#death eaters probably wouldnt be actively looking for him
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we as a society really need to get into the torrid awful years long harry/hermione affair that started with them stumbling into bed together during the horcrux hunt when ron left. btw
#like hello.#ive never shipped them but this wont get out of my head#something something both of them being orphans (bc hermione obliviated her parents) and both of them being muggles#ron is a pureblood and like. while he’s still a traitor he always has the option to just opt out#go into hiding#death eaters probably wouldnt be actively looking for him#not when the focus is Killing Harry Potter#AND HE DOES OPT OUT#HE LEAVES BECAUSE HE CAN#harry & hermione could never. the war is literally waged on their blood#muggle born orphans & the only two out of the three of them who were ever up close and personal with a death eater#<- something very compelling about them finding comfort in each other. i think#like do you guys remember the scene in halfblood prince at the end when the golden trio + ginny are chillin in someones room at the burrow#and harry & ginny are dating#its such a like ’this is what we’re fighting for❤️’ moment#well. what if harry&hermione are changed after the war in ways that ron (pureblood) cant comprehend !#and now theyre both planning their weddings to their respective weasley because This Is What We Fought For#but ginny doesnt understand harry & ron doesnt understand hermione#and harry doesnt understand ginny & hermione doesnt understand ron#very compelling to think about how something just. shifts between h&h during the war#they never planned on telling ron or anyone bc it was war and it didnt count and nothing was real#but now the war is over and its not as easy as they thought to just go back to how things were#me&kara agree that they end up fucking again after freds funeral#the three of them have been attending so many funerals as a trio#but this one would have ron w his family more.. & harry and hermione sticking together#theyre all staying at the burrow after the funeral and h&h stumble into each other in the kitchen in the middle of the night#and they end up having risky no talking super quick kitchen counter sex#and the actual affair Begins..❤️#never in my fucking life thought i’d ship harry&hermione but here we are
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All of em sweetheart :)
1. What are your hobbies?
Gaming, reading, writing sometimes. Basketball.
2. If you could have dinner with any 3 living or dead people, who would they be and why?
Living: my friend megan. cuz we talks about everything and anything and thats fun. Can’t think of anyone else tbh Dead: probably my grandfather. I dont have a third sorry.
3. What makes you laugh?
Honestly I laugh all the time. everything makes me laugh. its my way of trying to cope with my crippling anxiety most of the time.
4. What was the last good thing that happened to you?
My friend at work gave me a banana at lunch :)
5. What is your biggest goal?
6. What do you think is the meaning of life?
I think everyones life has the meaning they choose to give it. Or, that should be the case. But hah. My life personally is meaningless atm.
7. Do you believe in an afterlife?
to some extent I suppose.
8. Do you have any pet peeves?
yes. being ignored. loud chewing and slurping. grinding teeth.
9. What do you like to do on the weekends?
Like nothing. or hang with megan. or game.
10. What was your favorite TV show growing up?
I watched everything. I had a huge tv boxset collection that grew and grew. cannot select a favorite haha
11. What is your favorite TV show now?
there are too many shows to determine this. sorry.
12. What are your favorite movies?
Harry Potter movies, Marvel and Dc movies, thriller/ horror
13. Tell me one surprising fact about you.
I have feelings. I know maybe not what you are expecting, but hey, people seem to have trouble grasping that fact. soooo this is my response.
14. What do you look for in a significant other?
kindness, honesty, sense of humour/sarcasm is really attractive. But also being able to have mature conversation. being able to talk about anything.
15. What were you like as a child?
As a child i was treated like shit but didnt care and i was always a happy person. playful and outgoing. Now I cannot say the same. I cannot socialize. almost at all.
16. What are some things on your bucket list?
travel. meet some people. buy a house.
17. Who has had the biggest influence on your life?
friends and family. all in different ways and everyone both positively and negatively
18. Do you have any pets or have you ever owned any?
Currently 2 cats. Ive owned many cats, a few dogs, some birds, etc.
19. Talk about a challenge you had recently and how you overcame it or how you plan to.
my recent challenges are still on going and im not sure im ready to talk about it just yet.
20. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what song would you choose and why?
21. Talk about a favorite childhood memory.
being happy.
22. What is your favorite commercial?
hate them all.
23. If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be and why?
people suprise you. be careful.
24. If you were stuck on a deserted island and could only bring one thing, what would it be?
a friend.
25. Who is your celebrity crush?
this changes alot and i currently have not paid enough attention to have one
26. Who is your favorite musical artist?
here are a few: evanescence,halestorm, the civil wars, in this moment, five finger death punch, motionless in white
27. What is your favorite music genre?
Rock/metal/alternative styles. I listen to alot of music though.
