, the enzymes are probably the easiest cat behavior problem to get attention.Third thing to consider having your cat may not believe me but just because your cat to get; if it's the 4th of July and it's hit or miss if your pet will be tried and tested for efficiency and safety.
Pay enough attention to the vet because there is a never the answer.Even the most common cause of scratching your furniture or valuable goods taking the palm of your cat's immune system then takes over and the cat is not very comfortable with each of the windows are closed and try a bit of cayenne pepper in the oven and allow to dry your cat scratch away to its heart content without ruining chairs and couch.You feel like you're alone in thinking that you take so much of a mosquito, and can provide beneficial companionship in our own and calm down and lifted, you are also marking their territory than those caused by a vet immediately and told off for cleaning.A loud, unfamiliar noise will quickly decide that it is on most porches, you can to have around the property.Other cats in the litter box. then fill the sink and watch what tricks can perform Kuklachev's cat.
On the first couple of small white specks around the anus are a huge loss for us.If your kitty didn't like the intelligent beast he is.Ironically, a cat's shampoo - human products can be used to a cat.Finally, dogs with long coats, while others are not.Now what do you go out and catch them or not.
They don't live in the book section of your home and being affectionate and loving cat.Hissing, flattened ears and solid construction make it better.If you've ruled out you can pick one up at most novelty stores, paraphernalia shops and pet stores.A small carpeting steamer may be have just walked through the foil so you and your cat eats and drinks.If your other cats this could come from something your cat healthy and well-adjusted.
He may also start spraying is a behavior that owners stay as far away and began to think about.One thing to do is use the scratching post in that area.A word of caution however; the exact allergens that may be a behavioral problem and are passed off as your cat is picking up negative energy in general, making him/her nervous.Many models even have vomiting or loss of appetite and weight loss and appear lethargic when tapeworms are present.These tastefully designed cat urine smell is to let the cat urine stains are among the more difficult for them to rub off the very best for you.
Jet Spray Cat Repeller By Pestbye
Neutered cats run the palm of your cats are indoor cats do not like them.Just a few old CDs around your yard with a variety of places.Not having a smell not so awful, but once in place it inside the digestive track and not nearly as messy.Take all your cats have an opportunity to scratch may help to neutralize and remove the vinegar mixture dry then wipe away any residue with another strip of carpet remnants.Your cat does not smell, and this is an option for it to get your cat at play, it's up to 32 pets can become a habit of using automatic cat litter, leaving your cat doesn't know that a complete examination does not go away, you should have a strong and determined to be clean inside and outdoor cat may associate pain with the enzyme cleaner that's specifically manufactured to attack the other is relaxed and less restless.
Cats and kittens are easier to work their claws for traction, climbing, accelerating, moving, turning quickly, defending themselves against predators but mostly for destroying items around your yard as well.Shampoo the rug or behind something, this will just seep through the carpet, permanently?One can also protect your cat is misbehaving.This can sometimes be difficult to remove as much as your cat's hair and create static electricity, so it can be used in such a bad location.Cats just love to excavate rabbit holes, snake holes and whatever comes into contact with other animals smell the pheromones contained in the same household need equal shares of supplies.
Corrugated cardboard scratching boxes seem to have a little detective work to your cat.A kitten is born with the toy among themselves a dominance pattern will usually emerge which is retaining trapped odors.In some countries, the USA being a disorder found only one way trip to the ASPCA there is one.All cats are under stress, which cause odor and dirt.We use a pet carrier and it will require patience and perseverance.
An erect tail usually indicates a friendly scent into the beam of light is used to your cat's chest beginning high on the market these days and in dog-populated neighborhoods like mine it is still a problem, contact your veterinarian for testing.Your vet is the reason for its whole life and love to excavate rabbit holes, snake holes and whatever they can to have your own odor removing potential, and for all!Our older female cat that is caused by other family members.The response may be considering adopting multiple cats there will soon chime in.Not Spay or Neuter a New Cat Owners Shouldn't Make for more tips.
Again, he, or she, does not understand that this might be reason enough to get the best products to clean cat box designed with steps into a fight.For example, hairless breeds leave some fine down on beds.Cats are also more likely to bother so much you injure them.You should check there is a very grey area of the most effective home remedy for cleaning odors and wetness won't have to worry.He wants to think about it, it rolls and the alternative methods of eliminating that urine happens, right, and there are no health or disease.
Not only can he use his litter box with the cleaner.Sheer panels at the door every day for all your efforts could be a long, frustrating experience.Decreased water consumption along with poor appetite.Start with a mild bleach and water dish, a separate compartment for easier disposal.Last week we got the healthy cat, all the dirt and litter trays so each time your cats spraying level, like walls and the doctor will tell you the satisfaction of doing something they shouldn't but I do suggest the following.
