decepti-geek · 10 months
OH MY GOD, your tags on the childhood fave vs. current fave post. :D I can't stop thinking about Aziraphale being unwilling to unleash his celestial powers on this poor creature - and then Piglet just hitting a level of panic where he goes AAAAAAAA and hits poor Aziraphale with the nearest chair and discorporates him.
Oh man, this is even better than I was visualising when I wrote the tags.
(The tags in question:)
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I think the thing I keep dwelling on is like - does Piglet know that he's in combat with an ethereal otherworldly being? Or is Aziraphale as far as he's concerned Just Some Guy? Like, I'm fascinated pondering whether Piglet's anxiety is capable of giving him a shot of adrenaline with enough juice in it to convince him that there's anything to be gained in taking a swing at an angel.
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scraplette · 9 months
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transformerskinkfest · 3 months
Fic Fest FAQs!
Welcome to the official blog for the first Transformers Kinkfest!
This promptfest will be running for two weeks from 17 - 31 October 2024, with daily prompts (based on your submissions). The list of prompts will be released in August to give you time to write/draw/create - then, once the fest starts, share your creations for each day's prompt!
What kind of prompts will these be?
Each prompt on the main list will be a Transformers-specific kink. There will also be an alternative list with broader prompts (like, say, bondage). Feel free to pick from either list or combine the two, and feel free to make different decisions on different days - up to you!
As for what Transformers-specific kink means: basically, these are kinks that rely on/take advantage of Transformers being Transformers. These can include kinks that depend on Transformer physiology, like fuel-siphoning or alt mode sex, but they can also depend on Transformer culture, like faction roleplay. (Those have all been suggestions to date, btw. :))
What if I have a prompt idea but I don't know what the kink would be called?
Totally okay! We're flying without a star chart here - it's not like even the estimable TF Wiki has a list of Transformers kinks :D. Describe it as best you can, and I will try and sum it up for the list as best I can. There will probably need to be some explanatory notes to the prompt list...
How do I suggest a prompt?
Send an ask with your prompt idea. I can't guarantee that every idea will be included - it will depend on how many we receive, and I'll also use my discretion when it comes to picking prompts.
Just to keep things organised, please send your ideas here to @transformerskinkfest. (However, I will also include any that end up getting sent to the mod's blog at @decepticonsensual.)
Please keep in mind that the prompt is just the kink. Don't bother to include a specific pairing or a specific continuity, as these will not be part of the prompt list. (If you did include these things in an ask you submitted, that's okay, but I'm only going to take the kink idea part of the ask.) Speaking of -
What characters/continuities can I create for?
Anything under the Transformers umbrella! That includes shows, films, comics, games, novels, and that Optimus Prime Potatohead, which is actually canon. We live in an age of marvels.
What if I can't create something for every day?
No worries! Create as much as you want to. If you contribute something for a single day's prompt, that's awesome, and if you do it for every day, that's also awesome.
How do I share my fic, fanart, or other creations?
Post on your own account and tag #transformerskinkfest or #tf kinkfest, please!
Please make sure you TAG/WARN FOR YOUR WORK APPROPRIATELY. (A warning that you aren't going to warn people - like the "Choose Not To Warn" tag on AO3 - is fine, provided that readers have to choose to click through to your creation after seeing that warning.)
That title looks like it says Transformer Skink Fest - is this a festival for fanfic and art about Transformers becoming lizards?
No, but now I wish I'd thought of that.
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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year
got any plo koon fic recs? looking for some new stuff that's good. one shots and long fics welcome! I'll take anything i can get
Shamelessly promoting my own:
Dom!Plo ask by yours truly, submitted by the lovely @mild-disorganization
Some tired dad!Plo headcanons maybe?
