hendolish · 2 months
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declan rice/anthony gordon - dazed
The stadium is electric, the crowd roaring in elation as England secures their place in the Euro 2024 final with a last-minute goal.
The energy is palpable, a living, breathing thing that pulses through every player, every fan, every corner of the stadium. Anthony stands amidst the chaos, his heart pounding with exhilaration. The team is a mass of jumping bodies, hugging, cheering, shouting in triumph.
Anthony’s eyes can't help but follow Declan, who’s caught up in the euphoria, going around and celebrating with everyone, despite the two of them never really spending anyone one-on-one time together.
But Dec is currently the epitome of joy, his face alight with a dazzling smile. Anthony watches, bemused, as Dec plants a sloppy kiss on Luke’s cheek for the cameras, making Luke laugh and push him away playfully before he's moving onto the next victim of his jubulation.
Dec’s joy is infectious, and as he approaches Anthony, Anthony can’t help but grin. He feels it spring onto his cheeks as he says something congratulatory. He must have, becuase Declan is beaming at him like the sun in an English heatwave. Overwhelming and unstoppable.
But Anthony’s words almost feel like background noise, because Dec has this dazed, far-off look in his eyes, like he can’t believe he’s awake and not dreaming right now. It’s ridiculously intoxicating to see so closely and Anthony’s own heart swells with the shared thrill of their victory.
Dec might say something in return, but Anthony can’t focus on the words, too captivated by the sheer wonder in Dec’s expression. Instead, he squeezes Dec’s shoulder in silent communication. In this moment, words seem unnecessary.
Before Anthony knows it, Dec is being tugged away by another teammate, their connection breaking as Dec is swept back into the celebration. Anthony’s gaze lingers for a moment longer before he turns back to the jubilant chaos around him, his spirits soaring with the collective joy of the team.
The dressing room afterward is a riot of noise and excitement. Everyone is still buzzing, the air thick with triumph. Dec is at the center of it all, as always, his laughter ringing out as he shares the moment with their teammates. Anthony hangs back a bit, content to watch for now, absorbing the happiness around him as Adam wraps an arm across his shoulders.
It’s not until they’re all winding down, the initial frenzy easing into a more subdued, yet still vibrant, atmosphere, that Anthony finds himself next to Dec again. This time, they’re in the hallway outside the dressing room, where it’s a bit quieter, on their way back to the coach.
“You had such a good game, mate,” Anthony says, more composed now but no less sincere.
Dec turns to him, his smile still wide but his eyes more focused as he answers through a laugh. “Thanks, we must’ve all played our hearts out. I've got nothing left in the tank at all.”
There’s a pause, a moment where they just stand there, the weight of what they’ve achieved settling in. Anthony feels the sense of... something from earlier lingering in the air. He cocks his head in interest as Dec goes to speak again.
His voice is softer now, more introspective. “Can you believe it? We’re actually going to the final.”
Anthony shakes his head, a smile tugging at his lips. “It feels unreal.”
Dec’s gaze is intense, his eyes reflecting the same disbelief and wonder that Anthony feels. “We’ve worked so hard for this. It’s… it’s everything.”
Anthony nods, feeling the truth of Dec’s words deep in his bones. “Yeah, it is.”
They fall into a comfortable silence, the noise of their teammates still audible but distant. In this moment, it’s just the two of them, standing side by side, sharing the enormity of what they’ve accomplished.
Anthony's lying in bed at the hotel that night when he feels his face split into a grin after he sees what Dec has commented under his Instagram post about the win: "Together ❤️".
Then, he thinks, "Oh fuck."
He brings his phone to lie flat against his chest, stares up at the dark ceiling and then wonders, when the hell did that start happening? That swoopy feeling in the pit of his stomach staring at Declan's Instagram handle of all things. And, more importantly, when did he get so ridiculous?
This is a problem, Anthony thinks.