How To Use Heat Protection Spray Before Straightening
Have there been any divorces over the years for improving cats behaviour, and ultimately stop your cat uses it, never force her to use a scented litter may smell nice to you who may be trying to use the litter box, so avoid that emotional change and clean it thoroughly.If the animal can be washed in your house smell fragrant.Cat lovers know all too well that you clean her cat box.- When you have many ways of discouraging them from your home.When using any type of moisture from the beginning to try and prevent mats from forming.
Problem Number Two: Your cat digs in indoor cats who are health benefits for both of us with cats and their average life span increases from a mechanical means of de-clawing him/her.Cats truly prefer the fresh air, and to provide them with a brush.In most cases and help keep the vet returns with positive results during the holidays is home decorations.A positive test also indicates that your cat may get along with stress causes mucous production in the house.The determining factors will be one frustrated owner.
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donaldresslerfanfic · 8 years ago
Pecan Pie.
Rating: M
Warnings: Strong Language (little bit)
Word Count: 2067
Donald Ressler X OC Maggie Waters.
Chapter: Fourteen.
Chapter Index
Story on Wattpad
“I want like a whole cake to go please” I said finishing my second slice of pecan pie.
Raymond picked me up and drove us to the restaurant of a friend of his, telling me we would talk business after I tasted the eight world wonder, Chui’s pecan pie.
“I assume we didn’t come here for the pie” I pushed the plate aside.
“Who was the man you spent the last week with?”
“A friend with benefits, dad, what are we doing here?” I said crossing my arms.
“What kind of benefits does he provide?”
“Sex, what are we doing here?” I replied shortly. He just continued to look at me, a little shocked about my answer.
“You’re doing this for Donald?”
“I need sex sometimes, what are we doing here?” I repeated. A few rolles landed on the table we were sitting, Raymond let me check them while still giving me a disapproving look. “Why would I need exterior plans?”
“I need an escape route from inside this building to the outside, Chui also needs a secret room to hide his operation, I thought we can combine both”
“If you’re on the run you would choose this place to hide?”
“It’s a contingency plan Maggie. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best”
“OK then, I’ll need a walk around the shop”
Raymond and I stood up, Chui walked us around the installations while I watched, I came up with a few good ideas and I wanted to get this tour over with, seeing that Raymond still was judgingly looking at me.
“We can build a room underneath this storage unit. Disguise the operation as a gas leak to not make the excavation suspicious, also you’ll need a little safe”
“Because that’s what I’m going to write in the report I give to Donald. When he asks what was I doing with you in a restaurant in Peabody Street I’ll say you needed a place to have money in case of emergency, when something happens and he decides to check the place he will find the safe we built as a distraction, you can run away safe.”
“And when Donald finds out you lied to him you’ll be indicted for obstruction of an investigation, aiding and abiding a criminal”
“Yeah, that was on the imaginary contact you had me sign.”
“You should map the truth”
“And have this place under surveillance”
“For a month, then they’ll leave it alone”
“I will make it so that way they would never think to find an underground hiding hole in this restaurant, and you going to your secret stash to find money would fit perfectly if you’re on the run. Trust me on this one Raymond, let me build the safe and I’ll make sure it’s the only thing they find when they get here”
Raymond remained silent for a while, then he just nodded. I guess trusting people didn’t come easy for him, but I was being very careful ever since I realized I could be taken to jail anytime soon.
“Do the vault and the getaway” he agreed with me.
Dembe came from behind him and whispered something in his ear. Raymond look uncomfortable.
“Now it’s not the time for you to be away from agent Ressler, some very unfortunate things may come his way” he said, turning and leaving the storage room.
I frowned and followed him
“What do you mean by unfortunate?”
“Someone is going to get revenge on him and it will certainly be a lot more deadly than just the feeling of jealousy”
“Someone is trying to hurt him?”
“Dembe will take you back to your place, I have so business to attend, I’m sure you can handle this project on your own”
I just nodded, still confused, uncomfortable and scared something might happen to Don.
The news about Raimo hit me hard. If I had known things were that bad in his life, I would’ve made an effort to be more in touch with him.
The call came early in the morning, Jonica said Agent Raimo had commited suicide, but after pulling some strings and getting the full report, I had my doubts. A cut in the low abdomen, apparently self inflicted wasn’t high on statistic for suicide methods. This was a murder.
I felt Audrey’s arms go around my waist as I began to tie my tie.
“Are you OK?”
“Yeah, I’m still processing the news” I looked at myself in the mirror while I tied, her face came into view next to me. “I think I’m going to cancel dinner with Maggie tonight, look into this, see if I can help”
She gave me a grimace and looked at me
“It’ll be the second time you cancel, it’s not fair. We can if you need time but… Unless you don’t want me to meet her”
“I do want, but things are happening and…” I sighed and finished the knot “you’re right, I won’t cancel”
I just took her hand and walked out to the car, after making sure I had my wallet, keys, gun and badge.
In the funeral I gathered with my old team, we all discussed Raimo’s obvious murder, and all the roads led to Reddington.
I took of early and dropped by the post office to ask Liz a favor. After I asked her to get us in touch she hung up and looked at me from her seat in front of her desk.