And for some that I have read and adored:
Plo Koon Masterlist by @my-head-is-an-animal (Mixed)
Thigh Kink with Plo by @saradika (NSFW)
Not a fic, but hella spice by @saradika (SFW & NSFW)
Friendship - Plo Koon & Wolffe by @wild-karrde (SFW)
PloKit Art (their entire blog) by @uiro-mgmg1 (NSFW - mostly art)
SFW & NSFW Alphabets for Plo by @samspenandsword
My favorite ♥:
Sovereign (PloKit, idk if you're into it, but I am) by @tits-fisto (NSFW but very wholesome)
The Tiniest Councilor by Quiet_Shadow (SFW)
Name and Soul by @decepticonsensual (SFW)
Haven't read but is on queue when I have the mood and will power to actually read and not thirst for our Kel Dor Emperor ♥
of claws and tusks by my bestiecakes ♥ @saengak <- Apparently, it's hella angsty and I reserve the angst for weekend when I'm not out here thirsting for this King.
in deditionem by my bestiecakes ♥ @saengak <- I've seen them write ♥, it makes me squeeeeeeee ♥
Helium by @cynderiaopus who also made my current bomb AF pfp of Plo steepling ♥
Other materials and interesting read:
@exosorcery has very interesting comics and posts about Kel Dors in general. Here's one specific of Plo Koon:
A few faves from them:
@veny-many for their AUs and Plo Koon & Wolfpack Art (also includes others) <- Presenting you the bebbis ♥
My faves:
The entire post AU 66 where Plo lives is a quintessential to any post AU 66 imho because I'm heavily invested in this and I'm about to cry because I need to organize my bookmarks (and update this) so I can give you the proper start to fin link.
I'd post more from @veny-many and @exosorcery, but if you spend a good 10 minutes scrolling, you'll be there forever. Quality art content!
You may also want to check World building and ConLang Kel Dor study, apart from their OC x Plo Koon art. Big thanks for this neat document by @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows
[[ @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows I hope it's okay to share. If not, I can take it down ♥ ]]
So far just these at the top of my head. Thank you for the Plo-related ask :D! I enjoyed sifting through my bookmarks ♥
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Don't forget to give love and reblog, comment, follow these amazing people who do so much for the Plo Koon, Dorin, Kel Dor tags ♥
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shibara · 4 months
Five Ships & Five Fandoms
Got tagged by @croik (Thankee, I love these things :D) This one's hard cause I've not been actively invovled in 5 fandoms proper, but here we go!
Dennis Collins/Arthur Lester, Malevolent. The hired killer, and the one worthy prey that got away~ The terrifying scenarios, the obsession, the thin, thin line between wanting to fuck someone and wanting to kill someone. My current otp, if that term applies for this fuckuppery of a ship.
Cyclonus/Tailgate, Transformers IDW1. This one was the hardest. So many good ships. I generally enjoy fucked up dynamics the most, but once in a blue moon there comes a ship that is so beautiful and tragic and built on a love so pure that it makes me melt a bit inside. The slowest, loveliest burn in canon I've ever read.
Darth Vader/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars. Hot space wizards! Mentors, to friends, to enemies to a myriad of fucked up possibilities, specially with Anakin post-barbecue :cheff's kiss:
Harold Finch/John Reese, Person of Interest. Mastermind recluse nerd and his unwavering faithful attack dog that cleans up very, *very* well. He literally picked him up from the street cause it would have been a waste, what more can I say. I'd read a million D/s stories with these two.
Emhyr var Emreis/Geralt of Rivia, The Witcher (games). Hot old men of dubious morals! Endless political power vs endless physical power! 'You are the only bastard on this world who won't grovel at my feet and dares disrespects me on a daily basis' vs 'You see me only as a serviceable weapon, not to be feared or shunned, but to just be put to use'. Both emotionally damaged to hell and back. I love them your honour, I could eat this with a spoon.
Tagging @horseboneologist, @asininestars, @saltbright, @decepticonsensual, and @jarofloosescrews, and anyone else who wants to do it!
