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eddiesma · 9 months ago
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stageleftplanet · 2 years ago
Birx, Fauci, Baden and their Misinformation about COVID causes of deaths and death tolls
#moderna #Birx #DeborahBirx #gainoffauci #Fauci #vaccine #mRNA #christian #prolife #DeathToll #Trump #TrumpWasRight
Conspiracy of Counterintelligence on COVID
To justify vaccine mandates and forced vaccinations, the causes of death and, as a result, the COVID-19 death toll was fabricated – greatly exaggerated. Though exposed by whistleblowers, these facts were painted as conspiracy theories. No matter how credible, experts and other highly reliable sources – including Dr. Stella Immanuel, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, and even President Donald Trump were written off as conspiracy theorists.
The false classification of patient deaths being labeled as COVID-19 deaths was most egregious. Many thought that their friends and lived ones were succumbing to a horrible virus that had no end in sight. The pope of scientific propaganda and con-artist seeking to cover his own tracks into China went on a tirade of tyranny for big pharmaceutical companies seeking to cash in on federal dollars with barely tried and tested vaccines.
Moderna Modifications
The mostly heavily promoted was Moderna’s vaccine which is really an mRNA gene therapy that, in some cases, increases infectivity for the vaccinated as Dr. Paul Alexander has detailed in his article, 3 key studies showing us the possible manner in which the COVID mRNA gene injection enhances infectivity of the virus to the vaccinated person; N-terminal domain (NTD) & receptor binding domain (RBD).
In fact, the Moderna “vaccine” was found to cause adverse reactions according to Just the News’ Daniel Payne who reported in his article Moderna COVID-19 vaccine induced adverse reactions in ‘more than half’ of trial participants. He states:
“Solicited adverse events that occurred in more than half the participants included fatigue, chills, headache, myalgia, and pain at the injection site,” the report states. Fever, joint pain and nausea were also reported.
Side effects grew more common with more (and larger) injections, the scientists write: “Systemic adverse events were more common after the second vaccination, particularly with the highest dose, and three participants (21%) in the 250-μg dose group reported one or more severe adverse events.”
Birx Betrayals and Fauci Falsehoods about the Death Tolls
In a Fox News article shared by The New York Post, “The NIH classifying all coronavirus patient deaths as ‘COVID-19’ deaths, regardless of cause of death,” Dr. Deborah Birx is quoted: “The intent is … if someone dies with COVID-19, we are counting that,” she added.
Michael Baden, a Fox News Contributor, expanded on this smooth presentation of mental gymnastics by stating:
“In the normal course, autopsies would then determine whether the person died of the effects of the COVID virus, whether the person had a brain tumor or brain hemorrhage, for example, that might be unrelated to it and what the relative significance of both the infection and the pre-existing disease is,” Baden told Fox News.
Deborah Birx stated in a White House press conference that the death toll may be exaggerated by up to %25 according to William Davis of the Daily Caller. It seems like Dr. Birx’s conscience was returning or maybe she didn’t want to be found liable or responsible for the consequences of the irresponsible actions of Fauci, the major pharmaceutical companies, and greedy government officials.
Dr. Birx went onto further to express her distrust of COVID-19 information given from the CDC. Who could blame her after the mixed messages being sent from “The Science” also known as Anthony Fauci, with which former CDC Director Robert Redfield agreed, who stated when asked by Newsmax’s Greg Kelly:
“Obviously, you need to take it seriously, and do the kinds of things that the CDC and the Department of Homeland Security are doing, ” Fauci responded. “But, this not a major threat for the people of the United States, and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.”
Political Jesters of Cronyism
At a time when President Trump was trying to pull the fire alarm to prevent international travel into the United States, particularly from China, his political opponents, used Fauci to seize the spread of COVID-19 as an opportunity to discredit Trump as being xenophobic. Indeed, when Trump said that there should be a ban on international travel to and from the United States, many federal, state and local officials, such as democrat Mayors Andrew Cuomo of New York City and Latoya Cantrell of New Orleans as well as democrat Governor John Bel Edwards of Louisiana altogether ignored Trump’s recommendations in favor of those of Fauci, Redfield, and Birx.