If he can't even read Declan's social media messages without his heart skipping a beat, how on earth is he expected to spend the entire day with him training tomorrow?
Anthony calms a little after remembering that they never really talked all that much before.
It'll probably stay the same, right? Dec was just swept up in post-match emotions, he probably was himself too, thinking about it. There's no reason to make a big deal out of all of this.
But when Anthony answers the knocking on his hotel room door the next morning to find Declan standing there and Anthony feels his stomach drop, he starts to think that maybe there is.
"Um, hey?" He says, half in greeting and half in question, wondering in the back of his mind if Dec had really intended to knock on his door and not, like, Luke Shaw's or Harry Kane's or anyone else's really. He smiles through the confusion anyway, belatedly wondering if his hair looks like a complete mess just to add to all of this.
"Hey," Declan sounds as cool and as calm as ever, his teeth shining through his grin as his gaze jumps to where Anthony is now attempting to tame his bed hair. Great.
"Was just wondering if you wanted to grab breakfast together."
His words take far too long to register with Anthony, who's still blinking sleep out of his eyes. Declan waits patiently anyway, seemingly bemused by the transparent fact that he's only just awoken.
"Hmm? Oh, uh, yeah sure. Just let me-"
Shuffling back into his room, Anthony exchanges the hotel slippers for his Adidas sliders and starts slipping off the old U21s training shirt he sleeps in for luck in exchange for the team gear, only he hadn't expected Declan to take his awkward fumbling for words as an invitation into his room at all.
"Wow, it’s well clean in here."
By that, Anthony just assumes he's referring to the lack of clothes littering the floor often found in most of their teammates rooms. He huffs a laugh as he admits, "Didn't unpack that much, really."
Belatedly, he remembers to pull the shirt clutched in his hands over his head. If Declan notices he pulls it on back to front the first time he tries, he doesn't make any comment.
"And that's the neatest suitcase I've ever seen at an England camp too."
Anthony smiles shyly as he shrugs. He likes to know where everything is; it makes him less stressed, but he forgets not everyone here knows that about him.
He asks after a moment of silence and Declan doesn't make any movements back towards the door like Anthony had been expecting him to. He rocks back on his feet as he watches Dec's eyes drift out of the window and then back to him.
"Yeah," Dec reassures him before going on, but his words feel distant. Like his mind is elsewhere, "Yeah, I just... about yesterday..."
After stopping there, Anthony isn't really sure what he's reffering to. The game? Their win? Their... whatever it was? He opts for a silent nod instead when Dec doesn't go on for a while, seemingly mulling something over in his mind. Anthony isn't one to push when he doesn't like to be pushed himself.
"There's something I want to..." Declan sounds unsure for once in his lifetime, "I mean... can I?"
Anthony isn't sure that Dec is aware that he hasn't really asked him a question. Confused, he repeats slowly, "Can you..."
His eyes widen when Declan comes closer. They weren't too far apart to begin with really. Now they're practically face-to-face, and Anthony starts to feel as though they aren't talking about the game.
Dec's got that dazed look on his face again, like there's something to get lost in in Anthony's eyes, before his gaze darts down to his lips, long eyelashes fluttering as he asks, "Can I kiss you?"
The thumping beat in Anthony's chest increases tenfold. The answer's out of his mouth before he thinks about it too hard, swiftly followed by Declan's lips meeting his own.
It's soft at first. The kiss. Nothing more than a press of lips against his own. But then he feels it at the same time Declan gasps against him and grabs one hand at his waist, drawing him closer.
Sparks. Like a fire has finally caught on to its kindling in his heart.
Like it's always been there, waiting.
Anthony's arms wind their way upwards until they're looped around Declan's neck, pulling the taller man closer to him as he opens up his mouth into the kiss, gasping out a breath he didn't know he was holding when Dec squeezes a hand at his waist again.