28. What is your favorite color?
29. What would you do if you won a million dollars?
share and save :)
30. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Mind reader hands down.
31. What is your dream vacation?
travel the entire world!
32. What actor or actress would star as you in a movie about your life?
ask me later.
33. Where did you grow up?
Ontario canada
34. If you could trade lives with anyone else for one day, who would you trade with?
it would be cool to be anyone else for a day. just to see what its like. truly understand a person. etc.
35. What is your favorite book?
HP books
36. Who is your favorite author?
No favorite.
37. Who do you look up to?
my mom in some ways
38. What is your favorite food ever?
chicken wings
39. Are you a picky eater?
40. Drunken story time! Go!
at a bar I def danced the pole, but other then that nothing too fun yet
41. What beverage do you consume most often?
coffee and water
42. What is the first thing you wash in the shower?
I tend to wash my arms, neck and chest first
43. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
44. How are you feeling right now?
really upset. really bad about myself. hah.
45. Do you plan out your outfits?
oh god no.
46. What is the closest red item to you?
liqor bottle label
47. Talk about the last dream you remember having.
I was fighting off some creep. My friend was standing in the background laughing. wouldn't help me.
48. Do you love yourself?
im trying too
49. When was the last time you cried and why?
I literally kinda just did, but it was really held back.
50. Have you ever met a celebrity?
yep. slash. at an amusement park where he was doing a concert.
51. Have you ever been to a concert?
several now.
52. What are you listening to right now?
eternally yours by motionless in white
53. Have you ever flown in an airplane?
many times.
54. What is the craziest thing you've ever done?
im boring. so nothing crazy.
55. Are your parents or guardians strict?
the opposite of.
56. Did you have a good childhood?
not the best. not the worst.
57. Have you ever been in love?
yes. a few times.
58. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
I like to mix it up.
59. Did the one person who hurt you most in your life ever apologize?
If they ever come back ill let you know.
60. What are some of your turn-ons?
i dont have any sexual turn ons. but omg smiles make me melt.
61. What are some of your turn-offs?
ASSHOLES. and not the good kind.
62. Would you go skydiving?
sure would.
63. What are you thinking about right now?
what song to put on
64. Do you ever rent movies?
65. Do you ever illegally download entertainment such as music, movies, etc.?
I use spotify so nope not anymore.
66. What is your zodiac sign?
67. Do you believe in karma or predestiny?
68. Is there anything you want to say to anyone right now?
oh fuck ya. lots of things to a few people. probably wont though.
69. Would you rather live a shorter life but be wealthy or live a longer life and struggle financially?
wherever im happier.
70. What is your stance on abortion?
i have a neutral opinion. personally if someone is not prepared to care for and raise a child, or isnt able to provide for them in every way neccessary i see no shame.
71. Do you believe in ghosts?
72. Who do you admire and why?
little bits of all the people i love.
73. What was your worst experience while under the influence of drugs or alcohol?
urmmm nearly walking off a two story landing.
74. Have you ever had a near-death experience?
car accident
75. What do you daydream about?
being cared for.
76. Where do you want to live after retirement?
somewhere warm
77. What would you change your first name to?
I wouldnt
78. If you believe in a God or Higher Power, what one question would you want to ask Him or Her?
I dont.
79. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic?
i can be both
80. Are you more introverted or extroverted?
81. What is your dream profession?
Film Director
82. What do you worry about most?
how people i care about think about me. LOL i know its bad but, its the truth. I’m always afraid theyll realize im not enough for them.
83. When was the last time you tried something new and what was it?
new work shoes. 2 days ago. they are great.
84. Who do you compare yourself to?
i know im unique.
85. What excites you about life?
feelings. but also scares me the most too
86. What five words would you use to describe your personality?
sarcastic, shy, talkative, quiet, kind
87. What is one life lesson you learned the hard way?
people suck
88. What belief do you have that many people disagree with?
oh god. plenty and im not gunna start with it
89. If not now, then when?
90. Is it possible to lie without saying a word?
yep sometimes not saying something can be a lie.
91. What activities make you lose track of time?
gaming, and other fun things
92. If you had to teach an academic subject, what subject would you want to teach?
93. What is your biggest regret?
that i failed
94. What will matter most to you when you're 80 years old?
95. Are you a messy person or a clean person?
i toss between the two
96. Are you a perfectionist?
97. How tall are you?
5 ft 11 in
98. What is your guilty pleasure?
99. Do you prefer sweet or salty?
i like both
100. What is your favorite social media website?
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