It was, indeed, discovered that COVID-19 was seeded across the country from New York City and the first cases of COVID-19 in states such as Louisiana that depend on tourist dollars from events like Mardi Gras, arose due to tourists traveling nationally and internationally to Mardi Gras which can be read  about in the articles below:
CDC: Mardi Gras quickened spread of coronavirus in Louisiana; canceling was never recommended
Mardi Gras 2020 spawned up to 50K coronavirus cases, likely from a single source, study says
Experts see Mardi Gras link to La.’s huge COVID-19 spread
The True Death Toll downplayed amid Media Mayhem
Ultimately less than %10 of deaths were specifically caused by COVID-19. In fact, CDC report shows 94% of COVID-19 deaths in US had contributing conditions. Dr. Ron Paul also exposed this on his program, The Liberty Report on episode,”CDC Bombshell: Only Six Percent Of “Covid Deaths” From Only Covid!
Along with greed, pomp, power and prestige-seeking mad scientist Fauci, Robert Redfield, the later regretful Deborah Birx, and a host of political and personal Trump foes and private entities who stood to make money from COVID-19 products, the mainstream media escalated a fear campaign that is akin to that of WWII nazi propaganda.
The mainstream media encourages the vilification of those who haven’t been vaccinated. Anyone is a target who doesn’t fully adhere to and advocate their agenda. This has expanded beyond COVID-19. In fact, COVID19, seemed to be irrelevant and sometimes even non-existent when the public was encouraged to gather in tightly-packed large crowds to protest on behalf of Black Lives Matters. Yet, the mainstream media has remained near silent on the missing $90 million dollars that was donated to the organization as well as the pleas of the parents of Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice, and Michael Brown to the organization to stop exploiting the deaths of their children for publicity.
Tamir Rice’s Mother Blasts Shaun King for Fundraising Off Son’s Death: ‘You Are an Imposter’
Breonna Taylor’s Mother Claims BLM Louisville Is A ‘Fraud’ That Exploited Her Daughter’s Death
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trumplerlaw-blog · 5 years ago
I’ll Get You Any Result You Like. What’s It Worth to You? Trump’s Grand Reopening of America Part 2
Dr. Deoborah Birx, the coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, spoke again during President Trump's Thursday, March 26, 2020, daily Coronavirus Briefing. Some have argued that Dr. Birx' statements were misleading. Perhaps. I would not go so far as to say that. The words and data are meaningless unless put in a much broader context.
As I previously suggested it would, the data, as the Trump Administration is choosing to interpret it, lends credence to the idea that you can potentially reopen large swaths of the country without suffering massive casualties due to the virus.
Putting Dr. Birx' excellent news in context, Dr. Birx first briefed us Monday, the evening after 100 Americans lost their lives in a single night to the virus. She gave her Thursday presentation the same day the United States passed every other country in the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases. Keep your eye on the bouncing ball America.
Again, it is a little early to claim that you have any sort of meaningful data on the virus or what it is capable of inflicting on the entire population.
As I wrote Tuesday, March 24, 2020, the morning after Dr. Birx first spoke Monday night, "No one disagrees with the President about wanting to reopen the county. We would all love that. And it is not whether people are recovering from the virus or dying. The figure on the overall mortality rate is the red herring here. It has always been about the tax the virus will put on our health care system as a whole."
I suppose I should have thrown in; it is also not about the total number of cases or regional geographic disbursement.
As I also previously wrote, manipulating population data is not difficult to do. You can crunch the numbers to get them to say anything that you want. What Dr. Birx is saying is "truthful." It is the overall implications of what those figures mean relative to the crisis altogether. You must look at this unprecedented situation at the macro, not the micro-level.
