numbepilepticlife · 6 years
My doctor doesn’t appreciate me calling cluster seizures a cluster fuck.
I don’t appreciate his opinions.
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dearepilepsy · 9 years
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Six Months Seizure Free 🙋🏼 This struggle has made me stronger in so many ways! Sometimes I think you have to take a few steps back to truly move forward. #epilepsy #epilepsystrong #epilepsyawareness #dearepilepsy #epilepsywarrior
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numbepilepticlife · 6 years
My body feels like an old man’s, so I’m gonna act like an old man. Get the fuck off my lawn.
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numbepilepticlife · 6 years
Dear Epilepsy,
I’m feeling better now. I realise I don’t have to hate you constantly but I don’t have to love you either. You took a lot from me, but I can rebuild myself, humans are good like that.
In the meantime I should get to know you, apart from that you don’t like lights or being tired, something that I can agree with.
And at least you hate sport too, that’s definitely a positive. Nobody likes running anyway.
A girl who really, really, really hates sport.
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numbepilepticlife · 6 years
Dear Epilepsy,
We really need to reach an agreement on this head banging. Just because you think it’s funny doesn’t mean that I do.
Also my family are getting to know you better, but it seems like everytime they nearly understand everything, some new thing comes along. I know it must be hard for them, so I’m going to have to ask you to stop. Like now.
My friend has learnt you too, and he’s pretty relaxed about it which it good, but I’m nervous about everyone else. I’m going to a party this weekend, and I know that I’ll get somestares, but it’s for a friend, right?
Well if they don’t like me now that I’ve got you, i guess they weren’t really friends in the first place.
A kind of nervous girl.
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dearepilepsy · 9 years
Among other things…being a parent requires superhuman strength, remarkable agility, and unconditional love. You have to have a burning passion to save each day…one melt down at a time. You must create a world filled with less tears and more giggles. You feel you have to rid the universe of all things evil, unjust, and corrupt. Not only do you have to raise your children to be tiny superheroes but you have to be one yourself. If I could be any superhero combination I would want Wonder Woman and Professor X. I think they both posses the superhuman skills it takes rule the world…and a home. Can you tell I am a mother to two boys? I am comparing parenthood to superheroes! You can also find me at the gym wearing an Iron Man shirt drinking from a Transformers water bottle.
As a wife and mother I have to wake up each morning, put on my Wonder Woman tiara and save the day. Instead of superior combat and battle skills like Wonder Woman has, I have superior cooking and cleaning skills. Dust and dirt stand no match to my ability to clean. When it comes to the kitchen, I can whip up a good healthy meal filled with super brain boosting omega 3s! I don’t have indestructible bracelets but I do have a ring on my left hand signifying my indestructible marriage with my amazing husband…with my best friend by my side, there’s nothing I can’t do. Instead of a Purple Ray that can heal lethal injuries, I have a powerful hug and kiss that can heal the most painful bump or scrape. Like Wonder Woman I have a passion fighting for justice, peace, and gender equality. As a mother of boys I teach them that women are just as equal as men. We can do anything that men can do, if not better ;)
As my four year old grows and becomes more independent, I feel I am his Professor X. I guide him in the direction of his strengths and teach him right from wrong everyday. I have to search deep for the empathy I posses and see his feelings as if I was walking in his tiny shoes. Although I don’t have Professor X’s genius level intellect…I do have gorgeous long hair I’m sure he would be jealous about. I don’t have mind reading control or telepathy but I can tell when my four year old is lying…when I’m not even in the same room. I can bribe him with just about any fruit snack or toy, changing his mind in an instant. I teach my son at a young age about the fight for peace and equality among everyone. I find my self taking a step back to let him find his way doing so many things on his own now. It’s a bitter-sweet feeling that makes me proud day to day. I know that as my sons grow, my oldest will stand up and help teach his baby brother right from wrong just like the superhero I’m raising him to be.
I hope that as my children grow I’ll always be their superhero. No matter what trouble they seam to find I want them to know that I will always be here to save the day like Wonder Woman or help teach them a lesson in life like Professor X. My love for my family is more powerful than the speed of light…it’s super human.
“Just because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesn’t mean they can’t be saved.” - Professor X
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dearepilepsy · 9 years
Studio E: The Epilepsy Art Therapy Program
At the beginning of class we made name cards and decorated them with things we like or that would describe us. I was blank. I’m a wife and mom, sure, but what am I interested in? What do I like? What do I do in my free time? What is free time anyway?
Today was the first of six art therapy sessions I’m participating in with Studio E. It’s an amazing group where kids, teens, and adults with epilepsy come together to express their feelings into art. This is possible thanks to an ongoing partnership between Lundbeck, a pharmaceutical company committed to helping people with epilepsy, and the Epilepsy Foundation. I figured it would be a great opportunity for me to get to relax and learn more about epilepsy. I didn’t know how much I would actually learn about myself today.
Art has always been a passion of mine. Since as far back as I can remember I’ve always loved art and creating something new. I grew up watching my dad paint. He was always so creative and thinking outside of the box with his designs. Since I always wanted to be just like my dad, I took every art class I could. I was always drawing, painting, or crafting. Once I got older I spent my time with my friends and art began to slip through my daily routine. It almost completely disappeared once I got out of school. By the time I became a mother being creative went about as far as holding a baby while brushing my teeth. If I could get the boys to sleep and had a moment to myself, I would refurbish a pieces of furniture or complete a quick DIY project. Art for me has always been like riding a bike…It’s something I’ll never forget how to do but as I get older I rarely take the time to actually do and enjoy.
As soon as I smelled the acrylic paint a rush of calm came over my mind. Once my brush hit the canvas I was gone…into my own creative world. It felt so natural and easy. It was definitely just what I needed. It was a break from the day to day morning routine, a few hours to spill my brain and heart onto a canvas or two.
My name is Shelbie. I’m a wife and mother of two beautiful boys. I love nature and hiking. You can always find me outdoors soaking up the sun. I love children…helping them learn and grow is something I’m completely passionate about.
By the end of class I rediscovered one more of my interests…one more “about me”, I love art! My favorite thing about art is that it’s not perfect. It has no rules. It is whatever you want it to be. If you you can imagine it, you can create it. Get inspired. Create a masterpiece. You’ll discover it’s not only something you can see, it’s something you can feel!
Dear Epilepsy, you’re going down.
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dearepilepsy · 9 years
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I'm ready to stand up, speak out, and create awareness. #seizures #epilepsyadvocate #epilepsyawareness #epilepsy #shareyourstory #dearepilepsy #bebravebrain
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