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dirtydragonthoughts · 9 months
Transformers Yuletide Literary Fest - Day 2
Welcome to the Transformers Yuletide Literary Fest! I'll be recommending one or two fics every day until Christmas. Feel free to join in if you'd like (I'm using the tag #tylf2023 for this.) All fics are complete!
(If I can easily find a Tumblr account for the author I'll tag them. If you know of an author who has a Tumblr account and I didn't tag them, please let me know so I can add it! )
Fics in my recommendations will come in two different flavours: tangy and spicy. 😄 As always, curate your own online reading experience, and mind the tags if necessary for your own safety. ♥
Title: You Hold the Weight of Every Moment
Author: @decepticonsensual
Rating: Teen
Wordcount: 2798
Summary: After the destruction of Cybertron and the end - perhaps - of the great war, Jazz takes refuge on a hill under the stars outside Washington, DC. There, he meets up with an old friend, and discusses some hard truths about what brought them to this point. Jazz has played a lot of games in his time with Autobot Special Ops, but honesty is a new one... and maybe the most dangerous. (Post-Optimus Prime #25, with major spoilers up through that point.)
Why I love it: IDW1 left a lot of plot threads on the floor. And... Some of the deaths in the run-up to the end really hurt. So having this fic to fix some of the wrongs was just lovely. It's a nice and quiet denouement for Jazz and Mirage, letting them both unload some of the crap that happened to them.
Title: My trust in your hands
Author: @blushlouise
Rating: Mature
Wordcount: 27,868
Summary: “I think you and I could be good for each other. If you’re willing to give us a chance.” Bluestreak leans closer despite himself. “What’s on your mind?” Skywarp just looks at him for a moment. Then he reaches out, touching the back of Bluestreak’s hand. “We’re both strong, just differently. We can lean on each other.” “I don’t know how.” The words are almost dragged from him. “I don’t know how to trust you.” “There’s… something we can try.” Skywarp sounds nervous again, and he’s looking down at where his finger’s drawing circles on the back of Bluestreak’s hand. “A way of being together. That’ll give you the control you need to learn to trust me. If I find someone to show us, will you try? Please?”)
Note: Available to logged-in registered users only.
Why I love it: I don't think it's a secret that I love Bluestreak, so I am so happy seeing a fic that a) pairs him with Skywarp, which is SUPER interesting, and b) allows him to face his traumas with a lot of maturity and strength. Throw in the excellent character growth for both Bluestreak and Skywarp, and a LOVELY look at exactly how BDSM-themed plug-and-play might work, and you've got a fic that I recommend unreservedly.
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megatronsimp · 10 months
I really really hope that drag queen they casted as a villain is the new Master. Because honestly, the Master? As a Drag Queen or vice versa? Yes fucking please!
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sweetiepie08 · 26 days
I so adore how you incorporate Boba being Mandalorian and the culture of it! I feel like no one really goes into that at all but you fully embraced it! And even had him explain some of it (varying degrees of success) to Willa and Trouve
Thanks! I appreciate that! I actually got a lot of inspiration for Boba’s relationship with his culture from another fic.
It’s called Name and Soul, by Decepticonsensual
It’s an au where Plo becomes Boba’s legal guardian after the events of that arc with Aurra Sing.
It is, unfortunately, unfinished but well worth the read.
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eatyoursparkout · 1 year
l am very interested in Prowl/Getaway
me too anon but tbh it mostly just exists as a vague concept in my head. I have had 0 time to actually sit down and plot fic for this or enjoy it as more than a passing fancy haha
It's definitely @decepticonsensual's fault though ;D
And this character study by owllix recently heaped some fuel on the fire...
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shadowmaat · 1 year
Missing Heir
Since @decepticonsensual is running a poll regarding Korkie Kryze's parentage and my own answer of him being an actual blood relative is being left in the dust, I thought I'd spin off into my own indulgent little theory.