The other soon finds its way into Anthony's hair, and thank god it was already ruined because Dec does a good job of mussing it up in holding Anthony against him. The thought makes Anthony crack a grin and soon Declan's doing the same, that ever-so-familiar chuckle breathed out against his cheek.
"Nothing." Anthony shrugs. Although he can tell Dec doesn't believe him, he lets it go in favour of planting another kiss to his lips.
"That was good, right?" Declan feels the need to check after a couple of seconds, pulling back slightly despite the hand he still has in Anthony's hair, "You liked that? We're cool?"
Chuckling at his choice of words, Anthony pulls him back to him, his arms still looped around the other's neck, "Yes, we're 'cool'."
Dec ducks his head as he laughs, "Good. I'm, uh. It's just I've never really had this, you know. With a guy before, so I don't... don't really know how it goes."
Anthony smiles at Dec when their eyes meet again. He can still feel that excitement from before curling in his belly; the way he felt on the pitch.
"It goes however we want it to." He tells him softly, and that seems to calm Declan a bit, he shoulders relaxing under Anthony's forearms as a grin tugs at his lips again.
"That mean I can kiss you again, then?"
Anthony's laughing as he tugs him back down for their lips to meet.
30 notes · View notes
hendolish · 2 months
Declan Rice/Anthony Gordon
↳ a list of all the prompt fills i've completed for this pairing here on tumblr <3
dazed part 2
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7 notes · View notes
hendolish · 2 months
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ty @purple-afternoon for giving me inspo :)
declan rice/anthony gordon - dazed (part 2!)
The air at the England camp is alive with anticipation. The excitement of the previous match lingers, creating a charged atmosphere, and Anthony finds himself drawn to Declan more and more each day.
They haven’t labeled their relationship, but all Anthony knows is that he likes spending time with Dec, definitely loves kissing him, and he doesn’t want any of it to stop. He also appreciates their banter, a language of its own, filled with teasing, and the laughter that makes Declan's face light up in the most captivating way.
The morning sun filters through the training ground, casting a golden hue over everything. Anthony stretches on the pitch, his muscles relishing the warm-up, when Declan jogs over, a mischievous glint in his eyes after he catches Anthony tugging down the front of his top from where it's ridden upwards.
“Ready to get schooled, Gordon?” Declan teases, nudging Anthony with his shoulder.
Anthony grins and rolls his eyes, feeling that familiar light and easy flutter in his chest. “In your dreams.”
They share a laugh, the kind that feels easy and natural. As they move through drills, Anthony notices how Dec’s presence steadies him. The banter between them flows effortlessly, punctuated by moments of shared glances and inside jokes. Somehow it feels as though they've known each other forever.
During a break, they sit on the damp grass, catching their breath. Declan leans back, propping himself up on his elbows, looking out over the training ground. Anthony can’t help but steal glances at him, taking in the way the sunlight highlights the contours of his angular face.
“Dec,” Anthony starts, his voice soft, “d'you ever think about what happens after all this?”
Declan turns to him, eyebrows raised. “You mean after the tournament?”
“Yeah. Like, what happens with us?”
Declan’s smile is warm, reassuring. “I think we figure it out as we go, mate. I like this,” he gestures between them, “and I don’t see why it has to stop.”
Anthony nods, feeling a surge of affection and a wash of relief he wasn't aware he was witholding. “Me too.”
Their moment is interrupted by Stonesy, who plops down next to them with a wide grin. “You two look cozy. What’s the goss?”
Anthony feels his cheeks heat up. He opens his mouth to respond, but the words get stuck. “Uh, nothing much, just… talking.”
Declan, ever the quick thinker, jumps in. “We were just discussing who’s got the best moves on the team. Obviously, I said you've got nothing on me.”
John laughs, clearly delighted by the deflection. “You wish, Dec. Everyone saw those moves after the quarters.”
The banter continues, and Anthony is grateful for the distraction. He admires how easily Declan shifts the focus, making everyone laugh and feel at ease. It’s one of the things he loves and admires about him.
