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anime-zoune-blog · 7 years ago
#Death_March_Kara_Hajimaru_Isekai_Kyousoukyoku _ . الراي الشخصي : —————- انمي Death March Kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku للي يحبون انميات اللعاب و هو نفس فكره انمي Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku Wo! . تقييمي للانمي 7/10 الشي المميز في الانمي انه مغامرات و في كوميديا (#انطباع_زوون) _ رقم الحلقه : Death March Kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku : 12 _ عدد الحلقات : Death March Kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku : 12 _ التصنيف: فانتازيا، مغامرات ، حريم _ القصه: بطل القصه هو مبرمج يدعى ساتو الشهير ب "ايتشيرو سوزوكي" . يستيقظ من قيلولته في يوم ليجد نفسه في عالم اخر. يجد امانه قائمه الخيارات للعبه التي كان يعمل عليها. و يبدو انه مبتدئ و في المرحله الاولى من اللعبه. يظهر امامه خيار استكشاف المنطقه كلها و هو خيار للمستجدين. يتفاجأ بظهور مجموعه من المخلوقات امامه و لحمايه نفسه يقوم باستخدام هجوم خارق مما ساعده على رفع مستواه الى 310 ليصبح في لحظه فاحش الثراء. تبدا رحله ساتو في هذا العالم الغير معروف بعد هل هو حقيقي او هو مجرد حلم .....؟ _ . Follow us @anime_zoune Like us ❤️ . #one_piece #naruto #Anime #DeathMarchKaraHajimaruIsekaiKyousoukyoku#manga #dragonballz #narutoshippuden #deathnote #bleach#luffy#goku ‎#اوتاكو#انمي#ون_بيس#دراغون_بول#هجوم_العمالقه#فصل_الاغتيال#جنتاما#مذكره_الموت#ناروتو ‎#سانجي##لوفي#كونان#بليتش# #anime_zoune#الكويت#السعوديه#Kuwait (at Kuwait City)
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mirmirtra · 3 years ago
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Hatori Chise - The ancient magus‘ bride :: Done a year ago. 05.07.21 First tattoo in my own studio hihi #myzu #myzutattoo #mahoutsukainoyome #animetattoo #theancientmagusbride #chisehatoritattoo #eliasainsworth #mangatattoo #otakutattoo #hatorichise #ancientmagusbride #naruto #bokunoheroacademia #chisetattoo #cosplay #animes #animeboy #blackclover #karakaijouzunotakagisan #chisexelias #cosplayer #animeworld #theancientmagusbridecosplay #borutonarutonextgenerations #chisehatoricosplay #eliasxchise #violetevergarden #kokkoku #nanatsunotaizai #deathmarchkarahajimaruisekaikyousoukyoku (hier: Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CezCJ-Prkzp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jmscllsjrdn · 7 years ago
Why should you watch Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku
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Story is Good (7). Let me acknowledge the elephant in the room: Death March is not something new. If I were to criticize it further, it is almost a SAO (Sword Art Online) + Overlord rip off. However, what it has that made me watch it is not the deep plot nor character development, but the entertainment value that it offers. The story is light and filled with the usual troupes of Harem, Online Game and Action genre it would be so familiar to viewers that you wouldn't even care to notice it. You would definitely watch this not for the story but for the journey and experiences that the characters are faced with.
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Art is Good (7). One of the things that I like about this anime is how it handles the gaming elements of the story. You will truly feel the vibe of its gaming elements through the menus, notifications and achievements that the OP Main Character toggles or gains through his journey. The environment and characters are not lush enough to be worthy of watching on the highest quality as possible. so 480p to 720p is enough for you to appreciate the art.
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Sound is Good (8). What I especially love about the sound is the gaming sounds it uses to denote achievements and titles as well as using items, skills and crafting. It really produces that gaming sound that makes you feel that you are watching a game. "Slide Ride (スライドライド)" by Run Girls, Run!, the opening theme is great and pumps you up on a grand adventure even though you are not going to get a grand one. "Suki no Skill (スキノスキル)" by Wake Up, Girls! is a nice ending song to end a light hearted anime.
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Characters are Mediocre (5). The weakest part of this anime are the characters. They are all the usual character personalities with the usual quirks that you can find on every anime you have watched. The main character is no different. All throughout the series I was looking for a stronger motivation for the character or at least something that would take away his "generic" title away, but nothing. The strange thing about this anime is even though I heavily criticize it on a lot of factors, I still greatly enjoy the series. I think that there are just some things that you enjoy even if the quality is sub par. May that's why I like watching American B-Movies. 