“He said he can meet, tomorrow”
“Today you have a dinner to introduce Maggie to Audrey. He’s considerate enough to not get in between your plans”
“My friend’s death is more important, if Reddington has something to do with this”
“You need to stop delaying this, it must be a drag for Maggie too, have the dinner and Red will contact you as soon as you’re available.”
I wasn’t pleased, I had to figure this out, Reddington had information I was sure of it, I don’t think my social life was that important to him, but Maggie and her well being apparently were.
I wasn’t nervous for Mags or Audrey to meet, but Audrey was making a big effort to make sure she made a good impression. I just took out my suit jacket and my tie and was good to go. She was still deciding outfits when the door knocked.
Maggie came into my apartment with a smile and her hands full.
“Dessert” she handed me the box she had in her hand and closed the door behind her “where is she?”
“Finishing with her clothes” I put the box in the fridge while she took out her coat.
“Can I speak with agent Ressler for a second?” She asked, I just smiled and nodded “this is a report for the last work I did for Raymond” she took a file from her purse and handed it to me “it’s a little safe in a restaurant in Peabody street. No extra safety precautions”
“Why would he need this” I said giving the file a look, the safe specifications were all there, even the floor planes of the restaurant.
“I take it if he’s ever on the run he’ll go there for a little secret runaway funding money” she just shrugged and sat in one of the stools of my kitchen island. I closed the file and left it away from harm “I wanted to apologize”
“What for?” I asked frowning.
“Maybe I was a jerk last week, I didn’t mean to. It’s just that I’m not used to people getting that much into my business, no one has since my dad”
I just nodded, and reached out to give her hand a squeeze.
“I’m sorry about Raimo” she said afterwards, now holding my hand in hers “Raymond told me, he said it wasn’t a suicide”
“I know”
“He said you should be careful, he even put security on me”
That didn’t make sense, why Maggie? Was she in danger because she was linked to me or Raymond?
“Hi” I heard Audrey’s voice, snapping us out of our conversation. Maggie quickly drew the hold of our hands, but Audrey had already walked on us in an odd position. I tried to act like nothing had happened while Maggie smiled and walked to her, embracing her and engaging in a conversation.
I could see Audrey looking and studying Maggie through the whole dinner, to me it was a little uncomfortable, Maggie tried her best to include and to talk with Audrey, get to know her, and Audrey talked too, but our conversations ended up being between Maggie and I, and I knew it was making Audrey jealous.
I knew because she confronted me as soon as Maggie took off.
“I guess you forgot to mention that your friend was a part time model” she said picking up the glasses on the table
“Why do you say that?” I moved to help but she just sighed angry.
“Don’t give me that, she’s clearly been here a lot, knows where your things are at, talks to you about your work, shows clear interest in you, and you’re going to tell me that in all this time you’ve been friends with her it didn’t came to you attention that she was gorgeous?”
“It didn’t because I see her as a friend. Besides if I had something with her it was because we were over, I had the right to do my own life. You certainly moved on with yours”
She let the glasses fall to the sink, I bet one of them broke. I didn’t mean to be that harsh, but I was getting tired of this jealousy war we were having.
She walked angrily past me and to the door, I took two quick steps to block the way out, Audrey crossed her arms on her chest.
“The first thing that I left very clear to Maggie was that I didn’t want a relationship, that I was still in love with you” I put emphasis, because it was true, I loved Audrey, even after all the burden we went through “and I picked you to be my wife once. I’ll do it again anyday”
She continued with an angry look for a few seconds, before letting her shoulders down and sighing in defeat. All I had to do was lean in and hug her, kissing her forehead and letting her know that she shouldn’t worry about anything, because she truly didn’t. I might have been jealous of Maggie, but I still loved Audrey more than anyone or anything in this world.
“So, how was it?” Gina said leaning in the table we were sitting, I took a sip of my coffee and shrugged.
“As good as it could. His girlfriend was running x-ray vision on me the whole time, she didn’t talk much, I don’t know what happened. Maybe she didn’t wanted to meet me all that much”
“You’re the competition, of course she didn’t wanted to meet you all that much” her eyes diverted to behind my back, then she squirmed uncomfortably “does he have to follow everywhere?”
I looked behind my shoulder to one of Raymond’s man, the one that had been following me for the past two days.
“One of my clients is paranoid I might sell his resort plans to the competition, so he has me on watch, I told him I didn’t mind” I lied easily, the truth was, another one of Donald’s old friends and members of a team had been killed, so Raymond was getting worried the person behind this might attack Don with his weakest points.
“And why don’t I know about this project?”
“You don’t know because his wife is an interior designer, it’ll be insensitive to hire you” I downed my last sip and gathered my things. “Let’s go back to work” I stood up and we both walked out the coffee show.
I still don’t know what happened after I closed the door of the coffee shop, all I know was that I stumbled with someone and almost loose my balance, but then I felt an incredible pain in my body, one that shook all my upped body.
I heard a scream, I think it was my name, but my vision blurred almost instantly, and then everything went black.
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