Later, as they head back to their rooms, Declan wraps an arm around Anthony’s shoulders, pulling him close. “You alright? Looked like you were about to combust back there.”
Anthony chuckles, leaning into Declan’s side. “Yeah, thanks for that. I’m still getting used to… this.”
Declan’s grip tightens slightly. “Me too. But we’ve got this, Ant. No need to rush anything.”
That night, they find themselves in Declan’s room, the TV playing highlights from the previous matches. Declan lies back on the bed, and Anthony joins him, resting his head on Dec’s chest. The steady rise and fall of his breathing is soothing, and Anthony feels content in a way he hasn’t felt in a long time.
“Didn’t expect you to be such a cuddler,” Anthony murmurs, a smile tugging at his lips.
Declan chuckles, his fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on Anthony’s back. “Guess you bring it out in me.”
Anthony’s heart swells at the admission. He lifts his head slightly to look at Declan. “I like it. I like being here with you.”
Declan’s eyes soften, and he leans down to press a gentle kiss to Anthony’s lips. “Good, because I don’t plan on going anywhere.”
The next day, during training, the mood is good. The team is a well-oiled machine, working together seamlessly, and Declan and Anthony’s connection on the field seems to have bloomed alongside their off-field relationship. They move in sync, anticipating each other’s moves, creating opportunities that leave their teammates impressed.
As they head back to the dressing room, Harry Kane comments, “You two have gotten pretty close lately, haven’t you?”
Anthony feels the blush creeping up his neck. “Uh, yeah, we’ve just been… spending more time together.”
Declan, sensing Anthony’s discomfort, jumps in with a grin. “Can you blame him, mate? I’m irresistible.” He winks, making everyone laugh, effectively diverting the attention.
In the quieter moments, Anthony reflects on how much has changed in such a short time. He’s never felt this kind of connection with anyone before, and it’s both exhilarating and terrifying. But with Declan by his side, he feels ready to face whatever comes next.
As they lie in bed that night, Declan pulls Anthony close, pressing a kiss to his temple. “You know, I’m glad we have this time together.”
“Me too,” Anthony whispers, feeling the truth of those words deep in his bones. He looks up at Declan, their faces inches apart. “I don’t want this to end.”
Declan smiles, a soft, genuine smile that makes Anthony’s heart skip a beat. “It won’t. We’ll make sure of it.”
Anthony closes his eyes, letting the warmth of Declan’s embrace wash over him. In this moment, everything feels right. The future may be uncertain, but with Declan, he knows they’ll face it together. And that’s all that matters.
After a few moments of comfortable silence, Declan breaks it with a question that catches Anthony off guard. “How long is a flight to Newcastle d’you reckon then?”
Anthony enjoys the way the syllables trip off Declan’s Cockney tongue. “About an hour, I think.”
Declan’s eyebrows shoot up. “Wait, have you even got an airport up there? I ain't gotta buy a private jet or something?”
Anthony laughs and hits him lightly on the chest. “'Course we’ve got an airport, you div. It’s the north of England, not the third world.”
He can feel the rumble of Declan’s laughter in his chest as he argues, “Same thing.”
Anthony rolls his eyes but smiles. “Like I said, about an hour. Not... not that I’ve, like… looked it up already or anything…”
Declan’s eyes twinkle with amusement. “Oh, so you have been planning my visits, huh?”
Anthony’s blush deepens, and he sputters, “N-No! I just… I was curious, alright?”
Dec’s laughter is infectious, and before Anthony knows it, they’re rolling around on the bed, playfighting until Declan pins him down, swooping down to steal his lips in a kiss.
The kiss is warm and sweet, filled with the promise of more moments like this. As they pull apart, Anthony gazes up at Declan, his heart full. Whatever the future holds, he knows they’ll face it together, and that’s all he needs.
19 notes · View notes