Again, President Trump telegraphed this move to manipulate the population data projections the second he paraded Dr. Birx out on Monday. The thing that frustrates me the most is that people refuse to see "the grand illusion" based on political ideology or their desperate financial need.
What is evident to me and anyone who has ever worked in a toxic situation is that the President went to his people and said I want to "Reopen America" now! None of his scientific or medical advisors would back up this ridiculous notion.
At some point during a meeting or conversation, our hero Dr. Birx must have mentioned that the population data on the mortality rate, the spread of the virus, and regional disbursement looked promising. A fucking lawyer had to be in the room, who overheard this; after all, it is the White House. You cannot pee in the White House without getting it on a lawyer's shoes.
The lawyer, who overheard this presumably, then said, "Deborah, [because we in the Trump Administration do not use titles of respect, particularly with the ladies], would you be willing to speak publicly on a limited basis about what your population research shows? Let us [He then put his hand in a gentle but creepy way on her shoulder.] handle the implications. [It goes without saying, that he made sure to enunciate the word "implications" in a sexually suggestive way because this is my fantasy conversation and why the fuck not?] After all, we are the policymakers. [A snide way to suggest "people who matter."], and you are only a lady doctor in a scarf?"
Dr. Birx would be alone in the scientific community if she made a recommendation against social distancing. She is only there to parrot data. Despite her impressive credentials, that is her limited role. Having someone with her illustrious background regurgitate information is how you sell bullshit. Let "America's Magnificent Salesman" tell you what all of that science mumbo jumbo really means.
And in the immortal words of Childish Gambino (AKA Danny Glover of Lethal Weapon fame), This is America.
If you approach any problem with the answer in mind, you will always get the solution you want. I think English psychologist Peter Wason called this "confirmation bias."
I'll get you any result you want. What's it worth to you? Apparently, in President Trump's case, an awful lot.
Unfortunately, to borrow another song lyric, I've been to the movie, and I've seen how it ends.
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facebymojo · 5 years ago
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‪Hey #DrFauci #DeborahBirx #CNN @CNN @CNNI @QuestDX #QuestDiagnostics has it listed on their website that those with high risk and Over 60YO Can get tested for #Corona #Coro #Coronavirus https://www.instagram.com/p/B-QczuQn8HIHvBJfA6DoWRabhEC17DlXnNljEY0/?igshid=1rly9yutlfu83
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siennastewart2020 · 5 years ago
U.S President Donald Trump has issued strict recommendations for American people in the hope of limiting the spread of the coronavirus.
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biglisbonnews · 2 years ago
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Donald Trump is returning to Facebook and Twitter—if Truth Social doesn’t stand in the way Two years ago, Donald Trump encouraged a band of his political supporters to storm the US Capitol building and disrupt the presidential election certification process. Five people died during the riot, including a US Capitol police officer. Trump egged on his supporters with the help of his wildly popular social media…Read more... https://qz.com/donald-trump-is-returning-to-facebook-and-twitter-if-tr-1850032515
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franklong12 · 3 years ago
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Report Details Scores Of Trump-Era Problems With Pandemic Response A year-end Home subcommittee report laun... Read the rest on our site with the url below https://worldwidetweets.com/report-details-scores-of-trump-era-problems-with-pandemic-response/?feed_id=141167&_unique_id=61be01e50fb1b #COVID19 #DeborahBirx #TrumpAdministration
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medicircle-blog · 5 years ago
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#Coronavirus now in all 50 #USA states as death toll passes 100 #DeborahBirx #medicircle https://bit.ly/2x4xac8 https://www.instagram.com/p/B94Kt9QpKQN/?igshid=jaygo4kgfacf