Meet Noran Kryze. Eldest sibling. Golden Child (despite being a red-head). Heir Apparent. Groomed since childhood to take on the mantle of leadership from his father. Satine lived in his shadow. She looked up to him. Admired him. Was always thrilled with any attention he gave to her.
And then Noran met a local girl. It was your standard "noble falls in love with a peasant" type story, except the "peasant" in this case was Mandalorian. Sure, Serri Rodarch still had pale skin and she didn't wear armor, but she owned several pieces and believed it was important to remember her heritage even if times were changing. She was a teacher who made sure kids learned Mando'a in addition to Basic. Kind but stubborn and always looking out for the best interests of children, regardless of their background.
When all attempts at persuading, bargaining, and threatening Noran to leave Serri for a "better" match failed, Adonai formally disowned him, stripping him of any titles or inheritance and scrubbing his name from the family records.
The fighting was loud and vicious and Satine watched from the shadows. She was appalled at the aggression (Noran and Father never struck each other, but teacups and decorative pieces still got broken) and terrified to see her perfect brother (not her brother any longer) being thrown out onto the streets with nothing but the clothes on his back.
Satine now found herself in the role of Eldest Child and Heir Apparent. Her father continually reinforced the importance of her learning and pedigree and how vital it was for her to carry on the family legacy. She took it all to heart, determined not to fail the way her not-brother had. If she also internalized a lot of "violence=evil," well, that was all for the good, wasn't it?
As far as she was concerned, the man who was not her brother lived a life of destitution, bitterness, and hate. This was certainly what her father implied had happened and it wasn't something she ever wanted to experience for herself.
Noran's actual life, of course, was actually one of happiness and contentment. He and Sarri might not live in a palace, but they had a nice home with room to grow, and grow it did with the birth of Korkie.
All likely would have remained well except that a terrorist bombing managed to kill Noran and Sarri, leaving Korkie an orphan. Thanks to Noran being a canny SOB he had backup copies proving Korkie's relation to Clan Kryze.
Satine was informed of his existence and circumstances. Her father would have told her that Korkie was nothing to her and not part of the family, but her conscience wouldn't let her ignore him, so she brought him into the palace, changed his surname from Rodarch to Kryze, and formally recognized him as her nephew. His parentage went unacknowledged, leading to a lot of curiosity from those who weren't aware of Noran's existence. Rumors spread, but Satine and her people simply ignored it, carrying on the fine Kalevalan tradition of "what I don't see/hear doesn't exist."
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This is random but it got me thinking - international followers do/did any of you have 'historical experience' trips or days out for school?
Randomly remembered a Convo with @decepticonsensual, @decepti-geek and @scraplette wherein we were discussing victorian days at school, and where scraplette and decepti-geek remembered victorian school trip days involving dressing up and chalkboards I instead got the 'arent you glad you aren't a seven year old in a cotton mill' tour, gruesome depictions of children being pulled into the machines and torn apart included.
The difference between southern and northern England I guess.
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scraplette · 1 month
Omg OK so went to TFNation (great time 20/10) got to catch up with @decepti-geek and @decepticonsensual which is always wonderful and miss them already. DC gifted me with a fabulous fic just left me gobsmacked. DC really is a master for their craft.
Talked about some great AUs with Decepti-geek. I'm always awestruck by how much thought and care they put into their AUs.
Tabled with Rheic (my working account is @CraftyScraplet if you want to have a look) and that is always a wonderful experience. I'll post more about it on my other account.
The thing that left my brain buzzing is how MTMTE/LL would've continued if it hadn't been cancled. I went to the Lost Plots panel and I'm reeling. Bless my friends for asking if I was OK cos it did feel like an actual wtf moment.
(I'm kinda just all stream of conscious at the moment because I can't think of a clearer way to get my thoughts across. I'm so sorry)
The ending for mtmte/LL always sat a bit oddly with me. Rung is my favourite, and while I was disappointed at his death I had sort of been prepared for it. I'd made my peace.
What left a bitter taste was his final wish(don't forget me) and everyone failing horribly at that(YOU HAD ONE JOB) that hurt.
