#dechiper what this means challenge!!
whenellafallsinlove · 5 months
it's always "ily" and never "inlyairhwfsbtwaetilayiltftifilwacmcdsitbttebm"
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lunelantern · 4 years
Let's unravel the symbolism behind Sasuke's seemingly brusque words.
Because EVERY. SINGLE. ONE of Uchiha Sasuke's words are overflowing with underlying meaning and the symbolism behind turns him into one of the most spectacular fiction characters in modern literature, in my humble personal opinion, in terms of construction, inner coordinates, skeleton and philosophy.
Particularly, when his character's evolution embroiders tantalizingly into sakura's canvas of innocence and soul-healing love ❤️❤️❤️♥️💖💕💜
If we abide to the post-modernist literary criticism, we can refer to this terse assertion from Sasuke in the specter of deconstruction and hermeneutics as methodology of interpretation of the manga.
Namely, we shall try to look for the underlying message of the manga in the context as the intrinsec values of Sasuke's words must be referred to as deeper and transcending the message of the author himself.
 I'm considering hermeneutics specifically because it is widely used for the interpretation of biblical texts/writings of wisdom and Sasuke's construction is abounding in such symbolism.
 The problem here lies in mainly two colliding manga ideologies in the brusque change between Sasuke and Kakashi, namely the nihilism/negativism vs humanism/idealism.
 Kakashi's seemingly retort to Sasuke 'you don't need a reason to love someone, you only need a reason to hate someone' creates an anachronism and a hypothetical fallacy in his logic. As a consequence, he once again fails to stop Sasuke from his resolve.
 Kakashi aligns to the Manga's fundamental humanist view as Kishimoto provides the reserves with his own subjective answer to acquire universal peace and ceas conflict: love as mutual understanding.
 Kishimoto annexes 'love' with an intrinsec value that's self-sufficient for quenching conflict. That's the foundation of humanism, the confidence in the good nature of a sentient being.
 Only... He's not necessary correct. He fails to grasp Sasuke's character and delve deeper into his own life principles. As the main antagonist opposing to the hero's messianic humanist role in taking the reins to universal peace, Sasuke as an Uchiha is the manga conceptualized version of the negativism as depicted and analyzd in the classic philosophy tomes of the great philosophers - Kant, Schopenhauer, Hegel with deep roots into Machiavelli's 'Prince'.
 Short note, if you are interested in dechipering the character of Uchiha Itachi, then start with Machiavelli. Itachi is the embodiment of the Prince imagined by machiavelli. I'm giving these cites  for emphasize: "It is better to be feared than loved if you cannot be both" - - itachi telling his kid brother that it doesn't matter if Sasuke hates him because they have each other like brothers.
 " it is not titled that honor men but men that honor titles" - - it's not the one who becomes Hokage that it's acknowledged but thr one who is acknowledge by everyone becomes Hokage as he tells Naruto: " sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are - - itachi's retorts to his fellow Uchiha who questioned him for shisui'death that 'all of you without measuring your own ability had no idea of mine";. I think they are self-explanatory for they are almost perfect quotes from Itachi's iconic phrases.
So back to Sasuke, he is basically the perfect depiction of Arthur Schopenhauer's philosophy which strips the Life of any intrinsec purpose, admittedly attributing 'pein' to life, birth, death itself. This is the Uchiha's infamous  'curse', the biblical curse of knowledge. They are the philosophers of the manga, the great thinkers, the nihilist the ones who question the Life Script.
 Uchiha don't get obsequious towards the Life Script. They are thr ones who ask questions, they don't settle for 'that's how it is' absurdity. They use critical thinking, ration, philosophy, psychology to debunk the mysteries of life and that's why they symbolically 'fell from grace.' Uchiha fell from Paradise metaphorically because they questioned the laws of universe. Naruto and his devotees accept love as having intrinsec omnipotent power.
 Uchiha don't. They are rational, pragmatic, intellectual, philosophers, sophists, great thinkers - - see Sasuke's 'revolution' mentality.
 Sasuke challenges Naruto's 'status quo' as preserving democracy as ensuring universal peace.
 Conversely, let's consider the syntax of his statement. What Sasuke really means by stating that ' I have no REASON to love her' doesn't refer to a justification for love as a feeling itself (a feeling equipped with gratifying powers of being sufficient and inclusive) as 'motive'. Sasuke doesn't deny it, it isn't a contradiction, a negative rejection of her feelings. 'reason' in sausl as care refers to his cognitive process, his ability to JUDGE, to ration, to think critically, to distill and not simply pander to what society considers as being self-sufficient. Sasuke doesn't see love as am intrinsec value to happiness and fulfillment. He doesn't accept the humanist/positivism  MENTALITY, and not the 'motive' itself.
 Sasuke isn't an untutored need in the arts of love. He isn't stupid nor naive. Of course that he doesn't look for a justification for Sakura's feelings nor his very own. He tries to ration logically because this is his manga role - the thinker. He challenges a mentality and not a simple remark.
 Sasuke cannot reasonably comprehend Sakura's ardent devotion. Why would someone so ardently succumb into the den of the devil itself for a decadent criminal with a radical negativist vision who won't reciprocate? He doesn't fathom her masochism, the coherence and rational expansion for her attitude.
 Also, Sasuke doesn't accept the ubiquitous and amorphous dissonance of 'love' as ubiquiptusly omnipotent and soothing.
 Kakashi alludes that life consists of perpetual happiness as innate to every sentient being, that happiness comes for free and passively, that's the gift of life itself. Sasuke on the other hand is the echo of negativism - - pein is the sole governor of life and one must seek happiness proactively.
 Tl:dR: 'REASON' here doesn't refer to a motive as justification for love as a feeling. It reflects Sasuke's role in the manga as a great thinker, a philosopher, a man ebbed with a rational mind, critical thinking who doesn't pander to society's norms. He doesn't accept love as a self-sufficient explanation for Sakura's irrational devotion.
 Sasuke reflects the negativism of Arthur Schopenhauer's/Kant'a philosophy while Kakashi/Sakura/Naruto are the humanists with a positive worldview who deem love as universally present in any sentient being as intrinsec to the very existence of every sentient being.
 Also Kakashi's verbose assertion denotes a fallacy in his logic. Kakashi implies that 'hate' is the opposite of 'love' ans Sasuke depicts this erroneous surmise thus he cannot be swayed by Kakashi's lapses and flaws in logic.
 Let's consider the two symbols in Naruto manga, darkness and light, Naruto and Sasuke, negativism and humanism. Darkness is not the opposite of light, but the ABSENCE of it. The opposite of matter is not the anti-matter but the absence of it. Thus hate isn't the opposite of love. Using the laws of phisycs and metaphysics, the opposite of love shall be the ABSENCE of it.
 Thus once again, just like the first time when his words of wisdom failed to reach to Sasuke's heart and quell his thirst for revenge, Kakashi failed to stop Sasuke because he didn't comprehend his character as the deep rational thinker, the man who doesn't obediently follow the Life Script, the man who asks questions and wants rational answers - admittedly he never did.
 Ultimately, it boils down to the two antithesis that fundamentally cement the  grandiose skeleton of this manga: nihilism/existentialism versus idealists/utopic.
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