Oh well...7 lizardmen tails out of 10.
MAL Review Page: https://myanimelist.net/reviews.php?id=277119
Originally written on 04-07-18
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ransyahnote-blog · 7 years ago
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Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku Subtitle Indonesia Batch Anime Sub Indonesia Batch : https://goo.gl/eV1Kmi Facebook : https://goo.gl/KbCdJy Sinopsis Menceritakan seorang programmer berumur 29 tahun bernama Suzuki Ichirou. Saat tidur dia tiba-tiba ia berpindah ke dunia game RPG. Dalam game tersebut dia memerankan tokoh bernama Satou yang berumur 15 tahun. Awalnya dia pikir semua hanyalah mimpi, namun pengalaman yang ia rasakan sangat nyata. Dalam dunia game tersebut, dia memiliki level yang sangat tinggi, meskipun penggunaa kekuatannya terbatas, dia mampu menyapu habis pasukan Lizardmen dan menjadi tokoh petualang berlevel sangat tinggi. Namun Satou memutuskan untuk menyembunyikan level yang ia miliki dan berencana untuk hidup damai dan bergaul dengan orang-orang dalam game tersebut. Akan tetapi, seiring dengan perkembangan cerita dalam game, misalnya kembalinya sang Raja Iblis, mungkin akan membuat rencana Satou untuk hidup damai jadi berantakan. Informasi Type: TV Episodes: 12 Status: Finished Airing Start: Jan 11, 2018 End: Mar 29, 2018 Season: Winter 2018 Studios: Silver Link., Connect Producers: Sotsu, AT-X, DIVE II Entertainment, Tokyo MX, Avex Pictures, BS11, Kadokawa, KLab Source: Light novel Duration: 23 Menit Genres: Fantasy Romaji: Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku English: Death March to the Parallel World Rhapsody Japanese: デスマーチからはじまる異世界狂想曲 Credit: Oploverz Google Drive [1080p] [.mkv] [2.6 GB] https://goo.gl/DNmxbQ Google Drive [720p] [.mkv] [1.4 GB] https://goo.gl/vHg88u Google Drive [720p] [.mkv] [1.6 GB] [Alternativ] https://goo.gl/WJB8H8 Google Drive [480p] [.mkv] [833 MB] https://goo.gl/6gs9rv Google Drive [480p] [.mkv] [943 MB] [Alternativ] https://goo.gl/Lou2YF Google Drive [360p] [.mkv] [330 MB] https://goo.gl/XhbdSW #anime #manga #japan #wallpaper #hd #background #picture #pic #subindo #batch #bd #ova #cosplay #deathmarch #deathmarchkarahajimaruisekaikyousoukyoku (at Moods Cafe)
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modemanga · 4 years ago
Death March Kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku is now available on ModeManga.
**Like or Follow our page to get more info about latest manga update.**
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anime-zoune-blog · 7 years ago
#Death_March_Kara_Hajimaru_Isekai_Kyousoukyoku _ . لحظه انمي : —————- 😌😍 يخافون من الرعد _ رقم الحلقه : Death March Kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku : 7 _ عدد الحلقات : Death March Kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku : 12 _ التصنيف: فانتازيا، مغامرات ، حريم _ القصه: بطل القصه هو مبرمج يدعى ساتو الشهير ب "ايتشيرو سوزوكي" . يستيقظ من قيلولته في يوم ليجد نفسه في عالم اخر. يجد امانه قائمه الخيارات للعبه التي كان يعمل عليها. و يبدو انه مبتدئ و في المرحله الاولى من اللعبه. يظهر امامه خيار استكشاف المنطقه كلها و هو خيار للمستجدين. يتفاجأ بظهور مجموعه من المخلوقات امامه و لحمايه نفسه يقوم باستخدام هجوم خارق مما ساعده على رفع مستواه الى 310 ليصبح في لحظه فاحش الثراء. تبدا رحله ساتو في هذا العالم الغير معروف بعد هل هو حقيقي او هو مجرد حلم .....؟ _ . Follow us @anime_zoune Like us ❤️ . #one_piece #naruto #Anime #DeathMarchKaraHajimaruIsekaiKyousoukyoku#manga #dragonballz #narutoshippuden #deathnote #bleach#DetectiveConan #luffy#goku#sabo ‎#اوتاكو#انمي#ون_بيس#دراغون_بول#هجوم_العمالقه#فصل_الاغتيال#جنتاما#مذكره_الموت#ناروتو ‎#سانجي##لوفي#كونان#بليتش# #anime_zoune#الكويت#السعوديه#Kuwait (at Kuwait City)
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