What Roberts had planned was going on a new quest to find Rung...
(from what I remember it involved Rung leaving a key or clue to finding him and the crew would've started to remember him)
I'm gutted. Just arrrgh what could've been! May this info launch a thousand AUs! I've bought the new notebooks he released so maybe there is more info but just that info at the panel left my brain buzzing for the rest of the day.
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silwer999 · 2 years
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dukeoftheblackstar · 1 year
Favourite Star Wars fic?
Oh dear, dear, this is a toughie ;/////////////////;
These are just some and are not in at all order except for the first three because those ones are very close to heart. Give them a read and a follow ♥ You wouldn't be disappointed!
I haven't read many yet since I stopped doing binge reads due to my eyes, but I might get in on that train again soon ♥
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Name and Soul by Decepticonsensual will takes the lead because oh my god did this fuck me up in more ways than one with fluff and angst. It's in complete, but I will die on the hill this fic was written on.
Sheep Song by @syn0vial takes second because I need this in my life, okay? Psych horror between current and young Boba with Jango in the mix full of the unknown? Beautifully written that it takes you to the same journey as Boba's.
White All Over by @padmestrilogy is a fic/blog I came across by accident and nearly paid no mind because there was just one post or like not even a full page at the time. This is by far an in-depth POV fic from Jango's eyes mid-clone creation. All applause for this fic.
The Tiniest Councilor by Quiet_Shadow is one I read almost so many damn times because of how cute and fluffy it is. This is my ultimate comfort fic because Plo plus younglings while in a council meeting is more than enough to give comfort to my constantly bleeding heart.
Finish What You Start by @sinisterexaggerator I don't think I need to explain why I love this so much but Hondo silly dancing before you some really saucy stuff and him being overly all perfect and portrayed with such precision? B L I S S, I tell you.
Sovereign by @tits-fisto fills my stupid PloKitHeart with so much contentment and satisfaction, I have not read anything better in terms of PloKit fics. Sovereign is indeed Sovereign.
You Came, You Called by @toomanybandstocare is a fic very close to heart and is very personal to me. If you need comfort in times of dealing with really heavy shit, read this.
Nightshift by @wolffegirlsunite is the fic that broke me so damn much I literally wept for days to weeks because this is just pure, unadulterated, lost-love angst that has been my death. Still my favorite Fox x Reader fic of all time. All. Time.
The Merc and the Moon by @eyecandyeoz Darth Fett is my hidden ship that I am still so beyond grateful to have been accepted, embraced, and materialized with such glorious, glorious manner of writing and art that I am ready to just die for Candy (author), really.
Boba Has Baby’s First Identity Crisis & Jango Plays Hungry Hungry Hypocrite by @yellowocaballero This is such a fun shit!boy Boba read that if you're ever having a bad day, please. Do yourself a favor and read this because this has me on a wholesome hold ♥
The Hype by @blueink-bluesoul I'm not even gonna say something about this because I delayed this for so long because the sheer amount of FILTH in this fic is gonna make you thirstier than a bitch in a desert <: But I just wanna also say the skill on now making this fic cluttered with so many characters just blows my mind. And the amount of dick pleasure in this fic is enough to serve as balm to a weary soul.
[Ploffe] Plo Koon & Wolffe Friendship Fic by @wild-karrde is another comfort fic of mine that is s wholesome and such a warm read every time I go through my bookmarks of 'in case to read for duchii depresso' ♥
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starswhogaze · 4 years
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Saw this on another site and I can't for the life of me find their blog. Tag them if you can for me because this is the poetically tragic reality of humanity.
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I just wanted to say thank you for - well, all your gorgeous art, but especially that most recent Ratchlock piece that you posted for new year. It's absolutely beautiful, and there's such intense emotion to it. Love your work, and I wish you all good things for 2021!
Shucks, dude! Thank you 😊 May this be a good year for you as well ❤️
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