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ninalomando · 5 years ago
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realchauhoang · 3 years ago
Wedding Biblical Biography of the Robertson’s
5 *Suzanne McDevitt Bump* LH Wife
3 *Michele Marie Amble* LH Wife
1 *Wendy Bell Rieger* LH Wife 7 *Valerie June Jarrett* LH Wife
*John David Robertson* Husband
2 *Valerie June Bowman* RH Wife
4 *Joanna Aisha Allen* RH Wife
6 *Gina Cheri Walker* RH Wife
Wedding Biblical Biography of the Robertson’s
5 #SuzanneBump LH Wife
3 #MicheleBachmann LH Wife
1 #WendyRieger LH Wife 7 #ValerieJarrett LH Wife
#JohnRoberts Husband
2 #DeborahBirx RH Wife
4 #JoanAllen RH Wife
6 #GinaHaspel RH Wife
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duranduratulsa · 4 years ago
Dirtbags of 2020: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Centers For Disease Control (CDC) , Dr. Anthony Fauci, Mayor GT Bynum, Dr. Bruce Dart, Deborah Birx, Big Tech, Facebook App, Twitter, Instagram, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Kamala Harris, KRMG, Fox News, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Democratic Party, Republican Party, Dominion Voting Systems, Gavin Newsom, US Postal Service #NancyPelosi #cdc #AnthonyFauci #GTBynum #drbrucedart #DeborahBirx #BigTech #facebook #Twitter #instagram #joebiden #HunterBiden #kamalaharris #KRMG #FoxNews #GretchenWhitmer #AndrewCuomo #BILLDEBLASIO #RepublicanParty #DemocraticParty #DominionVoting #GavinNewsom #USPS
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lollipoplollipopoh · 5 years ago
Trump criticises Dr Birx over COVID-19 warning by Al Jazeera English US President Donald Trump has publicly rebuked the head of the White House coronavirus taskforce. He has accused Dr Deborah Birx of "hurting" his administration after she said the spread of COVID-19 throughout urban and rural America marks a "new phase" in the pandemic. Al Jazeera’s Rob Reynolds reports. - Subscribe to our channel: https://ift.tt/291RaQr - Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AJEnglish - Find us on Facebook: https://ift.tt/1iHo6G4 - Check our website: https://ift.tt/2lOp4tL #UScoronavirus #Trump #DeborahBirx
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alaturkanews · 5 years ago
Administration working to ‘double the number of (COVID-19) tests … available’: Birx | ABC News George Stephanopoulos interviews Dr. Deborah Birx on "This Week." #ThisWeek #ABCNews #DeborahBirx #CoronavirusTaskForce
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joemanna · 5 years ago
Favorite tweets
Tonight #DeborahBirx stated that models anticipating large-scale transmission of COVID-19 do not match reality on the ground. Our modeling (done by @StephenKissler based on work with @ctedijanto and @yhgrad and me) is one of the models she is talking about.
— Marc Lipsitch (@mlipsitch) March 27, 2020
from http://twitter.com/mlipsitch via IFTTT
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franklong12 · 3 years ago
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Trump White House Repeatedly Blocked Critical COVID Warnings, Officials Tell House Probe The Donald Trump administration interven... Read the rest on our site with the url below https://worldwidetweets.com/trump-white-house-repeatedly-blocked-critical-covid-warnings-officials-tell-house-probe/?feed_id=117655&_unique_id=618fd69cf3e43 #Coronavirus #COVID19 #DeborahBirx #DonaldTrump
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duranduratulsa · 4 years ago
Dirtbags of 2020: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Centers For Disease Control (CDC) , Dr. Anthony Fauci, Mayor GT Bynum, Dr. Bruce Dart, Deborah Birx, Big Tech, Facebook App, Twitter, Instagram, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Kamala Harris, KRMG, Fox News, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Governor Andrew Cuomo, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Democratic Party, Republican Party, Dominion Voting Systems, Gavin Newsom, US Postal Service #NancyPelosi #cdc #AnthonyFauci #GTBynum #drbrucedart #DeborahBirx #BigTech #facebook #Twitter #instagram #joebiden #HunterBiden #kamalaharris #KRMG #FoxNews #GretchenWhitmer #AndrewCuomo #BILLDEBLASIO #RepublicanParty #DemocraticParty #DominionVoting #GavinNewsom #USPS
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